NattevagtenClick here to download subtitles file for the movie "Nattevagten"Get Paid for using YouTube!
Nightwatch It's my birthday, so I decide what we do. You're still a kid. Only 24 years old. You're not old enough to decide anything. Why don't we just chat Iike reaI aduIts? - TriviaI Pursuit! - That's a game for idiots. I think he's proud of his ignorance. We just don't know how to party anymore! - Christ, we're so boring. - InteIIigent peopIe are never bored. Let's watch TV instead. Shit, the psycho killer strikes again. She was a prostitute. It appears she was stabbed. This is such an exciting case. - What's up? - The damn bottle! Oh no, my IittIe Burgundy. - Here's to boredom! - Here's to my new job! - I don't understand why you bother. - Doing what? It sounds disgusting. AII I have to do is sit on my ass aII night. - How did you get in? - The door was open. Damn, that door never closes properly. - Are you the one? - Yes, I am. - Welcome to Mars. - Sorry? I'II Ieave you the coffee machine. But you don't get the radio. Have you got a radio? Well, get one! Let's do the rounds. Have they told you about the job? No, not really. There are still a few people around, but at night this place is like Mars. So, what have you heard? Have they told you the whole story? - Did they say anything about me? - No. What should they have said? Didn't they tell you why I quit? No, they didn't. May we come in for a moment? Put the key in the box. Now turn it. We don't need to check this room. The key's here. Come and have a Iook. Look. Do you know what's in the tubs? Can you smell the formalin? You can smell it, can't you? Don't ever go in there. Look. I never wanted to Iook either. Disgusting! - So I'II be aIone here at night? - Didn't they teII you that? Sometimes an ambulance comes in, apart from that it's just "Them." This is the morgue. I don't know why the heII they put a key in here. Well, let's get on with it. They won't do anything! Just keep your eyes on the key. Just keep Iooking at it. Damned idiots, putting a key in here. - What are these cords for? - They're just a precaution. In case one of them wakes up. He can puII it and the aIarm goes off. Then you call the duty doctor. Just call. Don't worry, it never happens. It's coId in here, but you can stiII smeII them, can't you? Make sure the door doesn't close. There's no handle on the inside. But why should it close? - Don't forget to turn off the Iights. - Why? - This is where it happened. - What? The scandaI... A terrible scandal. A night watchman, years ago... It went on for many nights. - He did it with "Them." - You mean he... The poor guy had his very own harem. One night they caught him in there while he was doing it. The senior doctor hushed it up. For the sake of the next of kin... They say he stood outside for weeks, Iike a Iovesick teenager. Gross! You get bad breath, when you've worked here for a while. Put your hand over your mouth. Breathe out and you can smell it. I'm right, aren't I? - Christ, yes! - It goes with the territory. These are the staff files. Sign here. Then I'II give you the keys. I'II fiIe this in here. Together with all the other files. We're all in here, you know. Here's your duty roster. - Is that the aIarm from...? - It'II never happen. - Weird photograph. - It's aIways been up there. You can't keep the radio. - Have you got one? - I'm actuaIIy going to study... Get yourself a radio! - I'd better get myseIf a radio. - Good. Just one more thing... There's nothing to be afraid of. But it's a good thing to have. Don't forget about the radio. - Do you know your "Gretchen"? - We have to Iearn it aII. - Your director's an idiot. - He's actually very sweet. Why can't anyone be an idiot in your IittIe worId? Does that irritate you? No. I wish the worId was Iike that. If I say... KaIinka? If I say, "I Iove you." Does that sound Iike a bad American movie? - It depends how you say it. - I Iove you. I Iove you. I Iurve... Why can't we say that anymore? We've seen too many bad movies. I Iove you. One day you'II be the greatest actress in the worId. Then you won't be able to say it. The Iights! - What a sick job! - It's easy money. - Get your mom to send a check. - We have to test ourselves. - Let's see if you've got the guts. - What do you mean? Could I borrow a pen, please? Isn't KaIinka enough for you? - I'd never cheat on KaIinka. - Watch what you say. Why don't we flip out? For the next two weeks, let's forget the limits. - How? - We'II chaIIenge each other. We can ask anything of each other. The one who backs down, Ioses! - No Iimits? - None! - Any challenge? - Anything goes! What are the stakes? Freedom! The Ioser wiII be condemned to famiIy Iife forever. If I Iose, I'II marry Lotte. If you Iose, you marry KaIinka. So, we'II pIay with destiny. It's aIready resting heaviIy on us. Can't you feeI it? - Get your tits into that! - Pervert. Oh sorry, I forgot, you're a priest. I got a summer job. As a beII ringer. - A bell ringer? - And you'll go to church on Sunday. I'm going to officiate my first service. He's working with corpses, and you're into crucifixions. Don't forget, I'm rehearsing "Mephisto." Excuse me. What a bunch of queers, eh Guggi? Visit me at work one night. I chaIIenge you! Do you know what I saw yesterday? There was a girI standing at the bus stop. But she didn't get on the bus. So, she was waiting for another bus... She was a hooker. Just 17. Joyce. - How do you know? - You're not very quick tonight. What happened? God, I'm restIess tonight. There's a fuII moon. I gave you 500 crowns! Must be the monkeys' night out. Stop gawking! - I gave you 500. - It was onIy 50. - I just gave you 500 crowns. - ReIax. - Want a beer with me? - Move your ass. You shouldn't talk like that. Am I right, Guggi? The girls are having a problem. We're a couple of real horny boys! You want some reaI cock tonight? I guess we shouId do something. Yeah, right. We're tough guys. You've got a IoveIy mouth, you know. Giddy up! Thanks a Iot! You just sat here on your asses. - I want to go home. - We might do something eIse. - Come on, let's go. - We're going to stay awhile. Is that okay? - Are you coming by tonight? - Maybe. I couId win our contest right now. I chaIIenge you to show them up. What are you doing? A quadruple Jack Daniels, please. - What are you doing? - Alright, Martin. - What are you talking about? - You challenged me! But, you can't... Jens, don't... Hello Fishface! Stop bothering decent people. Were you brought up in a foreign culture? Guggi? Isn't that a Pakistani name? You do speak Danish, don't you? You're not Pakis, are you? You beat up Pakis, but you're not Pakis. Then again, who knows? When your mother's a whore, she could have screwed anybody! That really hurt. Queers! Jesus, that was great! I hate them! I hate them! "Fish face." Did you see the Iook on his face? "When your mother's a whore, she could have screwed anybody!" Let's have a smoke. Hans Christian Andersen was a jerk. He was a genius. You know, every time he masturbated... ...he put a mark in his diary. - What? - He made a mark with a penciI. If I did that every time... ...there'd be no pencils left! That girl, Joyce... you know, the hooker. I screwed her. You didn't tell me that. She did everything I asked her to. - I said my name was Martin. - You said you were me? - She doesn't know who you are. - You bastard. - Yeah, right, a stupid bastard. - You're incredible. Want to be a bastard Iike me? I'm a reaI bastard. I aIways hurt the ones I care about. I hate it aII. I hate studying Iaw. I hate having "fun" with the girIs. I couId puke! I couId puke too, sometimes. Really? Give me a challenge. Do it with Joyce. It's not a game. Are you in or out? Okay, I'm in. Relax. We'II take her out for dinner. Saturday. I'm supposed to be with KaIinka. You don't have to tell her about it. That which does not kill you, will make you stronger. Dickhead!! I can't remember how I got home. - I made you a packed Iunch. - Don't go. Don't Ieave me aIone. - Your breath stinks. - Thanks a Iot. It doesn't matter. Call me tonight. Good evening. Sorry. Peter Wörmer. Homicide. Did I startIe you? You're new here? Yes. A Iaw student. - I worked here when I was young. - Here? - I don't know who he is. - Lewis Payne. The picture was taken in 1865. While he was on death row. - That's what I reaIIy need now. - What? Death row? - No, a murderer. - Has there been another one? They're bringing in the body in now. - This place gives me the creeps. - Have you ever been in there? Why not get it over with? You're curious, aren't you? If you don't do it, you'II be haunted by fantasies. Go on. - Are you all right? - Shit. There was nothing but feet. It makes you appreciate being aIive. - I saw you on TV. - Did I make a good impression? - Are you on to him? - No, he's too clever. - How do you know it's the same guy? - Can I trust you? Of course I can. - He has his trademark. - Trademark? He scalps them. - Good evening. - This one just quit smoking! Rolf, this is the new night watchman. What's your name? Martin Bork. Our young friend, Martin Bork. - I don't Iike it. - It wasn't that bad. - Why did they Iet you Iook at her? - I work there. - What's that suppose to mean? - Nothing. I'm sworn to secrecy. - I can't teII you. - But I'm your girIfriend. - You wouldn't want to know. - You're a pain in the ass. - Duty nurse. - This is the night watchman. - The alarm just went off. - The alarm? - The alarm from the morgue. - Go and check it yourself. - The doctor will be there in an hour. - But what if...? Go and see if it's a false alarm. - But what if it's not? - Don't worry, it is. HI MARTIN You're crazy! You insane bastard! What the hell are you doing? - I'm sorry. Take it easy. - Who do you think you are? - I couIdn't heIp it. - I aImost had a heart attack. Jesus, this is gross. How the hell did you get in? The door wasn't Iocked. And you had your nose buried in your book. I stood and watched you for five minutes. You nearly gave me a heart attack. Cozy place you've got here. I talked to Joyce. - Remember, your name is Jens. - Asshole! - I can't heIp it. - Cheers. I think you scared ten years off my Iife. Now they'II think I've gone crazy. I just caIIed the duty doctor. So what? We're all crazy! You can keep the paper bag. - Stupid bastard! - Love you too! Well, did you find any ghosts? It was just my aIarm cIock, I'm afraid. - Can I offer you a sedative? - No, thank you. It'II make you sing hymns, whiIe watching a sIasher fiIm. I'm okay, thanks. Just don't froak out again. We don't have time for screwed-up kids. Those things'II kiII you, you know. Could that be the lady, I wonder. Have fun! Good evening. Please allow me to congratulate you both. - Congratulate us? - Yes, on your wedding. - Would you like to order now? - Sure. Oh, you'd Iike to... - We'II have the Iemon soIe. - I don't Iike fish. Oh yes, that's right. We'II have the veaI then. - So, where do you come from? - Home. - No, I mean... - Copenhagen. What the hell are you doing? Martin said I had to do it right away. - You called? - No. I'm sorry, but I'II have to ask you to Ieave. Could I have a word please? You're going too far, Martin. 200? - Cheers. - I can't hoId my Iiquor. How much to drink a glass of whiskey? 100. 100 crowns. Let's drink. Just a minute. You need a IittIe more. I didn't say how big it wouId be. Bottoms up! Drink it all, Joyce. You're dribbling. That wasn't part of the deal. How much for a smile? 100. So smile. Not good enough. Make it Iook Iike you're reaIIy having a good time. Tell me you love me. - Give me the money. - I earned it. - How much to give the money back? - 100. 100 crowns for giving the other 100 back! Here. Give me my 100 crowns. Listen, Joyce... I'II give you 200 crowns if you can say that you Iove me. I Iove you. That didn't sound quite right. Can you believe that, Jens? I'II add another 200. It's aII yours if you can make it sound reaI. I Iove you. Sorry. I just don't beIieve you, Joyce. How are you feeling? Okay. - Why do you take this shit? - What's it to you? I own you tonight! Tell us about your customers. - What's your weirdest experience. - Why? Just answer the question. One guy pays me 1,000 crowns just to pretend I'm dead. Yeah? He covers me with a sheet and puts a tag on my toe. That sounds familiar. But I wouIdn't bring anyone home that I didn't reaIIy know. - That's too risky. - What do you mean? My girlfriend brought that psycho home... - Then what happened? - I'd rather not... Tell us. I had to identify her body. He'd scaIped her. - I know what you mean. - Like heII you do. Have I finished yet? Do you think you've met him? Can I go now? I'm exhausted. Why does Lotte tolerate him? One of his one night stands phoned here and asked for him. Jane or Joyce or something. He shouldn't give people our number. Where is that idiot? You're Iooking good. Are you wearing anything underneath? - Where's Jens? - He's probably on his way. - We're about to begin. - There he is. - Are you drunk? - I've just got a sIight hangover. Cross your fingers for me. - Joyce called my house last night. - What did she want? - Was it really necessary? - It's nothing to do with me. Honest. So, who gave her my number? - I've got a chaIIenge for you. - What? Don't take the sacrament. Lotte will kill me! "Eat. This is my flesh given for you." "Do this in remembrance of me." This is the body of Christ. This is the body of Christ. I can't do this. This is the body of Christ. This is the blood of Christ. This is the blood of Christ. This is the blood of Christ. I can't drink it... - Lotte, baby, I got sick. - You idiot! - It was the Iukewarm wine... - Shut up! You can't yell at me here. It was the damn hangover. - Can't you just change the water? - Do you think it's that easy? You make a mess of everything. Grow up! You thrive on bullshit! You are so childish. - I'm crazy about you. - Crazy about me? Can't you say Iove anymore? If that's how you want it, then I won't feeI anything either. Great. No more responsibility. We're both past feeling. - But you're the most Ioving person... - I've had enough of Ioving. Rubbish. I'm crazy about you. I guess I Iove you. You stink of puke. Not as much as the baptismaI font! You never took the sacrament. Daddy's home! - Jens speaking. - It's me. Are you at home? - Have you been here tonight? - You'II have to speak up. - Have you been here? - This is a recording. - So, how are we feeling today? - Just wait and see. She's down there. Now Iisten... Let's go and see if she's gone back to bed. She was there a moment ago. Which one was it? The scalped one. Good morning Inge CarIsen. This young man claims you've been up and about. Well, what do you know. She's dead as a doornail. But she was there. Just as reaI as you are. She must be playing a trick on us then. Wake up. She won't wake up. - What's going on? - I'm sorry, Wörmer. I just wanted some back-up in case there were Zombies to fight. But it's only Carlsen who's playing up. - She wasn't here a minute ago. - Nothing unusuaI in that. They often go for a quick stroll. Do you want me to get rid of him? But I saw her! - It's Iike a bad movie. - What do you mean? The hero sees something strange. But then it turns out to be nothing. Sometimes its hard to distinguish between fantasy and reality. But this was reaI! When I've been working hard I feeI as if I'm in a gIass bubbIe. Or in a movie. When I'm trying to catch a murderer, I try to think Iike him. I somehow dissoIve. Right and wrong cease to exist. But I know I've got him when I Iook in a mirror and see his face. - Only then can I return to reality. - But I did see it. You saw what you saw. No harm done, and forget the doctor. He's just a IittIe too IiberaI with his own medicine. You can always reach me here. I don't reaIIy want to go back. - Do we have the money we need? - I couId ask Mom for the rest. - But you hate asking her for money. - I just want some peace. - I don't ever want to Iose you. - You won't. If you drink Iess... hard, and wash behind your ears, I'II be yours forever. It's Jens... - We've been wild. - Lotte's tamed him. - Will you marry me? - What did you say? Will you marry me? Yes. That damned job. - I'II go with you. - You can't. Have you got a knife? In the top drawer. Your friend's got problems. That detective... The one with the psycho killer. Soon we can Ieave aII this behind us. Thank you. - What are you and Jens up to? - It's just some buIIshit. - Time for my rounds. - Can I come too? If you dare. Jees...! It's so quiet. You can hear the blood rushing. - Shall I never lie with you... - No, no. You always forget that bit. Let it out. Damn it. I'm suffocating. I can't breathe in here. Do you know why? Have you ever heard of talent? Is that theater? - Never seen that before. - It's no great Ioss. - Are you Kalinka? - Yes. It's about your boyfriend. You have to make him stop. Filthy bastard! What the hell are you up to? - What am I up to? - Your sIave girI came to see me. - Who? - Joyce. Tell me she's a screwed up junkie who just happened to drop by. Tell me it's all bullshit. I can't. Are you crazy? - What the hell were you thinking? - Take it easy. - You behave Iike a jerk. - It was just a stupid mistake. Was that why we had to do it in the morgue? Was I just a stand-in for her? - What? - Do you want me to play dead? Is that what turns you on? I don't know what you're taIking about. Calm down. - Do you believe her? - Did you sleep with her? No. It was nothing. Did you enjoy it? What? Did you enjoy it? Sorry? Did you enjoy it? - How are you Martin? - The doctor just gave me an earfuI. - Did you do your rounds Iast night? - Of course. Come with me. - What's that? - I haven't got a cIue. It Iooks to me Iike a woman's body Iying on its stomach. - The Iegs were spread somehow. - I don't know anything about it. The doctor tells me that you're the only one who's been down here. Wörmer, come over here. Do you know anything about the drops of semen over there? - Who else could have been in here? - I don't know. Coffee? Someone's trying to frame me. That doctor... I'm just as confused as you are. But the murder victim has played tricks twice now. And you've been involved both times. - Do you have any enemies? - No. - Any debts? Old grudges? Anything? - No. You've got a girlfriend, haven't you? What about affairs? Maybe you've hurt someone? There is someone. A hooker called Joyce. - I went out with her. - Martin! The girI down there was her friend. She had to identify the body. - She called me at home one night. - Blonde and skinny? I know her. But how could Joyce... The killer moves in her circles. Who introduced you to her? One of my friends. It was just a joke. What's his name? Jens Christian ArnkieI. Martin... I don't want to worry you. But I have to be frank with you. If I'm right... ...there's someone very dangerous breathing down your neck. Maybe you've unwittingly become his link to Joyce. What do you mean, Iink? Can I trust you? Well, maybe the murderer wants the murderer to be exposed. I don't get it. A psycho thinks Iike a psycho. His only way out is to find another victim... ...and then make someone else look guilty. He's gained Joyce's trust. Now all he needs is to find her killer. Her killer? You can't be serious. Why does Joyce suddenly call you? Think about all that's happening. Even Rolf's starting to suspect you. This is too far out. Don't worry. I don't suspect you. The old night watchman... It must be someone who knows his way around here. I'II Iook into it. Where did that semen come from? I don't know. We'II anaIyze it. Can we have a sampIe from you? Hello Jens. What's up? What are you doing with Joyce? Run that by me again. The police can't find the murderer. Then this guy turns up. He rapes the body of one of the victims and threatens a hooker. - So they have a suspect? - Yes. Who? It couId be the wrong guy. So who do they suspect? Me. Come on... I'II onIy ask you once. And be honest with me. Is it you? What are you talking about? What the hell's wrong? Martin! What's the hurry? Take it easy. I paid 400 crowns for that. - Do you know where Joyce Iives? - Yeah. Up there. I've never been abroad. Have you? Do you know where the Himalayas are? I'd Iike to taIk to Joyce, pIease. - Joyce doesn't Iive here. - But I was toId that she... Have you got 100? Try upstairs. The Iine's busy. Feeling better now? If you hadn't got out of there... What did she Iook Iike? Poor girI. We have to call the police. We can't just leave her there. Martin Bork here, the new nightwatch. You showed me around. It's 11 o'cIock! - Is it hard to quit? - What are you taIking about? You forgot your knife. You can keep it. Good night. - A 16 year old prostitute... - They've found her. Detective Wörmer revealed that the police have a suspect. We haven't arrested him yet. But we have the evidence we need. We know who he is. We will arrest him tonight. Sources say that the suspect is a young Iaw student. They think it's him. Why do they think it's him? I'd Iike to speak to the doctor, pIease. This is Martin Bork. The weirdo from Forensics. Joyce told me to say hello. I have personaIIy asked for your removaI. Go home. - I thought you'd want me to stay. - Go and see a psychiatrist. - Do you think I'm a psychopath? - You wouIdn't be the first. - Goodbye. - The first... THE FIRST Rolf Ericksson, homicide. I'd like to speak to Martin. We don't know where he is. Joyce has been killed. The police are here. - I'm going over there. - It's too dangerous. - Martin didn't do it. - Stay here. - How do you know it's him? - We know. - Martin is not the murderer. - We don't make the evidence. So he's the suspect just because some weird things happened? It's not just that. And besides Joyce exposed the killer herself. - She wrote his name. - What did she write? - His name. - What name? Martin, of course. But we changed names. Joyce thought he was Jens. So if it was him, she would have written Jens. - That makes you the prime suspect. - No... - There was no name. - Kalinka was there. There was blood, but no name. - And the murderer was there. - Kalinka. Can I use your phone, pIease. This is Martin Bork again. That story about the nightguard who was a necrophiliac... - Who was he? - I don't know who he was. But people talked. - Was he sent to a mentaI hospitaI? - No. - What happened? - The whole thing was hushed up. The bastard is still out there somewhere. Where's his girlfriend? "Interview..." "Dismissed on recommendation of Doctor K.K." "Will never be given future employment." Martin. It's Peter Wörmer. Joyce has been murdered. We've got to talk. I'II come down to the station. We have to get to the bottom of this. I'II pick you up. Are you still there? - Maybe I shouId go home first. - No, I'II pick you up. Are you innocent? But who else could it be? Was it you, Martin? I'II taIk to RoIf instead. Why? It's 1:30 a.m. You're under arrest. How could you? What have you got against hookers? Do they offend your respectable mind? What you've done to these girls is simply ungodly. Ungodly... Just talking about it makes me sick. I Iove the smeII of this room. Come on. Hit me! You can't be serious. Get a hold of yourself. I've destroyed your Iife. How much more can you take? Come on, hit me! Hit me! Or I'II scaIp your girIfriend. Martin? He's gone mad! Kalinka. Kalinka! - He can't get in here. - He didn't do it. - Why didn't you call? - The murderer was still there. What's more, they swapped names. Joyce thought Martin was Jens. It must be Jens then. Or someone who didn't know about the names. What should we do? Kalinka! Martin! Martin! - I was worried about you. - He knocked me out and escaped. - Something's wrong. - What about Kalinka? This is Jens. - Where's Kalinka? - How should I know? - Her bike's outside. - He probably took her with him. Help! Take him to the station. I want to take another Iook at Joyce. - Why would they try to escape? - Take it easy. Handcuff him. We'II get the others. - Come with me. - But you've got your doubts too. Doubts... - Doubts about what, Rolf? - Nothing. What the hell...? No! Have you ever been killed before? I'II be back for you. This is crazy. You can't do this. - What do you want? - Just the usuaI. Your hand... Come on, we'II be Iate. It's raining. It's onIy a shower. We're so damn predictable. We're just Iike our parents. My god, you Iook Iike my dad. That's odd. You Iook Iike my mom. If this had been a movie, they'd caII it "The Nightguard." - The great heroes end up married. - So it seems. They often challenge each other and suddenly one of them says: I chaIIenge you. - Let's hear it. - Says the other. - Say no, says the former. - Say no? Say no to the priest, says the former and smiles. Do you think I'm afraid to say no? I mean, what's a "no"? You want to hear me say no? It was a joke. Don't do it, Jens. Jens Christian ArnkieI... you take Kalinka Martens to be your lawfully wedded wife? No! It's actuaIIy the other way round. It shouId be me who... |
NYPD Blue Na Cha The Great Na Tum Jaano Na Hum Na samote u lesa Nabi CD1 Nabi CD2 Nacktschnecken 2004 Nada Mas Naissance de lAmour La Naked 2002 Naked Ambition CD1 Naked Ambition CD2 Naked Gun 33x3 - The Final Insult Naked Gun The - From the Files of Police Squad Naked Jungle The (1954) Naked Killer Naked Lunch 1991 Naked Weapon CD1 Naked Weapon CD2 Naken 2000 Name Of The Rose The CD1 Name Of The Rose The CD2 Nameless - Los sin nombre Namnam buknyeo (2003) - Love Impossible Nan bei zui quan Nanguo zaijan nanguo - Goodbye South Goodbye Napoleon Dynamite Narayama Bushiko - Ballad of Narayama Narc Nashan naren nagou (1999) - Postmen in the Mountains Nashville 1975 CD1 Nashville 1975 CD2 Nashville 1975 CD3 Nathalie X National Lampoons Christmas Vacation National Lampoons Christmas Vacation 2 National Lampoons Vacation 1983 National Security National Treasure CD1 National Treasure CD2 Nattens Engel 1998 Nattevagten Natural Born Killers Natural City Nausicaa of the valley of Wind CD1 Nausicaa of the valley of Wind CD2 Navigators The Navigators The 2001 Near Dark Ned Kelly (2003) Needing You Negotiator The CD1 1998 Negotiator The CD2 1998 Nell (1994) Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud Nest The 2002 Net The Network 1976 Never Die Alone 2004 Neverending Story New Alcatraz New Guy The 2002 New Nightmare New Police Story CD1 New Police Story CD2 New York Stories Next Friday Next Karate Kid The (1994) Ni Liv (Nine Lives) Niagara Nicholas Nickleby (2002).CD1 Nicholas Nickleby (2002).CD2 Nick of time Nicotina 2003 Night At The Opera A 1935 Night Flier Night Wish - End of Innocence CD1 Night Wish - End of Innocence CD2 Night and Fog Night and the City 1950 Night at the Roxbury A Night of the Demon (1957) Night of the Generals The CD1 Night of the Generals The CD2 Nightbreed 1990 Nightmare (2000 Korean) Nightmare Before Christmas The Nightmare Before Christmas The - Special Edition Nightmare City Nightmare On Elm Street 3 A - Dream Warriors 1987 Nightmare On Elm Street 6 A (1991) Freddys Dead Nightmare on Elm Street 3 A - Dream Warriors Nightwatch Nightwish - End Of Innocence Nightwish - From Wishes to Eternity Nikita Nikos the impaler Ninas Tragedies 2003 Nine Half Weeks Nine Lives (2004 I) Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat The Nine Months Nine Queens Nineteen Eighty Four - 1984 Ningen Gokaku (Kiyoshi Kurosawa 1998] Ninja Scroll Ninth Gate The (2000) Nip Tuck 1x01 Nip Tuck 1x02 Nip Tuck 1x03 Nip Tuck 1x04 Nip Tuck 1x05 Nip Tuck 1x06 Nip Tuck 1x07 Nip Tuck 1x08 Nip Tuck 1x09 Nip Tuck 1x10 Nip Tuck 1x11 Nip Tuck 1x12 Nip Tuck 1x13 Nirvana 1997 Nixon CD1 Nixon CD2 No 3 Limited No Blood No Tears 2002 CD1 No Blood No Tears 2002 CD2 No End 1985 No Good Deed 2002 No Mans Land No Mans Land 2001 Limited No News From God No Way Back No way out Noam Chomsky Distorted Morality (2003) Nobody Someday Nobodys Fool 1994 Nocturne (1980 I) Noi The Albino 2003 Noises Off 1992 Nomads 1986 Non ti muovere Norma Rae Normais Os 2003 North Sea Hijack 1980 North Shore North To Alaska CD1 North To Alaska CD2 North by Northwest (1959) Northfork Nos Miran Nosferatu eine Symphonie des Grauens Nostalghia (Tarkovsky 1983) Not One Less CD1 Not One Less CD2 Not another teen movie Notebook The CD1 Notebook The CD2 Nothing Hill Collectors Edition Nothing to loose Notorious (Hitchcock 1946) Notre dame de Paris CD1 Notre dame de Paris CD2 Notting Hill Notting Hill (Collectors Edition) Notting Hill - Ultimate Edition Novo 2002 Now Or Never 2003 Now Voyager Nowhere To Run Nowhere to Hide Nude for Satan (Luigi Batzella 1974) Nurse Betty Nutty Professor 2 - The Klumps (Uncensored Directors Cut) Nutty professor The (1963) Jerry Lewis Nynke 2001 |