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Subtitles for Happy Times.

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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Happy Times

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The ones I saw before|were all too skinny.
Looked like kittens.
I told the matchmaker straight out,|no skinny women for me!
I like them fleshy, nice and warm!
What does a man my age need?
Somebody to keep me cozy!
I´ve been married twice.
I like a woman with experience!
I´ve also got two kids.
Two kids?
I love kids!
The more the merrier!
Shall we start planning|our wedding?
So you agree?
Let´s make our wedding|a real event!
Of course!
We can´t just go through the motions.
I agree.
Everyone knows me...
I can´t be a cheapskate.
We´ll need 50 grand.
That´s about right!
You´ve got 50 grand?
I shouldn´t have a problem getting it.
I´ll fiigure it out.
No problem.
Old Zhao´s back|to borrow money!
- How do you know?|- Look, he´s coming.
He´s trying to get hitched again.|This is the 18th time!
Hasn´t worked out once!
He still owes me money!
I´ve gotta get out of here.|Tell him I´m not home.
Fu! Stop pretending|you don´t hear me!
Zhao, what´s wrong?
Stop it! You saw me.
- I didn´t.|- Stop playing stupid!
You must know I need cash.
Engaged again?
I fiinally found one.
Look at her!
Big and round.
- Japanese?|- No, Chinese.
Don´t you like skinny women?
But they never like me!
She does, she wants to get married.
- Really?|- She told me so.
- No strings?|- She said we need 50 grand.
50 grand! Did you say okay?
Of course.
If you haven´t got it, why bullshit?
If I didn´t bullshit,|I´d be up the creek!
Find someone else to help.
Come on.
Help your old teacher.
You´re the only one I can turn to.
I´ve got some money.
- Money!|- Where from?
From this?
Here´s the woods|behind our factory...
...isn´t there an old bus there?
For 7 or 8 years.
Every day, young lovers|stroll back there...
...with no place to unwind!
We´ll clean up that bus...
...the lovers can use the place.
We´ll charge them.
Me sell tickets?
I even have a name|for the place.
We provide a service for these kids.
We´ll call it the|''Happy Times Hut.´´
Forget it!
This is a public area.
Who´d pay for this?
Why not be rewarded|for our hard work?
What I´m saying is...
...who in their right mind|would pay to go into an old bus?
You´re just sitting|home anyway.
No matter what we charge,|it´s money.
I´ll never get married this way.
You may get someone|who´d pay...
...200 or 300 in one shot.
Who´d do that?
You´d have to be crazy!
Anyway I don´t have the money.
If you don´t like my idea,|my hands are tied!
You´re using that color?
How come it reminds me of|a public toilet?
Stop painting!|Public bathrooms are this color.
You´re right!
I found this paint in the dump.|It´s all they had!
What do you expect for free?
Let´s try this one.
It´s so loud.|It´s like ''all night long´´ red.
That´s it!
Keep them awake|long enough to pay.
Let´s go with the ''all night long´´ red.
''All night long´´ it is!
All right!
Not bad at all.
A good fiix- up and it looks like new.
I still don´t feel good about this.
There you go again.
We´ve got a good,|clean place here.
So people can unwind.
What are you worried about?
Remember why we´re doing this.
- Wow!|- Who fiixed this place up?
What a romantic color!
It´s even got a name:|''Happy Times Hut.´´
Not bad?
Come in. Have a look.
You two did this?
There´s a collection box?
Give what you want, you decide.
Have some water.
Don´t worry.
We already checked.|You can´t see in from outside.
Not a bad place to get out of the sun.
That´s right!
Zhao! We´re in business!
20 yuan!Just like that.
They paid you?
Isn´t it a bit too easy?
That´s the point.
And we didn´t even|have to put out our own cash!
We paid for the water.
Peanuts!|They might not even drink it!
How come they closed the door?
They´re young lovers. They paid.
So this is what they paid for?
- It´s none of your business!|- I won´t let this go on.
What are you knocking for?
I forgot to say|you can´t close the door!
Why not?
It´s the higher- ups´ rule.
What are you talking about?
- My boss´ rule!|- Screw your boss!
Open up!
You can´t lock the door!
Stop knocking!
Open up!
What the hell are you doing?
I told you|we don´t lock the door here.
Why not?
It was windy!
- It´s not windy!|- It was a minute ago.
- Windy or not, you can´t do it!|- Why not?
Don´t get me wrong but... goes a man and a woman,|they close the door... tell me, how does it look?
What are you insinuating?
An old man like you!
Old pervert!
What did you just call me?
Don´t just stand there!
Did you hear that?
How can you say that?
- Say what?|- Call me an old- -
Hey, let´s work this out...
...he can be excused because|of his age, but how about you?
Give us back our money!
Didn´t the two of you go inside?
- Inside where?|- Did you go in or not?
- We went in!|- Then no refund.
Why pound on the door?
Give her back the money!
Don´t fiight over it!
Here´s half.
Old pervert!
Give it here!|I don´t want their money!
Call me an old pervert?|Take the rest!
Let´s go.
What are you laughing at?
Don´t blame them,|it was our fault!
How can you say that?
They paid fair and square.
Why bang on the door?
It doesn´t matter who comes... locking the door.|That´s the fiinal word.
So what about making money?
I´d rather not make money.|I´d rather not get...
...I have to get married.|But no locking the door!
Think about it.
Are we making money like this?
- No locking the door!|- You´re throwing away easy money.
You´re the one who still hasn´t got it!
Why do I bother with you?
I´ve gotta take care of some things.
Think... How else are you going|to get what you need?
Nobody locks the door!
Excuse me, sir!
Did you fiix this place up?
What do you want?
Nothing, just wondering why?
What´s inside?
Nothing. It´s not mine.
C´mon, we just want to have a look.
It´s mine. But I´m off work.
Sir, let us take a look.
Just a peek.
You can´t see a thing.
A collection box.
''Let your conscience be your guide.´´|Pretty unique.
Sir, are you going to just sit there?
I always sit here.
Don´t you want to get some fresh air?
Am I in your way?
What are you talking about?
What are you up to, then?
Trying to bribe me?
Your years are catching up with you,|old man.
Giving you ideas.
I just wanted you|to buy us some stuff.
A watermelon.
A big one.
A 100- yuan watermelon?
I don´t have anything smaller.
Thanks for helping us out.
Sorry I haven´t called,|I´ve been swamped with work.
At the hotel.
No, I opened it up with a few colleagues.
Why would I mention it|on our fiirst date?
It´s the busy season.
Oh, yeah, it makes money!
No matter how much I´m worth,|I won´t forget you.
You´re the reason I work so hard.
- Do you sell roses?|- 2 yuan each.
- How much?|- 2 yuan each.
Too expensive!
What other flowers|make a good gift?
That depends.
Women want roses.
It´s a woman all right.
Then roses.
Anything cheaper?
Look at you, you´re a disgrace!
We´d be better off if you died!|Feeding you is a waste!
Mom, some grandpa is here!
So soon!
What do you mean grandpa?|Call him uncle.
Have a seat. Excuse me|while I change clothes.
How old are you?
Can you fiix my game?
No problem.|Was your mom yelling at you?
No, at her.
Your sister?
She´s not my sister.|My mom didn´t have her!
Whose is she?
Can´t you hurry up, grandpa?
Don´t call me grandpa.|Call me uncle.
So hurry up, uncle!
Okay, okay.
Roses for me?
- Must´ve been expensive.|- 2 yuan a dozen.
I mean, 2 yuan a stem.
Where should I put them?
When the party leaders|visit sick people on T.V...
...they put the flowers|beside the bed.
Good idea.
Okay, then.
Sorry you had to hear me|yelling at the kids.
My step- daughter really drives me nuts!
The day we got divorced,|her father flew the coop.
Took all my money too.
He agreed to pay child support.
I haven´t seen a penny.
I do everything for her.
You have a kind heart.|If it were me...
...I´d get her father to take her.
Turn her out?|How´d that look?!
I´d be known as,|''The wicked stepmother!´´ ''Evil woman!´´
Let them say what they want.
You´ve got to look out for yourself.
A strange thing|happened at work today.
A guest gave one of our employees|a 100- yuan tip.
Everyone is rich these days.
He said, ''I´ll be back soon!´´
So your hotel is doing well?
It all comes down to the name.
I came up with it myself.
Just like the two of us|when we´re together...
...I call it ''Happy Times.´´
- Are you happy right now?|- Can´t you tell?
Tell her it´s dinnertime.
Why me again?
How else is she supposed to know?
Hurry up!
- So many dishes!|- I hope you like them.
Don´t kick the door!
This kid needs some manners.
Please, help yourself.
- Here, have more.|- I´ll help myself.
- This is your Uncle Zhao.|- Hi.
Go on, eat up.
Try some vegetables.
- Eat up.|- It´s good.
Don´t be polite.
...always stealing from each other.
Stop playing. Eat!
We had a letter from Dad.
Why didn´t I see it?
You weren´t home.
Where´s the letter?
Mom, I wasn´t home either.|I played soccer.
You´re a soccer player?
Excuse me while I read this.
What did my dad say?
Nothing, eat.
Tell me what he said.
Nothing. Eat your dinner.
You keep it.
You eat with your left hand?
Ever since I was a kid.
What about when you write?
I do everything else right- handed.
Chopsticks too?
Not really.
- Tough, isn´t it?|- I still can.
Get some ice cream for uncle too.
- No, thanks.|- Hey, Mom, he doesn´t want any!
He´s too polite to ask.
Ice cream is for kids.
Why don´t you give her a cup?
No way! Ice cream is expensive!
Mom bought it for me.
Who ever said that?|Each of you gets one.
You´re getting so selfiish.
Go on, eat.
- Take care.|- Okay.
- Call me.|- I will.
Don´t think just because we have|company, you can eat the good stuff!.
You´re listening to TV too!
Go! Wash the dishes!
Shall we put him to bed?
Let him sleep.
Your leg will fall asleep.
It´s not...convenient with him here.
I can´t move him anyway.
I´ll help you.
- What´s she doing?|- Going to the bathroom.
Like that?
Does she know I´m here?
How could she know?
I should probably go.
Just be quiet.
Let me ask you...
How big is it?
When you say ''it´´... you mean the hotel?
The hotel.
You want to bring us customers?
No need! Business is booming!
Don´t worry about me.
I´m not worried about you...
- ...what about us?|- What do you mean?
Having her around|isn´t convenient.
Can you fiind her|a job at your hotel?
No, out of the question.
What´s wrong with you?
I haven´t even fiinished talking...
And all you say is ''no´´!
I didn´t mean anything by it... tell me, what can she do?
Nothing really.
Just give her some chores!
Let her clean the bathrooms, whatever.
You don´t have to pay her.
Just give her some food.
No, I really...
Don´t think that|I´m dumping her off on you.
That´s not my intention.
Take just now for instance...
...was it convenient when...
...she barged in on us like that?
The hotel is a joint investment.
I´ll talk it over with the other owners.
Aren´t you the general manager?
Can´t you decide things like this?
You´re the one who came up with|''Happy Times.´´
But I wrote, ''Hut,´´ not ''Hotel!´´
No sense arguing.
''Hut´´ and ''Hotel´´ are almost the same.
Anyway, help me fiind the girl a job!
Hey, she asked you, not me!
You´re the big- shot manager.
Besides she can´t work anywhere else.
What should I do?
What a mess!
Is this girl completely blind?
If she weren´t...
...she wouldn´t need our help.
So she can´t see a damn thing?
- It should be a snap then!|- How?
Her weakness can play|into your strength.
She´s blind, you can|tell her whatever you want.
And my strength?
Being a good bullshitter!
Stop messing with me!
Everyone knows... talk out of|both sides of your mouth!
The only way to the altar|is to keep deceiving her!
Bring the girl to the old bus...
...tell her it´s our hotel.
Beat- up places are|all the rage these days!
Say that our style is returning|to the simple life.
I don´t think you should|be looking for work.
It´s nice staying at home.
Why do you want a job?
I´m talking to you!
Why should I stay there?
It´s still your home.
It´s not my home!
Then what are you doing|living there?
You should be grateful!
They´re nice to you.
You all hate me!
Hate you?
If I hate you so much...
...why would I give you a job?
You´re only doing it for her!
What a mouth on you!
I´m over 50 years old, what´s wrong|with doing something for a woman?
You wanted out|of that house anyway.
You should blame your father for this.
Would a real man ditch|his own daughter?
He never should have gotten married.
Leaving his child|for someone else to take care of!.
He doesn´t pay child support!
You can´t blame|your stepmother for- -
Hey, where are you going?
Why´d you get off here?
What if that bike ran into you?
Hey, I´m talking to you!
Don´t touch your watch,|I know what time it is.
What´s wrong with you?
- I´m not going to your hotel.|- Why?
None of your business!
How´s it none of my business?
- I promised your mom...|- She´s not my mom!
Okay, my girlfriend then.
We agreed that I give you a job.
If you don´t go, what do I tell her?
- You really don´t want to go?|- No!
That´s just fiine!
There´s nothing great|about my hotel anyway.
But do me one favor,
Tell her the hotel was nice...
...but you didn´t want the job.
- Can you do that?|- No!
Why not?
It´s not that hard to do.
Then you tell her!
Stubborn kid!
Why are you so diffiicult?
You can´t blame my dad!
I was wrong, okay?
Do you know how hard it is|for a man my age to fiind a wife?
By chance I met your mom and...
She´s not my mom!
She trusted me to fiind you a job...
...and I end up screwing up the whole thing.
I beg you.
Come work at my hotel.
If you don´t like it, leave.
That way, at least I did|what she asked me to.
All right?
What am I going to do with you?
Will you please go with me?
We´re fiilling out an application for you.
All employees must fiill it out.
The guy talking to you is|Manager Fu.
He´s in charge of daily operations.
From now on, call him Manager Fu.
- Okay, go ahead!|- Name?
Wu Ying.
- Wu Ying, that´s spelled W- U.|- Got it.
Ying as in yellow.
How do you write that?
Like this!
Oh, okay, I´ve got it!
I´m so used to the computer,|I forgot how to write!
- Age?|- 18.
You´re 18?
Don´t be suspicious.|18 is 18!
Elementary school,|but I didn´t fiinish.
Was it a school for the blind?
No, I could still see then.
So you lost your sight later?
You have to put all this in?
We need to know all about you... give you a suitable job.
That´s right!
Explain what happened to your eyes.
When I was little I had a brain tumor.
It swelled and put pressure|on my optic nerve.
At fiirst I had a headache... bad that I couldn´t sleep.
Then, my face started to go numb...
...I lost all feeling...
...on one side of my body.
My vision started to go.
At fiirst I could still see colors|and light...
...but gradually I went completely blind.
Let´s go on.
Tell us about your mother.
She´s been gone a long time now.
When did you lose her?
Back when I could still see.
So we´ll write down|that she´s deceased.
We´re very interested... learning just when|your father and that...
...that woman got divorced?
Do you know...
...whose fault it was?
Now you´re being nosey.
No, this is relevant information!
When we recruit new staff members...
...we need to know everything!
We can´t ignore their background.
What if her family comes|and makes trouble?
Go ahead, tell us whose fault it was.
You should explain.
Just to clear this up.
Tell us exactly what happened|with your father.
They started arguing the day|we moved into her apartment.
They´d argue all day and night.
Sometimes they got into fiights...
...and threw things all over the place.
No one could reconcile them.
Finally, my dad left.
- Did she ever hit him?|- Where´d your father go?
Far away, to Shenzhen.
He said when he had enough money...
...he´d come back for me|and cure my eyes.
This isn´t the main building|of Happy Times Hotel.
This branch is in a secluded|wooded area.
Can you smell it?
Fresh air!
Can you tell?
The scenery is beautiful!
But the design isn´t anything fancy.
It´s made up of old buses.
The older the bus,|the higher the rate.
It´s all about the simple life.
I got this idea listening to customers.
Rich people love it!
Your job is easy.
You just wait outside.
When the guests leave,|you tidy up.
Once you´re done, you come|back out. That´s all.
I´ll bring you lunch|from our employee cafeteria.
Wait a second!
Sir, how come you´re|hauling that bus away?
- We´re cleaning up this area.|- Who told you to do this?
The boss.
- Where are you taking the bus?|- No idea.
What are you going to do here?
Beautify the area.
What´s wrong with you guys?
How many times do I have to tell you?
Keep me informed of everything.
Didn´t we decide to start in 2 weeks?
So how come you´re here?
Aren´t I the boss around here?
I want a full report!
Now get back to work!
What a mess!
We were planning some renovations...
...but they showed up early.
You can´t start work today.
Renovations will take a week or two... you´ll have to wait.
When you go back,|explain it all to her.
I´m not explaining anything!
Just tell her what happened.
You tell her!
She´d never believe me.
Why should she?|I don´t even believe you.
Why don´t you believe me?
It sure didn´t sound like it.
- Like what?|- People doing renovations.
What do you know about renovations?
We´re not putting up wallpaper here.
This is a huge job.
It´s not your average hotel.
We´re working with a group of buses.
We weren´t happy with the location... that crane you heard was|moving the buses to a new one...
We are also planting flowers|and grass... liven up the area.
It will still take a month or two... know, for the grass to grow,|the flowers to bloom.
Explain all this to her.
I´m not saying anything!
Then don´t!
But don´t shoot your mouth off, either.
Excuse us!
Be careful!
How come you´re back?
Hands off!. That´s my piano!
Mom gave this room to me!
Get out! Scram!
Get out!
I don´t have room for her.
Do I look like I have|a place to put her?
I replaced her old furniture|with new stuff.
You can´t expect me|to change it back?
Of course not.
Now you´re talking sense.
Come and check out my new place.
It´s got a great vibe.|You´ll feel it.
Right now I can´t feel a thing.
I´m in one hell of a bind.
Do you have a massage room|at your hotel?
A massage room? What for?
Every hotel today|has a massage parlor.
She studied massage,|she´s pretty good.
Open a massage parlor.
All you need is a room and a bed.
Who knows, she might|even bring a profiit.
No way. You don´t know|what my hotel is like.
Listen, it´s a good idea.|It´s settled!
But nothing´s set up.
- She´s leaving!|- Leaving?
Well, go after her!
But don´t bring her back to me!
What the hell are you doing?
What if you got hit?
Hold it right there!
What are you trying to pull?
How´d you run so fast?
You scared the hell out of me!
Why were you standing out there?
What, are you sick of living?
If you want to kill yourself,|at least tell me fiirst!
How am I supposed to explain this?
What´s wrong with you?
Standing in the middle of the street!
What if you got hit?
What were you thinking?
Say something!
Okay, you´re right!
We leave in the morning and now... don´t even have a place to stay!
She did go too far!
Don´t cry!
Do you have any relatives here?
You can´t go off to your father broke.
And he can´t come get you right away.
Come with me, okay?
Come back with me.
I´ll set up a massage room.
So you can work.
I know you don´t trust me...
...but I´m different from her.
I´m disappointed in her too.
What do you say?
Come back with me?
Don´t cry.
This is your apartment?
Where´s the refrigerator?
Don´t have one.
A general manager would|have a refrigerator.
This is, uh, one of our|employee apartments.
Didn´t you say this was yours?
My employees and I are one big family.
Their place is my place.
- So where do you live?|- I live... a luxury villa.
Most of my neighbors are foreigners.
I turned on the water heater.
When you´re fiinished...
...turn this faucet.
Don´t burn yourself.
I´ve got a guest staying with me.
Can you lend me a room?
Did you ask your buddies?
They´re overcrowded themselves.
Isn´t that offiice of ours empty?
That offiice is all sealed up.
Any others?
They´re off- limits.
What should I do?
How about I stay at the workshop?
Nobody´s working there.
Okay. It´s going to be demolished|soon anyway.
- So you agree?|- Yes.
- I´m approved?|- Sure.
What´s the rush?
Why move this damn thing anyway?
Push! Harder!
Watch your fiingers!
Not bad...´s starting to look like a room.
Not bad.
- Okay, I´m out of here.|- Wait!
Once the girl feels the sheet metal,|she´ll know it´s a fake!
We have to fiigure out something.
Well, next...
...we probably should...
...make this place....
Have you ever been to|a massage parlor?
- Nope.|- You?
- Never in my life.|- And you two?
- Never.|- Me neither.
Then why waste time yapping?|Let´s go look at a real one.
Forget this place, too high- class.
Too fancy for us.
- What´s this?|- For breathing.
It´s huge!
You said to make it|as big as a sink.
I said make it the size of a face.
Didn´t you say sink?
No one can possibly|fall through the hole!
Not this side. It´s too wide.
Feel with your eyes closed.
It´s just like the real thing.
Not bad at all.
Something´s not right.
What are we missing?
Our place is more spacious.
No, it´s not that.
What´s missing?
They had 2 beds- -
- We´re missing sound.|- What?
Sound, noise!
It´s too quiet here.
Why did the other place have|so much noise?
That place was located|right on the main street!
So, there´s no sound.|What´s the big deal?
Don´t be ridiculous!
It´s got to seem real.
If the girl is with a client|and it´s dead- quiet...
...who will believe|it´s a real massage parlor?
We can´t move an entire street|over here!
Li, don´t you have|a boom box at home?
Take it to a massage parlor|and record the street.
We´ll hit 'play´,|and the problem will be solved!
On my wedding day...
...all of you will sit|at the head table with me.
Tomorrow when the clients come,|everything will go according to plan.
Oh, no.
Who is she going to massage tomorrow?
We don´t have any clients lined up.
What are you laughing at?
I can´t bring strangers|to this place.
If they say anything to the girl...
...our work is wasted.
You´re my friends.|Come back tomorrow for a massage.
Come back tomorrow?
You don´t have to work.
You get a free massage.
Won´t she be able to feel it´s|the same people over and over again?
Tell the girl she´s so good,|you´re back for more.
Right. This massage stuff|gets addictive.
Why thank me?|It´s all for us, isn´t it?
She starts tomorrow.
She´s staying at our employee dorm.
Nice place.
Anyway, I just hope you understand|why I´m doing all this.
You know what|my feelings are for you.
I told you to record street noises.|What´s this?
The street at the entrance|to the massage parlor.
This is the street?
Does this sound like|a street to you?
I recorded it on the street.
Where´d you put the mike?
Here´s the street|and here´s the massage parlor...
...I put the box here.
You pointed the mike|in the wrong direction!
Then I´ll do it again.
Too late!|She´ll be here any minute.
Play it from the other side|of the workshop...
...we´ll see how it sounds.
Keep going!
That´s good!
They´re here.
Right now we´re going|in the main entrance.
A steel gate, be careful!
We´re in the hallway.
Feel this,|over here is an arched doorway.
They really fiixed the place up nice.
Feel this.
Linen wallpaper.
Turn here.
Once you come in,|you make 2 lefts.
This is the fiirst.
Feel here.
Left again,|we´re at the end of the hallway.
Check it out...´s a really big room.
This is a cabinet.
- This massage room is huge.|- Well, our hotel is huge.
A real high- class joint.|This is the massage bed...´s a fiirst- rate bed.
The hole´s so big.
Whatever we do...
...we do it big.
I´m ready to start now.
I´ll wait here for the customers.
Relax! I´ll bring a customer|when one arrives.
Manager Zhao!
- How do I look?|- Pretty good.
This is my best outfiit.
I save it for special occasions.
I want to make a good impression.
Do you like it?
Yes. It´s very pretty.
You go fiirst!
Let Li go fiirst!
What´s there to be afraid of?|It´s just a massage.
Then why don´t you go!
I can´t. I work for|'Happy Times Hotel.´
Neither Zhao nor I can go in.
You guys are the customers.
Then Li goes fiirst!
- You´re fiirst.|- Let him go fiirst. He´s shorter!
What does being short|have to do with this?
What´s the big deal, anyway?|Are you afraid...
...this pretty thing|is gonna eat you up?
Okay, I´m going.|I´m not scared, but...
...I feel guilty making|this poor girl massage me.
Don´t worry.
We´re doing it for her.
- Wait, what about the tip?|- Who?
What do you mean, 'who´?
I´m talking about the tip.
Without it, you´ll blow everything.
You mean give her|some money afterwards.
Got any cash on you?
You want me to pay?
You´re the one getting massaged.
The only reason I´m getting|a massage is to help you get hitched.
We´re doing you a favor.
You´re getting massaged|so I can get married- -
If you´re not paying, we´re leaving!
Wait, I just need to fiigure this out.
You guys enjoy everything|while I foot the bill, is that fair?
Cough up your share!
How much?
10, 20 yuan will do.
How about 2 or 3?
Are you kidding?|At least 5!
Fork over the cash!
I´d pay if I wanted to get married.
Keep it down! I´ll pay.
When it comes to money,|you all go nuts!
How can you expect them to pay?
You dropped some.
Don´t keep it to buy|a bottle of soy sauce!
Little Wu, I´ve got a customer for you.
This is Professor Li|from the Teachers College.
A faithful customer.
Hello, Professor Li.
This is Little Wu.
She came to us highly recommended.
This is your tip.
Go ahead. I´ll be going.
I´m sorry, Professor Li.
The hole´s too big.|Your head must be uncomfortable.
Professor Li, you used to come|here often?
Who massaged you?|A man or a woman?
Am I rubbing too hard?
Just let me know.
How was it?
Keep it down!
I thought I´d died|and gone to heaven.
You were right.|The hole should be as big as a face.
My head had nowhere to rest.
It fell right into the hole.
- You´re really an idiot.|- Why?
You didn´t act like a real client.
She asked you questions|but you didn´t answer.
I didn´t know what to say.
Tell her anything.
Don´t tell me you don´t know|how to make small talk?
Since you know everything,|you go next.
Yeah, Niu, you´re next.
Zhao, you go in with me.
I´m the general manager.|I´ll give it away if I go in every time.
Don´t talk too much.|Pull yourself together!
You look like a bum,|not a restaurant manager!
Did you hear anything?
They didn´t talk at all.
He´s worse than me.
Since when has he ever|kept his mouth shut?
If you don´t believe me,|look for yourself!.
Let´s go look!
Keep it down!
Manager Zhao, is there|an ice cream shop around here?
You want ice cream?
I made money today.|I´ll treat you.
I can´t let you pay.
There´s a place.
I´ll go buy the ice cream.
Wait here.
Can I help you?
How much is the cheapest ice cream?
- 25 yuan.|- For how much?
One scoop.
- How big is it?|- About this big.
25 yuan for that?
That store was closed,|so I bought you a popsicle.
- Thank you.|- Eat fiirst, before we go.
Here, have a seat.
Is this Beida Street?
Yeah. It is.
Is it very crowded?
Oh, yeah.
What´s everyone doing?
Some are going home,|others are taking their kids out...
...for a walk or going shopping.
What´s on your mind?
Manager Zhao, it wasn´t easy|for you to fiind me this job.
I promise I´ll work hard.
When I save some money,|I´ll fiind my dad.
We agreed that once he had enough|money, he´d take me to cure my eyes.
You think I can be cured?
No question.
Guess what I want to see most|once I regain my sight.
Your dad, of course.
I want to see you too.
Why do you want to see me?
I want to see what you look like.
You´re pulling my leg.
- No, really.|- I´m not easy on the eyes.
What do you imagine|I look like?
Can I touch you?
Touch me?|Anyone can tell that way.
Here, little head, skinny bones.
I´ll try.|You tell me how close I am.
- Let´s try. Should we stand up?|- Okay.
This is my head.
- Your hair is so short.|- Anyone could tell that.
- How come you´re so short?|- Short?...How about now?
I wasn´t standing up straight.
- You have thick eyebrows.|- Right.
Huge eyes!
Do I have bags under my eyes?
Naughty girl.
I´ll give you 40 yuan.
I paid over 500.
That set is worthless.
It works fiine.
If it doesn´t,|I won´t pay you a penny.
40 yuan is a good deal.
- What color is this dress?|- It´s a flower pattern.
What kind of flowers?
Well...the dress is red.|The flowers are...
...they´re sunflowers.
- Are they golden yellow?|- Right, with white petals.
And what kind of red?
Deep red, like a big apple.
A big red apple.
- That´s my favorite color.|- Well, that´s exactly how it is.
- Are there a lot of flowers?|- Tons, too many to count.
Is it too flowery?
Oh, no, it looks great.
I was afraid it might be|too small.
I have a good eye after all.
- Thank you, Manager Zhao.|- No need to thank me.
I´ll cut back on coffee|and that´ll be that.
Come here!
It stopped playing.
What´s wrong?
- How much do you need?|- A thousand or two.
Well, which is it?
Fill out this form.
Thank you.
I keep coming back...
...I just can´t tell you|how much I appreciate your help.
- Will I get the money right away?|- There is no money.
No money!
You have to wait.
It´s an emergency.
The union has money now?
Even the factory doesn´t have funds.
So this form is useless.
How come nobody went in?
- We´re waiting for you.|- What for?
To hand out the tip money.
To tell you the truth, I´m broke.
Zhao, we just fiigured out... much all this|will cost you.
Pretty soon you´ll be in trouble.
Each of us gives her|5 yuan per tip... twice a day,|that´s 50 or 60 yuan.
In 10 days that adds up|to 5 or 6 hundred.
Over 1000 yuan a month.
Plus her salary...
...meals, and everything else.
You´ll end up at 2000 a month.
2000 yuan!
You can´t afford her.
Guys, I need you to help me out here.
Can you spare any extra dough?
We can scrape together a little.
But it can´t last forever.
You know we´re all retired...
...and don´t have money to spare.
She´s a good kid.|We all like her...
...but there is nothing more|we can do.
Tell her the truth.
Sooner or later you´ll have to.
We´re getting nowhere like this.
We can´t stay all day long here.
Better to tell her now.
- Not a single person showed up today?|- Right.
I wonder what happened.
Little Wu?
We need to talk.
Manager Zhao,|I want to tell you something too.
Really? Go ahead.
I don´t want to work here anymore.
You want to quit?
- Uh- huh.|- Why?
No reason.
Do you want to go back home?
Then where are you going to go?
I don´t know yet.
Why suddenly decide to quit?
Manager Zhao,|please don´t worry about me.
I just don´t want this job anymore.
At least tell me|where you plan on going.
I haven´t fiigured that out yet.
Just take me to the bus station.|I´ll leave by myself.
No way! You´re our employee.
We´re responsible for you.
You can´t just up and leave.
We´ll have a meeting|to decide, okay?
Did we give ourselves away?
That´s impossible!|We´ve been so careful.
Maybe she wants to go|to Shenzhen to look for her dad.
She needs money for that.|Shenzhen is pretty damn far.
Does she want to go home?
She said no.
If she wants to go, let her.
It´ll save us trouble|and save you money.
But if she leaves, will that hurt|your thing with Chunky Mama?
For sure.
But the point is whether something|might happen to the girl.
Do you think she might kill herself?
Kill herself?
Jump out of a building,|or run into traffiic.
- Nonsense!|- She´d never do that!
Don´t brush it off so lightly.
You never know|what she may be thinking.
Hey, that reminds me.
Two days ago I was at her home|when she suddenly lost her temper...
...and stormed downstairs.
I followed her.
Guess where I found her?
Standing... the middle of the street.|It was dark and cars were everywhere.
If I arrived a minute later,|she might have been hit.
We defiinitely can´t let her go.
For sure.
If something happens...
...we´ll all be screwed.
He´s 100%right.
It´s no longer just my business.
If the cops come fiishing around...
...they´ll question my girlfriend.
She´ll tell them the girl is here.
Then you´ll all be called in.
After all, this whole place|is a scam.
As soon as the police see it,|we´re all screwed.
We can´t let her leave.
But how can we keep her?
Where do we get the money|to pay her?
I have a new idea.
Since this concerns all of us... all should take responsibility|and put out some cash.
If everyone coughs up a little...
...we can keep things going.
We´ll see how things go and...
...decide what to do from there.
First things fiirst,|convince her to stay.
Go talk to her.
We can´t let anything happen to her.
We discussed it.
Little Wu, you really can´t go.
Everyone feels your work... top- notch.
They´re reluctant to part with you.
Besides, all your customers are here.
They said if you leave,|they won´t come back.
I´ll lose my customers.
Especially Professor Li.
The same goes for Mr. Niu.
They really like you.
They all do.
I like them, too.
If so, why leave?
You´ve got to stay.|See how things go.
If things aren´t good, then go...
...but if everything|goes smoothly...
...there´s no reason to leave,|am I right?
Zhao! Zhao!
- Who is it?|- It´s me, Auntie Liu. Are you asleep?
How come you´re here?
- Did they all pitch in?|- Take a look.
This must have been...
...a lot of trouble|to scrape together.
My God, what is this?
Close your eyes and feel it fiirst.
You can´t tell it´s fake.
You want to tip her with this?|Are you kidding?
Aren´t you broke?
I know this is a hopeless plan...
...but it´ll work for now.
Try it fiirst.
We have no options.
Can you feel the difference?
I can´t.
The question is, can she?
If we can´t, how could she?
So we tip her with paper money.
Do you have a better idea?
We use this stuff from now on?
For the next few days.
I´ll switch it once I fiind|some real money.
Two bills per person, okay?
Who´s fiirst?
It was her idea.
I have to go fiirst|because it was my idea?
You guys know|I can´t keep a secret.
We can´t risk sending her.
- Who went fiirst last time?|- Li.
Go on, Li!
I´m not going fiirst!|Isn´t this dishonest?
We´ve been lying to her|from the beginning.
We´ll be fiine if she thinks|it´s real money.
And what if she can tell?
Tell her it´s a mistake|and you´ll bring her tip tomorrow.
Crumple it up a little bit...
...otherwise it feels too new.
Did you tip her?
As soon as I went in.
We got up there too late.
Could she tell it wasn´t real?
If she could,|she would´ve said something.
How did you give it to her?
As you said...
...I crumpled it up.
I put it in my pocket|and went in calmly.
You have to pretend|everything is normal.
Just slowly take it out|and put it in her hand.
- How many fake bills did you give me?|- Two.
Damn! I gave her|my own real money.
That money was|to buy milk for my kid.
Pay me back!
I´m not the one|who made the mistake.
I have to get it back.
How could you be so cheap?
She gave you a massage,|let her keep it.
You made me go fiirst!
I´ll pay you back, all right?
That´s for you. Your tip.
Thank you.
I watched her the whole time.
Keep it down!
She couldn´t tell.
We saw it from up there.
Now we can relax.
We can support her|like this for years.
- What´s going on?|- We´ve succeeded!
We did it!
Each of us went in twice...
...and gave her at least 3 bills.
He even gave her 5.
Didn´t I only give you 2 each?
I went home|to get some more paper.
You´re making a circus out of this!
You´ll blow our cover.
What´s more,|if you keep going in like this...
...she´ll be able to tell.
The fiirst time, we all went in order.
The second,|we went in a different order.
She couldn´t tell!
You think you´re so smart.|You gave her your own money before!
You could ruin everything.
She may already know.
Little Wu, I heard you had|a lot of customers today.
I don´t know why,|they just kept coming.
Good tips?
They gave a lot!
- No problems?|- Not at all!
- You put the money away?|- It´s all here.
- How much do you think you made?|- Several hundred!
They were generous today!
This is the fiirst time|I´ve ever made so much money.
Now I can rest easy.
Just tell me when|you want to make extra money.
We have a great future ahead.
I want to take you|and Manager Fu to dinner.
But I won´t let you pay.
It wasn´t easy to make that money.
Save it!|Tonight is my treat!
Wouldn´t it be great|if every day could be like today?
Don´t worry!
Customers love you.
We haven´t even advertised yet.
When we get the word out,|there will be even more.
We get along fiine like this.
Thanks to you,|we have a loyal clientele.
We take old customers|and turn away the rest.
Manager Zhao plans|everything out well.
He says it depends on you.
If you don´t feel well,|we´ll send in fewer people.
But when you want|to make an extra buck...
...we´ll have them|lining up at the door!
We control the flow,|just give us the word!
Manager Zhao,|I want to fiigure something out.
If I make 500 a day,|how much can I make in a year?
Let´s fiigure it out.
500 a day, 10 days, 5000.
30 days in a month, 3 x 5 is 15,|that´s right.
So that´s 150,000.
- Fu, help me out here.|- 180,000 a year.
150,000 for 10 months, plus|another 2 months comes to 180,000!
For one year?
180,000!|How much money is that?
Are you sure you´re right?
Have I ever made a mistake|when it comes to money?
Good heavens!
So much money!
You wouldn´t even know|how to spend it.
What would you do with it?
I´d go to Shenzhen|to fiind my dad.
So he could take me|to cure my eyes.
If they can´t do it in Shenzhen,|we´ll go to Hong Kong.
If not in Hong Kong,|we´ll go to America.
They´ll be able to cure|my eyes in America, right?
No question!|What a place America is!
Enough with your blind worship|of America!
With 180,000,|doctors in Beijing will fiix your eyes.
And you want to go to America!
Here´s to 180,000!
You´re wrong again!
Let´s drink to Little Wu|fiinding a cure!
Bottoms up!
- Here, the glass is over here.|- Raise your glass.
Kid, let´s drink!
Manager Zhao, could you read|my father´s letter to me?
- You saw it before.|- Yes.
I never trusted that woman.
- Do you trust me?|- Yes!
Let me have a look!
Since you trust me,|I´ll read you the letter.
''Of the 5,000 yuan|I borrowed from you...
...I lost almost 4,000...
...4,000 in the stock market.´´
So there´s over 1,000 left.
''Because of this...
...I can´t return the money right now.
I put aside a portion of it|for my living expenses.
Things are expensive in Shenzhen.
But I´ll return that 5,000 yuan|to you soon.
Trust me, I´ve always been|a man of my word.´´
That´s it!
- What else did my dad say?|- That´s it!
You heard it all. He borrowed|5,000 from my girlfriend.
And he lost it on stocks.
Only 1,000 yuan left.
He didn´t mention me?
Are you sure?
Let me see.
There is a part about you.
On the back.
He wrote so small!
What did he say?
You read it.
- You want me to read it?|- See the back.
The characters are all squished.
I can´t make heads or tails of it.
How about this...
...I´ll take it and read it|once I have my glasses.
Then I´ll tell you what he said...
...fiirst thing tomorrow morning, okay?
That´s fiine.
Can I come see you?
No need?
You mean not ever?
You can´t just change your mind.|What´s going on?
Are you serious?
Then I´ll come right- -
It´s Zhao.
So that´s Zhao.
I´ll put away the flowers.|You two chat.
- Who´s he?|- My boyfriend!
Then who am I?!
I told you over the phone.|We broke up!
We´ve been together for so long...
- How can you do this?|- Stop yelling!
- Who´s that guy?|- Out. I´ll explain!
You really move too fast!
At least tell me why?
Why? Because you´re nothing|but a liar!
You still deny it?|What are you still lying for?
I checked you out, mister!
You don´t own any Happy Times Hotel!
You´ve been jiving me from day one!
For instance...
You´ve been wearing that same shirt|since the day we met.
Is this your only one?
And you call yourself a manager!
What garbage dump|did you dig those roses out of?
They were dead the next morning!
Let me explain.
You´re right about|the Happy Times Hotel... was hauled away.
This is the only nice shirt I have,|but I wear it for you.
As for the flowers...
...I bought them for 2 yuan|and trimmed them myself.
But believe me, my intention|to marry you was sincere.
Do you know what I hate most?
Men that lie!
Have you ever said|an honest word to me?
If you´re broke, just say so.
Who´d marry you?|You´d sell your wife for the cash.
How could I sell you off?
So there´s no hope for us?
- Let me talk to him!|- No way!
- Hell, I was here before that guy.|- What do you mean?
I already married him.
We´re protected by law now,|so give it up!
Don´t call me again!
From now on, I don´t know you!
You go your way, I´ll go mine!
By the way, bring that girl back.
She won´t trouble you anymore.|My man can handle things.
Take my advice... honest and speak the truth!
So I´m a liar, am I?
In the end I´m nothing|but a no- good cheat!
I may be a cheater, but...
How could she do it?
Everything was going fiine!
If I hadn´t gone over there,|I wouldn´t even have known!
I show up...
...and she´s kissing him!
I saw them kiss!
I wanted a chunky one|to keep me warm and toasty!
She´s cold as a fiish!
And she has the gall|to look down on me?
Look at her fat ass!
A pig!
Look at yourself,|you big, chunky porkroll!
And you look down on me!
Look down at your fat ass!
What are you saying?
Let´s go. He´s drunk.
You got a problem?
Looking for a beating?
It´s my own business!
I said that fatso is|a pathetic excuse for a person!
Excuse me.|Do you have a pen and paper?
Thank you.
Doctor!|Where´s the guy just hit by a car?
You mean a truck?
- Right.|- Who are you?
- We work with him.|- He´s in the emergency room.
- Doctor, how is he?|- Who?
The guy who got hit by a truck.
In the recovery room.
He´s still unconscious.
Will he make it?
Any of you related to him?
We work together.
Where are his relatives?
He doesn´t have any.
- Doesn´t he have a daughter?|- No.
He´s never even been married.
He must have a daughter.
This is a letter he wrote to her.
We found it in his pocket.
I know what happened.
Doctor, can we see him?
Across the hall.
Over there?
It´s me, Fu.
We´ve all come to see you.
You were fiine yesterday,|How could this happen?
I know what you´d|want me to do.
First thing tomorrow morning,|I´ll read this to Little Wu.
Don´t worry,|I´ll tell her it was from her father.
Little Wu! Little Wu!
- She´s not here.|- Where did she go?
''Please listen to the tape.´´|Hey! There´s a tape here!
Look, isn´t this hers?
Manager Zhao, by the time|you hear this recording, I'll be gone.
Don't look for me,|you'll never fiind me.
The past few days,|I wanted to leave.
It was a diffiicult decision.
But now I think it's for the best.|I won't trouble you anymore.
During our time together,|I know I've been a burden to you all.
But at the same time,|I experienced so much.
How should I put it?
Manager Zhao.
I suspected the massage room...
...was fake from the beginning.
I knew you were all acting... I played my part.
I didn't want to let you down.
I know you were all|trying to help me.
Even though you have no money.
You all tried so hard to hide the truth.
I never once felt deceived.
Instead, I felt happy.
Honest, those days with you...
...were the happiest of my life.
Those were our happy times together.
Manager Zhao...
...I knewthe money you gave me|towards the end was fake.
Maybe none of you could feel|the diffierence...
...but how could you expect me not to?
Even though the money was fake...
...your intentions were genuine.
I'll keep that paper money forever.
Manager Zhao...
...deep down I know... eyes will probably never be cured.
But don't worry...
...I'll never give up on life.
I'm sure many more diffiiculties|await me.
But when those times come...
...I will think of you|and I'll be able to pull through.
Good- bye, Manager Zhao...
This tape recorder is for you.
It's been with me for a long time.
Whenever I feel sad,|I listen to music.
If something makes you sad...
...listen to some music,|and you'll feel better.
Manager Zhao... the time you hear|this recording I'll be gone.
Don't look for me,|you'll never fiind me.
My dear daughter, how are you?
I´ve wanted to write you|for a long time.
Since I´ve been so busy at work,|trying to save money...
...I haven´t had time.
I´m sorry.|I hope you´ll forgive me.
Your dad really misses you.
I wonder how you´ve been doing.
Have you gained any weight?
I bet you´re getting taller.
Everything in Shenzhen is going fiine,|except for a few problems.
Making money isn´t easy.
But I´m sure I´ll do well eventually.
I work so hard to make money|for one thing only... I can get your eyes fiixed.
No matter how diffiicult things|may be or how exhausted I am...
...I´ll fiind a way to cure your eyes.
When I have enough money,|I´ll bring you to Shenzhen.
If not Shenzhen...
...wherever they´ve got the best|hospitals, that´s where we´ll go.
When your eyes are better,|you´ll see your daddy again.
You´ll see all the things you missed.
You´ll go back to school.
This is a promise.
Please believe in your dad...
...and in yourself too...
...believe your eyes will get better.
Wait for me to come get you.
No matter what happens,|keep your chin up...
...don't feel depressed.
A lot of things in life|don't go your way.
You may run into diffiiculties...
...and you may feel alone.
But none of this matters.
Don't ever lose confiidence|because of temporary setbacks.
Stay strong.
Have confiidence and keep going.
If you believe in yourself,|you can conquer any obstacle.
Trust your father who loves you.
Everything will get better,|it really will.
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Halbe Treppe
Half Baked
Half Past Dead
Halloween - The Night He Came Home
Halloween 2 (1981) 23.976
Halloween 3 - Season of the Witch
Halloween 4 - The Return Of Michael Myers
Halloween 5 - The Revenge Of Michael Myers
Halloween 6 - The Curse Of Michael Myers
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Hard Times
Hard Way The
Hard Word The (2002)
Hard to Kill
Harder They Come The
Harder They Fall The 1956
Harlem Nights
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle 2004
Harold and Maude CD1
Harold and Maude CD2
Harriet the Spy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) CD1
Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002) CD2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets CD1
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets CD2
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban CD1
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban CD2
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone CD1
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone CD2
Harte Jungs - Ants In The Pants 2000
Harts War (2002) CD1
Harts War (2002) CD2
Harts war CD1
Harts war CD2
Hatuna Meuheret
Haunted Mansion The
Haunting The
Haute Tension
Hawaii Oslo (2004) CD1
Hawaii Oslo (2004) CD2
He Got Game CD1
He Got Game CD2
He Loves Me He Loves Me Not
He Walked By Night (1948)
He ni zai yi qi - Together - Kaige Chen 2002 - CD1
He ni zai yi qi - Together - Kaige Chen 2002 - CD2
Head Above Water (1996)
Head Of State
Head Over Heels 2001
Head in the Clouds
Heart Of Me The (2002)
Heart of Glass
Heart of a Dog
Heartbreak Ridge (1986)
Heartbreakers CD1
Heartbreakers CD2
Heartburn (1986)
Hearts In Atlantis
Heat 1995
Heat Team 2004
Heaven 2002
Heaven And Earth (1993) CD1
Heaven And Earth (1993) CD2
Heaven Can Wait 1978
Heaven Fell That Night (Roger Vadim 1957)
Heavens Gate CD1
Heavens Gate CD2
Heavens Gate CD3
Heavy Metal (2000)
Heavy Metal - Gerald Potterton 1981
Heavy Traffic
Hebi No Michi (Kiyoshi Kurosawa 1997)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Heist The
Helen of Troy (2003)
Hell is for Heroes
Hellborn (2003)
Hellboy CD1
Hellboy CD2
Hellboy Directors Cut CD1
Hellboy Directors Cut CD2
Hellcats of the Navy - Nathan Juran 1957
Hello I am your Aunt CD1
Hello I am your Aunt CD2
Hells Angels 1930 CD1
Hells Angels 1930 CD2
Hells Kitchen
Helter Skelter 1976 CD1
Helter Skelter 1976 CD2
Helter Skelter 2004 Directors Cut CD1
Helter Skelter 2004 Directors Cut CD2
Henry Fool 1997 CD1
Henry Fool 1997 CD2
Henry V
Henry and June (1990)
Herbal Tea
Hercules 1997
Hercules in the Haunted World
Herencia (2001)
Herencia (Inheritance) 2001 (23976)
Hero (2002)
Hero (2002 Extended Cut)
Hero (Jet Li 2002)
Hero The
Heroes Mountain 2002
Heroic Duo (2003)
Heroic Trio The
Hi Mom 1970
Hidalgo (2004) CD1
Hidalgo (2004) CD2
Hidden Fortress (Akira Kurosawa) CD1
Hidden Fortress (Akira Kurosawa) CD2
Hidden Fortress - Criterion Collection
Hidden Half
Hidden Heroes
Hidden The
Hide And Seek
Higanbana - Equinox Flower - Yasujiro Ozu 1958
High Anxiety CD1
High Anxiety CD2
High Fidelity
High Heels and Low Lifes
High Noon
High Plains Drifter
High Sierra
High Society CD1
High Society CD2
High Wind In Jamaica A (1965)
High crimes
Higher Learning
Highlander 1986 Directors Cut CD1
Highlander 1986 Directors Cut CD2
Highlander III The Sorcerer 1994
Hija del canibal La (2003)
Hijo de la Novia El
Hijo de la Novia El 2001
Hilary and Jackie
Hill The
Hillside Strangler The 2004
Himalaya - lenfance dun chef
Hip Hip Hora! (Hip Hip Whore)
Hiroshima Mon Amour - Criterion Collection
Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959
Hiroyuki Sanada - Twilight Samurai 2002 CD1
Hiroyuki Sanada - Twilight Samurai 2002 CD2
His Girl Friday
His Secret Life
His brother 2003
Histoire D O (1975)
Histoire de Pen
Historias Minimas (2002)
History of the World The - Part I
Hitcher II - I have been waiting
Hitcher The
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 1
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 2
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 3
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 4
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 5
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 6
Hitlerjunge Salomon - Europa Europa
Hitokiri Tenchu 1969 CD1
Hitokiri Tenchu 1969 CD2
Hobbit The
Hocus Pocus
Hole The
Hole in the Head A
Holes CD1
Holes CD2
Hollow Man
Hollow The (2004)
Hollywood Ending CD1
Hollywood Ending CD2
Hollywood Homicide 2003 CD1
Hollywood Homicide 2003 CD2
Holy Man
Holy Matrimony (1994)
Holy Smoke CD1
Holy Smoke CD2
Home Alone 1990
Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York
Home Alone 3
Home Alone 4
Home At The End Of The World A
Home On The Range
Home from the Sea
Homem Que Copiava O 2003 CD1
Homem Que Copiava O 2003 CD2
Homerun CD1
Homerun CD2
Homme-orchestre L (Serge Korber 1970)
Homolka a Tobolka
Honest 2000
Honeymoon Killers The
Honkytonk Man
Hororr hotline (2001)
Horse Whisperer The CD1
Horse Whisperer The CD2
Horseman on the Roof The
Horses Mouth The
Hostile Waters 1997
Hot Chick The
Hot Wheels World Race CD1
Hot Wheels World Race CD2
Hound of Baskervilles The
Hour of the Wolf
Hours The
House By The Cemetary The
House Of The Spirits CD1
House Of The Spirits CD2
House With The Windows That Laugh
House of 1000 Corpses
House of Frankenstein
House of Games (1987)
House of Mirth The
House of Sand and Fog 2003 CD1
House of Sand and Fog 2003 CD2
House of flying daggers
House of the Dead
House of the Flying Daggers
How Green Was My Valley
How High
How The West Was Won 1962 CD1
How The West Was Won 1962 CD2
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
How to Beat the High Cost of Living
How to Keep My Love 2004
How to Murder Your Wife 1965
How to Steal a Million CD1
How to Steal a Million CD2
How to deal
Howards End
Hratky s certem
Hudsucker Proxy The
Hulk The - Special Edition
Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
Hum Kaun Hai
Hum Tum
Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam
Human Beast The CD1
Human Beast The CD2
Human lanterns
Hunchback of Notre Dame II The
Hunchback of Notre Dame The
Hundtricker the movie
Hunger The 1983
Hunt For Red October CD1
Hunt For Red October CD2
Hunted The
Hunter The
Huozhe (Lifetimes) CD1
Huozhe (Lifetimes) CD2
Huozhe CD1
Huozhe CD2
Hurricane 1937
Hurricane The CD1
Hurricane The CD2
Hyojadongibalsa 2004
Hypnosis (Saimin 1999)
Hypnotic Doctor Sleep
Hypnotist The 1999
Hypnotized The
Hypo-Chondri-Cat The (1950)