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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Body Heat

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ANGELA:|My God, it's hot!
l got out of the shower|and started sweating again.
Still burning?
Jesus, it's bigger!
What is it?
NED: lt's the Seawater lnn.|My family used to eat there 25 years ago.
Now somebody's torched it|to clear the lot.
ANGELA: lt's a shame.|NED: Probably one of my clients.
ANGELA:|l'm leaving.
ANGELA: What do you care?|You're watching the fire.
You're done with me.
You've had your fun.|You're spent.
My history is burning up out there.
l don't mind.|l'm leaving.
l'm just getting into my uniform here.
Why do they make these|damn skirts so hard to zip?
NED: ''You're spent''?|Where did you hear that?
Mr. Racine, l no longer care|whether these alleged toilets. . .
. . .were ever actually en route|from lndiana.
l think we're wasting our time here.
lt's clear that your client|has attempted to defraud the county. . .
. . .in a not very ingenious manner.
The assistant prosecutor has made|what l consider a generous offer.
Given no semblance of a defense--
Judge, perhaps when|l've presented all the evidence--
Listen, if l were you. . .
. . .l would recommend to your client|to do as Mr. Lowenstein suggests.
Plead nolo contendere,|file chapter 1 1 . . .
. . .and agree to never do business|with Okeelanta County again.
You'd agree?
He could walk.
But don't test my patience.|lf he hesitates, l'll nail him.
l'll talk to him.
And Mr. Racine. . .
. . .next time you come to my courtroom,|either get a better defense. . .
. . .or a better class of client.
Thank you, Your Honor.
l underestimated you.|Don't know why it took me so long.
You use your incompetence|as a weapon.
My defense was evolving|and you guys got scared.
NED: Costanza doesn't like me.|What'd l do to him?
LOWENSTElN:|He thinks he belongs in circuit court.
He's here with top-notch corruption|and stuck with the county toilets.
Surprised you weren't in on the caper.|Could've been your quick score.
Or maybe Costanza was in on it.|That's why he was so mad.
What's the good word from the|halls of justice? Anything juicy?
Maybe Stella was in on it. When|will you get a real air conditioner?
You don't like it,|there are other places.
They don't have you.|l've got to go.
You can't buy me.
l don't come cheap.
MAN:|Lowenstein, you're a fag.
-Why does he do that?|-He's good. That's the weird part.
-You hear about Dr. Block?|-No. Do l want to?
Agnes Marshall.
Must've been|Mrs. Block's idea of punishment.
That's right.|How did you know that?
You are better plugged in than l am.
l guess you know about|Mrs. Block's friend in Ocean Grove.
Stella, this is beneath even you.|Things must be slow.
STELLA:|lt's the heat.
You can stand here with me, but you|must agree not to speak of the heat.
l'm a married woman.
-Meaning what?|-Meaning l'm not looking for company.
Should've said,|''a happily married woman. ''
That's my business.
-How happy l am.|-And how happy is that?
Not too smart, are you?
l like that in a man.
What else do you like? Lazy?|Ugly? Horny? l've got them all.
You don't look lazy.
Tell me, does chat like this|work with most women?
lf they haven't been around much.
l wondered. l thought|maybe l was out of touch.
-Can l buy you a drink?|-l told you, l've got a husband.
-l'll buy him one too.|-He's out of town.
My favorite kind.|We'll drink to him.
He only comes up on weekends.
l'm liking him better all the time.
Take me up on this quick.|ln 45 minutes l'll get up and go away.
Want to buy me something?|l'll take one of those.
-What kind?|-Cherry.
NED:|Two cherries.
You're not staying in Miranda Beach.
NED: l would have noticed you.|MATTY: ls this town that small?
You're staying down in Pinehaven.
On the waterway.
-You have a house.|-How do you know that?
You look like Pinehaven.
How does Pinehaven look?
-Well-tended.|-l'm well-tended, all right.
What about you?
l need tending. l need|someone to take care of me. . .
. . .someone to rub my tired muscles,|smooth out my sheets.
Get married.
l just need it for tonight.
Nice move, Matty.
Matty? l like it.|lt's right over your heart.
-At least it's cool. l was burning up.|-No talking about the heat.
Would you get me a paper towel,|dip it in cold water?
Right away.|l'll even wipe it off for you.
MATTY:|You don't want to lick it?
Look who's here.|lsn't this a coincidence.
NED:|l know you.
You're the one who hates|talking about heat.
-Too bad. l'd talk about chimes.|-What about them?
The wind chimes on my porch.
They keep ringing|and l go out, expecting a cool breeze.
That's what they always mean.|But not this year.
This year it's just hot air.
NED:|Do l remind you of hot air?
Bourbon, any kind, on the rocks.|Do you want another?
-What are you doing in Pinehaven?|-l'm no yokel.
l was all the way to Miami once.
Some men, once they get a whiff of it,|they trail you like a hound.
l'm not that eager.
-What's your name, anyway?|-Ned Racine.
Matty Walker.
NED: You all right?|MATTY: Yes, l'm fine.
My temperature runs a couple|of degrees high, around 1 00.
l don't mind.|lt's the engine or something.
Maybe you need a tune-up.
Don't tell me.|You have just the right tool.
l don't talk like that.
How did you find me, Ned?
This is the only joint in Pinehaven.
You shouldn't have come.|You're going to be disappointed.
NED:|What did l do?
A lot of them have tried that seat.
You're the first l've let stay.
You must come here a lot.
-Most men are little boys.|-Maybe you should drink at home.
-Too quiet.|-Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.
This is a blouse and skirt.|l don't know what you mean.
Then you shouldn't wear that body.
Sometimes, l don't know.
l just get so sick of everything,|l'm not sure l care anymore.
Do you know what l mean?
l know sometimes the shit comes down|so heavy l feel l should wear a hat.
That's what l mean.
l've got to go home.
-l'll take you.|-l have a car.
l'll follow you.
l want to see the chimes.
You want to see the chimes.
l want to hear them.
That's all.
lf l let you, then that's all.
l'm not looking for trouble.
This is my community bar.
l might have to come here|with my husband sometime.
Would you mind leaving before me?|Waiting in your car?
l know it seems silly.
l don't know who you think|we're going to fool.
You've been pretty friendly.
Now leave me alone.
lt's just like my place.
No help?
MATTY:|She goes home nights.
NED:|You're not nervous here alone?
You do have chimes.
What's that?
MATTY: A gazebo.|NED: No, out there.
A boathouse.
What's in it?
A boat.
lt's a mess, really.
There's an old rowboat and|some lounge chairs, things like that.
l think you should go now.
NED:|l just got here.
You've seen them.|Please go.
Thank you.|l'm sorry.
l shouldn't have let you come.
-You're not so tough after all.|-No, l'm weak.
lt's so bright.
Please, Ned!|Do it!
NED: How are you doing?|Good walk!
BEVERLY:|Mrs. Singer.
NED:|Mrs. Singer!
NED: l would have|gladly come to your house.
The doctor said l should walk|and l did have some shopping.
Not that the quack knows|what he's talking about.
Mr. Racine, l'm just not sure|his testimony is going to be useful.
Don't worry about it, we'll find|a doctor who's more understanding.
-ls it bad today?|-You just can't imagine!
Nobody can repay me|for the pain l've had.
How well l know.|We'll sue those reckless bastards dry.
Excuse my language.
No, don't apologize.
You have to have an attitude|like that these days.
l like this place.|lt's got a nice feel.
MATTY: You were on top.|NED: Could use a better mattress.
NED: See to it, will you?|MATTY: Yes, sir.
NED: Give me a break here.|lt takes a little while.
MATTY:|lt's your own fault.
MATTY:|l never wanted it like this before.
lt throws everything else out of whack.
lt takes me a good 30 seconds.
Are you sure?
l just want to be sure.
NED:|What are you doing?
l have to wash these.
NED:|Afraid of your maid?
MATTY:|That's right.
MATTY: My mother told me,|''Knowledge is power. ''
NED:|This is an interesting interpretation.
NED: lsn't that why you've started|smoking my brand?
MATTY:|No one must know, Ned.
Promise me.|No one.
LOWENSTElN:|Take it easy. All right?
NED: You look terrible.|Don't you sleep?
l had a dream last night so boring|it woke me. l was afraid to sleep.
-Where have you been?|-Around.
l've barely seen you for a month.
Wait a minute, some new quiff, isn't it?|What's wrong with me?
You've never been shy|about this before.
OSCAR:|Weren't at the Y last week. We lost.
He's getting discreet.|l can't believe it.
OSCAR:|What you got in pie today, Stella?
STELLA:|There's cherry, cherry and cherry.
OSCAR: What do you recommend?|STELLA: The cherry.
OSCAR: Bring it on.|And a gigantic Coca-Cola.
l'm disappointed in you. l've been|living vicariously off you for years.
-lf you shut up, l only have my wife.|-Nothing to tell, l lead a lonely life.
OSCAR: Right, and it'll snow later today.|-And people are decent.
Probably someone in uniform?
LOWENSTElN:|No army personnel around. Waitress?
LOWENSTElN:|Could it be?
l know, l know!
You finally got to Glenda. Did she|let you into the no parking zone?
Glenda is seriously involved|with a narc from Palm Beach.
LOWENSTElN: What is that, his hobby?|NED: How's the cop business?
Real good. Always starts hopping|in weather like this.
When it's hot,|people try to kill each other.
l know some people who'll be dead|if we don't get a break soon.
OSCAR: Got more of everything bad|since the wave started.
lt's that crisis atmosphere.
People dress different, sweat more,|wake up cranky and never recover.
Look at Lowenstein.
Everything is just a little askew.
Pretty soon people think|the old rules are not in effect. . .
. . .and break them, figuring nobody|cares because it's emergency time.
Time out!
Oscar, l don't know how you can do|such advanced theoretical thinking. . .
. . .and still be stuck in our town.
Lowenstein dreams of bigger things.
Assistant County Prosecutor|isn't the end.
Someday, Deputy County Prosecutor!
When the truth's out|about the dirt l've been in. . .
. . .my future in this state|will be unlimited.
GLENDA:|Hi, Ned.
NED:|Hi, Glenda.
NED:|You all right?
MATTY:|Don't stop.
You are killing me.|l'm red, l'm sore.
You're sore?|You've got nerve.
Look at it.|lt's about to fall off.
ls there any more ice?|l'm burning up.
He's coming up tomorrow.
l can't stand the thought of him.
He's small. . .
. . .and mean. . .
. . .and weak.
NED:|Lady, you want to fuck?
Gee, l don't know.
-This sure is a friendly town.|NED: l'm sorry.
You are?
You mean the offer is no good?
l feel like a jerk.
Maybe you're supposed|to deliver it next door.
MARY ANN: You must be looking for|the lady of the house.
Ned, this is Mary Ann.
MARY ANN: We were just meeting.|Ned made me feel very welcome.
NED:|l am an idiot!
How are you?
You staying in town?
No, just passing through.
Nice area.|A little hot for my taste.
lt's unusual.|We're famous for our cool breezes.
Want to stay for dinner?
l've got to go.
MARY ANN:|Got to go.
You two have fun now.
l didn't see her car.
l'm sorry.|l've got to be more careful.
Mary Ann is an old friend.
She's like a sister to me.
She wants me to be happy.
NED:|How do you know?
MATTY:|l saw the will once.
MATTY:|He showed it to me.
MATTY: Trying to prove how much|he loved me, or something.
NED:|How did he get so fat?
MATTY: Stock market,|real estate, investments.
MATTY: He doesn't tell me much,|but l've picked up a little.
-They own lots of land at the shore.|NED: Who's ''they''?
MATTY: He's never introduced me to|anyone. l'm not sure they're legitimate.
NED:|l wonder what they call themselves.
MATTY: l know they own that place|in Miranda Beach, The Breakers.
NED: The Breakers? l thought|Morrie Fisher owned that land.
Edmund mentioned it once.
lt scares me|to talk about these things.
MATTY: You know.|NED: No, l don't.
Let's just not.|Let's not think about all he's got.
NED:|Wait a minute.
Tell me exactly what it is|that frightens you.
l'm afraid because. . .
. . .when l think about it. . .
. . .l wish he'd die.
That's really what l want.|lt's horrible and it's ugly. . .
. . .and it's what l most want.
NED: That's where we're at, isn't it?|-What do you mean?
NED: That's what we're both thinking.|How good it would be if he was gone.
No, please.|Don't talk about it.
Talk is dangerous,|makes things happen.
-lt makes them real.|NED: Don't get scared.
Because he is not going to die.
Nothing wrong with him, is there?|No reason to think he'll die?
That's right.|So we might as well forget about it.
lt's not going to just happen|to make things nice for us.
lt won't just happen.
NED: lf you leave him,|you'll do all right.
MATTTY: A divorce?|NED: Yeah, he's ripe.
No. l signed a prenuptial agreement.
-What?|-He insisted.
He blamed it on his sister, Roz.|She hates me, but he wanted it too.
-How is it?|-lt's bad.
l get some money for a year,|not much. That's it.
Does it matter, Ned?|Tell me the truth, please.
The truth!|l wish you were going to be loaded.
Does it matter? No.
God, you make me happy!
lt's time for your present.
Now, when it starts coming down on you,|l'll be there to protect you.
Try it on.|l bet l guessed the size right.
l love it!
NED:|l want to see.
Hello, sweetheart.
Have l got a nice present for you!
Hi, Aunt Matty.
EDMUND: What is it again?|HEATHER: Rover.
HEATHER: lt's between first and second.|EDMUND: That's not a shortstop?
No. The shortstop is between|second and third.
Good, that's the way l remember it.
EDMUND:|Have a good time.
You don't really mind, do you?
Roz will pick her up Thursday.
Don't worry.|Roz won't stay overnight.
She can do whatever she wants.
Oh, my God!|You scared me.
You shouldn't be here.|Heather's upstairs.
NED: Asleep.|And l know what l want.
l know. l missed you so badly,|but it's too dangerous.
-She won't wake now.|-You're so wet.
NED:|l waited out there for 2 hours.
MATTY:|You're so salty.
MATTY:|Let me.
Lie back.
HEATHER:|Aunt Matty?
What do you say?
-l did!|MATTY: She did.
Thank you, Aunt Matty.
-Thanks, Matty. We appreciate it.|-A pleasure, Roz. Any time.
-lt's just me tonight, Filomena.|-Okay. Just one minute.
Well, hello to you!
Darling, this is Mr. Racine.|l'm sorry, l don't know your first name.
Edmund Walker.|Nice to meet you.
Mr. Racine is the lawyer|l told you about.
You remember. He had a client|who wanted to buy the house.
MATTY: l told him we weren't selling.|-Right.
NED:|That hasn't changed, has it?
No, we're very happy with it.
l can understand that.|lt's a terrific place.
Are you going in?
l was going to grab a bite.
Join us.
-No! Thanks, l don't want to interfere.|-No. Don't be silly.
We have room for three, don't we?
EDMUND: lt's great,|but you can't get near it on weekends.
-l don't get down during the week much.|NED: ls that right?
l was a lawyer.|l still am, but l don't practice.
-l went to Columbia. And you?|NED: F.S.U.
EDMUND: A good school.|l got bored with it quick.
l didn't have the temperament for it.
l wanted to make the money faster.
EDMUND:|ls there a living in it here?
l can afford to send out my shirts. . .
. . .and eat here once a month|if l don't order an appetizer.
Honest lawyers don't make much|and the other kind are too slimy for me.
l'd rather be up-front|about shafting somebody.
MATTY:|Edmund, really!
-lt's his profession.|NED: That's all right.
l don't like it much.
Call me Ned, will you?
EDMUND:|What's to like?
lt's the way of the world.|Most people despise their jobs.
Do you?
EDMUND:|No, l love it.
But it's not a job.
What is it exactly?
l do various things.|This and that.
EDMUND: Here and there.|NED: You don't have to be specific.
Finance, basically.|Venture capital, real estate. . .
. . .investments.|We're into a few things.
-Around here?|EDMUND: Some.
EDMUND:|Some things here.
Edmund's company owns The Breakers.
NED: Really?|EDMUND: lt's not that simple, really.
We have an interest|in a few places along the shore.
For the land, someday.
Don't try explaining it to her.
l'm too dumb.|A woman, you know.
l'll be right back.
Then maybe we can talk about|pantyhose or something interesting.
She's something, isn't she?
NED:|She is a lovely lady.
EDMUND:|Yes, she is.
And l'm crazy about her.
lf l thought she was seeing|another guy. . . .
l don't know.
l could understand how it could happen,|the way she is.
l could understand it, but. . .
. . .l think l'd kill the guy|with my bare hands.
That's understanding.
You'd never believe the dorkus|she was with when l met her.
The guy came to us|with a business proposition.
We're always looking for opportunities.
We're willing to take a risk. . .
. . .if the downside's not too steep,|if conditions are right.
But this guy,|he hadn't done his homework.
He didn't know the bottom line.|That's how l knew he was full of shit.
Got to know the bottom line.|That's all that counts.
But he didn't have the goods,|this guy.
Like lots of guys you run into. . .
. . .they want to get rich, do it quick,|be there with one score. . . .
But they're not willing to do|what's necessary. You know what l mean?
l'm not sure. You mean|do the groundwork? Earn it?
No, l mean,|do what's necessary.
Whatever is necessary.
l know that kind of guy.|l hate that. lt makes me sick.
Me too.
l'm a lot like that.
BEVERLY: Some messages are on your desk.|l'll be back in an hour.
Jesus!|Did Beverly see you?
l waited until l saw her leave.
MATTY:|Please, don't be angry.
Angry? l'm not angry.|How did you get in?
MATTY:|lt didn't lock.
Ned, hold me.
MATTY:|Just hold me.
MATTY:|God, l love you!
MATTY:|He left this morning.
MATTY: l had to see you.|NED: l know.
l couldn't call.
l was afraid to. l was afraid|you wouldn't let me come.
You mustn't call.|Never call.
Be careful.|The phone company keeps records.
l am careful.
Ned, l hated it.
l hated sitting there with you two.|l thought l'd scream.
You called my apartment from the house.
MATTY: No, never.|-Those two times?
MATTY:|l went to phone booths.
l'm afraid of him--
That's good. Be very careful now|about the phones.
-Why say this now?|-We can account for some calls.
We've had some contact.
Why?|What's happened?
Because we're going to kill him.
We both know that.
lt's what you want, isn't it?
We knew it was coming.
lt's the only way we can|have everything we want.
That man is going to die. . .
. . .for no reason but we want him dead.
He doesn't deserve it.|Let's not ever say that.
We'll do it for us. You get half of all|he owns, that's what the will says.
NED:|That's it, then.
We're going to kill him.
And l think l know how.
-lt's real, then?|-lt's real, all right.
And if we're not careful,|it'll be the last real thing we do.
MATTY: Her mother works plenty hard|to keep Heather on Edmund's mind.
Always bringing her around,|reporting on what she does in school.
That Roz is a smart one.
And anything Heather inherits goes|to Roz. Heather won't even see it.
That's what seems so wrong,|that half of it should go to her.
There's nothing we can do about it.
Are you sure?
l was thinking that maybe there is.
The will is with Edmund's lawyer|in Miami. l know that.
What if l got him to bring it home?
And couldn't we rewrite it?|Change it?
Every change would mean a lot for us.
You know how to write it.
lt wouldn't seem so odd.
l'd say he brought it home and we|decided to make some changes up here.
-And l knew you already--|NED: No!
Forget it.
Why should Heather take half?
Nothing strange can happen|in his life now.
Not one thing out of the ordinary.
That's the most important thing.
lf it does,|the chances double that we get caught.
You'll get half of everything.
lt'll be plenty, no matter what.|We won't get greedy.
lf we do, we'll get burned.
You're right, darling.
l'm sorry.|l know you're right.
l know where he is.|lt's not far from here.
-l don't want you with me.|-l thought we settled that.
l'll wait in the car. . .
. . .but l want to take the risk with you.|We're both doing this.
What's the matter?|Can't think with music?
lt's like this, l said.|lt's fast, it's hot, it's simple.
You can use the clock|or rig it to something that moves.
lt starts big.|lt will go with just the mag chips.
You want a little more,|splash a little accelerator around.
NED:|ls it just regular gasoline?
Regular, unleaded, supreme.|Whatever you like, Counselor.
l got to tell you, though,|this mama has a big drawback.
lt's easy to spot.
Even after the meltdown,|they're going to know it's arson.
l don't care about that.
That's all there is to it?
No, that ain't all. You've got|to get in, you've got to get out.
You've got to pick the right spot,|the right time. . .
. . .and try not to get famous|while you're in the act.
lf that's all,|any idiot could do it.
NED:|l'm sorry.
l want to ask you something.
Are you listening to me, asshole?
Because l like you.|l got a serious question for you.
What are you doing?
This is not shit for you|to be messing with.
Ready to hear something? l want you|to see if this sounds familiar.
Any time you try a decent crime,|you've got 50 ways you can fuck up.
lf you think of 25 of them, you're a|genius. And you ain't no genius.
Remember who told me that?
No smoking in here.
Look, why don't you let me|do it for you? Gratis. l'll do it.
l wouldn't be on the street|except for you.
l sure hope you know|what you're doing.
You better be damn sure,|because if you ain't, don't do it.
Of course, that's|my recommendation, anyway.
Don't do it.
Because l'll tell you something,|Counselor. This arson is serious crime.
MATTY:|You'll be downstairs.
MATTY:|2:30, l send him down.
We won't talk again|after l leave here tonight.
l'll be in Miami Friday.|You won't be able to reach me.
When l see you again,|he'll be dead.
l'm frightened.
EDMUND:|Jesus, take it easy!
EDMUND: l thought l was tense.|MATTY: Where are you going?
EDMUND:|l can't sleep.
-l'm going to get something to drink.|MATTY: Edmund.
l can't sleep, either.
Come back to bed, darling.
MATTY:|Don't stop.
Are you trying to kill me?
MATTY:|What's wrong?
l think someone's downstairs.|l heard something.
MATTY:|Are you sure?
MATTY:|Want me to call the police?
EDMUND: You be quiet!|l'm going to nail this bastard.
MATTY: Edmund, what's that?|EDMUND: Quiet!
-l've never seen that.|EDMUND: lt's a surprise for this fucker.
He has a gun!
NED: The car's at the end of the drive.|Clean up, then come.
You have to be careful|driving in this fog.
Are you all right?
MATTY:|Thank God. l thought--
NED: They're right on time|and l'm running late.
We won't talk for a long time.
Miles Hardin.|Do you want him?
NED: Who is he?|-She says he's a lawyer from Miami.
HARDlN: Mr. Racine?|-Yes?
Miles Hardin of|Morris and Dale in Miami.
As you know,|we represented Edmund Walker.
Mrs. Walker has submitted|the new will you wrote up there.
Yes, l see.
And frankly, Mr. Racine,|l think we may have a problem.
What problem is that?
l'd rather discuss it in person.
ln fact, l think it's best|if we all get together up there.
That is, if you wouldn 't object.
No, that would be all right.
Good. We have a relationship with a|firm in West Palm, Shiller & Hastings.
Yes, l know them.
l've arranged to use their offices.
l thought we'd try to make it tomorrow,|say 10:00.
Would that be possible for you?
-Yes, l think so.|-Good.
Mrs. Walker told me|she'd be back by then...
...and l've asked Mrs. Kraft,|Mr. Walker's sister, to join us also.
-l'll see you then.|-Right.
l don't have her.|Should l?
l thought the temporary put her in.|She came during your vacation.
Look her up.|They were in Pinehaven, l think.
(BEVERLY OVER lNTERCOM)|No answer at the Pinehaven number.
Okay, try again later.
-Miles Hardin, Mr. Racine.|-How are you?
l don't think you know Mrs. Kraft.
No, l don't.
My condolences.
Thank you.
Mrs. Walker, l am very sorry|about your husband.
Thank you.
You know Mr. Lowenstein.
NED: Hi, Peter.|LOWENSTElN: Hi, Ned.
l've asked Mr. Lowenstein|to join us. . .
. . .he's handling the inquiry. . .
. . .into Edmund Walker's death|for the county prosecutor's office.
We have discussed the matter. . .
. . .and he's made it|possible for us to speak frankly here.
Off the record, so to speak.
As l told Mrs. Walker, l'm surprised|at the existence of this new will.
Edmund hadn't mentioned|anything about it to me.
Mrs. Walker explained that when|she and her husband made changes. . .
. . .they took care of it up here|for simplicity's sake.
As you know, the new will|is almost identical to the old. . .
. . .but for the disposition|of a few items.
Risking oversimplification,|the thrust. . .
. . .of the will is to divide the estate|in equal parts. . .
. . .between Heather Kraft|and Mrs. Walker.
Would you agree|with that assessment?
You witnessed Walker's signature|along with. . .
. . .Miss Mary Ann Simpson.
HARDlN: Apparently it will be impossible|for us to contact Miss Simpson.
MATTY:|Mary Ann is a lifelong friend of mine.
She was visiting on her way to Europe.|She'll be in touch on her return.
NED:|Although it's not required.
Witnesses of a will's signing|are often unavailable. . .
. . .when it enters into probate.|lt's not standard, by any means.
HARDlN:|Edmund Walker's death was not standard.
l'm confused. ls there some question|as to the authenticity of the will?
l'm confused too.
You have a problem|with the witnessing. . .
. . .or the signatures?|What are you getting at?
l'm afraid the problem lies elsewhere.
Would anybody mind if l smoked?
No, l don't need my own.|l'll just breathe the air.
HARDlN:|Everything's in order to there.
The problem comes in the language|of the bequest to Heather.
lt's a technical matter.
ln writing the will, Mr. Racine|violated what's known as. . .
. . . ''the rule against perpetuities. ''
lt forbids an inheritance to be passed|down indefinitely for generations.
l knew that a probate judge in Miami|would spot the mistake right away. . .
. . .so l thought l'd bring it up here,|since Edmund had the residence here. . .
. . .and see if l could get a judge|who didn't know estate law as well.
Perhaps find one with the same|kind of training as Mr. Racine.
Unfortunately, my plan backfired.
l ran into a judge who had|other dealings with Mr. Racine. . .
. . .a Judge Costanza.
lt seems there were problems|with an estate in a case 4 years ago.
Very different problems,|it's true. . .
. . .but on a will that Mr. Racine|prepared. lt was quite a mess.
Accusations of carelessness and|malpractice. lt was the Gourson case.
Once again, Mr Hardin,|you've lost me.
Yes, what does this all mean?
HARDlN:|lt means that Edmund's will is invalid.
Edmund Walker died intestate,|as though there were no will at all.
So what happens now?
HARDlN:|You don't know?
No, l don't.
Perhaps Mr. Racine|would like to tell you.
ln Florida,|when a person dies without a will. . .
. . .and with no children|or surviving parents. . .
. . .then the spouse|inherits everything.
My God!
You mean|it's all mine?
Though that was clearly|not your husband's intention.
HARDlN:|He intended Heather to benefit.
Of course.
Of course, l understand.
You look good in black.
l've missed you so badly.|l need you.
l didn't know how you got my stationery.|Then it came to me.
Edmund's signature was a snap.|l wouldn't challenge mine.
Please stop. l don't blame you|for hating me right now.
You have really done it, Matty.|You really have!
Will you come to the house tonight?
l want you more now than l ever have.
l know how you must feel. . .
. . .but please come tonight.
l hope you haven't done us in.
Hi, guys!
Just come on in.|Make yourself at home.
OSCAR: Sorry.|LOWENSTElN: Not me.
LOWENSTElN: lt was unlocked, inviting|illegal entry, making Oscar's job hard.
NED: Sorry, Oscar.|You guys want a beer?
No, thanks.|l already had one.
How did you ever get involved|with this Matty Walker?
-What do you mean?|OSCAR: l mean, she's poison.
What do you know about his death?
What l read. He died in the fire.|Looks like arson.
Was arson.
Okay, it was arson.
You don't know if he set it|and fucked up. . .
. . .or if that's how|someone wanted it to look.
He didn't set it.|Someone offed him.
His people owned the place, right?
OSCAR:|That's right.
OSCAR:|And a very rough group of fellows too.
OSCAR: Possibly they wanted|to cut Edmund out, but it isn't. . .
. . .a very neat way to handle it.
lt's not their style.|They'd rather destroy you than kill you.
And they hate publicity.
OSCAR: l'm more interested|in the grieving widow.
LOWENSTElN: Her sister-in-law has ideas|too. She could barely contain herself.
l noticed that.
But she'll see how|Matty treats her on the estate.
-Doesn't want to blow it.|-How'd you get involved?
They asked me to redo the will.|l met with her and Edmund.
lt was pretty simple.
NED: Mary Ann Simpson witnessed it too.|Walker didn't think it was a big deal.
OSCAR: That's it?|-That's it.
-What was Simpson's story?|NED: l don't know.
She was passing through. Old friend|of the family's. Good-looking.
On her way to Europe?
OSCAR: The passport people|didn't have any record of it.
What do you think?
About the wife?
Guess it's possible. l don't know much|about her except what l've seen.
lt wouldn't shock me.
LOWENSTElN:|l have a feeling she's very bad news.
Take some intelligent advice.|Stay away from her.
He's right, for once.
Well, l'm sorry, guys.
l just can't do that.
Why not?
NED: For one thing,|did you get a look at her?
That wouldn't be so meaningful,|except today she came on to me. . .
. . .and that lady is about to|come into lots of money.
She invited me there tonight|and l'm going, and l'll keep on going. . .
. . .as many days or nights. . .
. . .or weekends as she'll have me.
Someday your dick is going to|lead you into a very big hassle.
She may have killed her husband.
NED: But she won't inherit anything|by killing me.
Besides, maybe she'll try|to fuck me to death.
You've messed up before and|you will again. lt's your nature.
But they've always been smalltime.|This might not be.
She's trouble. Real thing,|bigtime, major league trouble.
Watch yourself.
MATTY: Mary Ann and l left|Wheaton together and went to Chicago.
Didn't know what we were doing.
l got into bad trouble with drugs.|Speed.
Real bad.
l did things that. . . .
Worse than you can imagine.
l thought l would die.|l prayed l would.
And then a man helped me.
He got me clean.
He didn't want much in return, either.
He was a lawyer. He put me to work|in his office. l learned a lot there.
That's where l picked up|about making a will invalid.
lt happened to him.
l swear l never would have used you|if l had known about your case.
l was afraid to tell you.
l knew you wouldn't let me do it.
l'm greedy, like you said.|l wanted us to have it all.
l don't blame you. . .
. . .for thinking l'm bad.
l am.|l know it.
l'd understand|if you cut me off right now.
lf you never trusted me again,|you'd probably be smart. . .
. . .but you must believe one thing.
l love you.
l love you and l need you.
And l want to be with you forever.
They already think you're involved.
l don't care.
There's nothing we can do about it now.
Soon we'll either have the money|or we won't.
lt's out of our hands.
MATTY:|l fired the housekeeper.
We can stay together|as long as we want.
We're all alone now.
That's right, l've been|going there a lot lately.
lsn't that amazing?|Miami. Jesus!
l'm handling the purchase|of property there. l'm going back. . .
. . .in the future|if it's still legal to go to Miami.
LOWENSTElN:|He's mad.
When my friend asks my whereabouts|the night of a recent murder?
lt's not recent anymore.|Maybe he feels some pressure.
OSCAR:|You brought it on yourself.
l don't run this department.|People are watching this.
They hear you're banging the widow.|lt tends to call attention to you.
So don't give me that shit.
That is my business.
You mean that's your fucking business.
This whole damn case is getting crazy.
You tell him about the glasses?
Walker always wore steel-rimmed glasses.|A real fanatic about them.
They weren't on the scene.|Coroner says. . .
. . .that after a fire, the frames|would've been seared right into his. . . .
You don't want details.
So what?
Looks like he was killed elsewhere. . .
. . .and brought there in his own car.
Your honey, his wife, said|he left the house in the night. . .
. . .and drove to some mysterious|meeting. That vague enough for you?
Look, what is this?|What do you want?
Am l supposed to be an|undercover agent for you or something?
lnteresting choice of phrase.
Suppose tonight l ask her?
''Say, did you kill your husband?|My friends were just wondering. ''
That's a great idea.
Also ask where the glasses are,|where she did it. . . .
Am l forgetting anything, Oscar?
OSCAR:|That one thing.
LOWENSTElN: You're going to|love this latest development.
This is from the sister-in-law,|the Kraft woman.
She's driving me batty. She's convinced|she won't be cut in on the will.
A few weeks before the murder. . .
. . .Walker's niece spent a while|with your friend Matty.
One night when she wakes up,|goes to see her aunt. . .
. . .and catches her with some guy.
LOWENSTElN: You get it?|ln the act or some fucking thing.
We don't have the details yet,|but Mrs. Kraft. . .
. . .is bringing the little girl|to tell her story.
They're here. l passed them|on the way in. They're outside.
l'm not sure l'm up to|dealing with this scene.
Listen. . .
. . .you probably don't want|to see the Kraft woman right now.
She's pretty wild.|Why don't you slip out the back way?
Are we done here?
Yeah, l've got it all here.
OSCAR: Ned, l'm sorry l had to ask.|NED: l'll go out this way.
l've had a lot of experience|with disgruntled people.
l'll be at Stella's.
Hello, Mrs. Kraft.
Hello, Mr. Racine.
How are you making out?
We're doing all right, l guess.
You must be Heather.
l'm Ned Racine. l've heard a lot|about you. Nice to meet you.
Thank you.
l'm sorry our town|is so hot for your visit.
lt sure is!
LOWENSTElN: The usual, my sweet.|STELLA: Two iced teas for ''Fred Astaire. ''
l'm going out for 1 0 minutes.
-Ready to hear something wild?|-l don't know, l've had my share today.
No, this is right up your alley.
Little Heather. . .
. . .goes out on the porch|and there's this dude with her aunt.
And the guy is turned around|with his shorts dropped. . .
. . .so he's mooning the little girl.
He and your friend are going at|something she can't quite figure out. . .
. . .but which sounds suspiciously|like oral-genital contact. . .
. . .which is no longer|illegal in this state.
And the guy turns around to Heather.|Do you follow me so far?
-Guess what he looks like.|-l don't know.
He looks about seven or eight|inches long, shiny and very bald.
Poor little Heather!
She'd never seen one angry before.
Made quite an impression on her.|Yes, sir!
-That's all she can remember about him.|-That's it?
One other thing.
She said the guy had very greasy hair,|wore it slicked back.
''Like a Cuban,'' she says.|l love that part.
Can you imagine poor Heather?
After getting a gander at that,|she slips back to bed.
This is the capper,|why she woke up:
She had a nightmare.
Can you imagine the kind of dreams|she had the rest of the night?
Don't say that.|Don't say you don't have them.
l swear l don't.|What's wrong with you?
They had to be here when you cleaned up.|They've probably got my prints on them.
l wasn't looking for them.|l thought they were on Edmund.
-Where could they have gone!|-l don't know.
-Betty!|NED: The housekeeper?
Where would she have put them?
MATTY:|She might have taken them.
Listen to me. That's why l fired her.
After his death, she acted strangely,|watching me, listening to my calls.
That is crazy.|You imagined it.
l know. l've been imagining|things too. Plenty.
No, l could tell|there was a difference.
Maybe she knew about us.|Maybe she wants something.
Don't you think we'd have|heard from her by now?
MATTY:|l don't know what to think.
l'm worried, Ned.
But it's not about the glasses|or your friends. lt's us.
Your first reaction is to accuse me.
MATTY: What's happening to you?|-l'm sorry.
Hardin called today.
Everything should be cleared up|by next week. l'll get the money.
He apologized for the delay.
They've been stalling.|They're dragging it out. . .
. . .hoping to find a way|to implicate you.
But they haven't been able to.
Soon it will be all ours.
That's why we've got to stay together.
lt won't be long. . .
. . .then we can get away from here,|out from under all of this.
All we have is each other.
l'd kill myself if l thought|this thing would destroy us.
l couldn't take it.
NED:|That's great.
NED:|What are you doing here?
l was looking for you.|Do you always run this late?
NED: No. l'm going to Miami tomorrow.|l won't have time.
-What's in Miami?|NED: Closing that real estate deal.
You're some kind of health nut.
Matty Walker smokes this brand.
ls this one of those conversations?|Maybe my lawyer should be present.
Buddy, your lawyer is present.
Walker was a bad guy, and the more|l find out, the happier l am he's dead.
l figure it's a positive thing|for the world.
You're not known for being a hard-liner.
l have my own standards.|l just try to keep them private.
l don't care who killed him. . .
. . .and l don't care|who gets rich because of it.
But Oscar is not like that.
His whole life is based on|doing the right thing.
He's the only one l know like that.
Sometimes, it's a real pain in the ass.|Even for him.
Oscar's unhappy right now.|He is in pain.
-Why is that?|-Because he likes you.
Even better than l do, that's why he's|busting his butt trying to find Simpson.
They found her place|in Miami yesterday.
But the woman herself was gone.|Seems like she left in a hurry.
Oscar thought any story|she could tell might help.
He thinks you need help.
Someone is putting you|into deep trouble, my friend.
From 3:30 to 5:00 a.m.|the night Walker was killed. . .
. . .someone called|your hotel room repeatedly.
The hotel didn't want|to put them through. . .
. . .but whoever it was|said it was an emergency.
Your phone rang and rang|but you didn't answer.
-That's easy.|LOWENSTElN: Don't.
Don't say anything.
Just save it for some other time.
lt gets worse.
Now someone's trying|to give us Edmund's glasses.
We don't know who and we don't know|what the glasses will tell us. . .
. . .but our negotiations are continuing.
Wish l knew what to tell you,|but l don't have any good ideas.
l'll see you.
We know each other, don't we?
Michael Glenn,|with Bashford, Hillerman.
NED:|Ned Rasine.
Christ, l've done it again.
l'm just here waiting for some people.
This is silly.
You're not still mad|about that Gourson business?
We had to do it.
Costanza practically insisted|that we sue you.
None of us likes malpractice|against other lawyers.
NED:|Forget it.
l tried to make it up to you.
Ever meet a lady|named Matty Walker?
You'd remember her.
GLENN: A very hot number.|NED: Matty Walker.
Yeah, l met her at a party.
She said she was going up there. . .
. . .and wanted to know about lawyers.
GLENN: So l gave her your name.|NED: When was this?
A long time.|Maybe last year sometime.
-l've got to go.|-You tell her about the Gourson case?
Hey, pal, l was trying|to get you work.
GLENN:|Jesus! Are you nuts?
Did you tell her about Gourson?
Maybe l told her how we met.|Yeah, maybe.
BEVERLY:|ls something wrong with your phone?
lt's just off the hook.|Why?
Teddy Lewis is in county.|He's very anxious to talk to you.
l don't know. lt's a thing in|Lauderdale, but they're not telling me.
TEDDY: l'm a little worried.|-l'll find out.
No, that's not why l called you.
ln fact, l got another lawyer.
TEDDY:|l think it would be better.
-Do you know Schlisgal?|-Yeah, he's good.
This broad came to me last week.|A real looker.
She said you told her|how she could reach me. . .
. . .and l figured you must have|because she knew all about it.
She said that you wanted another one.
She had me show her how to|rig it to a door with a little delay.
Does any of this mean anything to you?
Then l'm glad l told you.|You better watch your step.
Thanks, Teddy.
Racine, don't thank me yet,|because. . .
. . .these guys have been|asking me about The Breakers.
l ain't told them shit, but l don't like|the look on their faces.
BEVERLY:|Mr. Racine's office.
Ned, Mrs. Walker.|Do you want her?
MATTY: Hello, Ned.|Can we talk?
NED: Where are you?|MATTY: l'm in Miami.
l've been running around like crazy.|l couldn 't reach you before l left.
Everything is going to be all right.
-Tell me.|-l've got the money.
l've taken it and sent it|somewhere safe. lt's all ours now.
-But that's not the best part.|-What's the best part?
The glasses.|l got them back.
That is, they should be ours by now.|Betty had them.
She wanted money.|That's why l came down here.
She made it all very difficult,|but l think it worked out.
-Do you have them?|-No. She wouldn 't do that.
She's putting them in the boathouse.|ln the top drawer of the dresser.
They should be there now|if she's kept up her end.
l think you'd better get them|right away. l don 't trust her.
-ln the boathouse?|-That's right.
The top drawer of the dresser.
Ned, we're going to be all right.
l'll leave here as soon as l can.|l should be there by 7:30.
l can 't wait to see you, darling.|We've made it.
Are you all right?
Goodbye, sweetheart.
l better go get him.
MATTY: Hello, darling.|NED: Hello, Matty.
MATTY: Where's your car?|NED: Out back with yours.
MATTY: Why didn't you turn the lights on?|NED: l could see.
lt's all ours now.
We could leave tonight if we wanted to.
-lt's all over.|-Yes, it is.
What is that?
lt's Edmund's gun.|You remember it, don't you?
What's happened?
-l think you know.|-No, l swear l don't.
lt's the glasses, Matty.
Weren't they there?|Didn't she bring them?
l didn't see them.
She promised me she would bring them.
Maybe l missed them.|The way you missed them that night.
l don't know what you're thinking,|but you're wrong.
l'd never do anything to hurt you.
-l love you, you've got to believe that.|-Keep talking, Matty.
Experience shows|l can be convinced of anything.
l did arrange to meet you.|But that all changed.
You changed it. l fell in love|with you. l didn't plan that.
NED: You never quit, do you?|You just keep on coming.
How can l prove it to you?|What can l say?
The glasses, Matty.|Why don't you go down there. . .
. . .and get them?
You said they weren't there.
l said l didn't see them.
l'll go.
l'll go and look for them.
No matter what you think. . .
. . .l do love you.
She's alive!
OSCAR:|They found the body in the boathouse.
What if that was|somebody else's body?
What if it was already there|when l got there, waiting for me?
Maybe her friend, Mary Ann.
Her teeth were left!
They were sent back to lllinois.|The identification was positive.
That was her.
That was Matty Tyler Walker.
That was her and she is dead!
NED:|You are not listening to me.
Maybe she was using this|other girl's name. . .
. . .since she first met Walker|3 years ago. . .
. . .since she first decided|to take him one way or the other.
Maybe. . .
. . .Walker, or any of us,|never knew her real name.
Why would she want to hide her identity?
l don't know.
Maybe because there was something|in her past so bad. . .
. . .it would queer it|with Walker if he knew. . .
. . .that he'd never marry her.
Let's say. . .
. . .that she's living as this other girl,|this person from her past.
So there's only one person|in the whole world. . .
. . .who knows who she really is.
And then just when she's got me|on the line. . .
. . .she's finally going to collect,|that person shows up.
That girl finds her|and threatens to expose her. . .
. . .so Matty starts paying her off.
Maybe she even promised to cut her|in on Edmund's money.
Now she's got to share it|with two people.
But then Matty sees a way. . .
. . .to get rid of both of us at once.
At the boathouse.
A way to solve all her problems. . .
. . .and get clear|with no one looking for her.
She was right, because l would have|never stopped looking for her.
Matty killed this other girl. . .
. . .and put her body in the boathouse.
lt was so. . .
. . .perfect.|lt was so. . .
. . .clean.
You find two bodies,|me and this girl. . .
. . .two killers, dead.
Case closed.
You can't find the money, can you?|Doesn't that tell you something?
lt tells me she moved it and we can't|find it and that don't mean shit.
lt could be sitting. . .
. . .in a bank anywhere|in the world waiting. . .
. . .for some dead lady to come for it.
Do you hear what you're saying?|lt's crazy!
She'd have to be|one quick, smart broad.
Oscar, don't you understand?|That was her special gift.
She was relentless.
Matty was the kind of person|who could do what was necessary.
Whatever was necessary.
PRlSON TRUSTEE:|ls that what you've been waiting for?
MAN:|lt is hot.
Subtitled by|GELULA & CO., lNC.
BBC - The Blue Planet (1 of 8) - Ocean World
BBC - The Blue Planet (2 of 8) - The Deep
BBC - The Blue Planet (3 of 8) - Open Ocean
BBC - The Blue Planet (4 of 8) - Frozen Seas
BBC - The Blue Planet (5 of 8) - Seasonal Seas
BBC - The Blue Planet (6 of 8) - Coral Seas
BBC - The Blue Planet (7 of 8) - Tidal Seas
BBC - The Blue Planet (8 of 8) - Coasts
Babi Leto - Autumn Spring (2002)
Baby Doll
Baby Geniuses 2 2004
Babylon 5 - 2x01 - Points of Departure
Babylon 5 - 2x02 - Revelations
Babylon 5 - 2x03 - The Geometry of Shadows
Babylon 5 - 2x04 - A Distant Star
Babylon 5 - 2x04 - The Long Dark
Babylon 5 - 2x06 - Spider in the Web
Babylon 5 - 2x07 - Soul Mates
Babylon 5 - 2x08 - A Race Through Dark Places
Babylon 5 - 2x09 - The Coming of Shadows
Babylon 5 - 2x10 - Gropos
Babylon 5 - 2x11 - All Alone in the Night
Babylon 5 - 2x12 Acts of Sacrifice
Babylon 5 - 2x13 - Hunter Prey
Babylon 5 - 2x14 - There All the Honor Lies
Babylon 5 - 2x15 - And Now For A Word
Babylon 5 - 2x17 - Knives
Babylon 5 - 2x18 - Confessions and Lamentations
Babylon 5 - 2x19 - Divided Loyalties
Babylon 5 - 2x20 - The Long Twilight Struggle
Babylon 5 - 2x21 - Comes the Inquisitor
Babylon 5 - 2x22 - The Fall Of Night
Babylon 5 - 3x03 - A Day in the Strife
Babylon 5 - 3x05 - Voices of Authority
Babylon 5 - 3x06 - Dust to Dust
Babylon 5 - 3x07 - Exogenesis
Babylon 5 - 3x08 - Messages from Earth
Babylon 5 - 3x09 - Point of No Return
Babylon 5 - 3x10 - Severed Dreams
Babylon 5 - 3x11 - Ceremonies of Light and Dark
Babylon 5 - 3x12 - Sic Transit Vir
Babylon 5 - 3x13 - A Late Delivery From Avalon
Babylon 5 - 3x14 - Ship of Tears
Babylon 5 - 3x16 - War Without End (Part I)
Babylon 5 - 3x17 - War Without End (Part II)
Babylon 5 - 3x18 - Walkabout
Babylon 5 - 3x19 - Grey 17 is Missing
Babylon 5 - 3x20 - And the Rock Cried Out No Hiding Place
Babylon 5 - 3x21 - Shadow Dancing
Babylon 5 1x01 Midnight on the Firing Line
Babylon 5 1x02 Soul Hunter
Babylon 5 1x03 Born to the Purple
Babylon 5 1x04 Infection
Babylon 5 1x05 The Parliament of Dreams
Babylon 5 1x06 Mind War
Babylon 5 1x07 The War Prayer
Babylon 5 1x08 And The Sky Full Of Stars
Babylon 5 1x09 Deathwalker
Babylon 5 1x10 Believers
Babylon 5 1x11 Survivors
Babylon 5 1x12 By Any Means Necessary
Babylon 5 1x13 Signs and Portents
Babylon 5 1x14 TKO
Babylon 5 1x15 Grail
Babylon 5 1x16 Eyes
Babylon 5 1x17 Legacies
Babylon 5 1x18 A voice in the wilderness - Part 1
Babylon 5 1x19 A voice in the wilderness - Part 2
Babylon 5 1x20 Babylon squared
Babylon 5 1x21 The Quality Of Mercy
Babylon 5 1x22 Crysalis
Babylon 5 3x01 Matters of Honor
Babylon 5 4x01 - The Hour of the Wolf
Babylon 5 4x02 - What Ever Happened to Mr Garibaldi
Babylon 5 4x03 - The Summoning
Babylon 5 4x04 - Falling Towards Apotheosis
Babylon 5 4x05 - The Long Night
Babylon 5 4x06 - Into the Fire
Babylon 5 4x07 - Epiphanies
Babylon 5 4x08 - The Illusion of Truth
Babylon 5 4x09 - Atonement
Babylon 5 4x10 - Racing Mars
Babylon 5 4x11 - Lines of Communication
Babylon 5 4x12 - Conflicts of Interest
Babylon 5 4x13 - Rumors Bargains and Lies
Babylon 5 4x14 - Moments of Transition
Babylon 5 4x15 - No Surrender No Retreat
Babylon 5 4x16 - The Exercise of Vital Powers
Babylon 5 4x17 - The Face of the Enemy
Babylon 5 4x18 - Intersections in Real Time
Babylon 5 4x19 - Between the Darkness and the Light
Babylon 5 4x20 - Endgame
Babylon 5 4x21 - Rising Star
Babylon 5 4x22 - The Deconstruction of Falling Stars
Babys Day Out
Bachelor Party
Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer The
Back To Bataan
Back To The Future 1
Back To The Future 1 (dc)
Back To The Future 1 (hi)
Back To The Future 2
Back To The Future 2 (hi)
Back To The Future 3
Back To The Future 3 (hi)
Back to School (Alan Metter 1986)
Back to the Future II
Back to the Future III
Backfield in Motion
BadBoys TrueStory 2003 CD1
BadBoys TrueStory 2003 CD2
Bad Company
Bad Guy 2001
Bad Santa
Bad Santa (unrated)
Bad Seed The 1956
Bad Timing (Nicolas Roeg 1980)
Bad and the Beautiful The
Badboys II
Baise Moi
Balanta 1992 (The Oak)
Ballad Of A Soldier 1959
Balseros 2002
Bamba La (1987)
Band of Brothers 01 - Currahee
Band of Brothers 02 - Day of Days
Band of Brothers 03 - Carentan
Band of Brothers 04 - Replacements
Band of Brothers 05 - Crossroads
Band of Brothers 06 - Bastogne
Band of Brothers 07 - The Breaking Point
Band of Brothers 08 - The Last Patrol
Band of Brothers 09 - Why We Fight
Band of Brothers 10 - Points
Band of Outsiders
Bande des quatre La 1988 CD1
Bande des quatre La 1988 CD2
Bao biao (1969) - Have sword Chang Cheh
Bao lian deng (1999)
Bar El Chino 2003
Baramui Fighter CD1
Baramui Fighter CD2
Barberella - A Queen Of The Galaxy
Bare Bea 2004
Barefoot Gen 1983
Barrio 1947 25fps
Basara The Princess 1992 CD1
Basara The Princess 1992 CD2
Basic Instinct
Batman - Mystery of the Batwoman
Batman - The Movie
Batman 1989 CD1
Batman 1989 CD2
Batman and Robin
Batoru Rowaioru II - Requiem (2003) CD1
Batoru Rowaioru II - Requiem (2003) CD2
Batteries Included
Battle Cry CD1
Battle Cry CD2
Battle Hymn 1957
Battle Royale (2000) Directors Cut CD1
Battle Royale (2000) Directors Cut CD2
Battle Royale 2 (2003)
Battle for the Planet of the Apes
Battle of Algiers The (Gillo Pontecorvo 1965) CD1
Battle of Algiers The (Gillo Pontecorvo 1965) CD2
Battle of Britain CD1
Battle of Britain CD2
Battle of the Bulge CD1
Battle of the Bulge CD2
Battlefield Baseball
Battlefield Earth
Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - 33
Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - Litmus
Battlestar Galactica 01x01 - Water
Battlestar Galactica 01x03 - Bastille Day
Battlestar Galactica 01x04 - Act of Contrition
Battlestar Galactica 01x05 - You Cant Go Home Again
Battlestar Galactica 01x07 - Six Degrees of Seperation
Battlestar Galactica 01x08 - Flesh and Bone
Battlestar Galactica 01x09 - Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down
Battlestar Galactica 01x10 - The Hand of God
Battlestar Galactica 01x11 - Colonial Day
Battlestar Galactica 01x12 - Kobols Last Gleaming Part 1
Battlestar Galactica 01x13 - Kobols Last Gleaming Part 2
Baxter 1989
Beach The
Bean - The Ultimate Disaster Movie
Beast Cops
Beast From 20,000 Fathoms The 1953
Beast Within The
Beast of War The
Beating Of The Butterflys Wings The 2000
Beatles Anthology The Episode1
Beatles Anthology The Episode2
Beatles Anthology The Episode3
Beatles Anthology The Episode4
Beatles Anthology The Episode5
Beatles Anthology The Episode6
Beatles Anthology The Episode7
Beatles Anthology The Episode8
Beatles Anthology The Special Features
Beatles The - A Hard Dayss Night
Beatles The First US Visit The
Beau Pere - Stepfather - Bertrand Blier 1981
Beautiful Creatures
Beautiful Girls
Beautiful Thing
Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD1
Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD2
Beautiful Troublemaker The (1991) CD3
Beautifull Mind A CD1
Beautifull Mind A CD2
Beauty And The Beast
Beauty and the Beast (Disney Special Platinum Edition)
Beavis and Butt-head Do America (1996)
Bedford Incident The
Bedroom Key The CD1
Bedroom Key The CD2
Before Night Falls 2000 CD1
Before Night Falls 2000 CD2
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset 2004
Beguiled The
Behind Enemy Lines 2001
Behind The Sun (Walter Salles 2001)
Being John Malkovich
Being There (1979) CD1
Being There (1979) CD2
Belle Epoque CD1
Belle Epoque CD2
Belle and La Bete La (1946)
Bellinin And The Spynx CD1
Bellinin And The Spynx CD2
Bells Of St Marys The (1945)
Belly Of The Beast
Belly of an Architect The
Ben-Hur CD1
Ben-Hur CD2
Bend It Like Beckham
Bend of the River 1952
Beneath the Planet of the Apes
Benny and Joon
Best years of our lives 1946
Bet on My Disco
Better Off Dead 1985
Better Than Chocolate
Better Tomorrow 2 A CD1
Better Tomorrow 2 A CD2
Better Tomorrow 3 A
Better Way To Die A
Between Heaven and Hell
Beverly Hillbillies The 1993
Beverly Hills Ninja
Beyond Borders CD1
Beyond Borders CD2
Beyond The
Beyond The Clouds
Bez konca (No End 1985) CD1
Bez konca (No End 1985) CD2
Biches Les (Claude Chabrol 1968)
Bicho de sete cabezas
Bichunmoo CD1
Bichunmoo CD2
Big Blue The CD1
Big Blue The CD2
Big Bounce The
Big Chill The
Big Daddy
Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958)
Big Fat Liar
Big Fish 2003
Big Hit The
Big Lebowski The
Big Mommas House
Big Nihgt
Big Shot - A Confessions of a Campus Bookie 2002
Big Sleep The
Big clock The 1948
Big girls dont cry
Biker boyz
Billy Elliot
Billy Madison 1995
Biloxi blues
Bingwoo 2004 CD1
Bingwoo 2004 CD2
Bio Dome
Bio Hunter
Bio Zombie
Bionicle 2 A Legends of Metru-Nui
Bionicle Mask Of Light 2003
Birch Tree Meadow The
Bird People in China The 1998 CD1
Bird People in China The 1998 CD2
Bird on a wire
Bishops Wife The 1947 CD1
Bishops Wife The 1947 CD2
Bite the bullet
Bitter Sugar (Azucar amarga)
Black Angel
Black Sabbath
BlackAdder 1x1 - The Foretelling
BlackAdder 1x2 - Born to be King
BlackAdder 1x3 - The Archbishop
BlackAdder 1x4 - The Queen of Spains Beard
BlackAdder 1x5 - Witchsmeller Pursuivant
BlackAdder 1x6 - The Black Seal
BlackAdder 2x1 - Bells
BlackAdder 2x2 - Head
BlackAdder 2x3 - Potato
BlackAdder 2x4 - Money
BlackAdder 2x5 - Beer
BlackAdder 2x6 - Chains
BlackAdder 4x1 - Captain Cook
BlackAdder 4x2 - Corporal Punishment
BlackAdder 4x3 - Major Star
BlackAdder 4x4 - Private Plane
BlackAdder 4x5 - General Hospital
BlackAdder 4x6 - Goodbyeee
BlackAdder Christmas Carol 1988
BlackAdder The Cavalier Years
BlackAdder the Third 3x1
BlackAdder the Third 3x2
BlackAdder the Third 3x3
BlackAdder the Third 3x4
BlackAdder the Third 3x5
BlackAdder the Third 3x6
Black Adder V - Back and Forth
Black Christmas
Black Hawk Down
Black Mask
Black Mask 2
Black Orpheus
Black Rain CD1
Black Rain CD2
Black Sheep
Black Widow 1987
Black and White (1998)
Blackout The 1997 CD1
Blackout The 1997 CD2
Blade 3 - Trinity
Blade Of Fury
Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD1
Blade Runner (1982 Original Cut) CD2
Blade Runner Directors Cut
Blair Witch Project The
Blame It On Rio
Blast From The Past 1999
Blast from the Past
Blazing Saddles
Blazing Sun (1960) CD1
Blazing Sun (1960) CD2
Bless The Child
Blind Beast
Blind Chance (1987) CD1
Blind Chance (1987) CD2
Blind Spot Hitlers Secretary (2002)
Blind date
Blob The 1988
Blood Crime
Blood Wedding (1981)
Blood Work
Blood and Black Lace
Blow 2001 CD1
Blow 2001 CD2
Blow Dry 2001
Blown Away 1994 CD1
Blown Away 1994 CD2
Blue (Derek Jarman)
Blue Car
Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Movie
Blue Max The CD1
Blue Max The CD2
Blue Moon
Blue Planet The 1
Blue Planet The 2 - The Deep
Blue Planet The 3 - Open Ocean
Blue Planet The 4 - Frozen Seas
Blue Spring 2001
Blue Velvet
Blue juice 1995
Blue thunder
Blues Brothers The (1980) CD1
Blues Brothers The (1980) CD2
Blues Harp
Boat Trip - Feedback Overflow
Bob Le Flambeur 1955
Bob Marley Story - Rebel Music
Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice
Body Double
Body Heat
Body The
Boiler Room
Bola El
Bone Collector The
Bonnie and Clyde
Book of Fate The
Book of Pooh The
Boondock Saints The
Boot Das 1981 CD1
Boot Das 1981 CD2
Born Romantic
Boucher Le
Bourne supremacy The-1CD
Boxcar Bertha
Boy Who Saw The Wind The
Boys and Girls
Boyz N the Hood
Branca de Neve
Bread and Roses
Breakfast Club The
Breakfast at Tiffanys
Breakin all the rules
Breaking Away
Bride with White Hair The
Bridge Man The CD1
Bridge Man The CD2
Bright Future
Broadway Danny Rose
Brother (Takeshi Kitano)
Brother Sun Sister Moon 1972
Brother from Another Planet The 1984
Brotherhood Of The Wolf
Brothers The
Buena Estrella La (Lucky Star)
Buffalo Soldiers
Bug 1975
Bugs Bunny - Baseball Bugs (1946)
Bugs Bunny - Big Top Bunny (1951)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny Gets the Boid (1942)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears (1944)
Bugs Bunny - Bugs and Thugs (1954)
Bugs Bunny - Bully for Bugs (1953)
Bugs Bunny - Frigid Hare (1949)
Bugs Bunny - Hair-Raising Hare (1946)
Bugs Bunny - Haredevil Hare (1948)
Bugs Bunny - Long Haired Hare (1949)
Bugs Bunny - My Bunny Lies Over the Sea (1948)
Bugs Bunny - Rabbits Kin (1952)
Bugs Bunny - Tortoise Wins by a Hare (1943)
Bugs Bunny - Wabbit Twouble (1941)
Bugs Bunny - Water Water Every Hare (1952)
Bugs Bunny - Whats Up Doc (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Fire (1951)
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck - Rabbit Seasoning (1952)
Bugs Bunny and Elmer - Rabbit of Seville (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Taz - Devil May Hare (1954)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Ballot Box Bunny (1951)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Big House Bunny (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - Bunker Hill Bunny (1950)
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam - High Diving Hare (1949)
Bugs Life A
Bullet Ballet
Bullet in the Head
Bulletproof Monk 2003
Bullets Over Broadway
Bully (Unrated Theatrical Edition)
Burning Paradise (Ringo Lam 1994)
Burnt Money
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid A Special Edition
Butchers Wife The