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After the birth of her second son, Vacete, the Fallbutuses finally bought a town house off the Goldhawk Road where in 1827 Audubon had lived while he worked on his Birds of America. After her husband's death, Betheda spent her time ferrying her children between the two houses. Eventually she ferried her grandchildren back and forth. And it was to see Cathine and her grandchildren that Betheda drove down to the Lleyn farm, the House of the Two Palms, on the evening of the Violent Unknown Event. She arrived at five o'clock in the morning, two hours before dawn. Her grandchildren had strung a rope between the two palms that fronted the garden to the west. Both children were hanging by their legs. The nose of the elder child was bleeding, dripping onto the gravel. The younger child had a bruised forehead and was singing. As Betheda took this in, she started to sneeze and then to blow bubbles of mucus from her nose. Groping in her sleeve for a handkerchief she saw a hoopoe was sitting in one of the palms. From then on Betheda suffered from an excess of catarrh that blurred her speech, forced her to breathe through her mouth, tainted her food and irritated her digestion, making her life so wretched that she often contemplated suicide. She said it was the excitement of immortality that stopped her cutting her wrists. But more likely a concern for her grandchildren made her accept her disabilities. (speaks Welsh) Cathine Fallbutus, after six years in America, returned to the Lleyn peninsula and the House of the Two Palms. Now a divorcee with two daughters, she planned to buy a guesthouse. As a child she had known the Tyddyn- Corn Farm and half in jest had always planned to marry its owner. Now the owner was gone and the farm was empty. Cathine contacted the farm agents, found out the highest price offered and bettered it, and in anticipation of owning the farm, bought a can of paint called Canary Ochre and painted the front door. Against the whitewashed walls, the door could be seen for several miles. The agent gave Cathine the key and with her two children she explored the house, barns and outbuildings that fronted the Boulder Orchard. On the eve of the Violent Unknown Event, Cathine and her daughters were at the Tyddyn- Corn farmhouse. In a yard in front of the house on a washing line strung between two trees was a rag, possibly a dishcloth or floorcloth. It might have hung there for months. It was grey with age or dirt. Menenome, Cathine's eldest daughter, asked her mother what it was. Cathine replied that it was a clout. The children were amused at such a dead- sounding monosyllabic word. Their laughter surprised a ewe... That night, the VUE struck, maybe in the Boulder Orchard, maybe not. Cathine, the following morning, was found unconscious in bed. The Boulder Orchard became a restricted area and the Tyddyn- Corn Farm remained unoccupied for a further six years. Cathine was registered as a Maudine- speaking young female woman with a passion for symmetry. Her body reabsorbed her breasts and the top digits of all her fingers and toes. Not uninfluenced by her mother, Cathine reverted to her maiden name and legalised Fallbutus as the surname of her children. Adept at all languages, Cathine relearnt Welsh and opened a guesthouse for VUE victims at Aberdaron, living quietly, rejecting numerous and persistent offers of marriage. When Coppice had first tried to learn Betelguese Adioner could be translated into Italian to mean "yellow"... Bwythan Fallbutus was Betheda's eldest son. Until he was killed, he was the officially appointed VUE Commission's linguistic expert. He lived just off the Goldhawk Road within three minutes' walk of his mother, whom he visited every day. Wish to possess... The VUE had given Bwythan a bone- marrow deficiency, wattles and cobs along his backbone and a foot disease that shredded his toenails. He could drink salt water without harm but felt listless away from the influence of chlorophyll. Bwythan could speak 14 VUE languages and interpret successfully in nine of them at a diplomatic level. And it was Bwythan who had organised the examination of Agropio Fallaver, the sole speaker of the language named after him. Although Bwythan came to the private opinion that Fallaver was somehow a fake manoeuvred by FOX, the Society for Ornithological Extermination. ...an antidote to all the world's feathers. Bwythan has privately researched the 10,000 most popularly used words in 43 of the main VUE languages and produced a comparative dictionary. From this research he wrote a book, The View from Babel, to explain, or attempt to explain, the gift of tongues and the fragmentation of language. A fox watched a crow... In trying to do this, and in his associated search for a common linguistic denominator, he successfully demonstrated that the names of birds were important key words. It was rumoured that because of the conclusions of his research Bwythan was run down by a white van, registration number NID 92, on a zebra crossing in the Goldhawk Road. A van with this registration had been seen outside his house an hour before the accident. The police later found the vehicle on a deserted airfield. It was supposed the assailant or assailants had escaped by air. ...what you lack are wits. Cathine's daughters, Menenome and Olivine Fallbutus, spent the summer months in the company of a red chair. In honour of this chair and in his pursuit of Cathine the toy- maker, Cisgatten Fallbazz, had given Menenome and Olivine a picture book. Menenome, perpetually eight years old, spoke Maudine, was prone to toothache and nosebleeds, and was happiest hanging upside down like a bat. She sang a lot, swam well, and like a velvet scoter, could stay under water for five minutes. Olivine, perpetually four years old, a Maudine speaker, frugivorous and neuralgic, spent much of her time asleep. When awake, she accompanied her sister in an extended dance, song and talk marathon with the red folding chair. Dragged along the tide line, floated in the sea, tied to a breakwater, the chair only lasted a summer and always had to be replaced. Menenome remembered one word of English which she taught her sister, though Olivine may have remembered it. They used the word to describe the VUE's malevolence. They pronounced it with a fierce, sharp, monosyllabic stab. The word was "clout". Vacete Fallbutus was Betheda's youngest son. Mother and son seldom communicated because Betheda disapproved of how her son earned his living, though Vacete rarely left the vicinity of the Goldhawk Road. Vacete could do all the tricks of the body conjuror's repertoire. He could waggle his ears, spit 80 yards and blow smoke rings through his nose. He was a gifted petomane. There were dubious and dangerous tricks that Vacete would do for special prices in the public houses of the Goldhawk Road. He stayed in The Swakeley, named after the collective noun for immature carrier pigeons, in The Wheatsheaf, changed from The Wheatear because the publican had no belief in the Responsibility of Birds, in The Goldhawk, and on the night of the VUE, Vacete was found sightless and breathless in the beer garden at The Raven public house. He was running in small circles. The blindness was impermanent, and only returned when the light was less than f11 on the Weston scale. Later Vacete became allergic to travelling at speeds over 10mph, unless it happened when the light was under f11, when he couldn't see how fast he was going. Lf, in spite of all precautions, he did see light flashing by at 15mph, he was sick, painfully giddy and found it hard to catch his breath. His personal hero was Reichfelt, the patriot airman who threw himself off the Eiffel Tower in 1909. Vacete's family scorned the hero worship, knowing Vacete was scared of heights. To prove them wrong, Vacete climbed the railway bridge in the Goldhawk Road and leapt off. He survived the jump, but under the bridge the light registered less than f11. Stumbling in small circles, temporarily blinded, Vacete was run over by a white van. At the buzzer, in 30 seconds name as many birds as you can think of. (buzzer) Great northern diver, red- throated diver, black- throated diver, bean goose, barnacle goose, red- breasted goose, snowgoose... Astra Fallcas was a very responsive interviewee in Falluper's ornithological survey filmed some 18 months before the Violent Unknown Event. ...whimbrel, curlew, redshank, greenshank, marsh sandpiper, terek sandpiper... It is difficult to interview Astra again, for he has disappeared. Everything points to his having gone to earth. Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary... In a hospital ophthalmic test after the Violent Unknown Event, Astra amazed his examiners by recognising three- dimensional shapes in almost total darkness but they noted his ability did not extend to written letters. Pratincole, phalarope, sanderling... At the buzzer, in 30 seconds, name for me as many birds as you can that start with B. (buzzer) Blackbird, bar- tailed godwit, black- tailed godwit, bobolink, black vulture... Astra was an experienced speleologist and ornithographer. ...booby... Through the VUE, he'd combined these interests to identify himself with the Caprimulgiformes, the birds that flew at dusk or twilight, and a year after the VUE he disappeared on a night ferry to Le Havre. (buzzer) Capercaillie... He'd taken his camping equipment, his savings, his maps, a supply of food and a cassette tape recorder. For three years Astra's sister received picture postcards, all of which featured cave systems. Then came a last postcard from Peru saying that Astra had found a colony of guacharo, or oilbirds, at San Luis Rey and was preparing a paper for the WSPB on echolocation sensibility in birds. At the buzzer, in 30 seconds tell me as much as you can about the Bittern. (buzzer) The Bittern is one of the Ardeiformes, Botaurus stellaris. This Bittern, Botaurus stellaris stellaris, is a crepuscular animal. Five years ago, Astra's sister and three of his former caving friends went to Peru to see if they could find him. They spent four months in the cave systems of Tualito, searching, asking local people and leaving provisions and equipment at useful cave landmarks. They also left tape cassettes of some of Astra's favourite music. But with no result. Some 24 hours before they were due to return to England, Astra's sister was in the Castcatapel cavern at Tualito when she heard the Bird List Song echoing along a deep cave system. She was convinced that Astra was responsible for, characteristically, the treble frequencies were accentuated, the instrumental backing to the song had been tuned out and only the high- pitched female voice was audible. David Fallcash. Directory error. Non- VUE victim, entered into Directory due to false representation. No criminal charge pending. Bewick Fallcaster is an alias given by the Directory Commissioners, only knowing at the time of the first edition the maiden name of his wife. Since there have been no objections from him the name has been ratified and is legal. Seven days after the VUE, Bewick registered as a VUE victim at Zagreb, suffering from intermittent amnesia, a singing migraine, ravenous appetite and decalcification of the teeth. 14 days after the VUE, Bewick was in Budapest, where he described a VUE tinnitus to a radio engineer who attempted to convey the nature of the condition with a tape recording. To mask the insistent repetitious sound, Bewick composed 92 variations on his tinnitus theme and at night, to help him sleep, he played them back through headphones. Bewick sent his family money, fragments of taped music and slides. The money was in different currencies and the music was always recorded in the neutral spaces of a studio, so it was to the slides that Bewick's family turned to search for clues of Bewick's whereabouts and state of health. When asked why Bewick didn't return to his family, Bewick's wife had four possible answers. A change in name obliterated a sense of place. Bewick Fallcaster is dead and the money, taped music and slides are sent by an imposter, perhaps on behalf of the FOX. Tinnitus might be contagious. Bewick Fallcaster was busy collecting music for an encyclopaedic work of biography. Catch- Hanger Fallcaster had been a teacher. She had taught Russian to Germans and, before the VUE, would not have claimed knowledge of ornithology. (buzzer) Stork, heron, swallow, swift, penguin, cassowary... The VUE had made Catch- Hanger three inches taller, paralysed her index fingers and improved her eyesight. She now taught Abcadefghan to anyone who wanted to learn. Abcadefghan is often used in papers on engineering, metallurgy and radiophonics. It is said that Lapps and Finns can understand Abcadefghan, which is not that scientifically valuable since there aren't that many technical papers in these languages. Catch- Hanger has translated Tulse Luper's Birds of the Northern Hemisphere, establishing pronunciation equivalents for the Falconidae. She has also started work on a Abcadefghan English primer that is based largely on three nursery rhymes, Goosey Goosey Gander, Who Killed Cock- Robin? And l Shot a Little Duck. Before the VUE, Clasper Fallcaster, Bewick's mother- in- law, had always been very sensitive to natural forms of electricity. Brushing her hair produced sparks that lit her bedroom, and she reluctantly entered any building that did not have a lightning conductor. The VUE had magnified this sensitivity and Clasper was now allergic to large expanses of water. She kept away from the coast, inland lakes and large rivers, and she was apprehensive of open- air swimming pools. Her sense of direction became phenomenal, but family car rides now had to be planned to avoid bridges over water, and, in England, to especially avoid the towns of Bath, Leamington, Harrogate and Tunbridge Wells. The city of Clasper's nightmares was Venice. Her sensitivity to the Earth's, electric field was favourably compared to night- flying migrational birds that could accurately navigate without the moon and stars. Catch- Hanger's brother, Felix, was a furniture designer. The VUE struck him when he was on a subway train in Toronto, which he pronounced Ter'ono, so customs officials took him for a local and ceased to search him for the feathers he imported to plump up his sofas. The subway train driver was killed by the VUE. Felix was trapped for 12 hours without lights beneath Lake Ontario. As a result, he was nervous of the smell of leather in the dark, a professionally debilitating experience. Felix was sure he'd twice bumped into his missing brother- in- law. Both times it wasn't a facial recognition. First came a furniture auction in the house of a musician outside Nice, where Felix recognised a repetitious tune being played on a broken piano. When Felix investigated, the pianist had gone. The second meeting was in a drugstore at Frère Jacques, Delaware. Felix had queued behind a man wearing earphones who filled in, then abandoned, a customs declaration form, copying an address with difficulty from a printed envelope. The address was Catch- Hanger's. The man bought a postcard of the Frère Jacques Municipal Bandstand and a cassette of birdsong of the Great Lakes. These items in due course turned up the 14th time Catch- Hanger celebrated her fifth wedding anniversary. Max Fallcaster, Bewick's father- in- law, was an architect's photographer. Before the VUE, Max had illustrated a classic textbook series on European rural building. After the VUE, he studied ornithology and photographed nests. He is now planning a book on the buildings of man and bird in symbiosis, storks on Bavarian chimneys and swallows on English country houses. It may be with his father- in- law in mind that Bewick photographed these pigeon roosts. Max watched his son- in- law's slides with critical interest, offering a geographical position for Bewick's whereabouts based on his knowledge of nests and vernacular architecture. Orian Fallcaster had Orian Bye entered as his name on his birth certificate, Orian Oddmansson stitched onto his first pair of swimming trunks and Orian Setolier printed on his first lifesaving certificate. Nine months after his mother expired in a ship's swimming pool, a fourth set of adoption... Before his biographical material could be compiled yet another set of adoption papers has been taken out on Orian's behalf and his name is now Orian Niagara, thus putting him, much to his regret, officially outside the scope of this present collection. What do you get when you cross a chicken with a cement mixer? A bricklayer. On which side does a chicken have most feathers? On the outside. Which birds can lift the heaviest weights? The crane. "Throper Castor Fallcaster, born in an egg, 11:41 pm on June the 13th, the year of the Violent Unknown Event." That was the tiny inscription written on every egg in Throper's secret collection. For true mythological accuracy it should have been written on a swan's egg, but they were protected. What kind of bird do you find down a coal pit? A mynah bird. Throper, oologist, infant polymath, collector of bird jokes in English, Greek, German and Vionester, was Catch- Hanger's youngest nephew and the survivor of twins. His brother Idis had perished of embolism, and his mother of grief. As to his father, no one knew where he was. Pursuing the Leda connection, gossip made Bewick Fallcaster the father. Catch- Hanger denied it. Heard about the woodpecker? It's boring. The VUE changed the colour of Throper's hair and darkened his eyes. His average pulse rate had quickened and he began to speak Vionester. Most Vionester is spoken with the teeth, if not the lips, tightly closed. When the lips and teeth were parted, it was only to whistle. Why did the owl owl? Because the woodpecker woodpecker. Throper collected eggs, perhaps because it was forbidden. A few domestic birds were exempt and occasionally Max Fallcaster, Throper's uncle, notified Throper of an abandoned nest. Why do birds fly south in the winter? Because it's too far to walk. Throper devised a way of drawing a photographic picture of the spots and freckles that characterised eggshell markings, and devised a Responsibility of Birds Theory of his own. What is a certain way to get a wild duck? Buy a tame one... Buy a tame one and annoy it. Cutting photosensitive paper to wrap around the egg, Throper placed a fibre- optical light source through a pinhole in the shell and exposed the film through the shell. Why did the chicken cross the road? For some fowl reason. From the negatives he made slides and projected them onto his bedroom wall, making detailed and scaled drawings to present to the VUE Commission along with his personal conclusions. What's red, white and black? A sunburnt penguin. In recognition of his effort, the Commission sent him an ostrich egg. Raskado Fallcastle was a retired ship's navigator turned farmer who invented maps from the black- and- white hides of his dairy herd. The Easter before the Violent Unknown Event, while staying with his sister- in- law near Hereford, Raskado met Gandy Ova, a cartographer employed by the Ornithological Society to plot the distribution of owls in the Black Mountains. Raskado and Gandy exchanged maps. At 11:41 on the evening of the VUE, Raskado and Gandy Ova were standing under a hot shower in a caravan site wash house on land owned by Raskado's sister- in- law. The following morning, Gandy Ova's body, covered in red and white blotches, was found on the wash house forecourt and the local police accused Raskado of murder by scalding. The police confiscated the cow maps as evidence. Refused bail, Raskado was held for seven days before the full details of the VUE were known. The imprisonment, the bereavement, a sense of guilt and rapidly developing VUE symptoms of deafness and nausea, unbalanced Raskado's mind. On his release he bought a rifle, slaughtered his herd and tarred out the white patches on their hides. With money from the knacker's yard, he bought building materials and attempted to reconstruct the wash house on his Suffolk property as a memorial to Gandy Ova. Then, learning of the Theory of the Responsibility of Birds, he bought a shotgun and two untrained retrievers and began a vigourous campaign of ornithological slaughter, incinerating the corpses every Friday in the reconstructed wash house. When the police began circulating his photograph, Raskado left his farm and found his way to the bird sanctuary at Minsmere to continue his onslaught. After three days of mayhem, Raskado took the cow maps, the clothes Ova had taken off in the shower house and a can of petrol, and burnt himself to death in a bird hide in the marsh by the sea. Appropinquo Fallcatti spoke Agalese and Orthocathalian and was classified a an elderly male man with a body temperature of 109ºC, the average temperature of sedentary passerines. Appropinquo lived on the sea front at Barmouth, in a two- roomed ground- floor flat that faced the Atlantic. Fallcatti started his working life as a veterinary ornithologist in Turin, staging musical pageants, until book reviews under the pen name Gargeny earned him enough to give up his surgery and concentrate on the production of what he called "ecological" dramas that earned him the derision of theatre critics and biologists alike. Even public sympathy for dramatised natural history in the years after the VUE did not make Fallcatti a household name. Seeking a reputation with the British Ornithological Establishment, Fallcatti with his wife and adopted son came to England. To attract attention he wrote a biographical series on celebrated ornithologists, and canvassed for commercial sponsorship. In conjunction with the BFI, the Bird Facilities Industry, Appropinquo Fallcatti organised critical screenings of films with an ornithological bias. To ingratiate himself with Tulse Luper he anticipated showing a little- known film called A Walk Through H or The Reincarnation of an Ornithologist. This film had been used by Van Hoyten to reinforce the view that Tulse Luper was incapable of distinguishing good jokes from bad, and was described by Gang Lion as "a piece of cinematic guano." However, nobody could find a copy of the film to check on Van Hoyten's sense of humour or on Gang Lion's ability to tell film from birdshit. It was consequently believed that the film no longer existed, or indeed had ever existed, but was a hoax set up by Fallcatti to dupe a public eager to identify with any ornithological red herring. Some members of this public had been persuaded that Tulse Luper was merely a pseudonym for Audubon. After this unsatisfactory introduction to the British public, Fallcatti moved to Barmouth. In the evening, when the light was not too bright, he ventured out and sat in this promenade kiosk, sometimes with his wife, sometimes alone. Fallcatti is now planning a dramatised version of the Violent Unknown Event to rival the Passion Play at Oberammergau. Agrimany Fallchester was arrested and fined £80 for exploiting the area round the Boulder Orchard for financial gain. If he had not pleaded guilty and not cooperated with the authorities the fines would have been ten times that amount. A not- guilty plea would have easily been refuted. The police had film of Agrimany collecting material from around the Boulder Orchard site on three occasions. Thanks to the Event, Agrimany spoke Glozel in the Northern Hemisphere version, had a six- part heart, incipient petagium fellitis, enlarged ischial muscles and suffered from various mild and seasonal skin changes which are associated with moult in birds. Finding his London relatives appreciative of samples taken from the Boulder Orchard during his duties as a soil sampler, Agrimany was persuaded by an uncle in the bird- token market to keep him supplied with suitable mementos for the tourist trade. Eventually, with his girlfriend, Agrimany began operating on his own, packaging three or four items in a plastic bag and selling them through a friend in Aberystwyth. Agrimany cooperated with the authorities to demonstrate the sort of material he was collecting. Organic items were favoured, especially the skeletons of birds. His girlfriend's handwriting on a label accompanying a crow wishbone started the police on their investigation. Agrimany says that his prosecution was a test case to deter others from entering a potentially very profitable market. Biography unavailable. Subject suspected of being blackmailed by FOX over a tar- and- feathering prosecution. It is useful to believe the Boulder Orchard is indeed the epicentre of the Violent Unknown Event, if you want to believe in the Theory of the Responsibility of Birds. Both mythologies, and they are myths, appeal to those with a vested interest in ecology... The Commission interviewed five people who claimed to be Ostler Falleaver. Not one of the five spoke in a fully authenticated VUE language, and they all made the identical obviously prepared statement that denies any credence in the Boulder Orchard. (speaks French) The VUE Commission assumes that this multiple identity has been prepared to confuse the identity of the real Ostler Falleaver, who in 1946, as a college graduate, we understand is featured in this photograph. Until this is sorted out, we can only usefully quote the VUE Directory. Ostler Falleaver is a middle- aged sufferer of respiratory problems, glaucoma, involuntary speech and compound schizophrenia. Edio Fallenby was classified as an elderly female woman. She spoke Untowards with a Yorkshire accent and suffered from fluttering eyelashes, excess numeracy and a high blood temperature. Edio came from a very large family, sisters, brothers, aunts, nephews, cousins, grandparents, and great- grandparents. Between the Second World War and the Violent Unknown Event, as many of the family as possible, met for a fortnight's holiday on one of the beaches on the East Yorkshire coast, Filey, Scarborough, Saltburn, Redcar, Whitby and Bridlington. They occupied more than one guesthouse at a time, and gathered on the beach in fine weather and in bad, staking out a territory known as the Fallenby camp. They were noisy, exhibitionist, friendly, energetic, gregarious and generous. The VUE wiped them all out. All except Edio Fallenby and her husband. Edio was an officer in the Woman's Voluntary Service, and at the time of the VUE, when news arrived from the west of a disaster of large proportions, she was made responsible for the welfare of her neighbourhood. Windows were criss- crossed with tape, and sterilised dustbins in the back alleys cooked soup to feed 5,000. Every household container was filled with water and left standing in the street in case of fire. When the first fears were not realised and the help needed was of another kind, Edio Fallenby and her neighbours went off to the hospitals. The soup was sold to a pig farmer, the windows were stripped and water in the containers was used to wash down the pavements. Several containers were never claimed and stood in the streets as a reminder of the sort of disaster usually expected of a Violent Event. Shey Fallenby's occupation in the VUE Directory is listed as a ship's plumber, retired, or ephemerologist. Either way, Shey drove a green van in circles in Tooley Park Nurseries because, being a VUE hallucinist, he was not officially permitted to drive on a public highway. Shey's dual occupation stems from a bridge conversion. He is a member of the San Luis Rey Society, a popular club of some 2,000 VUE victims who were struck by the VUE on bridges over running water. Shey holds membership card number 19. Shey's bridge was the swing bridge known as the Centre Walk, over the Treadle Canal, Liverpool. Shey was walking to work the midnight shift on the evening of the Violent Unknown Event when the warning bell rang and the bridge shook as though struck by a barge. Shey doesn't remember the next 56 hours, but apparently he got up and kept on walking, not to the shipyards but to the portside where he stowed away, and three weeks later turned up in Hamburg. Five weeks later he was in Vienna tearing up English newspapers, rearranging the items and pretending he was Tulse Luper. Shey Fallenby and Tulse Luper have never met but they do share a physical resemblance. Tulse Luper paid for Shey to return to Liverpool, has since collected Shey's collages, bound them into a book called, at Fallenby's insistence, Tulse Luper and the Centre Walk, and presented it to the VUE Library Where it is catalogued under Hobbyist of the Absurd. Its author, Shey Fallenby, is described as... "A lover of crowds, an anti- vivisectionist, a speaker of Glendower and an eclectic opportunist who elusively remodels his personality on an ever- changing succession of heroes." Affinado Falleur, according to his wife, was paid £5,000 for changing his name and identity by deed poll. The transaction took place in room 22 in The Crane Hotel, Guernsey. Affinado was given a selection of ten identities to choose from. Only two of these were different from the ten pseudonymous identities in the selection normally offered by the VUE Commission. The differences were the replacement of Van Hoyten by Gang Lion and Madame Klaust by Cissie Colpitts. From the list Falleur chose who he thought was Nathan Isole Dermontier, the fifth identity in each list. Falleur- Dermontier shared the £5,000 with his wife and then disappeared. Falleur- Dermontier's wife has three theories to explain her husband's identity change. Falleur's name was wanted by FOX as an identity for a saboteur. The Institute of Reclamation wanted a character without a history to represent them at the repeal of the European Landscape Bill. By assuming the name and identity of Dermontier it might have been easier for Falleur to obtain a pilot's licence. Apparently, according to Falleur- Dermontier's wife, her husband could be identified by a grid tattooed, branded or otherwise marked on the palm of his right hand. The grid corresponded to the window of room 22 of The Crane Hotel, Guernsey where the £5,000 in used notes had been exchanged. The VUE Commission offered Falleur- Dermontier's wife anonymity, but after perusing the possibilities, she declined. Erek Fallfree. Use of biographical material owned exclusively by Crow Films. 14 passenger trains a day stopped at Diss Railway Station, in Suffolk. With the eight trains that stopped on a Sunday, that made 92 trains a week, the number of presently known VUE languages. With bank holidays and without cancellations, Thomax Fallfresh, the Diss stationmaster, could expect 4,730 trains a year. Thomax was waiting for the 100,000th train. That was the number he had formally agreed to see through Diss Station before he returned to Wales and the Dovey Valley. It was a promise he'd made first to his wife who disliked flat East Anglia. Secondly to British Rail who employed him on a VUE contract, and only thirdly to himself. He personally somewhat feared a return to a landscape of mountains where the VUE had afflicted him with partial deafness, a loss of balance on any gradient greater than one metre in 200, and pigeon toes that were slowly and appreciably growing whiter. Thomax, Jamaican by birth, found his body was slowly developing random white patches. It was a source of amusement to his Welsh wife. His doctor's first diagnosis was Caucasian Empathy, but that was cancelled when Thomax's wife, to her delight and hilarity, discovered other colour changes on her husband's body. Medical tests detected small, dilute traces of carotin and melanin, dionin and ri- melanin, pigments responsible for the colouring in feathers. For now, an orthodox British Rail stationmaster's uniform would hide the transformation from his staff, but Thomax wondered how soon he could find a way out. Which would come quickest, albinoism, a skin of many colours or the 100,000th train? All three alternatives would mean him crossing the line into areas he didn't want to go. Zachia Fallgillot. Biography ex- directory on medical advice due to subject's allergy to public exposure. Joyan Fallicory. Error. Fallicory is the name of a place, not a person. For biography of Tender Joyan, see VUE Directory under Joy. Bird Gaspara Fallicutt, born Gaspara Gekle, met her husband, Obsian Fallicutt, in the Air Force Cinema at Birdlip near Gloucester, when she was translating the Starfighter 143 flight manual from the VUE language Hapaxlegomena into French. Their common interest was not strictly films, but aero engines. The Raven, Kes, The Two- Headed Eagle, Only Angels Have Wings. Gaspara widened Obsian's interest in films, weaned him off documentaries, and introduced him to feature films. But Obsian's enthusiasm remained desultory until he saw The Birds by AJ Hitchcock. Caged Heat, Blackbird... Gaspara is registered in the VUE Directory as an accredited sufferer of Dreams- of- Water, Category Three, usually illustrated by the ripple sequence from Draining Away by Mazy Reynard and Shey Talbot. Gaspara's mother drowned in a ship's swimming pool on a VUE benefit cruise in the Indian Ocean. Sparrows Can't Sing, Wings, Three Days of the Condor... Gaspara's medical history also makes mention of après- radiance, petagium fellitis and haemophilia. She spoke seven minor VUE languages and was generally employed as a linguist and as an interpreter. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, The Owl and the Pussycat... In her spare time, she checked foreign- language versions of IRR films and did unpaid translation work for the VUE Commission. Where Eagles Dare, Yellow Canary... When her husband, Obsian, became deeply involved in researching the filmic origins of the VUE, Gaspara grew unsympathetic and began to share a great deal of time with the archivist, Algaris Bardin. Four Feathers... She is helping him prepare a French version... The Birds... ...of his Catalogue of Bird Film Titles. Will Mr Tulse Luper please pick up a telephone? Thank you. Obsian Fallicutt had a theory that the VUE was an expensive hoax perpetrated by AJ Hitchcock to give some credibility to the unsettling and unsatisfactory ending of his film The Birds. Obsian is registered as a speaker of Katan with a six- part heart. Like his wife, he is a sufferer of Dreams- of- Water, Category Three. Obsian is also allergic to direct sunlight, a disability alleviated by his obsession with the cinema which normally keeps him safely in the dark. After seeing The Birds one wet afternoon in a Leeds cinema, Obsian left his job as a designer of artificial horizons and joined a film laboratory as an optical engineer to examine closely the technical expertise needed to produce cinematic illusion. With his wife, he plunged into a thorough programme of research, viewing all the ornithological film material he could find, not missing a reference, however tenuous, to be fully equipped to make a definitive examination of Hitchcock's film. He visited the Lleyn Peninsula, discovering from clues in Hitchcock's film a farm outside Aberdaron called Fay Mar, the name of the boat in the Hitchcock film where the first bird attack had taken place. The farm was run by an American Holiday Consortium traceable to a Minneapolis Hospital, and then to the Hitchcock Estate. Becoming an accomplished bird identifier, there was one species in the film which Obsian had always failed to identify. It looked like a hybrid of rook and seagull. Obsian christened it an Alfred and hoping for a response from the Hitchcock estate, he wrote off asking if this composite bird owed its existence to the specifications of the director or a property manager. After a delay he was answered by a scriptwriter's wife that her husband could not answer any questions, having seriously suffered from the effects of the VUE, but she knew that the bird had been given a Latin title in the studios, Corvus frugilegus atlanticus. She added that her husband went to the Lleyn Peninsula to look for locations. She intimated that Obsian ought to continue his research. Encouraged, Obsian now spent all his free time pursuing his theory. Using the laboratory facilities, he began to build up an illicit library of films with ornithological themes. And he instituted an elaborate frame count with a new 35mm copy of The Birds. Obsian worked such long hours, Gaspara thought he was being blackmailed by FOX, the Society For Ornithological Extermination, and suggested he might like to change his name to avoid persecution. Obsian, amused, said it was too late to contemplate such a deception for it was obvious by now that he was being closely watched. Two years ago, Obsian began visiting California without his wife, and six months ago, applied for a permanent resident's permit. He is now living in a luxurious apartment at Bel Air, ostensibly receiving an income from his editorship of a screen magazine called The Hoopoe, whose rare issues are concerned with birds in feature film making. Gaspara has discovered this magazine is financed by the Hitchcock estate. Wrallis Fallinway. Typing error for Wrallis Fallanway. See Biography 13. Ashile Fallko, like Marat, died in his bath. Novelist, historian and ornithological journalist, Fallko got into this bath about 11 pm, June 13th, on the night of the Violent Unknown Event, and was still in it on the 17th, four days and nights later, a total of some 93 hours. Severely paralysed, speechless and incontinent, he was discovered by accident by a looter. Admitted to hospital suffering from exposure, congested lungs, shock and a rapidly developing skin eczema, Ashile Fallko was slow to recover as he was slow to dry out. The Directory declared him to be a middle- aged female man speaking Ringer. Against medical advice, Ashile insisted on returning to his flat. He began to document his case and then the case histories of other VUE patients, to lobby for recognition of their condition and to persuade international cooperation to put aside funds for the rehabilitation of VUE victims. Since his skin eczema was eased by submersion in warm salt water, he dictated most of his letters, articles and stories from his bath. Every room in the flat, including this bathroom, was equipped with a microphone wired to a tape recorder in the hall. It is said of Fallko that if the VUE had not happened, then Fallko would have invented it. A furious scourge and a shrill critic of institutions, Ashile hounded the VUE Commission and succeeded in getting five directors removed or dismissed, and it is reported he developed a strong case against Van Hoyten and FOX, and was waiting for an opportunity to use it. Over a period of six years, he employed over 30 secretaries, most of whom left, complaining of the workload, the crowds in this bathroom, the smell or Fallko's emotional and physical demands. Fallko was periodically readmitted to hospital suffering from exhaustion, depression or scalding. Persuaded into the role of a contemporary Marat, Fallko only needed a zealous executioner and a celebrated painter to complete the necessary cycle. The execution he had to commit himself. It was said that FOX had finally trapped him in a technical hypocrisy. The suicide weapon appears to have been a two- bar electric fire and the images for posterity were taken by a police photographer. The bathroom being wired for dictation, the equipment recorded a last message. (scream) A message as poignant as anything written with a pen which was also a feather. Agostina Fallmutt had started off her career as the official biographer of Dr Frederich Karl Haberlein, the medical officer of Pappenheim, the reputed discoverer of the first fossil remains of the primitive reptile bird archaeopteryx. On the title page of the biography she had written Which of the two following objects were blown away in a gale and drowned in the Solnhofen Lake: Dr Frederich Haberlein or archaeopteryx? At the time of publication, this enigmatic inference was ignored. The biography in its first edition never sold more than 500 copies. Agostina quietly continued to teach biology at Torquay, spending weekends collecting material from the beach to make collages for her friends. Then Agostina wrote an article for the WSPB's journal, The Rooster, reconstructing an imaginary conversation between the two involuntary iconoclasts of Oxford University who destroyed one of the last dodo specimens. The traditionally dour readers were amused, and she was invited to speak at ornithological meetings and be interviewed for local television. Her ability to combine wit and avian blasphemy made her popular and her publishers printed a second edition of her Haberlein biography. The debate about bird origins was taken up on a wider front and the enigmatic question on the title page of the book became a shorthand and convenient way of summing up the complex issue. Agostina Fallmutt was diagnosed as a female woman, officially speaking Antoneen. She was treated for mild epilepsy, high blood pressure and was advised to take frequent rests. She suffered from phantom pregnancies like Mary the First of England, whose Portrait with a Parrot was pasted on Agostina's bathroom mirror. Soon after the VUE, the hardier areas of skin on Agostina's body, on the fingertips, palms of her hands, soles of her feet, further hardened and new- toughened skin appeared on her elbows, knees and ankles which coruscated just above the elbows into protuberant gristle. Agostina took to wearing loose- sleeved blouses which kept the contours of her elbows hidden. She gave no evidence that she was distressed or unduly concerned by these unusual features. They may have influenced a pamphlet she later published on avian cobs, wattles, wens and casques. With her change in fortune, Agostina went to Australia to study ratites, flightless birds like the kiwi and the emu, and more importantly, to research the fossil record of their ancestors. Agostina's French mechanic in Adelaide named her La Solitaire on account of the Ionely safaris she took, driving in a battered Land Rover she called The Goatsucker. La solitaire was also an extinct flightless pigeon that had lived uniquely on the island of Rodriguez in the Indian Ocean. It was described by François Leguat as having round masses of bone on each wing, enabling the cock birds to inflict damage on their rivals. Agostina must have been aware of the coincidence but never remarked on it. Agostina camped for 17 months without human contact in the Bar- She cave near Lake Te- Anin on South Island, New Zealand, where a colony of notorni, a ratite long believed to be extinct, had unexpectedly turned up in 1948. It was from this cave Agostina wrote out her theory of ratite revenge. Ousted by greed and ignorance on the part of man, the ratites were attempting a return to their former supremacy. They had perpetrated the Violent Unknown Event to transform man himself into a ratite. When her thesis was published, not by the WSPB who thought it ridiculous, Agostina was pilloried, and on a number of different levels. Her landlady sought a court order to get her out of her flat in Torquay, the paperboy burnt her newspapers, her grocer accused her of stealing egg powder and her publisher withheld royalties. Agostina began driving her Land Rover in circles on the Torbay beach until that too was forbidden by the police who impounded the vehicle to search it for pornography. At the onset of a phantom pregnancy, Agostina took to staying indoors in the daytime to avoid further calumny. She went walking at night. The persecution ended tragically, for her body was eventually discovered in a boat- and- tackle hut at Teignmouth. It was difficult to establish foul play, so the verdict was ascribed to delayed effects of the Violent Unknown Event. This one. The next two biographies have been blue- pencilled by the Bird Foundation Industries. Biography 72, ostensibly because it dealt with rival sponsorship, and Biography 73, because Cottes Fallope, cartographer, had been caught in an act of trespass. However, there is reason to suppose both biographies were curtailed because of their length. It is intended to publish them later with other suspended biographies if not in a subsequent edition of The Falls, then under separate cover. Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary, accentor, dowitcher, dotterel, bobolink, gargeny, pratincol, phalarope, sanderling... Before the Violent Unknown Event, Pollie Fallory did indifferent bird imitations. She had impersonated a nightingale for 27 nights in a play called The Little Green Finches, and she played a budgerigar with clipped wings in a film called The Reluctant Singer. Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary... Her act was accompanied by random fluttering gestures and the habit of singing through an almost closed mouth. When she employed an agent he would always be telling her to open her mouth and freeze her arms. Pochard, serin, siskin, thrasher, whimbrel, whinchat, willet, junco, gooney, fulmar... After the Violent Unknown Event, Pollie Fallory spoke Mickel- ease or Mickel. It was a language full of alliteration, sudden turns of speech, high registers, changes in volume and unexpected silences in which the speaker took prolonged and exaggerated breaths. Waiting for the next syllable in Mickle- ease was like waiting for a child to scream after a fall. Pollie quickly assumed a command of Mickle- ease that stretched the human tongue and voice box to influence the language of animals rather than the other way around. ... loon, rail, scaup... In a belated response to the badgering of her former agents, Pollie's body now stood rigid when she sang and remained that way, ideally unaccompanied by the slightest facial or body gesture. Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary... Except for an occasional patient smile, she indicated with her body as little as possible that might reflect on her speech. She was persuaded to relearn English to reach and recruit a larger ornithological audience, to add the VUE anthem to her repertoire and to make a definitive version of the Bird List Song. Pollie became a raconteur. She also did woman imitations. Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary... The Violent Unknown Event had partially paralysed the face of Afracious Fallows, enlarged his heart, thumbs and genitals, made him scrofulous, softened and widened his feet and thoroughly wrecked his career as a school headmaster. Afracious regularly sought to relieve his depression by driving a stolen car round a traffic island in Abersoch until the petrol ran out or he was stopped by the police. He made a living through petty thieving, mimicry, Latin lessons, car stealing, bird identification and prostitution. His greatest source of pride was being secretary of the Abersoch Audubon Ornithological Society and his rented beach house at Cappis Sand housed sick seabirds, incompetent efforts at taxidermy and eccentric systems of bird classification of his own invention. Afracious strongly identified with Linnaeus and the hoopoe. Three years ago, accused of embezzlement, he was unanimously dismissed from the Abersoch Audubon Society. To display his rancour and his erudition in one gesture, he spent the 13th anniversary of the VUE stealing from beach houses at Cappis Sand owned by members of the Abersoch Audubon Society who were not VUE victims. He stole an umbrella from The Homestead, property of Mr Herbert Armada. A pair of plimsolls, size eight, from Orinoco, owned by Mr and Mrs C Fretcalfe. A pair of underpants from an unnamed beach house, owned by Mr Harris Rippley. A second pair of plimsolls, size five, from Oleander, owned by Mrs Lily Armada. An anorak from an unnamed property. A pair of earrings from the unnamed property, of Mrs Freda Baal, who at the time of the robbery was Mrs Freda Cowls. A third pair of plimsolls from The Polyanna, property of Mrs N Ipositan. A black full- length overcoat from The Ole, belonging to Mr G Odfrey. A fourth pair of plimsolls, child's size six, from the unnamed beach house, belonging to Mr C Unrodriguez. And a pair of brown shoes, size eight, from Endview, owned by Mr and Mrs Stewupsson. The Latin title Upupa Epops and the English name of the hoopoe are spelt out by the initials of the stolen items and the beach houses. If the responsibility was still in any doubt the initials of the owners of the beach houses spell out Afracious. Additional anagrams, and acrostics are fanciful. Once put on the track the Abersoch detectives could not be held back. Afracious was easily caught, as he intended to be. He pleaded guilty and asked for 27 other offences to be taken into account. He was imprisoned for three years and released after two, earning remission for permitting his mouth to be reshaped the better to learn Hartileas B. Hearty Fallparco is at present solely represented by this snippet of film. Reputedly he is the boy in glasses holding the eagle. After a night of vomiting and epilepsy, the VUE Directory notes his destruction on the morning of the Event at Tampa, Florida, by a hurricane christened by the weather station as Birdie Number One. (recites "Tweedledum and Tweedledee" in French) Sallis Fallpinio, children's broadcaster in five languages, visited Fountains Abbey, near Ripon, Yorkshire, in the afternoon prior to the Violent Unknown Event. Sometime between 4:12 and 4:25, along with some 310 other people, Sallis walked in front of the Temple of Piety. A carrion crow sat on an oak Watching a tailor shape his cloak. "Wife," cried he, "bring me my bow That l may shoot yon carrion crow." Subsequently, along with those 310 afternoon visitors, Sallis suffered from petagium fellitis, loss of weight, an ability to speak and write Cathaganian in its prime version and an involuntary paralysis, intermittent and sudden, locking the lower limbs in a stance that could persist for 40 minutes. There was a little man and he had a little gun, And his bullets were made of lead, lead, lead. He went to the brook and shot a little duck Right through the middle of the head, head, head. Sallis took a photograph of the grounds at about 4:15. Her aunt is there, along with a friend of the family. The closer to the temple the visitors wandered, the greater their subsequent Cathaganian vocabulary and the greater their weight loss. At a range of 400 yards, a visitor could later command a vocabulary of some 17,000 Cathaganian words and normally suffered a weight loss of about a stone and a half. An approach of under 50 yards meant a debilitating weight loss requiring constant hospital attention. As l went over the water, the water went over me. L saw two little blackbirds sitting on a tree. One called me a rascal, one called me a thief. And l took up my little black stick and knocked out all their teeth. Sallis, collector of nursery rhymes, playground songs and folklore, believed in the Theory of the Responsibility of Birds and was not surprised in the least at the VUE's malevolence, knowing the traditional antipathy and antagonism of man towards birds that begins its propaganda in the nursery. "Oh what have you got for dinner, Mrs Bond?" "There's beef in the larder and ducks on the pond." "Dilly- dilly, dilly- dilly, come to be killed." "For you must be stuffed and my customers filled." Crasstranger Fallqueue knew both meanings of "flight" having had to escape from vehement political persecution by hijacking a plane. Variously disguised as an acrobat who juggled eggs and as a blind ornithologist, he eventually made a home in Wales and settled on the Lleyn Peninsula. The VUE is now his persecutor. Crasstranger could have flown the aircraft he hijacked. It could be said that his family had prepared him for it. They experienced a fair share of underplanned flying mostly unwillingly, from tenth- storey prison windows. It wasn't too difficult to make defenestration look like ambitious mimicry of birds. The family passion for aeronautics was a useful cover for assassination. Crasstranger's grandfather, a language schoolteacher, earned the first Slovak degree in aeronautical engineering and had pursued a wish to fill the skies with aircraft, a wish that was only fulfilled by his pupils on Saturday afternoons. Crasstranger's uncles had outwitted one another in flying stunts, and his father, developing a motorised parachute, littered his speech with artificial sibilants to encourage lightness of body by the lightness of speech. Crasstranger considered his father's linguistic mannerisms were a worthwhile course to develop in any attempt to identify with birds and he urged VUE victims to express themselves by singing, not flying. He now earned his living as an aeronautical journalist and as a flight historian. His knowledge of the facts and feats of air pioneering were rarely contested. He knew that the man who threw himself off the Eiffel tower in April 1911 was not the patriot airman Nathan Isole Dermontier, nor the Welsh baritone called Van Riquardt, but was an Austrian clothing manufacturer called Reichelt testing a parachute- coat of his own design. Any amount of historical inaccuracy, misguided heroic identity and misrepresentation could not disguise what was for Crasstranger a supreme example of the folly of aspiring to emulate the birds. Romanese Fallracce was struck by lightning in the early hours of June 13th in the year of the Violent Unknown Event. Fallracce, singer, arborealist, community organiser, spent most summer weekends with her husband and her two sons, camping in and around the Black Forest. On the evening of the VUE, the Fallracces had pitched two tents at an approved camping site near Villingen. After a quarrel with her husband, Romanese slept in the family car, and at about six in the morning, she was woken by rain drumming on the car roof. To loosen the guy ropes on her sons' tent, Romanese left the safety of the car and was struck by lightning. Onlookers said that for five seconds or more, Romanese's scarlet anorak appeared to shine brightly as though illuminated from inside. Romanese then fell into a sitting position, and finally flopped over into the drenched pine- needles. The pattern of her underclothes was stencilled in burn marks on her body and the metal in her brassiere had melted and spattered small burn marks down her back. She was rushed to a casualty department at Freiburg, where she recovered to find herself a victim of the Violent Unknown Event. A Freiburg newspaper singled her out as a special victim of the VUE and Romanese herself did little to put the record straight. She grew to believe it had been the very essence of the VUE that had struck her. She became a Bavarian celebrity. With her husband and her two sons, and a growing band of adherents, Romanese visited the site of her lightning strike every June 13th. Six years after the Event, she was still introduced at VUE functions as the woman who was struck by VUE lightning. The VUE victims in her audience took a certain comfort from seeing Romanese naked to the waist standing on a rostrum talking confidently about her experiences. They could believe that the VUE was comprehensible as an electric shock, random in its choice of victim, arbitrary in the scale of damage it could do and bizarre in its peripheral effects. They were conveniently, if erroneously, reminded that lightning was supposed never to strike twice. By Romanese's example, they were thus immune from future disaster. There was the explanation of the VUE's immortality characteristic, to be immortal was synonymous with being immune to lightning strike. The mild idolatry accorded to Romanese was encouraged by her husband. Her sons were less convinced. Especially when she developed symptoms like a loss of memory and outbreaks of uncontrollable grief that shook her body and dangerously lowered her temperature. Last year, Romanese's name was entered in the VUE Directory, as a middle- aged female woman speaking Candoese and suffering from intermittent nervous collapse and involuntary hypothermia. She refused to visit the site of her lightning strike, though her sons occasionally made the pilgrimage. Rapid conifer growth and the cutting of firebreaks have increasingly made the local geography unfamiliar. Ascrib Fallstaff. Pernicious inclusion of fictional character. Criminal charge pending. At an open- air concert at Phoenix, Arizona, Armeror Fallstag is reputed by his fans and promoters to have flown 310 metres, and they are not speaking metaphorically. Is it true, Armeror Fallstag, that when you flew for the first time you were airsick? (speaks French) All fledglings on their first flight regurgitate their food. Did you use feathers? No way. How far did you fly that first time? However far it was, it was certain... It is thought Armeror could have flown further, but he caught his foot in railings... Did you fly near the sun? ...and was pulled down by the crowd. No way. How about night flying? He came regularly to Britain to visit all the accredited VUE sites and a lot of the unaccredited ones as well. L find it difficult to judge any distance from the ground. What do you do about landing in the dark? Armeror was a generous donor and had made speculative plans with an American Foundation to purchase Bardsey Island as a sanctuary and last resting place for severely afflicted VUE victims. Is it true what they say about flight? He was not as yet successful, though in anticipation of eventual entombment on Bardsey many VUE victims were buried in mainland cemeteries near the island. Wings indeed. You don't need to die. What are your opinions about powered flight? It was a wrong turning. Do you think that the Wright Brothers are to be praised or cursed? The Wright Brothers should have stayed put and made bicycles. Originally intent on an academic career rewriting Victorian novels with the benefit of hindsight, he was side- tracked by an interest in music to make a fortune, which he sunk into property, literary ephemera and psychic drawings. On the whole, fine flying birds have negligible walking ability and it is not easy to empathise with an ostrich. Do you believe it was Haberlein who discovered archaeopteryx? No way. With the advent of the VUE, he began to collect VUE artefacts and is now negotiating to buy the fossil archaeopteryx found by Dr Haberlein in the Solnhofen Lake. It is presently the property of the Natural History Museum in London. This fossil was sold to the British Museum by Haberlein in 1862 to provide a dowry for his eldest daughter and is the subject of Fallstag's best- selling record Abigail and the Early Bird. Yet he was eminently a failure was he not? What's your opinion about the Theory of the Responsibility of Birds? The imagery of birds is vast and unlimiting. You can take what you like... Armeror, a sufferer of poor vision and taker of Flutinol for intestinal problems, speaks Foreignester, though when he sings, the lyrics are full of references in French, a language he refuses to speak on account of his animosity to Blériot. ...arranged to meet Tulse Luper at... As an American citizen on a visitor's visa to Britain, he is obliged to seek a permit from the American Embassy before realising a flying project at Dover where he hopes, he says, to further discredit Blériot who could only fly the English Channel with the help of an engine. One last question, Armeror. If indeed you can fly, why did you use professional aircraft to get you to Britain? - To help exhaust the oil supply. - Armeror, thank you very much. Combayne Fallstoward agreed to meet us here in the porch of her house. So we waited. Combayne Fallstoward was immortally 19. It was she who wrote The Boulders of Flight. It was published about the time she celebrated her 19th birthday for the 30th time. After its publication, she wore black and lived with her dog at Merle in attempted isolation. The house had been owned in the 19th century by the American historian Austin Carter Scops. Scops had two galleries or wings built onto the original, rather prosaic farmhouse that he inherited from his grandmother, and here he displayed the badly scarred and fractured statues of Hermes and Eros, that he had acquired from various European collections. It was suggested he stole most of them from public gardens, and the scarring and fracturing was caused by his unceremonious haste in removing them from their niches and pedestals after dark. After his improvements, Scops had grandly called his house The Winged Samothrace in emulation of that statue now in the Louvre. This name was perhaps not unnaturally accredited to Combayne Fallstoward, the house's new occupant, apparently much to her annoyance, but it did not go unnoticed that she signed her letters on more than one occasion with the initials WS. The Directory classified Combayne as a young female woman speaking Untowards and suffering from timidity. 11 years ago, a tree on this site was the subject of an unfinished film. The film was made by Geoffrey Fallthuis, student pupil of Tulse Luper, and at 19, the shortest and youngest of the Luper admirers who supported the Luper programme for an unassisted naturally evolving landscape. The tree, a wych elm, had been planted on this site on the south bank of the Thames, when it was the garden of a broker who apparently specialised in importing timber for manufacturing musical instruments. Due to coincidences of date, name and geography, Geoffrey Fallthuis chose to structure the cutting copy of his film on Anton Webern's Five Pieces for Orchestra, a choice cemented by the knowledge that another Schoenberg pupil, Hans Eisler, had composed a work to a tree, an oak that had survived the bombing of Berlin. Three months after his modest film exercise, Geoffrey Fallthuis joined an ecological foundation, studied tree culture and went to America. Seven years later, he married Corntopia Felixchange, a soprano who eventually joined the Metropolitan Opera Company. Geoffrey Fallthuis was in Ontario at the time of the VUE, supervising the planting of conifers. The VUE gave him a bone- marrow disease, incipient petagium fellitis and a neuralgia that Fallthuis was able to partly anaesthetise with nicotine and aspirin. Fallthuis, in acknowledgement of his VUE disabilities, took a job giving him time to travel with his wife on her singing tours of Europe. Eventually his wife was invited to London to the Royal Festival Hall and Fallthuis visited the South Bank for the first time in 11 years. One September evening at dusk, whilst his wife attended a rehearsal, Fallthuis stepped out of this door to look again at the tree which had been the subject of his last film exercise. Much had changed. The buildings he had filmed in their early stages of construction were now long completed. And the tree had gone. Heavily supported by chains at the time Fallthuis had filmed it, the tree became a potential danger to pedestrians and had been cut down. Fallthuis lit a cigar and walked along this balcony to a position he could not have anticipated as a camera position 10 years before. While standing about here, no doubt leaning on the balustrade like this, he fell. Or he was pushed. Or he jumped deliberately. One witness is on record as saying that at the time Fallthuis fell, there had been a pistol shot. Anton Webern had been shot. He too had been standing on a balcony. The lighted tip of his cigar had made him the target after curfew for an overzealous American soldier in 1945. The connection was not lost on Fallthuis's wife. She demanded and got an inquiry. 11 witnesses came forward. But the evidence was so conflicting the coroner passed a verdict of misadventure abetted by delayed effects of the VUE. Corntopia Felixchange lobbied the IRR to provide funds to remake her late husband's film with a new musical structure that would reflect Webern's Five Pieces and provide her with a vocal part. The work was to be dedicated to all VUE victims. An early friend of Fallthuis's, Nye Galibo, who appears in this, the fifth part of the original film, generously agreed to compose the new music. As yet neither the IRR nor any other body have come up with the funds to make Corntopia's film and in deference to VUE victims the music has, in the meantime, been used to accompany some of the VUE biographies in The Falls. Insubstantial entry. Merriem Falltrick appears only once in all 14 editions of Directory as deaf- mute, with cerebral palsy and wings. Stephany Falltrix is trying hard to shake off the crippling effects and influence of the VUE on her mind and body and argues that the inclusion of her disabilities in this film is not going to help her recovery. One of her afflictions is an allergy to the colour red. For the moment, in lieu of her biography, she has presented to the VUE library as evidence of her determination a book of red- painted pages. Her slow but steady progress, which we respect, is indicated by the red pages progressively becoming whiter. Tolley Falluger, historian, classification theorist, bird counter and authority on animal migration, normally lives on a boat in the Bardsey Island Straits. He has proposed theories, for those wishing to believe in a concerted effort on the part of birds, to have found a viable parliament of fowls. These have so struck the World Society for the Protection of Birds that they have muzzled him. His brother, Vassian, believes Tolley was sent to the Tasman Archipelago to study the Steven's Island wren, whose entire population was killed by a lighthouse keeper's cat in the first four months of 1894. Vassian Falluger long believed that the Violent Unknown Event was a mass hallucination perpetrated by the WSPB on a public who felt guilty about bird slaughter. Then he changed his mind, or had his mind changed for him. His former feelings on the VUE were prompted both by sibling rivalry, his brother being a celebrated, if censored, enthusiast for the Theory of the Responsibility of Birds, and by his mild symptoms, slight ornith- a- graffiti, a containable petagium fellitis and a preference for travel in spring and autumn. Vassian's conversion relied on two fortuitous events, a visit to the Boulder Orchard and a present of a facsimile edition of the Havell Double Elephant Folio of Audubon's Birds of America. The visit was initially a professional one. He was asked to design the lettering and take photographs for the publicity material for a new VUE Opera that took as its libretto the names of 92 birds. The Folio was given to him by Allia Fallanx, at that time the resident Boulder Orchard Custodian. Vassian saw one phenomenon reflected in the other and considered both of them to be interchangeable. For Falluger, Audubon had replaced Tulse Luper as the Violent Unknown Event's master strategist and cataloguer. With the obsessive enthusiasm of a true convert, Vassian drew and photographed the Orchard, and filmed it on every film stock he could lay his hands on. He taped the Orchard's birdsong, yearly counted the leaves on its 11 trees and scrupulously measured the root growth. He calculated the value of the Orchard's apples in sterling, dollars, gold and osprey eggs. Vassian claimed he discovered in the disposition of the rocks and trees a system of passageways that, in miniature, matched the pilgrim tracks of the Lleyn Peninsula and the known routes of migrational birds in the Northern Hemisphere. Vassian's programme for the next ten years includes a full- scale model of the orchard recreated in metal and plastic, an illustrated plant life, where he claims the most successful plants in the orchard are the cranesbill, ragged robin and bird's- foot trefoil, and a project to deposit a handwritten copy of the 92 VUE bird names in every public library in Great Britain. At the buzzer, in 30 seconds, name as many birds as you can think of. (buzzer) Honey- buzzard, osprey. Wren, sparrow, starling. Swallow, gull, buzzard. Tit, bluetit, coal tit, great tit, little tit and many others. Before the VUE, Erhaus Bewler Falluper was a master cataloguer, an enumerator and a collector of statistics. He inaugurated grand and extensive projects that other less gifted statisticians completed. At the buzzer, in 30 seconds, name as many birds as you can that start with the letter C. In the five years before the Violent Unknown Event, amongst other unfinished projects, Erhaus conducted 17 surveys about the state of the public's knowledge of natural landscape and all that was in it. At the buzzer, in 30 seconds, name as many birds as you can that start with the letter P. - (buzzer) - Pigeon... The value of these surveys is doubtful. The results were erratic and arbitrarily catalogued. True to form, all 17 incomplete surveys have, in various ways, spawned further projects. At the buzzer, in 30 seconds, name as many birds as you can that start with the letter L. This particular survey on bird knowledge is no exception. Lark. Lark. - Linnet. - Lapwing. L can't think of any. - Lark. - Lovebirds. What are those things in the zoo with the... - The... - (buzzer) At the buzzer, tell me as much as you can about the cuckoo. (buzzer) The cuckoo is about 30 centimetres long. Indeed, Falluper's random choice of interviewees has been borrowed, the VUE Commission choosing people whose surnames, like Falluper's own, begin with the letters FALL. Whilst acknowledging his output, his detractors accused him of manufacturing fictions, and deliberately confusing identities, also of not knowing the difference between a good joke and a bad one. (buzzer) His supporters thought these accusations were often true, but they believed that Falluper's half- fictions were by- products of his compulsion to draw up maps, index disaster and break chaos into small pieces that he might rearrange them in a different way, perhaps alphabetically. ...in the penguin family. But Falluper's supporters had no illusions about his jokes. They knew he was too serious to have a sense of humour. They come from the Falkland Islands. Falluper asked his questions of 41 people. In the VUE Directory, there were exactly double that number of persons whose surnames began with the letters FALL. Of the 41 persons Falluper interviewed, seven were to become VUE victims. These seven, like Falluper himself now speak Abcadefghan, have superlative night vision, are welcomed at children's parties, can whistle well, fear flying, loathe the FOX and inaugurate projects that others less gifted invariably complete. - Curlew. - Black crow. - Swallow. - Sparrow. Jackdaw. (buzzer) - Dodo! - Dodo. Little grey ones. Six out of the seven, like Falluper, have kept their post- VUE physical appearance hidden. The seventh victim has permitted her likeness to be used as an aid to the finding of her husband. If it had been necessary, Falluper could have invented the Violent Unknown Event. It certainly effaced him. There have been no more grand projects. It is said that Falluper has changed identity and become a catalogue clerk working nights in an office in Whitfield Street, London W1. - Deerhen. - Lighthouse bird. Sepoy. - Chubb. - Buzzard. Grastled Fallusson invented so much fiction about himself, the Directory cannot vouch for any version of his biography. Castral Fallvernon, curator of photographs and pictures for the VUE Commission lives and works in a disused aircraft on the outfield at Heathrow. Three years after the Violent Unknown Event, to aid VUE victims afflicted with a variety of avian paranoias, Castral approached the Airport Authority for help in developing a rehabilitation programme based on visual stimulation. Sleep in the tail, breakfast over the wing, office up front, lounge in the cockpit. Legolas Varda bought me a mynah bird. Within six months, Castral could offer a prospectus including bird- recognition therapy, exercise in a flight simulator, lepidoptery, ornithological taxidermy and free- fall parachuting. Progressing patients are assessed by their reaction to visual material on tapes, slides and film, accompanied by a great deal of specially composed music, full use of the VUE languages and a wealth of bird anecdote. Filmstrip 17 was a favourite project with apparently considerable curative properties. It certainly introduced Castral to her husband, who as a self- styled flyer, modelled himself on William Cody and until the treatment of filmstrip 17, was persecuted by the thought that an attack from the air would blind him. Castral's appreciation of the Theory of the Responsibility of Birds and the Value of Personalised Flight was equivocal and could be typified by her copy of the da Vinci flying machine. Aircraft vibration loosened a drawing pin holding it to the wall. The picture had swung round so that the machine flew upside down. Castral had not seen fit to put it back the right way up. The pictures in filmstrip 17 were taken from an early collection of black- and- white photographs of birds kept in zoos. Most of the photographs had been heavily retouched. In some cases, they had been virtually recreated with a brush. Maybe this was instrumental in the filmstrip's high success rate. Either that or patients were intimidated by the eye of the marabou stork. The timorous may have identified Castral with that stern eye. She had no room for failures. Capercaillie, lammergeyer, cassowary... Leasting Fallvo wrote plots, fictions, lyrics and narratives. She likes the theatre... Among his clients were second offenders, alibi hunters, newspaper editors, con men, dramatists and bored children. The audience, the pay and the state of the Fallvo imagination dictated the swing of each narrative and its outcome. ...down in Abersoch Bay. Abersoch. A- B- E- R- S- O- C- H... Before the Violent Unknown Event, an Earth reconstructed from Fallvo's entire imaginative output would have been populated only by homo sapiens and a few bushes. The VUE changed all that. ...pratincol, phalarope... These are the photographs... Fallvo was in Bavaria in a ski lift at 11.41 on the evening of the VUE. In an ensuing accident he lost the use of both his legs, but as to actual VUE symptoms, Fallvo was slow to be affected. Carlos was not happy with the photographs... A year after the Event, Fallvo began to speak Oso- leet- ter, a plain rhythmic language suitable for the telling of a steady uncluttered narrative and an Earth reconstructed now from his output would be populated by birds and a few piles of brick. ...in a haversack, along with the silver spoon from his mother's second- wedding presents. However, he lost his English- speaking audience and his earnings slumped. To earn money he came to the VUE Commission with a proposal to establish a library contributed to solely by those afflicted by the VUE. ...auklet, noddy... Eventually, there were enough VUE products to demand a catalogue. Fallvo volunteered to put it together. The Commission agreed, provided Fallvo produced the catalogue in English. ...and cucumbers... Fiction was poorly represented and Fallvo himself saw to it that the nearly empty shelves looked more respectable. Among his works in English were The Madras Lemonade Glass, The Tyddyn- Corn Clout, Bird Tales of the Eiffel Tower, A Walk Through H, A Turkey for a Wife, The House of the Two Palms, The Dogs on Bardsey lsland, The Tulse Luper Suitcase, Protest at the Golden Egg, The Missing Composer, The Making of Hartileas B, The Wash- House Corpse, The Red Chair and many others. It was said that if the VUE had not happened, then Leasting Fallvo could have invented it. ...skua... With the preposterous Violent Unknown Event receding in everyone's minds, an need for new fiction persuaded Fallvo's clients to reemploy him. ...scaup... Seven years after the Event, Fallvo was more prosperous than ever but there were two penalties. First, the slowly encroaching influence of the VUE on Fallvo was affecting his eyesight. ...Anthior Fallwaste... Second, the VUE was persuading him he had no memory worth preserving. Both these facts improved his standard of living further. The first because he could rely less on observation and the second because he was forced to keep reinventing. ...a bird scarer. The conventional sanctuary... Fallvo's circle of contacts and clients continued to increase. Whether they treated his narratives as allegories or as metaphors of their own difficulties has to be researched. Anthior Fallwaste has achieved what so many immortal VUE victims have failed to do. He was successfully buried on the site of a bird scarer the conventional sanctuary of those seeking to irrevocably terminate a relationship with birds. And that is the end of The Falls. The next name in the Directory is Artesian Falma. Subtitles: IMS |
Face 2004 Facing Window 2003 Fahrenheit 451 (1966) Fahrenheit 911 CD1 Fahrenheit 911 CD2 Fail Safe Failan CD1 Failan CD2 Fallen Fallen Angels 1995 Falls The CD1 Falls The CD2 Fame Family Guy 01x01 - Death Has a Shadow Family Guy 01x02 - I Never Met the Dead Man Family Guy 01x03 - Chitty Chitty Death Bang Family Guy 01x04 - Mind Over Murder Family Guy 01x05 - A Hero Sits Next Door Family Guy 01x06 - The Son Also Draws Family Guy 01x07 - Brian Portrait of a Dog Family Guy 01x08 - Peter Peter Caviar Eater Family Guy 01x09 - Running Mates Family Guy 01x10 - Holy Crap Family Guy 01x11 - If Im Dyin Im Lyin Family Guy 01x12 - Love Thy Trophy Family Guy 01x13 - Death Is A Bitch Family Guy 01x14 - The King Is Dead Family Guy 03x01 - The Thin White Line Family Guy 03x02 - Brian Does Hollywood Family Guy 03x03 - Mr Griffin Goes To Washington Family Guy 03x04 - One If By Clam, Two If By Sea Family Guy 03x05 - And The Weiner Is Family Guy 03x06 - Death Lives Family Guy 03x07 - Lethal Weapons Family Guy 03x08 - The Kiss Seen Around The World Family Guy 03x09 - Mr Saturday Knight Family Guy 03x10 - A Fish Out Of Water Family Guy 03x11 - Emission Impossible Family Man The Family Viewing 1987 Fando y Lis Fanfan le tulipe 2003 Fantasia (2004) Fantomas Contre Scotland Yard Far From Heaven Far Off Place A 1993 Far away so close (1993) CD1 Far away so close (1993) CD2 Farewell Home sweet Home (Otar Iosseliani 1999) Fargo - 1996 CD1 25fps Fargo - 1996 CD2 25fps Farscape - 1x01 - Premiere Farscape - 1x02 - I ET Farscape - 1x03 - Exodus From Genesis Farscape - 1x04 - Throne for a Loss Farscape - 1x05 - Back and Back and Back to the Future Farscape - 1x06 - Thank God Its Friday Again Farscape - 1x07 - PK Tech Girl Farscape - 1x08 - That Old Black Magic Farscape - 1x09 - DNA Mad Scientist Farscape - 1x10 - Theyve Got a Secret Farscape - 1x11 - Till the Blood Runs Clear Farscape - 1x12 - Rhapsody In Blue Farscape - 1x13 - The Flax Farscape - 1x14 - Jeremiah Crichton Farscape - 1x15 - Durka Returns Farscape - 1x16 - A Human Reaction Farscape - 1x17 - Through The Looking Glass Farscape - 1x18 - A Bugs Life Farscape - 1x19 - Nerve Farscape - 1x20 - The Hidden Memory Farscape - 1x21 - Bone To Be Wild Farscape - 1x22 - Family Ties Farscape - 2x01 - Mind The Baby Farscape - 2x02 - Vitas Mortis Farscape - 2x03 - Talking The Stone Farscape - 2x04 - Crackers Dont Matter Farscape - 2x05 - The Way We Werent Farscape - 2x06 - Picture If You Will Farscape - 2x07 - Home On The Remains Farscape - 2x08 - Dream A Little Dream Farscape - 2x09 - Out Of Their Minds Farscape - 2x10 - My Three Crichtons Farscape - 2x11 - Look At The Princess I - A Kiss Is But A Kiss Farscape - 2x12 - Look At The Princess II - I Do I Think Farscape - 2x13 - Look At The Princess III - The Maltese Crichton Farscape - 2x14 - Beware Of Dog Farscape - 2x15 - Wont Get Fooled Again Farscape - 2x16 - The Locket Farscape - 2x17 - The Ugly Truth Farscape - 2x18 - A Clockwork Nebari Farscape - 2x19 - Liars Guns and Money I - A Not So Simple Plan Farscape - 2x20 - Liars Guns and Money II - With Friends Like These Farscape - 2x21 - Liars Guns and Money III - Plan B Farscape - 2x22 - Die Me Dichotomy Farscape - 3x01 - Season Of Death Farscape - 3x02 - Suns And Lovers Farscape - 3x03 - Self Inflicted Wounds I - Coulda Woulda Shoulda Farscape - 3x04 - Self Inflicted Wounds II - Wait For The Wheel Farscape - 3x05 - Different Destinations Farscape - 3x06 - Eat Me Farscape - 3x07 - Thanks For Sharing Farscape - 3x08 - Green Eyed Monster Farscape - 3x09 - Losing Time Farscape - 3x10 - Relativity Farscape - 3x11 - Incubator Farscape - 3x12 - Meltdown Farscape - 3x13 - Scratch N Sniff Farscape - 3x14 - Infinite Possibilities I - Daedalus Demands Farscape - 3x15 - Infinite Possibilities II - Icarus Abides Farscape - 3x16 - Revenging Angel Farscape - 3x17 - The Choice Farscape - 3x18 - Fractures Farscape - 3x19 - I-Yensch You-Yensch Farscape - 3x20 - Into The Lions Den I - Lambs To The Slaugher Farscape - 3x21 - Into The Lions Den II - Wolf In Sheeps Clothing Farscape - 3x22 - Dog With Two Bones Farscape - 4x01 - Crichton Kicks Farscape - 4x02 - What Was Lost (Part 1) - Sacrifice Farscape - 4x03 - What Was Lost (Part 2) - Resurrection Farscape - 4x04 - Lavas A Many Splendored Thing Farscape - 4x05 - Promises Farscape - 4x06 - Natural Election Farscape - 4x07 - John Quixote Farscape - 4x08 - I Shrink Therefore I Am Farscape - 4x09 - A Prefect Murder Farscape - 4x10 - Coup By Clam Farscape - 4x11 - Unrealized Reality (Part 1) Farscape - 4x12 - Kansas (Part 2) Farscape - 4x13 - Terra Firma (Part 3) Farscape - 4x14 - Twice Shy Farscape - 4x15 - Mental As Anything Farscape - 4x16 - Bringing Home The Beacon Farscape - 4x17 - A Constellation Of Doubt Farscape - 4x18 - Prayer Farscape - 4x19 - We are So Screwed - Fetal Attraction (Part 1) Farscape - 4x20 - We are So Screwed - Hot To Katratzi (Part 2) Farscape - 4x21 - We are So Screwed - La Bomba (Part 3) Farscape - 4x22 - Bad Timing Farscape - The Peacekeeper Wars (Part 1) Farscape - The Peacekeeper Wars (Part 2) Fast And Furious Fat Choi Spirit Fata Morgana Fate Ignoranti Le Father of a Soldier (Rezo Chkheidze 1964) Father of the Bride Fawlty Towers Fear Dot Com Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Fear of Fear (Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1975) Feed the Kitty (1952) Fellowship of the Ring The Female Convict Scorpion Beast Stable 1973 Shunya Ito Female Prisoner 701 Scorpion 1972 Femme Fatale (2002) Fiances The 1962 Fierce Creatures (1997) Fight Club CD1 Fight Club CD2 Fighter in the Wind Fighting Fish 2004 Fille Sur La Pont La Filles Uniques 2003 Film That Was Never Made A Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x01 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x02 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x03 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x04 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x05 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x06 Final Countdown The 1980 CD1 Final Countdown The 1980 CD2 Final Destination - New Line Platinum Series Final Fantasy Final Friday The - Jason Goes To Hell 25fps Final Insult The Final Nightmare The Finders Fee (Jeff Probst 2001) Finding Forrester 2000 Finding Nemo Fire in the Sky Firefly - Serenity (pilot) Firefly 1x01 - The train job Firefly 1x02 - Bushwhacked Firefly 1x03 - Shindig Firefly 1x04 - Safe Firefly 1x05 - Our mrs Reynolds Firefly 1x06 - Jaynestown Firefly 1x07 - Out of gas Firefly 1x08 - Ariel Firefly 1x09 - War stories Firefly 1x10 - Trash Firefly 1x11 - The message Firefly 1x12 - Heart of gold Firefly 1x13 - Objects in space Firelight Firemens Ball The 1967 First Great Train Robbery The 1978 CD1 First Great Train Robbery The 1978 CD2 First Men In The Moon 1964 First Power The Fish Called Wanda A Fisher King The Fistful Of Dollars A Fistful of Dynamite A CD1 Fistful of Dynamite A CD2 Five Easy Pieces 1970 CD1 Five Easy Pieces 1970 CD2 Fiza Flash Gordon CD1 Flash Gordon CD2 Fled Flesh and Blood CD1 Flesh and Blood CD2 Fletch Flight Of The Intruder CD1 1991 Flight Of The Intruder CD2 1991 Flipper (1996) CD1 Flipper (1996) CD2 Flower of the Arabian Nights 1974 CD1 Flower of the Arabian Nights 1974 CD2 Flubber 1997 CD1 Flubber 1997 CD2 Fly Away Home Fly The (Kurt Neumann 1958) Fog of war The 2003 limited theatrical version For A Few Dollars More 1965 For Scent-imental Reasons (1949) Foreigner The Fourth Man Frankenfish 2004 Frankenstrom Frankenstrom 2001 Frantic (1988) Frasier 01x01 - The Good Son Frasier 01x02 - Space Quest Frasier 01x03 - Dinner At Eight Frasier 01x04 - I Hate Frasier Crane Frasier 01x05 - Heres Looking At You Frasier 01x06 - The Crucible Frasier 01x07 - Call Me Irresponsible Frasier 01x08 - Beloved Infidel Frasier 01x09 - Selling Out Frasier 01x10 - Oops Frasier 01x12 - Miracle On Third Or Fourth Street Frasier 02x01 - Slow Tango in South Seattle Frasier 02x02 - The Unkindest Cut of All Frasier 02x03 - Commentary by Director David Lee and Writer Joe Keenan Frasier 02x03 - The Matchmaker Frasier 02x04 - Flour Child Frasier 02x05 - Dukes We Hardly Knew You Frasier 02x06 - The Botched Language of Cranes Frasier 02x07 - The Candidate Frasier 02x08 - Adventures in Paradise Part 1 Frasier 02x09 - Adventures in Paradise Part 2 Frasier 02x10 - Burying a Grudge Frasier 02x11 - Seat of Power Frasier 02x12 - Roz in the Doghouse Frasier 02x13 - Retirement is Murder Frasier 02x14 - Fool Me Once Shame on You Fool Me Twice Frasier 02x15 - You Scratch My Book Frasier 02x16 - The Show Where Sam Shows Up Frasier 02x17 - Daphnes Room Frasier 02x18 - The Club Frasier 02x19 - Someone to Watch Over Me Frasier 02x20 - Breaking the Ice Frasier 02x21 - An Affair to Forget Frasier 02x22 - Agents In America Part 3 Frasier 02x23 - The Innkeepers Frasier 02x24 - Dark Victory Freddys Revenge A Fredrikssons Fabrikk Free Willy 1993 Free Willy 2 - The Adventure Home Free Willy 3 - The Rescue Freeway (Sous-titres) French Connection II (1975) French Connection The Frenzy (1972) Fresh (1994) Fresh Bait 1995 Friday Friday Night (2002) Friday the 13th Friday the 13th Part 8 Friends - 02x03 - the one where heckles dies Friends - 02x09 - the one with with phoebes dad Friends - 02x11 - the one with the lesbian wedding Friends - 02x13 - the one after the superbowl part 2 Friends - 02x15 - the one where ross and rachel you know Friends - 02x16 - the one where joey moves out Friends - 02x18 - the one where dr ramoray dies Friends - 02x20 - the one where old yeller dies Friends - 02x22 - the one with two parties Friends - 02x24 - the one with barry and mindys wedding Friends - 10x01 - TOW After Joey And Rachel Kiss Friends - 10x02 - TOW Where Ross Is Fine Friends - 10x03 - TOW Ross Tan Friends - 10x04 - TOW the cake Friends - 10x05 - TOW Rachels Sister Babysits Friends - 10x06 - TOW Rosss Grant Friends - 10x07 - TOW The Home Study Friends - 10x08 - TOW the late Thanksgiving Friends - 10x09 - TOW the birth mother Friends - 10x10 - TOW Chandler Gets Caught Friends - 10x11 - TOW The Stripper Cries Friends - 10x12 - TOW Phoebes Wedding Friends - 10x13 - TOW Joey Speaks French Friends - 10x14 - TOW Princess Consuela Friends - 3 22 - The One With the Screamer Friends - 3x01 - The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy Friends - 3x02 - The One Where No Ones Ready Friends - 3x03 - The One With the Jam Friends - 3x04 - The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel Friends - 3x05 - The One With Frank Jr Friends - 3x06 - The One With the Flashback Friends - 3x07 - The One With the Race Car Bed Friends - 3x08 - The One With the Giant Poking Device Friends - 3x09 - The One With the Football Friends - 3x10 - The One Where Rachel Quits Friends - 3x11 - The One Where Chandler Cant Remember Friends - 3x12 - The One With All the Jealousy Friends - 3x13 - The One Where Monica and Richard Friends - 3x14 - The One With Phoebes Ex-Partner Friends - 3x15 - The One Where Ross and Rachel Take Friends - 3x16 - The One the Morning After Friends - 3x17 - The One Without the Ski Trip Friends - 3x18 - The One With the Hypnosis Tape Friends - 3x19 - The One With the Tiny T-Shirt Friends - 3x20 - The One With the Dollhouse Friends - 3x21 - The One With a Chick and a Duck Friends - 3x22 - The One With the Screamer Friends - 3x23 - The One With Rosss Thing Friends - 3x24 - The One With Ultimate Fighting Champ Friends - 3x25 - The One at the Beach Friends - 4x01 - The One With the Jellyfish Friends - 4x02 - The One With the Cat Friends - 4x03 - The One With the Cuffs Friends - 4x04 - The One With the Ballroom Dancing Friends - 4x05 - The One With Joeys New Girlfriend Friends - 4x06 - The One With the Dirty Girl Friends - 4x07 - The One Where Chandler Crosses Friends - 4x08 - The One With Chandler in a Box Friends - 4x09 - The One Where They are Going Friends - 4x10 - The One With the Girl from Friends - 4x11 - The One With Phoebes Uterus Friends - 4x12 - The One With the Embryos Friends - 4x13 - The One With Rachels Crush Friends - 4x14 - The One With Joeys Dirty Day Friends - 4x15 - The One With All the Rugby Friends - 4x16 - The One With the Fake Party Friends - 4x17 - The One With the Free Porn Friends - 4x18 - The One With Rachels New Dress Friends - 4x19 - The One With All the Haste Friends - 4x20 - The One With All the Wedding Dresses Friends - 4x21 - The One With the Invitation Friends - 4x22 - The One With the Worst Best Man Ever Friends - 4x23 - The One With Rosss Wedding - part 1 Friends - 4x24 - The One With Rosss Wedding - part 2 Friends - 5x01 - The One After Ross Says Rachel Friends - 5x02 - The One With All the Kissing Friends - 5x03 - The One Hundreth Friends - 5x04 - The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS Friends - 5x05 - The One With the Kips Friends - 5x06 - The One With the Yeti Friends - 5x07 - The One Where Ross Moves In Friends - 5x08 - The One With All the Thanksgivins Friends - 5x09 - The One With Rosss Sandwich Friends - 5x10 - The One With the Inappropiate Sister Friends - 5x11 - The One With All the Resolutions Friends - 5x12 - The One With Chandlers Work Laugh Friends - 5x13 - The One With Joeys Bag Friends - 5x14 - The One Where Everyone Finds Out Friends - 5x15 - The One With the Girl Who Hits Joey Friends - 5x16 - The One With the Cop Friends - 5x17 - The One With Rachels Friends - 5x18 - The One Where Rachel Smokes Friends - 5x19 - The One Where Ross Cant Flirt Friends - 5x20 - The One With the Ride-Along Friends - 5x21 - The One With the Ball Friends - 5x22 - The One With Joeys Big Break Friends - 5x23 - The One in Vegas Friends - 6x01 - The One After Vegas Friends - 6x02 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel Friends - 6x03 - The One With Rosss Denial Friends - 6x04 - The One Where Joey Loses His Friends - 6x05 - The One With Joeys Porsche Friends - 6x06 - The One On the Last Night Friends - 6x07 - The One Where Phoebe Runs Friends - 6x08 - The One With Rosss Teeth Friends - 6x15 Friends 7x01 - The One with Monicas Thunder Friends 7x02 - The One With Rachels Book Friends 7x03 - The One With Phoebes Cookies Friends 7x04 - The One With Rachels Assistant Friends 7x05 - The One With The Engagement Picture Friends 7x06 - The One With The Nap Partners Friends 7x07 - The One with Rosss Library Book Friends 7x08 - The One Where Chandler Doesnt Like Dogs Friends 7x09 - The One With All the Candy Friends 7x10 - The One With The Holiday Armadillo Friends 7x11 - The One With All The Cheesecakes Friends 7x12 - The One Where They are Up All Night Friends 7x13 - The One Where Rosita Dies Friends 7x14 - The One Where They All Turn Thirty Friends 7x15 - The One With Joeys New Brain Friends 7x16 - The One With the Truth About London Friends 7x17 - The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress Friends 7x18 - The One With Joeys Award Friends 7x19 - The One With Ross and Monicas Cousin Friends 7x20 - The One With Rachels Kisses Friends 7x21 - The One With the Vows Friends 7x22 - The One With Chandlers Dad Friends 7x23 - The One With Monica and Chandlers Wedding Part 1 Friends 7x24 - The One With Monica and Chandlers Wedding Part 2 Friends 9x01 - The One Where No One Proposes Friends 9x02 - The One Where Emma Cries Friends 9x03 - The One With The Pediatrician Friends 9x04 - The One With The Sharks Friends 9x05 - The One With Phoebes Birthday Dinner Friends 9x06 - The One With The Male Nanny Friends 9x07 - The One With Rosss Inappropriate Song Friends 9x08 - The One With Rachels Other Sister Friends 9x09 - The One With Rachels Phone Number Friends 9x10 - The One With Christmas In Tulsa Friends 9x11 - The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work Friends 9x12 - The One With Phoebes Rats Friends 9x13 - The One Where Monica Sings Friends 9x14 - The One With The Blind Dates Friends 9x15 - The One With The Mugging Friends 9x16 - The One With The Boob Job Friends 9x17 - The One With The Memorial Service Friends 9x18 - The One With The Lottery Friends 9x19 - The One With Rachels Dream Friends 9x20 - The One With The Soap Opera Party Friends 9x21 - The One With The Fertility Test Friends 9x22 - The One With The Donor Friends 9x23-24 - The One In Barbados 1 2) Frisson des vampires Le From Beijing with love From Dusk Till Dawn From Dusk Till Dawn 3 The Hangmans Daughter From Hell From Justin To Kelly (Special Edition) Frontera La Frusta e il corpo La Fucking Amal Fudoh The New Generation 1996 Fugitive The - The Chase Continues Fugitives (2000) Fukssvansen (Chop Chop) Full Frontal 2002 Full Metal Jacket Full Time Killer Fun Movie (2002 Korean) CD1 Fun Movie (2002 Korean) CD2 Fun in Acapulco (Richard Thorpe 1963) Funeral Parade of Roses Funeral in Berlin Funny Girl Fuochi dArtifizio Furia (2002) Fury The (1978) Futurama 1x01 - Space Pilot 3000 Futurama 1x02 - The Series Has Landed Futurama 1x03 - I Roommate Futurama 1x04 - Loves Labors Lost in Space Futurama 1x05 - Fear of a Bot Planet Futurama 1x06 - A Fishful of Dollars Futurama 1x07 - My Three Suns Futurama 1x08 - A Big Piece of Garbage Futurama 1x09 - Hell is Other Robots Futurama 2x01 - A Flight to Remember Futurama 2x02 - Mars University Futurama 2x03 - When Aliens Attack Futurama 2x04 - Fry and the Slurm Factory Futurama 3x01 - Amazon Women in the Mood Futurama 3x02 - Parasites Lost Futurama 3x03 - A Tale of Two Santas Futurama 3x04 - The Luck of the Fryrish Futurama 3x05 - The Birdbot of Ice-catraz Futurama 3x06 - Bendless Love Futurama 3x07 - The Day the Earth Stood Stupid Futurama 3x08 - Thats Lobstertainment Futurama 3x09 - The Cyber House Rules Futurama 3x10 - Insane in the Mainframe Futurama 3x10 - Where The Buggalo Roam Futurama 3x12 - The Route of All Evil Futurama 3x13 - Bendin in the Wind Futurama 3x14 - Time Keeps on Slippin Futurama 3x15 - I Dated a Robot Futurama 3x16 - A Leela of Her Own Futurama 3x17 - A Pharaoh To Remember Futurama 3x18 - Anthology of Interest Part 2 Futurama 3x19 - Roswell That Ends Well Futurama 3x20 - Godfellas Futurama 3x21 - Future Stock Futurama 3x22 - The 30 Iron Chef Futurama 4x01 - Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch Futurama 4x02 - Leelas Homeworld Futurama 4x03 - Love and Rocket Futurama 4x04 - Less Than Hero Futurama 4x05 - A Taste of Freedom Futurama 4x06 - Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV Futurama 4x07 - Jurassic Bark Futurama 4x08 - Crimes of the Hot Futurama 4x09 - Teenage Mutant Leelas Hurdles Futurama 4x10 - The Why of Fry Futurama 4x11 - Where no Fan Has Gone Before Futurama 4x12 - The Sting Futurama 4x13 - Bend Her Futurama 4x14 - Obsoletely Fabulous Futurama 4x15 - The Farnsworth Parabox Futurama 4x16 - Three Hundred Big Boys Futurama 4x17 - Spanish Fry Futurama 4x18 - The Devils Hands are Idle Playthings Fyra Nyanser Av Brunt CD1 Fyra Nyanser Av Brunt CD2 |