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I have cancer. Of course not. lt's an ulcer.|You're complaining. Give me a glass of wine.|- It isn't good for you. It's good for your heart. There's nothing wrong with your heart.|- That's what you say. It's cold here. It's June. Shall I fetch you something else? Yes? Alex?|- Yes. It's Aram. Shouldn't you pick it up? It's not nice to hang up|on your brother, Alex. It's been a long time.|- You can say that again. Mum is severely ill. What's wrong?|- Her stomach. Do you still live at home? Yes. But I have to go away|for a few days. Christ, Alex.|Do it for mother, not for me. Will you come? Yes. Who was that? That was my brother. You have to get dressed. Won't you tell me your name first? You should go to bed. My name's Sandra. Drive on or we'll have an accident. Go on, ask. What? You want to know|what I'm doing in your car. You must have your reasons. Everyone has their reasons. Well ask then. What are you doing in this car? It's none of your business. It's my car. It's my life. Let me drive.|- Do you have a driving licence? No. Don't you trust me? Are you sure it's here? Yes. Completely?|- Completely. I'm not sure.|It looks so quiet. That's right,|there's no one around. Are you sure? We'll go inside,|take that thing and walk out. I think it's guarded. I told you before.|Eugene said there's no one here. And you're sure it's here? Why visit your mother so late?|- She's ill. What's the matter with her? Something about her stomach. Is your father there? He's dead. Does your mother live all alone? No. My brother lives at home. Oh. It's not there. Are they expecting you?|- Yes. And the key is always there? I haven't been here for a long time. How long? Long. You don't know how long it is|since you saw your mother? Alex? Jesus Christ. Just keep breathing calmly. I don't understand. What don't you? The only way he could shoot me|was through you. I don't understand. And where's Eugene? He should have been here long ago. Maybe he won't come. Eugene always keeps his word. You don't want anything, girl?|It's good for your heart. And you, Alex?|- No. Thanks. It's up to you.|I'm so happy you're home again. Are you warm enough? It's June, Mum.|- It feels cold. It's a pity Aram has to work.|You don't want any coffee? I want to sleep.|We've been up all-night. What does Aram does for a living?|- But haven't seen your mother for years. We've been up all night. I'm exhausted. I never see you.|I want to enjoy having you here. I'm staying a while.|- Really? You're staying a while?|- Yes. How long?|- That depends. A while. Until you get better.|- There's nothing wrong. Aram said you were ill. I cough up blood.|- That's not normal. You should see a doctor.|- I thought so, but Aram refused. He doesn't like doctors.|I may have cancer. We'll go to the doctor tomorrow. I'm sure my stomach won't kill me. My heart is weak, like my mother's. We'll check that too. Sweden, Holland, Germany, Britain... All monarchies, except Germany. Your turn. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or Bhishma... Or who?|- Bhishma from the Mahabharata. It must be him.|- That's right. I don't think he's coming.|- Of course he is. He must have heard what happened.|He won't come. So you are Sandra. And you are Alex. I never met an Alex before. You're my first Sandra. What's your brother like? Why doesn't he take|your mother to the doctor? My mother used to go every week. There was always something. Where the hell are we?|- Home. You can meet my mother at last. I'm thirsty.|- I'll get you something later. I'm thirsty now.|- When you're lying down. What happened? Nothing to worry about. Who's that?|- Wouter. Nice to meet you. You have to see a doctor. We don't have to do anything.|- And certainly not see a doctor. He can't lie on the sofa. Why not?|- He'll get it dirty. Take him to bed. He can lie in Alex's room.|- No, Alex is there. Is he back? I want the sofa.|- With his new girlfriend. I say.|- I'm thirsty. Do you have any Chinese beer?|- No, sorry. Christ almighty!|You know I drink Chinese beer. I thought you'd be away for days.|I haven't gone shopping yet. Excuses! A good housewife|always has beer for visitors. We never have visitors.|- What about me, goddamnit? I've been back five minutes|and I'm already regretting it. How are you? Why did you take photos of me? I'm a photographer. Is it nice?|- Delicious. I thought as much. Everyone sleeps here all day. Shall I wake up Alex? He was very tired. Isn't it nice and quiet;|just the two of us? Did you quarrel?|Oh my god, what happened? No. We've never quarrelled. This is nice?|- Great. What are the pills for? Nothing special. If you can't tell your mother-in-law,|who can you tell? It would only worry you.|- No, really. Epilepsy.|- Oh God... It's nothing to worry about.|I take my medicine. Medicine?|- Against attacks. Attacks? No need for hysteria. It's years since I had an attack. The pills take care of that. Does Alex know? It hasn't come up yet. May I use the bathroom? Good morning!|- Good morning. I should say good afternoon. I'll make you some hot chocolate.|- Great! Hot chocolate for the late sleeper.|If you say please, at least. Please at least. No, just please.|- Just please. We are in a good mood.|- Stop that! Who are you? You must be Alex. How do you know who I am? Right description: identical,|but with a loser's look on his face. Who said that?|- Me. You heard. Which is the odd one out:|Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha or Bhishma? The last one. You're guessing.|You don't know who he is. Bhishma was invincible and|could decide when he would die. Who told you about me? Where's my brother? What are you doing? I'm blowing the milk back.|- I can see that. Throw it away. What's wrong with the milk?|- Throw it away, I said. Sandra? Aram is here. With a friend. Then I can meet him. What did I give you|for your birthday? Oh yes. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially when you need the gift|and the giver is present. I don't know how it works.|- I explained it four times! Pour a glass of milk. Give it to me. That's not difficult, is it? Think you can do that next time? Who's this then?|Another late sleeper. Good morning. Would you like hot chocolate?|Where is Sandra? Hello little brother. Hi, Aram. How are you?|- Oh, fine so far. Would you like some hot chocolate?|- Yes. If you say please, at least.|- Please at least. Where's Sandra?|- Who the hell is Sandra? Alec's girlfriend. She takes pills.|- Pills? Against the attacks.|- What kind of attacks? She has attacks of fury.|- Really? She told me herself.|She foams at the mouth without the pills. I didn't notice that.|- She keeps it secret from you. It's because of the children.|- Children? We don't have any. All you have to do|is add some cocoa... How are you? Bad. Are you in pain? What did you think?|What are we doing here? Waiting for Eugene to call.|- Shouldn't you call him? That's not a good idea. You're not professional. Get focused.|Leave your brother out of it. Two birds with one stone. You're messing up.|What's the matter these days? You were to be away for a few days?|- Yes. But I didn't want to leave|those boring sleepy fossils. How can a fossil be sleepy? What? A fossil is dead. So it already dropped off. What are you trying to say? You can't say ''sleepy fossil''.|Just like white snow. It's a pleonasm. Are you saying I'm stupid enough|to utter a pleonasm? You think you're cleverer than me? Did you know ''white snow''|was a pleonasm? Try to think one up with Alex. What you mean?|- A pleonasm with Alex. Dot dot Alex. I'll help you. Dumb Alex. Come on.|- Now you, damn it! Boring Alex.|- Good. Another one. Cowardly Alex.|- Stinking Alex. Disgusting Alex. Unmannered Alex. Send in the next. Hello doctor. Sit down. Did you come along anyway?|- I'm Alex. Aram's brother. Alex lets me come to the doctor. I checked your mother last week.|Nothing wrong with her heart. She's completely fit.|- lt's her stomach. Are you cold, or what? I'll be honest. I'm Alex's brother. You're Aram?|- Well... So Alex did mention me.|- Not that you... Are his twin brother?|Half an hour older. lt's strange. We don't meet for years and|then have about the same haircut. Wasn't I good to you? Wouter, this is Sandra.|Sandra, Wouter. Hello.|- Hello. Aram?|- Yes? Wasn't I good to you? You always were.|- I always asked you on a job. I appreciate that.|And you know who I ask for? Who for?|- I ask for you. You're a real Christian.|- It's nothing. No, you're really good to me.|- It's nothing. You're capable. No, I really appreciate it.|- Unnecessary to repeat yourself. You're right, sorry.|- Yes, quite unnecessary. It can give you heart problems. There's nothing wrong|with your heart. The pills can give me palpitations.|It says so. Just take them.|They're good for you. Alex?|- Yes? Couldn't you work in the garage? You know I'm not very handy. Your father would have loved it. It hurts.|- Pain is in the head. I'm dying. He has to go to a doctor.|- I don't have to go anywhere. Sandra, can you get a drink? Are you afraid of death? No. I know what you think. I bet you don't. You think Wouter|should see a doctor. What do you have|against doctors? Anyone can be a doctor. Anyone can be ill. Pain and illness are in your head. Don't you know a nice story, Alex? He always told those lovely stories,|just like his father. I'm right out of nice stories.|- Goodness, I wonder why? Alex's father was the best storyteller.|And your father? No, he was a good liar. What a pity. Theo's stories|took people's breath away. He was also the best car mechanic.|What does your father do? He's in jail because of me. Theo could repair a car|by looking at it. It's a pity nothing happens|in the garage. You don't do anything?|- No. He stopped work a year after you left.|Now it all just rots. My mother is very ill. What did the doctor say? Nothing, but I could see|it was serious. And now he's doing tests. We'll know more in a few days. Christ almighty.|- Yes, you can say that again. I'm glad I came back. Why didn't you say|you had a twin brother? I didn't? No. We're making a report about|a working woman in this area. Don't you want photos|of me at work? Yes. But that's for later. What do you most|like photographing? Animals. Everything except people. Why?|- Look what I have for you, Sandra. I used to wear it myself. Put it on. It'll suit her. That child dresses so badly.|- What makes you say that? All that crap on her face,|just like Babylon. Mum!|- Well, it's true. Yes, lovely! What do you think? I don't know. Maybe|I have to get used to it. Get used to it? It looks lovely. Take a good look, Alex. I want to go,|to take some photos. I'll come along. We'll have to walk.|- Try again. I used to play here. It's lovely.|- Yes. Will you take pictures here? They'd be postcard landscapes.|- Rubbish. Maybe you're right. There's a nice spot. It's a lovely background, isn't it, Alex? Very nice. I'll stand there.|- But of course. lt's going wrong. Did I do something wrong? I can't take pictures of people. It goes wrong if|a person crosses my lens. How long has it been like that? Quite a while. Maybe I should do|something else. Yes, maybe. I could work in the garage. Will you call him?|- No, not yet. You have to call him. We messed up.|- What makes you think that? I... I messed up. Can I ask? What happened? I once photographed|a terrible accident. By accident. It happened while|I pressed the shutter. I burned the film. I didn't even dare develop it. You trust me, don't you? I have to pee. I'll go with you.|- No, I want to pee outside. I'll work on my car. I could kick that jack away. Aram?|- Since when do you repair cars? Since today. Maybe you should be a mechanic.|- Yes, maybe. You never were a good photographer.|- And you know all about that? Well the last session I attended|wasn't very impressive. I don't want to talk about it. It was your idea, damn it. Mum, have you seen Sandra? Did you set fire to that thing?|- No. Why should I? Be nice to each other.|How long since you last met? Not long enough. Are you expecting a call? You? Will someone pick it up? Alex speaking... Yes, I'll be right there. Who was that? Just an acquaintance.|- Which acquaintance? You don't know him.|- How d'you know? Let it be, Aram. The doctor called.|- And? I have to come round. It didn't sound good. Does she know? No. Why are you so nasty to your brother?|- Because he's a fool. He's a good photographer.|You don't win prizes for nothing. Have you watched him|all these years, then? You should be proud of him. He wants to be a car mechanic.|- Oh yes? Since when? Why d'you love him more than me? He didn't call for years.|- He's busy. Who stayed here?|Who took over the business? For two years,|then you stopped. And now you think Alex will|take care of it? I know you. Alex could be a good mechanic.|- Rubbish. Dad was proud of me,|you know that. Your father is dead. Do you notice people treating you|as a woman? What do you mean?|- People think doctors should be men. Sometimes.|But most male patients don't mind. They may even prefer it. That never causes tension? Why are male doctors|never asked that? There's something on your face.|- What? A smudge. On your face. It's your turn. What do you do for a living? You first.|- Car mechanic. Hairdresser.|- God, that's nice. Aram!|- Did you cut Alex's hair? No? What's all this? Why not? I'm really still learning.|- Aram! One moment. Aram! Yes, what's up? I'm thirsty.|- But there's no beer. Where's your mother?|- What? Gone somewhere. There must be something|to drink in the house. To be honest,|I may have been exaggerating. Really? I only had a couple of lessons. Then you need some more practice. I only worked with the dummy,|not real people. What are you doing? I'm having my hair styled. You're wearing rollers. You don't say... Shouldn't someone look at that? Don't you mind me exaggerating?|- Of course. But it's water under the bridge.|I have something to admit too. I haven't been a car mechanic for years.|Honesty lasts longer. My mother always said that.|- How sensible. Shall we promise to be honest|with each other now? No more lies?|- Nothing but the truth! Ask me something. Don't you ever wear shoes?|- No shoes, no socks. Never?|- Not ever. Why not? Do you know Abbey Road?|- Who gave Wouter curls? Aram. Hello, Eugene.|I was about to call. Of course not... Just a scratch. I have to talk to you. Of course you can. My mother has cancer. She only has a couple of months. Christ. How are you going to tell her? She wouldn't believe it. She always thought|she'd die of a heart attack. And now? I don't know. I can't leave now. Take a look. That's cheeky. Christ, what do we want|with an animal? It's nice for mum.|A rabbit, like the old days. The past is gone.|- The past never dies. Big words from my little brother. If you'd been that clever,|your father might still live. It was an accident.|- Oh yes? Yes, you know that as well as I do. How lovely, a rabbit!|Guess what I won at bingo? A trip round the world!|- It's only the village bingo. You'll never guess.|- Tell us. No, you guess.|- Something for the living room? It's a cake. Who'd have thought? Can I take out the curlers?|- Alex, did you think it was a cake? Of course not.|- Can I take them out, or what? I bought Chinese beer too. Our father, who art in Heaven,|hallowed by thy name... Amen. More respect for the Word of God|would not be misplaced. He was part of me.|- But not worth a dig? We have labourers for that.|You want to be a labourer, don't you? That's no way to be buried.|- It happens the way I say. I didn't like it, the last time|I listened to you. We wouldn't mention it again.|- Also your idea. God, you have bad ideas. You think it's so easy for me? What d'you think it meant to me? The poor boy can't take|any more pictures. You were the one who left,|you bastard. Now dig! You thought you could|get round Mum with a rabbit? You think that's why|I captured the beast? Dad mechanic, you mechanic. Dad rabbit, you rabbit. You're crazy. Give that dirty mess to me. I'll put it in the wash with|the rest of your clothes. The rest? They weren't dirty. They stank. A microwave damages the health. So does smoking. My health isn't important. Those microwaves|could make you impotent. If you climb inside. What will Sandra think if you stop taking|pictures and become a mechanic? She'll understand.|- Oh really? You think so? You think Sandra with her skinny|yet delicious body would agree? Why treat the animal like that? Your boyfriend has strange ideas|about rabbits. Did you put it in, Alex?|- No, of course not. I think I'll leave you alone|to sort it out. You can quarrel in peace.|- We're not quarrelling. Are you still mad at me? Can you give this to Alex? What is it?|- Open it. It was years ago. Alex gave them to me. I thought... ...he might want them back. Aram gave me this. Don't you want to see them? Who's that woman? She used to be our doctor. And the man? That's my father. Aram said you gave them to him. That's right. I followed my father. I thought something was going on. Did your mother know? No. We never told her. It would have broken her. How long did this go on? I don't remember exactly. At a certain point it was all over. She probably moved. You think Aram was involved? I don't know. A little to the left. It's still there. Stop taking pictures|and do something about it. Goodnight. Have you been awake long? All night. What's worrying you? Aram. I think he's creepy. He's changed. Why is he always barefoot? I don't know. Things used to be different. If I look in his eyes,|I can't feel anything anymore. ...Yours is the kingdom, the power|and the glory, for ever and ever... ...Amen. I'm pleased you behaved this time. There they are. Aram! Eugene! lsn't Wouter here? He didn't make it. Eugene doesn't like that, Aram.|You know that. I know. Where is the corpse? That isn't right, Aram. I know. That's not what we agreed. Just creep in,|take the things and go. That always worked out in the past. A man in my position|can't tolerate this. If I didn't have position, it would|be no problem. But I have a position. You certainly have one, Eugene. I shall never deny it. I understand. Piss on the grave, Esther. I say, Eugene. You say what?|You had enough to drink. Let this be a lesson to you, Aram. It certainly is, Eugene. I have a respectable business|and want to keep it that way. Now let's have a barbecue. We're going to have a barbecue. But we're just having dinner.|Delicious stew. With all due respect,|I thought something more festive. I have chickens in the car,|beef and wine. Let's have a good time. You'll have to change, Alex. Would you like some wine?|- Oh, please. I don't know if it's a good idea. What does Aram do for a living?|He's always so vague. Aram works for Eugene.|- Exactly. And usually very well. I'll take you to bed, Mum. You shouldn't drink too much wine.|It's not good for your stomach. Nothing wrong with my stomach. My mother died of a heart attack,|and her mother too. That doesn't mean you'll have problems.|You have a healthy heart. Thanks to the wine. Go to sleep. Alex? Yes? I'm glad you're here. Yes, so am I. Your father would be pleased|the garage is being used again. Yes, I miss him too. You're so like him. You think so? Come here. I'm so proud of you. I'm glad of that. Dad loved you a lot too. Your collar is wrong, Theo. I'm Alex. That took a long time.|- I had to take my mother to bed. I was going to look for you. Hide and seek!|- That's a good idea. Don't we have business to settle?|- Aram, you're too serious. The night is young.|Let's play hide and seek. Now?|- Yes, hide and seek. You know what it is? You can use the whole house. You have something of mine. It's outside. ... 50! I'm coming! Is that you, Theo?|- It's me, Alex. I trust you, Aram.|- I know. I won't look in the box.|I know what's there. I wouldn't be insulted if you counted. I trust you too, Eugene.|- That's good. It's time to have a rest, Aram. I'm tired.|- I know. Found you. I thought you'd never find me here. I can't get down. Are you stuck?|- I think so. Do you still love me, Theo? I'm Alex, mum. Were you working late? We're playing hide and seek. Aren't you a bit old for that? You're sweet. Esther, let's go. Our mission is completed.|Say thanks to Aram. Thanks. You don't have to go.|Don't you want to stay? No, it's up to you now. You're my favourite employee, Aram.|- I'm glad of that. It's been such a long time, Theo. Mum, don't. What do you see in Alex?|- He's very kind to me. What you think about his brother? He's not bad. I'm going to look for Alex.|- Just call out loud. That'll wake your mother. Theo... Theo... Where could he be? Alex is good at hide and seek. Theo... Jesus Christ. I don't think this is normal. It's just like a slaughtered pig. But then without blood. I did First Aid. Sandra is a strange girl, Alex. I think she's better now. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You don't do things like that.|- Certainly not. I think I should be punished. No, just don't do it again.|- No, I have to be punished. One hard blow should be enough. Come on. One hard blow. Is that all?|- Yes. I got off lightly.|- Yes, I think so too. Failure is human,|forgiveness is divine. It's all right. It's nice and clean.|Do you understand greenfly? What do you mean?|- There isn't a single greenfly. But when it gets sick,|it'll be covered in greenfly. They can smell a sick plant?|- That's the nice bit. A strong plant is left alone,|a weak one is consumed. I understand that much|about the greenfly. So what don't you understand?|- Where are they now? They must be somewhere.|When it's sick, you see hundreds. Where do the greenfly come from? Have you never thought about that?|- No, not really. I have, boy. Maybe they warn|each other with walkie-talkies. Don't you take anything seriously?|Is everything a joke? Why so serious?|- Your jokes made father commit suicide. It was an accident.|- What do you know? The police said so.|- Don't always believe them. Why on earth should Dad kill himself?|- The man was unhappy. So am I.|- But you're a coward. A weakling. You'd rather be eaten by greenfly. Where were you this morning? You were sleeping so soundly. I got the fright of my life|when I woke up. Ah, you did? You're the one|with some explaining to do. If you mean last night,|that was nothing. My mother was confused. You want me to hurt her|in her last few months? You're mad at me,|aren't you? No, I just don't know how to cope. How long will you go on like this? Like what? When something happens,|you just stand there and watch. You can't replace your father. I'm not trying to. You do his work,|you wear his clothes. We have to leave here, Alex. You're thinking of your mother,|but Aram isn't good for you. I had a call. Who from? From a client. You not saying you're going to leave?|- No, Alex is staying a while. I'm afraid I have to go. You promised.|- What do you have to do? A job. Photography.|- Can't you do it here? No. I have to leave tomorrow.|- Don't stay away so long this time. You can't leave.|- I decide about my own life. Your life is mine too. We aren't finished, Alex. You know that as well as I do. Alex, we're leaving. It was your fault too, Alex. I didn't want it.|- Don't lie. Who produced those photos|of her and Dad? It was your idea. Are you so sure of that? I knew what you thought, Alex. I always knew what you thought. I didn't want it.|- Don't lie. I did what you wanted.|You were too scared. After that I didn't know|what you thought anymore. You're just as guilty as me, Alex. Say it. Say it! I'm just as guilty. Same with Dad's death. It was an accident.|- Really? Yes, you know that.|- It was suicide. You only say that to hurt me. It was suicide.|- Stop it. Dad did it because she was dead.|- I said stop it. You really think he was stupid enough|to drive into the water? Your father killed himself|because we made his life pointless. You're lying! You knew all along, Alex. You always thought so.|- You're lying... You're lying! You're lying! Maybe. I still wonder whether|it's high enough. Of course it is. I pushed. I can't do it. |
A-1 Headline AD2000 CD1 AD2000 CD2 A I - Artificial Intelligence Aap Ki Kasam Abandon Abnormal Beauty (2004) About Last Night About Schmidt CD1 About Schmidt CD2 About a Boy (2002) Abril Despedaado Absence of Malice (1981) Abuelo El Abyss The - Special Edition Acasia Accidental Spy The Accidental Tourist The 1988 Ace Ventura - Pet Detective Ace Ventura - When nature calls Ace Ventura Pet Detective 1994 Achtung fertig Charlie Acid House The (1998) Adaptation Adela jeste nevecerela Adjuster The 1992 Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert The CD1 Adventures Of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert The CD2 Adventures Of Robin Hood The Adventures in Babysitting Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th dimension Adventures of Felix Adventures of Ford Fairlane The Adventures of Pluto Nash Adversaire La (Nicole Garcia 2002) Affair of the Necklace Affair to Remember An 1957 Afraid to Die (Yasuzo Masumura 1960) African Queen The Afrika (2002) After Hours 1985 Against All Odds 1984 CD1 Against All Odds 1984 CD2 Against The Ropes CD1 Against The Ropes CD2 Age of Innocence The CD1 Age of Innocence The CD2 Agent Cody Bank 2 Agent Cody Banks Agoniya (1981) Agony CD1 Agoniya (1981) Agony CD2 Aguirre der Zorn Gottes (1973) Aguirre the Wrath of God Ahi Esta El Detalle (1940) CD1 Ahi Esta El Detalle (1940) CD2 Ahobsal insaeng Ai no corrida 1976 Aida Aimee and Jaguar Air Bud Airplane! (1980) Airplane 2 - The Sequel Akibiyori (Late Autumn 1960) CD1 Akibiyori (Late Autumn 1960) CD2 Akira - Limited Special Edition Akira 1988 Akumulator 1 Aladdin Aladdin 1992 Aladdin and The King Of Thiefs Alarmist The 1997 Albino Alligator Alex and Emma Alexander CD1 Alexander CD2 Alexander CD3 Alexander Nevsky Alfie Ali G Aiii (2000) Ali G In Tha House Ali Zaoua Alias 01x01 - Truth Be Told (Pilot) Alias 01x02 - So It Begins Alias 01x03 - Parity Alias 01x04 - A Broken Heart Alias 01x05 - Doppelganger Alias 01x06 - Reckoning Alias 01x07 - Color Blind Alias 01x08 - Time Will Tell Alias 01x09 - Mea Culpa Alias 01x10 - Spirit Alias 01x11 - The Confession Alias 01x12 - The Box Part 1 Alias 01x13 - The Box Conclusion Alias 01x14 - The Coup Alias 01x15 - Page 47 Alias 01x16 - The Prophecy Alias 01x17 - Q and A Alias 01x18 - Masquerade Alias 01x19 - Snowman Alias 01x20 - The Solution Alias 01x21 - Rendezvous Alias 01x22 - Almost Thirty Years Alias 02x01 - The Enemy Walks In Alias 02x02 - Trust Me Alias 02x11 - A Higher Echelon Alias 02x12 - The Getaway Alias 02x13 - Phase One Alias 02x14 - Double Agent Alias 02x15 - A Free Agent Alias 02x16 - Firebomb Alias 02x17 - A Dark Turn Alias 02x18 - Truth Takes Time Alias 02x19 - Endgame Alias 02x20 - Countdown Alias 02x21 - Second Double Alias 02x22 - The Telling Alias 3x01 - The two Alias 3x02 - Succession Alias 3x03 - Reunion Alias 3x04 - A missing link Alias 3x05 - Repercussions Alias 3x06 - The nemesis Alias 3x07 - Prelude Alias 3x08 - Breaking point Alias 3x09 - Conscious Alias 3x10 - Remnants Alias 3x11 - Full disclosure Alias 3x12 - Crossings Alias 3x13 - After six Alias 3x14 - Blowback Alias 3x15 - Facade Alias 3x16 - Taken Alias 3x17 - The frame Alias 3x18 - Unveiled Alias 3x19 - Hourglass Alias 3x20 - Blood ties Alias 3x21 - Legacy Alias 3x22 - Resurrection Alice Doesnt Live Here Anymore 1974 CD1 Alice Doesnt Live Here Anymore 1974 CD2 Alice et Martin 1998 CD1 Alice et Martin 1998 CD2 Alice in Wonderland Alices Adventures in Wonderland Alien Alien 2 Alien 3 Alien Directors Cut Alien Resurrection 1997 CD1 Alien Resurrection 1997 CD2 Alien Vs Predator Aliens (special edition) 1986 CD1 Aliens (special edition) 1986 CD2 Alive 2003 All About Eve All About Lily Chou-Chou CD1 All About Lily Chou-Chou CD2 All About My Father (Alt Om Min Far) All I Want for Christmas 1991 All Night Long All That Heaven Allows All The Kings Men All The Pretty Horses 23.976fps All the Little Animals 1998 Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp Allegro non troppo Alliance Cookout Alliance garden state Almost Famous Along Came Polly Along came a spider Alphaville 1965 Alt Om Min Far (All About My Father) Altered States Alvarez Kelly CD1 Alvarez Kelly CD2 Alzheimer Case The (2003) CD1 Alzheimer Case The (2003) CD2 Amadeus Amantes del Circulo Polar Los (1998) Amants Criminels Les Amar Akbar Anthony - Manmohan Desai 1977 CD1 Amar Akbar Anthony - Manmohan Desai 1977 CD2 Amarcord CD1 Amarcord CD2 Amator 1979 Amelie From Montmartre CD1 Amelie From Montmartre CD2 Amelie or The Time To Love CD1 Amelie or The Time To Love CD2 American Beauty American College American Movie American Movie - The Making Of Northwestern CD1 American Movie - The Making Of Northwestern CD2 American Outlaws American Pie (UK) American Pie - Rated Version American Pie 2 American Pop American Psycho American Wedding American Wedding (Unrated) American Werewolf in London CD1 American Werewolf in London CD2 American in Paris An Americas Sweethearts (2001) Amerikanische Soldat Der (1970) Amic-Amat (Beloved-Friend 1999) Amiche Le 1955 Amistad CD1 Amistad CD2 Amityville 2 - The Possession 1982 Amityville 3 - The Demon 1983 Amityville 4 - The Evil Escapes 1989 Amityville Horror 5 - The Curse 1990 Amityville Horror 6 - Its About Time (1992) Amityville Horror The CD1 Amityville Horror The CD2 AmnesiA Amor Brujo El (Carlos Saura 1986) Amour en Fuite L Amour en fuite Le 1979 An American Werewolf in Paris An Autumn Afternoon 1962 Anacondas - The Hunt For The Blood Orchid Analyze That (2002) Analyze This (1999) Anastasia 1956 Anatomie 2 2003 Anatomy of a Murder 1959 CD1 Anatomy of a Murder 1959 CD2 Anchorman And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself And God Created Woman And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself Andaaz Andaz Apna Apna Andrei Rublev 1969 Directors Cut CD1 Andrei Rublev 1969 Directors Cut CD2 Angel Eyes Angel Heart Devil Face Angels In America - Chapter 1 Angels In America - Chapter 2 Angels In America - Chapter 3 Angels In America - Chapter 4 Angels In America - Chapter 5 Angels In America - Chapter 6 Angels With Dirty Faces 1938 Angels of the Universe Angelus Anger management Anglaise et le duc La (Rohmer Eric 2001) Angry Dogs AniMatrix Animals Are Beautiful People Anjaam Hindi Anna In Kungfu Land 2003 Anne Frank - The Whole Story CD1 Anne Frank - The Whole Story CD2 Annie Annie Get Your Gun Annie Hall 1977 Anniversary Party The Another 48 Hours Another Heaven CD1 Another Heaven CD2 AntiTrust Antikiller Antwone Fisher Any Given Sunday Anywhere But Here Anzio Aoi Haru Apartment The CD1 Apartment The CD2 Apocalypse Now - Redux Apollo 13 CD1 Apollo 13 CD2 Apollo 13 CD3 Appartement Le 1996 CD1 Appartement Le 1996 CD2 Appleseed 2004 Appolo13 April Fools Day Apsolutnih Sto Arachnophobia Aragami (2003) Arahan 2004 Aram Architekten Die 1990 Ariel 1988 Aristocats The Arizona Dream CD1 Arizona Dream CD2 Arlington Road Armageddon CD1 Armageddon CD2 Armata Brancaleone Le Arme des ombres Le (Jean-Pierre Melville 1969) CD1 Arme des ombres Le (Jean-Pierre Melville 1969) CD2 Army in the Shadows 1969 CD1 Army in the Shadows 1969 CD2 Aro Tolbukhin En la Mente del Asesino (Agustin Villaronga 2002) Around The World In 80 Days 2004 CD1 Around The World In 80 Days 2004 CD2 Around The World In 80 Days CD1 Around The World In 80 Days CD2 Arsene Lupin Arsenic And Old Lace 1944 Art Of War The Artemisia Arven (2003) CD1 Arven (2003) CD2 As Long As My Feet Will Carry Me CD1 As Long As My Feet Will Carry Me CD2 As bodas de Deus (1998) CD1 As bodas de Deus (1998) CD2 Asambhav Ascent The Asphalt Jungle The Assassins Asterix In Britain 1986 Asterix and Obelix Mission Cleopatra 2002 Astonishing (2004) At Close Range At Kende Sanheden Atlantis Atlantis - The Lost Empire Atlantis Milos Return 2003 Atlantis The Lost Empire Attack Attack The Gas Station Au Hasard Balthazar Audition The (1999 Japanese) Austin Powers - International Man Of Mystery Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me Austin Powers I Austin Powers in Goldmember Autumn Sonata 1978 Avalon (2001) Avanti (1972) Avassaladoras Avengers The Avenging Fist The Aventuras de Robinson Crusoe Las Aviator The Avventura La 1960 CD1 Avventura La 1960 CD2 Awaara CD1 Awaara CD2 Awara Paagal Deewana Awful Truth The Azul y Blanco Azumi 2003 CD1 Azumi 2003 CD2 |