Mary Poppins 1964 CD1Click here to download subtitles file for the movie "Mary Poppins 1964 CD1"Get Paid for using YouTube!
Ripped with SubRip 1.17 and Verified by CdinT| I deliver perfection...|and don't brag about it! :D Chim chiminy, Chim chiminy|Chim chim cheree A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be Chim chiminy, Chim chiminy|Chim chim cheroo Good luck will rub off|when he shakes hands with you Chim chiminy|Chim chim cheree, chim cheroo Rum diddly-diddly-diddly|Rum diddle-die Rum diddly-diddly-diddly|Rum diddle-die All right, ladies and gents... comical poems suitable|for the occasion... extemporized and thought up|before your very eyes. All right, here we go. Room here for everyone|Gather around The constable's|"responstable". Now, how does that sound? Hello, Miss Lark|I got one for you Miss Lark likes to walk|in the park with Andrew. Hello, Andrew. Ah, Mrs Cory|a story for you Your daughters|were shorter than you... but they grew. Dear Miss Persimmon... Yes? Wind's in the east Mist comin' in. Like something is brewin'|About to begin Can't put me finger|on what lies in store But I feel what's to happen... all happened before. I'm sorry. Where was I? Thank you, one and all,|for your kind support. Ah, Miss Lark, thank you. Crikey. Bless you, guv. Generosity itself,|that's what you are. No charge. Oh, it's you! Hello. Number 17 Cherry Tree Lane,|you say? All right.|Come along with me. This here's Cherry Tree Lane. Nice little spot,|you might say. Number 17's just down a bit. Now, this imposing edifice|what first greets the eye... is the home|of Admiral Boom... late of His Majesty's Navy. Likes his house|shipshape, he does... shipshape and bristol fashion|at all times. - Time gun ready?|- Ready and charged, sir. - Three minutes and six seconds.|- Aye, aye, sir. What he's famous for|is punctuality. The whole world takes|its time from Greenwich. But Greenwich, they say, takes|its time from Admiral Boom. What cheer, Admiral? Good afternoon to you,|young man. Where are you bound? Number 17. Got some parties here|in tow what wants to see it. - Enter that in the log.|- Aye, aye, sir. A word of advice, young man: Storm signals are up|at Number 17. Bit of heavy weather|brewing there. Thank you, sir.|Keep an eye skinned. Here we are.|Number 17 Cherry Tree Lane. Residence of|George Banks, Esquire. Hello, hello, hello.|The Admiral's right. Heavy weather brewin'|at Number 17, and no mistake. - Leave her alone!|- Shut up! I'll show you. Don't you be trying|to stop the wretched creature! Let her go, that's what I say,|and good riddance! I never liked her from the|moment she set foot in the door. But who gets stuck with|the children with no nanny|in the house? Me, that's who! Her and her high|and mighty ways! And that face of her that would|stop a coal barge, it would. Indeed, Mrs Brill! I wouldn't|stay in this house another minute... not if you heap me with|all the jewels in Christendom. No, no, Katie Nanna, don't go! Stand away from that door,|my girl! But what am I gonna tell|the master about the children? It's no concern of mine.|Those little beasts have run|away from me for the last time. They must be somewhere. Did you|look around the zoo in the park? You know how Jane|and Michael is. Coo! You don't think the lion|could've got at them, do ya? You know how fond they was|of hangin' around the cage. I said my say,|and that's all I'll say. I've done with this house forever. Well, hip, hip, hooray! And don't stumble|on the way out, dearie. Now, now, Katie Nanna! Mrs Banks! She's home! Our daughter's daughters will adore us|and we'll sing in grateful chorus "Well done,|Sister Suffragette" Good evening,|Katie Nanna, Ellen. We had the most|glorious meeting! Mrs Whitbourne-Allen chained|herself to the wheel of|the Prime Minister's carriage. - You should've been there.|- Mrs Banks, I would like|a word with you. And Mrs Ainslie, she was|carried off to prison... singing and scattering pamphlets|all the way! I'm glad you're home, madam. I've|always given the best that's in me... Oh, thank you, Katie Nanna. I always knew you were one of us. We're clearly soldiers|in petticoats And dauntless crusaders|for women's votes Though we adore men|individually We agree that as a group|they're rather stupid - Mrs Banks.|- Cast off the shackles of yesterday Shoulder to shoulder|into the fray Our daughter's daughters|will adore us And they'll sing|in grateful chorus "Well done|Sister Suffragette" Being that as it may, I do not|wish to offend, but I... From Kensington to Billingsgate|one hears the restless cries From every corner of the land|womankind arise Political equality|and equal rights with men Take heart for Mrs Pankhurst|has been clapped in irons again No more the meek and mild|subservients we We're fighting for our rights|militantly Never you fear If I may have a word, Mrs Banks. - So cast off the shackles of yesterday|- Mrs Banks! And shoulder to shoulder|into the fray Our daughter's daughters|will adore us And they'll sing|in grateful chorus - "Well done"|- Mrs Banks. - "Well done"|- Mrs Banks. - "Well done, Sister Suf..."|- Mrs Banks! - What is it, Katie Nanna?|- Mrs Banks, I have something|to say to you. - Where are the children?|- The children, madam... to be precise,|are not here. They've disappeared again. Katie Nanna, this is really|too careless of you. Doesn't it make|the third time this week? The fourth, madam. And I for one|have had my fill of it. I'm not one to speak ill|of the children, but... Oh, please, when do you|expect them home? I really couldn't say.|And now if you'd be good enough|to compute my wages, I'll... Oh, gracious, Katie Nanna! You're not|leaving? What will Mr Banks say? He's going to be cross enough|as it is to come home and find|the children missing. Ellen, put these things away. You know|how the cause infuriates Mr Banks. Yes, ma'am. Katie Nanna, I beseech you.|Please reconsider. Think of the children.|Think of Mr Banks. He was just beginning|to get used to you. Posts, everyone! Four, three, two, one. Fire! - Katie Nanna, I do beseech you...|- My wages, if you please. Bit early tonight,|aren't you, Admiral? Nonsense. Bang on the dot,|as usual. How are things in|the world of finance? Never better. Money's sound.|Credit rates are moving up, up, up. And the British pound is|the admiration of the world. - Good man.|- How do things look|from where you stand? Bit chancy, I'd say. The wind's coming up|and the glass is falling. - Don't like the look of it.|- Good, good, good. Banks, shouldn't wonder if you weren't|steering into a nasty piece of weather. Banks! Do you hear me? Hello, Katie Nanna.|That must be heavy. Allow me. Hmph! What a very pretty hat. I feel a surge|of deep satisfaction Much as a king astride his noble steed|Thank you. When I return from daily strife|to hearth and wife How pleasant is|the life I lead - Dear, it's about the children.|- Yes, yes, yes. I run my home|precisely on schedule At 6:01 I march|through my door My slippers, sherry and pipe|are due at 6:02 Consistent is|the life I lead - George, they're missing.|- Splendid. Splendid. It's grand to be|an Englishman in 1910 King Edward's on the throne|It's the Age of Men I'm the lord of my castle|The sovereign, the liege I treat my subjects, servants|children, wife With a firm but gentle hand|Noblesse oblige It's 6:03 and the heirs|to my dominion Are scrubbed and tubbed|and adequately fed And so I'll pat them on the head|and send them off to bed Ah, lordly is|the life I lead - Winifred, where are the children?|- They're not here, dear. What? Well, of course they're here!|Where else would they be? - I don't know, George.|- You don't know? Well, they're missing. Katie|Nanna has looked everywhere. Very well. I'll deal|with this at once. Give me the police station,|quickly, please. I don't think we need bother the police,|dear. The facts of the matter... Kindly do not attempt to|cloud the issue with facts. One fact, and one fact alone|is crystal clear! Katie Nanna's|faltered at her post. She's let the family down.|And I shall bring her to bo... Oh. She's left us,|hasn't she? Yes, dear, only just. What, uh... Yes.|George Banks here. Yes. 17 Cherry Tree Lane.|It's a matter of some urgency. I should like you to send|a policeman around immediately. The policeman's here, George! What? Oh, how very prompt.|What wonderful service. Thank you so much. Good night. - Come in, Constable. Come in.|- Thank you, sir. While going about my duties|on the other side of the park... I noted some valuables|that had gone astray. - I believe they're yours, sir.|- Valuables? Come along, now. Come along. Jane! Michael! Winifred, please don't|be emotional. Oh, I wouldn't be too hard on 'em, sir.|They've had a long, weary walk today. Children, come here at once. - Well?|- I'm sorry we lost Katie Nanna, Father. - You see, it was windy.|- And the kite was too strong for us. In a manner of speaking, sir, it was the|kite that ran away, not the children. Thank you, Constable.|I think I can manage this. Actually it wasn't a very good kite.|We made it ourselves. Perhaps if you helped us|to make one... Ah, that's the ticket, sir.|Kites are skittish things. Why, only last week with|me own youngsters... I'm very grateful to you,|Constable, for returning the children. And I'm sure that|if you go to the kitchen,|Cook'll find you a plate of something. Thank you, sir.|I shall now return to my duties. Thank you, Constable. Good night, miss. Good night, ma'am.|Good night, sir. Cook'll find me something.|I never... I'm awfully sorry|about this, George. I'll expect you'll want|to discuss it. I would indeed! Ellen, take Jane and Michael|upstairs straightaway. Yes, sir. I knew it. When all's|said and done, who bears|the brunt of everything around here? Me, that's who! They don't want an honest,|hard-workin' girl around here. They need a ruddy zookeeper. I'm sorry, dear, but when|I chose Katie Nanna... I thought she would be|firm with the children. She looked|so solemn and cross. Winifred, never confuse efficiency|with a liver complaint. I'll try to do better|next time. Next time? My dear, you've engaged|six nannies in the last four months! - And they've all been|unqualified disasters.|- I quite agree. Choosing a nanny for the children|is an important and delicate task. It requires insight, balanced judgment,|and an ability to read character. Under the circumstances,|I think it might be apropos|to take it upon myself to, uh... select the next person. - Oh, would you, George?|- Obviously the way to find|a proper nanny... is to go about it|in a proper fashion. I shall put an advertisement in|the Times. Take this down please. - Yes, of course, dear.|- Wanted. Uh, no. Uh, required. Nanny: Firm, respectable,|no nonsense. A British nanny|must be a general The future empire|lies within her hands And so the person that we need|to mould the breed Is a nanny|who can give commands - You getting this, Winifred?|- Oh, yes, dear. Every word. A British bank|is run with precision A British home|requires nothing less Tradition, discipline and rules|must be the tools Without them, disorder|catastrophe, anarchy In short you have|a ghastly mess Splendid, George! Inspirational. The Times will be so pleased. - Father?|- Yes? We've discussed everything... and we're very sorry|about what we did today. I should certainly think so. - It was wrong to run away|from Katie Nanna.|- It was indeed. And we do so want to get on|with the new nanny. Very sensible. I shall be glad|to have your help in the matter. We thought you would. That's why|we wrote this advertisement. - Advertisement for what?|- For the new nanny. - You wrote an advert...|- George, I think we should listen. - You said you wanted our help.|- But, I... Oh, very well. "Wanted: A nanny|for two adorable children." "Adorable." Well, that's|debatable, I must say. If you want this choice position Have a cheery disposition - Jane, I don't...|- Rosy cheeks, no warts - That's the part I put in.|- Play games, all sorts You must be kind|You must be witty Very sweet|and fairly pretty - Well, of all the ridic...|- George, please! Take us on outings|Give us treats Sing songs|Bring sweets Never be cross or cruel Never give us|castor oil or gruel Love us as a son and daughter And never smell of barley water I put that in too. If you won't scold|and dominate us We will never you give you|cause to hate us We won't hide your spectacles|so you can't see Put toads in your bed|or pepper in your tea Hurry, Nanny Many thanks|Sincerely Jane and Michael Banks Thank you. Most interesting. And now I think we've had|quite enough of this nonsense. Please return|to the nursery. They were only trying to help.|They're just children. I'm well aware they're|just children, Winifred. I only congratulate myself that|I decided to step in and take a hand. "Play games, sing songs,|give treats." Ridiculous. There's no question|in my mind whatsoever. Now is the time for action. Give me the Times, please.|No, I do not know the number. Oh, George, you're always|so forceful. The Times?|George Banks here. 17 Cherry Tree Lane. I wish to place|an advertisement in your column. - Time gun ready?|- Ready and charged, sir. I'll take the report,|Mr Binnacle. The wind has changed, sir. Seems|to be comin' in from a new quarter. - So it is.|- Sir?|- What is it? Bit of somethin' or other|taking place off the port bow. Ghastly looking crew,|I must say! Coo! There's a fair queue of nannies|outside, sir. Shall I show 'em in? Ellen, I said 8:00, and|8:00 it shall jolly well be. You see?|Twelve seconds to go. - Ten, nine, eight...|- Posts! Seven, six, five, four... three, two, one! Ellen, it is now 8:00. Yes, sir. But I have told you|time and time again, Ellen... I dislike being hurried|into things. I don't understand. They're not|what we advertised for at all. Michael, look! Perhaps it's a witch. Of course not.|Witches have brooms. It's her. It's the person. She's|answered our advertisement. Rosy cheeks and everything. Ellen, you may now show them in,|one at a time. Yes, sir. - You may come in one at a time.|- Thank you. Oh. You are the father of Jane|and Michael Banks, are you not? I said, you are the father|of Jane and Michael Banks. Well, well ye...|Yes, of course, I mean. Uh... You brought your references,|I presume. May I see them? Oh, I make it a point|never to give references. A very old-fashioned idea|to my mind. Is that so? We'll have to see|about that then, won't we? Now then, the qualifications. "Item one:|A cheery disposition." I am never cross. "Item two: Rosy cheeks." Obviously. "Item three:|Play games, all sorts." Well, I'm sure the children will find|my games extremely diverting. May I? Eh, this paper? Where did you|get it from? I thought I tore it up. Excuse me. "Item four:|You must be kind." I am kind,|but extremely firm. - Have you lost something?|- Ah! Yeah. That paper, you see.|I thought that I... - You are George Banks, are you not?|- What? And you did advertise|for a nanny, did you not? - George Banks.|- Very well then. I tore it up,|turned it over. Tore it up again|and threw it in there. Yes. I beg your pardon.|Are you ill? I hope not. Now, about my wages.|The reference here is very obscure. - Very obscure.|- We must be very clear on|that point, mustn't we? - Yes, we must indeed.|- I shall require|every second Tuesday off. Every Tuesday. On second thoughts, I believe|a trial period would be wise. Hmm. I'll give you one week.|I'll know by then. I'll see the children now.|Thank you. Close your mouth please,|Michael. We are not a codfish. Well, don't stand there staring.|Best foot forward. Spit spot! - George?|- Aah! George, what on earth|are you doing? - I thought you were|interviewing nannies.|- I was! I was! You mean you've|selected one already? - Yes, it's done. It's, it's all done.|- Well, where is she? What? Well, eh, she's in|the nursery of course, I mean. - I put her to work straightaway, I mean.|- How clever of you! I would have muddled|the whole thing. Tell me, is she everything|that we'd hoped she be? Well, i-it all happened rather|quickly. I mean, I... I, uh... Will she be firm?|Will she give commands? Will she mould our young breed? You know, Winifred,|I think she will. - I think she will.|- In that case... perhaps you'd better tell Ellen|to dismiss the others. - The others? Oh, yes. Ellen?|- Y-Yes, sir? Tell the other applicants they may go.|The position has been filled. - The others, sir?|- Yes, the others. How many nannies does she|think we need in this house? The position|has been filled. I'm afraid the nursery|isn't very tidy. It is rather like|a bear pit, isn't it? - That's a funny sort of bag.|- Carpet. - You mean to carry carpets in?|- No. Made of. This is your room, and there's|a lovely view of the park. Hmm. Well, it's not exactly|Buckingham Palace. Still, it's clean. Yes, I think it will be|quite suitable. Just needs a touch|here and there. Well, first things first. I always say, the place|to hang a hat is on a hat stand. Ah! This will never do! I much prefer seeing|all of my face at the same time. There... But there was|nothing in it. Never judge things|by their appearance. Even carpetbags.|I'm sure I never do. A thing of beauty|is a joy forever. Mmm, a little more light, perhaps. We better keep an eye|on this one. - She's tricky.|- She's wonderful. Much better! Now, let me see. That's funny. I always carry it with me.|It must be here somewhere. - What?|- My tape measure. - What do you want it for?|- I want to see how you two measure up. Well, that's the funniest thing I ever|saw. I know it's down here somewhere. Ah, ha-ha, ha-ha!|Here it is. Good. Come along, then. Quickly. Head up, Michael. Don't slouch. Just as I thought.|Extremely stubborn and suspicious. - I am not!|- See for yourself. "Extremely stubborn|and sus..." Suspicious. Now you, Jane. Mmm. "Rather inclined to giggle.|Doesn't put things away." How 'bout you? Very well. Hold this for me. As I expected. "Mary Poppins." "Practically perfect|in every way." Mary Poppins! Is that your name?|It's lovely. Thank you.|I've always liked it. - Now, shall we get on with it?|- Get on with what? In your advertisement, did you|not specifically request to play games? - Oh, yes!|- Very well, then. Our first game is called|"Well Begun Is Half Done". I don't like|the sound of that. Otherwise entitled,|"Let's Tidy Up the Nursery". I told you|she was tricky. - Shall we begin?|- It is a game, isn't it, Mary Poppins? Well, it depends on|your point of view. You see, in every job|that must be done... there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and snap! The job's a game. And every task you undertake|becomes a piece of cake A lark, a spree It's very clear to see That a spoonful of sugar Helps the medicine go down The medicine go down|Medicine go down Just a spoonful of sugar|helps the medicine go down In a most delightful way A robin feathering his nest|has very little time to rest While gathering his bits|of twine and twig Though quite intent in his pursuit|he has a merry tune to toot He knows a song|will move the job along For a spoonful of sugar|helps the medicine go down The medicine go down|Medicine go down Just a spoonful of sugar|helps the medicine go down In a most delightful way The honeybees that fetch the nectar|from the flowers to the comb Never tire of ever buzzing|to and fro Because they take a little nip|from every flower that they sip - And hence|- And hence - They find|- They find Their task is not a grind Cheeky. Don't be all day|about it, please. Let me out!|Let me out! Let me out! Well, that was very... Thank you now... When you've quite finished! Thank you. That will be quite sufficient.|Hats and coats, please. It's time for our outing|in the park. I don't want an outing. I want|to tidy up the nursery again. Enough is as good as a feast.|Come along, please. Let me look at you. Well, you're not|as well turned out as I'd like. Still, there's time.|There's time. Spit spot! And off we go. For a spoonful of sugar|helps the medicine go down The medicine go down|Medicine go down Just a spoonful of sugar|helps the medicine go down In the most|delightful way Chim chiminy, Chim chiminy|Chim chim cheroo I does what I likes|And I likes What I do Hello, art lovers. Today I'm a screever|and as you can see A screever's an artist Of highest degree And it's all me own work|from me own memory Well, not Royal Academy,|I suppose. Still they're better than|a finger in your eye, ain't they? Chim chiminy, Chim chiminy|Chim chim cheroo I draws what I likes|and I likes what I drew No remuneration|do I ask of you But me cap would be glad|of a copper or two Me cap would be glad|of a copper or two Wait! Don't move. Don't move a muscle. Stay right where you are. I'd know that silhouette|anywhere! Mary Poppins! It's nice to see you again, Bert.|I expect you know Jane and Michael. Well, I've seen 'em here and about.|Chasin' a kite last time, weren't it? Mary Poppins is|taking us to the park. To the park?|Not if I know Mary Poppins. Other nannies take children|to the park. When you're with Mary Poppins,|suddenly you're in places|you've never dreamed of. And quick as you can say|"Bob's your uncle"... the most unusual things|begin to happen. I'm sure I haven't the faintest|idea what you're talking about. Well mind, it's not my place to say,|but what she's probably got in mind... is a jolly holiday|somewheres or other. Something along these lines,|I shouldn't be surprised. "Punting on the Thames." That's|always good if you like an outing. Here we go. The circus. How about a lovely|circus? Lions and tigers. World-famous artistes performing|death-defyin' feats... of dexterity and skill|before your very eyes. Ta-da! Ta-da! Oh, that's lovely. If you please,|I'd much rather go there. Beautiful, ain't it?|A typical English countryside... as done by a true|and lovin' hand. Though you can't see it,|there's a little country fair... down that road and|uh, over the hill. I don't see any road. What? No road? Just wants a bit|of somethin' here... and a bit of somethin' there. There. A country road suitable|for travel and high adventure. Please may we go,|Mary Poppins? Please? Such a lovely place. Don't you|think it's lovely, Mary Poppins? Now's the time, Mary Poppins.|No one's lookin'. - Please, Mary Poppins. Please!|- Please, Mary Poppins. Please! I have no intention of making|a spectacle of myself, thank you. All right, I'll do it myself. - Do what?|- Bit of magic. - A bit of magic?|- It's easy. Let's see. You think. You wink. You do a double blink. You close your eyes and jump. Is something|'sposed to happen? Bert, what utter nonsense! Why do you always complicate things|that are really quite simple? Give my your hand, please,|Michael. Don't slouch. One, two. Mary Poppins,|you look beautiful. - Do you really think so?|- Cross my heart you do.|Like the day I met ya. You look fine too, Bert. I thought you said|there was a fair. So I did. Down the road|behind the hill, remember? Come on! I hear|the merry-go-round. - Tell 'em Bert sent ya.|- Don't fall and smudge the drawing. Ain't it a glorious day Right as a mornin' in May I feel like I could fly Now, Bert.|None of your larking about. Have you ever seen|the grass so green Or a bluer sky Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Mary - Mary makes your heart so light|- You haven't changed a bit, have you? When the day is grey|and ordinary - Mary makes the sun shine bright|- Oh, honestly! Oh, happiness is bloomin'|all around her The daffodils are|smilin' at the dove When Mary holds your hand|you feel so grand Your heart starts beatin'|like a big brass band - You are lightheaded.|- It's a jolly holiday with Mary No wonder that it's Mary|that we love Oh, it's a jolly holiday|with Mary Mary makes your heart so light When the day is grey|and ordinary Mary makes the sun|shine bright Oh, happiness is bloomin'|all around her The daffodils are smiling at the dove|Oink, oink. When Mary holds your hand|you feel so grand Your heart starts beatin'|like a big brass band It's a jolly holiday with Mary No wonder that it's Mary|that we love - Thank you.|- Our pleasure, Mary Poppins. Oh, it's a jolly holiday|with you, Bert - Gentlemen like you are few|- A vanishing breed, that's me. Though you're just|a diamond in the rough, Bert - Underneath your blood is blue|- Common knowledge. You'd never think of pressing|your advantage - Forbearance is|the hallmark of your creed|- True. A lady needn't fear|when you are near Your sweet gentility|is crystal clear Oh, it's a jolly holiday|with you, Bert A jolly, jolly holiday with you Waiter! Waiter! Now then, what'd be nice? We'll start with raspberry ice And then some cakes and tea - Order what you will|- There'll be no bill It's complimentary You're very kind. Anything for you,|Mary Poppins. You're our favourite person. Right you are. It's true that...|Mavis and Sybil|have ways that are winnin' And Prudence and Gwendolyn|set your hearts spinnin' Phoebe's delightful|Maude is disarming - Janice|- Felicia|- Lydia|- Charming Cynthia's dashing, Vivian's sweet|Stephanie's smashing, Priscilla a treat - Veronica|- Millicent|- Agnes|- And Jane Convivial company|time and again Dorcas and Phyllis|and Glynis are sorts I'll agree they're|three jolly good sports But cream of the crop|Tip of the top Is Mary Poppins|and there we stop When Mary holds your hand|you feel so grand Your heart starts beatin'|like a big brass band It's a jolly holiday with Mary No wonder that|it's Mary that we love No wonder that|it's Mary that we love No wonder that|it's Mary that we love Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo! Ya-hoo! - Ya-hoo!|- Our own private merry-go-round. Very nice.|Very nice, indeed... if you don't wanna go nowhere. Who says we're not|going anywhere? Oh, guard! Righto, Mary Poppins. Thank you. They're off! It's Mary Poppins|leadin' by two lengths. Jane is second by a length.|Michael third. My horse is the fastest. Do you hear that, mate?|Do you wanna put up with that? That's the ticket! Come on, my lad.|Is that the best you can do? Hurry up, boy. Hurry up! Not so fast, please. Michael! Now really, Bert.|You're as bad as the children. Sorry. Whoa, boy! Whoa! - Whoa.|- Easy, boy. Whoa. Whoa. Just a bit of high spirits,|Mary Poppins. Please control yourself.|We are not on a racecourse. Follow me, please. - Good morning.|- Oh, yes, quite. Wha... I say! Have you ever? Never! View Halloo! Oh, yes, definitely.|A view Halloo. View Halloo? Faith and begorra!|'Tis them Redcoats again! View Halloo!|View Halloo! View Halloo! Oh, musha, musha. Poor lit'I bloke.|Let's give him a hand. Saints preserve us! Yikes! Tally ho! Da-doo, da-doo! Up you go. Now hang on. Would you look at that now?|'Tis an elegant merry-go-round horse. Come on and fight,|you dirty omadhauns. I can lick|the lot of ya's. Faster, me beauty! Faster! Oh, riders, would you be|so kind as to let me pass? Certainly, ma'am. - Thank you.|- Not at all, ma'am. Excellent time, gentlemen. - Oh, yes, quite.|- Perfect day for it, of course. Oh. Oh, how nice. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hold still, now.|Watch for the dickie bird. Uh, how does it feel,|Mary Poppins, winning the race? - Oh, well I...|- Gaining fame and fortune. - Uh, Yes.|- Having your picture taken|for the newspaper. Uh, oh, actually,|I'm delighted. Besides having your extreme|good looks, if I may say so. - Oh, well, I wouldn't go...|- There probably aren't words|to describe your emotions. Now, now, now, now,|gentlemen, please. On the contrary,|there's a very good word. - Am I right, Bert?|- Tell 'em what it is. Right! It's supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Even though the sound of it|is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough|you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay|Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay|Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay Because I was afraid to speak|when I was just a lad Me father gave me nose a tweak|and told me I was bad But then one day I learned|a word that saved me achin' nose The biggest word you ever heard|and this is how it goes Oh, supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Even though the sound of it|is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough|you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay|Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay|Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay He's travelled all around|the world and everywhere he went He'd use his word and all would say|"There goes a clever gent" When dukes and maharajahs|pass the time of day with me I'd say me special word and|then they'd ask me out to tea Ooh, supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Even though the sound of it|is something quite atrocious If you say it loud enough|you'll always sound precocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay|Um diddle diddle diddle, Um diddle ay You know, you can say it|backwards, which is... dociousaliexpistic-fragilcalirupus. - But that's going a bit too far,|don't you think?|- Indubitably. So when the cat has got your tongue|there's no need for dismay - Here, here!|- Just summon up this word and|then you've got a lot to say But better use it carefully|or it could change your life - For example.|- Yes? One night I said it to me girl,|and now me girl's me wife. Ow! And a lovely thing|she is too. She's|supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Jane! Michael! Stay close now. Oh, Bert,|all your fine drawings. Well, there's more|where they came from. Meantime, I'm changing businesses. This|here is lovely hot chestnut weather. - Come along, children.|- Bye, Bert. - Bye-bye.|- Bye, Bert. Bye. - Bye, Jane and Michael.|- Bye, Bert. Chim chiminy, chim chiminy|Chim chim cheroo La dum da da dum|da da da da dum No, no, I won't take|your nasty medicine! Do we have to, Mary Poppins? People who get their feet wet|must learn to take their medicine. - I don't want it. I'm not gonna...|- Oh! Lime cordial! Delicious! Strawberry! Mmm! R-R-Rum punch. Quite satisfactory. Mary Poppins, you won't|ever leave us, will you? - Do you have a handkerchief|under your pillow?|- Mm-hmm. Will you stay|if we promise to be good? Och! That's a piecrust promise.|Easily made, easily broken. Whatever would|we do without you? I shall stay|until the wind changes. But, Mary Poppins,|how long will that be? Silence, please.|It's time to go to sleep. Oh, we couldn't possibly go to sleep! So|many lovely things have happened today. - Did they?|- Yes! When we jumped into|Bert's chalk picture. And we rode the merry-go-round,|and all the horses jumped off, and... And we all went riding|in the countryside! - Tally Ho! Tchunga! Tchunga! Yikes!|- Really? Mary Poppins, don't you remember?|You won the horse race! A respectable person like me in a horse|race? How dare you suggest such a thing. But I saw you do it! Now, not another word or I shall have|to summon the policeman. Is that clear? It did happen! I saw it! - Go to sleep.|- No, I don't want to go to sleep. Mary Poppins,|we're much too excited! Very well, suit yourselves. Stay awake Don't rest your head Don't lie down Upon your bed While the moon drifts In the skies Stay awake Don't close your eyes Though the world Is fast asleep Though your pillow's Soft and deep You're not sleepy As you seem Stay awake Don't nod And dream Stay awake Don't nod And Dream Glorious day, Mr Binnacle.|Glorious! No one sleeps this morning.|Put in a double charge of powder. A double charge?|Aye, aye, sir. Shake things up a bit, what? - Lovely, lovely morning, Ellen.|- Indeed it is, ma'am. - Have you put the spoiled eggs|in my carryall?|- Yes, ma'am. After our meeting at the Albert Hall,|we're all going to Downing Street... to throw things|at the Prime Minister. Oh, how distinguished|you look this morning, George. What's all that fearful|caterwauling in the kitchen? - It's Cook singing.|- Cook singing? What's wrong with her? She's happy as a cricket.|As a matter of fact... since you hired Mary Poppins,|the most extraordinary thing... - seems to have come over the household.|- Is that so? Take Ellen for instance.|She hasn't broken a dish all morning. - Really? Well, that is extraordinary.|- And another thing. She and Cook usually fight like|cats and dogs, but today... - Let me hold the door|for you, Ellen dear.|- Thanks ever so, ducks. Ellen, stop making|that offensive noise! And shut the window!|That bird's giving me a headache. Yes, sir. Quiet! You're giving|the master an headache. I'm so sorry you're not feeling|well this morning, George. Who said I'm not feeling well?|I'm fit as a fiddle. I just don't understand why everyone's|so confoundedly cheerful! Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious - Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious|- How lovely. Thank you, my darling. Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious - Stop! Stop! Stop!|- Good morning, Father. - Good morning.|- Mary Poppins taught us|the most wonderful words. Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious What on earth are you|talking about? Supercali... Super... Or whatever|the infernal thing is. It's something to say|when you don't know what to say. Yes, well, I always know what to say.|Go on, hurry along, please. Yes, Father.|Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious Winifred, will you be good enough|to explain this unseemly hullabaloo? I don't think there's anything|to explain. Do you? It's obvious that you're|out of sorts this morning. The children just came in|to make you feel better. I should like to make one thing|quite clear, once and for all. I am not out of sorts.|I am in a perfectly equable mood. I do not require|being made to feel better! But you're always saying that you wanted|a cheerful and pleasant household. Winifred, I should like to make|a slight differentiation... between the word cheerful and|just plain giddy irresponsibility. Excuse me, dear.|Posts, everyone, please! I have no objection to anyone|being cheerful or pleasant. But I do expect|a certain decorum. I can tell you one thing, Winifred.|I don't propose standing idly by... and letting that woman, Mary Poppins,|undermine the discipline and... There's something odd,|I may say extremely odd... about the behaviour of this household|since that woman arrived. - And I want you to know|that I've noticed it!|- Yes, dear. - One thing more.|- Yes, dear? I suggest you have|this piano repaired. When I sit down to an instrument,|I like to have it in tune. But, George, you don't play. Madam, that is entirely|beside the point! Now, let me see. First of all,|we must go to the piano tuners. And then we go to Mrs Cory's sh... Mrs Cory's shop for some gingerbread.|Ah, gingerbread! And then we go to the fishmonger's,|I think, for a nice dover sole... and a pint of prawns. Uh, Michael,|stop stravaging along behind. Ahoy, there! Ahoy! - Good day to you!|- Good morning, Admiral. Michael, what fine adventure|are we off upon today? Going to fight the Hottentots?|Dig for buried treasure? We're going to buy some fish. Very good! Proceed at flank speed. Aye, aye, sir. Let's put our backs|into it, lad. More spit and polish.|That's what's wanted around here. It's Andrew! Uh, not so fast, please. I can't|understand a word you're saying. Again? Och!|Oh, the poor man! Bless you. Well, yes, of course. There's not|a moment to lose. I'll go straightaway. And thank you very much. - What did he say?|- He said, "You're welcome". - What else did he say?|- I don't think he said anything. You know best, as usual. - I thought we were gonna buy some fish.|- There's been a change of plans. Come along, please.|Don't straggle. Andrew, worrying|won't help anyone. Why don't you go home|and put your feet up? |
MASH 1970 CD1 MASH 1970 CD2 MAX (2002) M - The Murderers Are Among Us (1931) Maboroshi no hikari 1995 MacArthur CD1 MacArthur CD2 Macbeth (1948) Machinist The Mackennas Gold Macross II - The Movie Mad City Mad Dog and Glory Mad Max 3 - Beyond Thunderdome Mad Max II-The Road Warrior Madadayo - Not Yet (Kurosawa 1993) Madame Sat (Karim Ainouz 2002) Made In Britain 1982 25fps Mademoiselle Madness of King George The Madonna-Girlie Show - Live Down Under (1993) Madonna - Truth or Dare Maelstrom Mafia Mafia Doctor Magdalene Sisters The Magician The 1958 Magnificent Warriors Magnolia (1999) Gowenna Maid in Manhattan Majestic The Makai Tensho 2003 Making of alien vs predator Mala Educacion La Mala Leche Mala educacion La 2004 CD1 Mala educacion La 2004 CD2 Malcolm X CD1 Malcolm X CD2 Malefique 2002 Malena Malibus Most Wanted Maljukgeori Janhoksa CD1 Maljukgeori Janhoksa CD2 Mallrats CD1 Mallrats CD2 Mamma Roma Pasolini Man Apart A Man Bites Dog Man Called Horse A CD1 Man Called Horse A CD2 Man Called Sledge A Man On Fire 2004 CD1 Man On Fire 2004 CD2 Man Who Knew Too Little The CD1 Man Who Knew Too Little The CD2 Man Who Knew Too Much The Man Who Loved Women The Man Who Shot liberty Valance The 1962 Man Who Went to Mars A (2003) CD1 Man Who Went to Mars A (2003) CD2 Man Who Would Be King The Man Without a Past Man of La Mancha (1972) CD1 Man of La Mancha (1972) CD2 Man of the Year The 2003 Man with the Golden Gun The Manchurian Candidate The 2004 Mando perdido Mangchi 2003 Mango Yellow Manhattan Manhattan Midnight Manhattan Murder Mystery Manhunter Manji Mann Mannen Som Ikke Kunne Le Mannen Som Log Mannequin Manon des Sources Manon of the Spring Manroof Mans Best Friend Map Of The Human Heart 1993 Mar Adentro Marci X Maria Full Of Grace (2004) Marias Lovers Marilyn Monroe - The final days 2001 Marius 1931 CD1 Marius 1931 CD2 Marnie (Hitchcock 1964) Married With Children 1x01 - Pilot Married With Children 1x02 - Thinergy Married With Children 1x03 - Sixteen Years and What You Get Married With Children 1x04 - But I Didnt Shoot the Deputy Married With Children 1x05 - Have You Driven a Ford Lately Married With Children 1x06 - Whose Room Is It Anyway Married With Children 1x07 - Al Loses His Cherry Married With Children 1x08 - Peggy Sue Got Work Married With Children 1x09 - Married Without Children Married With Children 1x10 - The Poker Game Married With Children 1x11 - Where Is the Boss Married With Children 1x12 - Nightmare On Als Street Married With Children 1x13 - Johnny B Gone Marrying Kind The (George Cukor 1952) Marrying The Mafia CD1 Marrying The Mafia CD2 Martian Chronicles The 1980 CD1 Martian Chronicles The 1980 CD2 Martin Lawrence Live Runteldat Marx Brothers - Horse Feathers (1932) Mary Poppins 1964 CD1 Mary Poppins 1964 CD2 Mask of Zorro Masque of the Red Death The Masques (Masks) Massacre 1989 Master And Commander - The Far Side Of The World (2003) CD1 Master And Commander - The Far Side Of The World (2003) CD2 Matango (Attack of the Mushroom People 1963) Matchstick Men Matrix Matrix Reloaded (2) Matrix Revisited The (2001) CD1 Matrix Revisited The (2001) CD2 Matrix Revolutions The CD1 Matrix Revolutions The CD2 Matrix The Maurice 1987 Mauvais Sang May (Lucky McKee 2002) McKenzie Break The 1970 McLintock CD1 McLintock CD2 Me Myself I Me Myself and Irene Mean Creek 2004 Mean Girls Meaning Of Life The (Monty Pythons) CD1 Meaning Of Life The (Monty Pythons) CD2 Medea Meet Joe Black Meet The Parents Mekhong Full Moon Party (2002) Melody Time Memrias Pstumas Men Behind the Sun Men In Black Men Make Women Crazy Theory Men Suddenly In Black Men in Black 2 Men in Tights Menace 2 society Mentale La Mentale La (The Code) Mephisto CD1 Mephisto CD2 Mercury Rising Mermaids Message in a Bottle Metroland 1997 Metropolis Metropolis (anime) Miami Tail A 2003 Michael Collins CD1 Michael Collins CD2 Michael Jackson Moonwalker 1988 Michael Jordan To The Max 2000 Michel Vaillant CD1 Michel Vaillant CD2 Michelangelo Antonioni - Blow up Mickey Blue Eyes 1999 Middle of the Moment Midnight (1998) Midnight Clear A Midnight Cowboy (1969) Midnight Express 1978 Midnight Mass 2002 Midnight Run CD1 Midnight Run CD2 Mighty Wind A Milagro De P Tinto El Milieu du monde Le (Alain Tanner 1974) Millers Crossing 1990 Million Dollar Baby CD1 Million Dollar Baby CD2 Million Le 1931 Mimic Mimic 2 Mindhunters Minimal Stories 2002 Minority Report 2002 Miracle On 34th Street Miracle Worker The Mirror The 1997 Misery Mishima A Life In Four Chapters DVDRip 1985 CD1 Mishima A Life In Four Chapters DVDRip 1985 CD2 Mission Cleopatra Mission Impossible (1996) Mission Impossible 2 Mission Mumbai Mission The CD1 Mission The CD2 Mission en Marbella Mississippi Burning CD1 Mississippi Burning CD2 Mississippi Mermaid 1969 Missouri Breaks The 1976 Mogambo CD1 Mogambo CD2 Mohabbatein CD1 Mohabbatein CD2 Mokey Business Mole The CD1 Mole The CD2 Molly Maguires The CD1 Molly Maguires The CD2 Mommie Dearest (1981) Mona Lisa Smile CD1 Mona Lisa Smile CD2 Monanieba CD1 Monanieba CD2 Monday Monella CD1 Monella CD2 Money Money Money (Claude Lelouch 1972) CD1 Money Money Money (Claude Lelouch 1972) CD2 Mongjunggi Monkeybone - Special Edition Mononoke Monsters Ball Monsters and Cie Monthy Python - Life Of Brian Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl 1982 Monty Python and the Holy Grail Monty Pythons Life of Brian Monty Pythons The Meaning of Life Monty Pythons and the Meaning of Life Moon Child 2003 CD1 Moon Child 2003 CD2 Moon Spinners CD1 Moon Spinners CD2 Moonfleet 1955 Moonlight Whispers 1999 Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears CD1 Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears CD2 Mosquito Coast The CD1 Mosquito Coast The CD2 Most Terrible Time In My Life The (1994) Mostly Martha Mother India 1957 CD1 Mother India 1957 CD2 Mother Kusters Goes To Heaven 1975 Mother Night 1996 Mother The 2003 CD1 Mother The 2003 CD2 Mothman Prophecies The Moulin Rouge CD1 Moulin Rouge CD2 Mouse Hunt Mrs Doubtfire Mrtav Ladan Muhammad - Legacy Of A Prophet CD1 2002 Muhammad - Legacy Of A Prophet CD2 2002 Mujer mas fea del mundo La Mummy Returns The - Collectors Edition (Widescreen) Mummy The - Full-Screen Collectors Edition Muppet Christmas Carol The Murder By Numbers Murder In The First 1995 Murder Most Foul (1964) Murder My Sweet 1944 Murder at the Gallop Muriels Wedding Musketeer The My Babys Daddy My Beautiful Laundrette My Big Fat Greek Wedding My Boss My Hero My Bosss Daughter 2003 My Girlfriends Boyfriend (Eric Rohmer 1987) My Life as a Dog 1985 My Life to Live My Neighbors the Yamadas (Isao Takahata 1999) CD1 My Neighbors the Yamadas (Isao Takahata 1999) CD2 My Son the Fanatic My Tutor Friend (2003) CD1 My Tutor Friend (2003) CD2 My Wife Is A Gangster 2 My Wife Is Gangster Mystery Of Rampo |