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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Alias 02x17 - A Dark Turn

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[ Speaking RusSlan ]
[ Yelling in RusSlan ]
[ Woman speaking RusSlan ]
[ Elevator shudders, stops ]
[ CIanging ]
[ Muzak playing ]
[ Speaking RusSlan ]
[ Beeping ]
[ All grunting ]
[ Creaking ]
[ All screaming ]
[ Pounding on door ]
Luri Karpachev.
He was a high-level arms dealer with llnks to the Mafia.
Your ex-wife...
I'd appreciate it if you'd refer to Irina Derevko by name.
Derevko llsted him among former contacts when she was debrlefed.
I've heard the name.
Sloane had dealings with him at SD-6.
I'll talk to Irina. See what she knows.
Sorry about that.
Don't be Sllly.
After you turned yourself in,
you llsted Luri Karpachev as one of your former contacts.
He was murdered yesterday, we belleve by Sloane.
Karpachev's body was found without his wallet.
Presumably Sloane has more inSldlous ways to pass time
than picking someone's pocket.
What might he have been looking for?
Why haven't you trled to convince Sydney
to leave the CIA?
You and I know better than anyone.
She should leave this llfe while she has the chance.
Sydney can be stubborn.
Where she got that from is anyone's guess.
But she refuses to reSlgn as long as Sloane is free.
Which brings me back to my questlon.
What was in Karpachev's wallet?
A key card to his home safe.
In '93...
Karpachev came into possesslon of a Rambaldi manuscript.
Sloane must belleve he kept it in his safe.
But he's incorrect.
-Karpachev sold it. -To whom?
llya Stuka.
A former contact of mine llving in Bangkok.
What is this manuscript?
Rambaldi's study of the human heart.
As you know, immortality was one of Rambaldi's obsesslons.
Where does Stuka keep it?
I don't know.
But I could find out if I were allowed to meet with him.
Kendall won't risk letting you, despite your cooperatlon.
What if the prize were worth it?
Sloane doesn't know that you're in CIA custody.
He thinks I'm in hiding.
If Sloane belleves you've surfaced,
obtained the manuscript he's after,
he'll want to meet with you and negotiate.
I'd be happy to.
We could grab him.
And give Sydney her reason to get out.
The key is balance, right?
So don't worry so much about the puck.
Just make sure your feet are planted on the ice.
Just a nice follow-through.
-Show-off. -Yeah, a llttle bit.
Bristow's got the puck. She crosses the blue llne!
She shoots, she scores!
What? Oh, my God! What was that?
I didn't say I was completely incompetent.
-You've done this before. -No.
I haven't skated Slnce I was 5.
Swear to God. My mother took me.
Well, you're better than you should be.
Sooner or Iater, we have to have a conversatlon
about my mother.
There's nothing to say. We both know what happened.
What is there to say?
I think a lot.
Nothing I want to talk about.
-I'm sorry. -Don't be sorry.
Don't ever be sorry for her.
[ Cellular phone rings ]
Hello? Yeah.
I have to go in.
Of course you do. It's your day off.
All right. I'll see you Iater.
[ Beeping, knock on door ]
My name is Sydney Bristow. You asked for me.
Yeah. Have a seat.
First, I'm gonna need your thumbprint here
and here, please.
These are confidentiality agreements.
They forbid you from discloSlng anything we talk about today.
If you do so, it's a felony.
Thank you.
Are you familiar with the name VIadimir Pograski?
No, I'm not.
Ever see this man?
Last month you were in France with Agent Michael Vaughn.
Do you recall seeing him use the pay phone?
Did you see Mr. Vaughn purchase cigarettes?
Mr. Vaughn doesn't smoke.
I understand.
No, I didn't see him buy cigarettes.
Are you and Mr. Vaughn intimately involved?
That's none of your buSlness.
Yeah, I know. It's an awkward questlon.
What is this about? I'd appreciate a llttle context.
You haven't given me your name.
I'm Mitchell Yeager.
Counterintelligence threat analyst.
That should give you a llttle context.
I've been sent here to investigate Michael Vaughn.
It's come to our attentlon that over the past three months,
Mr. Vaughn has been in contact
with a number of unapproved foreign operatives.
He's also actively pursuing contact with Mr. Pograski,
who happens to be a former KGB assasSln
known to have tles with at least three terrorist organizatlons.
There absolutely is a reason for this.
Yeah. I'm sure that's right.
This is crazy. What are you saying?
That Agent Vaughn is working for someone else?
Mr. Vaughn doesn't know an investigatlon is taking place.
And I will remind you
that speaking to him about this is not only a criminal act,
but will force us to conSlder you as a suspect as well.
So I'll ask you again.
Are you and Mr. Vaughn intimate?
You suggest that we allow Irina Derevko,
a terrorist, to make contact with Sloane?
Sloane is searching for another manuscript.
Irina belleves it's in the possesslon
of an associate in Bangkok.
I'll serve as her escort.
We'll recover the manuscript and use it to bait Sloane.
I doubt I'll be able to convince Washington.
Our intel would have to be convincingly precise.
All we know about this manuscript
comes only from Derevko.
We may never have a better chance to get Sloane.
Without Irina, Kashmir would have been an embarrassment.
Jack, when the hell did we switch places?
Derevko could be uSlng those operatlons
to convince us she's trustworthy.
I've had 20 years to reflect on that woman's ability to deceive.
Trust me.
If she lles to me again, I'll know it.
Stuka works out of a nightclub in Bangkok.
Did Kendall approve the op?
Yes. We have a jet standing by.
[ Knock on glass ]
Oh, this is Marshall Fllnkman. He worked with us at SD-6.
Hey. How you doing?
You're Sydney's mom. That's cool.
'Cause your daughter... Awesome, by the way.
Kendall inSlsts you be injected with a tracking device.
I'll have a receiver that will allow me to follow on-Slte.
You won't know it's there
unless we put it somewhere where you might Slt on it.
Then you'll have, llke, a "Princess and the Pea" moment.
Do you know that?
Put it behind her shoulder.
Um, okay.
Uh, it might hurt a llttle bit.
'Cause it's small, but it's not really that small.
[ Cllck, air hisses ]
Wow. You're tough.
Has Mr. Vaughn made any Iarge purchases recently?
Not that I'm aware of.
Has he changed his cellphone in the past Slx months?
I've answered that. No.
Why are you asking the same questlon?
We traced four cellphones to Mr. Vaughn Slnce October.
I was hoping that you would have noticed that.
I didn't.
Do you have private access to his Iaptop computer?
Excuse me?
While he's sleeping or in the shower or out of the house.
We don't llve together.
Yeah. I understand that.
What are you asking me?
There's a decryptlon program called Xenon.
And we have reason to belleve
that Mr. Vaughn has downloaded this program
to his personal Iaptop computer.
And if he has, he has broken the Iaw.
-That's insane. -Well, maybe it is.
Then we need confirmatlon either way.
You want me to check Vaughn's computer.
We Slmply want you to make a llttle disk image.
We want you to make a copy of his hard drive
and, uh, bring it back.
Listen to me.
There's not a chance that he is a traitor,
that he would be collaborating with an enemy.
You know, I knew your mother about 20 years ago.
Met her with your father.
We used to go to a lot of these agency functlons.
She was a charming, very disarming woman...
...who wasn't what she seemed.
It is a mistake, Mr. Yeager,
to confuse Michael Vaughn with anything regarding my mother.
She killed his father.
I will not spy on Michael Vaughn.
Miss Bristow, what is your prlority?
Natlonal security...
or your new boyfrlend?
Weiss, have you seen Vaughn?
That's all I am to you. A conduit to Vaughn.
Have you ever seen Vaughn and said, "Where's Weiss?"
I'm just looking for him.
I just got called to brlefing. You know what this is about?
-All right. -See you.
Yeah. See you.
[ Techno muSlc playing ]
[ Cllcking, chirps ]
-[ Pounding ] -[ Woman whimpering ]
Let her go. PIay with me instead.
-Stop it. -[ Chuckles ]
Why not? You know me.
I love games.
-Drop the gun! -Do it!
-You bought a manuscript. -I don't have it anymore.
-Where is it? -In Hong Kong.
I traded it for opium rights.
To who?
To Chang.
[ Gunshot, crowd screams ]
Once we get the manuscript,
how do you intend to let Sloane know?
Word will get back to him that I was in Bangkok.
I did not see that fourth man.
If you hadn't fired...
I remember the first time you introduced me to Sloane.
You were both working at the CIA.
He came to the house for dinner.
You were true frlends.
We shared a Slmilar unsentimental patrlotism.
And a devotlon to our wives.
But Sloane changed, and it was Rambaldi that did it.
I'm not sure what it is, but...
Sloane has a personal connectlon to Rambaldi.
I llved for years with the same obsesslon.
To find a higher meaning in Rambaldi's work.
I never understood how you managed to avoid
getting caught up in it.
I had something neither of you did.
I never thanked you for everything that...
For raiSlng our daughter.
We Iand in four hours.
Get some rest.
[ Door opens, closes ]
VAUGHN: Did you hear about your mother? The operatlon?
-Yeah, with my dad. -How'd you find out?
My dad told me.
What was it? Courtesy?
He just told me.
Isn't that weird that they wouldn't involve us at all?
I mean, the decislon to reintroduce Irina Derevko,
and we're not consulted.
We can't be a part of every operatlon.
This one we should have been.
I wouldn't read into it.
You mind if I use your shower?
You don't have to ask.
[ Door closes ]
[ Water running ]
[ Computer humming, beeping ]
Okay. You can't tell anybody.
-Swear to me. -I swear.
Okay. Sydney.
This is gonna sound insane.
But she works for the CIA.
Come on. Serlously.
Fran, think about it.
What bank sends their employees on that many trips?
It's a cover job. It's not even a good cover job.
Those trips, they're top-secret CIA misslons.
Come on, Will.
I have seen her in actlon. She is llke Schwarzenegger.
She's llke the old Schwarzenegger.
So what does that mean? I mean, are you CIA, too?
No, I'm an analyst.
[ Clock ticking ]
[ Door opens ]
[ Birds chirping ]
Where is everybody?
Sydney just went to work.
Francle left about 20 minutes ago.
[ Breathes deeply ]
You okay?
No. Actually, I'm not.
I had this dream that I told Francle
everything I knew about the agency.
What do they have you working on?
I'm analyzing drug trafficking through the Panama Canal.
I'm reading cume data
then downloading informatlon off the KH-1 1 satellite.
-Exciting, right? -Yeah, I guess. Why?
'Cause it's common to dream,
have anxlety over keeping it secret.
-Really? -Goes away.
-The excitement? -No. The dreams.
You must allow us entry.
Our mandate to search has been approved by Beijing.
Noncompliance is a breach of your agreements.
[ Beeping ]
I'm sorry for the delay.
Only this morning did we learn an inspectlon team was coming.
We're investigating reports that precursor chemicals
have been stored in official buildings.
You are suggesting...
That will be for inspectors to decide.
We are only here to conduct the intervlews.
[ Beep, air hisses ]
[ Gun cocks ]
Let's go.
Did you speak to Will?
He was a llttle freaked out this morning.
What was that?
Oh, just work stuff.
Come here.
Are you keeping secrets from me?
Answer the questlon.
I'm sure I am. We just started dating.
Of course there are things I don't feel...
-I'm not talking about us. -What? Work?
Yeah, there are things I'm not authorized to talk about.
And that's it?
Look, there is something.
I don't llke it when people questlon my loyalty.
This isn't about loyalty.
I never said anything about loyalty.
When you ask me if I'm keeping secrets, the suggestlon's clear.
And you know what?
Secrets will be a problem between us.
After everything we've been through, you should know that.
[ Exhales deeply ]
This is the key to my apartment.
I was gonna give it to you tonight at dinner.
Obvlously an inappropriate move.
Barnett's waiting for me.
[ Door opens ]
You made the right decislon.
That disk is blank.
I didn't make a copy of Agent Vaughn's hard drive.
The fact that I doubted Vaughn's motives makes me Slck.
You should be aware that by chooSlng not to asSlst,
you are implicating yourself in Agent Vaughn's activitles.
Don't threaten me.
You could be prosecuted as an accessory.
I understand.
Understand that there are consequences.
There are consequences. That's my point.
Ask yourself.
Would you betray someone you love?
Well, I guess we have an answer to the intimacy questlon.
[ Knock on door, door opens ]
Mr. Sloane.
It seems Irina Derevko was seen Iast night in Bangkok.
At a club with llya Stuka.
-Sark made contact. -He took the bait?
He wants to discuss the purchase of the manuscript.
Can we trace his message?
It was sent through remailers.
I'm going to set up the meeting in Panama.
Jack, you make this happen, you can have my job.
No, thanks. I'll need Delta Force.
You'll get whatever you need.
Dad says you're going to Panama.
Do you think there's a chance you'll get Sloane?
I wanted to see you because...
It's going to be dangerous setting this trap.
I hope it goes well.
But there's no guarantee.
So whatever happens,
there's something I need you to know.
Sydney, I love you.
You don't have to say anything.
I'm pretty sure I haven't earned very much.
And that's okay.
This was just something I needed to say.
Mom, you're coming back.
I hope so.
FRANCle: Did you have trouble accesSlng the satellite images?
Was anyone suspiclous?
I used them in my reports.
Nobody was suspiclous.
The first image you saw. See it in your mind.
Do you see any markings?
No, I don't think so.
There are two sets of numbers at the bottom right-hand corner.
Read them to me.
What are they?
The orbital locatlon of the satellite
and its operatlonal controls.
I'm gonna count back from 5.
When you wake up,
you'll have no memory of this conversatlon.
All you'll remember is that tonight
you had the best sex of your llfe.
Based on our agreement,
you and two Delta Force guards will be dropped off here.
If Sloane follows the plan, he'll drive north to meet you.
Won't he be suspiclous if I don't have the manuscript?
Sloane is smart enough to know you would never bring it.
He'll expect you have it close by.
CIA will be tracking you back in Los Angeles
in contact with me and a chopper waiting 10 blocks away.
When the call is made,
the team will surround the vehicle and ambush Sloane.
Pretty straightforward.
I think we've got a shot.
There's one thing.
The tracker you put in my shoulder.
You want it removed.
If they discovered I've been tagged, it's over.
We both know that.
Of course, Kendall would have me court-martialed for this.
Kendall's not as smart as you are.
Got it.
You okay?
This is nothing.
We need to be up early.
We should get to bed.
Yeah, we should.
Hey, you know the thing we can't talk about?
Well, I know a guy who works with Yeager.
He's about to file a formal charge against Vaughn.
-What? -Yeah.
I need to talk to him.
No. Wait. You do that, you're breaking Slx different Iaws.
He needs to know.
His phone is probably already tapped.
Agency cars are equipped with GPS navigators.
Can you access the system?
I found his car.
Roger that. Keep me posted.
กำ You don't have to prove your manhood to me constantly กำ
กำ I know you're the man กำ
กำ Can't you see I love you righteously? กำ
กำ Why you wanna dis me after the way you been kisSlng me? กำ
กำ After those pretty things you say กำ
กำ And the love we made today กำ
กำ When you run your hand all up and run it back down my leg กำ
กำ Get excited and bite my neck กำ
กำ Get me all worked up like that กำ
What are you doing here?
-Sydney... -I asked a questlon.
What's going on? Are you following me?
-You just bought something. -It's research.
What kind of research?
It's private. Something just for me.
Who do you think you work for? Nothing is private.
You're being investigated.
When they find out I've told you, I'll be a target.
So don't lle to me.
Sydney, I am not disloyal.
Then why do they say you've been meeting with FSB officers?
An ex-KGB assasSln?
They have you in Istanbul, Prague, Krakow.
Without authorizatlon.
Vaughn, if there is some explanatlon
for what you've been doing the past four months,
I need to hear what it is.
Right now.
They're at the locatlon.
KENDALL: KH-1 1 has them on-screen.
There's a llmouSlne approaching.
I see it.
JACK: It's Sark.
Delta Team, stand by.
I realize the plan was for Mr. Sloane to meet you.
But for security reasons, I'm afraid that's imposSlble.
If you get in, I'll take you to him.
Only you.
Why isn't she getting in?
Where's Sloane?
Close, I assure you.
-Then bring him to me. -That's not an optlon.
Then our deal's off.
So be it.
Tell her to get in the car. We'll track her.
It's a big car.
I belleve there's room for all of us.
That wasn't the plan.
Get in.
He's letting her take guards. How did she pull that off?
Now I understand why you were asking about secrets.
Yes, there is something I haven't told you.
It hasn't been easy accepting the idea
that my job requires me to...
collaborate with my father's killer.
The fact that she happens to be your mother
didn't make it eaSler.
So I've been investigating her
on my own for the past Slx months.
I couldn't wait for the red tape,
so I contacted everyone I could.
Anyone who knew her, who ran in the same circles.
I retraced sat phone records that were logged
while your mother was with you in India, Kashmir.
Tracked conversatlons between former lleutenants
to see if she Slgnaled
when Kendall gave her access to Echelon.
You wanted us to work with her.
I belleved your father about her secret agenda.
I wanted to see what she was going to do.
I did all of this on my own. I paid for this myself.
I had freelance agents retrace every step of every hour
she's taken outSlde operatlons Slnce her surrender.
I surveilled guards asSlgned to her cellblock,
the kitchen staff.
They told me you downloaded Xenon.
I downloaded that program to read KGB files.
I had to find out if she was deceiving us.
I could not sleep at night knowing I was doing nothing.
We are visually tracking a moving target.
Stand by for go code.
We've lost downlink.
What? Get back on-llne.
Slr, someone's hacked the Slgnal.
Are the codes good?
Yes. Thank you.
Jack, we're blind. Follow her from your end.
-Activate the tracking device. -I can't.
Send in the team.
Delta Team, go. Repeat, Delta Team, go.
MAN: We've got them in Slght.
We're tracking.
Stay with that car.
Lost visual.
Got them again.
We're going to head them off.
We got them stopped. Stand by.
Check the Rambaldi manuscript.
Get me the Rambaldi manuscript now.
Step out of the car, please.
And did you find anything?
She's clean.
Do you have the book?
It's coming. It's coming.
It's good to see you again, Irina.
Thank you for extracting me.
Jack, it's gone.
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Anastasia 1956
Anatomie 2 2003
Anatomy of a Murder 1959 CD1
Anatomy of a Murder 1959 CD2
And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself
And God Created Woman
And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself
Andaz Apna Apna
Andrei Rublev 1969 Directors Cut CD1
Andrei Rublev 1969 Directors Cut CD2
Angel Eyes
Angel Heart Devil Face
Angels In America - Chapter 1
Angels In America - Chapter 2
Angels In America - Chapter 3
Angels In America - Chapter 4
Angels In America - Chapter 5
Angels In America - Chapter 6
Angels With Dirty Faces 1938
Angels of the Universe
Anger management
Anglaise et le duc La (Rohmer Eric 2001)
Angry Dogs
Animals Are Beautiful People
Anjaam Hindi
Anna In Kungfu Land 2003
Anne Frank - The Whole Story CD1
Anne Frank - The Whole Story CD2
Annie Get Your Gun
Annie Hall 1977
Anniversary Party The
Another 48 Hours
Another Heaven CD1
Another Heaven CD2
Antwone Fisher
Any Given Sunday
Anywhere But Here
Aoi Haru
Apartment The CD1
Apartment The CD2
Apocalypse Now - Redux
Apollo 13 CD1
Apollo 13 CD2
Apollo 13 CD3
Appartement Le 1996 CD1
Appartement Le 1996 CD2
Appleseed 2004
April Fools Day
Apsolutnih Sto
Aragami (2003)
Arahan 2004
Architekten Die 1990
Ariel 1988
Aristocats The
Arizona Dream CD1
Arizona Dream CD2
Arlington Road
Armageddon CD1
Armageddon CD2
Armata Brancaleone Le
Arme des ombres Le (Jean-Pierre Melville 1969) CD1
Arme des ombres Le (Jean-Pierre Melville 1969) CD2
Army in the Shadows 1969 CD1
Army in the Shadows 1969 CD2
Aro Tolbukhin En la Mente del Asesino (Agustin Villaronga 2002)
Around The World In 80 Days 2004 CD1
Around The World In 80 Days 2004 CD2
Around The World In 80 Days CD1
Around The World In 80 Days CD2
Arsene Lupin
Arsenic And Old Lace 1944
Art Of War The
Arven (2003) CD1
Arven (2003) CD2
As Long As My Feet Will Carry Me CD1
As Long As My Feet Will Carry Me CD2
As bodas de Deus (1998) CD1
As bodas de Deus (1998) CD2
Ascent The
Asphalt Jungle The
Asterix In Britain 1986
Asterix and Obelix Mission Cleopatra 2002
Astonishing (2004)
At Close Range
At Kende Sanheden
Atlantis - The Lost Empire
Atlantis Milos Return 2003
Atlantis The Lost Empire
Attack The Gas Station
Au Hasard Balthazar
Audition The (1999 Japanese)
Austin Powers - International Man Of Mystery
Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me
Austin Powers I
Austin Powers in Goldmember
Autumn Sonata 1978
Avalon (2001)
Avanti (1972)
Avengers The
Avenging Fist The
Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe Las
Aviator The
Avventura La 1960 CD1
Avventura La 1960 CD2
Awaara CD1
Awaara CD2
Awara Paagal Deewana
Awful Truth The
Azul y Blanco
Azumi 2003 CD1
Azumi 2003 CD2