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Subtitles for Halloween - The Night He Came Home.

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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Halloween - The Night He Came Home

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My parents won't be home untill ten.|- Are you sure?
We're all alone, aren't we?
Michael's around someplace ...
Take off that thing.
Let's go upstairs.|- Ok.
Look, Judith, it's very late.
I gotta go.
Will you call me tomorrow?
Yeah, sure.|- Promise?
Ever done anything like this before?
Only minimum security.
I see.
The driveway's a few hundred yards up on the right.
The only thing that ever bothers me is their jibberish.
When they start raving on and on ...
You haven't anything to worry about.
He hasn't spoken a word in 15 years.
Are there any special instructions?
Just try to understand what we're dealing with here.
Don't underestimate it.
Don't you think we could refer to 'it' as him?
If you say so.
Your compassion's overwhelming, Doctor.
What do I give him,|when we're taking him in front of the judge?
Barely be able to sit up.|- That's the idea.
You're serious about that, aren't you?
You mean, you actually never want him to get out.|- Never ever ...
Then why we're taking up to Hardy county,|if he just gonna ... - Because that is the law.
We are.
Since when do they let them wander around?
Pull up to the main gate.|- Shouldn't we ... - Pull up?
Stop here.
Shouldn't we go on up to the hospital on ...|- Wait!
Are you all right?
You all right?|- Yes, I'm ok. - He's gone. He's gone?
The evil is gone!
I gotta ...
Don't forget to drop the key off the Myers place ...
I won't.
They're coming by look at the house at 10:30.|Be sure you leave it under the mat ... - Promise.
Laurie ...
Hi Tommy.
Coming over tonight?|- Same time, same place.
Can we make Jack-O-Lanterns?|- Sure.
And watch the monster movies?|- Sure.
Will you read to me?
Can we make popcorn?|- Sure, sure, sure.
You better hurry up.
How can you walk in the school this way?|- My dad asked me to.
I have to drop off the key.
Because he's gonna sell a house.
Because that's his job.|- Where?
The Meyers house.
The Meyers house!
You're not supposed to go up there?
Yes, I am.
That's a spook house.
Just watch.
Lonnie Elam said never to go up there.
Lonnie Elam said that's a haunted house.
He said real awful stuff happened there once.|- Lonnie Elam probably won't get out of the sixth grade.
I gotta go.
I see you tonight.
Bye.|- Bye.
* I wish I had you all alone ... *
* Just the two of us ... *
* I would hold you close to me ... *
* So close to me ... *
* Just the two ... *
I'm not responsible, Sam. - Oh, no ...
I told them how dangerous he was!
You wouldn't have enough two roadblocks|and an all-points bulletin wouldn't stop a five-year-old!
But he was your patient, Doctor. If precautions|weren't strong enough, you should have told somebody.
I told everybody!
Nobody listened.|- There's nothing else I can do.
You can get back in there|and get back on the telephone.
Tell them exactly|who walked out of here last night ...
And tell them exactly where he is going.|- Probably going.
I'm wasting my time. - Sam, Haddonfield is|a hundred and fifty miles away from here.
Now, now for God's sake, he can't drive a car!|- He was doing very well last night!
Maybe someone around here gave him lessons.
{Y:i}Doctor Chance, plese come to point C ...
{Y:i}Doctor Chance, point C please.
... and the book ends.
But what Samuels is really talking about here ...
is fate.
You see ...
fate caught up with several lives here.
No matter what course of action Collins took ...
he was destined to his own fate,
his own day of reckoning with himself.
The idea ...
is ...
that destiny ...
is a very real, concrete thing|that every person has to deal with.
How does Samuels' view of fate|differ from that of Costaine's? Laurie?
Answer the question.
Costaine wrote that fate--|was somehow related only to religion
or where Samuels felt that ... well, fate was like|a natural element, like earth, air, fire, and water.
That's right, Samuels definitely personified fate.
In Samuels' writing, fate is a moveable like a mountain.
It stands, where man passes a way.
Fate never changes.
You, with pumpkin.|- Leave me alone!
He's gonna get you!|- He's gonna get you, he's gonna get you...
The boogeyman is coming!|- Leave me alone!
He doesn't believe us.|- Don't you know what happens on Halloween?
Yeah, we get candy.
The boogey man!|- The boogey man, the boogey man, the boogey ...
He's on his way.
You gotta believe me officer,|he is coming to Haddonfield.
Because I know him.
I'm his doctor. You must be ready for him.
If you don't, it's your funeral.
We're from Haddonfield, couldn't be prouder.
Can't hear now, we yell a little louder.
We're from Haddonfield, couldn't be prouder!
Can't hear now ... continue|- Oh, look at you.
Get off the books you have.|You neeed a shopping cart to get home.
Heeey Haddonfield!|- Yeah, one for me.
You know it's totally insane!|We have three new cheers to learn in the morning,
the game in the afternoon, I have to get my hair|done at five and the dance is at eight.
I'll be totally wiped out!
I don't think get enough to do tommorow.|- Totally!
As usual, I have nothing to do.|- It's your own fault and I don't feel bit sorry for you.
Hey, Lynda, Laurie!
Why didn't you wait for me?
We did.
Fifteen minutes. You totally never showed.|- That's not true. Here I am.
What's wrong, Annie? You're not smiling.|- I'm never smiling again.
Paul dragged me into the boys' locker room to tell ...|- Exploring uncharted territory?- It's been totally charted.
We just talked.
Sure, sure.
Old jerko got caught throwing eggs|and soaping windows. His parents grounded him.
He can't come over tonight.
I thought you were babysitting tonight. - The only reason|she babysits is to have a place to... - Oh shit ...
I have a place for that.
I forgot my chemistry book.
So, who cares? I always forget my chemistry book|and my math book and my english book and my ...
and let's see my French book and ...
Who needs books anyway? I don't need books.|I always forget all of my books. I mean ...
it doesn't really matter if I you got that books or not.
Hey, isn't that the van Graham?
I don't think so.
I think he's cute.
Hey, jerk ...
Speed kills!
Gosh ... Can't he take a joke?
You know, Annie, some day|you gonna get us all into deep trouble.
I hate a guy with a car and no sense of humor.
Well, are we still on for tonight?
I wouldn't want to get you in deep trouble, Lynda.
Oh come on, Annie ...
Bob and I've been planning on it all week.
All right.
The Wallaces leave at seven.
I'm babysitting the Doyles.
It's only three houses down. We can keep each other|company. - Ohh, terrific ... I've got three choices.
Watch the kid sleep, listen to Lynda|screw around or talk to you.
We're so ma ...
What time at night?
I don't know yet. I have to get out of taking my little|brother trick- or-treating. - Saving the treats for Bob?
See you.|- Bye. - Bye.
Annie, look.
Look where?
Behind the bush.
I don't see anything.|- That guy who drove by so fast, when you yelled at.
Subtle, isn't he?
Hey, creep!
Laurie, dear, he wants to talk to you.
He wants to take you out tonight.
He was standing right there.
Poor Laurie.
Scared another one away.
It's tragic. You never go out.
You must have a small fortune stashed from babysitting|so much. - Guys think I'm too smart.
I don't. I think you're whacko.|Now you're seeing men behind bushes.
Well, home sweet home.
See you later.
Bye.|- Bye.
Excuse me, Laurie. - Oh, Mr. Brackett,|I'm sorry, Mr. Brackett. - Oh, I didn't mean to scary ya.
I'm sorry.
You know, it's Halloween.|I guess everybody's entitled to a one good scare.
Yes, sir.
Nice evening, sir.
Trick -o - treat, Trick -o - treat.
Oh, kiddo ...
thought you grew up from superstition.
Who is this?
{Y:i}Why did you hang up on me?
Was that you?
{Y:i}Of course.|- Why didn't you say anything? You scared me to death.
{Y:i}I had my mouth full. Couldn't you hear me?
I thought it was an obscene phone call.
{Y:i}Now you hear obscene chewing. You're losing it, Laurie.|- I've already lost it.
{Y:i}I Doubt that.
{Y:i}Listen, my mother is letting me use her car.|I'll pick you up. 6:30.
{Y:i}Ok, bye.|-Bye.
Just calm down.
This is ridiculous.
Hurry up.
Just have time.
Judith Myers. Myers.
Row 18 ... plot 20.
Hey, you know. You know,|every town has something like this happen.
I remember over in Russellville.
Old Charly Bowles. About fifteen years ago.
One night he, he finished dinner ...
And he excused himself from the table ...
And he went out to the garage ...
He got himself a hack saw ...
And then he went back into the house ...
And he kissed his wife and two children goodbye ...
And then he proceeded ...|- Where are we?
It's right over here.
Myers, Judith Myers. I remember her.
Couldn't believe.
Such a young boy.
Well, you lost?
Why do they do it?
Goddamn kids.
They'll do anything for Halloweens.
It was grave, hers.|- Oh, I know that.
18, 19 ...
Judith Myers.
He came home.
You still spooked?
I wasn't spooked.
Lies.|- I wasn't.
Saw somebody standing in Mr. Riddle's back yard.|- Probably Mr. Riddle.
He was watching me.|- Mr. Riddle was watching you? Laurie, Mr. Riddle is 87.
He can still watch.
That's probably all he can do.
What's the pumkin for? - I brought it for Tommy. I figured|carving a Jack-O-Lantern would keep him occupied.
I always said you'd make a fabulous girl scout.|-
Thanks. - And for that matter,|I might as well be a girl scout myself tonight.
I plan on making popcorn|and watching Doctor Demensia.
Six straight hours of horror movies.|Little Lindsey Wallace won't know what hit her.
My dad!
Get rid of this.
Laurie, stop caughing. What's the matter with you?
Just be natural. There he is. Just be natural, Laurie.
Hi, Annie, Laurie...
Hi, Dad.
What happened?|- What? What happened?
Somebody broke into the hardware store. Probably kids.
You blame everything on kids.
What all they took was some Halloween masks, a rope|and a couple of knives. Who do you think it was?
It's hard growing up with a cynical father.
Aren't you gonna be late ...|- Huh?
I said aren't you gonna be late.|- He shouts too.
Bye girls.
Bye dad.|- Bye.
Pardon me, I'm a Loomis. Dr. Sam Loomis.
Lee Brackett.|- I, I'd like to have a word with you if I could.
Ah, maybe a few minutes. I gotta take that|- It's just important.
Ten minutes.|- I'll be here.
What's the matter with you?
I think he knew. I'm sure he could smell it.
No, he didn't.|- He did.
See the look on his face?
He always looks like that.
What you gonna wear on dance tommorow night?
I didn't know you thought about things like that, Laurie.
You know you could ask somebody.|- No, I couldn't.
Sure you could.|All you have to do is go up to somebody and say ...
You wanna go to the dance?
You could do that, I couldn't.
Or you could ask Dick Paxter.|He could go out with ya.
I try to get out Ben Tramor.
Ben Tramor?
I knew it!
See, you do think about things like that, huh, Laurie?
Shut up.|- He is cute.
Ben Tramor.
Trick or treat, trick or treat:|give me something good to eat.
Hi. - Hi Annie, come on in.|- How are you doing today? - Fine. How are you?
What time are you in your bed?|- I'm being in bed by nine, ok.
Have a good night, dear.|- Be a good girl.
Bye bye.|- Here.
Anybody lives here?|- No, not since 1963 when that happened.
Every kid in Haddonfield thinks this place is haunted.|- They may be right.
Look.|- What?
What is that?
It's a dog.
Still warm.
He got hungry.
Could have been a skunk.
Could have.
A man wouldn't do that ...
This is not a man.
It happened in here.
She was sitting right here ...
He could have seen her thru this window.
Standing on the lawn ...
He could have seen in side.
You must think of me ...
the very sinister doctor.
I do have a permit.
Seems to me you're just plain scared.
Yeah, I'm a...
I met him ... fifteen years ago.|I was told there was nothing left.
No reason ... nowhere conscience, no understanding|in even the most rudimentary sense, of life or death of ...
good or evil, right or wrong.
I met this ...
six year-old child with his ...
blank, pale, emotionless face, and ...
the blackest eyes ...
the Devil's eyes.
I spent eight years trying to reach him ...
and then another seven trying to keep him locked up,|because I realized that
what was living behind that boy's eyes|was purely and simply...
... evil.
What do we do?
He's been here once tonight ...
I think he'll come back.
I'm gonna wait for him.
I still think I should notify the radio and television.|- No.
If you do that, they'll see him on every street corner, they|look for him on every house. Just tell your men to keep their ...
mouth shut and their eyes open.
I'll check back in an hour.
... oh now, cried Arthur.
'Let no one pass this way without a fight!'
'That's so,' said the knight
in a bold and haughty manner.
I don't like that story.|- I thought king Arthur was your favorite.
Not anymore.
Why do you keep them under there?
Mom doesn't like me to have them.
'Laser Man' ...
'Neutron Man' ... I can understand why.
'Tarantula Man' ...
Laurie ...
what's the Boogeyman?
Doyle residence.
{Y:i}It's me ...|- Hi Annie, what are you doing?
{Y:i}Making popcorn ...
Having fun ...
Never mind, I'm sure you are.
I have big, big news for you ...
Hold on a minute.
Hi Lester...
I'm about to be ripped apart by the family dog.
Lindsey ... get this dog out of the kitchen right now.
I hate that dog ...|I'm the only person in the world he doesn't like.
So, what is this big, big news?
What would you say if I told you that you were going|to the Homecoming Dance tomorrow night?
I would probably say you've got the wrong number.
Well ...
I just talked with Ben Tramer and he got real excited|when I told him how attracted you were to him.
Oh, Annie ...
Oh, you didn't. Please tell me you didn't.
How could you do that?
I mean how you just call him.|What do you mean it's easy?
I can't believe this.
I can't tell you anything.
Please tell me you didn't.
Oh, you didn't.
Laurie ... - I'm so embarrassed, I couldn't even face him.|- Boogeyman is outside.
Laurie ... out there.|- Hold on.
Laurie, the boogeyman is outside. Look!
Tommy, there is nobody outside.
Go watch TV.
It's just Tommy.
Oh, please, Annie ...
You could do that.
Look it's simple. You like him, he likes you.|All you need is a little push.
It won't hurt you to go out with him, for God's sake.
No, no, I just made a mess on myself.|I gotta call you back.
Oh, yuck!
Lindsey ...
I need a robe.
Lindsey ...
Lester's barking again and getting on my nerves again.
Never mind ...
I guess he found a hot date.
What about the Jack-O-Lantern?|- After the movie.
What about the rest of my comic books?|- After the Jack-O-Lantern.
What about the boogeyman?
There is no such thing.
Richie said he was coming after me tonight.
Do you believe everything that Richie tells you?
Tommy, Halloween night ... |it's when people play tricks on each other.
It's all make believe.|I think Richie was just trying to scare you.
I saw the boogeyman. I saw him outside.
There was nobody outside.
There was.|- What did he look like?
The boogyeman!
We're not getting anywhere.
All right.
The boogyeman can only come out|on Halloween night, right?
Welll, I'm here tonight.|I'm not about to let anything happen to you.
Can we make the Jack-O-Lantern now?
Let's go.
Hmm, terrific.
Who's there?
Paul, is this one of your cheap pranks?
Guess not.
No tricks for Annie tonight.
Lindsey, come out here!
Lindsey, I'm in the laundry room! The door wouldn't open!
{Y:i}Spread out everybody.
{Y:i}We gonna try to figure out the shape of this thing.
{Y:i}Holly cat.
{Y:i}Hey.|- Yeah.
{Y:i}Almost perfect.|What's wrong?
{Y:i}We finally got one.|- We found a plain sourcer.
Oh, Lindsey, get the phone, it's Paul.
{Y:i}No, no answer. - Doctor, where are those fingers from?
{Y:i}I don't know, Mr. Scott.|Hallo?
{Y:i}Hi Lindsey, this is Paul. Is Annie there?
Yes, she is.
{Y:i}Get her for me, will ya?
She's washing her clothes.
{Y:i}Look, just tell her it's me, ok?
Annie, Paul called!
You locked yourself there.|- I know.
Pull my foot. I'm stuck!
Now promise me you won't tell anybody about this.
She got stuck in a window. She'll be right here.
{Y:i}Hello?|Hi Annie.
{Y:i}Oh, hi Paul.|Stuck, huh?
{Y:i}All right, cut it out. It can happen to anyone.|Sure ... stuck in the widow.
Yeah, but I've seen you stuck in plenty of other positions!
My parents are gone.
Oh that's fabulous. When did they leave?
About half ago|- Oh, utterly fantastic.
So why don't you just walk over?
{Y:i}You coming pick me up.|- Well, I can't come now. My clothes are in the wash.
Oh shut up jerk. Can't, I've got a shirt on.|That's all you ever think about.
{Y:i}I think that's all you ever think about.|- That's not true, I think about lots of things.
Now why don't we not stand here|talking about them and get down to doing them?
{Y:i}Lock your doors, bolt your window and turn off the lights.
{Y:i}Don't go away ... cause here is a scene ...|- I'm scared.
Then why are you sitting here with half the lights off?
I don't know.|- Well, come on get your coat.|We're going to pick up Paul.
I don't want to.
Look, Lindsey, I thought we understood each other...|- I want to stay here and watch this.
Okay, if I can fix it so you can watch TV|with Tommy Doyle, would you like that?
Yes.|- Well, come with me.
Come on! Hurry up.
{Y:i}That strange that has to short it out.
Hi Tommy.
Come on in. We're making a Jack-O-Lantern.|- You know I wanna watch TV.
Annie, come in here.
{Y:i} the horrifying conclusion ...
{Y:i}... to ... the them.
Oh, fancy.
This has not been my night.
I spilled butter all over. My cloths are in the wash.|I got stuck in a window. - I'd like you call Ben Tramer|and tell him you're just fooling around.
I can't. - Yes, you can. - No, he went drinking with|Mike Godfrey and he won't be back until late.
YOU'LL have to call him ... tomorrow.
Besides, I'm on my way to pick up Paul.
Wait a minute.
If you watch her,|I'll CONSIDER talking to Ben Tramer in the morning.
I thought Paul was grounded.|- He was. Old jerko found a way to sneak out.
Listen, I'll call you in an hour or so, ok?|- Yeah.
The old girl scout comes through again.
* My Paul ... I give you all *
* No keys, but pleeease ... *|*my Paul *
* Oh, Paul ... *|*I can no longer stall... *
* Oh Paul. Oh Paul ...*|*I can no longer stall... *
* Dearly Paul ... *
* my Paul *
{Y:i}Attention ...
{Y:i}Captain and crew standby reverse polarity.
{Y:i}Standard class A security will be maintained upon landing.
{Y:i}And until further notice all land in and hold on.
{Y:i}That is all.
{Y:i}Artificial gravity are ...
{Y:i}ad lock cut primary coarse.
{Y:i}Primary stature.
Lindsey ...
Lindseyyy ....
Where are you?
There is the boogeyman! He is outside!|Look, there is the boogeyman outside! - What's wrong?
I saw the boogeyman! I know that - Oh, Tommy stop it!|- But at Lindsey's! - You're scaring Lindsey.
He's over there!|- Tommy, stop it! There is nobody out there!
There's no boogeyman. And if you don't stop all this|I'll have to turn off the TV and send you to bed.
Nobody believes me.|- I believe you, Tommy.
I'm not afraid.
I'm not.|- Then go in.
Go ahead, Lonnie.
Go in!
Hey, Lonnie ...
Get your ass away from there ...
Are you all right here?
Well, nothing's going on except kids playing pranks,|trick or treating, partying, getting high.
I have the feeling you're way off on this.
You have the wrong feeling.|- You're not doing very much to prove me wrong.
What more do you need?
Well, it's going to take more than fancy talk|to keep me up all night crawling around these bushes.
I, I, I watched him for fifteen years ...
sitting in a room, staring at a wall, not seeing the wall ...
looking past the wall
looking at ... THIS NIGHT inhumanly patient.
waiting for some secret, silent alarm ...
to trigger him off.
Death has come to your little town, sheriff.
You can either ignore it or you can help me to stop it.
More fancy talk.
Doctor, do you know what Haddonfield is?
Families ...
Children ... all lined up in rows,|up and down these streets.
You're telling me they're lined up for a slaughterhouse.
They could be.
All right, I'll stay with you out tonight ...
just on the chance that you're right.
And if you are right ...
damn you for letting him go.
So we gonna first, we'll go inside, right?|Then we just talk a little.
Then Annie will distract Lindsey, that's when we'll|go upstairs to the first bedroom on the left. You got it?
First I rip your clothes off ...
Don't rip, my blouse is expensive, idiot.|- Then you rip my clothes off...
then we rip Lyndsey's cloth off. Yeah, I think I got it.
Bob ... put me down.
Put me down. This is totally silly.
Put me down.
Hey, it's totally dark.|- Yeah.
Annie, we're here!|- I wonder where they went.
Annie probably took Lindsey out or something.
Hey, let's look for a note.
Let's not.
He's gonna get you ...
No, he's not. - Hey, nobody's getting anybody.|Stop scaring each other.
Everybody's having good time tonight.
All right, guys, what's next?
Let's make more popcorn. - No, we had enough.|Why don't we watch the rest of the movie?
{Y:i}All right, put it back on.
Doyle house.
Hi Laurie ... what's up?
{Y:i}I'm just setting down for the first time tonight.
Hey ... is Annie around?
{Y:i}No, I thought she'd be home by now.
{Y:i}She went to pick up Paul.|- Well, she's totally not here.
She's probably stopped off some place.
Have her call me when she gets home.|I've got Lyndsey here and I want to know|what time to put her to bed.
{Y:i}Okay. Later.|- Have a good time.
We definetely will.
Lindsey is gone for the night.|- Hey, now that's wonderful.
Oh, shit! Not again.
I can't help it. The phone keeps ringing.
Oh, I can't keep you interested, huh?|- Just answer that damn phone.
I can't. What if it's the Wallaces?
We'd get Annie in trouble now.
Just take it off the hook.
Totally.|- Yeah.
Wanna beer?|- Yeah.
Is that all you can say?
Go get me a beer.|- I thought you were gonna get me one.
I'll be right back.
Don't get dressed.
Lynda, you asshole!
Ok, Lynda.
Come on out.
Well, did you get my beer?
Cute, Bob. Real cute.
See anything you like?
What's the matter? Can I get your ghost, Bob?
All right, all right. Come on, where is my beer?
Ok, ain't answer me?
Ok, don't answer me?
Oh, you're weird!|- I'm gonna call Laurie.
Well, I'm gonna call Laurie.|I wanna know where Annie and Paul are.
This is going nowhere.
All right, Annie. First I get your famous chewing,|now I get your famous squealing?
Annie, you all right?
Are you fooling around again?
I'll kill you if this is a joke.
Sleep tight, kids.
All right, Annie ...
All right, meatheads. The joke's over.
Come on, Annie.
It's enough.
This is most definitely stopping funny.|Now cut it out!
You'll be sorry.
Somebody help me, please!
Somebody help!
Oh, God, help me!
Please, help me!
Oh, God, help me, please!
Helloo, help me!
Will you please help me?
Can't you hear me?!
Oh,God ...
Help me, please!
The keys!
Oh, the keys!
Tommy, it's mee!
Who is it?|- Tommy, open up, it's mee!
Tommy please!
Tommy, hurry up!
Tommy please!
Hurry up! Tommy please!
Tommy, go upstairs. - What is it, Laurie?|- Tommy go back upstairs,|grab the Lindsey and lock the door.
I'm scared!- Do what I say! Now!|- It's the boogeyman, isn't it? - Hurry!
Oh, no ...
Please, stop.
Please ...
Where were you? I went to the Meyers house.|- I found the car. He is here!
Where? - He's three blocks down.|You go around back off the houses, I'll watch the front.
Go on!
Tommy ... Lyndsey ...
Babies ...
We're gonna take a little walk.
Was it the boogeyman?
-I'm scared.|-There's nothing to be scared of.
Are you sure?
I killed him.
You can't kill the boogeyman.
Get in there! Come on, Tommy! Now, lock the door!
Tommy ...
Unlock the door.
Come here.
Now just listen to me ...
I want you to go down the stairs ...
and out the front door.
And I want you to go down the street|to the Mackenzies' house ...
I want you to tell them to call the police.
And tell them to send them over here.
Laurie ...|- Now, do you understand me?
Yes. - Go. Do as I say.
Get help!
Come on!
Come on!
Was that the boogeyman?
As a matter of fact ...
it was.
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Halloween 5 - The Revenge Of Michael Myers
Halloween 6 - The Curse Of Michael Myers
Halloween 6 producers cut
Halloween Resurrection
Halls of Montezuma (1950)
Hamam - The Turkish Bath (1997) 29
Hamilton CD1
Hamilton CD2
Hamlet 1990
Hamlet CD1
Hamlet CD2
Hamnstad - Port of Call (1948 Ingmar Bergman)
Hana-bi (Takeshi Kitano)
Hana bi (Fireworks 1997)
Hand That Rocks The Cradle The 1992 23976fps CD1
Hand That Rocks The Cradle The 1992 23976fps CD2
Hang Em High
Hanging Garden The
Hanging Offense 2003
Hanging Up
Hannah and her Sisters CD1
Hannah and her Sisters CD2
Hannibal CD1
Hannibal CD2
Hanover Street CD1
Hanover Street CD2
Hans Staden (1999)
Happiness of the Katakuris 2001 CD1
Happiness of the Katakuris 2001 CD2
Happy Accidents 2000 CD1
Happy Accidents 2000 CD2
Happy Erotic Christmas (2003)
Happy Gilmore
Happy Times
Hard Boiled
Hard Days Night A
Hard Eight
Hard Rain (1998)
Hard Target
Hard Times
Hard Way The
Hard Word The (2002)
Hard to Kill
Harder They Come The
Harder They Fall The 1956
Harlem Nights
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle 2004
Harold and Maude CD1
Harold and Maude CD2
Harriet the Spy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) CD1
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) CD2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets CD1
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets CD2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban CD1
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban CD2
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone CD1
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone CD2
Harte Jungs - Ants In The Pants 2000
Harts War (2002) CD1
Harts War (2002) CD2
Harts war CD1
Harts war CD2
Hatuna Meuheret
Haunted Mansion The
Haunting The
Haute Tension
Hawaii Oslo (2004) CD1
Hawaii Oslo (2004) CD2
He Got Game CD1
He Got Game CD2
He Loves Me He Loves Me Not
He Walked By Night (1948)
He ni zai yi qi - Together - Kaige Chen 2002 - CD1
He ni zai yi qi - Together - Kaige Chen 2002 - CD2
Head Above Water (1996)
Head Of State
Head Over Heels 2001
Head in the Clouds
Heart Of Me The (2002)
Heart of Glass
Heart of a Dog
Heartbreak Ridge (1986)
Heartbreakers CD1
Heartbreakers CD2
Heartburn (1986)
Hearts In Atlantis
Heat 1995
Heat Team 2004
Heaven 2002
Heaven And Earth (1993) CD1
Heaven And Earth (1993) CD2
Heaven Can Wait 1978
Heaven Fell That Night (Roger Vadim 1957)
Heavens Gate CD1
Heavens Gate CD2
Heavens Gate CD3
Heavy Metal (2000)
Heavy Metal - Gerald Potterton 1981
Heavy Traffic
Hebi No Michi (Kiyoshi Kurosawa 1997)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Heist The
Helen of Troy (2003)
Hell is for Heroes
Hellborn (2003)
Hellboy CD1
Hellboy CD2
Hellboy Directors Cut CD1
Hellboy Directors Cut CD2
Hellcats of the Navy - Nathan Juran 1957
Hello I am your Aunt CD1
Hello I am your Aunt CD2
Hells Angels 1930 CD1
Hells Angels 1930 CD2
Hells Kitchen
Helter Skelter 1976 CD1
Helter Skelter 1976 CD2
Helter Skelter 2004 Directors Cut CD1
Helter Skelter 2004 Directors Cut CD2
Henry Fool 1997 CD1
Henry Fool 1997 CD2
Henry V
Henry and June (1990)
Herbal Tea
Hercules 1997
Hercules in the Haunted World
Herencia (2001)
Herencia (Inheritance) 2001 (23976)
Hero (2002)
Hero (2002 Extended Cut)
Hero (Jet Li 2002)
Hero The
Heroes Mountain 2002
Heroic Duo (2003)
Heroic Trio The
Hi Mom 1970
Hidalgo (2004) CD1
Hidalgo (2004) CD2
Hidden Fortress (Akira Kurosawa) CD1
Hidden Fortress (Akira Kurosawa) CD2
Hidden Fortress - Criterion Collection
Hidden Half
Hidden Heroes
Hidden The
Hide And Seek
Higanbana - Equinox Flower - Yasujiro Ozu 1958
High Anxiety CD1
High Anxiety CD2
High Fidelity
High Heels and Low Lifes
High Noon
High Plains Drifter
High Sierra
High Society CD1
High Society CD2
High Wind In Jamaica A (1965)
High crimes
Higher Learning
Highlander 1986 Directors Cut CD1
Highlander 1986 Directors Cut CD2
Highlander III The Sorcerer 1994
Hija del canibal La (2003)
Hijo de la Novia El
Hijo de la Novia El 2001
Hilary and Jackie
Hill The
Hillside Strangler The 2004
Himalaya - lenfance dun chef
Hip Hip Hora! (Hip Hip Whore)
Hiroshima Mon Amour - Criterion Collection
Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959
Hiroyuki Sanada - Twilight Samurai 2002 CD1
Hiroyuki Sanada - Twilight Samurai 2002 CD2
His Girl Friday
His Secret Life
His brother 2003
Histoire D O (1975)
Histoire de Pen
Historias Minimas (2002)
History of the World The - Part I
Hitcher II - I have been waiting
Hitcher The
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 1
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 2
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 3
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 4
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 5
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 6
Hitlerjunge Salomon - Europa Europa
Hitokiri Tenchu 1969 CD1
Hitokiri Tenchu 1969 CD2
Hobbit The
Hocus Pocus
Hole The
Hole in the Head A
Holes CD1
Holes CD2
Hollow Man
Hollow The (2004)
Hollywood Ending CD1
Hollywood Ending CD2
Hollywood Homicide 2003 CD1
Hollywood Homicide 2003 CD2
Holy Man
Holy Matrimony (1994)
Holy Smoke CD1
Holy Smoke CD2
Home Alone 1990
Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York
Home Alone 3
Home Alone 4
Home At The End Of The World A
Home On The Range
Home from the Sea
Homem Que Copiava O 2003 CD1
Homem Que Copiava O 2003 CD2
Homerun CD1
Homerun CD2
Homme-orchestre L (Serge Korber 1970)
Homolka a Tobolka
Honest 2000
Honeymoon Killers The
Honkytonk Man
Hororr hotline (2001)
Horse Whisperer The CD1
Horse Whisperer The CD2
Horseman on the Roof The
Horses Mouth The
Hostile Waters 1997
Hot Chick The
Hot Wheels World Race CD1
Hot Wheels World Race CD2
Hound of Baskervilles The
Hour of the Wolf
Hours The
House By The Cemetary The
House Of The Spirits CD1
House Of The Spirits CD2
House With The Windows That Laugh
House of 1000 Corpses
House of Frankenstein
House of Games (1987)
House of Mirth The
House of Sand and Fog 2003 CD1
House of Sand and Fog 2003 CD2
House of flying daggers
House of the Dead
House of the Flying Daggers
How Green Was My Valley
How High
How The West Was Won 1962 CD1
How The West Was Won 1962 CD2
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
How to Beat the High Cost of Living
How to Keep My Love 2004
How to Murder Your Wife 1965
How to Steal a Million CD1
How to Steal a Million CD2
How to deal
Howards End
Hratky s certem
Hudsucker Proxy The
Hulk The - Special Edition
Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
Hum Kaun Hai
Hum Tum
Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam
Human Beast The CD1
Human Beast The CD2
Human lanterns
Hunchback of Notre Dame II The
Hunchback of Notre Dame The
Hundtricker the movie
Hunger The 1983
Hunt For Red October CD1
Hunt For Red October CD2
Hunted The
Hunter The
Huozhe (Lifetimes) CD1
Huozhe (Lifetimes) CD2
Huozhe CD1
Huozhe CD2
Hurricane 1937
Hurricane The CD1
Hurricane The CD2
Hyojadongibalsa 2004
Hypnosis (Saimin 1999)
Hypnotic Doctor Sleep
Hypnotist The 1999
Hypnotized The
Hypo-Chondri-Cat The (1950)