Friends 7x11 - The One With All The CheesecakesClick here to download subtitles file for the movie "Friends 7x11 - The One With All The Cheesecakes"Get Paid for using YouTube!
X1:103 X2:612 Y1:484 Y2:524 You have got to try this cheesecake. X1:151 X2:565 Y1:450 Y2:524 You know, I'm not that much of a sweet tooth... X1:159 X2:556 Y1:482 Y2:524 Oh, my God, it's so creamy! X1:173 X2:541 Y1:450 Y2:524 That's the best cheesecake I've ever had! X1:188 X2:529 Y1:484 Y2:524 Where did you get this? X1:116 X2:602 Y1:446 Y2:524 It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us. X1:161 X2:554 Y1:482 Y2:524 This isn't addressed to you. X1:143 X2:572 Y1:450 Y2:524 This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs! X1:306 X2:409 Y1:488 Y2:524 Thief! X1:211 X2:508 Y1:444 Y2:524 I didn't read the box before I opened it... X1:156 X2:564 Y1:444 Y2:524 ...and you can't return a box after you opened it! X1:168 X2:548 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Why not? - Because it's too delicious! X1:169 X2:546 Y1:446 Y2:524 You stole this cheesecake. That's wrong. X1:075 X2:642 Y1:450 Y2:524 No, it'll be okay because Mrs. Braverman will send for a free one. X1:201 X2:513 Y1:484 Y2:524 That way, we all win. X1:138 X2:578 Y1:446 Y2:524 The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate... X1:175 X2:541 Y1:482 Y2:524 ..."Mama's Little Bakery. " X1:257 X2:459 Y1:488 Y2:524 I feel terrible. X1:146 X2:570 Y1:482 Y2:524 I'm a horrible, horrible person. X1:237 X2:480 Y1:482 Y2:524 I'm sorry, what? X1:114 X2:603 Y1:488 Y2:524 The One With All The Cheesecakes X1:216 X2:502 Y1:446 Y2:524 English Subtitles by SDI Media Group X1:104 X2:611 Y1:484 Y2:524 I should get going. Big day at work. X1:145 X2:572 Y1:488 Y2:524 You know how I'm in a coma? X1:121 X2:597 Y1:052 Y2:126 Today they do a test on me and it turns out I'm not brain-dead. X1:316 X2:400 Y1:488 Y2:524 So... X1:226 X2:489 Y1:052 Y2:093 Mr. Smarty Pants. X1:202 X2:513 Y1:052 Y2:127 It's just my character that's not brain-dead. X1:164 X2:553 Y1:052 Y2:093 Pheebs, still on for tonight? X1:232 X2:484 Y1:052 Y2:131 - Absolutely. - I'll see you at 8. X1:259 X2:457 Y1:052 Y2:089 What's at 8? X1:105 X2:613 Y1:052 Y2:131 Dinner. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you. X1:173 X2:542 Y1:052 Y2:088 Wow! Did not know that. X1:098 X2:620 Y1:052 Y2:093 May I say how lovely you look today? X1:269 X2:446 Y1:484 Y2:524 Duly noted. X1:110 X2:608 Y1:052 Y2:131 So for tomorrow, do you want to rent a car and drive down together? X1:155 X2:562 Y1:446 Y2:524 - What are you talking about? - Cousin Frannie's wedding. X1:227 X2:490 Y1:052 Y2:088 You were invited? X1:322 X2:394 Y1:052 Y2:088 No. X1:131 X2:585 Y1:052 Y2:094 Oh, my God, I can't believe this. X1:158 X2:558 Y1:450 Y2:524 I thought only Mom and Dad were invited. X1:140 X2:575 Y1:052 Y2:131 From the ages of 7 to 9, Frannie and I were inseparable. X1:121 X2:595 Y1:052 Y2:126 Maybe since the age of 9, Frannie's made some new friends. X1:162 X2:553 Y1:052 Y2:132 It's probably just a mistake. Let me call Aunt Cheryl. X1:146 X2:571 Y1:446 Y2:524 Maybe you are invited and the invitation got lost in the mail. X1:171 X2:543 Y1:450 Y2:524 You call her and tell her that when we were kids... X1:122 X2:593 Y1:450 Y2:524 ...her precious Frannie tried to undress me several times. X1:132 X2:583 Y1:444 Y2:524 If I hadn't stopped her, there wouldn't be a wedding to go to. X1:156 X2:558 Y1:488 Y2:524 She tried to undress me too. X1:113 X2:602 Y1:484 Y2:524 I used to undress my cousin Glenn. X1:180 X2:535 Y1:446 Y2:524 Joseph Francis Tribbiani, are you home yet? X1:212 X2:503 Y1:444 Y2:524 I think he's still out. What's wrong? X1:125 X2:591 Y1:482 Y2:524 I'll tell you, Rachel Karen Greene. X1:182 X2:532 Y1:450 Y2:524 I had plans with Joey, and he left me this note. X1:148 X2:567 Y1:444 Y2:524 "Pheebs, can't make it. Got a date. Talk to you later. X1:267 X2:449 Y1:482 Y2:524 Big Daddy. " X1:112 X2:603 Y1:444 Y2:524 - "Big Daddy"? - That's a nickname we were trying. X1:099 X2:616 Y1:446 Y2:524 You know what nickname never caught on? "The Ross-a-tron. " X1:196 X2:520 Y1:482 Y2:524 Here's Joseph Francis! X1:197 X2:521 Y1:446 Y2:524 Wait, what are you middle-naming me for? X1:235 X2:481 Y1:484 Y2:524 I left you a note. X1:175 X2:541 Y1:444 Y2:524 That doesn't give you the right to ditch me! X1:123 X2:594 Y1:446 Y2:524 You can cancel plans with friends if there's a possibility for sex. X1:162 X2:554 Y1:482 Y2:524 He's right. That is the rule. X1:125 X2:593 Y1:444 Y2:524 I don't accept it. When we make plans, I expect you to show up. X1:152 X2:562 Y1:444 Y2:524 I'm not a way to kill time till you meet someone better. X1:132 X2:583 Y1:446 Y2:524 Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but this is for life. X1:142 X2:572 Y1:444 Y2:524 I'm so sorry. I had no idea it would bother you this much. X1:256 X2:458 Y1:486 Y2:524 Well, it does. X1:146 X2:570 Y1:484 Y2:524 Well, can I make it up to you? X1:281 X2:434 Y1:482 Y2:524 I'm sorry. X1:117 X2:600 Y1:446 Y2:524 How about dinner tomorrow night? I'll pay for myself. X1:172 X2:544 Y1:484 Y2:524 Okay, you wore me down. X1:109 X2:608 Y1:450 Y2:524 While you're over there, how about a beer for "The Ross-a-tron"? X1:196 X2:522 Y1:488 Y2:524 "Ross..." Is that back? X1:157 X2:558 Y1:488 Y2:524 The other cheesecake came. X1:158 X2:557 Y1:484 Y2:524 They delivered it here again. X1:183 X2:530 Y1:446 Y2:524 Just bring it downstairs. What's the problem? X1:154 X2:562 Y1:482 Y2:524 I can't seem to say goodbye. X1:234 X2:482 Y1:484 Y2:524 Are you serious? X1:117 X2:599 Y1:446 Y2:524 We ate an entire cake two days ago and you want more? X1:217 X2:500 Y1:450 Y2:524 Well, I've forgotten what it tastes like. X1:135 X2:580 Y1:488 Y2:524 It was cheesecake. It was fine. X1:177 X2:539 Y1:446 Y2:524 It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust... X1:213 X2:503 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...with a very rich... X1:138 X2:578 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...yet light cream cheese filling. X1:192 X2:524 Y1:446 Y2:524 Wow, my whole mouth just filled with saliva. X1:194 X2:521 Y1:446 Y2:524 Know what? Forget it. We're just hungry. X1:192 X2:523 Y1:444 Y2:524 We haven't had lunch. We're just lightheaded. X1:124 X2:590 Y1:444 Y2:524 So let's go have lunch and forget about the cheesecake. X1:198 X2:516 Y1:444 Y2:524 We'll drop it off so we're not tempted. X1:136 X2:579 Y1:446 Y2:524 - Where do you want to eat? - Mama's Little Bakery, Chicago. X1:239 X2:477 Y1:488 Y2:524 Mel Tormé died. X1:122 X2:592 Y1:482 Y2:524 Joey, that paper's like a year old. X1:095 X2:623 Y1:450 Y2:524 Does that mean the Sam Goody's sale is over? X1:192 X2:524 Y1:446 Y2:524 So, I finally heard back from Aunt Cheryl... X1:100 X2:617 Y1:482 Y2:524 ...and apparently it wasn't a mistake. X1:186 X2:531 Y1:482 Y2:524 There's limited seating... X1:173 X2:546 Y1:446 Y2:524 Limited seating? I am just one tiny person! X1:124 X2:591 Y1:486 Y2:524 Yeah, but she doesn't know that. X1:108 X2:608 Y1:484 Y2:524 I mean, the last time she saw you... X1:123 X2:594 Y1:444 Y2:524'd have turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling. X1:164 X2:550 Y1:450 Y2:524 "Limited seating. " That's such a lame excuse. X1:202 X2:514 Y1:444 Y2:524 That's not the reason she's not inviting me. X1:098 X2:618 Y1:444 Y2:524 What's the big deal? I wasn't invited to the ceremony, just the reception. X1:102 X2:613 Y1:446 Y2:524 If it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance... X1:163 X2:557 Y1:444 Y2:524 ...and then we'll leave early as a sign of protest. X1:240 X2:475 Y1:446 Y2:524 - Joan? - Yeah, my date. X1:127 X2:588 Y1:446 Y2:524 Assistant professor in linguistics. Tall, very beautiful. X1:110 X2:605 Y1:450 Y2:524 And despite what some people say, not broad-backed. X1:122 X2:594 Y1:446 Y2:524 Wait a minute. You got "Ross Geller and Guest"? X1:173 X2:543 Y1:444 Y2:524 I wasn't invited, and you got "and Guest"? X1:126 X2:592 Y1:450 Y2:524 Excuse me, I do have to interrupt on Ross' behalf. X1:161 X2:555 Y1:484 Y2:524 I think the rule applies here. X1:196 X2:520 Y1:446 Y2:524 Since he has a chance to get on broad-back... X1:240 X2:476 Y1:488 Y2:524 Not broad-back! X1:109 X2:605 Y1:482 Y2:524 Wait a minute. You're bringing me. X1:194 X2:522 Y1:488 Y2:524 I can't cancel on Joan. X1:200 X2:518 Y1:446 Y2:524 - Why not? - Did you not hear me? X1:154 X2:561 Y1:444 Y2:524 She's an assistant professor in the linguistics department. X1:258 X2:457 Y1:482 Y2:524 They're wild. X1:105 X2:613 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Why do you want to come anyway? - Because... X1:220 X2:497 Y1:482 Y2:524 ...she's my cousin. X1:150 X2:566 Y1:484 Y2:524 I mean, we grew up together. X1:142 X2:573 Y1:446 Y2:524 Family, you know? And all that's important to me. X1:156 X2:560 Y1:482 Y2:524 Okay, all right. I'll take you. X1:239 X2:476 Y1:482 Y2:524 I'll go call Joan. X1:242 X2:473 Y1:486 Y2:524 Oh, that's nice. X1:192 X2:523 Y1:484 Y2:524 Family should be there. X1:187 X2:528 Y1:444 Y2:524 It's her wedding. Happiest day of her life. X1:278 X2:436 Y1:488 Y2:524 We'll see. X1:173 X2:542 Y1:484 Y2:524 Well, thank you for lunch. X1:179 X2:535 Y1:484 Y2:524 Wait, I thought you paid. X1:177 X2:540 Y1:444 Y2:524 Apparently, we don't pay for food anymore. X1:186 X2:531 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Do you see what I see? - It's still there. X1:154 X2:561 Y1:488 Y2:524 Mrs. Braverman must be out. X1:172 X2:543 Y1:446 Y2:524 She could be out of town. Maybe gone for months. X1:074 X2:640 Y1:450 Y2:524 By then, it may spoil. She can't come back to bad cheesecake. X1:231 X2:484 Y1:450 Y2:524 - It could kill her. - Don't want that. X1:204 X2:511 Y1:482 Y2:524 We're protecting her. X1:255 X2:460 Y1:444 Y2:524 - We'll take it. - But quick. X1:217 X2:498 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Why? - I hear her in there. X1:254 X2:460 Y1:488 Y2:524 Go! Go! Go! X1:173 X2:543 Y1:482 Y2:524 Oh, my God, that's David. X1:180 X2:535 Y1:446 Y2:524 - Who? - David, the scientist guy. X1:152 X2:564 Y1:488 Y2:524 David that I was in love with. X1:166 X2:549 Y1:446 Y2:524 Who went to Russia and broke my heart, David. X1:261 X2:454 Y1:484 Y2:524 Oh, my God! X1:188 X2:527 Y1:446 Y2:524 Say their name enough, they turn around. X1:292 X2:423 Y1:488 Y2:524 Phoebe. X1:303 X2:412 Y1:488 Y2:524 David. X1:099 X2:618 Y1:446 Y2:524 What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in Russia? X1:124 X2:591 Y1:482 Y2:524 I'm just in town for a conference. X1:164 X2:550 Y1:484 Y2:524 God, you look phenomenal. X1:295 X2:419 Y1:488 Y2:524 Well... . X1:306 X2:408 Y1:488 Y2:524 Yeah. X1:200 X2:517 Y1:446 Y2:524 You look great too. Did you get a haircut? X1:119 X2:595 Y1:484 Y2:524 Yeah. Well, I got like 30 of them. X1:124 X2:591 Y1:484 Y2:524 Look, I got a confession to make. X1:121 X2:595 Y1:484 Y2:524 I was hoping to run into you here. X1:132 X2:584 Y1:444 Y2:524 I didn't know if I should call. I was only in town a few days... X1:150 X2:568 Y1:444 Y2:524 ...and I didn't want to intrude on your life. X1:160 X2:556 Y1:484 Y2:524 I really wanted to see you... X1:180 X2:535 Y1:444 Y2:524 ...but I didn't know if you wanted to see me. X1:113 X2:603 Y1:446 Y2:524 Of course I would want to see you. I think about you all the time. X1:119 X2:598 Y1:450 Y2:524 Really? Because I think about you all the time. X1:127 X2:588 Y1:444 Y2:524 There's a statue in Minsk that reminds me of you so much. X1:196 X2:520 Y1:482 Y2:524 It's actually of Lenin... X1:098 X2:619 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...but, you know, at certain angles... . X1:192 X2:524 Y1:446 Y2:524 Anyway, do you want to have dinner tonight? X1:315 X2:400 Y1:488 Y2:524 Yes. X1:295 X2:420 Y1:486 Y2:524 Oh, no! X1:292 X2:423 Y1:450 Y2:524 - What? - I can't. X1:164 X2:552 Y1:444 Y2:524 I can't believe I have plans. Can you do it tomorrow? X1:134 X2:581 Y1:446 Y2:524 No, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the redeye. X1:110 X2:606 Y1:482 Y2:524 Listen, next time you're in Minsk... . X1:171 X2:546 Y1:450 Y2:524 Phoebe? Can I talk to you for a second? X1:208 X2:508 Y1:484 Y2:524 What are you doing? X1:192 X2:523 Y1:484 Y2:524 I have plans with Joey. X1:198 X2:516 Y1:488 Y2:524 So? He'll understand. X1:145 X2:569 Y1:444 Y2:524 No, he won't. And that's not even the point. X1:100 X2:614 Y1:446 Y2:524 I made a whole speech about how you do not cancel plans with friends. X1:116 X2:599 Y1:446 Y2:524 And now just because, potentially, the love of my life... X1:203 X2:515 Y1:446 Y2:524 ...returns from Russia for one night... X1:149 X2:569 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...I should change my beliefs? X1:165 X2:550 Y1:484 Y2:524 I should change my beliefs! X1:124 X2:593 Y1:444 Y2:524 No. If I don't have my principles, I don't have anything. X1:230 X2:485 Y1:482 Y2:524 You're so strong. X1:138 X2:579 Y1:446 Y2:524 Or I should rush through dinner with Joey and meet David at 9. X1:153 X2:562 Y1:484 Y2:524 Oh, my God, that is so good! X1:184 X2:534 Y1:444 Y2:524 I'm full. And yet I know if I stop eating this... X1:253 X2:464 Y1:482 Y2:524 ...I'll regret it. X1:143 X2:575 Y1:484 Y2:524 Hey, what have you got there? X1:276 X2:440 Y1:486 Y2:524 Oh, it's... . X1:162 X2:555 Y1:488 Y2:524 It's tofu cake. Want some? X1:158 X2:559 Y1:484 Y2:524 What are you doing tonight? X1:258 X2:457 Y1:488 Y2:524 Dude. Dude. X1:304 X2:411 Y1:484 Y2:524 Sorry. X1:185 X2:530 Y1:484 Y2:524 I got plans with Phoebe. X1:211 X2:505 Y1:450 Y2:524 Really? Monica said she had a date at 9. X1:174 X2:542 Y1:450 Y2:524 - What? Tonight? - That's what Monica said. X1:085 X2:632 Y1:446 Y2:524 After that speech, she makes a date on the same night she has plans with me? X1:148 X2:568 Y1:444 Y2:524 She's trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy. X1:195 X2:521 Y1:486 Y2:524 Here, I think this is us. X1:186 X2:530 Y1:484 Y2:524 Limited seating, my ass. X1:157 X2:558 Y1:488 Y2:524 Let's see who made the cut. X1:197 X2:518 Y1:488 Y2:524 Hi. I'm Monica Geller. X1:077 X2:640 Y1:450 Y2:524 - How do you know the bride and groom? - I worked with Frannie. X1:129 X2:587 Y1:488 Y2:524 Used to work with her. Used to. X1:190 X2:525 Y1:444 Y2:524 I'm a relative and I didn't get invited. X1:185 X2:530 Y1:488 Y2:524 A blood relative. Blood. X1:124 X2:590 Y1:482 Y2:524 Stop saying "blood" to strangers. X1:073 X2:643 Y1:484 Y2:524 And you? How do you know the couple? X1:090 X2:625 Y1:484 Y2:524 We went to college with both of them. X1:192 X2:523 Y1:488 Y2:524 Now we live next door. X1:227 X2:489 Y1:482 Y2:524 Okay, you're fine. X1:205 X2:512 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Are you guys ready? - Yes. X1:131 X2:585 Y1:444 Y2:524 I'll have a green salad, house dressing and water's fine. X1:233 X2:483 Y1:484 Y2:524 And for you, sir? X1:116 X2:599 Y1:488 Y2:524 Yeah. This slow-roasted salmon... X1:164 X2:555 Y1:484 Y2:524 slow are we talking? X1:178 X2:538 Y1:482 Y2:524 It's already been roasted. X1:120 X2:599 Y1:446 Y2:524 Oh, then no. Maybe I should hear the specials again. X1:097 X2:618 Y1:482 Y2:524 We've heard the specials three times. X1:128 X2:587 Y1:444 Y2:524 There's prime rib, mahi-mahi and a very special lobster ravioli. X1:122 X2:593 Y1:444 Y2:524 - Actually, we're out of the ravioli. - Well, that changes everything! X1:178 X2:538 Y1:446 Y2:524 You know what, Pheebs? You were right before. X1:181 X2:534 Y1:484 Y2:524 Friends are so important. X1:150 X2:565 Y1:482 Y2:524 Yeah, I'm very wise. I know. X1:178 X2:539 Y1:484 Y2:524 Know what I really want? X1:159 X2:557 Y1:446 Y2:524 - What? - Is to have a long, long talk. X1:120 X2:595 Y1:446 Y2:524 You know? Get Joey out on the open road and really open him up. X1:246 X2:471 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Any progress? - Yes. X1:155 X2:561 Y1:488 Y2:524 I will have the lobster ravioli. X1:128 X2:587 Y1:484 Y2:524 God, Joey, this is taking forever. X1:228 X2:490 Y1:450 Y2:524 - What's the rush? - Well... X1:180 X2:536 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...I have an appointment. X1:188 X2:527 Y1:482 Y2:524 And it's very important. X1:273 X2:443 Y1:488 Y2:524 What is it? X1:300 X2:414 Y1:488 Y2:524 Well... X1:259 X2:457 Y1:488 Y2:524's a date. X1:105 X2:611 Y1:446 Y2:524 A date? No, you must be mistaken, because you wouldn't have a date... X1:153 X2:562 Y1:446 Y2:524 ...on the same night you have plans with a friend. X1:173 X2:543 Y1:482 Y2:524 Don't make me feel badly. X1:247 X2:469 Y1:482 Y2:524 No, I'm gonna! X1:146 X2:571 Y1:446 Y2:524 You made me feel really guilty about going out with that girl. X1:122 X2:593 Y1:446 Y2:524 Like I did something terrible. Now you're doing the same thing. X1:152 X2:564 Y1:482 Y2:524 It's not! It's totally different! X1:111 X2:607 Y1:446 Y2:524 This is with David. Remember David, the scientist guy? X1:186 X2:529 Y1:482 Y2:524 He's very special to me. X1:113 X2:603 Y1:450 Y2:524 My girl the other night was special. She was a scientist too. X1:125 X2:591 Y1:446 Y2:524 - She was? - Well, she graduated high school. X1:186 X2:530 Y1:488 Y2:524 Whatever. Know what? X1:129 X2:587 Y1:444 Y2:524 He's only here for four hours and I'm gonna go see him. X1:302 X2:413 Y1:450 Y2:524 - Fine! - Yeah. X1:148 X2:569 Y1:446 Y2:524 What are you still doing here? I told you, lobster ravioli! X1:139 X2:576 Y1:446 Y2:524 I was about to leave. I didn't think you were coming. X1:160 X2:556 Y1:488 Y2:524 I wouldn't have missed this. X1:136 X2:578 Y1:482 Y2:524 Well, I'm very glad you're here. X1:151 X2:565 Y1:482 Y2:524 Oh, you're such a gentleman. X1:114 X2:602 Y1:482 Y2:524 Come on, we're going to my place. X1:142 X2:574 Y1:450 Y2:524 Are you eating the cheesecake without me? X1:207 X2:507 Y1:446 Y2:524 I will give you $ 100 to whistle right now. X1:130 X2:587 Y1:446 Y2:524 - How can you eat it without me? - What'll you do? X1:088 X2:628 Y1:446 Y2:524 Tell Monica or Joey? No, you'd have to tell them everything. X1:156 X2:559 Y1:444 Y2:524 We're dessert stealers. We're living outside the law. X1:136 X2:579 Y1:482 Y2:524 I don't trust you with this cake. X1:196 X2:519 Y1:446 Y2:524 I got it first, and I'm taking it back! X1:239 X2:476 Y1:446 Y2:524 - What? Oh, no. - Oh, yes. X1:155 X2:561 Y1:484 Y2:524 You think I trust you with it? X1:235 X2:480 Y1:482 Y2:524 No, we'll split it. X1:138 X2:577 Y1:488 Y2:524 That's not fair. You had some. X1:174 X2:541 Y1:446 Y2:524 I think Monica would be very interested to know... X1:128 X2:590 Y1:446 Y2:524 ...that you called her cheesecake "dry and mealy. " X1:166 X2:550 Y1:484 Y2:524 What do we use to split it? X1:209 X2:506 Y1:484 Y2:524 All right, pick a half. X1:162 X2:553 Y1:484 Y2:524 Well, this side looks bigger. X1:113 X2:603 Y1:488 Y2:524 But there's more crust on this side. X1:197 X2:521 Y1:484 Y2:524 Maybe if I measure it... X1:261 X2:454 Y1:484 Y2:524 Pick a piece! X1:178 X2:537 Y1:446 Y2:524 - All right, I pick that one. - It's the smaller piece. X1:206 X2:510 Y1:484 Y2:524 Okay. There you go. X1:171 X2:545 Y1:450 Y2:524 Enjoy your half, my friend. But that is it. X1:140 X2:575 Y1:446 Y2:524 No sharing, no switching, and don't come crying to me... X1:135 X2:581 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...if you eat your piece too fast. X1:110 X2:608 Y1:448 Y2:524 - You gonna give me some of yours? - Oh, no. X1:147 X2:567 Y1:446 Y2:524 No switching, no sharing. And don't come crying to me. X1:173 X2:542 Y1:446 Y2:524 I may just sit here and have my cake all day. X1:165 X2:551 Y1:446 Y2:524 Just sit here in the hallway and eat my... X1:227 X2:489 Y1:486 Y2:524 Ross, sweetheart! X1:209 X2:507 Y1:484 Y2:524 Oh, hey, Aunt Millie. X1:157 X2:561 Y1:448 Y2:524 - Isn't it a beautiful wedding? - Yes, it is. X1:193 X2:523 Y1:484 Y2:524 Every time, on the lips! X1:188 X2:529 Y1:484 Y2:524 Why? Why on the lips? X1:136 X2:581 Y1:444 Y2:524 There's Frannie. Won't she be happy to see me? X1:200 X2:516 Y1:484 Y2:524 You be nice, all right? X1:128 X2:587 Y1:482 Y2:524 I didn't bring you to ambush her. X1:106 X2:609 Y1:446 Y2:524 Frannie was the one who showed your Playboys to Mom. X1:272 X2:442 Y1:488 Y2:524 That bitch. X1:293 X2:423 Y1:488 Y2:524 Monica! X1:292 X2:424 Y1:488 Y2:524 What...? X1:206 X2:510 Y1:446 Y2:524 Am I doing here? Surprised to see me? X1:201 X2:516 Y1:446 Y2:524 Ross brought me. How do you like that? X1:153 X2:563 Y1:484 Y2:524 Hi, Frannie. Congratulations. X1:162 X2:553 Y1:446 Y2:524 You invite my whole family, and not me? Why? X1:123 X2:594 Y1:450 Y2:524 Why wouldn't you want me here? What could I have done? X1:299 X2:416 Y1:488 Y2:524 Stuart! X1:133 X2:582 Y1:484 Y2:524 I believe you know my husband. X1:138 X2:576 Y1:444 Y2:524 So it's really a question of "who" could you have done. X1:159 X2:556 Y1:484 Y2:524 I hate this, but I have to go. X1:201 X2:514 Y1:482 Y2:524 I can't miss my flight. X1:169 X2:548 Y1:444 Y2:524 I bet there's another flight to Minsk in... X1:311 X2:403 Y1:484 Y2:524 July. X1:197 X2:518 Y1:450 Y2:524 That's really beautiful. What does it mean? X1:167 X2:549 Y1:482 Y2:524 "Please clean my beakers. " X1:137 X2:578 Y1:482 Y2:524 I don't get out of the lab much. X1:120 X2:595 Y1:484 Y2:524 I thought it meant something else. X1:167 X2:551 Y1:446 Y2:524 Yeah, well, I really actually wanted to say... X1:300 X2:417 Y1:488 Y2:524 ...that. X1:129 X2:590 Y1:450 Y2:524 But I figured I probably shouldn't because... X1:229 X2:487 Y1:488 Y2:524 ...I have to leave. X1:145 X2:570 Y1:482 Y2:524 No, you're right. Don't say it. X1:259 X2:456 Y1:484 Y2:524 I do, though. X1:288 X2:427 Y1:488 Y2:524 I do too. X1:220 X2:494 Y1:484 Y2:524 Well, bye, Phoebe. X1:150 X2:565 Y1:444 Y2:524 Now's not the time, Joey. You can yell at me tomorrow. X1:175 X2:540 Y1:446 Y2:524 Wait, no, Pheebs. I'm not gonna yell at you. X1:194 X2:521 Y1:446 Y2:524 I just started thinking about you and David... X1:072 X2:646 Y1:450 Y2:524 ...and I remember how bummed you were the first time he left. X1:188 X2:528 Y1:486 Y2:524 Oh, Pheebs, come here. X1:225 X2:491 Y1:446 Y2:524 - Are you okay? - No, I'm not okay. X1:136 X2:579 Y1:444 Y2:524 The only guy I've ever been crazy about is going to Minsk... X1:126 X2:590 Y1:484 Y2:524 ...and I may never see him again. X1:164 X2:550 Y1:484 Y2:524 You could always visit him. X1:180 X2:538 Y1:444 Y2:524 Right. Like they'll let me have a passport. X1:079 X2:635 Y1:484 Y2:524 Anything I can do? Whatever you need. X1:263 X2:452 Y1:486 Y2:524 Well, now... X1:101 X2:614 Y1:446 Y2:524 ...if you achieve distillation of subatomic particles before he does... X1:161 X2:555 Y1:488 Y2:524 ...then he could come back. X1:205 X2:511 Y1:484 Y2:524 I could give it a shot. X1:155 X2:560 Y1:450 Y2:524 Oh, look! There's a piece that doesn't have floor on it. X1:219 X2:496 Y1:448 Y2:524 - Stick to your side! - Come on, now! X1:146 X2:570 Y1:484 Y2:524 All right, what are we having? X1:165 X2:551 Y1:484 Y2:524 Oh, wait, I forgot my wrap. X1:236 X2:479 Y1:484 Y2:524 Okay, wait here. X1:148 X2:569 Y1:052 Y2:093 Hi, sweetie! Are you leaving? X1:171 X2:545 Y1:052 Y2:126 - Well... - Give us a kiss. Come on. X1:188 X2:529 Y1:052 Y2:093 Why? Why on the lips? |
Face 2004 Facing Window 2003 Fahrenheit 451 (1966) Fahrenheit 911 CD1 Fahrenheit 911 CD2 Fail Safe Failan CD1 Failan CD2 Fallen Fallen Angels 1995 Falls The CD1 Falls The CD2 Fame Family Guy 01x01 - Death Has a Shadow Family Guy 01x02 - I Never Met the Dead Man Family Guy 01x03 - Chitty Chitty Death Bang Family Guy 01x04 - Mind Over Murder Family Guy 01x05 - A Hero Sits Next Door Family Guy 01x06 - The Son Also Draws Family Guy 01x07 - Brian Portrait of a Dog Family Guy 01x08 - Peter Peter Caviar Eater Family Guy 01x09 - Running Mates Family Guy 01x10 - Holy Crap Family Guy 01x11 - If Im Dyin Im Lyin Family Guy 01x12 - Love Thy Trophy Family Guy 01x13 - Death Is A Bitch Family Guy 01x14 - The King Is Dead Family Guy 03x01 - The Thin White Line Family Guy 03x02 - Brian Does Hollywood Family Guy 03x03 - Mr Griffin Goes To Washington Family Guy 03x04 - One If By Clam, Two If By Sea Family Guy 03x05 - And The Weiner Is Family Guy 03x06 - Death Lives Family Guy 03x07 - Lethal Weapons Family Guy 03x08 - The Kiss Seen Around The World Family Guy 03x09 - Mr Saturday Knight Family Guy 03x10 - A Fish Out Of Water Family Guy 03x11 - Emission Impossible Family Man The Family Viewing 1987 Fando y Lis Fanfan le tulipe 2003 Fantasia (2004) Fantomas Contre Scotland Yard Far From Heaven Far Off Place A 1993 Far away so close (1993) CD1 Far away so close (1993) CD2 Farewell Home sweet Home (Otar Iosseliani 1999) Fargo - 1996 CD1 25fps Fargo - 1996 CD2 25fps Farscape - 1x01 - Premiere Farscape - 1x02 - I ET Farscape - 1x03 - Exodus From Genesis Farscape - 1x04 - Throne for a Loss Farscape - 1x05 - Back and Back and Back to the Future Farscape - 1x06 - Thank God Its Friday Again Farscape - 1x07 - PK Tech Girl Farscape - 1x08 - That Old Black Magic Farscape - 1x09 - DNA Mad Scientist Farscape - 1x10 - Theyve Got a Secret Farscape - 1x11 - Till the Blood Runs Clear Farscape - 1x12 - Rhapsody In Blue Farscape - 1x13 - The Flax Farscape - 1x14 - Jeremiah Crichton Farscape - 1x15 - Durka Returns Farscape - 1x16 - A Human Reaction Farscape - 1x17 - Through The Looking Glass Farscape - 1x18 - A Bugs Life Farscape - 1x19 - Nerve Farscape - 1x20 - The Hidden Memory Farscape - 1x21 - Bone To Be Wild Farscape - 1x22 - Family Ties Farscape - 2x01 - Mind The Baby Farscape - 2x02 - Vitas Mortis Farscape - 2x03 - Talking The Stone Farscape - 2x04 - Crackers Dont Matter Farscape - 2x05 - The Way We Werent Farscape - 2x06 - Picture If You Will Farscape - 2x07 - Home On The Remains Farscape - 2x08 - Dream A Little Dream Farscape - 2x09 - Out Of Their Minds Farscape - 2x10 - My Three Crichtons Farscape - 2x11 - Look At The Princess I - A Kiss Is But A Kiss Farscape - 2x12 - Look At The Princess II - I Do I Think Farscape - 2x13 - Look At The Princess III - The Maltese Crichton Farscape - 2x14 - Beware Of Dog Farscape - 2x15 - Wont Get Fooled Again Farscape - 2x16 - The Locket Farscape - 2x17 - The Ugly Truth Farscape - 2x18 - A Clockwork Nebari Farscape - 2x19 - Liars Guns and Money I - A Not So Simple Plan Farscape - 2x20 - Liars Guns and Money II - With Friends Like These Farscape - 2x21 - Liars Guns and Money III - Plan B Farscape - 2x22 - Die Me Dichotomy Farscape - 3x01 - Season Of Death Farscape - 3x02 - Suns And Lovers Farscape - 3x03 - Self Inflicted Wounds I - Coulda Woulda Shoulda Farscape - 3x04 - Self Inflicted Wounds II - Wait For The Wheel Farscape - 3x05 - Different Destinations Farscape - 3x06 - Eat Me Farscape - 3x07 - Thanks For Sharing Farscape - 3x08 - Green Eyed Monster Farscape - 3x09 - Losing Time Farscape - 3x10 - Relativity Farscape - 3x11 - Incubator Farscape - 3x12 - Meltdown Farscape - 3x13 - Scratch N Sniff Farscape - 3x14 - Infinite Possibilities I - Daedalus Demands Farscape - 3x15 - Infinite Possibilities II - Icarus Abides Farscape - 3x16 - Revenging Angel Farscape - 3x17 - The Choice Farscape - 3x18 - Fractures Farscape - 3x19 - I-Yensch You-Yensch Farscape - 3x20 - Into The Lions Den I - Lambs To The Slaugher Farscape - 3x21 - Into The Lions Den II - Wolf In Sheeps Clothing Farscape - 3x22 - Dog With Two Bones Farscape - 4x01 - Crichton Kicks Farscape - 4x02 - What Was Lost (Part 1) - Sacrifice Farscape - 4x03 - What Was Lost (Part 2) - Resurrection Farscape - 4x04 - Lavas A Many Splendored Thing Farscape - 4x05 - Promises Farscape - 4x06 - Natural Election Farscape - 4x07 - John Quixote Farscape - 4x08 - I Shrink Therefore I Am Farscape - 4x09 - A Prefect Murder Farscape - 4x10 - Coup By Clam Farscape - 4x11 - Unrealized Reality (Part 1) Farscape - 4x12 - Kansas (Part 2) Farscape - 4x13 - Terra Firma (Part 3) Farscape - 4x14 - Twice Shy Farscape - 4x15 - Mental As Anything Farscape - 4x16 - Bringing Home The Beacon Farscape - 4x17 - A Constellation Of Doubt Farscape - 4x18 - Prayer Farscape - 4x19 - We are So Screwed - Fetal Attraction (Part 1) Farscape - 4x20 - We are So Screwed - Hot To Katratzi (Part 2) Farscape - 4x21 - We are So Screwed - La Bomba (Part 3) Farscape - 4x22 - Bad Timing Farscape - The Peacekeeper Wars (Part 1) Farscape - The Peacekeeper Wars (Part 2) Fast And Furious Fat Choi Spirit Fata Morgana Fate Ignoranti Le Father of a Soldier (Rezo Chkheidze 1964) Father of the Bride Fawlty Towers Fear Dot Com Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Fear of Fear (Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1975) Feed the Kitty (1952) Fellowship of the Ring The Female Convict Scorpion Beast Stable 1973 Shunya Ito Female Prisoner 701 Scorpion 1972 Femme Fatale (2002) Fiances The 1962 Fierce Creatures (1997) Fight Club CD1 Fight Club CD2 Fighter in the Wind Fighting Fish 2004 Fille Sur La Pont La Filles Uniques 2003 Film That Was Never Made A Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x01 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x02 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x03 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x04 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x05 Filthy, Rich and Catflap 01x06 Final Countdown The 1980 CD1 Final Countdown The 1980 CD2 Final Destination - New Line Platinum Series Final Fantasy Final Friday The - Jason Goes To Hell 25fps Final Insult The Final Nightmare The Finders Fee (Jeff Probst 2001) Finding Forrester 2000 Finding Nemo Fire in the Sky Firefly - Serenity (pilot) Firefly 1x01 - The train job Firefly 1x02 - Bushwhacked Firefly 1x03 - Shindig Firefly 1x04 - Safe Firefly 1x05 - Our mrs Reynolds Firefly 1x06 - Jaynestown Firefly 1x07 - Out of gas Firefly 1x08 - Ariel Firefly 1x09 - War stories Firefly 1x10 - Trash Firefly 1x11 - The message Firefly 1x12 - Heart of gold Firefly 1x13 - Objects in space Firelight Firemens Ball The 1967 First Great Train Robbery The 1978 CD1 First Great Train Robbery The 1978 CD2 First Men In The Moon 1964 First Power The Fish Called Wanda A Fisher King The Fistful Of Dollars A Fistful of Dynamite A CD1 Fistful of Dynamite A CD2 Five Easy Pieces 1970 CD1 Five Easy Pieces 1970 CD2 Fiza Flash Gordon CD1 Flash Gordon CD2 Fled Flesh and Blood CD1 Flesh and Blood CD2 Fletch Flight Of The Intruder CD1 1991 Flight Of The Intruder CD2 1991 Flipper (1996) CD1 Flipper (1996) CD2 Flower of the Arabian Nights 1974 CD1 Flower of the Arabian Nights 1974 CD2 Flubber 1997 CD1 Flubber 1997 CD2 Fly Away Home Fly The (Kurt Neumann 1958) Fog of war The 2003 limited theatrical version For A Few Dollars More 1965 For Scent-imental Reasons (1949) Foreigner The Fourth Man Frankenfish 2004 Frankenstrom Frankenstrom 2001 Frantic (1988) Frasier 01x01 - The Good Son Frasier 01x02 - Space Quest Frasier 01x03 - Dinner At Eight Frasier 01x04 - I Hate Frasier Crane Frasier 01x05 - Heres Looking At You Frasier 01x06 - The Crucible Frasier 01x07 - Call Me Irresponsible Frasier 01x08 - Beloved Infidel Frasier 01x09 - Selling Out Frasier 01x10 - Oops Frasier 01x12 - Miracle On Third Or Fourth Street Frasier 02x01 - Slow Tango in South Seattle Frasier 02x02 - The Unkindest Cut of All Frasier 02x03 - Commentary by Director David Lee and Writer Joe Keenan Frasier 02x03 - The Matchmaker Frasier 02x04 - Flour Child Frasier 02x05 - Dukes We Hardly Knew You Frasier 02x06 - The Botched Language of Cranes Frasier 02x07 - The Candidate Frasier 02x08 - Adventures in Paradise Part 1 Frasier 02x09 - Adventures in Paradise Part 2 Frasier 02x10 - Burying a Grudge Frasier 02x11 - Seat of Power Frasier 02x12 - Roz in the Doghouse Frasier 02x13 - Retirement is Murder Frasier 02x14 - Fool Me Once Shame on You Fool Me Twice Frasier 02x15 - You Scratch My Book Frasier 02x16 - The Show Where Sam Shows Up Frasier 02x17 - Daphnes Room Frasier 02x18 - The Club Frasier 02x19 - Someone to Watch Over Me Frasier 02x20 - Breaking the Ice Frasier 02x21 - An Affair to Forget Frasier 02x22 - Agents In America Part 3 Frasier 02x23 - The Innkeepers Frasier 02x24 - Dark Victory Freddys Revenge A Fredrikssons Fabrikk Free Willy 1993 Free Willy 2 - The Adventure Home Free Willy 3 - The Rescue Freeway (Sous-titres) French Connection II (1975) French Connection The Frenzy (1972) Fresh (1994) Fresh Bait 1995 Friday Friday Night (2002) Friday the 13th Friday the 13th Part 8 Friends - 02x03 - the one where heckles dies Friends - 02x09 - the one with with phoebes dad Friends - 02x11 - the one with the lesbian wedding Friends - 02x13 - the one after the superbowl part 2 Friends - 02x15 - the one where ross and rachel you know Friends - 02x16 - the one where joey moves out Friends - 02x18 - the one where dr ramoray dies Friends - 02x20 - the one where old yeller dies Friends - 02x22 - the one with two parties Friends - 02x24 - the one with barry and mindys wedding Friends - 10x01 - TOW After Joey And Rachel Kiss Friends - 10x02 - TOW Where Ross Is Fine Friends - 10x03 - TOW Ross Tan Friends - 10x04 - TOW the cake Friends - 10x05 - TOW Rachels Sister Babysits Friends - 10x06 - TOW Rosss Grant Friends - 10x07 - TOW The Home Study Friends - 10x08 - TOW the late Thanksgiving Friends - 10x09 - TOW the birth mother Friends - 10x10 - TOW Chandler Gets Caught Friends - 10x11 - TOW The Stripper Cries Friends - 10x12 - TOW Phoebes Wedding Friends - 10x13 - TOW Joey Speaks French Friends - 10x14 - TOW Princess Consuela Friends - 3 22 - The One With the Screamer Friends - 3x01 - The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy Friends - 3x02 - The One Where No Ones Ready Friends - 3x03 - The One With the Jam Friends - 3x04 - The One With the Metaphorical Tunnel Friends - 3x05 - The One With Frank Jr Friends - 3x06 - The One With the Flashback Friends - 3x07 - The One With the Race Car Bed Friends - 3x08 - The One With the Giant Poking Device Friends - 3x09 - The One With the Football Friends - 3x10 - The One Where Rachel Quits Friends - 3x11 - The One Where Chandler Cant Remember Friends - 3x12 - The One With All the Jealousy Friends - 3x13 - The One Where Monica and Richard Friends - 3x14 - The One With Phoebes Ex-Partner Friends - 3x15 - The One Where Ross and Rachel Take Friends - 3x16 - The One the Morning After Friends - 3x17 - The One Without the Ski Trip Friends - 3x18 - The One With the Hypnosis Tape Friends - 3x19 - The One With the Tiny T-Shirt Friends - 3x20 - The One With the Dollhouse Friends - 3x21 - The One With a Chick and a Duck Friends - 3x22 - The One With the Screamer Friends - 3x23 - The One With Rosss Thing Friends - 3x24 - The One With Ultimate Fighting Champ Friends - 3x25 - The One at the Beach Friends - 4x01 - The One With the Jellyfish Friends - 4x02 - The One With the Cat Friends - 4x03 - The One With the Cuffs Friends - 4x04 - The One With the Ballroom Dancing Friends - 4x05 - The One With Joeys New Girlfriend Friends - 4x06 - The One With the Dirty Girl Friends - 4x07 - The One Where Chandler Crosses Friends - 4x08 - The One With Chandler in a Box Friends - 4x09 - The One Where They are Going Friends - 4x10 - The One With the Girl from Friends - 4x11 - The One With Phoebes Uterus Friends - 4x12 - The One With the Embryos Friends - 4x13 - The One With Rachels Crush Friends - 4x14 - The One With Joeys Dirty Day Friends - 4x15 - The One With All the Rugby Friends - 4x16 - The One With the Fake Party Friends - 4x17 - The One With the Free Porn Friends - 4x18 - The One With Rachels New Dress Friends - 4x19 - The One With All the Haste Friends - 4x20 - The One With All the Wedding Dresses Friends - 4x21 - The One With the Invitation Friends - 4x22 - The One With the Worst Best Man Ever Friends - 4x23 - The One With Rosss Wedding - part 1 Friends - 4x24 - The One With Rosss Wedding - part 2 Friends - 5x01 - The One After Ross Says Rachel Friends - 5x02 - The One With All the Kissing Friends - 5x03 - The One Hundreth Friends - 5x04 - The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS Friends - 5x05 - The One With the Kips Friends - 5x06 - The One With the Yeti Friends - 5x07 - The One Where Ross Moves In Friends - 5x08 - The One With All the Thanksgivins Friends - 5x09 - The One With Rosss Sandwich Friends - 5x10 - The One With the Inappropiate Sister Friends - 5x11 - The One With All the Resolutions Friends - 5x12 - The One With Chandlers Work Laugh Friends - 5x13 - The One With Joeys Bag Friends - 5x14 - The One Where Everyone Finds Out Friends - 5x15 - The One With the Girl Who Hits Joey Friends - 5x16 - The One With the Cop Friends - 5x17 - The One With Rachels Friends - 5x18 - The One Where Rachel Smokes Friends - 5x19 - The One Where Ross Cant Flirt Friends - 5x20 - The One With the Ride-Along Friends - 5x21 - The One With the Ball Friends - 5x22 - The One With Joeys Big Break Friends - 5x23 - The One in Vegas Friends - 6x01 - The One After Vegas Friends - 6x02 - The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel Friends - 6x03 - The One With Rosss Denial Friends - 6x04 - The One Where Joey Loses His Friends - 6x05 - The One With Joeys Porsche Friends - 6x06 - The One On the Last Night Friends - 6x07 - The One Where Phoebe Runs Friends - 6x08 - The One With Rosss Teeth Friends - 6x15 Friends 7x01 - The One with Monicas Thunder Friends 7x02 - The One With Rachels Book Friends 7x03 - The One With Phoebes Cookies Friends 7x04 - The One With Rachels Assistant Friends 7x05 - The One With The Engagement Picture Friends 7x06 - The One With The Nap Partners Friends 7x07 - The One with Rosss Library Book Friends 7x08 - The One Where Chandler Doesnt Like Dogs Friends 7x09 - The One With All the Candy Friends 7x10 - The One With The Holiday Armadillo Friends 7x11 - The One With All The Cheesecakes Friends 7x12 - The One Where They are Up All Night Friends 7x13 - The One Where Rosita Dies Friends 7x14 - The One Where They All Turn Thirty Friends 7x15 - The One With Joeys New Brain Friends 7x16 - The One With the Truth About London Friends 7x17 - The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress Friends 7x18 - The One With Joeys Award Friends 7x19 - The One With Ross and Monicas Cousin Friends 7x20 - The One With Rachels Kisses Friends 7x21 - The One With the Vows Friends 7x22 - The One With Chandlers Dad Friends 7x23 - The One With Monica and Chandlers Wedding Part 1 Friends 7x24 - The One With Monica and Chandlers Wedding Part 2 Friends 9x01 - The One Where No One Proposes Friends 9x02 - The One Where Emma Cries Friends 9x03 - The One With The Pediatrician Friends 9x04 - The One With The Sharks Friends 9x05 - The One With Phoebes Birthday Dinner Friends 9x06 - The One With The Male Nanny Friends 9x07 - The One With Rosss Inappropriate Song Friends 9x08 - The One With Rachels Other Sister Friends 9x09 - The One With Rachels Phone Number Friends 9x10 - The One With Christmas In Tulsa Friends 9x11 - The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work Friends 9x12 - The One With Phoebes Rats Friends 9x13 - The One Where Monica Sings Friends 9x14 - The One With The Blind Dates Friends 9x15 - The One With The Mugging Friends 9x16 - The One With The Boob Job Friends 9x17 - The One With The Memorial Service Friends 9x18 - The One With The Lottery Friends 9x19 - The One With Rachels Dream Friends 9x20 - The One With The Soap Opera Party Friends 9x21 - The One With The Fertility Test Friends 9x22 - The One With The Donor Friends 9x23-24 - The One In Barbados 1 2) Frisson des vampires Le From Beijing with love From Dusk Till Dawn From Dusk Till Dawn 3 The Hangmans Daughter From Hell From Justin To Kelly (Special Edition) Frontera La Frusta e il corpo La Fucking Amal Fudoh The New Generation 1996 Fugitive The - The Chase Continues Fugitives (2000) Fukssvansen (Chop Chop) Full Frontal 2002 Full Metal Jacket Full Time Killer Fun Movie (2002 Korean) CD1 Fun Movie (2002 Korean) CD2 Fun in Acapulco (Richard Thorpe 1963) Funeral Parade of Roses Funeral in Berlin Funny Girl Fuochi dArtifizio Furia (2002) Fury The (1978) Futurama 1x01 - Space Pilot 3000 Futurama 1x02 - The Series Has Landed Futurama 1x03 - I Roommate Futurama 1x04 - Loves Labors Lost in Space Futurama 1x05 - Fear of a Bot Planet Futurama 1x06 - A Fishful of Dollars Futurama 1x07 - My Three Suns Futurama 1x08 - A Big Piece of Garbage Futurama 1x09 - Hell is Other Robots Futurama 2x01 - A Flight to Remember Futurama 2x02 - Mars University Futurama 2x03 - When Aliens Attack Futurama 2x04 - Fry and the Slurm Factory Futurama 3x01 - Amazon Women in the Mood Futurama 3x02 - Parasites Lost Futurama 3x03 - A Tale of Two Santas Futurama 3x04 - The Luck of the Fryrish Futurama 3x05 - The Birdbot of Ice-catraz Futurama 3x06 - Bendless Love Futurama 3x07 - The Day the Earth Stood Stupid Futurama 3x08 - Thats Lobstertainment Futurama 3x09 - The Cyber House Rules Futurama 3x10 - Insane in the Mainframe Futurama 3x10 - Where The Buggalo Roam Futurama 3x12 - The Route of All Evil Futurama 3x13 - Bendin in the Wind Futurama 3x14 - Time Keeps on Slippin Futurama 3x15 - I Dated a Robot Futurama 3x16 - A Leela of Her Own Futurama 3x17 - A Pharaoh To Remember Futurama 3x18 - Anthology of Interest Part 2 Futurama 3x19 - Roswell That Ends Well Futurama 3x20 - Godfellas Futurama 3x21 - Future Stock Futurama 3x22 - The 30 Iron Chef Futurama 4x01 - Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch Futurama 4x02 - Leelas Homeworld Futurama 4x03 - Love and Rocket Futurama 4x04 - Less Than Hero Futurama 4x05 - A Taste of Freedom Futurama 4x06 - Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV Futurama 4x07 - Jurassic Bark Futurama 4x08 - Crimes of the Hot Futurama 4x09 - Teenage Mutant Leelas Hurdles Futurama 4x10 - The Why of Fry Futurama 4x11 - Where no Fan Has Gone Before Futurama 4x12 - The Sting Futurama 4x13 - Bend Her Futurama 4x14 - Obsoletely Fabulous Futurama 4x15 - The Farnsworth Parabox Futurama 4x16 - Three Hundred Big Boys Futurama 4x17 - Spanish Fry Futurama 4x18 - The Devils Hands are Idle Playthings Fyra Nyanser Av Brunt CD1 Fyra Nyanser Av Brunt CD2 |