Heavens Gate CD1Click here to download subtitles file for the movie "Heavens Gate CD1"Get Paid for using YouTube!
/band plays ''Battle Hymn of the Republic''') James! She let you go, then? ..afraid of nobody. l wish you could see into my heart, and know that tonight... ..l am going to repent of all my sins. James! James! Where are we supposed to be? My friends,... ..if it be not a mere farce... /laughter') lf it be not a mere farce you are enacting... ..in these sacred valedictory rites... lf you mean them, feel them,... ..as l know you do,... ..they have for you a mandate of imperative duty. /laughter') lt is not great wealth alone that builds the library,... ..founds the college... ..that is to diffuse a high learning and culture among a people. lt is the contact of the cultivated mind with the uncultivated. lf it be true that the constitution of American society... ..is peculiarly hostile now... ..to all habits of thought and meditation,... ..it doubly behoves us... /laughter') lt doubly behoves us to look well to the influence we may exert. A high ideal. The education of a nation. Class of '70,... ..friends, parents, relations of the class of '70,... ..l now introduce your class orator, Mr William C lrvine. /cheering') /lrvine') James! William. /student') Give 'em hell, Bill! Class of '70! Ladies and gentlemen,... ..friends of the class of '70. /girl') That's your friend. There is a story told by an ancient author... ..of a young man who, being noticed by his friend to look dejected,... ..was questioned by him concerning the cause of his troubled appearance. The youth used no concealment, but told him that for three days... ..he had been vainly endeavouring with his utmost efforts... ..to find an ex ordium for a subject on which he had to write. Whereupon his friend replied with a smile: Do you wish to write better than you can? And such, says the old author, is the whole truth of the matter. We must endeavour to speak to the best of our ability,... ..but we must speak according to our ability. /laughter') /girl') He keeps looking at you. Similar to the distress of this youth was my own trouble... ..when, examining the old skeleton upon which most college orations are hung,... ..l considered how l might incarnate that familiar framework. Of course, l at once decided not to attempt any profound or difficult matter,... ..lest having given the dry bones at best but a long tongue. Puny strength. And after much careful and calm meditation,... ..the class has refused to advise alteration... ..on the usual law that is called gravitation. Though we thought of having it stopped, so some of us might not be dropped. But the mind of mankind perhaps will be gratified... ..to learn that at last the law has been ratified. And the common result can be counted on still. All rivers as usual flowing downhill. The seasons in turn will continue to roll. We shall ask for no change in the North or South Pole. The sun will continue to set in the west, but the majority of us considered it best. We disclaim all intention of making a change... ..in what... ..we esteem... ..on the whole... /girl') l don't know where to look. ..well-arranged. /cheering') /''The Blue Danube Waltz''') /lrvine') Hey, James! James! Ex cuse me. - God, you're beautiful. - So are you. Are you alone? /girl') Yes. /cheering') /band plays ''Battle Hymn of the Republic''') /band plays ''The Blue Danube Waltz''') /student') Where is it? /student') Fuck you, bastards! /James') You fucker! Gimme a hand up there! /James') Get me up! /lrvine') James! James! /lrvine') You got it, James! You got it, James! Let our friendships be for ever Let our love perish never When we're parted, stick together Heart to heart, bold and true Never fear, then, for '70 My God, Billy. Have you ever felt ready to die? -Then, for '70 - lt's over. James, d'you realise? Forward, hearts, bold and true lt's over! Three cheers for our dear old country! - Hip, hip! - Hooray! - Hip, hip! - Hooray! - Hip, hip! - Hooray! /woman speaks Serbo-Croat') /speaks Serbo-Croat') /woman screams') /speaks Serbo-Croat') Stupid. Goddamn ignorant bastards. Go back to where you came from! Ex cuse me, ma'am. Thank you very much. Pardon me. lf l could get by, please. Thank you very much. Try to keep movin', folks. Thank you. Try and keep movin', folks. Thank you very much. Casper! Move along, please. - That you, Cully? - Yes. Yes. - Howdy, Jim. - Howdy. Well, l will be damned. What in the hell are you doin' here in that rig? There's hard times, Jim. A citizen's gotta make a dollar any way he can these days. l thought you were still up in Johnson County. l am. What are you doin' down here, then, in this part of the world? l brought an immigrant woman in for hangin'. Federal penitentiary, St Louis. The law hanging women now, are they? She shot her husband six times in the head and then the kids. God of shit! Maybe l'm overdue for a new life meself, Cully. So how is things in St Louis anyways? - The bank just crashed. - Jesus, Mary and Joseph. - What's next? - Time to get out, Cully. - Head west. - l already been there. Well, you got yourself a fit drivin' carriage here. Takin' it back up to Johnson County, are ya? Tonight, if it doesn't snow. They say another citizen was killed up there a day afore yesterday. Caught speed-butchering a steer with a hatchet. Michael... Michael Kovach, l believe it was. - Mike Kovach, you say? - Every new citizen takes up land here,... ..the big fellas blackball him. A citizen steals to keep his family from starvin',... ..and they threaten him off or kill him. l'll tell you somethin'. lf the rich could hire others to do their dyin' for 'em,... ..the poor could make a wonderful livin'. That Arab horse is yours, too, l see. That's a fine-looking animal. Take him on down to the stable. /boy speaks Polish') Gettin' more crowded every day, isn't it? Those poor sons of bitches sit around weeks waitin' for claims verifications. Do they know what's waitin' for 'em out here? No, they don't. They do not. They just sit here in the asshole of creation,... ..some of them starvin' right in front of my eyes. Babies too. Every damn day l swear l'm not gonna give 'em another penny. But l'm a poor citizen myself. What can you do? l'm as human as the next citizen. l'm a human bein', ain't l? l'm not ashamed of it. l tell you, Jim. l got so l can't stand this job already. - There you go. lt's on me this time. - You don't have to do that. What do you wanna go and do a thing like that for? Harness up the Studebaker for me, will ya? l'll be back for it presently. l'll put your grip in there for ya. Set this up there on that carriage. l don't wanna see a scratch on it! Say, Jim! Jim! Jim! Just... watch yourself. l mean, take care of yourself. l... l don't know what l mean. Thanks, Cully. Don't let these citizens get to ya. Well, you know that. /woman shouts in Bulgarian') Bill, how you doin'? Dudley, l do believe l am finally workin' for a rich firm. - George, we'll pick up the extra men. - How many hands has he got? - He's got five dozen. - Hi. How you doin', George? - Association? - The name's Morrison. Sign here. l want a new suit of clothes. And a Witte special 12-gauge shotgun. Suits are over there in the self-service rack. l'll get the other. Association? - No. Where is Zindel? - Died. Apoplexy. Well, you struck it rich here, friend. Mister, l ain't got spit enough to pass the time of day. What can l do for ya? A Winchester 66. Brandy - B&B. /woman screams') /woman speaks Bulgarian') l think that's enough, friend. l said you already won. Says who, old man? l can't believe you fixed your mouth to say that, boy. /woman speaks Bulgarian') You people go back where you came from! Go back where you came from! /speaks Bulgarian') Hey, Jim! What's goin' on here, Cully? Well, ya hear a lot of things around the rail depot, Jim. Rumours mostly. Listen, l... l... l can't... l can't afford to get involved. Dammit, l just got this job. Hell! l was over last night to the Stage Hotel, having myself some Baltimore oysters. And l met up with a couple of citizens - Mr Morrison and Mr Budley. That ain't right. Dudley - that's what it was. One of the biggest citizens l ever seen, with two eyes in his head like a dead fish. Well, l had a long drink with this Morrison and Dudley. And they said to me that they was currently in the employ... ..of the Stockgrowers' Association,... ..and that the association was hiring up a big mob from all over the northwest. But every citizen's business is his own affair, not mine, dammit! l believe l'll pay the association a little call while l'm here. - Watch my goods, Cully. - Right, Jim. Right. ..displace us and our capital, and 50 years must pass... ..before the earth can be made to produce the same wealth in any other form. This is no longer a poor man's country. These emigrants only pretend to be farmers. But we know many of them to be thieves and anarchists... ..openly preying on our ranges. No jury in Johnson County will indict them,... ..even in the face of evidence as conclusive as any ever offered in a court. They're an ignorant, degraded gang of paupers. Their only stock in trade consists of having large numbers of ragged kids. Out of 180 indictments, we have had one conviction in four years. That man was caught with the hide and bones of the stolen animal. He was found guilty of stealing the hide and the bones only,... ..which were valued at $18, making his crime petty larceny. Jesus! The jury took it for granted that the rest of the animal was still roaming the range(!) Unenforced law is an invitation to anarchy. Consequently, the Stockgrowers' Association will publicly wipe out... ..these thieves and anarchists. We are employing 50 men on the basis of $5 a day... ..and $50 for every cattle thief shot or hung. We will go to Johnson County,... ..we will depose the incompetent civil authority there,... ..and we will keep possession of the town until we can take charge of the courts. We have placed 125 names on a death list. l know that it is popular at present to hamper justice for us. Gentlemen,... ..to kill 125 people... ..all at one time... Huh? Well, that'll only further prejudice public opinion against ourselves. So l'm going to move that we stop. Right here. l had a very satisfactory talk with the governor yesterday. He asserted in the most positive terms his wholehearted support,... ..as well as that of the Senate and the House of Representatives... ..and the president of these United States. /applause') lf we fail, the flag of the United States fails. That's all l'm going to say before we ask every one of you... ..to express your approval of the general plan of campaign. We'll call the roll and take a voice vote. - Stratton. - Yes. - Vaughn. - Yes. - Hall. - Yes. - Ward. - Yes. - Cummings. - Most definitely. - Steel. - Yes. - Hardly. - Yes. - Weatherford. - Yes. - Miller. - Yes. - Tower. - Yes. - King. - Yes. - Thompson. - Yes. /applause') Holy God of the prophets! James. Hello, Billy. We've just been debating... ..one of your county's more infamous legal decisions. lncidentally, does... anybody else know that you're here? Just you. Why the hell did you come here? Well, why do we do anything, Billy? Yes, we ask but time to drift. Drift and note the devious ways of man. To drift... ..and scan the truths... ..that underlie the surface faiths whereby men live and die. WC lrvine, ''Hasty Pudding'',... ..1869. Billy, you're the only son of a bitch l ever knew worth gettin' seriously drunk with. lt's true. Yes, that's true. Hey, James,... ..you snookered yourself again! D'you know, James,... ..one half of my drunkenness can be accounted for... ..by the fact that this building is so poorly ventilated. Two rails, side pocket. What's goin' on here, Billy? Ugly rumours, James. That's a gob of spit, Billy. A hundred names,... ..or thereabouts,... ..on a list. Just... some of these emigrants that they're going to kill off. Even they can't get away with a thing like that. Well,... ..in principle... ..everything can be done. ln principle. What'll you do, Billy? l'm a victim of our class, James. - Goodbye, Billy. - James! D'you remember the... ..good... gone days? Clearer and better... every day l get older. You were blackballed out of this club long ago, Averill. You're trespassing. We could have you shot here, legally. Legally, you bastards have a right to protect your own property. But unless you got a signed, legal warrant for every name on that... death list,... - ..stay out of my county. - You offset every effort we make... ..to protect our property and that of members of your own class. You're not in my class, Canton. You never will be. You'd have to die first and be born again. All right, Frank? Frank, are you all right? Let's help him up. All right! l'm all right! What happened? They came this way and killed him. Well, what do you do out here now? Work our land. - Without a man? - He paid $150 for it. We own it now. l'll take you back. l'll settle this. l promise you that. We'll work our land. Thank you. Well, goodbye, then. And good luck. Thank you. Agh! /James') Whole damn country'll be nothin' but widows and orphans soon. /Canton') The Stockgrowers' Association is the largest of its kind in the world. We plan to publicly wipe out 125 thieves, anarchists and outlaws. l still need 25 more experienced men... ..who want to make a lot of money. What's it pay? We are employing on the basis of $5 a day plus expenses,... ..and $50 for every thief and anarchist shot or hung. - Who's payin' it, mister? - You don't worry about that. Who's paying! l'm paying. Stand aside here. Son of a bitch. Even the goddamn kids now. l ain't a kid. l'm married man. Get outta here before l blow your brains out, married man. Don't do it, married man. You're very lucky you're not dead already. Take it easy now, mister, huh? My family's starving. You know that. That don't give you room to steal. You look like one of us. You work for them? l'll decide what l am. l'm not gonna kill a kid still pisses in his pants. Now get on outta here. /boy') Goddamn traitor! /speaks German') Put it down. /speaks German') Pay attention, will you? lf you're gonna do this job, do it right! l'll give a dollar and 25 cents. l'll give it one time. You got it. /speaks Russian') Keep him back, Wiley! /speaks Russian') Top him! Top him! Top him! Top him! Keep back, Schultz. Keep back, Schultz. Keep him back, Wiley! - ls he hurt? - /speaks Russian') - Speak English. - He's hurt. l can see that. All right. That's it, baby. All right, now keep his head wet. Get ready! Mornin', Jim. So how's St Louis? Thank you. That's a fine piece. - How's business? - Good. These people - you know 'em. Don't have but a pot to piss in. But people always get thirsty after a funeral. l'm not about to sit and watch the grass grow when there's money to be made. Yeah, well, most of 'em can't even afford a funeral. Let alone wives and kids. Get 'em all the hell outta here before the church opens. Association's declared war, JB. They wanna get rid of all this. $50 for every citizen on the list, shot or hung. Tell me when you wanna get serious. l am serious. There's 125 names on a death list. My God. That's almost everybody in the county. How can people declare war on a whole county? l guess, on principle, everything can be done. Goddamn. lt's gettin' dangerous to be poor in this country. - lsn't it? - lt always was. Have you told anybody else yet? No, not yet. No. Let 'em have their Sunday. Tomorrow morning'll be time enough. - /speaks Russian') - /speaks Ukrainian') - l told that black-bearded... - /speaks Russian') /speaks Ukrainian') He put feet on my land one more time, l'll kill him! What happened to your head? Why don't you ask him something? Goddammit! Shut up! One of you tell me what's happenin'. The rest of you shut up. Please... please, it's not me who is making complaint. - He come to me and wife... - l kill you! l kill you! /speaks Russian') He come to me and my wife and using... /speaks Russian') ..very bad words before wife. And he never stop, listen what l have to say. /speaks Ukrainian') What did you have to say? /speaks German') l say l am truly sorry but, uh, my property line crosses here. /shouting') - l want that son of a bitch pulled and... - Albert, you put off yellin' in here! OK, then what happened? What the hell difference make? He already admitting he's crossing my lines. He, uh, knock me down and, uh,... ..l take him by foot... ..and my wife hit him on head with rock. That's lie! That's lie! That's lie! And... ..l held him and... ..my wife tie him up good. So that he was there last time when l see him until now. That's another lie! Remember - out before church opens! - Good morning, Mr Averill. - Morning, George. Mrs Eggleston. /couple speak Polish') /woman') l missed you. /stomach gurgles') - What the hell is that? - l didn't have any breakfast yet. ls that all that's stopping you? Come on. - Pie? - l think it's the best one l ever did. lt's beautiful. lt belongs in a museum. lt's great. lt's delicious. You eat the pie first. lt took me a whole day to make it for you, so you eat all of it. Tell me somethin'. How do you manage to take care of business... ..and make pies at the same time? Help me. l brought your birthday present. Yes? Yeah? Really? lt's very expensive, no? What else have l got to spend my money on? Where is it? ls it here? |
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(Hip Hip Whore) Hiroshima Mon Amour - Criterion Collection Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959 Hiroyuki Sanada - Twilight Samurai 2002 CD1 Hiroyuki Sanada - Twilight Samurai 2002 CD2 His Girl Friday His Secret Life His brother 2003 Histoire D O (1975) Histoire de Pen Historias Minimas (2002) History of the World The - Part I Hitcher II - I have been waiting Hitcher The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 1 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 2 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 3 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 4 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 5 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy The - Episode 6 Hitlerjunge Salomon - Europa Europa Hitman Hitokiri Tenchu 1969 CD1 Hitokiri Tenchu 1969 CD2 Hobbit The Hocus Pocus Hole The Hole in the Head A Holes CD1 Holes CD2 Hollow Man Hollow The (2004) Hollywood Ending CD1 Hollywood Ending CD2 Hollywood Homicide 2003 CD1 Hollywood Homicide 2003 CD2 Holy Man Holy Matrimony (1994) Holy Smoke CD1 Holy Smoke CD2 Hombre Home Alone 1990 Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York Home Alone 3 Home Alone 4 Home At The End Of The World A Home On The Range Home from the Sea Homem Que Copiava O 2003 CD1 Homem Que Copiava O 2003 CD2 Homerun CD1 Homerun CD2 Homme-orchestre L (Serge Korber 1970) Homolka a Tobolka Honest 2000 Honey Honeymoon Killers The Honkytonk Man Hororr hotline (2001) Horse Whisperer The CD1 Horse Whisperer The CD2 Horseman on the Roof The Horses Mouth The Hostile Waters 1997 Hot Chick The Hot Wheels World Race CD1 Hot Wheels World Race CD2 Hound of Baskervilles The Hour of the Wolf Hours The House By The Cemetary The House Of The Spirits CD1 House Of The Spirits CD2 House With The Windows That Laugh House of 1000 Corpses House of Frankenstein House of Games (1987) House of Mirth The House of Sand and Fog 2003 CD1 House of Sand and Fog 2003 CD2 House of flying daggers House of the Dead House of the Flying Daggers Houseboat How Green Was My Valley How High How The West Was Won 1962 CD1 How The West Was Won 1962 CD2 How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days How to Beat the High Cost of Living How to Keep My Love 2004 How to Murder Your Wife 1965 How to Steal a Million CD1 How to Steal a Million CD2 How to deal Howards End Hratky s certem Hudsucker Proxy The Hulk The - Special Edition Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam Hum Kaun Hai Hum Tum Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam Human Beast The CD1 Human Beast The CD2 Human lanterns Hunchback of Notre Dame II The Hunchback of Notre Dame The Hundstage Hundtricker the movie Hungama Hunger The 1983 Hunt For Red October CD1 Hunt For Red October CD2 Hunted The Hunter The Huozhe (Lifetimes) CD1 Huozhe (Lifetimes) CD2 Huozhe CD1 Huozhe CD2 Hurricane 1937 Hurricane The CD1 Hurricane The CD2 Hyojadongibalsa 2004 Hypnosis (Saimin 1999) Hypnotic Doctor Sleep Hypnotist The 1999 Hypnotized The Hypo-Chondri-Cat The (1950) |