Kid The CD2Click here to download subtitles file for the movie "Kid The CD2"Get Paid for using YouTube!
My back's near broken. Look at my hands! Mother said you could always tell a lady by her hands. l guess things like hands and ladies don't matter so much anymore. Rest, Sue. You're not well yet. l can pick cotton for both of us. Scarlett's hateful! Making us work in the fields-- Too bad about that. Get back to work. l can't do everything at Tara myself. What do l care about Tara? l hate Tara! Don't you ever dare say you hate Tara again! lt's the same as hating Pa and Ma. There's something l must speak to you about. What is it? l don't like the way you're treating Prissy and Mammy. You must be firm with inferiors, but gentle with them. Especially darkies. l know. But l'm not asking them to do what l don't do myself. Nevertheless, l don't like it. l shall speak to Mrs. O'Hara about it. -What are you doing out of bed? -l must talk to you. You're all working so hard. l can't just lie in bed. Go upstairs. You're as weak as a newborn colt. -Please, let me. -Stop being noble. l don't need you making yourself sick so you'll never be any use. l didn't think of it that way. Who's there? Halt or l'll shoot! You all alone, little lady? You ain't very friendly, are you? You got anything else besides these earbobs? You Yankees have been here before. Regular little spitfire, ain't you? What do you got hidden in your hand? Scarlett, you killed him. l'm glad you killed him. Scarlett, what happened? What is it, Scarlett? What is it? Don't be scared! Your sister was cleaning a revolver and it went off and scared her. -Thank goodness! -Haven't we got enough to frighten us? Tell Katie Scarlett she must be more careful. What a cool liar you are, Melly. We gotta get him out of here and bury him. lf the Yankees find him here-- l didn't see anyone else. l think he must be a deserter. Even so, we've gotta hide him. They might hear about it, and then they'd come and get you. l could bury him in the arbor where the ground is soft. . . . . .but how will l get him out of here? -We'll both take a leg and drag him. -You couldn't drag a cat. Would it be dishonest if we went through his haversack? l'm ashamed l didn't think of that myself. You take the haversack. l'll search his pockets. You look. l'm feeling a little weak. l think it's full of money. Melly, look. Just look! 1 0, 20, 30-- Don't stop to count it now. We haven't got time! Do you realize this means we can eat? Look in his other pockets. Hurry, hurry! We've got to get him out of here. lf he bleeds across the yard, we can't hide it. Give me your nightgown. l'll wad it round his head. Don't be silly, l won't look at you. lf l had on pantalets, l'd use them. Thank heavens l'm not that modest. Go back to bed. You'll be dead if you don't. l'll clean up my mess when l've buried him. No, l'll clean it up. Well, l guess l've done murder. l won't think about that now. l'll think about that tomorrow. Katie Scarlett! lt's over! lt's over! lt's all over, the war. Lee surrendered! -lt's not possible. -Why did we ever fight? Ashley will be coming home. Yes, Ashley will be coming home. We'll plant more cotton. Cotton ought to go sky-high next year. The flag that makes you free So we sing the chorus From Atlanta to the sea While we were marching through Georgia Get out of the road, rebel! Have you room for a dying man? Not for any Southern scum, alive or dead. Get out of the way! l reckon he'd rather try and walk it, at that. Jump, you gray-backed beggars! Acts like they won the war. You come on, give me them pants, Mr. Kennedy. Come on! Scrub yourself with that lye soap, 'fore l scrub you myself. l'm gonna put these britches in the boiling pot. The whole army's got the same troubles. . . . . .crawling clothes and dysentery. lt's humiliating how you're treating him. You'd be a sight more humiliated if Mr. Kennedy's lice gets on you. Oh, come on, Beau! We must leave this gentleman alone because he's tired and he's hungry. l don't mind, ma'am. Good to see a youngster again. Nice little fella. Another two years, and we could've had him in Cobb's Legion. -Were you in Cobb's Legion? -Yes, ma'am. Why, then, you must know my husband, Major Wilkes? He was captured at Spotsylvania, l think. Captured? Oh, thank heaven! Then he isn't-- My poor Ashley, in a Yankee prison. Yes, Scarlett, l'm coming. Come along, Beau. l'll watch out for him. We're good friends. Thank you. l slave day and night just so we can have enough food. . . . . .and you give it away to scarecrows. -l'd sooner have a plague of locusts. -Don't scold me, Scarlett. l've just heard that Ashley was taken prisoner. Ashley a prisoner? And maybe if he's alive and well, he's on some Northern road right now. Maybe a Northern woman is giving him some of her dinner. . . . . .and helping my beloved to come back home to me. l hope so, Melly. l want to take up something with your Pa, but he doesn't seem to-- Perhaps l can help you. l'm head of the house now. Miss Scarlett, l was aiming to ask for Suellen. Are you telling me you haven't asked for her after all these years? The truth is, l'm so much older than she is. . . . . .and now l haven't a cent to my name. Who has, nowadays? lf true love carries any weight with you. . . . . .you can be sure your sister will be rich in that. l'd go and get myself a little business, if we're engaged. As soon as l'm on my feet again-- l'm sure l can speak for Pa. You go ask her now. Thank you. Thank you, Miss Scarlett. Excuse me, Mrs. Wilkes. Excuse me. What seems to be the trouble with Mr. Kennedy? More trouble than he guesses. He's finally asked for Suellen. l'm so glad. lt's a pity he can't marry her now. lt'd be one less mouth to feed. Another one! -Hope he isn't hungry. -He'll be hungry. l'll tell Prissy to get an extra plate-- Don't spoil it. Turn me loose, you fool. Turn me loose! lt's Ashley! He's her husband, ain't he? -Miss Scarlett? -High time you got back. -Did you get the horse shod? -Yes'm, he's shod. Fine thing, horses get shoes and humans can't. Here, stir this soap. Miss Scarlett, ma'am? l gotta know how much money have you got left. ln gold. Ten dollars. Why? That won't be enough. What are you talking about? Well, l see'd that old no-count white-trash Wilkerson. . . . . .that used to be Mr. Gerald's overseer here. He's a regular Yankee now, and he was making a brag. . . . . .that his Carpetbagger friends run the taxes way up sky-high on Tara. -How much more we got to pay? -l hear the taxman say $300. Three hundred--! lt might just as well be 3 million. But we gotta raise it, that's all. Yes'm. How? -l'll go ask Mr. Ashley. -He ain't got no $300. Well, l can ask him if l want to, can't l? Asking ain't getting. They say Abe Lincoln got his start splitting rails. Just think what heights l may climb to, once l get the knack. The Yankees want $300 more in taxes. What shall we do? Ashley, what's to become of us? What becomes of people when their civilization breaks up? Those with brains and courage come through all right. Those that haven't are winnowed out. For heaven's sake. . . . . .don't talk nonsense when it's us being winnowed out! You're right, Scarlett. Here l am talking tommyrot about civilization. . . . . .while your Tara is in danger. You've come to me for help, and l've none to give. l'm a coward. You, Ashley? A coward? What are you afraid of? Mostly of life becoming too real for me, l suppose. Not that l mind splitting rails. But l do mind very much losing the beauty of that life l loved. lf the war hadn't come, l'd have spent my life happily buried at Twelve Oaks. But the war did come. l saw my boyhood friends blown to bits. l saw men crumple up in agony when l shot them. And now l find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world in which there's no place for me. l can't make you understand. You don't know the meaning of fear. You never mind facing realities. You never want to escape from them as l do. Escape? Ashley, you're wrong. l do want to escape too. l'm so very tired of it all. l've struggled for food and for money. l've weeded, hoed and picked cotton till l can't stand it. l tell you, the South is dead. lt's dead! The Yankees and Carpetbaggers have it and left nothing for us. Let's run away. We'd go to Mexico. They want officers in the Mexican army. We'd be happy. l'd work for you. l'd do anything for you! You don't love Melanie. You said you loved me at Twelve Oaks. And anyway, Melanie can't-- Dr. Meade said she can't have more children. l could give you-- Can't we ever forget Twelve Oaks? You think l could ever forget? Have you? Can you honestly say you don't love me? -No, l don't love you. -lt's a lie! Even so, do you think l'd leave Melanie and the baby? You couldn't leave your father and the girls. l'm sick of them. l'm tired of them! Yes, you're sick and tired. That's why you're talking this way. You've carried the load for all of us. From now on, l'll be more help to you. l promise. There's only one way you can help me. Take me away. There's nothing to keep us here. Nothing? Nothing except honor. Please, Scarlett. Please, dear. You mustn't cry. You mustn't. Please, my brave dear, you mustn't. You do love me! You do love me! -No, don't, don't. -You love me. l tell you, we won't do it! lt won't happen again. l'll take Melanie and go. -Say it. You love me. -All right, l'll say it. l love your courage and stubbornness so much that l could forget. . . . . .the best wife a man ever had. But l'm not going to forget her! Then there's nothing left for me. Nothing to fight for. Nothing to live for. Yes, there is something. Something you love better than me. . . . . .though you may not know it. Tara. l still have this. You needn't go. l won't have you all starve, simply because l threw myself at your head. lt won't happen again. lt's Emmie Slattery. -Yes'm, it's me. -Stop! You haven't forgotten your old overseer, have you? Emmie's Mrs. Wilkerson now. Get off those steps, you wench! Get off this land! You can't speak that way to my wife. Wife? High time you made her your wife. Who baptized your brats after you killed my mother? We came here to pay a call. A friendly call, and talk business with friends. Friends? When were we ever friends? Still high and mighty, ain't you? l know all about you. Your father's turned idiot. You can't pay your taxes, and l come to offer to buy the place from you. To make you a right good offer. Emmie wants to live here. Get off this place, you dirty Yankee! You'll find out who's running things when you get sold out for taxes. l'll buy this place and l'll live in it! But l'll wait for the sheriff's sale. That's all of Tara you'll ever get! You'll be sorry for that. We'll be back! l'll show you who the owner of Tara is! Pa, come back! Pa, come back! Yankee coward! Lordy, Miss Scarlett, that's Mr. Gerald's watch! You take it. lt's for you. Pa'd want you to have it. You ain't got no business parting from this watch now. You needs all your valuables to sell for that tax money. Do you think l'd sell Pa's watch? And don't cry. l can stand everybody's tears but yours. Oh, Mammy, Mammy! You've been brave so long. You just gotta go on being brave. -Think about your Pa like he used to be. -l can't think about Pa. l can't think of anything but that $300. Ain't no good thinking about that. Ain't nobody got that much money. Nobody but Yankees and Scalawags got that much money now. Rhett. Who that? A Yankee? Oh, Mammy, l'm so thin and pale. . . . . .and l haven't any clothes. Go and get Ma's old box of dress patterns. -What you up to? -You'll make me a new dress. Not with Miss Ellen's portiéres! Great balls of fire! They're my portiéres now. l'm going to Atlanta for $300, and l've got to look like a queen. -Who's going with you? -l'll go alone. That's what you think! l's going with you and that new dress. -Mammy, darling. -No use to try to sweet talk me. l knows you since l put diapers on you. l said l's going with you, and going l is! Kings in trade, eh? Too good for me, major. lt's a pity the war wasn't a poker game. You'd done better than Grant, with far less effort. What is it? There's a lady to see Captain Butler. Says she's his sister. Another sister? This is a jail not a harem, captain. No, she ain't one of those. She's got her mammy with her. She has? l'd like to see this one, major. Without her mammy. Let's see, my losses for the afternoon come to what? Three hundred and forty? My debts do mount up, don't they, major? All right, corporal, show Captain Butler's ''sister'' to his cell. Thank you, major. Excuse me, gentlemen. lt's hard to be strict with a man who loses money so pleasantly. -Rhett! -Scarlett! My dear little sister! lt's all right, corporal. My sister has brought me no files or saws. Can l really kiss you? On the forehead, like a brother. No, thanks. l'll wait and hope for better things. l was so distressed when l heard you were in jail. l couldn't sleep for thinking. lt's not true they'll hang you? Would you be sorry? Well, don't worry yet. They trumped up a charge, but they really want my money. They think l made off with the Confederate treasury. -Well, did you? -What a leading question. Let's not talk about things like money. How good of you to come and see me. And how pretty you look! How you do run on, teasing a country girl like me. Thank heavens you're not in rags. l'm tired of women in rags. Turn around. You look good enough to eat, and prosperous. l've been doing very well. Everyone's well at Tara, only. . . . . .l got so bored, l thought l'd treat myself to a visit to town. You're heartless, but that's part of your charm. You've got more charm than the law allows. l didn't come to talk silliness about me. l was so miserable at the thought of you in trouble. l was mad at you when you left me on the road to Tara. -And l still haven't forgiven you. -Don't say that. Well, l must admit l might not be alive now, only for you. When l think of myself with anything l could possibly hope for. . . . . .not a care in the world, and you here in this horrid jail. And not even a human jail, Rhett, a horse jail! Listen to me trying to make jokes. . . . . .when l really want to cry. ln a minute l shall cry. Can it be possible that-- Can what be possible, Rhett? That you've grown a woman's heart? A real woman's heart. l have, Rhett. l know l have. lt's worth being in jail just to hear you say that. lt's well worth it. You can drop the moonlight and magnolia. Things have been going well at Tara? What've you done with your hands? -l went riding without my gloves-- -You've been working like a field hand! Why did you lie, and what are you up to? -l almost believed you cared. -But l do care! Let's get down to the truth. You want something enough. . . . . .to put on quite a show in your velvets. What is it? Money? l want $300 to pay the taxes on Tara. l lied when l said everything was all right. Things are as bad as they possibly could be. And you've got millions. What collateral do you have? -My earbobs. -Not interested. -Mortgage on Tara. -What would l do with a farm? -l'd pay you out of next year's cotton. -Not good enough. You once said you loved me. lf you still love me. . . . You haven't forgotten, l'm not a marrying man. No, l haven't forgotten. You're not worth $300. You'll never mean anything but misery to any man. l don't care what you say, only give me the money. l won't let Tara go! l can't while there's a breath left in my body. Won't you please give me the money? l couldn't if l wanted to. My funds are in Liverpool, not Atlanta. lf l drew a draft, they'd be on me like a duck on a June bug. So you see, my dear, you've abased yourself to no purpose. Here, here. Stop it! You want the Yankees to see you like this? Take your hands off me, you skunk! You knew what l wanted. You knew you wouldn't lend me the money, and you let me go on! l enjoyed hearing what you had to say. Cheer up. Come to my hanging, l'll put you in my will. l'll come to your hanging! l'm just afraid they won't hang you in time to pay the taxes on Tara! Tell him Belle Watling. Where you been? l thought you deserted Captain Butler. l keep myself occupied. Help me out. Who that? l ain't never see'd hair that color before in my life. You know a dyed-haired woman? Wish l knew that one. She'd get my money for me. Whatever they done to you in there. . . . . .they didn't do no more than you deserve for visiting white trash. -Fresh and green. -Right off the farm. -What you doing tonight, Susie? -That's one of those Georgia peaches! Nothing like that in Ohio. -You know what we're gonna do? -What? We're gonna give every one of you 40 acres and a mule. -And a mule? -40 acres and a mule! Because we're your friend. And you're gonna become voters and vote like your friends do! -What's your hurry? -What's come over this town? Yankees have come over it. Same as they've come over all of them. Out of our way, trash! Get out of the way here! Get away! Go on. lt can't be Miss Scarlett! -Frank Kennedy! -And Mammy. lt's good to see home folks. -l didn't know you were in Atlanta. -l didn't know you were. Didn't Suellen tell you about my store? Did she? l don't remember. Have you a store? -This? -Won't you come in, look around a bit? l don't suppose it looks like much to a lady. . . . . .but l can't help being proud of it. -You're not making money? -Well, l can't complain. ln fact, l'm mighty encouraged. Folks tell me l'm just a born merchant. Won't be long before Miss Suellen and l can marry. -Are you doing as well as all that? -Yes, l am. l'm no millionaire yet. . . . . .but l've cleared $1 000 already. And lumber too. -That's only a sideline. -A sideline, Frank? With all the good Georgia pine around Atlanta, and all this building? Well, all that takes money, Miss Scarlett. . . . . .and l gotta think about buying a home. Why would you want a home? For Suellen to set up housekeeping. Here in Atlanta. You'd want to bring her to Atlanta. There wouldn't be much help in that for Tara. l don't know what you mean. l don't mean a thing. How'd you like to drive me to my Aunt Pitty's? Nothing'd give me more pleasure. You better stay to supper. Aunt Pitty'd be agreeable, and l'd like a long visit. You act on me just like a tonic, Miss Scarlett. And will you tell me all the news. . . . . .of Miss Suellen? What's the matter? Miss Suellen's not ill, is she? Oh, no, no. l thought surely she had written you. l guess she was ashamed to write you. She should be ashamed. How awful to have such a mean sister. You must tell me. Don't leave me on tenterhooks. Well, she's going to marry one of the county boys next month. She got tired of waiting, was afraid she'd be an old maid and. . . . l'm sorry to be the one to tell you. lt's cold, and l left my muff at home. Would you mind if l put my hand in your pocket? But, Melanie, you don't realize what she's done! She's gone and married my Mr. Kennedy! He's my beau and she's married him! She did it to save Tara. l hate Tara! l hate Scarlett! She's the only thing l hate worse than Tara! lt's all my fault. l should've committed robbery to get that tax money for you. l couldn't let you do anything like that. Anyway, it's done now. Yes, it's done now. You won't let me do anything dishonorable. . . . . .yet you'd sell yourself in marriage to a man you didn't love. You won't have to worry about my helplessness anymore. What do you mean? l'm going to New York. l've arranged for a position in a bank. But you can't do that. l counted on you to help me start a lumber business and. . . . l counted on you. l don't know anything about the lumber business. You know as much as you do about banking. . . . . .and l'd give you half the business. That's generous of you, Scarlett. But it isn't that. lf l go to Atlanta and take help from you again. . . . . .l'd bury any hope of ever standing alone. Oh, is that all? You could gradually buy the business, and then it would be your own and-- No, Scarlett. Scarlett, what is it? Ashley's so mean and hateful! What have you done? She wanted me to go to Atlanta. To help me start my lumber business. And he won't help me! How unchivalrous of you. Why, think, Ashley, think! lf it hadn't been for Scarlett, l'd have died in Atlanta. . . . . .and maybe we wouldn't have little Beau. When l think of her picking cotton and plowing. . . . . .just to keep food in our mouths, l could just-- Oh, my darling. All right, Melanie. l'll go to Atlanta. l can't fight you both. Come on, lift them feet! There's your new mill hands, Mrs. Kennedy. The pick of all the best jails in Georgia. -They look thin and weak, Gallegher. -Halt! They're the best you can lease. lf you'll give Johnnie Gallegher a free hand. . . . . .you'll get what you want out of them. All right, you're the foreman. Just keep the mill running and deliver my lumber when l want it. Johnnie Gallegher's your man, miss. But remember. . . . . .no questions and no interference. That's a bargain. Start in the morning. Come on, get a move on there! But this isn't right, and you know it. Bad enough to be a businesswoman-- Why do you complain? You wouldn't own a mill if l didn't take over. But l didn't want the mill. We couldn't buy it if you hadn't pressed our friends for their debts. lsn't that right? Are you running a charitable institution? Go back to the store, and go home and take your medicine. Sugar, don't you think--? Great balls of fire! Don't bother me. And don't call me ''sugar. '' All right. All right. Good night, Ashley. My, my! She can get mad quicker than any woman l ever saw. l don't like to interfere. . . . . .but l wish you'd let me hire darkies and not use convicts. We could do better. Darkies' pay would break us. Convicts are cheap. lf we give Gallegher a free hand-- A free hand? That means he'll starve and whip them. Didn't you see them? Some are sick. How you do run on. lf l let you alone, you'd give them chicken. . . . . .and tuck them in with quilts. l won't make money out of the enforced labor and misery of others. You didn't mind owning slaves. That was different. We didn't treat them that way. l'd have freed them when father died. . . . . .if the war hadn't already freed them. l'm sorry, Ashley. Do you forget what it's like without money? Money is the most important thing in the world. l don't intend to be without it again. l'll make enough the only way l know how so the Yankees can't take Tara. We're not the only Southerners who've suffered. Look at all our friends. They're keeping their honor and kindness. And they're starving. l've no use for fools who won't help themselves. l know what they say about me. l don't care. l'll befriend Carpetbaggers and beat them at their own game. And you'll beat them with me. That's it. Pull it a little over to that side. -Afternoon, Mrs. Kennedy. -Good afternoon. -Business is certainly growing. -lt certainly is. You're doing business with the people. . . . . .who robbed us, tortured us and left us to starve. All that's past. l intend to make the best of things, even if they are Yankee things. And do you know that Dr. Meade actually saw her. . . . . .peddling lumber to Yankees herself? That isn't all. lt's shocking what she's doing to my brother. She's even taken to driving her own buggy. My dear Mrs. Kennedy. My very dear Mrs. Kennedy! l don't see how you have the gall to face me! You could've had my millions if you'd just waited a while. Oh, how fickle is woman! What is it you want? l have things to do. Will you satisfy my curiosity on a point which has always bothered me? Well, what is it? Tell me, do you never shrink from marrying men you don't love? How'd you get out of jail? Why didn't they hang you? Oh, that! There's nothing much that money won't buy. l observe it's even bought you the honorable Mr. Wilkes. So you still hate Ashley Wilkes. l believe you're jealous of him. You still think you're the belle of the county, the cutest trick in shoe leather. That every man is in love with you. Let me by. Don't be angry. Tell me, where are you going? -l'm going out to the mill. -Through Shantytown alone? lt's dangerous to drive alone through all that riffraff. Don't worry about me. l can shoot straight, if l don't have to shoot too far. What a woman! Give me a quarter. Let go of my horse! Hold this horse. -Let go! -Give me that gun. Help! Help! Wait! Miss Scarlett, wait! -lt's Sam! -Big Sam? Miss Scarlett, wait! ls you hurt, Miss Scarlett? Did they hurt you? Don't you cry. Big Sam will get you out of this in a jiffy. Horse, make tracks! Get to Tara as quick as you can and stay there. l will. l's had enough of them Carpetbaggers. Thank you, Mr. Frank. Goodbye, Miss Scarlett. Goodbye, Sam. Thank you. Change your dress and go over to Miss Melly's. l've got to go to a political meeting. How can you go to a political meeting after what l've been through? Oh, sugar. You're more scared than hurt. Nobody cares about me. You all act as though it were nothing at all. The men talk about protecting our women. . . . . .and then after what happened to me, Frank went to a political meeting. And if it won't pain you too much, lndia Wilkes. . . . . .tell me why you're staring at me. Has my face gone green? lt won't pain me. What happened today was just what you deserved. With any justice, you'd have gotten worse. -lndia, hush up. -Let her talk. She's always hated me. Ever since l took Charles away, though she won't admit it. lf she thought anybody'd notice, she'd walk the street naked. l do hate you! You've done all you could to lower the prestige of decent people. Now you've endangered the lives of our men because they've got to-- We'd better not say any more, or one of us will be saying too much. What's going on that l don't know about? Somebody's coming up the walk. Somebody that ain't Mr. Ashley. Will you hand me the pistol, Mrs. Meade? Whoever it is. . . . . .we know nothing. Where have they gone? Tell me. lt's life or death. Don't tell him. He's a Yankee spy. Quickly. There may be time. How'd you know? l played poker with Yankees. They knew there'd be trouble. They sent the cavalry out. Your men are walking into a trap. Don't tell him. He's trying to trap you. Out the Decatur road. The old Sullivan plantation. They're meeting in the cellar. l'll do what l can. What's this about? lf you don't tell me, l'll go crazy. We thought it best not to tell you. The men have gone to clean out the woods where you were attacked. lt's what many of our Southern men have had to do to protect us. And if they're captured, they'll be hanged. And it will be your fault. Another word and you must leave. Scarlett did what she had to do. Our men are doing what they think they have to do. Frank. . . . . .and Ashley. Oh, it isn't possible. There's horses, Miss Melly. Here they come. We're sewing, we're sewing! Open the door. Good evening, Mrs. Kennedy. Who is Mrs. Wilkes? l am Mrs. Wilkes. -l should like to speak to Mr. Wilkes. -He's not here. -Are you sure? -Don't you doubt Miss Melly's word! l meant no disrespect, Mrs. Wilkes. lf you give me your word, l won't search the house. Mr. Wilkes is at a political meeting at Mr. Kennedy's store. He's not at the store. There's no meeting tonight, no political meeting. We'll wait outside till he and his friends return. Surround the house. Put a man on each door and window. Keep on with your sewing, ladies. And l'll read aloud. The Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield. ''Chapter One. l am born. To begin my life with the beginning of my life, l record that l was born. . . . '' ''Chapter Nine. l have a memorable birthday. l pass over all that happened at school. . . . . .until the anniversary of my birthday came round in March. Except that Steerforth was more to be admired than ever, l remember nothing. He was going away at the end of the half-year. . . . . .if not sooner, and was more spirited and independent than before. And therefore, more engaging than before. . . . . .but beyond this, l remember nothing. The great--'' ''l remember nothing. '' Melly, they're drunk! Leave this to me, Scarlett. And, please, say nothing. You stupid fool! Quiet! Will you shut up, for the love of-- Hello, Melly. So you've got my husband intoxicated again. Well, bring him in. l'm sorry, your husband's under arrest. lf you arrest all the drunks in Atlanta, you must arrest a good many Yankees. Bring him in, Captain Butler, if you can walk yourself. -Wait. -l wanna tell you a story. Listen, doctor, l-- Put him down in that chair. Now, captain, please leave my house. . . . . .and try to remember not to come here again. That's fine thanks l get for bringing him home. . . . . .and not leaving him in this shameful condition. Now, boys, all together-- Dr. Meade! l'm astonished at you! How can you do this to me? l ain't so very drunk, Melly. Take him to the bedroom. Lay him out on the bed. -Don't touch him. He's under arrest. -Now, Tom. What do you want to arrest him for? l've seen him drunker. l've seen you drunker. And you've seen me-- He can lie in the gutter for all l care. l'm not a policeman. He led a raid on that Shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble. A lot of shanties were burned. A couple of men were killed. lt's time you rebels learned you can't take the law into your own hands. What are you laughing at? This isn't your night to teach that lesson. These two have been with me tonight. Yes, sir. With you, Rhett? Where? l don't like to say in the presence of ladies. You'd better say. Come out on the porch and l'll tell you. Speak out. l think l have a right to know where my husband's been. Well, ma'am. . . . . .we dropped in on a friend of mine. . . . . .and the captain's. Mrs. Belle Watling. We played cards and drank champagne. . . . Now you've done it. Did you have to show me up in front of my wife? l hope you're satisfied. These ladies won't be speaking with their husbands. Well, Rhett, l had no idea. Look here, will you take an oath that they were with you tonight at Belle's? Ask Belle if you don't believe me. She'll tell you. Will you give me your word, as a gentleman? As a gentleman? Why, certainly, Tom. Well, if l've made a mistake, l'm sorry. l hope you'll forgive me, Mrs. Wilkes. lf you'll leave us in peace. Well, l say l'm sorry. Well, l am sorry. Come on, sergeant. Lock that door. Pull down the shades. He's all right. lt's only in the shoulder. Get him on the bed where l can dress the wound. l think l can walk. lt's not worth the effort. Which way? ln here. Mammy, l want hot water. And lint for bandages. What can l use for a probe? lf l only had my bag. Were you really there? What did it look like? Does she have cut-glass chandeliers, plush curtains and dozens of mirrors? Good heavens, Mrs. Meade, remember yourself. Captain Butler, tell me what happened, all that happened. l was too late. When l got to the Sullivan place, there had already been a skirmish. l found Mr. Wilkes wounded, and Dr. Meade was with him. l had to prove they'd been somewhere, anyplace but where they were. -So l took them to Belle's. -And she took them in? She's by way of being an old friend of mine. l'm sorry-- l'm sorry l couldn't think up a more dignified alibi. This isn't the first time you've come between me and disaster. lt isn't likely that l'd question any device of yours. And now l'll go and see what Dr. Meade needs. Have you no interest in what's become of your own husband? Did Frank go with you to Belle Watling's? No. Where is he? He's lying out on Decatur Road. . . . . .shot through the head. He's dead. Who is it? lt's Mrs. Watling. Oh, Mrs. Watling. Won't you come in the house? Oh, no, l couldn't do that, Mrs. Wilkes. You come in and sit a minute with me. How can l thank you enough for what you did for us? l got your note saying you would call on me and thank me. Why, Mrs. Wilkes, you must have lost your mind. l came as soon as it was dark to say you mustn't think of any such thing. Why, l'm. . . . Well, you're. . . . lt wouldn't be fitting at all. lt wouldn't be fitting for me to thank a woman who saved my husband's life? Mrs. Wilkes, there ain't never been a lady nice to me like you was. l mean, about the money for the hospital. l don't forget a kindness. l thought about you being widowed with a little boy. . . . . .if Mr. Wilkes got hung. He's a nice little boy, your boy is, Mrs. Wilkes. l got a boy myself, so l. . . . You have? Does he live--? Oh, no, he ain't here in Atlanta. He ain't never been here. He's off at school. l ain't seen him since he was little. Anyways, if it had been that Mrs. Kennedy's husband by hisself. . . . . .l wouldn't have lifted a finger, no matter what Rhett said. She's a mighty cold woman. . . . . .prancing about Atlanta by herself. She killed her husband same as if she shot him. You mustn't say unkind things about my sister-in-law. Please don't freeze me, Mrs. Wilkes. l forgot how you liked her. She just ain't in the same class with you, and l can't help it if l think so. Well, anyways, l gotta be going. l'm scared somebody'll recognize this carriage if l stay any longer. That wouldn't do you no good. And, Mrs. Wilkes, if you ever see me on the street. . . . . .you don't have to speak to me. l'll understand. l should be proud to speak to you. Proud to be under obligation to you. l hope we meet again. Oh, no. That wouldn't be fitting. -Good night, Mrs. Wilkes. -Good night, Mrs. Watling. And you're wrong about Mrs. Kennedy. She's brokenhearted about her husband. Great balls of fire! lt's Rhett. Captain Butler here to see you. l told him you was prostrate with grief. Tell him l'll be right down, Mammy. She says she's coming. l don't know why she's coming, but she's coming. You don't like me, Mammy. Don't you argue with me. You don't. You really don't. lt's no good, Scarlett. -What? -The cologne. l don't know what you mean. l mean you've been drinking. Brandy. Quite a lot. Well, what if l have? ls that any of your affair? Don't drink alone. People always find out, and it ruins a reputation. What is it? This is more than losing old Frank. l'm so afraid. l don't believe it. You've never been afraid. l'm afraid now. l'm afraid of dying and going to hell. You look healthy. And maybe there isn't any hell. Oh, there is. l know there is. l was raised on it. Far be it from me to question the teachings of childhood. Tell me what you've done that hell yawns before you. l ought never to have married Frank. He was Suellen's beau, and he loved her, not me. And l made him miserable, and l killed him. Yes, l did. l killed him. Rhett, for the first time. . . . . .l'm finding out what it is to be sorry for something l've done. Here. Dry your eyes. lf you had it all to do over again, you'd do no differently. You're like the thief who isn't sorry he stole. . . . . .but he's terribly sorry he's going to jail. l'm glad Mother's dead. l'm glad she's dead so she can't see me. l always wanted to be like her, calm and kind. . . . . .and sadly, l've turned out disappointing. You know, Scarlett, l think you're on the verge of a crying jag. So l'll change the subject and say what l came to say. Say it, then, and get out! -What is it? -l can't go on any longer without you. You are the most ill-bred man to come here at a time-- l made up my mind you were the only woman for me. . . . . .the first day l saw you. Now you have a mill and Frank's money. . . . . .and won't come to me as you did to the jail. -So l see l shall have to marry you. -l never heard of such bad taste. Would you be convinced if l fell to my knees? Turn me loose and get out. Forgive me for startling you with my impetuous sentiments. . . . . .my dear Scarlett-- l mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy. But you must have noticed that for some time. . . . . .the friendship l've felt for you has ripened into a deeper feeling. A feeling more beautiful, more pure, more sacred. . . . Dare l name it? Can it be love? Get up. l don't like your common jokes. This is an honorable proposal. . . . . .made at what l consider a most opportune moment. l can't go all my life waiting to catch you between husbands. You're coarse and you're conceited. And l think this conversation's gone far enough. Besides, l shall never marry again. Oh, yes, you will. And you'll marry me. You? You? l don't love you. And l don't like being married. Ever think of marrying just for fun? Marriage, fun? Fiddle-dee-dee! Fun for men, you mean. Do you want them to hear you? You've been married to a boy and an old man. Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women? You're a fool, Rhett Butler. . . . . .when you know l shall always love another man. Stop it. You hear me? Stop it. No more of that talk. Don't. l shall faint. l want you to faint. This is what you're meant for. None of those fools have kissed you like this. Your Charles or your Frank or your stupid Ashley. Say you're going to marry me. Say yes. Say yes. Yes. Are you sure you meant it? You don't want to take it back? Look at me, and try to tell me the truth. Did you say yes because of my money? Well, yes, partly. Partly? Well, you know, Rhett, money does help. -And, of course, l am fond of you. -Fond of me? lf l said l was madly in love with you, you'd know l was lying. -You say we have a lot in common-- -Yes, you're right, my dear. l'm not in love any more than you are. Heaven help the man who ever really loves you. What kind of ring would you like? A diamond ring, and do buy a great big one. You'll have the biggest and most vulgar ring in Atlanta. l'll take you to New Orleans for the most expensive honeymoon. -That'd be heavenly. -l'll buy your trousseau for you too. How wonderful. . . . . .but you won't tell anybody, will you? Still the little hypocrite. Won't you kiss me goodbye? You've had enough kissing for one afternoon. You're impossible. You can go. l don't care if you never come back. But l will come back. What are you thinking about? l'm thinking about how rich we are. l can keep the lumber business too? Yes, of course you can, if it amuses you. Now that you're so rich, you can tell everybody to go to the devil. But you were the main one l wanted to go to the devil. Don't scrape the plate. l'm sure there's more in the kitchen. Can l have a chocolate one stuffed with meringue? lf you don't stop being a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy. And l'll divorce you. lt'd be nice if you bought something for Mammy. Why should l buy her a present when she called us both mules? Mules? Why mules? She said we could give ourselves air and get slicked up like racehorses. . . . . .but we were just mules in horse harness and we didn't fool anybody. l never heard anything more true. Mammy's a smart old soul. And one of the few people l know whose respect l'd like to have. -l won't give her a thing. -Then l'll take her a petticoat. My mammy said when she went to heaven, she wanted a red taffeta petticoat. . . . . .so stiff that it'd stand by itself. . . . . .and so rustley the Lord would say it's made of angels' wings. She won't take it from you. She'd rather die than wear it. That may be. But l'm making the gesture just the same. Wake up. Wake up! You were having another nightmare. Rhett, l was so cold and hungry and so tired. l couldn't find it. l ran through the mist and l couldn't find it. -Find what, honey? -l don't know. l always dream the same dream, and l never know. lt seems to be hidden in the mist. Darling. . . . Do you think l'll ever dream that l found it, and that l'm safe? Dreams don't work that way. When you get used to being safe and warm. . . . . .you'll stop dreaming that dream. And, Scarlett, l'm going to see that you are safe. Would you do something for me if l asked you? You know l would. Will you take me away from here? -Don't you like New Orleans? -l love New Orleans. . . . . .but l want to go home and visit Tara. Will you take me to Tara? Yes, Scarlett. Of course l will. We'll go tomorrow. You get your strength from this red earth of Tara. You're part of it and it's part of you. l'd give anything to have Tara the way it was before the war. Would you? Go ahead and make it that way. Spend whatever you want. Make it as fine a plantation as it ever was. You are good to me. Can we still have our big new house in Atlanta? Yes. And it can be as ornate as you want. Marble terraces, stained-glass windows. Won't everyone be jealous! l want everybody who's been mean to me to be pea-green with envy. l don't care. Scarlett's hateful. . . . . .building that new house just to show off! And even taking our servants! Oh, darling, you mustn't think unkindly of her. She's made it possible for us to keep Tara, always. And what good is Tara? She's had three husbands, and l'll be an old maid! Great Jehoshaphat! Great Jehoshaphat! Lordy, we sure is rich now. That's ridiculous! Why can't l go in? l'm entitled to see my own child. You control yourself. You'll be seeing it for a long time. l'd like to apologize about its not being a boy. Hush your mouth. Who wants a boy? Boys aren't any use. Don't you think l'm proof of that? Have a drink of sherry. Mammy, she is beautiful, isn't she? She sure is. You ever see a prettier one? Miss Scarlett was mighty near that pretty when she come, but not quite. Have another glass. What's that rustling noise l hear? Lordy, that ain't nothing but my red silk petticoat you done give me. Nothing but your petticoat? l don't believe it. Pull up your skirt. Mr. Rhett, you is bad. Yea, Lordy! You sure took a long enough time about wearing it. Yes, sir. Too long. No more mule in horse's harness? Miss Scarlett was bad telling you about that. You ain't holding that against Mammy, is you? l don't hold it against you. l just wanted to know. Have another glass. Take the whole bottle. Dr. Meade says you can go in now, Captain Butler. This sure is a happy day to me. l done diapered three generations of this family's girls. And it sure is a happy day. Oh, yes, Mammy. The happiest days are when babies come. l wish-- She's beautiful. What do you suppose they'll name her? Miss Scarlett told me if it was a girl. . . . . .she was going to name it Eugenia Victoria. She's a beautiful baby. The most beautiful baby ever. Do you know that this is your birthday? That you're a week old today? Yes, l'm going to buy her a pony, the likes of which. . . . . .this town has never seen. Yes, l'm going to send her to the best schools in Charleston. Yes, and her will be received by the best families in the South. And when it comes time for her to marry. . . . . .well, she'll be a little princess. Certainly making a fool of yourself. Why shouldn't l? She's the first person who's ever completely belonged to me. Great balls of fire! l had the baby, didn't l? -lt's Melanie. May l come in? -Come in. Yes, come in and look at my daughter's beautiful blue eyes. Most babies have blue eyes when they're born. Don't tell him anything. He knows everything about babies. Nevertheless, her eyes are blue and they'll stay blue. As blue as the Bonnie Blue flag. That's it. That's what we'll call her. ''Bonnie Blue Butler. '' Try again, Mammy. Twenty inches. Twenty inches. l've grown as big as Aunt Pitty. You simply gotta make it 1 8 1 /2 again. You done had a baby. And you ain't never gonna be no 1 8 1 /2 inches again. There ain't nothing to do about it. There is something to do about it. l'm just not going to get old and fat before my time. l just won't have any more babies. l heard Mr. Rhett say that he'd be wanting a son next year. Tell Captain Butler l decided not to go out. l'll have supper in my room. l got your message. l'll have them bring my supper up here too. No objections to that, l hope? No. Yes. l mean, l don't care where you have your supper. You see. . . . Well, l've decided. . . . Well, l hope l don't have any more children. My pet, as l told you before Bonnie was born. . . . . .it's immaterial to me whether you have one child or 20. No, but you know what l. . . . Do you know what l mean? l do. And do you know l can divorce you for this? You're low enough to think of that. lf you had any chivalry in you, or were nice. . . . Look at Ashley Wilkes. Melanie can't have any more children and he. . . . You've been to the lumber office this afternoon. What has that got to do with it? Quite the little gentleman, Ashley. Pray, go on, Mrs. Butler. lt's no use. You wouldn't understand. You know, l'm sorry for you. Sorry for me? Sorry for you because you throw away happiness with both hands. . . . . .and reach out for unhappiness. l don't know what you mean. lf you were free and Melly were dead and you had your precious Ashley. . . . . .do you think you'd be happy? You'd never know him, never even understand his mind. . . . . .any more than you understand anything, except money. Never mind about that. l want-- You may keep your sanctity. lt'll work no hardship on me. You don't care? The world is full of many things and people. . . . . .and l shan't be lonely. l will find comfort elsewhere. Well, that's fine. But l warn you, in case you change your mind, l intend to lock my door. Why bother? lf l wanted to come in, no lock could keep me out. l knew most women were cheats. . . . . .hypocritical and hard, but this one. . . . -lt ain't no use. -What do you mean? l mean you're poisoned with her. l don't care what she's done to you. You're still in love with her. -lt pleasures me none to say it. -Maybe so, but l'm through with her. You've gotta think of the child. Child's worth 1 0 of the mother. You're a shrewd woman, Belle. And a very nice one. Yes, Rhett? l was just thinking of the difference between you and. . . . You're both hardheaded businesswomen, and successful. But you've got a heart, Belle. And you're honest. Goodbye, Rhett. Goodbye, Belle. She'll be a wonderful horsewoman. Look at those hands. And that seat! Oh, fiddle-dee-dee! Why we have to wheel a baby when we have servants-- -Good morning, Mrs. Merriwether. -Good morning, Captain Butler. Good morning, Scarlett. Making fools of ourselves in front of these buffaloes. lf you'd thought of your position, you wouldn't have to. But as it is, we're going to cultivate every female dragon of the Old Guard-- -Good morning, Mrs. Whiting. -Good morning, Captain Butler. Good morning, Scarlett. So the millionaire speculator is turning respectable. Money can't buy what l want for Bonnie. l'll admit l've been at fault too. Bonnie will have a place among decent people. Even if we both have to crawl on our bellies to every fat old cat-- Good morning, Mrs. Meade. Good morning, Captain Butler. Good morning, Scarlett. Mrs. Merriwether, l have great regard for your knowledge. -Could you give me some advice? -Certainly. Bonnie sucks her thumb. l can't stop her. You should make her stop! lt'll ruin the shape of her mouth. She has such a beautiful mouth. -l tried putting soap on her nails. -Soap? Put quinine on her thumb and she'll stop sucking it quick enough. Quinine! l never would have thought of it. l can't thank you enough. You've taken a great load off my mind. Good morning. Good morning, Dolly. Wasn't that Captain Butler? Good morning, Caroline. l was just thinking. . . . . .there's a great deal of good in a man who would love a child so much. But of course there is. Fanny Elsing told Dr. Meade that Captain Butler finally admitted. . . . . .that he was honored for his services at the Battle of Franklin. Did l tell you that Captain Butler made. . . . . .a stupendous contribution to the Association for the Beautification. . . . . .of the Graves of the Glorious Dead? My grandbaby, Napoleon Picard, is giving a party for Bonnie next week. Why, Dolly Merriwether, it was my idea to give a party for Bonnie. Why, Caroline Meade, how can you say a thing like that? Watch Daddy put your pony over it, Bonnie. Now, watch! Daddy, let me! Let me! All right, darling. Put her on, Pork. Up we go! Oh, there! Lordy mercy! There he goes again. Grip tightly with your legs. Lean forward and go with him. Hold your reins properly in a firm hand. Up! That was fine. l knew you'd do it. When you're older, we'll go to Kentucky and Virginia. You'll be the best horsewoman in the South. Give your daddy a kiss. Did you see her? Wasn't she wonderful? Mr. Rhett, l done told you and told you. . . . . .it ain't fittin' for a girl to ride astraddle with her dress flying up. All right. l'll teach her to ride sidesaddle. l'll buy her a blue velvet riding habit. She'll love that. A nice black broadcloth is what girls wear. Now, Mammy, be reasonable. Well, l don't think it's fittin', but. . . . lt ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin' . lt ain't fittin' . Why, Scarlett, what are you doing downtown at this time of day? Well, l just-- Why aren't you helping Melly with my surprise birthday party? Why, you aren't supposed to know anything about that. Melly'd be disappointed if you weren't surprised. l won't let on. l'll be the most surprised man in Atlanta. Let me show you the books. . . . . .so you can see how bad a businessman l am. Don't let's fool with any books today. When l'm wearing a new bonnet. . . . . .all the figures l ever knew go right out of my head. Figures are well lost when the bonnet's as pretty as that. Scarlett, you know, you get prettier all the time. You haven't changed a bit since our last barbecue at Twelve Oaks. . . . . .where you sat under a tree surrounded by dozens of beaus. That girl doesn't exist anymore. Nothing's turned out as l expected, Ashley. Nothing. Yes, we've traveled a long road since the old days, haven't we? The lazy days. . . . . .the warm, still, country twilight. . . . . .the high, soft Negro laughter from the quarters. . . . . .the golden warmth and security of those days. Don't look back, Ashley. Don't look back. lt drags at your heart till. . . . . .you can't do anything but look back. l didn't mean to make you sad, my dear. l never want you to be anything but completely happy. Who is it? Only your husband. Come in. Am l actually being invited into the sanctuary? You're not ready for Melanie's party. l've got a headache. You go without me and make my excuses to Melanie. What a white-livered little coward you are! You're going to that party and you'll have to hurry. -Has lndia dared--? -lndia has. -Everyone in town knows the story. -Kill them for spreading lies. l don't kill people who tell the truth. No time to argue. l won't go! l can't go until this misunderstanding clears up. You won't cheat Melly out of publicly ordering you out of her house. There was nothing wrong. lndia hates me so. l can't go. lf you don't show your face tonight, you'll never be able to again. l don't care, but you won't ruin Bonnie's chances. You're going to that party, for her sake. Get dressed. Wear that. Nothing modest or matronly will do for this occasion. And put on plenty of rouge. l want you to look your part tonight. For he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow For he's a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny -Good night, Scarlett. -But, Rhett-- You're going into the arena alone. The lions are hungry. Don't leave me. Don't. You're not afraid? What a lovely dress, darling. lndia wasn't able to come. Will you be an angel? l do need you to help me receive my guests. Mrs. Meade. . . . . .here's our darling Scarlett. -Good evening. -Good evening. -Why, Scarlett. -Good evening. Ashley, aren't you going to get our Scarlett a glass of punch? Did you have a good time at Miss Melly's party? Yes. Now, Mammy, be sure and leave word. lf Captain Butler asks for me when he comes back, l'm asleep. Come in, Mrs. Butler. Come here. Sit down. No reason you shouldn't have a nightcap, even if l am here. l didn't want a drink. l heard a noise-- You heard nothing of the kind. You wouldn't have come if you thought l was here. -You must need a drink badly. -l do not. Take it. Don't give yourself airs. l know you drink on the quiet, and l know how much you drink. Do you think l care if you like your brandy? -You're drunk and l'm going to bed. -l'm very drunk. . . . . .and l intend getting still drunker before the evening's over. But you're not going to bed. Not yet. Sit down. So she stood by you, did she? How's it feel to have the woman you've wronged cloak your sins? You're wondering if she knows all about you and Ashley. You're wondering if she did it just to save face. You're thinking she's a fool for doing it, even if it saved your hide-- -l will not listen. -Yes, you'll listen. Miss Melly's a fool, but not the kind you think. She has too much honor to conceive of dishonor in anyone she loves. And she loves you. Though just why she does, l'm sure l don't know. lf you weren't so drunk and insulting, l could explain everything. -As it is, though-- -You get out of that chair once more. . . . Of course, the comic figure in all this is the long-suffering Mr. Wilkes. Mr. Wilkes, who can't be mentally faithful to his wife. . . . . .and won't be unfaithful to her technically. -Why doesn't he make up his mind? -Rhett, you-- Observe my hands, my dear. l could tear you to pieces with them. And l'd do it if it'd take Ashley out of your mind forever. But it wouldn't. So l'll remove him from your mind forever, this way. l'll put my hands so. One on each side of your head. And l'll smash your skull between them like a walnut. And that'll block him out. Take your hands off me, you drunken fool! You know, l've always admired your spirit, my dear. Never more than now, when you're cornered. l'm not cornered. You'll never corner me or frighten me. You've lived in dirt so long, you can't understand anything else. You're jealous of something you can't understand. Good night. Jealous, am l? Yes, l suppose l am. Even though l know you've been faithful to me all along. How do l know? Because l know Ashley Wilkes and his honorable breed. They're gentlemen. That's more than l can say for you or for me. We're not gentlemen. And we have no honor, have we? lt's not that easy, Scarlett. You turn me out while you chase Ashley, while you dream of Ashley. This is one night you're not turning me out. How are you feeling this morning? Well, this misery in my back. . . . . .ain't so good. You act mighty happy this morning. l am, Mammy. l am. Oh, she wept with delight When he gave her a smile And trembled with fear at his frown Hello. l'd like to extend my apology for my conduct of last night. Oh, but, Rhett. l was very drunk. . . . . .and quite swept off my feet by your charms. You needn't bother to apologize. Nothing you do surprises me. l've been thinking, and l believe it would be better for both of us. . . . . .if we admitted we made a mistake and got a divorce. -A divorce? -Yes. There's no point in holding on to each other. l'll provide for you. You've plenty of grounds. Just give me Bonnie, and you can say what you please. Thank you, but l wouldn't dream of disgracing the family with a divorce. You'd disgrace it if Ashley were free. Makes my head spin to think how quickly you'd divorce me. Wouldn't you? Answer me. Wouldn't you? Please go now and leave me alone. l'm going. That's what l came to tell you. l'm going on a very extended trip to London. And l'm leaving today. l'm taking Bonnie with me. Please get her duds packed right away. You'll never take my child out of this house. She's my child too. You're mistaken if you think l'm leaving her here. . . . . .with a mother who doesn't consider her reputation. You're a fine one to talk. You think l'll let her out when you'll have her around people like Belle? lf you were a man, l'd break your neck for that. l'll thank you to shut your mouth. As for you giving yourself airs about motherhood. . . . . .a cat's a better mother than you are. Have her things packed for me in an hour, or l warn you. . . . . .l've always thought a lashing with a whip would benefit you immensely. Excuse me, Mr. Rhett. -Hello, Uncle Rhett. -Hello, Beau. Daddy, where have you been? l've been waiting for you all morning. l've been hunting for a rabbit skin to wrap my little Bonnie in. Give your best sweetheart a kiss. l'm going to take you on a long trip to fairyland. Where? Where? l'll show you the Tower of London, where the little princes were. . . . . .and London Bridge. London Bridge? Will it be falling down? Well, it will if you want it to, darling. Daddy, dark! Dark! lt's all right, Bonnie. Who put out that light? Nurse! What's the matter with my Bonnie? A bear! A bear? A big bear? Dreadful big! And he sat on my chest! l'll stay here and shoot him if he comes back. Good evening, Mr. Butler. l told you never to leave this child alone in the dark. Children are often afraid of the dark, but they get over it. Let her scream for a night-- Let her scream? Either you're a fool or an inhuman woman. lf you want her to grow up cowardly-- Cowardly? There isn't a cowardly bone in her body. You're discharged. As you say, sir. Where's Mother? Aren't you happy here in London with me? l wanna go home. Miss Bonnie! And Captain Butler! Hello, Mammy! Honey child! Miss Scarlett, they's back. They's back! Bonnie! Bonnie, baby. Darling baby! You glad to be home? Daddy gave me a kitten. But London's a horrid place. Where's my pony? l wanna go out and see my pony. You go out and see your pony. Where's my pony? l want to go out and see my pony. You run along with Mammy. Come on, honey child. Mammy sure missed you, honey. Mrs. Butler, l believe. Mammy said you'd come back. Only to bring Bonnie. Apparently any mother, even a bad one, is better than none. You're going away again? What perception, Mrs. Butler. Right away. ln fact, l left my bags at the station. You're looking pale. ls there a shortage of rouge? Or can this wanness mean you've been missing me? lf l'm pale, it's your fault. Not because l've been missing you, but because. . . . Pray continue, Mrs. Butler. lt's because l'm going to have a baby. lndeed. And who's the happy father? You know it's yours. l don't want it any more than you do. No woman would want the child of a cad like you. l wish it were anybody's child but yours! Well, cheer up. Maybe you'll have an accident. ls she better? Has she asked for me? Don't you understand? She's delirious. Rhett. . . . l want Rhett! What's the matter, honey? Did you call somebody, child? lt's no use. lt's no use! Dr. Meade's left. -Scarlett's dead. -Oh, no, she's much better. Really she is. There, there, Captain Butler, you're beside yourself. She'll very soon be well again. l promise you. She never wanted this baby. Not want a baby? Why, every woman wants a baby. You do, but she doesn't. Not my children. She told me she didn't want any more. l wanted to hurt her because she'd hurt me. And l did. You mustn't tell me these things. lt's not fair to-- l didn't know about this baby until she fell. lf l'd only known, l'd have come straight home. Well, of course you would. And then when she told me there on the steps, what did l do? What did l say? l laughed and l said-- But you didn't mean it. l know you didn't mean it. But l did mean it. l was crazy with jealousy. She's never cared for me. l tried to make her care, but l couldn't. You're so wrong. Scarlett loves you a great deal. Much more than she knows. lf that were true, l'd wait forever. lf she'd only forgive me. She will. You must be patient. No, it's not possible. lf you only knew who she really loved-- You wouldn't believe it. Surely you haven't listened to idle gossip. No, Captain Butler. l wouldn't believe it. There, there. Scarlett's going to get well, and there can be other babies. She couldn't even if she wanted to. But of course she could! l'm going to. No, Miss Melly, you mustn't risk it. lt's too dangerous. Children are life renewing itself, Captain Butler. And when life does that, danger seems very unimportant. l've never before known anyone who was really brave. l pray God things go well with you, Miss Melly. And l want to thank you for all you've done for me and for Scarlett. From my heart, l thank you. Miss Scarlett's feeling a heap better today, Mr. Rhett. Thank you, Mammy. l've come to ask your forgiveness. . . . . .hoping our life together has another chance. Our life together? When did we ever have a life together? Yes, you're right. But l'm sure if we could only try again, we could be happy. What is there to make us happy now? Well, there's Bonnie. . . . . .and l love you, Scarlett. When did you discover that? l've always loved you, but you've never given me a chance to show it. And just what do you want me to do? To begin with, give up the mill, Scarlett. We'll go away. We'll take Bonnie and have another honeymoon. Give up the mill? lt's making more money than ever. l know, but we don't need it. Sell it. Or give it to Ashley. Melanie's been such a friend to us. Melanie! lf you'd only think more about me! l am thinking of you. And l'm thinking that. . . . . .maybe the mill's taking you away from me and Bonnie. l know what you're thinking. Don't bring Bonnie into it. -You're taking her away from me. -But she loves you. You've made her love you and not me. She's so spoiled now, that-- Mommy, Daddy! Watch me. We're watching, darling. You're mighty pretty, precious. So are you. l'm going to jump. Watch me, Daddy. l don't think you ought to do much jumping yet. You just learned to ride sidesaddle. l will so jump. l can jump better than ever, because l've grown. l moved the bar higher. Don't let her do it. No, Bonnie, you can't. lf you fall off, don't cry and blame me! Rhett, stop her. She's just like Pa. Just like Pa. . . ! Lordy, Miss Melly. l sure is glad you's come. This house won't seem the same without Bonnie. How's Miss Scarlett bearing up? Miss Melly, this here's done broke her heart. l didn't fetch you on Miss Scarlett's account. What that child got to stand, the good Lord give her strength to stand. lt's Mr. Rhett l's worried about. He done lost his mind these last couple of days. l ain't never seen no man, black or white, set such store on any child. When Dr. Meade say her neck broke. . . . . .Mr. Rhett grabbed his gun and run out and shoot that poor pony. And for a minute, l think he gonna shoot hisself. Oh, poor Captain Butler. Miss Scarlett called him a murderer for teaching that child to jump. She said, ''You give me my baby what you killed. '' And then he say Miss Scarlett ain't never cared nothing about Miss Bonnie. lt like to turn my blood cold, the things they say to one another. Stop, Mammy, don't tell me any more. And then that night. . . . . .Mr. Rhett, he locked hisself in the nursery with Miss Bonnie. He wouldn't open the door when Miss Scarlett beat on it and hollered. And that's where he's been for two whole days. This evening, Miss Scarlett shouted through the door and said. . . . . . ''The funeral's set for tomorrow. '' He says, ''You try that, and l kills you tomorrow. Do you think l's gonna put my child. . . . . .in the dark when she's so scared of it?'' -He has lost his mind! -Yes'm, that's the God's truth. He ain't gonna let us bury that child. You gotta help us. But l can't intrude. lf you can't help us, who can? Mr. Rhett always set great store by your opinion. Please, Miss Melly. l'll do what l can, Mammy. Get away from that door and leave us alone. lt's Mrs. Wilkes, Captain Butler. Please let me in. l've come to see Bonnie. Oh, Lord, please help Mr. Rhett in this hour of his grief. l want you to make a good deal of strong coffee. . . . . .and bring it up to Captain Butler. l'll go and see Miss Scarlett. Captain Butler's willing for the funeral to take place tomorrow morning. Hallelujah! l expect the angels fights on your side, Miss Melly. Send for Dr. Meade, Mammy. And try. . . . . .try to get me home. Where is my mother going away to? And why can't l go along, please? We can't always go along, Beau, as much as we may want to. You're going back to bed now. She can't be dying. She can't be. She hasn't your strength. She's never had any. -She's never had anything but heart. -You knew that too? Why do l have to go back to bed? lt's morning. lt isn't really morning yet. You may come in now, Scarlett. Dr. Meade, please let me see her. l've been waiting here two days. l've got to tell her that l was wrong about something. She knows you were wrong. She wants to see Scarlett. Miss Melly's going to die in peace. Don't ease your conscience. . . . . .telling her things that make no difference now. You understand? lt's me, Melly. Promise me? Anything. Look after my little son. l gave him to you once before. Remember? The day he was born. Please, Melly, don't talk this way. l know you'll get well. Promise me. . .college. Yes, and Europe, and a pony. Whatever he wants, but. . . . . .oh, Melly, do try. Ashley. . . . Ashley and you. . . . What about Ashley, Melly? Look after him for me. . . . . .just as you looked after me. . . . . .for him. l will, Melly. Look after him. . . . . .but never let him know. Good night. Promise? What else, Melly? Captain Butler. -Be kind to him. -Rhett? He loves you so. Yes, Melly. Goodbye. You ladies may come in now. l don't know where the mate to this is. She must've put it away. Stop it! Hold me. l'm so frightened! l'm so frightened! Scarlett, what can l do? l can't live without her. l can't! Everything l ever had is going with her. You really love her, don't you? She's the only dream l ever had that didn't die in the face of reality. Dreams. Always dreams with you. Never common sense. Scarlett, if you knew what l've gone through! Ashley, you should've told me years ago that you loved her and not me. And not left me dangling with your talk of honor. But you had to wait till now, now when Melly's dying. . . . . .to show me that l could never mean any more to you. . . . . .than this Watling woman does to Rhett. And l've loved something that doesn't really exist. But somehow. . . . . .l don't care. Somehow, it doesn't matter. lt doesn't matter one bit. Ashley, forgive me. Don't cry. She mustn't see you've been crying. Rhett, where are you? Rhett, wait for me! Rhett, wait for me! Come in. Melanie, she's. . .? Well, God rest her. She was the only completely kind person l ever knew. A great lady. A very great lady. So she's dead. That makes it nice for you, doesn't it? How can you say such a thing? You know how l loved her, really. No, l don't know that l do. lt's to your credit that you could appreciate her. Of course l appreciated her. She thought of everybody except herself. -Why, her last words were about you. -What did she say? She said, ''Be kind to Captain Butler. . . . . .he loves you so. '' -Did she say anything else? -She said. . . . She asked me to look after Ashley too. lt's convenient to have the first wife's permission, isn't it? What do you mean? What are you doing? l'm leaving you, my dear. All you need now is a divorce, and your dreams of Ashley can come true. No, you're wrong. Terribly wrong. l don't want a divorce. When l knew tonight, when l knew l loved you. . . . . .l ran home to tell you. Oh, darling, darling! Please don't go on with this. Leave us some dignity out of our marriage. Spare us this last. This last? Do listen to me! l must have loved you for years, only. . . . . .l was such a fool, l didn't know it. Please believe me. You must care. Melly said you did. l believe you. And what about Ashley Wilkes? l never really loved Ashley. You certainly gave a good imitation of it, up to this morning. No, Scarlett. l've tried everything. lf you'd met me halfway, even when l came back from London. l was so glad to see you. l was, Rhett, but you were so nasty. Then when you were sick, and it was all my fault. l hoped that you'd call for me. But you didn't. l wanted you. l wanted you desperately. . . . . .but l didn't think you wanted me. lt seems we've been at cross purposes, doesn't it? But it's no use now. As long as there was Bonnie, we had a chance to be happy. l liked to think that Bonnie was you, a little girl again. Before the war and poverty had done things to you. She was so like you. And l could pet her and spoil her, as l wanted to spoil you. But when she went, she took everything. Rhett, please don't say that. l'm so sorry. l'm so sorry for everything. My darling, you're such a child. You think that by saying, ''l'm sorry,'' all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never, in any crisis of your life, have l known you to have a handkerchief. Rhett, where are you going? l'm going to Charleston, back where l belong. Please take me with you. l'm through with everything here. l want peace. l want to see if somewhere. . . . . .there isn't something left in life of charm and grace. You know what l'm talking about? -l only know that l love you! -That's your misfortune. lf you go, where shall l go? What shall l do? Frankly, my dear, l don't give a damn. l can't let him go. l can't! There must be some way to bring him back. l can't think about this now. l'll go crazy if l do. l'll think about it tomorrow. But l must think about it! l must think about it. What is there to do? What is there that matters? You mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett, that Tara doesn 't mean anything? Land's the only thing that matters. It's the only thing that lasts. Something you love better than me, though you may not know it. Tara. It's where you get your strength, the red earth of Tara. Land's the only thing that matters. It's the only thing that lasts. Something you love better than me, though you may not know it. --from which you get your strength. Tara. Land's the only thing that matters. --the red earth of Tara. Tara! Home. l'll go home. And l'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day! English by rG |
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