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Subtitles for Pandoras Box 1929 CD2.

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Pandoras Box 1929 CD2

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Your Honours. Members of the Jury The Greek gods created a woman: Pandora. She was beautiful, charming, versed in the art of flattery
But the gods also gave her a box containing the evils of the world The headless woman opened the box and the evils were loosed upon us
Counsel for the Defence portrays the accused as a persecuted innocent I call her Pandora, because she brought evil upon Dr. Schön
The arguments of the Defence do not sway me. I demand the death penalty
Prosecutor! Do you know what would have become of your wife if she had spent her nights as a child drifting around cafés?
... sentenced to five years in prison for manslaughter with the four and a half months already served ...
Fire! Fire!
End of Act Five
Act Six
Passport.: Alwa Schön
How dare you come here?
Where else can I go but home?
If you feel at home where my father bled to death ... I must leave!
Is that the District Court?
I want to speak to Prosecutor Von Bodungen
This is Alwa Schön. Have you any news of the escapee?
We'll go away together. Countess Geschwitz will lend me her passport
Passport.: Countess Augusta Geschwitz
I have the lady's baggage
"5,000 Marks Reward'
Received with thanks. Marquis Casti Piani
Marquis Casti Piani
May I prove my friendship by giving you good advice?
Do not go to Paris, there are so many prying eyes. Come with me. I know a place where people are hospitable ... and discreet
End of Act Six
Act Seven
Lulu has been living here for three months
A fine hotel. Hospitable and discreet
What's wrong? It's how we live
I've just got engaged. I'm going to stage a fantastic variety act with my fiancée
But we need 20,000 francs to stage it
You must give me the money
Ask Alwa, perhaps he has won today
If I could carry on playing I'd win it all back
That boy gets everything
You should only play when you're sure of winning
How much?
300 pounds
The German police would give me 250 pounds
300, then. I'll go and book a cabin
He's acting as if he wants to buy me
I need money urgently. You can't give me any. The Egyptian will pay me 50 pounds more than the German police. You're lucky
I'm securing your future. The police will never find you in his Cairo establishment
Get ready quickly. You're leaving in an hour
I won't be sold. That's worse than prison
I need money. If you aren't ready in an hour I'm calling the police
Alwa, you must win, you must. Otherwwise I'm lost
If I don't have the 20,000 francs by tonight I'll report you to the police
Money ... everyone wants money
Cry, my child, cry
Rodrigo will report me to the police. Save me
I'll show him!
I know how we can all get out of this mess
Countess Geschwitz fancies you and she has money
Be nice to her, then I'm sure she'll cough up
Only you can save me
Rodrigo is madly in love with you
Throw yourself at him, he'll do anything for you. Otherwise, he'll report me
Calm down, you'll soon have your money
Police! Police!
Hurry! I'll find a boat!
We must find a ship to take us to London
End of Act Seven
Act Eight
We only take in order to give. Brother, how can I help you?
No one can help me
It's funny how you can get booze on credit, but not bread
Why put on the paint? We like you as you are
What a pity! I wanted to eat Christmas pudding once more in my life
Warning to the Women of Londonl
For some time now...
...a man has been trying to lure women and girls to dark places... order to murder them
Women and girls should not go out alone at night
I have no money
Come on, I like you
You're under the mistletoe, you must let yourself be kissed
The End
PANDORAS BOX Germany 1 929
Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Scenario by Ladislaus Vajda
Photographed by Günther Krampf
Sets by Andrej Andrejew and Gottlieb Hesch
Costumes by Gottlieb Hesch
Production Nero-Film AG, Berlin
Krafft-Raschig, Alice Roberts, Michael von Newlinski
Siegfried Arno, Gustav Diessl
Music Peer Ruben
Adaptation Matthias Suschke
Played by the Kontraste Ensemble. Conducted by Frank Strobel
Chief sound recordist Thomas Schmölz. Sound engineer Peter Collmann
Recording studio Colosseum Schallplatten GmbH
Video Magenta TV
Editing Wolfgang Ripperger, Andrea Baghul
Programme editors Christoph Drese, Nina Goslar, Mario Lauer
A ZDF production. In collaboration with ARTE
Copyright ZDF 1 99 7
P S 2004
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