Making of alien vs predator
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{T 00:00:11:36
(man) I've wanted to make an Alien movie
since I saw the first one at schooI.
{T 00:00:15:52
I crept into it cos I wasn't oId enough to see it
- and it scared the Iiving dayIights out of me.
{T 00:00:21:72
And I had a crush on Sigourney Weaver,
who I thought was the sexiest woman aIive.
{T 00:00:27:00
So I've been into Aliens right from the start.
{T 00:00:30:44
And I had an idea for
an ''AIien versus Predator'' movie
{T 00:00:34:64
pretty much as soon as I read
the first AVP comic books,
{T 00:00:39:04
which was right after Predator 2 came out.
{T 00:00:48:48
Aliens Vs Predator has its origins in a meeting
{T 00:00:51:80
where we were trying to think of a team-up
that we couId present to DC.
{T 00:00:55:52
We were starting to achieve
some notoriety as a company,
{T 00:00:59:84
we'd had a great success
with both the Aliens and the Predator books,
{T 00:01:04:72
and the reason we went after Predator is
we saw the traiIer on teIevision for the movie,
{T 00:01:11:52
and Randy and I just drove to the theatre cos
we wanted to dupIicate the success of Aliens.
{T 00:01:17:56
We Iiked the movie.
{T 00:01:19:24
We waIked out, I said to Randy,
''I know the sequeI. I know the comic book.''
{T 00:01:24:80
''We just saw predators in the jungIe,
{T 00:01:27:64
we'II put predators in the steeI jungIe
on the hottest day of the year.''
{T 00:01:31:48
We sat around and we fIeshed out a story
and did the Predator book.
{T 00:01:36:40
So we were Iooking to do a team-up with DC,
and Chris Warner, who's stiII here working,
{T 00:01:43:28
said, ''Why don't we just
use our own characters?''
{T 00:01:46:84
''AIiens and Predator are both
Fox characters. Let's put 'em together.''
{T 00:01:51:28
King Kong Vs Godzilla - cooI.
{T 00:01:53:64
We did the Iicence and we were very excited.
{T 00:01:56:52
After Alien, when Predator was out
and it was such a hit,
{T 00:01:59:72
we got a photo from the set
of the Predator 2 movie.
{T 00:02:03:40
Someone on the set sent it to me, and it was
a picture of an aIien head in the predator ship.
{T 00:02:09:88
It was a wink at the Alien Vs Predator comics
someone there thought it wouId be fun to do.
{T 00:02:16:48
We knew the movie
wouId come sooner or Iater
{T 00:02:18:96
because just the fan base
behind the property was so strong.
{T 00:02:24:04
You are one ugly mother...
{T 00:02:28:16
{T 00:02:30:24
{T 00:02:32:36
It was very difficuIt to try to bring them
together because between Predator and Alien
{T 00:02:37:40
there were six warring producers, and some
of the most powerfuI producers in HoIIywood.
{T 00:02:43:68
Once I had secured those rights, itjust
remained putting together a reaIIy great story.
{T 00:02:49:36
PauI Anderson waIked in my office one day
{T 00:02:52:24
and pitched me a story that
he'd wanted to do for eight years.
{T 00:02:55:48
He was aIso a Predator Vs Alien fan,
and he started to pitch me this story,
{T 00:03:01:12
and it was one of those stories, Iike Jaws,
thatjust drew you in and drew you in.
{T 00:03:21:08
This is a key image for the AVP movie.
{T 00:03:24:28
Something that's aIways fascinated me
is the work of Erich von Däniken,
{T 00:03:27:92
who wrote Chariots of the Gods?
and other books,
{T 00:03:30:44
who taIks about the simiIarities between
Egyptian, Cambodian and Aztec pyramids -
{T 00:03:38:04
three separate cuItures that reaIIy
have nothing to do with one another,
{T 00:03:41:84
that shouId never have seen each other,
{T 00:03:44:56
but they ended up buiIding pyramids
that Iook surprisingIy simiIar.
{T 00:03:49:16
Of course, Däniken's answer
was that aIiens buiIt the pyramids.
{T 00:03:52:56
Or humans buiIt the pyramids with aIien heIp.
And, of course, we agree with him.
{T 00:03:57:20
This shows exactIy how
the Aztec pyramids were buiIt.
{T 00:04:00:32
You've got predator spaceships
hovering above pyramids,
{T 00:04:04:04
you've got aII the Aztec priests
Iining up to worship their gods.
{T 00:04:10:04
And in Aztec mythoIogy they beIieved that
their gods came from the skies in giant ships.
{T 00:04:16:52
So those are the giant ships from the skies
{T 00:04:18:76
and these are their gods,
which are, of course, predators.
{T 00:04:21:56
That's the backbone of our story.
{T 00:04:24:04
The movie starts 5,000 years ago
in Cambodia 3,000 BC
{T 00:04:28:60
and you see aIiens and predators
on the Earth.
{T 00:04:32:00
And the idea is that predators
use the Earth for their manhood rituaIs.
{T 00:04:37:88
What happens is, every thousand years,
because predators have a very Iong Iife cycIe,
{T 00:04:43:08
they drop five teenage predators at a pyramid
and they have to fight aIiens for their survivaI.
{T 00:04:50:96
If they survive the battIe against aIiens,
they become men.
{T 00:04:56:04
Here is what happens when things
don't go quite so weII for the predators.
{T 00:05:00:20
So the idea is you'd start tight
on three predators fighting
{T 00:05:03:60
and, as you puII back,
you see that they're fighting aIiens.
{T 00:05:06:56
You think maybe there's six aIiens,
a dozen aIiens, maybe 20 aIiens.
{T 00:05:12:56
But as the camera continues to puII back
{T 00:05:14:92
you see there are hundreds and hundreds,
then thousands and thousands of aIiens
{T 00:05:19:80
swarming up this pyramid, trying
to get to these three surviving predators.
{T 00:05:23:84
Come even wider and
you just see so many of these things.
{T 00:05:28:00
They're Iike ants swarming over one another,
trying to get to the fresh meat at the top.
{T 00:05:33:28
You puII back so far, you see
the whoIe Aztec city is infested with aIiens.
{T 00:05:37:48
Then you go back to the predators -
there's no hope for them.
{T 00:05:40:44
One of them gets impaIed with an aIien taiI,
so they activate their seIf-destruct device.
{T 00:05:45:32
And here you have the atomic expIosion
from the seIf-destruct device,
{T 00:05:50:52
and eventuaIIy this wiII
sweep across the Aztec city.
{T 00:05:57:56
PauI pitched this story that was so scary
and so suspensefuI and so unraveIIing
{T 00:06:05:36
that by the end of the pitch I said,
''I'm gonna taIk Fox into doing this, PauI.''
{T 00:06:10:12
''I've heard 45 pitches on this movie.
I've heard 45 pitches from terrific writers.''
{T 00:06:16:80
In fact, I even hired a writing team
that had a good story,
{T 00:06:19:96
but wasn't abIe to execute it
in a way that was good enough.
{T 00:06:23:84
And on the first draft PauI naiIed it.
{T 00:06:26:60
{T 00:06:35:36
We're not quite in Antarctica.
It Iooks a IittIe Iike it.
{T 00:06:39:12
We're in Prague,
but it's bIoody coId in Prague.
{T 00:06:50:68
Our approach to the sets in the movie
was very much inspired by the originaI Alien.
{T 00:06:55:64
If you Iook at the originaI Alien,
as weII as affecting the design of the aIien,
{T 00:07:00:04
HR Giger aIso reaIIy affected
the Iook of the whoIe movie.
{T 00:07:04:84
And as a resuIt the Iook and design of the sets
was reaIIy Iike a character in the fiIm.
{T 00:07:10:84
We wanted the environment of the movie
in this fiIm to be as scary and as striking,
{T 00:07:16:20
but in a different way, as it was in Alien.
{T 00:07:19:52
That's why the movie's set in Antarctica -
{T 00:07:21:96
it's probabIy the most dangerous
and hostiIe environment on Earth.
{T 00:07:26:12
It's certainIy the cIosest on Earth you can get
to the surface of an aIien pIanet.
{T 00:07:30:44
It's notjust aIiens and predators trying to kiII
humans in this fiIm. It's aIso the environment.
{T 00:07:47:92
(Anderson) The first time I actuaIIy saw
a predator and an aIien in a room together
{T 00:07:52:76
in the ADI workshops was fantastic.
{T 00:07:56:12
It IiteraIIy sent chiIIs down my spine.
{T 00:07:59:68
That's what I've been
so excited about for ten years -
{T 00:08:03:32
the idea of seeing those two creatures
on the same piece of ceIIuIoid.
{T 00:08:09:00
One of the reasons why I decided
to go mainIy with peopIe in suits
{T 00:08:13:64
is because I preferred that Iook
to using a Iot of CG.
{T 00:08:17:44
For me, the strongest movies in
the Alien franchise are Alien 1 and Aliens.
{T 00:08:22:64
The reason for that and why
they stiII hoId up very weII now
{T 00:08:26:28
is that those creatures are reaIIy there -
{T 00:08:28:80
they're reaIIy in the frame
with Sigourney and with the others.
{T 00:08:34:40
Bruce here is working on a scuIpture of
the new predator mask based on this artwork.
{T 00:08:39:04
The idea is to come up with new predator
characters different from the originaI.
{T 00:08:43:20
The way we did that was to keep the overaII
shape of the predator heImet the same,
{T 00:08:47:84
but we've added a Iot of technicaI detaiIs,
{T 00:08:51:64
incIuding this pounded-metaI Iook
which is reminiscent of the originaI.
{T 00:08:56:96
Bruce is working in cIay now.
Once the scuIpture is done, it gets mouIded
{T 00:09:00:76
and then we make fibregIass copies that are
finished with the right paint and weathering
{T 00:09:06:68
to give it the Iook of aged metaI,
which is what the predator Iook is aII about.
{T 00:09:11:40
Andy is working on one of our predator
eIders, which shows up at the end of the fiIm.
{T 00:09:18:08
These are to Iook Iike predators
that have been around for centuries
{T 00:09:22:04
and gone through many fights.
{T 00:09:23:92
This is being done as a scuIpted appIiance
over the top of our base predator character.
{T 00:09:29:28
So we're adding age wrinkIes in the forehead,
piercings here, bigger tusks,
{T 00:09:34:52
and we'II end up putting decoration here
and scars aII over the face.
{T 00:09:39:84
Nick is working on the prototype of the wrist
computer from the first two Predator movies
{T 00:09:45:52
that the predator uses when
he starts the countdown sequence
{T 00:09:49:60
that uItimateIy Ieads to this thing bIowing up
and, in those cases, ending the movie.
{T 00:09:54:48
This is actuaIIy the first mock-up
that Nick created.
{T 00:09:57:92
It's just made out of cardboard, some foam.
{T 00:10:01:84
This is aII a Xerox copy
of the originaI artwork.
{T 00:10:06:16
We've aIso added the three eIements here
{T 00:10:08:96
that wiII project a hoIographic image
of the map or Iayout of the environment.
{T 00:10:14:36
That's something new on this piece.
{T 00:10:19:76
This is the gauntIet and the duaI-bIaded
weapon that the predator wears on his arm.
{T 00:10:26:00
This was aII basicaIIy started as
a cIay scuIpture
{T 00:10:28:68
which was then mouIded and cast,
in this case, in fibregIass,
{T 00:10:33:32
with the idea being that the Iook wiII be that
of metaI once it's finished, painted and aged.
{T 00:10:38:84
AIso, for something different, PauI Anderson
had us increase the Iength of those bIades,
{T 00:10:43:64
so now they shoot out four times as Iong
as we've ever seen them before.
{T 00:10:51:76
So this is the Iaser cannon - the weapon that
the predator uses, mounted on his backpack.
{T 00:10:59:24
What Eric is working on now
is a bit of an improvement on that system,
{T 00:11:03:80
where we have a mechanicaI arm.
{T 00:11:06:12
We're aIso gonna have different caIibres
of these Iaser cannons -
{T 00:11:10:04
a Iarger one and an even Iarger one
that the main character uses.
{T 00:11:13:84
So it has to be beefy enough
to take the weight of that gun
{T 00:11:16:76
and stiII give us performance capabiIities
swinging around and targeting on its victims.
{T 00:11:22:24
{T 00:11:25:84
This is the predator under-skuII.
{T 00:11:28:04
This is the mechanicaI skuII our actor,
Ian White, wiII wear under the predator skin.
{T 00:11:32:92
It's responsibIe for aII the faciaI articuIation
which is gonna bring that character to Iight.
{T 00:11:39:08
This is aII radio controI - it aII works
with radio signaIs to operate everything.
{T 00:11:43:60
ReaIIy, the big difference we've got over Iast
time is we have a wider range of movement.
{T 00:11:50:16
Servos have gotten smaIIer, more powerfuI,
so we can have more throw in the mandibIes.
{T 00:11:55:48
We've aIso got articuIation in the brows
and nose, hopefuIIy to give it more character.
{T 00:11:59:80
We don't wanna tamper with it too much - it's
such a recognisabIe character to start with.
{T 00:12:04:80
So reaIIy what we're trying to do is give it a
IittIe extra expression we haven't seen before.
{T 00:12:11:48
We've buiIt the hero aIien. It's a combination
hydrauIic and animatronic puppet.
{T 00:12:16:52
When this thing is up and running it wiII take
three puppeteers just to give it aII the moves.
{T 00:12:22:64
It wiII aIso take two more
to be abIe to operate the arms
{T 00:12:26:92
and a sixth person
operates the computer consoIe
{T 00:12:29:96
to make sure aII of the signaI information
is being transmitted properIy to the puppet
{T 00:12:34:68
and getting a corresponding signaI
back in return.
{T 00:12:37:52
It'II reaIIy give us a Iot more use.
{T 00:12:39:40
The movements are faster and
more powerfuI than what I can do in the suit.
{T 00:12:43:20
We can have aII of these fast, powerfuI, broad
moves, and do it aII day Iong if we need to
{T 00:12:49:12
without worrying about
the exhaustion factor creeping in.
{T 00:12:52:32
PIus, it gives us the opportunity to come up
with a body that's a bit more sIimmed down,
{T 00:12:57:32
a IittIe more skeIetaI in pIaces.
{T 00:12:59:48
The arms and Iegs are Ioose, they're fIoppy.
They can be puppeteered to give it more Iife.
{T 00:13:06:44
(Anderson) We've been carefuI to make sure
nothing in this fiIm contradicts what was said
{T 00:13:11:48
in RidIey's, Cameron's, Jean-Pierre Jeunet's
or David Fincher's movies.
{T 00:13:16:12
The aIien is the aIien and obeys the ruIes set
out in the Alien movies, as does the predator.
{T 00:13:21:84
That was one of the questions a Iot of peopIe
asked: ''How can you make a movie set now
{T 00:13:26:28
when Sigourney Weaver
onIy meets the aIien in 150 years' time?''
{T 00:13:30:16
And ''How can you have
Lance Henriksen in this movie now
{T 00:13:33:16
when he's in a movie in 150 years' time?
How can you do that?''
{T 00:13:37:40
I'm not back. I'm the beginning
of the stories that wiII happen in the future.
{T 00:13:42:40
So it's a prequeI to things
peopIe have aIready seen.
{T 00:13:50:44
(Anderson) The eviI corporation
in the Alien movies is WeyIand Yutani,
{T 00:13:54:92
and Lance, present day, is the owner
and the founder of the WeyIand Corporation.
{T 00:14:01:76
I am CharIes Bishop WeyIand and I have
biIIions. Made aII my money in robotics.
{T 00:14:08:24
(Anderson) The idea is, he is the creator. He is
Iike BiII Gates, his company is Iike Microsoft.
{T 00:14:14:16
It's aImost Iike Microsoft buiIding an android
of BiII Gates 50, 60 years in the future.
{T 00:14:19:68
SeVen days ago one of my satellites
oVer Antarctica discoVered this.
{T 00:14:25:80
The red lines indicate solid walls.
{T 00:14:29:24
My experts tell me it's a pyramid.
{T 00:14:33:12
So he puts this whoIe team together
to go and expIore it,
{T 00:14:36:32
and he thinks he's found
the Iost Iink in civiIisation.
{T 00:14:42:32
So they aII turn up there with
driIIing equipment and aII this hi-tech gear
{T 00:14:47:96
to driII a hoIe 2,000 feet in the ice,
onIy to find there's aIready a tunneI there.
{T 00:14:52:36
lt is my job to keep you aliVe on this
expedition, and l need your help to do that.
{T 00:14:57:12
They go into this underground pyramid and
they meet up with some pretty scary things.
{T 00:15:06:88
(Anderson) They discover the very heart
of the pyramid, the sarcophagus chamber,
{T 00:15:11:96
and in there they discover a sarcophagus,
{T 00:15:14:20
but instead of containing a body,
it contains three futuristic weapons,
{T 00:15:19:48
and these are
predator weapons, predator guns.
{T 00:15:22:88
Our humans don't reaIise
that by taking these guns
{T 00:15:25:52
they've put themseIves directIy in the battIe
between the aIiens and the predators.
{T 00:15:30:08
The predators are chasing them and the
aIiens are chasing them, so it's pretty hairy.
{T 00:15:41:48
(man) Come on!
{T 00:15:50:24
(Anderson) The thing that
reaIIy I Ioved about Alien
{T 00:15:53:76
was that movie doesn't have
a singIe weak cast member in it.
{T 00:15:57:72
Sigourney, Harry Dean Stanton,
Ian HoIm, John Hurt, Tom Skerritt.
{T 00:16:02:12
What a fantastic cast.
And the same with Aliens.
{T 00:16:05:60
When I first taIked to Fox about this picture,
one of the things I made cIear was
{T 00:16:10:60
that's what impressed me
about RidIey's and Cameron's movies,
{T 00:16:13:96
and that's what I wanted to do with this fiIm -
ensure there wasn't a singIe weak actor in it.
{T 00:16:19:12
The person I'm most excited about,
as a huge Alien fan,
{T 00:16:22:32
is, of course, working with Lance Henriksen.
{T 00:16:24:72
I'm Iike the oId geezer on the set and it's Iike,
''Here he is, CharIes Bishop WeyIand.''
{T 00:16:32:60
But they associate me with Bishop, so
I don't have to do much. They kinda Iike me.
{T 00:16:39:40
(Anderson) It's obviousIy very intimidating to
try and find a foIIow-up to Sigourney Weaver.
{T 00:16:44:76
One of the things we tried to do was not
to find someone to compete with Sigourney,
{T 00:16:50:08
but someone who'd be different to Sigourney,
who brought a different set of quaIities,
{T 00:16:55:44
cos we're making a different kind of picture.
{T 00:16:57:96
We're not trying to make Alien or Aliens again,
because I'd be a fooI to try and do that,
{T 00:17:03:24
cos those movies are cIassics, masterpieces.
{T 00:17:06:52
And I wanted a new actress
for a new kind of fiIm,
{T 00:17:10:76
and I think that's exactIy
what we found in Sanaa Lathan.
{T 00:17:13:76
This is a woman who I wanted to pIay.
She's awesome.
{T 00:17:19:04
I feeI Iike I'm Iearning a Iot from her.
{T 00:17:21:88
She's smart, she's a Ieader,
{T 00:17:28:04
she is quick, has quick instincts,
and she has Iots of integrity.
{T 00:17:37:04
She's awesome.
{T 00:17:39:28
So, you wanna hear about Bishop?
{T 00:17:42:64
- RaouI.
- Ra-ooI.
{T 00:17:44:72
{T 00:17:46:32
(Anderson) RaouI's onIy acted in one
big American movie: Under the Tuscan Sun.
{T 00:17:50:44
Of course he's a huge movie star in ItaIy,
{T 00:17:53:60
so it's impossibIe to go into
an ItaIian restaurant anywhere
{T 00:17:56:80
and not have everything grind to a haIt for an
hour whiIe everyone is introduced to RaouI.
{T 00:18:02:32
(Raoul) Each character is something
very speciaI, he has his own story,
{T 00:18:07:76
and I think you Iove the characters.
{T 00:18:09:92
That's something
very exciting about this script.
{T 00:18:13:88
He's a reaIIy charismatic actor.
I think he's potentiaIIy a massive movie star.
{T 00:18:19:24
The guy just exudes sex appeaI
and he's aIso got a rugged-Iike abiIity.
{T 00:18:23:80
He's one of those actors - it's great for him -
{T 00:18:27:04
he's Iike a guy's guy,
but aIso he's a Iadies' man as weII.
{T 00:18:42:16
(Anderson) We've buiIt big sets
and huge miniatures.
{T 00:18:45:76
The miniatures and sets
in this movie are enormous
{T 00:18:48:44
because I Iike the feeIing of reaIity
in a picture.
{T 00:18:53:88
I think that's what was reaIIy strong
about the finaI battIe in Aliens
{T 00:18:58:24
between Sigourney in the power Ioader
and the aIien queen,
{T 00:19:02:08
and the reason for that is
Cameron used miniatures.
{T 00:19:07:20
John Bruno, who's our
visuaI-effects supervisor, is just a genius.
{T 00:19:11:88
He's Cameron's guy who worked on
The Abyss, T2, True Lies, Titanic.
{T 00:19:16:92
He reaIIy is the best visuaI-effects
supervisor in the worId, I think.
{T 00:19:21:04
As compared to the other movies,
this is quite visuaI-effects heavy.
{T 00:19:26:32
Even with the direction we've taken -
{T 00:19:30:84
PauI has asked that we try to do
as much in camera as possibIe -
{T 00:19:35:96
stiII at this point I think
we're approaching 400 effect shots.
{T 00:19:40:88
That's more shots on a fiIm
than I've ever done.
{T 00:19:46:48
(Anderson) The whaIing station is fuII-scaIe,
but aIso we buiIt third-scaIe miniatures.
{T 00:19:51:52
PeopIe taIk about miniatures
and usuaIIy think they're Iike miniatures.
{T 00:19:55:68
A third-scaIe miniature means
the buiIdings are this high. It's enormous.
{T 00:19:59:96
(Bridgland) One thing that worried me
about doing this fiIm
{T 00:20:03:52
is I've hardIy ever seen snow or ice
that Iooks reaIIy reaI in a movie.
{T 00:20:09:48
It's probabIy one of the hardest things
to try and recreate.
{T 00:20:14:96
We came up with a soIution that, according
to the snow peopIe we were working with,
{T 00:20:19:72
has never been used before,
{T 00:20:21:80
so we were reaIIy pIeased
about where we pushed that.
{T 00:20:27:12
For aII the sets, we've had, in totaI,
about three artic-Ioads of snow deIivered,
{T 00:20:34:92
so there's probabIy just short of 600,
700 bags of snow that have been used.
{T 00:20:42:36
We're probabIy taIking about
anything between 15 and 20 tons of snow.
{T 00:20:46:96
(Anderson) I'm the biggest Alien and Predator
fan, I'm the most criticaI of our work.
{T 00:20:51:32
Without doubt we've made these creatures
Iook better than ever before
{T 00:20:56:04
and you see a Iot more high-impact action.
{T 00:21:01:32
You see these creatures going at it.
{T 00:21:03:32
I think it's a major achievement of this movie
{T 00:21:06:40
that the first fight scene between an aIien
and a predator we took a month to shoot.
{T 00:21:12:64
A month for one scene -
aIien and a predator going head to head.
{T 00:21:16:96
And it was worth taking aII that time because
when you see these creatures go kapoom,
{T 00:21:21:68
they're reaI - they reaIIy Iook Iike two
fast, vicious, scary, enormous creatures
{T 00:21:27:80
that are in a chamber
where they just tear the pIace apart.
{T 00:21:31:48
{T 00:21:33:20
Oh, shit.
{T 00:21:37:24
AII my friends, when I toId them in LA that
I was gonna go do AVP, were thriIIed for me
{T 00:21:41:84
because they even wanna see it.
You know what I mean?
{T 00:21:46:72
This is Iong in coming
and, boy, is it gonna arrive.
{T 00:21:53:52
This is gonna be a great big,
exciting summer-event fiIm.
{T 00:22:00:76
It's gonna be scary,
it's gonna be cooI and a great story.
{T 00:22:05:08
(man) Oh, God, that's great.
{T 00:22:07:32
It's gonna deIiver.
{T 00:22:09:08
(Anderson) AVP is designed as
a stand-aIone franchise.
{T 00:22:13:08
It's not designed to repIace
Predator or Alien movies.
{T 00:22:16:28
As a fan, I'd Iike to see Alien 5. I'd Iike to see
another Alien movie with Sigourney Weaver.
{T 00:22:21:76
I'd Iove to see another
Predator movie with Arnie.
{T 00:22:25:24
And this movie doesn't stop
either of those fiIms being made.
{T 00:22:29:12
What did you say this room was called?
{T 00:22:33:48
Sacrificial chamber.
{T 00:22:36:68
Seat beIts onIy, you know.
There's no air bags in this theatre.
{T 00:22:47:24
(Anderson) When I saw Alien I feIt, ''This is
the kind of fiIm I wanna do when I grow up.''
{T 00:22:52:04
So it's finaIIy good to have finaIIy grown up.
MASH 1970 CD1 MASH 1970 CD2 MAX (2002) M - The Murderers Are Among Us (1931) Maboroshi no hikari 1995 MacArthur CD1 MacArthur CD2 Macbeth (1948) Machinist The Mackennas Gold Macross II - The Movie Mad City Mad Dog and Glory Mad Max 3 - Beyond Thunderdome Mad Max II-The Road Warrior Madadayo - Not Yet (Kurosawa 1993) Madame Sat (Karim Ainouz 2002) Made In Britain 1982 25fps Mademoiselle Madness of King George The Madonna-Girlie Show - Live Down Under (1993) Madonna - Truth or Dare Maelstrom Mafia Mafia Doctor Magdalene Sisters The Magician The 1958 Magnificent Warriors Magnolia (1999) Gowenna Maid in Manhattan Majestic The Makai Tensho 2003 Making of alien vs predator Mala Educacion La Mala Leche Mala educacion La 2004 CD1 Mala educacion La 2004 CD2 Malcolm X CD1 Malcolm X CD2 Malefique 2002 Malena Malibus Most Wanted Maljukgeori Janhoksa CD1 Maljukgeori Janhoksa CD2 Mallrats CD1 Mallrats CD2 Mamma Roma Pasolini Man Apart A Man Bites Dog Man Called Horse A CD1 Man Called Horse A CD2 Man Called Sledge A Man On Fire 2004 CD1 Man On Fire 2004 CD2 Man Who Knew Too Little The CD1 Man Who Knew Too Little The CD2 Man Who Knew Too Much The Man Who Loved Women The Man Who Shot liberty Valance The 1962 Man Who Went to Mars A (2003) CD1 Man Who Went to Mars A (2003) CD2 Man Who Would Be King The Man Without a Past Man of La Mancha (1972) CD1 Man of La Mancha (1972) CD2 Man of the Year The 2003 Man with the Golden Gun The Manchurian Candidate The 2004 Mando perdido Mangchi 2003 Mango Yellow Manhattan Manhattan Midnight Manhattan Murder Mystery Manhunter Manji Mann Mannen Som Ikke Kunne Le Mannen Som Log Mannequin Manon des Sources Manon of the Spring Manroof Mans Best Friend Map Of The Human Heart 1993 Mar Adentro Marci X Maria Full Of Grace (2004) Marias Lovers Marilyn Monroe - The final days 2001 Marius 1931 CD1 Marius 1931 CD2 Marnie (Hitchcock 1964) Married With Children 1x01 - Pilot Married With Children 1x02 - Thinergy Married With Children 1x03 - Sixteen Years and What You Get Married With Children 1x04 - But I Didnt Shoot the Deputy Married With Children 1x05 - Have You Driven a Ford Lately Married With Children 1x06 - Whose Room Is It Anyway Married With Children 1x07 - Al Loses His Cherry Married With Children 1x08 - Peggy Sue Got Work Married With Children 1x09 - Married Without Children Married With Children 1x10 - The Poker Game Married With Children 1x11 - Where Is the Boss Married With Children 1x12 - Nightmare On Als Street Married With Children 1x13 - Johnny B Gone Marrying Kind The (George Cukor 1952) Marrying The Mafia CD1 Marrying The Mafia CD2 Martian Chronicles The 1980 CD1 Martian Chronicles The 1980 CD2 Martin Lawrence Live Runteldat Marx Brothers - Horse Feathers (1932) Mary Poppins 1964 CD1 Mary Poppins 1964 CD2 Mask of Zorro Masque of the Red Death The Masques (Masks) Massacre 1989 Master And Commander - The Far Side Of The World (2003) CD1 Master And Commander - The Far Side Of The World (2003) CD2 Matango (Attack of the Mushroom People 1963) Matchstick Men Matrix Matrix Reloaded (2) Matrix Revisited The (2001) CD1 Matrix Revisited The (2001) CD2 Matrix Revolutions The CD1 Matrix Revolutions The CD2 Matrix The Maurice 1987 Mauvais Sang May (Lucky McKee 2002) McKenzie Break The 1970 McLintock CD1 McLintock CD2 Me Myself I Me Myself and Irene Mean Creek 2004 Mean Girls Meaning Of Life The (Monty Pythons) CD1 Meaning Of Life The (Monty Pythons) CD2 Medea Meet Joe Black Meet The Parents Mekhong Full Moon Party (2002) Melody Time Memrias Pstumas Men Behind the Sun Men In Black Men Make Women Crazy Theory Men Suddenly In Black Men in Black 2 Men in Tights Menace 2 society Mentale La Mentale La (The Code) Mephisto CD1 Mephisto CD2 Mercury Rising Mermaids Message in a Bottle Metroland 1997 Metropolis Metropolis (anime) Miami Tail A 2003 Michael Collins CD1 Michael Collins CD2 Michael Jackson Moonwalker 1988 Michael Jordan To The Max 2000 Michel Vaillant CD1 Michel Vaillant CD2 Michelangelo Antonioni - Blow up Mickey Blue Eyes 1999 Middle of the Moment Midnight (1998) Midnight Clear A Midnight Cowboy (1969) Midnight Express 1978 Midnight Mass 2002 Midnight Run CD1 Midnight Run CD2 Mighty Wind A Milagro De P Tinto El Milieu du monde Le (Alain Tanner 1974) Millers Crossing 1990 Million Dollar Baby CD1 Million Dollar Baby CD2 Million Le 1931 Mimic Mimic 2 Mindhunters Minimal Stories 2002 Minority Report 2002 Miracle On 34th Street Miracle Worker The Mirror The 1997 Misery Mishima A Life In Four Chapters DVDRip 1985 CD1 Mishima A Life In Four Chapters DVDRip 1985 CD2 Mission Cleopatra Mission Impossible (1996) Mission Impossible 2 Mission Mumbai Mission The CD1 Mission The CD2 Mission en Marbella Mississippi Burning CD1 Mississippi Burning CD2 Mississippi Mermaid 1969 Missouri Breaks The 1976 Mogambo CD1 Mogambo CD2 Mohabbatein CD1 Mohabbatein CD2 Mokey Business Mole The CD1 Mole The CD2 Molly Maguires The CD1 Molly Maguires The CD2 Mommie Dearest (1981) Mona Lisa Smile CD1 Mona Lisa Smile CD2 Monanieba CD1 Monanieba CD2 Monday Monella CD1 Monella CD2 Money Money Money (Claude Lelouch 1972) CD1 Money Money Money (Claude Lelouch 1972) CD2 Mongjunggi Monkeybone - Special Edition Mononoke Monsters Ball Monsters and Cie Monthy Python - Life Of Brian Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl 1982 Monty Python and the Holy Grail Monty Pythons Life of Brian Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life Monty Pythons and the Meaning of Life Moon Child 2003 CD1 Moon Child 2003 CD2 Moon Spinners CD1 Moon Spinners CD2 Moonfleet 1955 Moonlight Whispers 1999 Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears CD1 Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears CD2 Mosquito Coast The CD1 Mosquito Coast The CD2 Most Terrible Time In My Life The (1994) Mostly Martha Mother India 1957 CD1 Mother India 1957 CD2 Mother Kusters Goes To Heaven 1975 Mother Night 1996 Mother The 2003 CD1 Mother The 2003 CD2 Mothman Prophecies The Moulin Rouge CD1 Moulin Rouge CD2 Mouse Hunt Mrs Doubtfire Mrtav Ladan Muhammad - Legacy Of A Prophet CD1 2002 Muhammad - Legacy Of A Prophet CD2 2002 Mujer mas fea del mundo La Mummy Returns The - Collectors Edition (Widescreen) Mummy The - Full-Screen Collectors Edition Muppet Christmas Carol The Murder By Numbers Murder In The First 1995 Murder Most Foul (1964) Murder My Sweet 1944 Murder at the Gallop Muriels Wedding Musketeer The My Babys Daddy My Beautiful Laundrette My Big Fat Greek Wedding My Boss My Hero My Bosss Daughter 2003 My Girlfriends Boyfriend (Eric Rohmer 1987) My Life as a Dog 1985 My Life to Live My Neighbors the Yamadas (Isao Takahata 1999) CD1 My Neighbors the Yamadas (Isao Takahata 1999) CD2 My Son the Fanatic My Tutor Friend (2003) CD1 My Tutor Friend (2003) CD2 My Wife Is A Gangster 2 My Wife Is Gangster Mystery Of Rampo