Frasier 02x03 - Commentary by Director David Lee and Writer Joe Keenan
This is David Lee.
I directed this episode,
which is called ''The Matchmaker''.
And I'm Joe Keenan.
I wrote this episode.
This beginning,
with a fire aIarm going off,
was a story fragment
that kicked around for a long time.
We couldn't find a story to go with it,
so we plugged it
into the beginning of this episode
as a fun, lively way to begin.
Originally, it was a story
about what everybody grabbed first
when they thought there was a fire.
Frasier was upset because
Martin went for Eddie before him.
But we couldn't quite build that
into a real story.
I believe
that Moose did it correctly the first time.
That was a one-take dog there.
Joe, as I recall, when you first
pitched the story ''The Matchmaker'',
it didn't go over well with us.
It came out of a story
we thought might be interesting,
if Daphne were to date Frasier's boss
and what conflicts that brings.
We were vexed as to what would make
Daphne having a date with him funny.
I said maybe it's funny
if the boss thinks he's dating Frasier.
I outlined how that misunderstanding
might come to pass.
For some reason, probabIy I didn't pitch
it well, the idea didn't go over.
I still thought it would be
a funny episode.
I worked on it a bit more
before I pitched it again.
If I pitched it a second time
and it didn't fly, the idea would be dead.
You were in the room
and you cottoned to it.
You started developing it and it seemed
we had an episode on our hands.
I remember sitting and laughing
when we were working out the story.
That's always a good sign.
The other thing about this
in the history of the series,
this is one of the first episodes
you wrote.
I wrote an episode at the end of
the first season when I was not on staff.
We did, after this, ''The Botched
Language Of The Cranes'',
but this was the first episode
I wrote on staff.
It was where we discovered something
that you knew about yourself,
but much to our delight,
the staff and soon America found out
that Joe was just an expert at writing
this sort of farce
in the style of PG Wodehouse
and mistaken identities
and merry mix-ups.
And we subsequently did
several more of them in this style.
Joe and I sort of became the farceurs
of ''Frasier''. ''The Ski Lodge''.
''The Ski Lodge''.
''The Two Mrs Cranes''.
It became a template for
a lot of episodes we would do -
a lot of setup in the first act,
and the second act
with almost continuous action.
In that scene we just saw,
that was one of the first times
you saw a long scene
between Frasier and Daphne.
They weren't pals in the first season.
In this story was Frasier's impulse
to do something nice for Daphne,
which is not an impulse
he'd exhibited before.
I remember when Roz slept around.
She doesn't do that so much...
It's less funny
when you have a daughter.
I do miss it, though,
because that persnickety relationship
between Roz and Niles was such
a source of fun for such a long time.
They get along a lot better now,
so some avenues for comedy
have been closed to us.
I think that's something that happens
as shows age.
The characters
get to know each other so well
and have been together for so long
that it's hard to sustain that type
of friction without it seeming forced.
But unfortunateIy, like you said,
it does lose a little bit
of comedy piquancy. Is that a word?
- It is now.
- Thank you.
- One of my favourite Joe Keenan lines.
- It is not actually a Joe Keenan line.
How gracious of you.
I was not present.
I think Peter Casey did it.
The joke that I had, Niles made
a crack about her little black book
and she said it wasn't black
and he replied, ''Nor little.''
But that funnier joke was inserted.
I found the same joke
in a script from the first season.
- It was from a Bebe Glazer episode.
- Really?
You're a little detective, aren't you?
That scene we saw was to establish
that Roz is angry
at Frasier for some reason,
which justifies a big plot twist
that happens at the ad break.
That's what we call
a Lenny and Squiggy entrance.
Good looking, smart, successful...
Hello there!
This actor is named Eric Lutes.
He'd just moved to LA from New York,
where he'd been a model and an actor.
And I believe this was, if not his first,
one of his first jobs in LA.
It won him a role as a regular
on ''CaroIine in the City''.
Jeff Greenberg, our casting director,
makes it a habit to cast fresh people.
So many times on sitcoms, you see
the same faces over and over again.
Jeff goes back to New York
once a year for a couple of weeks
and scours the theatres and whatever
dark places actors hang out in
and finds as many fresh faces
as he can
and Eric is one of those fresh ones
he came up with.
I do remember, after the episode aired,
Jeff Greenberg said
his phone was off the hook,
wondering who that guy was
because it's notoriously difficult
to find good-looking guys
in that age range who can do sitcom.
It is why he was hired immediately
to do ''CaroIine in the City''.
But Mr Lutes will not be aware of,
until he listens to this commentary,
how hotly debated his casting was
after the first run-through.
He gave a terrific performance, but at
the first run-through, things were flat.
We came back wondering
if we should perhaps recast the part.
I remember, David, you were confident
that he could deliver the performance,
which he did.
It is funny sometimes how a really
good episode can, the first time, fall flat.
This one left us all very concerned.
We didn't think
we had gold on our hands.
It's hard for the day player actors
who come in.
They're given about three hours
to rehearse something
and are dealing with a cast that have
been playing their parts for a year.
They have to catch up with the cast
on just a few hours of rehearsal.
That title card,
''The Perils Of Refinement'',
was a scripted line
in one of the scenes coming up,
but for time, we had to cut it,
so we ended up using it as a title card.
Do you recall that? Didn't somebody
have a line ''the perils of refinement'?
Later on, out in the hall,
Frasier said it.
Well, he doesn't say it now.
No, he's not gay!
Peter Casey used to say when a farce
is ready to roll, the gun is loaded.
One thing I do remember
that we did in the editing of this...
There's an example.
The look on Eric's face.
A lot of times there were scripted
responses that Eric's character had.
In the editing,
we realised you didn't need them.
You could go with the look on the face.
I remember going through, in the editing,
and just snipping out
a lot of ''Oh'' or ''Oh, really''.
You script those things because on
the page you need them as signposts
and then you realise in performance
that the look is doing the job for you.
Jane was very funny here
with this action behind his back.
- Didn't it win an award from GLAAD?
- Yes. A GLAAD media award.
GLAAD is the Gay And Lesbian
Alliance Against Defamation
and they were intrigued with this
because of the way
that Joe managed to play with...
With stereotypes.
The underlying point is not all sissies
are gay and not all gay men are sissies.
In the first year,
a Iot of peopIe would say,
''Niles and Frasier are two gay lovers.
''You pretend they're brothers because
you don't have the guts to write that.''
We went, ''No, they're heterosexual.
Why do you think they're gay?''
And they'd say, ''They're refined,
they like opera, fine music...''
And I went,
''Well, there's a nice set of stereotypes!''
I know some gay men who don't know
anything about fine wine or food.
Here comes another place
where we had a response and we cut it.
He said it all with that look.
This is where Joe's writing is so great.
As he said, the gun's loaded.
You've set up everything.
Joe sets things up beautifully, so that
you don't know you're being set up.
They don't sound like exposition.
It Iooks like
you're just having a funny scene.
Bob Ellison, who was a consultant
on the show, saw the episode and said,
''You know, there's not a wasted
scene and not a wasted word.''
One of the great things is that
things are either a setup or a payoff.
The fun of this kind of farce is getting
a misperception rolling
and seeing how long
you can credibly sustain it.
Not only that, but to complicate it.
Niles's entrance
being the first major complication.
Sitting around a table,
from a director's standpoint,
is the worst thing to do on a sitcom.
And most, not most,
but a Iot of directors cheat it.
They have people sitting,
Iike nobody ever sits.
Everybody sits on one side
of the table facing the camera.
If you watch a sitcom and
everybody sits on one side of the table,
you know that the director was lazy.
One of my pet peeves.
Coming up is probably one of the
longest laughs we ever had in ''Frasier''.
We had to trim it down considerably.
David is so amazing.
You just see...
You see every thought
going through his facial expression.
Did I just talk
through the funniest line?
They can always turn this off
if they want to hear the episode.
That shot was done afterwards.
We had to put in a false wall
and bring the camera up
where the piano was.
Sometimes you hesitate to do that
because it takes a Iittle extra time,
but I thought it was worth it.
There's a delicate part
to get this misperception going.
You have to word things very carefully.
That's right. If he'd said the wrong word,
the episode would have been over.
One of the things you see
when a Iot of people attempt farce...
Joe's good because he knows
this important thing about them
and that is, in order to sustain farce,
it has to keep getting better
or more interesting as it goes along.
And it has to escalate.
Initially, one of the reasons the idea
didn't go over was people could see
that you'd be repeating the same joke.
But what makes a farce are the ways
you find to ratchet it up.
The fun was letting each character
discover one by one the misperception,
with Frasier being
the last one to find out.
One thing I wish I'd done differently
is I wish I'd done a pickup where I had
a shot of David over Kelsey's shoulder,
shot through the door
and I didn't do that.
I got a side shot at his face and I would
have rather had a Iittle bit of eyes, but...
It's the only thing
I would have done differently.
Perils of refinement
came somewhere in here.
One of my favourite things
in the episode
is the look Tom gives him when
he walks in the door. This is coming up.
I don't think, on American television,
you would ever have seen
one man give another man
a look so freighted with sexual intent.
That would be the come-bleep-me look.
Speaking of being bleeped,
I'm sure that last comment...
Kelsey plays it beautifully.
He does a great piece
of physical business.
Kelsey came up with that
and it was just right.
Semi-coquettish, yet embarrassed.
A lovely bit of business there.
I think it stretches reality just a tad,
but if Jane could pull that bra off,
more power to her.
It's a great line.
I always wish I couId have found
a better punch line here.
There was another scene
between Frasier and Daphne.
We used it here for a tag,
but it was actually a scene.
It's a rapprochement between them,
where Daphne,
upset that things hadn't worked out,
was pleased Frasier had gone out
of his way for her.
It's a step forward in their relationship.
They're becoming friends.
I recall liking it, but in this show,
we were really Iong. It just had to go.
- Thanks for listening.
- This is David and Joe signing out.
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the one with two parties Friends - 02x24 - the one with barry and mindys wedding Friends - 10x01 - TOW After Joey And Rachel Kiss Friends - 10x02 - TOW Where Ross Is Fine Friends - 10x03 - TOW Ross Tan Friends - 10x04 - TOW the cake Friends - 10x05 - TOW Rachels Sister Babysits Friends - 10x06 - TOW Rosss Grant Friends - 10x07 - TOW The Home Study Friends - 10x08 - TOW the late Thanksgiving Friends - 10x09 - TOW the birth mother Friends - 10x10 - TOW Chandler Gets Caught Friends - 10x11 - TOW The Stripper Cries Friends - 10x12 - TOW Phoebes Wedding Friends - 10x13 - TOW Joey Speaks French Friends - 10x14 - TOW Princess Consuela Friends - 3 22 - The One With the Screamer Friends - 3x01 - The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy Friends - 3x02 - The One Where No Ones Ready Friends - 3x03 - The One With the Jam Friends - 3x04 - The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel Friends - 3x05 - The One With Frank Jr Friends - 3x06 - The One With the Flashback Friends - 3x07 - The One With the Race Car Bed Friends - 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4x05 - The One With Joeys New Girlfriend Friends - 4x06 - The One With the Dirty Girl Friends - 4x07 - The One Where Chandler Crosses Friends - 4x08 - The One With Chandler in a Box Friends - 4x09 - The One Where They are Going Friends - 4x10 - The One With the Girl from Friends - 4x11 - The One With Phoebes Uterus Friends - 4x12 - The One With the Embryos Friends - 4x13 - The One With Rachels Crush Friends - 4x14 - The One With Joeys Dirty Day Friends - 4x15 - The One With All the Rugby Friends - 4x16 - The One With the Fake Party Friends - 4x17 - The One With the Free Porn Friends - 4x18 - The One With Rachels New Dress Friends - 4x19 - The One With All the Haste Friends - 4x20 - The One With All the Wedding Dresses Friends - 4x21 - The One With the Invitation Friends - 4x22 - The One With the Worst Best Man Ever Friends - 4x23 - The One With Rosss Wedding - part 1 Friends - 4x24 - The One With Rosss Wedding - part 2 Friends - 5x01 - The One After Ross Says Rachel Friends - 5x02 - The One With All the Kissing Friends - 5x03 - The One Hundreth Friends - 5x04 - The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS Friends - 5x05 - The One With the Kips Friends - 5x06 - The One With the Yeti Friends - 5x07 - The One Where Ross Moves In Friends - 5x08 - The One With All the Thanksgivins Friends - 5x09 - The One With Rosss Sandwich Friends - 5x10 - The One With the Inappropiate Sister Friends - 5x11 - The One With All the Resolutions Friends - 5x12 - The One With Chandlers Work Laugh Friends - 5x13 - The One With Joeys Bag Friends - 5x14 - The One Where Everyone Finds Out Friends - 5x15 - The One With the Girl Who Hits Joey Friends - 5x16 - The One With the Cop Friends - 5x17 - The One With Rachels Friends - 5x18 - The One Where Rachel Smokes Friends - 5x19 - The One Where Ross Cant Flirt Friends - 5x20 - The One With the Ride-Along Friends - 5x21 - The One With the Ball Friends - 5x22 - The One With Joeys Big Break Friends - 5x23 - The One in Vegas Friends - 6x01 - The One After Vegas Friends - 6x02 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel Friends - 6x03 - The One With Rosss Denial Friends - 6x04 - The One Where Joey Loses His Friends - 6x05 - The One With Joeys Porsche Friends - 6x06 - The One On the Last Night Friends - 6x07 - The One Where Phoebe Runs Friends - 6x08 - The One With Rosss Teeth Friends - 6x15 Friends 7x01 - The One with Monicas Thunder Friends 7x02 - The One With Rachels Book Friends 7x03 - The One With Phoebes Cookies Friends 7x04 - The One With Rachels Assistant Friends 7x05 - The One With The Engagement Picture Friends 7x06 - The One With The Nap Partners Friends 7x07 - The One with Rosss Library Book Friends 7x08 - The One Where Chandler Doesnt Like Dogs Friends 7x09 - The One With All the Candy Friends 7x10 - The One With The Holiday Armadillo Friends 7x11 - The One With All The Cheesecakes Friends 7x12 - The One Where They are Up All Night Friends 7x13 - The One Where Rosita Dies Friends 7x14 - The One Where They All Turn Thirty Friends 7x15 - The One With Joeys New Brain Friends 7x16 - The One With the Truth About London Friends 7x17 - The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress Friends 7x18 - The One With Joeys Award Friends 7x19 - The One With Ross and Monicas Cousin Friends 7x20 - The One With Rachels Kisses Friends 7x21 - The One With the Vows Friends 7x22 - The One With Chandlers Dad Friends 7x23 - The One With Monica and Chandlers Wedding Part 1 Friends 7x24 - The One With Monica and Chandlers Wedding Part 2 Friends 9x01 - The One Where No One Proposes Friends 9x02 - The One Where Emma Cries Friends 9x03 - The One With The Pediatrician Friends 9x04 - The One With The Sharks Friends 9x05 - The One With Phoebes Birthday Dinner Friends 9x06 - The One With The Male Nanny Friends 9x07 - The One With Rosss Inappropriate Song Friends 9x08 - The One With Rachels Other Sister Friends 9x09 - The One With Rachels Phone Number Friends 9x10 - The One With Christmas In Tulsa Friends 9x11 - The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work Friends 9x12 - The One With Phoebes Rats Friends 9x13 - The One Where Monica Sings Friends 9x14 - The One With The Blind Dates Friends 9x15 - The One With The Mugging Friends 9x16 - The One With The Boob Job Friends 9x17 - The One With The Memorial Service Friends 9x18 - The One With The Lottery Friends 9x19 - The One With Rachels Dream Friends 9x20 - The One With The Soap Opera Party Friends 9x21 - The One With The Fertility Test Friends 9x22 - The One With The Donor Friends 9x23-24 - The One In Barbados 1 2) Frisson des vampires Le From Beijing with love From Dusk Till Dawn From Dusk Till Dawn 3 The Hangmans Daughter From Hell From Justin To Kelly (Special Edition) Frontera La Frusta e il corpo La Fucking Amal Fudoh The New Generation 1996 Fugitive The - The Chase Continues Fugitives (2000) Fukssvansen (Chop Chop) Full Frontal 2002 Full Metal Jacket Full Time Killer Fun Movie (2002 Korean) CD1 Fun Movie (2002 Korean) CD2 Fun in Acapulco (Richard Thorpe 1963) Funeral Parade of Roses Funeral in Berlin Funny Girl Fuochi dArtifizio Furia (2002) Fury The (1978) Futurama 1x01 - Space Pilot 3000 Futurama 1x02 - The Series Has Landed Futurama 1x03 - I Roommate Futurama 1x04 - Loves Labors Lost in Space Futurama 1x05 - Fear of a Bot Planet Futurama 1x06 - A Fishful of Dollars Futurama 1x07 - My Three Suns Futurama 1x08 - A Big Piece of Garbage Futurama 1x09 - Hell is Other Robots Futurama 2x01 - A Flight to Remember Futurama 2x02 - Mars University Futurama 2x03 - When Aliens Attack Futurama 2x04 - Fry and the Slurm Factory Futurama 3x01 - Amazon Women in the Mood Futurama 3x02 - Parasites Lost Futurama 3x03 - A Tale of Two Santas Futurama 3x04 - The Luck of the Fryrish Futurama 3x05 - The Birdbot of Ice-catraz Futurama 3x06 - Bendless Love Futurama 3x07 - The Day the Earth Stood Stupid Futurama 3x08 - Thats Lobstertainment Futurama 3x09 - The Cyber House Rules Futurama 3x10 - Insane in the Mainframe Futurama 3x10 - Where The Buggalo Roam Futurama 3x12 - The Route of All Evil Futurama 3x13 - Bendin in the Wind Futurama 3x14 - Time Keeps on Slippin Futurama 3x15 - I Dated a Robot Futurama 3x16 - A Leela of Her Own Futurama 3x17 - A Pharaoh To Remember Futurama 3x18 - Anthology of Interest Part 2 Futurama 3x19 - Roswell That Ends Well Futurama 3x20 - Godfellas Futurama 3x21 - Future Stock Futurama 3x22 - The 30 Iron Chef Futurama 4x01 - Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch Futurama 4x02 - Leelas Homeworld Futurama 4x03 - Love and Rocket Futurama 4x04 - Less Than Hero Futurama 4x05 - A Taste of Freedom Futurama 4x06 - Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV Futurama 4x07 - Jurassic Bark Futurama 4x08 - Crimes of the Hot Futurama 4x09 - Teenage Mutant Leelas Hurdles Futurama 4x10 - The Why of Fry Futurama 4x11 - Where no Fan Has Gone Before Futurama 4x12 - The Sting Futurama 4x13 - Bend Her Futurama 4x14 - Obsoletely Fabulous Futurama 4x15 - The Farnsworth Parabox Futurama 4x16 - Three Hundred Big Boys Futurama 4x17 - Spanish Fry Futurama 4x18 - The Devils Hands are Idle Playthings Fyra Nyanser Av Brunt CD1 Fyra Nyanser Av Brunt CD2