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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Beguiled The

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Take warning by me
Don't go for a soldier
Don't join no army
For the dove she will leave you The raven will come
And death will come marching at the beat of the drum
Come all you pretty fair maids
Come walk in the sun
And don't let your young man ever carry a gun
[Distant Cannon Fire]
Oh, my God!
My daddy died that way.
Crawled off in the bushes and bled to death.
Maybe you were the cause.
Are you dyin', Mr. Yank?
Help me.
- What's your name, girl? - Amelia.
But everybody calls me Amy.
I'm Corporal John McBurney, but everybody calls me McB.
- How old are you, Amy? - Twelve.
Thirteen in September.
Old enough for kisses.
Don't give up now, Mr. Yank.
I mean, Mr. McB.
Just over there.
Miss Martha, that smoke's sure getting awful close.
You figure them Yanks is gonna burn this place down?
Hallie, don't talk that way. It's hard enough to get the girls to study.
Es-tu aujourd'hui a Paris?
I can't emphasize enough...
that French is a smilin' language.
Le mari de Marie est ici aujourd'hui a Paris.
you're not paying attention.
I'm sorry, Miss Edwina, but the war is soundin' so close.
Doris says, if the Yankees win...
they'll rape every one of us.
[Amy] Miss Martha!
Miss Martha!
[Bell Ringing]
[Amy] Help!
Miss Martha!
[Amy] Help!
He's dyin'!
How did he get here?
By the grace of God, ma'am.
The grace of God in the form of this here child.
What were you doin' off the school grounds?
Just pickin' some mushrooms. And I didn't notice how far...
You know the punishment for leaving the grounds.
Get him into the house. Come and help me.
[Amy] Miss Martha, I couldn't leave him there to die.
Well, you wouldn't have had to worry about it.
There'd have been one less enemy soldier.
[McB] Corporal John McBurney.
66th New York.
I surrender to the prettiest Confederates...
[Janie] A real blue belly.
There's only one way to tell if he's a Yank.
- How's that? - Take off his pants.
- Yanks have tails. - Doris, stop that nonsense!
Amy, run out ahead and open up the door.
And then come back and tie the blue rag on the gate.
Go on!
You hear that?
The blue rag's a signal for our local patrollers.
We're gonna feel awful proud turnin' one over to them.
- Is he dead? - Lizzie, why didn't you sound the alarm?
- You must have seen them crossin' the fields. - I was readin'...
The lookout is not a readin' room.
Get back up on that widow's walk.
If you see any of our soldiers comin', let me know at once.
Let's put him down on the steps.
Careful. There.
Doris, Abigail, get some sheets...
and make up the divan in the music room.
I'll go put the water on to boil.
Amy, will you put the blue rag on the gate as you were told?
Couldn't we wait a bit for that?
His pulse is weak and he's lost a lot of blood.
Gallons and gallons, Miss Martha.
They'd take him away... even though he's half dead.
They're not likely to be by again today...
and they'd wait until we'd dressed his wounds.
Will you do as I asked?
[Martha] If this war goes on much longer, I'll forget I ever was a woman.
The water's on to boil. Y'all wastin' your time.
I say we fix his leg, turn him over to the patrol.
He'll die in prison just the same.
[Raven Cawing]
[Hallie] Mr. Yankee...
there was enough iron in your leg to shoe a horse.
I'm afraid it's some time since the corporal had a bath.
I noticed. You ladies leave.
I'll get some clean water and wash him down.
I'll fetch one of my brother's nightshirts.
Come, Edwina.
I thought so.
Is he going to die?
Some day. But for now, he's quite all right.
I don't want anyone poking in here or lurking in the halls.
There's lots of mending to be done.
Into the parlor, all of you.
Pay no attention to them, Amy.
Did the ant kill the caterpillar?
No, they joined together and dragged him underground.
Probably to eat him.
I don't see what this has to do with that Yank you brought here.
I do.
The Yank's an intruder, just like the caterpillar.
And you should never have brought him here.
- I agree. He's probably a spy. - I doubt that, Janie.
Miss Edwina, aren't you afraid of that blue belly?
It's bad manners to call him a blue belly.
He has a name. Corporal John McBurney.
Call him by it.
I call him Mr. McB.
And I think he's ever so handsome.
I got him cleaned good to the waist.
I'll lift him...
and you put the nightshirt on him.
- All right, give me the other arm. - Yes, Miss Martha.
Help me.
Hold the sleeve and hold it up.
Yes, Miss Martha.
Now, pull off his pants.
Go ahead, Miss Martha. He's not made no different than your brother.
I have asked you never to speak of my brother.
Sorry, Miss Martha, I didn't mean nothin'.
The nightshirt recalled Master Miles to me.
Surprisin' it didn't you too. Surprisin' you brang this Yank into your house...
him bein' a man and all.
- I didn't want to. - [Clanging]
Soldiers on the road. They're our boys.
- All right, Lizzie. - Should I go back up?
No, I should have had you relieved before.
- Janie, I believe it's your watch. - May we go greet 'em?
No... don't want them to see you girls.
Come along, girls.
- What's the news? - We won. Grant's retreatin'.
Oh, thank God.
Get back here, Yank!
- No! - Shoot him!
Hold your fire!
Get him and throw him in the wagon.
[Captain] He was wantin' to be shot.
Prefers a quick death to a slow death in Fayette Prison.
That's where the poor devils are headed.
How many young ladies are here?
We have six students and a teacher.
I sure wouldn't advertise it if I were you.
Oh, you mean on the sign?
A lot of Yanks are separated from their units.
They're roamin' the woods and they're desperate.
You think Miss Martha is gonna tell 'em about Mr. McB?
'Course she'll tell 'em. That's why she went out there.
So, take care, ma'am.
- Captain! Captain... - Yes, ma'am?
Our prayers go with you.
Thank you, ma'am. Forward!
They're goin' on.
What name do you go by?
Well, you can call me McB.
Yank'll do fine.
You and I oughta be friends, Hallie.
How do you figure that?
Well, we're both kinda prisoners here, aren't we?
With one difference, Mr. Yank. I can run.
I love you, Mr. Crow...
but until your wing's mended, it's for your own good.
[Martha] You can lower it now.
I couldn't have operated this school without you.
- I'm very grateful to you. - I'm the one to be grateful.
You've given me the only home I have, Miss Martha.
Even after the war is over, it'll still be difficult for years to come.
I'll have to devote myself to runnin' the farm.
I'd like you to concentrate on building the school up again.
You've become very dear to me, Edwina.
And I'm prepared to make you a partner.
And provide in my will that you'll inherit full ownership.
Miss Martha...
that's unbelievably generous. I don't know what to say.
Well, there's not an ounce of generosity in it.
I need somebody capable and responsible.
You're my guarantee that the school will continue...
to bear my name and maintain my standards.
I don't know what to s... That's wonderful.
You know, you should pray for the North to win.
You don't like being a slave, do you?
No, do you?
Oh, I'm nobody's slave.
You mean, you just went out and got yourself shot up...
'cause you like being shot up?
Sometimes a man's gotta do things...
he doesn't particularly like.
Not if he's free, he don't.
And you white folks ain't killin' each other because you care about us niggers.
A white man's the same everywhere in this world.
You should say that men are the same everywhere, no matter what color.
Same as a beautiful...
What's goin' on?
Sounds like maybe they're makin' you a coffin.
How come you're not turnin' our Yankee in?
In his condition, he'd die in that Fayette Prison.
This'll hold him till he's better.
I could probably kick those shutters open with my bad leg.
Perhaps, Corporal, but not without bein' heard.
[Amy] Good night.
Back to your beds, instantly.
At least it gives her an opportunity...
to learn what a man's body feels like.
Go back to your room.
- How is he? - He has a fever.
You must be tired.
Wouldn't you like a chance to go to your closet?
I might sponge parts of him you wouldn't.
I knew what you were the minute you came to this school.
A hussy is a hussy.
You come in here again...
and you'll find your face in a bucket of water!
Do I smell eggs for breakfast?
Yes, Miss Edwina. Hallie says Mr. McB brought us luck.
Those hens finally laid some eggs.
You look very pretty, Edwina.
The corporal seems to be having an effect on all of us.
How is the corporal this morning?
How long is he gonna stay in the music room?
Till he is well enough to turn over to the patrollers.
I wanna practice my harp, but I can't with an enemy in the same room.
So that's the answer.
I always wondered what it would take to make you practice.
What's your name?
- Mine is... - Corporal John McBurney.
Now, how'd you know that?
You said so when you came here.
Did I?
Oh, I must've forgotten all about that.
You know, Edwina...
I got the strangest feeling that I'm a prisoner...
in some sort of girls' school.
It is a girls' school.
Well, you are an enemy soldier.
Are you the head of the school?
Lady in the portrait there.
Miss Martha Farnsworth.
- Who's the man with her? - Her brother, Miles.
Where's he?
He disappeared.
He's presumed dead.
There's no man around here at all?
I sure thank providence for sending me here...
rather than to one of your prisons.
I wish it were up to me what happens to you, but it isn't.
Miss Martha will decide.
Well, there's the little darlin' that saved my life.
Come on in. Sit down.
I can't.
Your room is out-of-bounds.
Oh, I told Randolph all about you.
The patrol.
But even if I sounded the alarm, Miss Martha wouldn't stop them.
It's treason!
Not tyin' on the blue rag to signal the patrol is treason.
Damn! Damn!
That was very nice.
You said there were no men around here. Who's Randolph?
Oh, I forgot about Randolph. I'm sure you'll meet him.
Who is he?
Randolph is a turtle.
He's a pet of Amy's.
Don't go. You may leave now...
and your soldiers might come or something. I may never see you again.
I don't even know your last name.
- Why are you afraid of me, Edwina? - I'm not.
Not really.
I mean, it has nothing to do with you.
[McB] It's just that I'm a Yankee now.
- I don't suppose Yankees are any different than other men. - Oh, I see.
So you're just afraid of men in general?
Not afraid, I just don't...
trust them.
Any of them.
It sounds like some man didn't treat you too kindly.
Only I would've bet that you'd never been in love.
Too bad you couldn't have bet. You'd have won.
Then how'd you get your unfair opinion of men?
I'd rather not talk about it.
We won't, then. How long have you been at this school?
Since I was fifteen. Seven years.
Except for Sunday church, I've rarely been away...
- from the school grounds for all those years. - I wonder...
if sometimes you don't think of yourself as a sleeping beauty in a castle...
waiting for a prince to free you...
with a kiss.
- I wish we didn't have to send him to prison. - We've no choice.
Harboring the enemy is a crime. A very serious crime.
- You must be Miss Farnsworth. - I am.
I was beginning to think you were avoiding me.
I wanted to thank you for all you've done, ma'am.
I don't want your thanks. I just want you well enough to turn over to the authorities.
- You certainly don't mince words. I like that. - Do you indeed?
Think it makes any difference to me whether you like it or not?
No, I guess it doesn't, but I still can't help being grateful.
Don't be.
It's simply a matter of ethics.
Something you probably wouldn't understand.
Well, you might be surprised, ma'am.
It was ethics that got me wounded in the first place.
How so?
Well, you see, ma'am, I'm a Quaker.
And I don't...
carry weapons into battle, I carry bandages.
And my company, we were fighting in this thicket...
and there was this wounded rebel officer...
who was trying to crawl away from the fire.
My duty was to stay with my men...
but my ethics wouldn't let me.
I carried that reb to safety. That's why I got shot.
Now, my conscience does bother me...
because I should've stayed with my own troops.
I feel like I deserted them, you might say.
Do your hands hurt you terribly?
Well, there's nothing more painful than burns, ma'am.
A few bottles left in my father's wine cellar.
If the pain gets too great, I'll ask Hallie to bring you some.
Does seem like a good occasion, and I would love some wine.
It was offered for your pain, not for your pleasure!
It's just that sometimes the two do go together.
Corporal McBurney...
you are not our guest, but a somewhat unwelcome visitor.
We don't propose to entertain you.
I don't expect it. It's just that I've been at war a long time.
It's been months since I've seen a woman's face.
You'll find I'm easily amused.
If you get any ideas of tryin' to amuse yourself with any of the ladies...
Wait just a minute...
You'll find yourself out on that road so fast you won't know what happened.
I'm not that kind of man. You know that.
I know nothing of the kind.
How long does it take you, ma'am...
to get to know someone?
To get to know me?
You'll never find out. You won't be here that long.
We'll continue our study of the Gospel according to Saint Luke, chapter 11.
"And it ca..."
- [Whispering] - Can't you wait until after Bible reading?
I really can't, Miss Martha.
All right, hurry back.
Chapter 11.
"And it came to pass, that as he was praying in a certain place...
"when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him...
Lord, teach us to pray as John also taught his disciples."
Well, well.
I just thought I'd introduce myself proper. I'm Carol.
Carol, that's about the nicest introduction I've ever had.
And to the prettiest girl. How old are you?
Seventeen, but I know a lot more than girls my age.
Oh, I'll bet you do.
Gotta get back to...
Bible readin'.
Say a prayer for me, will you?
I would, but I've no idea what you want.
The butter churned out to a good five pounds.
That ought to trade for a sack of flour. And we need flour bad.
Sweetener, too, Miss Martha.
If he doesn't have sugar, take molasses or honey.
You talk as though I didn't know how to barter with Phil MacPherson.
If he has 'em, I'll get 'em.
Hallie, you might shave Corporal McBurney.
I'm tired of lookin' at that stubble.
Bye, Miss Martha.
Good-bye, Miss Martha.
Mr. McB?
Mr. McB?
- Good mornin'. - Good morning, little friend.
Feelin' better, Mr. McB?
Well, I'm a little bit bed weary, that's all.
There's a pair of crutches in the barn.
Been there a long time. Should I get 'em for you?
Again, I'd be indebted to you, Amy.
Can you see him?
So that's Randolph, huh?
Yes. And I love him very much.
Not as much as you do me, I hope.
As much, but different.
Catch some flies for him to eat...
- while I'm gone. - Bye.
If livin' was a thing that money could buy
Don't you know the rich would live, Lord, before we die
All my troubles
Is that all you're gonna give?
Guess you're dryin' up like the rest of us women around here.
What you after in this barn, Miss Amy?
Those crutches.
For Mr. McB.
You get permission from Miss Martha?
Well, I think we should refuse to work the garden...
till Miss Martha stops givin' food to the enemy of the Confederacy.
The Bible says, "Love thy enemy."
Can't let a man like that starve to death.
Ain't enough of them now.
Miss Doris...
that thing in your hand is for hoein', not leanin'.
It's nigger work! And it's ruinin' my hands.
Why, I'll never be able to play the harp again.
That nigger work is what feed us.
And if we don't get enough of it...
you're goin' where you can play your harp your whole livelong day.
Like to suck a raw egg while I shave you? Lt'll give you energy.
Sure. Thanks.
You get the thanks. Those hens hadn't laid for months 'fore you came.
You must got rooster blood in you.
Judging by my boots and uniform, I don't have any blood in me.
Miss Martha said I should shave you.
But I ain't so sure.
I don't think the Lord wanted a man's face all smooth like a baby's bottom.
That's why he gave him whiskers.
- Might be a sin to shave that growth off. - Then don't do it.
Sinning oughta be saved for much more important things.
I better shave you. Miss Martha give me my orders.
Not the Lord.
And even without whiskers...
you wouldn't look half bad for a white man.
I like hearin' you laugh, Hallie.
My Ben used to say that.
Who's Ben, your husband?
No, we weren't rightly married, but we sure loved each other.
- Did he die? - Don't know. He run off a long time back.
Miss Martha's brother...
he decided to sell Ben off.
So, Ben run away.
So, he finally got us separated all the same.
Listen, Hallie, you help me get away from here...
and I'll try to find out what happened to your Ben.
Even if I have to go to General Grant personally.
You trust me now, Hal.
I'll think on it, Mr. Yank.
Oh, let me help you. You all right?
Oh, yeah. I just overdid it a little, that's all.
Well, sit down.
- There. - Thank you.
- All right? - Won't you sit down for a minute?
No, I can't. I have a class in a minute.
Just for that minute, then, please. Come on.
I woke up this morning wondering if you could possibly be...
as lovely and sweet as you were last night.
But now I see you're even prettier than I remembered.
Edwina, one way or the other I'm gonna have to leave here...
pretty soon.
There isn't time enough to get to know each other in the normal way.
So I've got to ask you something I wouldn't ordinarily ask you.
See, I've never felt this way about anybody before.
I mean, you're somebody I've always wanted to meet.
And if I'm gonna be in prison...
or somewhere else, I don't want to just keep...
thinking and hoping, if nothing's gonna happen.
I mean, if I'm just another Billy Yank enemy...
You're not. I like you very much.
[Lizzie] Miss Martha's back!
- How did you get those crutches, Corporal? - I brung them to him.
You had no business doing it without being told. Who let him out of the room?
I was told to shave him and it was too dark in that boarded-up room.
Well, at least it's some improvement.
I'm sorry I let her shave me, ma'am.
I've always felt the Lord didn't intend...
for a man's face to be smooth as a baby's bottom.
- Go unload the buggy. - Yes, ma'am.
And thanks to you, I've got most of my strength back.
What do you think of that?
That it's a foolish waste of energy.
Come help me bring in the supplies.
I'd be glad to, ma'am.
There's a lot of things I could do...
to repay you for savin' me.
There's just about nothin' I don't like about farming.
And I have a great respect for land.
It really used to grieve me when our outfit was movin' this way.
And I could see what this war was doin' to this fine land.
Grieves me too. I used to enjoy ridin' through our fields...
seein' them rich with crops.
There are things that could use a man's help.
Thank you, ma'am. You won't regret it, I guarantee you.
There are enough of us to keep an eye on you during the day...
but at night...
we'll lock you up again.
Well, of course. I'd expect that.
You can take the buggy now, Hallie.
You'll need some clothes.
Come on, Mae.
Can't have you hobbling around the girls in that.
Come on, Mae.
- I'll get you some things that belonged to my brother. - You're an angel, ma'am.
An absolute angel.
Thank you.
You've been a great help.
[Edwina] The napkin should not be fastened at the neck.
It should be laid conveniently across the lap.
And one corner should be lifted to wipe the mouth.
Men who wear a mustache are obliged to manipulate a napkin in a vigorous manner...
Miss Edwina?
...which would be unpardonable in a lady.
- Yes? - Permission to go to my closet?
- But nowhere else. - Of course not.
Now, we will all demonstrate the proper use of a napkin.
Very nice.
- 'Morning. - Well, good morning to you.
Games for two are more fun.
Oh, now you surprise me.
Never thought you'd be afraid to kiss a girl.
Well, my mother told me it might just stunt my growth.
Well, maybe your mama was right. You are well-developed.
I'd have to say the same about you.
Well, it's not the same.
I mean your shoulders and arms, you seem to be all muscle.
I bet there's not a soft spot on you.
She's not in her room.
Not even in the music room as I expected.
But then, neither is the blue belly.
Doris will take charge.
You're obviously very hard to resist, Carol...
but I'm not anxious to have my head on a chopping block.
What about later on tonight, when everybody's asleep?
What about it?
I just happen to have a room to myself.
In the attic. Can you walk up stairs?
I suppose, but I couldn't walk through a locked door.
Oh, I forgot about that.
I just thought I'd pay our guest a little visit.
He wanted to know what class you were teachin'.
And I told him etiquette.
And how to behave like a lady under all circumstances.
All that anger in those pretty green eyes?
I told you before, I don't trust any man.
Did you ask her if she looks upon you as a Billy Yank enemy?
Or if she's waiting for a prince to awaken her with a kiss?
Now, come on, that's nonsense. She doesn't mean a thing to me.
Just passing time, talking with her, that's all.
Same as my father said to my mother.
"They mean nothin' to me.
I was only amusin' myself."
Oh, so your father was the man?
No. No, Johnny.
I know how I feel.
If you don't feel the same way, just tell me.
You know how I feel.
When the war's over, I'll come back and get you.
- Please, Johnny, don't say that unless you mean it. - You know I mean it.
[Edwina] Oh. Oh, no.
Johnny, no. Oh.
[McB's Voice] When the war's over, I'll come back and get you.
If you'll let me.
- Please, Johnny, don't say that unless you mean it. - You know I mean it.
Oh. Oh, no.
Oh. Oh, I can't.
Not like this. Not without being sure.
Maybe when the war's over.
It's just that I never have before. Don't be angry.
If you still feel the same way...
There's riders out in front. Maybe three or four of them.
It's probably just the patrollers.
Or the girl on lookout, she would've sounded the alarm.
- They've stopped. - They often do.
They water their horses, and then they ride on.
I better get back before I'm missed.
Miss Martha!
Miss Martha!
Hold it, Yank!
Hell, I ain't no Yank.
Who are you? What're you doin' here?
Hurry, Miss Martha! Hurry!
I was wounded...
on leave from Gregg's Texans, Longstreet's Corps.
- How come you're not in uniform? - How come you're not?
- What's going on there? - We caught him.
Why, Sam Jepson!
This is my cousin you've heard me talk about.
- It's my cousin. - Cousin Martha, I always figured you looked down...
on the Texas side of the family.
It pleases me that you... that you talk about us.
Of course, I didn't say what I said about you.
Can you explain this, Miss Farnsworth?
- No, I can't explain it. - It was tied on the gates.
I've no idea.
Unless it was one of the girls as a joke.
[Jepson] These aren't times for joking.
One of my men could've been killed, or your cousin.
I know, Sam.
The girl who's responsible will be severely punished.
Take my word for it.
Well, I do, ma'am.
Thank you, Sam.
I'm sorry this happened.
You were splendid, ma'am, absolutely splendid.
You were quite splendid yourself, Corporal.
Your accent was pure Texas.
I wonder who put this rag on the gate.
I don't know, but you can bet I didn't.
Now that you've got your strength back...
there's no reason to serve your meals in bed.
You'll have supper with us tonight.
Whatever you say, ma'am.
[McB] I can't remember when...
I've ever been in such delightful company.
You young ladies are a fine tribute...
to the excellence of your head mistress...
to whom I will always be indebted.
- You needn't be. - But I will, ma'am.
I used to make more use of my legs than most men.
Take dancing for instance.
I could wear out the arm of any fiddler.
If we had dancing here in the school...
I could teach the girls waltzes, reels, polkas.
[McB] Almost anything you could mention.
- Miss Martha, could we have a dance class? - Yes, please?
- Can we? - I'll take it under consideration.
We haven't had as lively a meal as this in a long time.
- I think it's disgraceful, eatin' with the enemy. - So do I, Miss Martha.
You girls might have said something before supper.
- You may both be excused to go to your room. - Ma'am, let them stay.
They're just voicing their patriotism. Doris and Janie...
I admire your father fighting for the cause he thinks right.
If nobody's gonna finish those mushrooms, I could manage.
Please do, Corporal.
Amy picked them for you.
Thank you, Amy.
I'm particularly partial to mushrooms.
Now, I'm sorry...
but I must turn to something unpleasant.
Today, somebody tied the blue rag...
Girls, into the kitchen.
Edwina, fetch the pistol. It's in my room.
Hallie, go with them.
Hide yourself upstairs, Corporal.
If it's Union troops, you holler.
I'll make sure nothing happens to anyone.
- They're our soldiers. - Thank God!
- Can you make it up the stairs? - Yeah.
- I'll help him. - No, you won't! Get in the kitchen.
- Let me have that pistol. - No, I have to take it to Miss Martha.
- You care about what happens to me, don't ya? - I don't want you shot.
Come in, Captain. Sorry to keep you waiting.
That's all right, ma'am. It's been a long time...
since I've had to wait for such a pretty lady.
This vicinity's gonna be left unprotected.
Our boys gotta pull out for Champion's Hill...
before them damn Yankees, beg your pardon...
and secure the road to Vicksburg.
Why have you come here?
We heard about your school...
and since we were scouting in this area...
we decided to stop and see if we could be of any...
Thank you, Captain, but everything is fine here.
It seems to me as how you might be afraid of being molested by Yankees.
I could leave a couple of my boys to sleep in your barn.
That's generous, but it won't be necessary.
I don't mind staying with the ladies.
Y'all go on ahead. I'll catch up.
You're very kind, but we cannot take you from your duties.
It seems to me as how it might serve some military purpose...
for someone to stay behind, and kinda out of sight.
- That's right. - I might stay myself.
Now, Scoggins, suppose you ride back and tell the colonel.
No, I cannot permit it.
One or two of you would be no protection.
Your presence here might draw attention to us...
and provoke the Yankees into burning us down.
Good night, gentlemen. Thank you for your concern.
I'd be right proud...
to pay my compliments to them young ladies.
[Martha] That is very gentlemanly of you, Captain.
I'll tell them. Good night.
Come on, boys.
God bless you, gentlemen.
Good night.
It's all right. They left.
I love you so much.
Were you scared, Miss Martha?
- I almost died, I was so scared. - So was I.
Go up to your rooms.
I think it's treason to talk that way about our own boys.
[Amy] Oh, Doris, you think everything is treason.
Don't argue, girls. Hallie...
- bring a bottle of wine to the parlor. - Yes, Miss Martha.
Today's been quite a strain.
Oh, give me the pistol.
[McB] Good night, young ladies.
[Girls] Good night, Mr. McB.
Good night, Mr. McB.
Will you come hear our prayers?
- I'm too excited to sleep. - Me too.
Go on to your rooms. I'll be there presently.
Oh, I see you can manage stairs.
You know, they leave the key in your door.
I could slip down and unlock it.
You'd find me much more interesting than Miss Edwina.
You little devil.
You're the one who tried to get me caught today.
you shouldn't do things that make me jealous.
Would you care for some wine, Corporal?
- I'd be honored, ma'am. - Do help yourself.
It's on the table.
I must say, you showed great courage tonight.
They were our soldiers. There was no danger.
I think I know a little more about that than you do, ma'am.
And believe me, there was danger.
If you'd have shown any weakness...
tonight's episode could've had a different ending.
I toast you. You're a remarkable, beautiful woman.
Amy, you should've finished your prayers long ago.
I was praying for Mr. McB too.
[Janie] But it's wrong to pray for the enemy.
- My father says that God's on our side. - So he is.
He's on the side of people everywhere.
No more talking. Put out your candle, Amy.
- Good night, Miss Edwina. - Good night.
I've been thinking, Corporal.
I've been thinking, Corporal.
This place needs a man, someone who knows farming.
How to handle farm hands.
Thinking about giving up the school, ma'am?
Oh, no.
But there won't be money for tuition, not for a long time.
But there will be money for anything we can grow.
Northern money.
When my brother and I ran this place...
there were good northern markets for anything we could raise.
he isn't here now. Never will be.
And I am?
Yes, you are.
Would you be interested in staying on here, Corporal?
Yes, I would.
Why were we all scared of our own soldiers?
All armies have some men who aren't nice.
Now get to sleep.
- Good night, Lizzie. - Good night.
I want to take your brother's place, but I must warn you.
It won't be easy to act like a brother.
I'll try not to dictate...
your personal behavior, Corporal.
And the joys we shared
As we tarried there
No lover has ever
Edwina, listen to me!
No, no, no!
You lying son-of-a-bitch!
You bastard! You filthy lecher!
I hope you're dead!
I hope you're dead!
Dead... dead.
[Martha] I want all discussion of what happened tonight...
to end now.
There are more urgent matters.
Do you think he's in much pain, Miss Martha?
[Martha] No, not after all the wine and laudanum we've given him.
He can't feel anything.
Why do you want him...
in the dining room, Miss Martha?
I need him there to work on his leg.
[McB Mumbling]
His leg's not only fractured, the bone is splintered.
If the best doctors couldn't set it so it healed...
I certainly can't.
[McB] You're well-bosomed.
You stop your drunken chatter.
Now lift the harness and slide him on the table.
Don't be jealous about it. You're well-bosomed too.
Sweet and ladylike. So round and perky.
I hate you, Miss Martha!
Another teaspoon of laudanum should put him to sleep.
Give it to him.
[Amy Crying]
And now, Amy, you will go to your room...
and you will not come out until you are told.
And if I ever want your opinion, I'll ask for it!
I didn't say nothing.
I think you did. I think you spoke very loudly!
Girls, go directly to your rooms.
Edwina, Hallie, Carol...
stay here and don't take your eyes off him.
That shouldn't be hard for you to do.
I've reached a very difficult decision.
I hope it's the right one.
By this time tomorrow, his leg will be starting to mortify.
There's no death worse than one from gangrene...
and I cannot let him die...
inch-by-inch in screaming agony.
The only way to prevent that is to amputate.
- That mean you gonna cut off his leg? - Yes.
But you ain't a doctor.
If he lives and blames you for making him a cripple, what you gonna say?
He would rather lose a leg than his life.
Can you be sure he'd die if you don't?
I'm sure.
What if he dies as a result of the operation?
My conscience would be clear.
It wouldn't be if I let him die...
and did nothing to try and save him.
I suppose if we made the cut...
above the popliteal division instead of below...
we'd have fewer arteries to contend with.
There's goin' to be bleeding no matter where you cut.
We see a vessel bleeding, we tie it with thread.
If you're going to do it, do it and be done with it!
Turn his face away from me.
There is some frailty in you.
Dear Lord, we ask that you bless our efforts.
Mr. McB, are you coming around?
I can tell it's night...
when the stars come out.
And I can tell it's morning...
when your freckles come in the room.
I must tell Miss Martha.
Miss Martha! Miss Martha!
Miss Edwina!
- Come along and watch. Hallie's going to bury it. - Bury what?
What do you think? The leg!
He's awake, Miss Martha.
I know you're expecting an apology...
and you certainly deserve it...
after the way I abused your hospitality.
But first could you fix the splints...
on my leg?
- It hurts so much. - There are no splints.
How do you fix a broken leg without splints?
The pain is...
We saved your life, and you complain of pain.
But nobody dies of a broken leg.
If gangrenous, they do.
We had a choice:
Either let you die in agony...
or remove the leg.
You're just trying to punish me.
The Lord knows I deserve it...
but I know my legs are all right.
I can feel 'em all the way down to my toes.
It's a shock. It has to be.
- But you're too intelligent... - You dirty bitch!
Just because I didn't go to your bed.
Just because I went to someone else's bed.
I should have let you die screaming!
Why should I have denied myself after all I'd been through?
You wanted to be so much the goddamn lady!
The virgin bitch.
Get out of here. Get out of here!
[Distant Singing]
What do you think it is, Miss Martha?
[Martha] It's a Union soldier camp.
Don't tell the other girls.
No need to frighten them. There's nothing we can do.
[Amy] A cypress root is hard to cut, but it'll last forever.
That's why I picked it.
I found the tree...
not far from where your soldiers are camped.
Union troops? Where?
About three-miles north.
I haven't heard any sounds of any battle.
Must mean the rebels have retreated.
That's what Miss Martha said.
- Mr. McB? - Hmm?
About Carol.
Yeah, what about her?
She said...
you forced your way into her room and...
And that you...
Do you believe her?
but you were in her room. Why?
And she was all naked.
And I thought you loved me.
And I do, Amy.
Amy, go to your room.
Removing the ligatures will be painful.
- Do you want some laudanum? - No thanks, kind lady.
I'll fall asleep, and then you might cut off...
my other leg.
I'd welcome some wine, though.
You might welcome it, but you won't get it.
Undo your trouser leg.
Where's your virgin assistant?
Didn't she want to stay to finish the job?
Miss Edwina has no interest in what happens to you.
Young ladies, come get ready to eat.
- Who is it? - Carol.
I'm sorry about what happened.
- I want you to know that. - Don't think a thing of it.
I've just been thinking about...
all the advantages...
a one-legged man has.
He saves on socks.
Doesn't have to worry about trimming as many toenails.
Fewer corns and bunions.
I've even been contemplating...
asking her to cut off the other leg.
What happened makes no difference to me.
I know it won't hinder you romantically.
I'm sure a one-legged man...
or even a no-legged man...
can enjoy himself that way, same as any man.
I'll do anything for you.
Then unlock this door.
I got some things I want to do.
But somebody might see me.
Do it while everyone else is eating.
- But they'd know it was me. - No, they won't.
They'll just think somebody forgot to lock it.
All right, I'll try.
How long are you gonna keep him here?
As long as Union troops are in the area.
If he's here, he can't give information about us.
But sooner or later...
they'll find the school anyway, won't they?
Not if our troops drive them back.
I'm praying for that, and when it happens the corporal will...
Sit right where you are, all of you!
Well, hello, Miss Farnsworth.
I've gotten most of my strength back.
With a little wine from your cellar, I'll get the rest.
According to the new rules around here...
I'm gonna have the run of this place.
One is that I'm going to be with any young lady...
that desires my company.
If you have any objections...
I'm gonna locate the Union cavalry...
and tell 'em about some of the goodies...
especially the bedding-down variety.
Don't get any ideas about closing the door on me.
I'm liable to just blow one of your ears off.
Unless I miss and hit one of your pretty eyes.
You're wrong to blame her. Your leg was busted bad.
You don't have to be afraid of being sent to prison now.
Why don't you leave this place?
Not till I've had my fill.
You're a damn handsome woman. Maybe I'll start with you.
[McB] Go on down to the cellar.
I've been having a run of bad luck lately.
I understand the way to fix that is to have a black woman.
Then white boy...
you better like it with a dead black woman...
'cause that's the only way you'll get it from this one.
Almighty God...
I ask that this school and its occupants...
escape thy total wrath.
Be quiet and sit down.
Hallie, Janie's on watch. I want her here.
- Close the door behind you. - What can we do?
- I'm so scared. - I know, dear.
He told me he was gonna kill me if I made any noise.
And he forced me to do what he wanted.
We understand, Carol.
He made me do the most terrible things.
Where the hell is everybody?
Edwina, you go sit in my chair.
Hallie, stay by me.
We must give him no provocation.
Well, well.
All the little seminar darlings.
What is the good lady "seminaring" you in now?
Mister Johnny, please. Why don't you just leave!
Yes, take your possessions with you.
And my leg! Can I take that with me?
You girls know why Miss Dabney there...
knocked me down the stairs.
That's because I went to Carol's room instead of hers.
And do you know how I got out of my room in the first place?
Because this fine lady, Miss Farnsworth, unlocked my door...
so I could go to her room.
And do you know why Miss Farnsworth...
chopped off my leg and left me a cripple?
So I could stay on here, and be at her beck and call.
The picture in this locket.
- Is that your sweetheart? - That's my brother.
- That wasn't the question. - You stole that.
Give it back to me, please.
Why would I want to give it back?
It belonged to my mother.
I found it with a stack of letters with a blue ribbon...
- tied around it. - You read his letters?
- You beast! - That's right!
But I don't run a school for young girls!
These girls might like to know what kind of woman runs this place!
Mr. McB, Randolph hasn't eaten in days!
You could get him to!
You tryin' to wheedle that woman?
God in heaven, child, I didn't mean to do that.
Stay away from me! I hate you!
Condemned me, that's what you've done.
To bitterness and drink, and doing mean things.
Why the hell didn't you just castrate me?
- Where are you going? - To him. He needs help.
Not from you!
I will not let you make a fool of yourself!
What do you want?
I love you.
I love you!
Perhaps when he's sober again, he'll be more reasonable.
Perhaps together we can persuade him to leave.
You said he might send Yankee soldiers here.
Yes, you're quite right, Janie.
Yes, we can't take that risk.
No one in this house is safe as long as he remains here.
The only question now is how to rid ourselves of him.
Enemy soldiers are always shot.
With what? He's got the only gun.
Tie him up when he's asleep...
and take him into the woods.
Just leave him there to die of thirst and hunger?
I think that would be too cruel, Miss Martha.
If he were tied up, why couldn't we hang him?
Oh, any such action would be too drastic.
None of us would want to be responsible for his death.
Or even be capable of it.
if we were to prepare him an excellent supper...
and said that we wanted to make it up to him.
you could prepare your savory chicken.
And Amy...
could pick some mushrooms.
They're his favorite dish...
and we could prepare them...
especially for him.
Do you think you could do that, Amy?
I know just where to find 'em.
I was surprised at your supper invitation, Miss Farnsworth.
I didn't know whether to accept or not.
I said and did some ugly things today.
I'm sober now.
I've told Edwina, and I want to tell you...
and the rest of the girls how much I apologize.
We accept your apology, Corporal.
But I think now it's best if we don't speak about it.
Now, would you care to say grace...
Good bread, good meat...
good God, let's eat.
God, we thank you for what we're about to receive...
and we hope that the drums that divide us will soon be silent.
Now, everybody eat before Hallie's chicken gets cold.
Pass the biscuits to Corporal McBurney. Pass the mushrooms, Amy.
Amy picked them especially for you.
Thank you, Amy.
Amy, I feel miserable about what happened today.
Anything I could do...
to bring back your turtle, I sure would.
But you must understand, it was the wine that...
- turned loose the devils in me. - I do understand.
That's why I picked the mushrooms.
Mmm... and are they good, Amy.
They taste of the woods and the clean air...
and mysterious shadows where pretty elves dance together.
What a romantic way to speak of mushrooms.
The first Union troops I meet up with...
I'm gonna ask them if they'll post a guard around the school.
They do that for friendly Southerners.
What do you mean, "meet up with"?
I mean, tomorrow morning at dawn I'll be leaving.
[Edwina] I'll see that...
he doesn't forget to do that good turn.
I'm leaving with him.
We're going to be married.
That's right.
She asked me and I said yes.
No, I didn't!
Congratulations to you both.
But have you forgotten you're a partner here?
and I'll be grateful to you all my life.
But I love him.
I have to go with him.
[Martha] It's only natural...
but supposing you do meet the soldiers.
Whether they're Confederate or Union...
he won't be able to protect you. What will happen to you?
I've lived with the war for a long time.
It doesn't frighten me.
We're spoiling everybody's supper.
And Amy picked these mushrooms especially for me.
Edwina, will you have some?
And pass it on to the other girls.
No, Edwina!
Oh, my God!
Girls, finish your meal.
[Martha] Lizzie, that is not the stitch I showed you.
Watch how Doris does it.
[Doris] See, Lizzie?
[Doris] See, Lizzie?
You run the needle through both sides...
then lock the stitch underneath, like this.
That's the way I did it.
No, it's not. Try it again.
Doesn't look as if he suffered much.
I'm sure he didn't, Carol.
[Martha] I think probably his heart just gave out.
He was in a very weakened condition.
I love you.
[Lizzie] But I thought the mushrooms killed him.
You think I can't tell bad mushrooms from good ones?
And Mr. McB said himself how delicious they were.
Lizzie, Amy...
open the gates.
Come all you pretty fair maids
Come walk in the sun
- Do we have classes today, Miss Martha? - I don't see why not.
And don't let your young man ever carry a gun
Come all you young fellows
Take warning by me
Don't go for a soldier
Don't join no army
For the dove she will leave you
The raven will come
And death will come marching
At the beat of the drum
[Distant Drums]
[Dove Cooing]
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Babylon 5 1x12 By Any Means Necessary
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Babylon 5 1x15 Grail
Babylon 5 1x16 Eyes
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Babylon 5 1x18 A voice in the wilderness - Part 1
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Big Mommas House
Big Nihgt
Big Shot - A Confessions of a Campus Bookie 2002
Big Sleep The
Big clock The 1948
Big girls dont cry
Biker boyz
Billy Elliot
Billy Madison 1995
Biloxi blues
Bingwoo 2004 CD1
Bingwoo 2004 CD2
Bio Dome
Bio Hunter
Bio Zombie
Bionicle 2 A Legends of Metru-Nui
Bionicle Mask Of Light 2003
Birch Tree Meadow The
Bird People in China The 1998 CD1
Bird People in China The 1998 CD2
Bird on a wire
Bishops Wife The 1947 CD1
Bishops Wife The 1947 CD2
Bite the bullet
Bitter Sugar (Azucar amarga)
Black Angel
Black Sabbath
BlackAdder 1x1 - The Foretelling
BlackAdder 1x2 - Born to be King
BlackAdder 1x3 - The Archbishop
BlackAdder 1x4 - The Queen of Spains Beard
BlackAdder 1x5 - Witchsmeller Pursuivant
BlackAdder 1x6 - The Black Seal
BlackAdder 2x1 - Bells
BlackAdder 2x2 - Head
BlackAdder 2x3 - Potato
BlackAdder 2x4 - Money
BlackAdder 2x5 - Beer
BlackAdder 2x6 - Chains
BlackAdder 4x1 - Captain Cook
BlackAdder 4x2 - Corporal Punishment
BlackAdder 4x3 - Major Star
BlackAdder 4x4 - Private Plane
BlackAdder 4x5 - General Hospital
BlackAdder 4x6 - Goodbyeee
BlackAdder Christmas Carol 1988
BlackAdder The Cavalier Years
BlackAdder the Third 3x1
BlackAdder the Third 3x2
BlackAdder the Third 3x3
BlackAdder the Third 3x4
BlackAdder the Third 3x5
BlackAdder the Third 3x6
Black Adder V - Back and Forth
Black Christmas
Black Hawk Down
Black Mask
Black Mask 2
Black Orpheus
Black Rain CD1
Black Rain CD2
Black Sheep
Black Widow 1987
Black and White (1998)
Blackout The 1997 CD1
Blackout The 1997 CD2
Blade 3 - Trinity
Blade Of Fury
Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD1
Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD2
Blade Runner Directors Cut
Blair Witch Project The
Blame It On Rio
Blast From The Past 1999
Blast from the Past
Blazing Saddles
Blazing Sun (1960) CD1
Blazing Sun (1960) CD2
Bless The Child
Blind Beast
Blind Chance (1987) CD1
Blind Chance (1987) CD2
Blind Spot Hitlers Secretary (2002)
Blind date
Blob The 1988
Blood Crime
Blood Wedding (1981)
Blood Work
Blood and Black Lace
Blow 2001 CD1
Blow 2001 CD2
Blow Dry 2001
Blown Away 1994 CD1
Blown Away 1994 CD2
Blue (Derek Jarman)
Blue Car
Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Movie
Blue Max The CD1
Blue Max The CD2
Blue Moon
Blue Planet The 1
Blue Planet The 2 - The Deep
Blue Planet The 3 - Open Ocean
Blue Planet The 4 - Frozen Seas
Blue Spring 2001
Blue Velvet
Blue juice 1995
Blue thunder
Blues Brothers The (1980) CD1
Blues Brothers The (1980) CD2
Blues Harp
Boat Trip - Feedback Overflow
Bob Le Flambeur 1955
Bob Marley Story - Rebel Music
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Body Double
Body Heat
Body The
Boiler Room
Bola El
Bone Collector The
Bonnie and Clyde
Book of Fate The
Book of Pooh The
Boondock Saints The
Boot Das 1981 CD1
Boot Das 1981 CD2
Born Romantic
Boucher Le
Bourne supremacy The-1CD
Boxcar Bertha
Boy Who Saw The Wind The
Boys and Girls
Boyz N the Hood
Branca de Neve
Bread and Roses
Breakfast Club The
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Breakin all the rules
Breaking Away
Bride with White Hair The
Bridge Man The CD1
Bridge Man The CD2
Bright Future
Broadway Danny Rose
Brother (Takeshi Kitano)
Brother Sun Sister Moon 1972
Brother from Another Planet The 1984
Brotherhood Of The Wolf
Brothers The
Buena Estrella La (Lucky Star)
Buffalo Soldiers
Bug 1975
Bugs Bunny - Baseball Bugs (1946)
Bugs Bunny - Big Top Bunny (1951)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid (1942)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears (1944)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs and Thugs (1954)
Bugs Bunny - Bully for Bugs (1953)
Bugs Bunny - Frigid Hare (1949)
Bugs Bunny - Hair-Raising Hare (1946)
Bugs Bunny - Haredevil Hare (1948)
Bugs Bunny - Long Haired Hare (1949)
Bugs Bunny - My Bunny Lies Over the Sea (1948)
Bugs Bunny - Rabbits Kin (1952)
Bugs Bunny - Tortoise Wins by a Hare (1943)
Bugs Bunny - Wabbit Twouble (1941)
Bugs Bunny - Water Water Every Hare (1952)
Bugs Bunny - Whats Up Doc (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Fire (1951)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Seasoning (1952)
Bugs Bunny and Elmer - Rabbit of Seville (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Taz - Devil May Hare (1954)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Ballot Box Bunny (1951)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Big House Bunny (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Bunker Hill Bunny (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - High Diving Hare (1949)
Bugs Life A
Bullet Ballet
Bullet in the Head
Bulletproof Monk 2003
Bullets Over Broadway
Bully (Unrated Theatrical Edition)
Burning Paradise (Ringo Lam 1994)
Burnt Money
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid A Special Edition
Butchers Wife The