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Seingbe... Lomboko Slave Fortress God bless you, son.|God loves you all. Go now,|God forgives you. This one's sick,|don't give him anything. Food, here. Here, not here. Open the hatch. - 1300. Is everything all right?|- Yes. - This one has the devil inside him.|- No. Beautiful nigger. We don't have much time.|Hurry nigger! Hurry now!|Dying nigger. - Tall and skinny.|- Another skinny. - Next: Bernardo.|- Bernardo. All down. l wanted to kill them too. For they convinced some of us|that they would take us back home. Thank you, sir. Mr Holabird. Quite a tale. lntrigue, abduction, courage in the face|of unspeakable suffering. And all true. All right.|Now tell me if this is true. Some tribes in Africa, for hundreds|of years - thousands, perhaps - have owned slaves. Translate. Yes. Under what circumstances might one|become a slave among the Mende, of which you claim to belong? Translate. Wars, debts. Oh, l see. And how many men|are indebted to you? l don't think you do see. Mr Holabird is trying|to intimidate my colleague. The Mende word for "slave"|is closer to "worker". Do these workers own the land|they work on? Do they receive wages? Are these workers free to not work|for you, if they so choose? He's questioning the translator! The translator is answering|for the witness. - The witness isn't getting a chance!|- Mr Baldwin! Fine, Mr Baldwin! Slavery,|indentured servitude. Whatever they want to call it,|the concept is the same. Now, he is familiar with the concept. When you come down to it,|it's all about money, isn't it? Slaves, production, money.|l mean, that's the idea of it. Whether it's here or there.|l'm confused. Do your people routinely|slaughter their slaves in the manner that you just|so vividly described to us? Of course they don't.|What would be the point of that? Killing your own slaves is like|burning down your own house or hut, isn't it? How do you explain that paradox? l don't understand what you mean. Sure you do.|As does everyone here. The behaviour you attribute to|your tormentors - your victims - and therefore every other|aspect of your testimony, makes no sense. Not even to you. But thank you. Like all good works|of fiction, it was entertaining. Nothing more. Captain Fitzgerald, please explain your duties|in Her Majesty's navy. To patrol the lvory Coast|for slave ships. Because? Because slavery is banned|in British law, sir. Yet the abduction of men from the|British protectorate of Sierra Leone and their illegal transportation|as described by Cinque, - is not unheard of, is it?|- Not even unusual, regrettably. What, if anything, in his account of|his ordeal, do you find believable? His description of the slave|fortress, for one thing. There is such a place. You've seen it? No, sir. We've not|managed to locate it, but there is overwhelming|evidence that it is real. What evidence, exactly? Rumour? Reports. By "reports" you mean of the variety|Cinque shared with us today? lts existence, sir,|has been reported. Cinque describes|the cold-blooded murder of many of the people|on board the Tecora. Mr Holabird sees this as a paradox.|Do you, sir? Often when slavers are intercepted,|or believe they may be, they simply throw all|their prisoners overboard and thereby rid themselves|of the evidence of their crime. - Drown hundreds of people?|- Yes. lt hardly seems a lucrative|business to me, going to all that trouble rounding|men up only to throw them overboard. No, it's very lucrative. lf only we could corroborate|Cinque's story somehow with... with evidence of some kind. The inventory. This? From the Tecora? lf you look, there's|a notation made on May 10, correcting the number of slaves on|board, reducing their number by 50. What does that mean? lf you look at it in conjunction|with Cinque's testimony, l would say that it means this: The crew greatly underestimated the amount of provisions|required for their journey, and solved the problem|by throwing 50 people overboard. l'm looking at|the inventory, Captain, and l'm sorry, l don't|see where it says, "This morning, we threw|50 slaves overboard." On May 10 or any other day. As of course you would not. l do see that|the cargo weight changed. They reduced the poundage,|l see, but that is all. lt's simple, ghastly arithmetic. Well, for you, perhaps. l may need a quill and parchment|and a better imagination. And what poundage do you imagine|the entry may refer to, sir? A mast and sails, perhaps? Give us... us... free. Give... us... free. Give us, us free. Give... us... free. Your Honour, please|instruct the defendant not to disrupt proceedings|with such outbursts. Give us, us free! lf we are to have any semblance|of order in court... Give us, us free! Give us, us free! He cannot keep crying out|"Give us free"... Give us, us free! while l am questioning|this witness! Give us, us free! Give us, us free! You don't have to pretend|to be interested in that. Nobody's watching but me. l'm not pretending.|l'm beginning to understand it. Their people have suffered|more than ours. Their lives were full of suffering. Then he was born|and everything changed. Who is he? l don't know, but everywhere he goes|he is followed by the sun. Here he is healing people|with his hands. Protecting them... Being given children... What's this? He could also walk across the sea. But then something happened. He was captured.|Accused of some crime. Here he is with his hands tied. - He must have done something.|- Why? What did we do? Whatever it was, it was serious enough|to kill him for it. Do you want to see how|they killed him? This is just a story, Yamba. But look. That's not the end of it. His people took his body down|from this... thing... this... They took him into a cave.|They wrapped him in a cloth, like us. They thought he was dead, but|he appeared before his people again and spoke to them. Then, finally...|he rose into the sky. This is where the soul goes|when you die. This is where we're going|when they kill us. lt doesn't look so bad. Baukei...|Hold your head up. After careful review|and thorough reflection, l find it impossible to deny the|power of the government's position. There is no doubt in my mind|that District Attorney Holabird, Her Catholic Majesty,|lsabella of Spain, and her trusted minister,|Senor Calderon, have all proceeded|with the utmost faith in the soundness of their case. l also believe|that Senors Ruiz and Montes may have... misrepresented|the origin of the prisoners, an issue which weighs|crucially upon their fate, and that of the Spaniards as well. Were they born in Africa? Since the answer to that question shall govern every determination|of this court, l ask it again. Were they born in Africa? l believe they were. As such, Her Catholic Majesty's|claims of ownership have no merit. Neither do those for salvage|made by Lieutenants Mead and Gedney. l hereby order the arrest|and detention of Senors Ruiz and Montes... by federal mar... By federal marshals... on|the charge of slave-trading! The release of the Africans and their conveyance,|by this government, at her earliest|convenience and expense, back to their homes in Africa! Yes! We've done it, Joadson!|We've done it! Yes! Covey, tell them! Tell them now! Look at 'em! What's most bewildering|to Her Majesty is this arrogant independence|of the American courts. After all, if you cannot|rule the courts, you cannot rule. Senor Calderon, as any|true American will tell you, its the independence of our courts|that keeps us free. John... l'm glad you came. Mr President?|Senator Calhoun is here. John! l was afraid you weren't|going to be able to join us. - You may put that fear to rest, sir.|- Oh, thank you! Please. l'd like you to meet Senor Calderon,|ambassador from Spain. Buenas noches, Senor Ambassador. - Thought you said he wasn't coming.|- He said he wasn't. You see, Senor Calderon, there's a growing number of people|in this part of the country that regard us in the South as not only geographically|beneath them. They ignore the fact that slavery is so interwoven|into the fabric of this society, that to destroy it would be|to destroy us as a people. lt's immoral. That's all they know. Therefore, so are we. lmmoral and inferior. We are inferior in one area. We're not as proficient|in the art of gain. We're not as wealthy|as our northern neighbors. We're still struggling. Take away our life's blood now... Well, we all know|what happens then. North and South. They become the masters,|and we the slaves. But not without a fight. Senator Calhoun is being modest. He's not inferior in another area -|the art of exaggeration. Ask yourself, Senor Calderon... What court wants to be responsible for the spark that ignites|the firestorm? What president|wants to be in office... when it comes crashing|down around him? Certainly no court before this one. Certainly no president|before this one. So... Judge us not too harshly, sir, and bid Her Majesty like. Because the real determination our|courts and our president must make is not whether this|ragtag group of Africans raised swords against their enemy, but rather... must we? Come along, Mr Joadson. This news... Well, of course,|it's bad news, but... They may be more valuable to our|struggle in death than in life. Martyrdom, Mr Joadson. From the dawn of Christianity, we have seen no stronger|power for change. You know it's true. What is true, Mr Tappan - and believe me when l tell you,|l've seen this - is that there are men whose hatred of|slavery is stronger than anything, except for the slave himself. lf you wish to inspire such hatred|in a man, Mr Joadson, speak to him in that fashion|and it may come true. Our president,|our big, big man, has appealed the decision|to our Supreme Court. What does that mean? We have to try the case again. Now, l know it's hard|to understand, Cinque. l don't understand, for that matter. You said there would be|a judgment, and we would go free. No, no. What l said is that we won|it at the state level. l said if we won it at the|state level, we then go on. That's what you said! - That's what you said!|- All right! Yes, l said it! l said it, but l shouldn't have.|What l should have said... - l can't translate that.|- You can't translate what? - l can't translate "should".|- There's no Mende word for "should"? No. Either you do something,|or you don't do it. What l meant to say, what l meant... Not in the way you mean it. Try and understand me. "Meant" is the same as "should".|You're misunderstanding the language. Cinque! Listen to me.|Understand what l'm saying. What l said to you|before the judgment is almost how it works here. Almost! Almost? Yes, Cinque. But not always. Yes. And that's what's happened here. What kind of place is this? Where you almost mean what you say?|Where laws almost work? How can you live like that? "To His Excellency,|John Quincy Adams, "Massachusetts member,|House of Representatives. "l have understood from Mr Joadson "that you are acquainted with|the plight of the Amistad Africans. "lf that is true, then you are|aware that we have been, "at every step, successful in|our presentation of their case. "Despite this, "and despite the unlikelihood of|President Van Buren's re-election, "he has appealed our most recent|favourable decision "to the highest court in the land. "As l'm sure you are well aware, "seven of nine of these|Supreme Court justices "are themselves Southern|slave owners. "Sir, we need you. "lf ever there was a time for a man|to cast aside his daily trappings "and array himself for battle,|that time has come." Thank you. "Cicero said, appealing to Claudius|in defence of the Republic, "that 'the result of this war "depends on the life of one|most brave and excellent man." "ln our time, in this instance,|l believe it depends on two. "A courageous man, at present|in irons, named Cinque, "and you, sir. "Sincerely, Roger S Baldwin,|attorney-at-law." Mr Tippings, excuse me|a moment, please. - Any word from...|- What did Cinque say? He won't talk to you. He won't talk to me? No. How's your English coming? No better than my Mende, l suppose. Cinque, l know this isn't something|you necessarily want to think about, but has it occurred to you|that l'm all you've got? Because, since my practice has|now completely deteriorated, you're all l've got. See, this is me. You see? You see? You see how this works? And this, this here,|Cinque, is for me. More death threats. Some have been signed.|By my own clients, no less. l should say, should say...|former clients, shouldn't l? There is one more consequence|to having no clientele to speak of. l am now free to sit here|as long as it takes for you to acknowledge me. Yes, you understood that word,|didn't you? Free. All right. Then we'll just sit. Caesar. Cicero's appeal was to|Julius Caesar, not Claudius. Claudius would not be born|for another hundred years. You were right,|there was one of them. - ls that him?|- Yes, Mr President. Please unlock this door. Adams has flirted with abolitionists|for 15 years, but has yet to take one home. - How old is he?|- Too old to take anyone home! He sleeps through three quarters|of the sessions on the Hill. Let's see. President,|slumbering congressman, jailhouse lawyer - one waits with|great anticipation for what's next! - What must that be like?|- What? Knowing all your life,|whatever your accomplishments, you'll only be remembered|as the son of a great father. The only thing John Quincy Adams will|remembered for is his middle name! l wonder, is there anything|as pathetic as an ex-president? l was talking about John... - Sir.|- Yes? Cinque has asked me to ask you... whether you have thought about|the question of jurisdiction. What? That since they took over|the ship far out to sea, and since neither Spain|nor America owns the sea, how is it that the treaty applies? Tell him the treaty recognises|no jurisdictional limitations. - Well?|- He will ask me why. Because l said so. - Excuse me, sir.|- Yes? Cinque would like to know that if he|is the property of Ruiz and Montes, then how does the treaty apply,|as it is between America and Spain? Or their citizens. "Or their citizens" is included|in the language, if he must know. Thank you, sir. lt's a good point, though. Does Britain have any treaties with|West Africa which may override - those between Spain and America?|- No. Does Britain have any|treaties with America - which might override those...|- No. Does America have treaties|with West Africa? No! - Does Spain?|- No! Does the Commonwealth of Connecticut - have any treaties with West Africa?|- No, no, no, no! Now stop this! Unshackle him. l'm sorry, sir. - l'm under strict orders...|- Unshackle him, please. Yes, Mr President. This is a phalaenopsis, moth orchid, l brought over from China. And this is a primrose|from an English garden. And this spear lily, from the south of France. This is my rose Blush Noisette. This came all the way from|Washington, DC, but don't tell anyone. Go on, go on. African violet. l can't tell you|how difficult that was to come by. Now, you understand you're going|to the Supreme Court. Do you know why? lt is the place where|they finally kill us. No. Well, yes,|that may be true too. That's not what l meant. No, there is another reason|and a more important reason. Although l'll admit that|perhaps more so to us than you. All right, don't... Cinque... Do you know who l am?|Has anyone told you about me? What have they told you? That you are a chief. l was a chief, yes. A chief cannot become anything less|than a chief, even in death. Oh, how l wish such|were true here, Cinque. You've no idea. One tries to govern|wisely, strongly, but... One tries to govern in a way that|betters the lives of one's villagers. One tries to... kill the lion. Unfortunately, one isn't always|wise enough or strong enough. Time passes... and the moment is gone. Now, listen, Cinque. Listen. We're about... we're about|to bring your case before the highest court|in our land. Were about to do battle with a lion that is threatening|to rip our country in two. And all we have on our side is a rock. Of course, you didn't ask|to be at the centre of this historic conflagration|any more than l did, but we find ourselves here,|nonetheless, by some mysterious mix|of circumstances and the whole world watching. So, what are we to do? ls he going to help? He has|far many more questions than answers. - What did he just say?|- l... sorry, l didn't catch it. Cinque, look.|l'm being honest with you. Anything less would be|disrespectful. l'm telling you, l'm preparing you, l suppose l'm explaining to you, that the test ahead of us is|an exceptionally difficult one. We won't be going in there alone. Alone? lndeed not.|We have right at our side. We have righteousness at our side. We have Mr Baldwin over there. l meant my ancestors. l will call into the past, far back to the beginning of time, and beg them to come and help me at the judgment. l will reach back|and draw them into me. And they must come, for at this moment, l am the whole|reason they have existed at all. Your Honours... l derive much consolation from the fact that my colleague,|Mr Baldwin here, has argued the case in so able, and so complete a manner as to leave me scarcely|anything to say. However... Why are we here? How is it that a simple,|plain property issue should now find itself|so ennobled as to be argued before the Supreme Court of|the United States of America? Do we fear the lower courts, which|found for us, missed the truth? Or is it, rather, our great|and consuming fear of civil war, that has allowed us to heap symbolism upon a simple case|that never asked for it? And now would have us disregard truth even as it stands before us,|tall and proud as a mountain. The truth... in truth, has been driven|from this case like a slave. Flogged from court to court,|wretched and destitute. And not by any great legal acumen on the part of the opposition,|l might add. But through the long, powerful arm|of the executive office. This is no mere property|case, gentlemen. This is the most important case|ever to come before this court. Because what it in fact concerns is the very nature of man. These are... These are transcriptions of letters written between our|secretary of state, John Forsyth, and the Queen of Spain,|lsabella the Second. Now, l ask that you accept|their perusal as part of your deliberations. Thank you, sir. l would not touch on them now|except to notice a curious phrase|which is much repeated. The Queen again and again refers|to our incompetent courts. Now what, l wonder, would be|more to her liking? A court that finds against|the Africans? Well, l think not. And here is the fine point of it. What Her Majesty wants is a court|that behaves just like her courts. The courts this 11-year-old child plays with in her magical kingdom|called Spain. A court that will do what it is told. A court that can be toyed with|like a doll. A court, as it happens, of which our own president, Martin Van Buren,|would be most proud. Thank you. This is a publication|of the office of the President. lt's called "The Executive Review", and l'm sure you all read it. At least l'm sure the President|hopes you all read it. This is a recent issue,|and there's an article in here, written by "a keen mind|of the South", who... My former vice-president,|John Calhoun, perhaps. Could it be? Who asserts that "there has never|existed a civilized society "in which one segment did not|thrive upon the labour of another. "As far back as one chooses to look, "to ancient times, to Biblical times, "history bears this out. "ln Eden, where only two|were created. "Even there, one was pronounced|subordinate to the other. "Slavery has always been with us, "and is neither sinful nor immoral. "Rather, as war and antagonism|are the natural states of man, "so, too, slavery, as natural|as it is inevitable." Well, gentlemen, l differ with|the keen minds of the South, and with our president,|who apparently shares their views, offering that the natural state|of mankind is instead - and l know this is|a controversial idea - is freedom. ls freedom. The proof is the length to which|a man, woman or child will go to regain it, once taken. He will break loose his chains. He will... decimate his enemies. He will try and try and try, against all odds,|against all prejudices, to get home. Cinque, would you stand up,|if you would, so everyone can see you: This man is black.|We can all see that. But can we also see as easily|that which is equally true? That he is the only|true hero in this room. lf he were white,|he wouldn't be in this court, fighting for his life. lf he were white|and his enslavers British, he'd be weighed down by the medals|and honours we would bestow upon him. Songs would be written about him. The great authors of our times|would fill books about him. His story would be told and retold, in our classrooms. Our children, because we would|make sure of it, would know his name as well as|they know Patrick Henry's. Yet, if the South is right, what are we to do with that|embarrassing, annoying document, "The Declaration of lndependence"? What of its conceits? "All men created equal," "inalienable|rights," "life, liberty," and so on. What on Earth are we|to do with this? l have a modest suggestion. The other night l was talking|with my friend Cinque. He was over at my place, and we were|out in the greenhouse together. He explained to me how when a member|of the Mende - that's his people... How when a member of the Mende|encounters a situation where there appears|no hope at all, he invokes his ancestors. Tradition. The Mende believe that if one can|summon the spirit of one's ancestors, then they have never left. And the wisdom and strength|they fathered and inspired will come to his aid. James Madison,|Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams. We have long resisted|asking you for guidance. Perhaps we have feared|in doing so, we might acknowledge|that our individuality, which we so, so revere,|is not entirely our own. Perhaps were feared an... an appeal|to you might be taken for weakness. But we have come to understand,|finally, that this is not so. We understand now... We've been made to understand, and to embrace the understanding that who we are is who we were. We desperately need|your strength and wisdom to triumph over our fears,|our prejudices, ourselves. Give us the courage|to do what is right. And if it means civil war,|then let it come. And when it does, may it be, finally, the last battle of|the American Revolution. That's all l have to say. ln the case of the United|States of America versus the Amistad Africans, it is the opinion of this court that our treaty of 1795 with Spain, on which the prosecution has|primarily based its arguments, is inapplicable. While it is clearly stipulated|in Article 9 that - and l quote - "Seized ships and cargo "are to be returned entirely|to their proprietary." The end of quote. lt has not been shown|to the court's satisfaction that these particular Africans|fit that description. We are then left with the alternative that they are not slaves, and therefore cannot|be considered merchandise, but are, rather, free individuals with certain legal and moral rights, including the right|to engage in insurrection against those who would deny them|their freedom. And therefore, over one dissent, it is the court's judgment that the defendants are to be|released from custody at once, and, if they so choose, to be returned|to their homes in Africa. Thank you. Well... What did you say to them? What words did you use|to persuade them? Yours. To keep you safe. Thank you, Baldwin. Thank you... Seingbe. The Liberation|of Lomboko Slave Fortress Fire! All clear, sir. - Fire.|- Fire! - Fire.|- Fire! Fire. Fire. Fire. William Henry Harrison defeated|Martin Van Buren to become the ninth President|of the United States. Take a letter, Ensign. "To His Honour, the United States|secretary of state, Mr John Forsyth. "My dear Mr Forsyth, "it is my great pleasure to inform|you that you are, in fact, correct. "The slave fortress in Sierra Leone|does not exist." How beautiful! Queen lsabella of Spain continued|to argue the Amistad matter with seven more American Presidents. ln 1864, her hopes of compensation|finally collapsed with the Confederate Army's|defeat at Atlanta. Cinque returned to Sierra Leone to find his own people|engaged in civil war. His village was destroyed|and his family gone. lt is believed they were sold|into slavery. |
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Manmohan Desai 1977 CD1 Amar Akbar Anthony - Manmohan Desai 1977 CD2 Amarcord CD1 Amarcord CD2 Amator 1979 Amelie From Montmartre CD1 Amelie From Montmartre CD2 Amelie or The Time To Love CD1 Amelie or The Time To Love CD2 American Beauty American College American Movie American Movie - The Making Of Northwestern CD1 American Movie - The Making Of Northwestern CD2 American Outlaws American Pie (UK) American Pie - Rated Version American Pie 2 American Pop American Psycho American Wedding American Wedding (Unrated) American Werewolf in London CD1 American Werewolf in London CD2 American in Paris An Americas Sweethearts (2001) Amerikanische Soldat Der (1970) Amic-Amat (Beloved-Friend 1999) Amiche Le 1955 Amistad CD1 Amistad CD2 Amityville 2 - The Possession 1982 Amityville 3 - The Demon 1983 Amityville 4 - The Evil Escapes 1989 Amityville Horror 5 - The Curse 1990 Amityville Horror 6 - Its About Time (1992) Amityville Horror The CD1 Amityville Horror The CD2 AmnesiA Amor Brujo El (Carlos Saura 1986) Amour en Fuite L Amour en fuite Le 1979 An American Werewolf in Paris An Autumn Afternoon 1962 Anacondas - The Hunt For The Blood Orchid Analyze That (2002) Analyze This (1999) Anastasia 1956 Anatomie 2 2003 Anatomy of a Murder 1959 CD1 Anatomy of a Murder 1959 CD2 Anchorman And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself And God Created Woman And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself Andaaz Andaz Apna Apna Andrei Rublev 1969 Directors Cut CD1 Andrei Rublev 1969 Directors Cut CD2 Angel Eyes Angel Heart Devil Face Angels In America - Chapter 1 Angels In America - Chapter 2 Angels In America - Chapter 3 Angels In America - Chapter 4 Angels In America - Chapter 5 Angels In America - Chapter 6 Angels With Dirty Faces 1938 Angels of the Universe Angelus Anger management Anglaise et le duc La (Rohmer Eric 2001) Angry Dogs AniMatrix Animals Are Beautiful People Anjaam Hindi Anna In Kungfu Land 2003 Anne Frank - The Whole Story CD1 Anne Frank - The Whole Story CD2 Annie Annie Get Your Gun Annie Hall 1977 Anniversary Party The Another 48 Hours Another Heaven CD1 Another Heaven CD2 AntiTrust Antikiller Antwone Fisher Any Given Sunday Anywhere But Here Anzio Aoi Haru Apartment The CD1 Apartment The CD2 Apocalypse Now - Redux Apollo 13 CD1 Apollo 13 CD2 Apollo 13 CD3 Appartement Le 1996 CD1 Appartement Le 1996 CD2 Appleseed 2004 Appolo13 April Fools Day Apsolutnih Sto Arachnophobia Aragami (2003) Arahan 2004 Aram Architekten Die 1990 Ariel 1988 Aristocats The Arizona Dream CD1 Arizona Dream CD2 Arlington Road Armageddon CD1 Armageddon CD2 Armata Brancaleone Le Arme des ombres Le (Jean-Pierre Melville 1969) CD1 Arme des ombres Le (Jean-Pierre Melville 1969) CD2 Army in the Shadows 1969 CD1 Army in the Shadows 1969 CD2 Aro Tolbukhin En la Mente del Asesino (Agustin Villaronga 2002) Around The World In 80 Days 2004 CD1 Around The World In 80 Days 2004 CD2 Around The World In 80 Days CD1 Around The World In 80 Days CD2 Arsene Lupin Arsenic And Old Lace 1944 Art Of War The Artemisia Arven (2003) CD1 Arven (2003) CD2 As Long As My Feet Will Carry Me CD1 As Long As My Feet Will Carry Me CD2 As bodas de Deus (1998) CD1 As bodas de Deus (1998) CD2 Asambhav Ascent The Asphalt Jungle The Assassins Asterix In Britain 1986 Asterix and Obelix Mission Cleopatra 2002 Astonishing (2004) At Close Range At Kende Sanheden Atlantis Atlantis - The Lost Empire Atlantis Milos Return 2003 Atlantis The Lost Empire Attack Attack The Gas Station Au Hasard Balthazar Audition The (1999 Japanese) Austin Powers - International Man Of Mystery Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me Austin Powers I Austin Powers in Goldmember Autumn Sonata 1978 Avalon (2001) Avanti (1972) Avassaladoras Avengers The Avenging Fist The Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe Las Aviator The Avventura La 1960 CD1 Avventura La 1960 CD2 Awaara CD1 Awaara CD2 Awara Paagal Deewana Awful Truth The Azul y Blanco Azumi 2003 CD1 Azumi 2003 CD2 |