Blue Max The CD2Click here to download subtitles file for the movie "Blue Max The CD2"Get Paid for using YouTube!
[Laughing] - Good evening! - Hmm! As this is my first opportunity!!! Of speaking to you tonight, I'll repeat it! Good evening! And good evening to you, too, good and faithful family servant! Good morning! That late? I must have fallen asleep during your speech! - [Thump] - Hans, some wine for the musician! - [Glass Ringing] - White! [Drumsticks Tapping] Well, I suppose I might as well say it! Say what? You're beautiful! - So are you! - Hmm! And where is Herr General? - Your husband! - [Clang] Oh, he doesn't worry about me! He doesn't? Hmm! Well, he should! By now, he's with the Countess von Hoehlen... on my right at dinner! They play war games together! These games go on until morning? Sometimes! My husband finds them very absorbing! It's a very heavy responsibility being a general. That depends how good you are at tactics! Herr Leutnant. [Boot Heels Click] [Drumsticks Tapping] ¶¶[Flourish] - Your wine, Herr Leutnant. - Hmm! Thank you, Herr Leutnant. It has been a long day! [Loud Clink] - Hans! - Yes, Herr Leutnant? I want you to go to your mistress and tell her!!! I think I know what she means! - Now, Herr Leutnant? - Now! [Kaeti] Come in. I knew you would come. - Darling, I am... - [Clears Throat] - [Kaeti Laughing] - Tactics! Oh, you fool! - ¶¶[Piano] - [People Chattering] There's a heap of letters in your room, Herr Leutnant. - Mmm! - From all over Germany! - Any of them perfumed? - Yes, Herr Leutnant. There's one from Stuttgart! - Towards the end, she says... - Yes? [Boot Heels Click] Herr Leutnant. [Laughing] Ah! Hello, Cobra! How was Berlin? Hectic! Brought you a present, Willi! Souvenir! - Kind of you! - ¶¶ [Humming] I doubt if our tastes coincide! Oh, but they do! Glasses? ¶¶ [Continues Humming] [Cork Pops] Thank you! Prosit. Prosit. Excellent! What year is this? Uh!!! 1903! We've tolerated you here because we've had to! One of these days, Stachel... or should I call you Bruno? One of these days, I'm going to shake you up!!! Considerably! It will give me pleasure, Willi! - [Glass Shatters] - I'll look forward to it! I wonder if you're as good as you think you are!!! In or out of bed! [Laughing] Well, Otto? Thousands of trucks carrying troops! I flew over two miles of them! [Coughs] And it's continuous, like the anti-aircraft fire! Uh, the new replacements! They just arrived! They're only half-trained! I want every man in the air tomorrow, including replacements! To sum up, then, our offensive has come to a standstill! A massive enemy counterattack is developing! The Americans are pouring men into the battle area! Our army is hard-pressed! We are outnumbered in the air... and our observation planes are shot down before they can report. High command urgently wants information. Today, I shall lead the squadron!!! On a decoy mission to SaintJust to divert British patrols! Meanwhile, an observation plane from Squadron 35!!! Will attempt a photographic reconnaissance of the area around Amiens! I want two of you to provide close escort. Stachel! All right! Rendezvous at 0800 hours over sector three! You'll fly the two triplanes. Take care of them. They are the last ones we are likely to get! Questions? All right, gentlemen! [Engines Starting] Stachel! Did you meet my wife at the hospital? - Yes, Herr Hauptmann. - Was she all right? She is well, Herr Hauptmann. Thank you! Good luck! [Machine-gun Fire] [Clicking] - [Clicking] - [Machine-gun Fire] Where's Willi? He's dead. [Glass Clinking] [Sighs] He was flying too low. He hit the trees! - What happened? - He hit the trees! I landed! There wasn't anything I could do! He was a better man than you! Well, he's dead! - Is that your test? - Yes! - And that was his test too! - What do you mean? - [Footsteps] - [Man] Herr Hauptmann! Air observation report two British planes down in sector nine! Willi didn't die for nothing! I'm glad of that, Karl! We can tell the family! They'll be proud of him! What makes you think he shot them down? You mean they're yours? - Why do you think they're not? - Well, are they? Willi killed himself trying to fly me into the ground and went in instead! I'm asking you if those two planes are yours or Willi's! All right, they're mine! They belong to me! [Kettering] Stachel. I'vejust read your armorer's report. Your guns were jammed! You only fired 40 rounds! Forty rounds? Two three-second bursts! Is your marksmanship that good? Yes! I'm not confirming these two victories, Stachel!!! But I will report your astonishing marksmanship to air headquarters! [Bell Tolling] ¶¶[Drum Beating] ¶¶[Drumming Continues] [Man] Firing party, right wheel. Firing party... halt. Left turn! Order arms! Otto, the general has asked me to tell you he's seen your report to headquarters! The two victories claimed by Stachel are to be confirmed! The general feels you are inclined to be, uh!!! Prejudiced against this officer! [Praying In Latin] [Continues Praying] Firing party, load! Present! Fire! Reload! Present! - Fire! - [Gunshots] Reload! Present! - Fire! - [Gunshots] [Rifles Reloading] [Ringing] [Ringing] I hope the owner of this place is as discrete as he looks, darling! He should be! I paid him enough! - What's the matter? - Nothing! It's that bad, is it? You'll have to decide which you prefer... this or women! [Chuckling] Why can't I have both? - You're soaked through! - [Glass Clinks On Table] - [Glass Slides On Table] - You should take better care of yourself! Are you interested? Yes! - Don't you believe that? - Certainly! But you were interested in Willi too! Tell me! How did you feel!!! Today at the funeral? Hmm! [Chuckling] You know!!! He never did accept me as his equal!!! In or out of bed! You're deliciously crude, darling! Hmm! You amuse me! I? People like you! - Oh, me? - The count, Willi! [Laughing] Amuse or shock? I said, amuse! I adore your innocence! You really believe your betters should behave better, don't you? Don't patronize me! Not if it offends you! Darling? My feelings for you!!! Have nothing to do with the death of Willi! You and I are alike, Bruno! You're good for me! Willi was a fool! [Sighs] He didn't die in battle! He died trying to prove he could fly better than I can! What? We played a game! In and out of the trees! He lost! But I was the bigger fool! I claimed two planes he shot down! I shouldn't have done that. I can get 20 victories without anyone's help! That game, whatever it was, it was about me, wasn't it? In a way, yes! I find that exciting! Would you die for me like Willi did? No! Are you sure? [Laughing] [Moans] [Klaxon Blaring] All right! Push! All right! Straight now! Come on! [Man Shouting, Indistinct] It lasted about ten minutes! They came in low... Sopwiths! They hit the stores and the fuel dumps! We are being blasted out of the skies! I tell you, the fuel dumps are gone! Now, Ziegel, let's get this mess cleared up! I want to be airborne again by tomorrow! Come on, Ziegel! All squadrons have now been ordered to concentrate on the Marmont sector! The enemy have just achieved a major breakthrough! Twelve enemy divisions are moving up on the Marmont road! They are our target! There is to be no air combat! - [Men Chattering] - No air combat! - Understood? - [Men] Yes, Herr Hauptmann. Our army's in retreat, so we must do the same! Understood, Herr Hauptmann. Stachel! Your personal ambitions take second place to the war! [Man Shouting, Indistinct] [Man] Get out of the way! [Man Shouting, Indistinct] [Neighing] [Man] Push! Over! [Man] Hurry up! Here come theJerries! - [Machine-gun Fire] - [Shouting] - [Airplanes Diving] - [Shouting, Indistinct] [Man] Come on, boys! Look out! [Man Shouting, Indistinct] [Screams] [Shouting, Indistinct] [Man Shouting, Indistinct] - [Neighing] - [Shouting, Indistinct] [Man] See it? [Man] Fire! [Screaming] [Man] Over here! [Machine-gun Fire] [Airplanes Droning] [Klaxon Blaring] [No Audible Dialogue] Five, six!!! Seven... Come on! All of you! Otto! Are you all right? [Engine Revs] [Men Shouting, Indistinct] [Man] This way. Over here. Come on. You have cost nearly half the squadron! We shot down seven planes! Three of them are mine! Now you have got 22! You and I know that 20 wasn't enough for you! The Blue Max is more than a medal to you! It's a badge... something to show you are as good as Willi! Not just Willi! I will see you never wear that medal! You disobeyed my orders! I'm going to have you court-martialed. - Kettering! - Sir. Escort the leutnant to his quarters! Your nerve's gone! You've had enough! - Stachel! - Why don't you do what your wife wants? - Get a desk job in Berlin! - Come on, Stachel! [Men Shouting, Indistinct] [Man Shouting, Indistinct] Quick! Quick! This way! Over here! Come on! Quickly! [Footsteps Approaching] [Knocking] Stachel! You've been ordered to Berlin! - Here he is! - [Engine Running] - Good-bye! - Herr Hauptmann. - [Dog Barking] - [Baby Crying] [Bell Tolling] - [People Shouting, Indistinct] - [Glass Shatters] [Neighing] [Man] Millions have been slaughtered on battlefields. For what reason? For nothing! I say down with the Kaiser and his generals! The time is now ours! Long live the revolution! - [Women Screaming] - [Men Shouting, Indistinct] [Man] Look out! - [Knocking] - [Shouting Continues] [Door Opens] - [Boot Heels Click] - My dear Otto! - Herr General. - Sit down! Thank you! - Did you have a good journey? - Yes, thank you! Sit down! Otto, tomorrow, Leutnant Stachel!!! Is going to receive the Blue Max! So you do not accept my report, Herr General. He is young, vigorous, ruthless!!! A born leader... at a time when we need his kind! I believe Leutnant Stachel should be court-martialed!!! For the good military reasons I've set out! - Good military reasons are sometimes not enough! - They are for me! Otto!!! You and I have a greater loyalty than to the book of rules! To Germany! - We are Germany! - Exactly! Take a look outside! [Muffled Shouting] You see that? Revolution is just beneath the surface! If that happens, everything we stand for will be destroyed!!! Unless the German Officer Corps stands like a rock!!! Intact and... what is more important... untarnished! I made this... Stachel into a national hero for good military reasons. If I court-martial him now, it will reflect on the integrity!!! Of the whole Officer Corps! Herr General... I see now I have notions of honor!!! Which are outdated! [Sighs] They're not outdated! "Stored!!!" With care!!! And love!!! For better times! Here's your report, Otto! I ask you to withdraw it! - I won't do that! - I know that! If you insist on this course, Herr General... I must resign my command! I do insist! In that case, I should like an appointment!!! To the staff here in Berlin! [Sighs] That request is granted! [Boot Heels Click] Otto!!! I have managed to persuade the crown prince!!! To make the presentation himself! Afterwards, Stachel will test-fly the new monoplane! It will be better if you were there! I understand, Herr General. - ¶¶[Waltz] - [Chattering] The keys to Leutnant Stachel's suite, please! - Thank you! - [All Talking At Once] Excuse me, please Excuse me! - Stachel, come on! - [Chattering, Laughing] This way, Stachel! ¶¶[Continues, Muffled] ¶¶[Continues, Louder] I trust you will be, uh, comfortable! A lot more comfortable than I'd expected! I thought the press reception went rather well, hmm? I'll take your word for that! The bathroom is through there! - How do you like your bedroom? - ¶¶[Concludes] Oh, uh, if there's anything you want... and I mean anything... just call reception, hmm? - You understand? - I think so! Good! I'll call in the morning to take you to the airfield! Pleasant dreams! [Door Closes] Reception, please! Reception, this is Leutnant Bruno Stachel! I don't want anything! [Cork Pops] [Buzzer] Have I come to the right room this time? Yes! - Countess! [Boot Heels Click] - Herr Leutnant. [Laughing] ¶¶ [Humming Waltz] [Squealing] May I offer my congratulations? You may! ¶¶ [Resumes Humming] [Lips Smacking] - Can I get you a drink? - Please! I hope you'll be able to be there tomorrow! Of course! I want to... - Mmm! - [Laughs] No, I want to... [Laughing] No, please! I want to talk to you! - Talk? - Please! All right! Talk! I'm going away tomorrow! Where? To Switzerland! - Why? - Germany's finished! The war will soon be over, and I don't want to be here when it happens! Yeah! Is the general going with you? No! I want you to come with me! Kaeti! I know you're getting your Blue Max tomorrow!!! But we wouldn't leave till after the presentation! I see! Go on! You will still have your medal, darling! It's a piece of scrap! It's worth exactly five marks! You'll never need to pawn it! I've got plenty of money in Zurich! Don't you understand what this means to me? In a few months from now, you will be ashamed to wear a uniform! You're very stubborn, Bruno! But if you want to see the war out to the end!!! I can get you transferred to a post near the Swiss frontier! Field Marshal von Lenndorf is a friend! How dramatic you look! You can get me transferred, can you? Do you think I came all this way to run off to Switzerland with you? You gambled your life for me once with Willi! That was about flying, Kaeti, not about you! Run off to Switzerland and become one of your lap dogs? [Sighs] There's nothing I want to run away from, Kaeti, not even myself! Come on now, don't be angry! Where's that aristocratic poise I like so much? Don't you dare talk to me like that! Now... Now, Countess, I'll get you that drink! - Serve it to someone else! - [Glass Shatters] [Door Slams] ¶¶[Martial] - ¶¶[Concludes] - [Boot Heels Click] [Boot Heels Click] The fatherland is grateful, Herr Leutnant. Thank you, Your Highness! [Boot Heels Click] ¶¶ ["Deutschlandlied"] [No Audible Dialogue] ¶¶[Continues, Muffled] Yes? The field marshal said what? I can't stop the proceedings now! It's too late! ¶¶ [Concludes] All right, but where is the field marshal? Ask him to telephone me as soon as he returns! [Clears Throat] Get hold of Stachel! Take him somewhere, anywhere! Just!!! Keep him out of sight! And, Holbach!!! - Send Heidemann to me! - Yes, Herr General. ¶¶[Martial] [No Audible Dialogue] [Chattering] [No Audible Dialogue] [Boot Heels Click] Herr General. Otto, I want you to fly the monoplane! And Stachel? There has been a little misunderstanding! It will be cleared up soon! Without a court-martial, I hope, Herr General. Will you take the machine up? - That is an order? - Yes! Very well, Herr General. [Shouts, Indistinct] [No Audible Dialogue] Herr Stachel? - Thank you! - [Engine Revs] Someone else is gonna fly it! You said there was a!!! Technical holdup! Oh, I think there are other difficulties! Obviously, while the general irons them out!!! He thought it best not to disappoint the public! - What difficulties? - I'm afraid I don't know! Well, who's going to fly it? Herr Heidemann, I believe! Frau Heidemann! How are you? What's happening, Herr Leutnant? - I thought you were going to fly it! - So did I! I never wanted him to fly again! [Rings] Yes? Ah, yes! I will hold on! [Airplane Continues Circling] You're late, darling! Ah! Yes, Herr Field Marshal! May I ask how you came by that information, Herr Field Marshal? [Airplane Circles Close By] [Crowd Chattering] [Excited Chattering] [Chattering, Applause] You told the field marshal!!! That Stachel had claimed two planes shot down by Willi! Why? Why? Where did you get the information? - He told me himself! - Ah! He's an upstart! He insulted me! So this time, you really lost your head! The field marshal is insisting on a court of inquiry! They're going to disgrace him... an officer with the highest decoration Germany can give! All because of your stupid little anger! Do you understand? Do you? When they do that, they disgrace!!! The whole German Officer Corps! - [Door Opens] - Yes, Otto? What is it, Otto? Herr General, that machine is a deathtrap! The struts are too weak!!! For the wing loading under stress! I was lucky to get down alive! Thank you, Otto! Flight office, please! Holbach! I want to speak to Stachel! Stachel, everything's in order now. You can take her up!!! And let's see some real flying! - Sit down! - [Gasps] Sit down! Control yourself! [People Chattering] [Crowd Cheering] [Cheering Continues] Switches on! [Cheering Continues] [Engine Drowning Out Crowd Noise] [Crowd Cheering] [Crowd Gasps] - [Loud Crack] - [Crowd Gasps] [Engine Stalling, Misfiring] [Airplane Diving] [Dive Continues] - [Crash] - [People Screaming, Shouting] - [Klaxon Blaring] - [Screaming, Shouting Continue] - Holbach! - [Crying] Give this to the field marshal! It is the personnel file of a German officer!!! And a hero! Yes, Herr General. [Door Closes] Stand up, Kaeti! We'll be late for lunch! [Boot Heels Click] |
B-Happy BBC - The Blue Planet (1 of 8) - Ocean World BBC - The Blue Planet (2 of 8) - The Deep BBC - The Blue Planet (3 of 8) - Open Ocean BBC - The Blue Planet (4 of 8) - Frozen Seas BBC - The Blue Planet (5 of 8) - Seasonal Seas BBC - The Blue Planet (6 of 8) - Coral Seas BBC - The Blue Planet (7 of 8) - Tidal Seas BBC - The Blue Planet (8 of 8) - Coasts Baader Babi Leto - Autumn Spring (2002) Baby Doll Baby Geniuses 2 2004 Babylon 5 - 2x01 - Points of Departure Babylon 5 - 2x02 - Revelations Babylon 5 - 2x03 - The Geometry of Shadows Babylon 5 - 2x04 - A Distant Star Babylon 5 - 2x04 - The Long Dark Babylon 5 - 2x06 - Spider in the Web Babylon 5 - 2x07 - Soul Mates Babylon 5 - 2x08 - A Race Through Dark Places Babylon 5 - 2x09 - The Coming of Shadows Babylon 5 - 2x10 - Gropos Babylon 5 - 2x11 - All Alone in the Night Babylon 5 - 2x12 Acts of Sacrifice Babylon 5 - 2x13 - Hunter Prey Babylon 5 - 2x14 - There All the Honor Lies Babylon 5 - 2x15 - And Now For A Word Babylon 5 - 2x17 - Knives Babylon 5 - 2x18 - Confessions and Lamentations Babylon 5 - 2x19 - Divided Loyalties Babylon 5 - 2x20 - The Long Twilight Struggle Babylon 5 - 2x21 - Comes the Inquisitor Babylon 5 - 2x22 - The Fall Of Night Babylon 5 - 3x03 - A Day in the Strife Babylon 5 - 3x05 - Voices of Authority Babylon 5 - 3x06 - Dust to Dust Babylon 5 - 3x07 - Exogenesis Babylon 5 - 3x08 - Messages from Earth Babylon 5 - 3x09 - Point of No Return Babylon 5 - 3x10 - Severed Dreams Babylon 5 - 3x11 - Ceremonies of Light and Dark Babylon 5 - 3x12 - Sic Transit Vir Babylon 5 - 3x13 - A Late Delivery From Avalon Babylon 5 - 3x14 - Ship of Tears Babylon 5 - 3x16 - War Without End (Part I) Babylon 5 - 3x17 - War Without End (Part II) Babylon 5 - 3x18 - Walkabout Babylon 5 - 3x19 - Grey 17 is Missing Babylon 5 - 3x20 - And the Rock Cried Out No Hiding Place Babylon 5 - 3x21 - Shadow Dancing Babylon 5 1x01 Midnight on the Firing Line Babylon 5 1x02 Soul Hunter Babylon 5 1x03 Born to the Purple Babylon 5 1x04 Infection Babylon 5 1x05 The Parliament of Dreams Babylon 5 1x06 Mind War Babylon 5 1x07 The War Prayer Babylon 5 1x08 And The Sky Full Of Stars Babylon 5 1x09 Deathwalker Babylon 5 1x10 Believers Babylon 5 1x11 Survivors Babylon 5 1x12 By Any Means Necessary Babylon 5 1x13 Signs and Portents Babylon 5 1x14 TKO Babylon 5 1x15 Grail Babylon 5 1x16 Eyes Babylon 5 1x17 Legacies Babylon 5 1x18 A voice in the wilderness - Part 1 Babylon 5 1x19 A voice in the wilderness - Part 2 Babylon 5 1x20 Babylon squared Babylon 5 1x21 The Quality Of Mercy Babylon 5 1x22 Crysalis Babylon 5 3x01 Matters of Honor Babylon 5 4x01 - The Hour of the Wolf Babylon 5 4x02 - What Ever Happened to Mr Garibaldi Babylon 5 4x03 - The Summoning Babylon 5 4x04 - Falling Towards Apotheosis Babylon 5 4x05 - The Long Night Babylon 5 4x06 - Into the Fire Babylon 5 4x07 - Epiphanies Babylon 5 4x08 - The Illusion of Truth Babylon 5 4x09 - Atonement Babylon 5 4x10 - Racing Mars Babylon 5 4x11 - Lines of Communication Babylon 5 4x12 - Conflicts of Interest Babylon 5 4x13 - Rumors Bargains and Lies Babylon 5 4x14 - Moments of Transition Babylon 5 4x15 - No Surrender No Retreat Babylon 5 4x16 - The Exercise of Vital Powers Babylon 5 4x17 - The Face of the Enemy Babylon 5 4x18 - Intersections in Real Time Babylon 5 4x19 - Between the Darkness and the Light Babylon 5 4x20 - Endgame Babylon 5 4x21 - Rising Star Babylon 5 4x22 - The Deconstruction of Falling Stars Babys Day Out Bachelor Party Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer The Back To Bataan Back To The Future 1 Back To The Future 1 (dc) Back To The Future 1 (hi) Back To The Future 2 Back To The Future 2 (hi) Back To The Future 3 Back To The Future 3 (hi) Back to School (Alan Metter 1986) Back to the Future II Back to the Future III Backfield in Motion BadBoys TrueStory 2003 CD1 BadBoys TrueStory 2003 CD2 Bad Company Bad Guy 2001 Bad Santa Bad Santa (unrated) Bad Seed The 1956 Bad Timing (Nicolas Roeg 1980) Bad and the Beautiful The Badboys II Badlands Baise Moi Balanta 1992 (The Oak) Ballad Of A Soldier 1959 Balseros 2002 Bamb Bamba La (1987) Bamboozled Bananas Banchikwang Band of Brothers 01 - Currahee Band of Brothers 02 - Day of Days Band of Brothers 03 - Carentan Band of Brothers 04 - Replacements Band of Brothers 05 - Crossroads Band of Brothers 06 - Bastogne Band of Brothers 07 - The Breaking Point Band of Brothers 08 - The Last Patrol Band of Brothers 09 - Why We Fight Band of Brothers 10 - Points Band of Outsiders Bande des quatre La 1988 CD1 Bande des quatre La 1988 CD2 Bao biao (1969) - Have sword Chang Cheh Bao lian deng (1999) Bar El Chino 2003 Baramui Fighter CD1 Baramui Fighter CD2 Baran Barberella - A Queen Of The Galaxy Bare Bea 2004 Barefoot Gen 1983 Barfly Barocco Barrabas Barrio 1947 25fps Basara The Princess 1992 CD1 Basara The Princess 1992 CD2 Basic Instinct Batman - Mystery of the Batwoman Batman - The Movie Batman 1989 CD1 Batman 1989 CD2 Batman and Robin Batoru Rowaioru II - Requiem (2003) CD1 Batoru Rowaioru II - Requiem (2003) CD2 Batteries Included Battle Cry CD1 Battle Cry CD2 Battle Hymn 1957 Battle Royale (2000) Directors Cut CD1 Battle Royale (2000) Directors Cut CD2 Battle Royale 2 (2003) Battle for the Planet of the Apes Battle of Algiers The (Gillo Pontecorvo 1965) CD1 Battle of Algiers The (Gillo Pontecorvo 1965) CD2 Battle of Britain CD1 Battle of Britain CD2 Battle of the Bulge CD1 Battle of the Bulge CD2 Battlefield Baseball Battlefield Earth Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - 33 Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - Litmus Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - Water Battlestar Galactica 01x03 - Bastille Day Battlestar Galactica 01x04 - Act of Contrition Battlestar Galactica 01x05 - You Cant Go Home Again Battlestar Galactica 01x07 - Six Degrees of Seperation Battlestar Galactica 01x08 - Flesh and Bone Battlestar Galactica 01x09 - Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down Battlestar Galactica 01x10 - The Hand of God Battlestar Galactica 01x11 - Colonial Day Battlestar Galactica 01x12 - Kobols Last Gleaming Part 1 Battlestar Galactica 01x13 - Kobols Last Gleaming Part 2 Baxter 1989 Bazaar Beach The Bean - The Ultimate Disaster Movie Beast Cops Beast From 20,000 Fathoms The 1953 Beast Within The Beast of War The Beating Of The Butterflys Wings The 2000 Beatles Anthology The Episode1 Beatles Anthology The Episode2 Beatles Anthology The Episode3 Beatles Anthology The Episode4 Beatles Anthology The Episode5 Beatles Anthology The Episode6 Beatles Anthology The Episode7 Beatles Anthology The Episode8 Beatles Anthology The Special Features Beatles The - A Hard Dayss Night Beatles The First US Visit The Beau Pere - Stepfather - Bertrand Blier 1981 Beautiful Creatures Beautiful Girls Beautiful Thing Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD1 Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD2 Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD3 Beautifull Mind A CD1 Beautifull Mind A CD2 Beauty And The Beast Beauty and the Beast (Disney Special Platinum Edition) Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996) Bedazzled Bedford Incident The Bedroom Key The CD1 Bedroom Key The CD2 Beethoven Before Night Falls 2000 CD1 Before Night Falls 2000 CD2 Before Sunrise Before Sunset 2004 Beguiled The Behind Enemy Lines 2001 Behind The Sun (Walter Salles 2001) Being John Malkovich Being There (1979) CD1 Being There (1979) CD2 Belle Epoque CD1 Belle Epoque CD2 Belle and La Bete La (1946) Bellinin And The Spynx CD1 Bellinin And The Spynx CD2 Bells Of St Marys The (1945) Belly Of The Beast Belly of an Architect The Below Belphegor Ben-Hur CD1 Ben-Hur CD2 Bend It Like Beckham Bend of the River 1952 Beneath the Planet of the Apes Benny and Joon Bernie Best years of our lives 1946 Bet on My Disco Better Off Dead 1985 Better Than Chocolate Better Tomorrow 2 A CD1 Better Tomorrow 2 A CD2 Better Tomorrow 3 A Better Way To Die A Betty Between Heaven and Hell Beverly Hillbillies The 1993 Beverly Hills Ninja Beyond Borders CD1 Beyond Borders CD2 Beyond The Beyond The Clouds Bez konca (No End 1985) CD1 Bez konca (No End 1985) CD2 Biches Les (Claude Chabrol 1968) Bicho de sete cabezas Bichunmoo CD1 Bichunmoo CD2 Big Big Blue The CD1 Big Blue The CD2 Big Bounce The Big Chill The Big Daddy Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) Big Fat Liar Big Fish 2003 Big Hit The Big Lebowski The Big Mommas House Big Nihgt Big Shot - A Confessions of a Campus Bookie 2002 Big Sleep The Big clock The 1948 Big girls dont cry Biker boyz Billy Elliot Billy Madison 1995 Biloxi blues Bingwoo 2004 CD1 Bingwoo 2004 CD2 Bio Dome Bio Hunter Bio Zombie Bionicle 2 A Legends of Metru-Nui Bionicle Mask Of Light 2003 Birch Tree Meadow The Bird People in China The 1998 CD1 Bird People in China The 1998 CD2 Bird on a wire Bishops Wife The 1947 CD1 Bishops Wife The 1947 CD2 Bite the bullet Bitter Sugar (Azucar amarga) Black Angel Black Sabbath BlackAdder 1x1 - The Foretelling BlackAdder 1x2 - Born to be King BlackAdder 1x3 - The Archbishop BlackAdder 1x4 - The Queen of Spains Beard BlackAdder 1x5 - Witchsmeller Pursuivant BlackAdder 1x6 - The Black Seal BlackAdder 2x1 - Bells BlackAdder 2x2 - Head BlackAdder 2x3 - Potato BlackAdder 2x4 - Money BlackAdder 2x5 - Beer BlackAdder 2x6 - Chains BlackAdder 4x1 - Captain Cook BlackAdder 4x2 - Corporal Punishment BlackAdder 4x3 - Major Star BlackAdder 4x4 - Private Plane BlackAdder 4x5 - General Hospital BlackAdder 4x6 - Goodbyeee BlackAdder Christmas Carol 1988 BlackAdder The Cavalier Years BlackAdder the Third 3x1 BlackAdder the Third 3x2 BlackAdder the Third 3x3 BlackAdder the Third 3x4 BlackAdder the Third 3x5 BlackAdder the Third 3x6 Black Adder V - Back and Forth Black Christmas Black Hawk Down Black Mask Black Mask 2 Black Orpheus Black Rain CD1 Black Rain CD2 Black Sheep Black Widow 1987 Black and White (1998) Blackout The 1997 CD1 Blackout The 1997 CD2 Blacula Blade Blade 3 - Trinity Blade Of Fury Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD1 Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD2 Blade Runner Directors Cut Blair Witch Project The Blame It On Rio Blast From The Past 1999 Blast from the Past Blazing Saddles Blazing Sun (1960) CD1 Blazing Sun (1960) CD2 Bleeder Bless The Child Blind Beast Blind Chance (1987) CD1 Blind Chance (1987) CD2 Blind Spot Hitlers Secretary (2002) Blind date Bliss Blob The 1988 Blood Crime Blood Wedding (1981) Blood Work Blood and Black Lace Blow 2001 CD1 Blow 2001 CD2 Blow Dry 2001 Blown Away 1994 CD1 Blown Away 1994 CD2 Blue (Derek Jarman) Blue Car Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Movie Blue Max The CD1 Blue Max The CD2 Blue Moon Blue Planet The 1 Blue Planet The 2 - The Deep Blue Planet The 3 - Open Ocean Blue Planet The 4 - Frozen Seas Blue Spring 2001 Blue Velvet Blue juice 1995 Blue thunder Blues Brothers The (1980) CD1 Blues Brothers The (1980) CD2 Blues Harp Boat Trip - Feedback Overflow Bob Le Flambeur 1955 Bob Marley Story - Rebel Music Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice Body Double Body Heat Body The Boiler Room Bola El Bone Collector The Bonnie and Clyde Book of Fate The Book of Pooh The Boondock Saints The Boot Das 1981 CD1 Boot Das 1981 CD2 Born Romantic Boucher Le Bounce Bourne supremacy The-1CD Boxcar Bertha Boy Who Saw The Wind The Boys and Girls Boyz N the Hood Branca de Neve Bread and Roses Breakfast Club The Breakfast at Tiffanys Breakin all the rules Breaking Away Bride with White Hair The Bridge Man The CD1 Bridge Man The CD2 Bright Future Broadway Danny Rose Brother (Takeshi Kitano) Brother Sun Sister Moon 1972 Brother from Another Planet The 1984 Brotherhood Of The Wolf Brothers The Buddy Buena Estrella La (Lucky Star) Buffalo Soldiers Bug 1975 Bugs Bunny - Baseball Bugs (1946) Bugs Bunny - Big Top Bunny (1951) Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid (1942) Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears (1944) Bugs Bunny - Bugs and Thugs (1954) Bugs Bunny - Bully for Bugs (1953) Bugs Bunny - Frigid Hare (1949) Bugs Bunny - Hair-Raising Hare (1946) Bugs Bunny - Haredevil Hare (1948) Bugs Bunny - Long Haired Hare (1949) Bugs Bunny - My Bunny Lies Over the Sea (1948) Bugs Bunny - Rabbits Kin (1952) Bugs Bunny - Tortoise Wins by a Hare (1943) Bugs Bunny - Wabbit Twouble (1941) Bugs Bunny - Water Water Every Hare (1952) Bugs Bunny - Whats Up Doc (1950) Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Fire (1951) Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Seasoning (1952) Bugs Bunny and Elmer - Rabbit of Seville (1950) Bugs Bunny and Taz - Devil May Hare (1954) Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Ballot Box Bunny (1951) Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Big House Bunny (1950) Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Bunker Hill Bunny (1950) Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - High Diving Hare (1949) Bugs Life A Bullet Ballet Bullet in the Head Bulletproof Monk 2003 Bullets Over Broadway Bully (Unrated Theatrical Edition) Burning Paradise (Ringo Lam 1994) Burnt Money Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid A Special Edition Butchers Wife The |