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Subtitles for BlackAdder 4x5 - General Hospital.

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BlackAdder 4x5 - General Hospital

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I deliver perfection...|and don't brag about it! :D
Ready, march!
Eyes... right!
Eyes, right!
I spy with my little eye
something beginning with..."M".
Mmmm... Mmm...
- Mmmuh...|- Mmmuuu...
- Ya, ya!|- Mmuu... Mmuu...
Oh, I say, well done, Sir. Your turn.
I spy with my bored little eye|something beginning with "T".
- Breakfast!|- What?
My breakfast always begins with tea,|then I have a little sausage,
then a egg with some little soldiers.
Baldrick, when I said it begins with "T",
I was talking about a letter.
Nah, it never begins with a letter.
The postman don't come 'til 10:30.
I can't go on with this.
- George, take over.|- All right, Sir.
Um... I spy with my little eye
something beginning with "R".
For God's sake, Baldrick!
"Army" starts with an "A".
He's looking for something|that starts with an "R".
A motorbike starts|with a "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrm"!
All right, right, right, right.
My turn again.
What begins with "come here"
and ends with "ow"?
I don't know.
Come here.
Well done.
No, I don't think you've quite got
the hang of this game,|to be honest, Sir.
I tell you what,|let's try another one.
Um... I hear with my little ear,
um, something beginning with "B".
I can't hear a bomb.
Listen very carefully.
Ah, yes.
Come on, then.
All right, and then you can|tell me what you think,
but be honest now.
- I will!|- All right, then.
{y:i}Dear uncle H., how are you?
Yeah, it's good, isn't it?
{y:i}It's beastly rotten luck|{y:i}being laid up here,
{y:i}but everyone's very nice,
{y:i}and at least now I can|{y:i}write to you every day.
Oh, then I put in|a silly bit about, um...
What? What?
No, it's, um...
Oh, come on, you can tell me.
{y:i}And the nurse is an absolute peach.
Anyway,|{y:i}After the explosion,
{y:i}Captain Blackadder was marvellous.
{y:i}He joked and joked.
{y:i}'You lucky, lucky, lucky bastard!'
{y:i}he cried, then he lay on his back,
{y:i}stuck his foot over|{y:i}the top of the trench
{y:i}and shouted, 'Over here, Fritz!|{y:i}What about me?'
Well, Captain Blackie does indeed
sound a most witty|and courageous chap.
Yes, and he's very amusing|and brave, as well,
not to mention being as clever|as a chap with three heads!
Thanks ever so much.
You really are terribly kind,
as well as being dash pretty, to boot.
A fluffy pillow and a big cheery smile
is the least my lovely boysies deserve.
Now, you take a little trip to dozeyland.
You've got visitors coming
and we don't want to be|all tired and cross, do we?
Absolutely not, no.
It'll be so jolly to see|Baldrick and the Cap' again.
They'll have been worried|sick about me, you know.
All right, where is|the malingering git?
Hello, Cap! Pip pip, Balders!
Here I lie.
Nice to see the lieutenant|looking so well, Sir.
Of course he's looking well.|There's nothing wrong with him.
Didn't I tell you the Captain|was a super cove!
You did!
Well, Captain,|you are indeed fortunate
to have a loyal friend|like darling Georgie.
Mm, I think you might be under
a slight misapprehension here, Nurse.
I lost closer friends than "darling Georgie"
the last time I was deloused.
Now, if you'll excuse me,|I've got better things to do
than exchange pleasantries|with a wet blanket.
Would you get out?
We've got some important|military business.
Well, 10 minutes only, then.
Right, porkface, where's the grub?
Come on, the moment that|collection of inbred mutants
you call your relatives|heard you were sick,
they'll have sent you a hamper|the size of Westminster Abbey.
My family is not inbred!
Come on, somewhere outside|Saffron-Waldon
there's an uncle who's|seven feet tall with no chin
and an Adam's apple|that makes him look
as though he's constantly|trying to swallow a ballcock.
I have not got any uncles like that!
Anyway, he lives in Walton-on-the-Naze.
Well, exactly. Now, where's the tuck?
Well, there were one or two things, yes.
There was, uh, a potted turkey,
a cow in jelly, three tinned sheep,
and, uh, 1,200 chocolates.
- But, in my weakened state...|- Yes?
- L, uh, I ate them.|- What?!
Well, Nurse Mary nibbled a trotter or two,
but oh, Cap, she's such wonderful girl.
She helps me with all my letters.
She can do all the German spelling,
and she's terribly good at punctuation.
I don't care if she can sing
{y:i}I May Be A Tiny Chimney Sweep|{y:i}But I've Got An Enormous Brush.
Come on, Baldrick.
The only thing we're going to get
for free around here is dysentery.
But, Sir, I haven't given
Lieutenant George my bunch of flowers yet.
All right, hurry up, hurry up.
Here you are, Sir,|I got you these.
Unfortunately, they've had|their heads shot off.
Where others choose|to say it with flowers,
Baldrick says it with stalks.
Well, Captain, I'm afraid|you'll have to leave us now.
Oh, really?
Yes, you must report|to General Melchett immediately.
Oh, great.
Yet another tempting opportunity
for suicide beckons.
Gosh, I wish I could come|with you, you know, Sir.
Oh, no. You must take care,|my brave hero.
Brave hero, Nurse?
I was more wounded
the last time I clipped my toenails.
Take no notice of him.
Yes, pay no attention
to the nasty man.
Look, if I can't give my brave boys
a kind word and a big smile,
what can I give them?
Well, one or two ideas|do suggest themselves...
but you'd probably think|they were unhygienic.
Come on, Baldrick.
Hello, what's your name?
My name is Mr. Smith.
I'm sorry that you've|been landed opposite
such a total git, Smith.
It's bad enough to be wounded
without having to share|a ward with Banana-Brain.
{y:i}Danke schön, danke schön
"Ich bin ganz" comfortable, old fruit.
Right, spread 'em!
Right, he's clean, Sir.
Can anyone tell me what's going on?
Security, Blackadder.
"Security" isn't a dirty word, Blackadder.
"Crevice" is a dirty word,|but "security" isn't.
So, in the name of security, Sir,
everyone who enters|the room has to have
his bottom fondled by|this drooling pervert.
Only doing my job, Blackadder.
Oh, well, how lucky you are, then,
that your job is also your hobby.
Now there's another dirty word ..."job".
Sir, is there something the matter?
You're damn right there|is something the matter...
something sinister|and something grotesque.
And what's worse is that
it's going on right here|under my very nose.
Sir, your moustache is lovely.
What the general means,|Blackadder, is...
there's a leak.
Now "leak" is a positively|disgusting word.
The Germans seem to be able|to anticipate our every move.
We send up an aeroplane,
there's a Jerry squadron parked|behind the nearest cloud.
We move troops to Boulogne,
the Germans have bought
the entire town's supply|of lavatory paper.
In short, a German spy|is giving away
every one of our battle plans.
You look surprised, Blackadder.
I certainly am, Sir.
I didn't realize we "had" any battle plans.
Well, of course we have!
How else do you think|the battles are directed?
Our battles are directed, Sir?
Well, of course they are, Blackadder,
directed according to the grand plan.
Would that be the plan
to continue with total slaughter
until everyone's dead
except Field Marshal Haig, Lady Haig,
and their tortoise, Alan?
Great Scott!
Even "you" know it!
Guard! Guard! Bolt all the doors!
Hammer large pieces of crooked wood|against all the the windows!
This security leak is far worse|than we'd imagined!
So you see, Blackadder,
Field Marshal Haig is most anxious
to eliminate all these German spies.
Filthy Hun weasels fighting|their dirty underhand war!
And, fortunately, one of our spies...
Splendid fellows, brave heroes,|risking life and limb for Blighty...
...has discovered that the leak|Is coming from the field hospital.
You think there's a German spy|in the field hospital?
I think you might be right, there.
Your job, Blackadder,|is to root this spy out.
How long do you think you'll need?
You'll have to be away from|the trenches for some time.
Six months?
Too bad, Blackadder.|You've got three weeks.
Yes, three weeks|to smoke the bugger out!
Use any method you see fit.
Personally, I'd recommend you
get hold of a cocker spaniel,
tie your suspect down on a chair
with a potty on his head,
then pop his todger between|two flowery baps
and shout, "Dinner time, Fido"!
However, if you are successful,
I shall need you back here permanently
to head up my new security network,
{y:i}Operation Winkle.
- Winkle?|- Yes, to winkle out the spies.
You never mentioned this to me, Sir!
Well, we have to have some|secrets, don't we, Darling?
Right, well, I'll be back in three weeks.
And if you come back|with the information,
Captain Darling will|pump you thoroughly
in the debriefing room.
Not while I have my strength, he won't.
Damnation, Sir!
His insolence makes my blood boil!
What's more, I don't trust him, Sir.
I think it would be best
if I went to the hospital myself
to keep an eye on him.
What, spy on our own spy|as he searches for their spy?
Yes, why not?
Sounds rather fun.
You'll have to go undercover.
Oh, definitely, Sir.
You'll need some kind of wound,
a convincing wound.
- Naturally, Sir.|- Yes.
that looks quite convincing.
Right, pack me a toothbrush, Baldrick,
we're going on holiday.
Hurray! Where to?
Oh, no, I hate "hostipals."
My grandfather went into one,
and when he come out, he was dead.
He was also dead when|he went in, Baldrick.
He'd been run over|by a traction engine.
I don't like them doctors.
If they start poking around inside me...
Baldrick, why would anyone wish
to poke around inside you?
They might find me interesting.
I find the Great Northern and|Metropolitan sewage system interesting,
but that doesn't mean that|I want to put on some rubber gloves
and pull things out of it|with a pair of tweezers.
Still, I tell you what, Sir,
you might have a chance to get to know
that pretty nurse.
No, thank you, Baldrick.
She's as wet as a fish's wet bits.
I'd rather get to know you.
I'm not available, Sir.
I'm waiting for Miss Right to come along
and gather me up in her arms.
Yes, I wouldn't be too hopeful.
We'd have to get her arms out|of a straitjacket first.
Now get packing!
So very interesting!
Please do continue, old bean.
Right, then I go on to say,
{y:i}The orders came through|{y:i}for us to advance
{y:i}at 0800 hours|{y:i}in a pincer movement.
Gosh, how exciting!
Yes, well, hmm...
Afternoon, George.
Ah, hello, Cap!
Ah, Captain.
I hope you're going to conduct yourself|with a little more decorum this time.
No, I am going to conduct myself|with "no" decorum.
Shove off!
Ah, "jawohl, Herr Kapitän"
So, Cap, what's going on?
Well, there's a German spy|in the hospital,
and it's my job to find him.
A Ger... ?
Well, snakes alive!
Exciting stuff, eh?
Wait a minute!
I think I might have a plan already.
What is it?
Have a look through the list of patients
and see if there's anyone here
whose name begins with "Von."
Well, it's almost bound to be your bloke!
I think we may find that|he's using a false name.
Oh, crikey.
Well, that's hardly fair, now, is it?
I, too, have a cunning plan|to catch the spy, Sir.
Do you, Baldrick, do you?
You go round the hostipal|and ask everyone,
{y:i}Are you a German spy?
Yes, I must say, Baldrick,
I appreciate your involvement|on the creative side.
If it was me, I'd own up.
Of course you would.
But, sadly, the enemy have not added
to the German Army entrance form|the requirement,
{y:i}Must have intellectual capacity|{y:i}of a boiled potato.
- Now, Baldrick, see that man over there?|- Yeah.
I want you to stick to him like a limpet.
Make sure he doesn't leave the hospital.
Yes, Sir.
Hello, Darling.|What are you doing here?
Bullet in the foot.
Well, I can understand|people at the front
trying to shoot themselves in the foot,
but when you're 35 miles|behind the line...
I did not shoot myself.
The General did it.
Finally got fed up with you, did he?
No, it was a mistake.
Oh, he was aiming for your head.
He wasn't aiming for anything.
Oh, so he was going|for between your legs, then.
Very funny, Blackadder.
You'll be laughing|on the other side of your face
if you don't find this spy.
Don't you worry, Darling.
I intend to start interviewing|suspects immediately.
This is completely ridiculous,|Blackadder!
You can't suspect me.|I've only just arrived.
The first rule|of counterespionage, Darling,
is to suspect everyone.
Believe me, I shall be asking myself
some pretty searching questions later.
Now, tell me, what is the color
of the Queen of England's favorite hat?
How the hell should I know?
I see.
Well, let me ask you another question.
What is the name|of the German head of state?
Well, Kaiser Wilhelm, obviously.
So, you're on first name terms|with the Kaiser, are you?
Well, what did you expect me to say?
Darling, Darling, shhh...
Thank you.
All right you, stinking piece of crap!
I beg your pardon?
Shut your cakehole!
Tell me, von Darling,
what finally won you over, eh?
Was it the pumpernickel,
or was it the thought of hanging around
with big men in leather shorts?
I'll have you court-martialed|for this, Blackadder!
What, for obeying the general's orders?
That may be what you do in Munich,
or should I say Munchen?
But not here, Werner!
You're a filthy Hun spy, aren't you?
Baldrick, the cocker spaniel, please!
No! No! No!
Wait! No, look, I'm English!
I was born in Croydon!
I was educated at|lpplethorpe Primary School!
I've got a girlfriend called Doris!
I know the words to all three verses|of "God Save the King"!
- Four verses.|- Four verses!
I meant four verses!
Look, I'm as British as Queen Victoria!
So your father's German,|you're half-German,
and you married a German?
No! No!
Look, for God's sake,|I'm not a German spy!
Good. Thanks very much.
Send in the next man, would you?
What is all this noise about?
Don't you realize this is a hospital?
You'll regret this, Blackadder.
You'd better find the real spy
or I'll make it very hard for you.
Please, Darling, there are ladies present.
Well, well, Captain Blackadder,
this is an unexpected pleasure.
Nice to have you back with us.
A spy-catcher, eh? Huh!
That silly kid George was right.
You are a bally hero.
Wait a minute.
I thought you liked George.
That's just my bedside manner.
What I call my "fluffy bunny act."
So you're not a drip after all.
Oh, no.
So, Mr. Spy-Catcher, how's it going?
Well, not much luck so far.
I think he might be as difficult to find
as a piece of hay in|a massive stack full of needles.
So you're going to be around|for quite a while, then.
Looks like it.
Good, because, uh...
it can get pretty lonely|'round here, you know.
God, it's nice to have|someone healthy to talk to!
- Cigarette?|- No, thank you.
I only smoke cigarettes|after making love.
So, back in England,|I'm a 20-a-day man.
A man should smoke.
It acts as an expectorant
and gives his voice a deep,|gravely, masculine tone.
God, I love nurses.
They're so disgustingly clinical!
Tell me, Captain Blackadder...
when this war is over, do you think
we might get to know|each other a little better?
Yes, why not?
When this madness is finished,
perhaps we could go cycling together,
take a trip down to|the Old Swan at Henley
and go for a walk in the woods.
Yes, or we could just do it|right now on the desk.
Yeah, okay.
Ah, Baldrick.
Have you seen Nurse Mary?|I need someone to post this letter.
She's in her office with the Captain, Sir.
Ah, poor girl,
tied to her desk, day and night.
Ah, Cap!
I hear you've been seeing|a lot of Nurse Mary.
Yes, almost all of her, in fact.
How is she, Sir?
What I really want to know is,
are you any closer to finding the spy?
Yes, I think I'm getting there, George.
Everything all right, Smith?
Oh, "ja", excellent, excellent.
Jolly good.
Smithy, you haven't seen
any suspicious characters|hanging around, have you,
who might be German spies?
Well, the Cap's got|his work cut out, then.
Tell me, Edmund,
do you have someone special in your life?
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
- Who?|- Me.
No, I mean someone|you love and cherish
and want to keep safe
from all the horror and the hurt.
Um... still me, really.
No, but back home, in England,
there must be someone waiting,
some sweetheart.
Oh, a girl. Nah.
I've always been a soldier,|married to the Army.
The Book of King's Regulations|is my mistress,
possibly with a Harrod's|lingerie catalogue
discreetly tucked between the pages.
And no casual girlfriends?
Skirt? Hah!
If only...
When I joined up,
we were still fighting colonial wars.
If you saw someone in a skirt,
you shot him and nicked his country.
What about you?|Have you got a man?
Some fine fellow in|an English country village?
A vicar, maybe?
Quiet, gentle, hung like a baboon.
There was a man I cared for a little.
Wonderful chap...
strong, athletic...
What happened to him?
He bought it.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize that|that was the arrangement.
Um, so what's it been?
Uh, 1 2 nights and, let's say,|9 afternoons.
How much is...
I mean he died.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He was test-driving one|of those new tank contraptions,
and the bloody thing blew up.
What a waste.
God, I hope they've scrapped the lot.
Ha! Fat chance.
They're going to use|40 of them next week at, oh...
Sorry, I mustn't talk about that.
You never know|who might be listening.
No, of course.
Oh, God, I miss him so much.
He was such a wonderful chap.
Clever too, I expect.
Went to one of the great|universities, I suppose...
Oxford... Cambridge...
But why are we making small talk
when we could be making big love?
Good point.
This could be our last chance.
My three weeks are up.
I'm going back to staff HQ tomorrow.
Look, why don't you come with me?
It could be fun.
We could have supper or something.
How about something first,|then supper?
Good idea!
Ah, hello, Blackadder.
Good morning, Sir.
Uh, may I introduce|Nurse Fletcher-Brown.
She's been very supportive|during my work at the hospital.
How do you do, young lady?
Do sit down.
So, any news|of the spy, Blackadder?
- Yes, Sir.|- Excellent.
The Germans seem|to know every move we make!
I had a letter from Jerry yesterday.
It said, "Isn't it about time
"you changed your shirts, Walrus-Face"?
So, do you have any ideas|who it might be, young lady?
Well, Sir, I'm only a humble nurse,
but I did at one point think it might be...
Captain Darling.
Well, bugger me with a fish fork!
Old Darling, a Jerry Morse-tapper?
What on earth made you suspect him?
Well, he poo-pooed the Captain here
and said that he'd never find the spy.
Is this true, Blackadder?
Did captain Darling poo-poo you?
Well, perhaps a little.
Damn it all, what more evidence|do you need?
The poo-pooing alone|is a court-martial offence!
I can assure you, Sir,
that the poo-pooing|was purely circumstantial.
Well, I hope so, Blackadder.
You know, if there's one thing
I've learned from being in the Army,
it's never ignore a poo-poo.
I knew a major, got poo-pooed...
made the mistake|of ignoring the poo-poo.
He poo-pooed it.
Fatal error, because|it turned out all along
that the soldier who pooh-pooed him
had been poo-pooing|a lot of other officers
who poo-pooed their poo-poos.
In the end, we had|to disband the regiment,
morale totally destroyed...
by poo-poo!
Yes, I think we may be
drifting slightly from the point here, Sir,
which is that, unfortunately,
and to my lasting regret,
Captain Darling is not the spy.
Oh? And then who the hell is?
Well, Sir, there is a man in the hospital
with a pronounced limp
and a very strong German accent.
It must be him... it's obvious.
Obvious, but wrong.
It's not him.
And why not?
Because, Sir, not even|the Germans would be
stupid enough to field a spy
with a strong German accent.
Well then, who is it?
Well, it's perfectly simple.
It's you.
Explain yourself, Blackadder,
before I have you shot|for being rude to a lady.
Well, Sir, the first seeds|of suspicion were sown
When Lieutenant George unwittingly
revealed that she spoke German.
Do you deny,|Nurse Fletcher-Brown...
or should I say|Nurse Fleischer-Baum? ...
that you helped Lieutenant George
with the German words in his letters?
No, I did, but...
my suspicions were confirmed|when she probed me
expertly about tank movements.
Oh, Edmund, how could you,
after all we've been through?
And then the final, irrefutable proof.
Remember you mentioned|a clever boyfriend?
I then leapt on|the opportunity to test you.
I asked if he'd been to|one of the great universities...
Oxford, Cambridge, or Hull.
You failed to spot
that only two of those|are great universities.
You swine!
That's right, Oxford's a complete dump!
Well, quite.
No true Englishwoman
could have fallen into that trap.
Oh, Edmund, I thought there was
something beautiful between us.
I thought you...
Ioved me.
Take her away, Baldrick.
Raus! Raus!
Well, good work, Blackadder.
Now I'd better go|assemble a firing squad.
Watch out, Sir!
Darling, what on earth do|you think you're doing?
I'll tell you exactly|what I am doing, Sir.
I'm doing what Blackadder
should have done|three weeks ago, Sir.
This is the guilty man!
Darling, you're hysterical.
No, Sir!
No, I'm not, Sir!|I'll ask him outright, are you a spy?
Yes, I am a spy!
You see, Sir?!
Well, of course he's a spy, Darling...
A British spy!
This is Brigadier|Sir Bernard Proudfoot-Smith,
the finest spy in the British Army!
B-but he can't be, Sir,
He... he doesn't even sound British.
Unfortunately, I have been working
undercover in Germany|for so long that I have
picked up a teensy-weensy bit
of an accent.
This, Darling, is the man|who told us that there was
a German spy in the hospital|in the first place.
Right, well,
that's that, then.
- Blackadder.|- Yes, Sir?
You are now head of Operation Winkle.
- Thank you, Sir.|- Darling.
Yes, Sir?
You are a complete arse.
Thank you, Sir.
Right, Bernard, let's go|and watch the firing squad.
{y:i}Jawohl, mein General!
Sir, what the devil is going on?
I've just seen Nurse Mary
being led away to a firing squad!
Nurse Mary is the spy, George.
- What? Lmpossible!|- Afraid so.
Well, cover me with eggs and flour
and bake me for 14 minutes.
Who'd have thought it, eh?
Nurse Mary,|a Bosche nose-poker-inner!
Oh well, lots of exciting stuff to put in
my next letter to my|Uncle Herman in Munich.
Those letters I've been|writing in hospital to my German uncle.
New information, Blackadder?
Oh, yes, well, I know there's a war on,
but family is family
and old Uncle Hermie does so love
to be kept abreast of what's going on.
I even wrote and told him about
old Walrus-Face Melchett|and his smelly old shirts!
Would you like me to tell|this one to the General,
or would you enjoy that|very special moment?
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Babylon 5 - 3x09 - Point of No Return
Babylon 5 - 3x10 - Severed Dreams
Babylon 5 - 3x11 - Ceremonies of Light and Dark
Babylon 5 - 3x12 - Sic Transit Vir
Babylon 5 - 3x13 - A Late Delivery From Avalon
Babylon 5 - 3x14 - Ship of Tears
Babylon 5 - 3x16 - War Without End (Part I)
Babylon 5 - 3x17 - War Without End (Part II)
Babylon 5 - 3x18 - Walkabout
Babylon 5 - 3x19 - Grey 17 is Missing
Babylon 5 - 3x20 - And the Rock Cried Out No Hiding Place
Babylon 5 - 3x21 - Shadow Dancing
Babylon 5 1x01 Midnight on the Firing Line
Babylon 5 1x02 Soul Hunter
Babylon 5 1x03 Born to the Purple
Babylon 5 1x04 Infection
Babylon 5 1x05 The Parliament of Dreams
Babylon 5 1x06 Mind War
Babylon 5 1x07 The War Prayer
Babylon 5 1x08 And The Sky Full Of Stars
Babylon 5 1x09 Deathwalker
Babylon 5 1x10 Believers
Babylon 5 1x11 Survivors
Babylon 5 1x12 By Any Means Necessary
Babylon 5 1x13 Signs and Portents
Babylon 5 1x14 TKO
Babylon 5 1x15 Grail
Babylon 5 1x16 Eyes
Babylon 5 1x17 Legacies
Babylon 5 1x18 A voice in the wilderness - Part 1
Babylon 5 1x19 A voice in the wilderness - Part 2
Babylon 5 1x20 Babylon squared
Babylon 5 1x21 The Quality Of Mercy
Babylon 5 1x22 Crysalis
Babylon 5 3x01 Matters of Honor
Babylon 5 4x01 - The Hour of the Wolf
Babylon 5 4x02 - What Ever Happened to Mr Garibaldi
Babylon 5 4x03 - The Summoning
Babylon 5 4x04 - Falling Towards Apotheosis
Babylon 5 4x05 - The Long Night
Babylon 5 4x06 - Into the Fire
Babylon 5 4x07 - Epiphanies
Babylon 5 4x08 - The Illusion of Truth
Babylon 5 4x09 - Atonement
Babylon 5 4x10 - Racing Mars
Babylon 5 4x11 - Lines of Communication
Babylon 5 4x12 - Conflicts of Interest
Babylon 5 4x13 - Rumors Bargains and Lies
Babylon 5 4x14 - Moments of Transition
Babylon 5 4x15 - No Surrender No Retreat
Babylon 5 4x16 - The Exercise of Vital Powers
Babylon 5 4x17 - The Face of the Enemy
Babylon 5 4x18 - Intersections in Real Time
Babylon 5 4x19 - Between the Darkness and the Light
Babylon 5 4x20 - Endgame
Babylon 5 4x21 - Rising Star
Babylon 5 4x22 - The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
Babys Day Out
Bachelor Party
Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer The
Back To Bataan
Back To The Future 1
Back To The Future 1 (dc)
Back To The Future 1 (hi)
Back To The Future 2
Back To The Future 2 (hi)
Back To The Future 3
Back To The Future 3 (hi)
Back to School (Alan Metter 1986)
Back to the Future II
Back to the Future III
Backfield in Motion
BadBoys TrueStory 2003 CD1
BadBoys TrueStory 2003 CD2
Bad Company
Bad Guy 2001
Bad Santa
Bad Santa (unrated)
Bad Seed The 1956
Bad Timing (Nicolas Roeg 1980)
Bad and the Beautiful The
Badboys II
Baise Moi
Balanta 1992 (The Oak)
Ballad Of A Soldier 1959
Balseros 2002
Bamba La (1987)
Band of Brothers 01 - Currahee
Band of Brothers 02 - Day of Days
Band of Brothers 03 - Carentan
Band of Brothers 04 - Replacements
Band of Brothers 05 - Crossroads
Band of Brothers 06 - Bastogne
Band of Brothers 07 - The Breaking Point
Band of Brothers 08 - The Last Patrol
Band of Brothers 09 - Why We Fight
Band of Brothers 10 - Points
Band of Outsiders
Bande des quatre La 1988 CD1
Bande des quatre La 1988 CD2
Bao biao (1969) - Have sword Chang Cheh
Bao lian deng (1999)
Bar El Chino 2003
Baramui Fighter CD1
Baramui Fighter CD2
Barberella - A Queen Of The Galaxy
Bare Bea 2004
Barefoot Gen 1983
Barrio 1947 25fps
Basara The Princess 1992 CD1
Basara The Princess 1992 CD2
Basic Instinct
Batman - Mystery of the Batwoman
Batman - The Movie
Batman 1989 CD1
Batman 1989 CD2
Batman and Robin
Batoru Rowaioru II - Requiem (2003) CD1
Batoru Rowaioru II - Requiem (2003) CD2
Batteries Included
Battle Cry CD1
Battle Cry CD2
Battle Hymn 1957
Battle Royale (2000) Directors Cut CD1
Battle Royale (2000) Directors Cut CD2
Battle Royale 2 (2003)
Battle for the Planet of the Apes
Battle of Algiers The (Gillo Pontecorvo 1965) CD1
Battle of Algiers The (Gillo Pontecorvo 1965) CD2
Battle of Britain CD1
Battle of Britain CD2
Battle of the Bulge CD1
Battle of the Bulge CD2
Battlefield Baseball
Battlefield Earth
Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - 33
Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - Litmus
Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - Water
Battlestar Galactica 01x03 - Bastille Day
Battlestar Galactica 01x04 - Act of Contrition
Battlestar Galactica 01x05 - You Cant Go Home Again
Battlestar Galactica 01x07 - Six Degrees of Seperation
Battlestar Galactica 01x08 - Flesh and Bone
Battlestar Galactica 01x09 - Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down
Battlestar Galactica 01x10 - The Hand of God
Battlestar Galactica 01x11 - Colonial Day
Battlestar Galactica 01x12 - Kobols Last Gleaming Part 1
Battlestar Galactica 01x13 - Kobols Last Gleaming Part 2
Baxter 1989
Beach The
Bean - The Ultimate Disaster Movie
Beast Cops
Beast From 20,000 Fathoms The 1953
Beast Within The
Beast of War The
Beating Of The Butterflys Wings The 2000
Beatles Anthology The Episode1
Beatles Anthology The Episode2
Beatles Anthology The Episode3
Beatles Anthology The Episode4
Beatles Anthology The Episode5
Beatles Anthology The Episode6
Beatles Anthology The Episode7
Beatles Anthology The Episode8
Beatles Anthology The Special Features
Beatles The - A Hard Dayss Night
Beatles The First US Visit The
Beau Pere - Stepfather - Bertrand Blier 1981
Beautiful Creatures
Beautiful Girls
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD1
Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD2
Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD3
Beautifull Mind A CD1
Beautifull Mind A CD2
Beauty And The Beast
Beauty and the Beast (Disney Special Platinum Edition)
Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996)
Bedford Incident The
Bedroom Key The CD1
Bedroom Key The CD2
Before Night Falls 2000 CD1
Before Night Falls 2000 CD2
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset 2004
Beguiled The
Behind Enemy Lines 2001
Behind The Sun (Walter Salles 2001)
Being John Malkovich
Being There (1979) CD1
Being There (1979) CD2
Belle Epoque CD1
Belle Epoque CD2
Belle and La Bete La (1946)
Bellinin And The Spynx CD1
Bellinin And The Spynx CD2
Bells Of St Marys The (1945)
Belly Of The Beast
Belly of an Architect The
Ben-Hur CD1
Ben-Hur CD2
Bend It Like Beckham
Bend of the River 1952
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Benny and Joon
Best years of our lives 1946
Bet on My Disco
Better Off Dead 1985
Better Than Chocolate
Better Tomorrow 2 A CD1
Better Tomorrow 2 A CD2
Better Tomorrow 3 A
Better Way To Die A
Between Heaven and Hell
Beverly Hillbillies The 1993
Beverly Hills Ninja
Beyond Borders CD1
Beyond Borders CD2
Beyond The
Beyond The Clouds
Bez konca (No End 1985) CD1
Bez konca (No End 1985) CD2
Biches Les (Claude Chabrol 1968)
Bicho de sete cabezas
Bichunmoo CD1
Bichunmoo CD2
Big Blue The CD1
Big Blue The CD2
Big Bounce The
Big Chill The
Big Daddy
Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958)
Big Fat Liar
Big Fish 2003
Big Hit The
Big Lebowski The
Big Mommas House
Big Nihgt
Big Shot - A Confessions of a Campus Bookie 2002
Big Sleep The
Big clock The 1948
Big girls dont cry
Biker boyz
Billy Elliot
Billy Madison 1995
Biloxi blues
Bingwoo 2004 CD1
Bingwoo 2004 CD2
Bio Dome
Bio Hunter
Bio Zombie
Bionicle 2 A Legends of Metru-Nui
Bionicle Mask Of Light 2003
Birch Tree Meadow The
Bird People in China The 1998 CD1
Bird People in China The 1998 CD2
Bird on a wire
Bishops Wife The 1947 CD1
Bishops Wife The 1947 CD2
Bite the bullet
Bitter Sugar (Azucar amarga)
Black Angel
Black Sabbath
BlackAdder 1x1 - The Foretelling
BlackAdder 1x2 - Born to be King
BlackAdder 1x3 - The Archbishop
BlackAdder 1x4 - The Queen of Spains Beard
BlackAdder 1x5 - Witchsmeller Pursuivant
BlackAdder 1x6 - The Black Seal
BlackAdder 2x1 - Bells
BlackAdder 2x2 - Head
BlackAdder 2x3 - Potato
BlackAdder 2x4 - Money
BlackAdder 2x5 - Beer
BlackAdder 2x6 - Chains
BlackAdder 4x1 - Captain Cook
BlackAdder 4x2 - Corporal Punishment
BlackAdder 4x3 - Major Star
BlackAdder 4x4 - Private Plane
BlackAdder 4x5 - General Hospital
BlackAdder 4x6 - Goodbyeee
BlackAdder Christmas Carol 1988
BlackAdder The Cavalier Years
BlackAdder the Third 3x1
BlackAdder the Third 3x2
BlackAdder the Third 3x3
BlackAdder the Third 3x4
BlackAdder the Third 3x5
BlackAdder the Third 3x6
Black Adder V - Back and Forth
Black Christmas
Black Hawk Down
Black Mask
Black Mask 2
Black Orpheus
Black Rain CD1
Black Rain CD2
Black Sheep
Black Widow 1987
Black and White (1998)
Blackout The 1997 CD1
Blackout The 1997 CD2
Blade 3 - Trinity
Blade Of Fury
Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD1
Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD2
Blade Runner Directors Cut
Blair Witch Project The
Blame It On Rio
Blast From The Past 1999
Blast from the Past
Blazing Saddles
Blazing Sun (1960) CD1
Blazing Sun (1960) CD2
Bless The Child
Blind Beast
Blind Chance (1987) CD1
Blind Chance (1987) CD2
Blind Spot Hitlers Secretary (2002)
Blind date
Blob The 1988
Blood Crime
Blood Wedding (1981)
Blood Work
Blood and Black Lace
Blow 2001 CD1
Blow 2001 CD2
Blow Dry 2001
Blown Away 1994 CD1
Blown Away 1994 CD2
Blue (Derek Jarman)
Blue Car
Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Movie
Blue Max The CD1
Blue Max The CD2
Blue Moon
Blue Planet The 1
Blue Planet The 2 - The Deep
Blue Planet The 3 - Open Ocean
Blue Planet The 4 - Frozen Seas
Blue Spring 2001
Blue Velvet
Blue juice 1995
Blue thunder
Blues Brothers The (1980) CD1
Blues Brothers The (1980) CD2
Blues Harp
Boat Trip - Feedback Overflow
Bob Le Flambeur 1955
Bob Marley Story - Rebel Music
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Body Double
Body Heat
Body The
Boiler Room
Bola El
Bone Collector The
Bonnie and Clyde
Book of Fate The
Book of Pooh The
Boondock Saints The
Boot Das 1981 CD1
Boot Das 1981 CD2
Born Romantic
Boucher Le
Bourne supremacy The-1CD
Boxcar Bertha
Boy Who Saw The Wind The
Boys and Girls
Boyz N the Hood
Branca de Neve
Bread and Roses
Breakfast Club The
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Breakin all the rules
Breaking Away
Bride with White Hair The
Bridge Man The CD1
Bridge Man The CD2
Bright Future
Broadway Danny Rose
Brother (Takeshi Kitano)
Brother Sun Sister Moon 1972
Brother from Another Planet The 1984
Brotherhood Of The Wolf
Brothers The
Buena Estrella La (Lucky Star)
Buffalo Soldiers
Bug 1975
Bugs Bunny - Baseball Bugs (1946)
Bugs Bunny - Big Top Bunny (1951)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid (1942)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears (1944)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs and Thugs (1954)
Bugs Bunny - Bully for Bugs (1953)
Bugs Bunny - Frigid Hare (1949)
Bugs Bunny - Hair-Raising Hare (1946)
Bugs Bunny - Haredevil Hare (1948)
Bugs Bunny - Long Haired Hare (1949)
Bugs Bunny - My Bunny Lies Over the Sea (1948)
Bugs Bunny - Rabbits Kin (1952)
Bugs Bunny - Tortoise Wins by a Hare (1943)
Bugs Bunny - Wabbit Twouble (1941)
Bugs Bunny - Water Water Every Hare (1952)
Bugs Bunny - Whats Up Doc (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Fire (1951)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Seasoning (1952)
Bugs Bunny and Elmer - Rabbit of Seville (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Taz - Devil May Hare (1954)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Ballot Box Bunny (1951)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Big House Bunny (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Bunker Hill Bunny (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - High Diving Hare (1949)
Bugs Life A
Bullet Ballet
Bullet in the Head
Bulletproof Monk 2003
Bullets Over Broadway
Bully (Unrated Theatrical Edition)
Burning Paradise (Ringo Lam 1994)
Burnt Money
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid A Special Edition
Butchers Wife The