Shield The 2x01 - The Quick FixClick here to download subtitles file for the movie "Shield The 2x01 - The Quick Fix"Get Paid for using YouTube!
No. No. No! I sent Corrine's picture to hotels with weekly and monthly rates. Night manager called when he got the fax. Said she checked in about a week ago as a... Jan Murphy? Which room? She's not alone up there, Vic. - I know. She's got my kids with her. - No kids. There's someone else. Ran the plates. Guy's name is Steven Linfield. He owns a yoga studio. She's probably takin' classes with him. When my gash of an ex-wife ditched me, first thing she did... was got that ass real tight. - Manager said the guy's been up there every night. - Which room? It's 209. Vic, wait. Wait. Vic, don't... don't do this. What the... What do you want? Who are you? I'm s... I-I don't know. I... Manager confirmed two different photos, swore it was her. You've been on this thing for a month. You can't find three kids and a housewife? No money trail. The kids haven't been in school. She's not with friends or relatives. Look, if we don't expand our search beyond So. Cal. ... You know, maybe I should, uh... - check hospitals, accident reports... - Look, they're alive. Just find them. Come on. Hurry up. Fresh from Mexico. Still has its cherry. Crack the seal. Two shipments in a week. That's not bad. - We're pregnant. - Beautiful. Wrap it up. We'll follow you home. You know, when we double up on shipments, sooner or later someone's gonna notice. Hey, Vic put me in charge, all right? It's working, okay? So just roll with it. Oh, Christ. Couple of salties. - They're gonna roust 'em. - What do we do if they find that coke? - That's 50 grand each, gone. - Three black guys with a trunk full of cocaine... can't drive the goddamn speed limit? Ohh. Great. - I knew this was a mistake. - Shut up. Let me think. Hey, you're in charge. Hey, we're in this together. Hey, lookee here, Clark. - Whoa! - Don't shoot! - Keep your hands where I can see 'em. - I'm a brother cop. Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's all right. It's cool. We're cops. Here you go. Look, uh, you're not gonna believe this, but you just nailed my informant. We're on our way to a bust. That's-That's our coke. - Who's in charge of the sting? - Mackey's our team leader. I'll give him a call and get him down here. - Who's your C.O.? - Aceveda. Yeah, well, I'm gonna call him too. Sure, if you don't mind waking up a captain. I don't mind. Burning necklaces have been gaining popularity... in Central and South American drug cartels. Only a matter of time before se mueve al Norte. South Africa's A.N.C. also used tire necklaces... to torture and kill impimpi. - Impimpi? - Police informants. - And since when do you speak Spanish? - I'm taking a class. I work in Los Angeles. Not knowing the language was limiting me from being the best detective I could be. Hiya. I'm Detective Vic Mackey. - These your men? - Depends. What'd they do? We pulled over these guys, found some weapons and a sizable amount of cocaine. - These guys say it's for a buy-bust. - That's right. They were supposed to meet me over in Farmington. Nobody notified our department. We're waiting on a Captain Aceveda to clear things up. Ah, it's not necessary. We're late as it is. By the time... Aceveda shows up... What's going on? We pulled over these men with several kilos of cocaine. - I was gonna give you a heads-up. - They claim they're on their way to a bust... - you authorized in Farmington. - I didn't have... I didn't forward the C-90. I take responsibility. Apologize to your C.O. for me. I guarantee it won't happen again. Sure. Sorry to hold you guys up. No, no. You were right to call me. Look, I'm sorry about... - You're on your way to a bust, right? - Yes, sir. - Then go arrest someone. - Yes, sir. You and I need to talk... now. Hey, thanks for cutting us some slack on that little paperwork snafu. You've been logging less hours. Arrests are way down. Bad guys must be hibernating. - Is everything okay with you? - Sure. Because you're a lot of things, but sloppy isn't one of them. Why don't you just give me a demerit and call it a night? A civilian auditor's been assigned to the barn. She gets a whiff of what I've been smelling lately... she's gonna slam a lid on this whole place. Well, that's your problem. I don't think she'll be as understanding of your paperwork snafus as I am... which makes it our problem. - This drug business tonight... - Shane and the boys are out making arrests as we speak. You better find your game, and you better find it quick. I never lost it. The two victims have been I.D.'d as Pablo Fernando and Christopher Reyes. Street names are Bang Bang and Cuca. We got two dead bangers, two different gang affiliations. A Los Mag and a Toro. Both high-level lieutenants in the drug racket. You can understand why they'd want to kill each other. Who'd want to kill 'em both? - Well, that's the mystery, isn't it? - Keep an eye out for the tag. Talk to your contacts. Find out what's brewing. Maybe it would help to recreate the crime. ¡Ay, Dios mio! I'm burning! Hey, hey, Smitty. Get these two to the morgue A.S.A.P. Just a reminder: Lanie Kellis will begin observing activities today in the barn. She's a civilian auditor. I know, but there was a riot... the whole Gilroy scandal. You can't expect the city council to do nothing. Say hello to fall guy number one and fall guy number two. - Hey, why are you turning in Tio's stash? - It's not Tio's coke. - It's theirs. - They had that much blow on 'em? - I thought they were small-time. - They were until tonight. I see you've made some arrests. - Yes, sir. - Good. Finish the paperwork, return the coke to Property, and move on to your next case. Yes, sir. That's a ton of weight. Did he say who's running 'em? - Alvarez. - Well, we better go talk to him... find out why he's moving from the minors to the majors. Aw, goddamn it. What now? Yeah? Tio, I don't like being here. What's the problem? That. He's puking up blood, man. - Aah! - What the hell did you call us for? Like I'm gonna call a bunch of paramedics to my drug crib. - Jesus Christ. - What the hell's wrong with him? - I don't know, man. He looks like he's gonna die. - Well, did he eat something? He snuck a few lines just to check the stuff out. Snuck a few lines? What did I say about that? - Is he allergic? - Oh, man, he's going into cardiac arrest. Shit. Get me a towel. Towel, towel! Oh, shit. Come on. God, it's beating. We gotta get him to a hospital quick. Drop him off. Don't answer any questions. Just get the hell out of there. - Move. - Hurry up. Jesus... How much did he do? Just a couple lines. He's not allergic. Was he mixing? Maybe the coke's bad. The coke is not bad. It's-It's fine. Tio just needs to step on it a little more. You're so sure. Do a line. - Have the lab run a sample. See if someone spiked it. - Yeah. Who's gonna mess with my stash? Somebody with enough product to step in. Asshole, 12:00. Hey, Alvarez. - You're out early. - What do you want, man? - Tell me something. How does a pissant crack dealer like you... suddenly start carrying heavy weights of high-grade coke? - I'm clean, brother. - We picked up a couple of your guys. Who gave you the coke? Who's trying to push their way in? I don't know what you're talkin' about, man. Let's see if a car ride jogs your memory. I guess you don't get to visit One-niner territory that often... you being natural enemies and all. Hey, Mo! Your sister's ass really taste as sweet as Alvarez here says it does? He wants to know what your mama's putting in the corn muffins. Excuse me? - You messing with Tio's coke shipment? - What? No. Who gave you the drugs? You don't help me out, you're gonna have to find another ride. Hope those $ 100 pair of Cortezes help him run faster. - All right. The Quintero brothers. - Never heard of'em. Armadillo and Navaro. They're from Tijuana. They told me to get ready to flood the streets with blow. They think they can just come into Farmington and take over? - I guess so. - Guessed wrong. Hey, get me out of here, man. Get out of the way! Claudette? Your dead guys may have been cooked up... - by a couple of Mexican nationals. - You got some names? One. Quintero. They're brothers... Navaro and Armadillo. - See that guy with Vic? - Yeah. He's been in a few times lately. Any idea who he is? - Nope. - He had to sign in at the front desk, right? - That's the policy. - You wanna check the log? Love to. I'm part of a network of private investigators. For a fee, I can get your wife's info out... - to over 200 P.I.s throughout the U.S. - How much? For 20 grand, I can get to half the agencies. It's good coverage, but less bodies. Things are gonna move slower. How much to make things move faster? 50 grand will cover the entire network. If she's anywhere in the free 52, we'll find her fast. - Do it. - They don't get started... unless they have half the fee up front. I need 25K, like, now. You'll have your money in an hour. Who would have wanted to kill your brother? - You know who Cuca was? - Drug lieutenant for the Toros. He was killed along with his counterpart from Los Mags. - Were they doing business together? - Don't know. Your brother was burned to death. Is there anything you do know that can help us? - Nope. - Mrs. Reyes? Does the name Armadillo or Navaro mean anything? - Armadillo? - Mayda doesn't know anything about this. - None of us do. - Again... I'm so sorry for your loss. Hey, what's up? I need to make an emergency withdrawal from our retirement fund. You got the key, right? Vic, there's nothing in there. - You gotta be joking me. - No, we took it. Me, Lemon and Ronnie, we took it to invest. - Without telling me? - You put me in charge while you were taking time off. A quarter of that stash is mine. And I'm in the process of tripling it for you. It was... It was gonna be a surprise. It is. A bad one. Look, I've been giving this thing a lot of thought. Yeah? And what's your plan, exactly? I've been stepping up shipments. I've been overseeing distribution. Distribution? We're middlemen keeping the peace, not drug dealers. What the hell are you doing? I'm not doing anything that we weren't doing before. - I'm just bumping things up a level. - Well, what level is that? Prison? All right. Where's my investment now? It's all tied up in the coke shipment. That coke that had Tio's guy bleeding from every orifice? - We don't know that that was the coke. - I need that money. Yeah? Well, we all do. No, I need it now to get back my kids. - What are you talking about? - They're gone, Shane! Corrine took 'em and disappeared. What? When? - Five weeks ago. God. - Oh, Jesus. And I need 25 grand right now to find them. - Why didn't you tell me? - You screwed me! I didn't... I didn't screw you. - I-I was just trying to make things up to you. - Goddamn it! I didn't know! - I lose my family, and now this? - I didn't know. - What am I supposed to do now? - If I'd known, I'd never... What am I supposed to do? Cuca's friends say you were his girlfriend. You left him for Armadillo? No. Jessica Hintel... senior at the Wedney School for Girls. Father's chiropractor to the stars in Bel Air. How does your father feel about you... trading down from Westside cheerleader... - to barrio gang babe? - That angel tattoo on your face... He must love seeing that in the family Christmas cards. - It's a dove. - Oh. Two weeks ago... Cuca and I were walking down Olympic. Armadillo and a few of his guys... came up to us... and asked Cuca if he had changed his mind... and Cuca said no. Armadillo took me... away from Cuca... to his house. He told me to take my clothes off. When he'd finished with me... he held me down while another one gave me this tattoo. A dove... to remember him by, he said. When I went back to Cuca... and he saw the tattoo... he called me puta. He wouldn't touch me anymore. Can you have my dad pick me up, please? Oh, God. I fell asleep. Yeah. What are you gonna tell your wife? She's out of town. This is, like, the fifth time this month. Is it? We're not wrecking something that's working, are we? Nah. We won't let it turn into a thing. Good, 'cause I don't mind a thing. I just... I just don't want a thing. You know what I mean? Yeah, sure. Hey. I'll see you around. Sit down. The coke's worthless. It's got rosary pea mixed in it. It's poison. - Well, he tested it. - For coke. Not if it was any good. If this shit hit the street... God knows how many bodies we'd be picking up. I'm telling you, man. That seal was intact. These guys saw it. - You messed with it beforehand. - I'm a customs guy, for Chrissake. I was making money off this stuff too. If somebody screwed with it, it happened on the Mexican side. Well, who handles things on the Mexican side? It's, uh, Rosalina Imports in Tijuana. It's a front for some guy named Navaro. Navaro Quintero? Yeah, yeah. That's him. Jesus Christ. These guys are up my ass. Better come out here. Oh! I got the other P.I.s started on it. You got the dough? Not yet. There's a problem. These guys only started without the deposit as a favor to me. You gotta front me. You'll have the money soon. - It doesn't work like that. - You make it work. - Just keep 'em looking. - I don't have that kind of cash on hand. Gordie. These are my kids, man. Please. I'll tell 'em the money's coming tonight. Thank you. But this is my reputation, Vic. You don't have that cash in my hands by 10:00 tonight... I'm pulling them off the case, and I'm off it too. Ditch your weapons. We're headed south to get our money back from Navaro. - What? - Just do as I say... for once! Vic, we've been looking for you. I'd like to introduce you to Lanie Kellis. - I'm a little busy right now. - Miss Kellis is our civilian auditor. There's some things I'd like to talk to you about. I gotta go. Don't worry. I'll handle this. What the hell are you doing? - I don't have time for this. - Why? And where are you going? - Tijuana. - Mexico? What for? Someone's putting poisoned coke out on our streets. I'm gonna stop 'em. Well, you don't have jurisdiction across the border. - Well, I'm taking the day off. - I'm not authorizing it. Well, if you want dozens of potential voters keeling over dead... so be it, but I'm taking the day off. Hi. What's the nature of your visit to Mexico? Little bit of everything. Go ahead. Welcome to Mexico. Okay, get out. Go find some guns. - They got gun stores? - It's Tijuana. Use your imagination. Got it. If we find him, we'll call you up. Where the hell is Calle Mar Campio? Come on. Nice girls. Come on. Come on. Come in, inside, with girls, nice. Nice ones. Come on. - Come over here please. - Let's go. Rosalina Imports. It might as well read "dead end." - Now what? - Goddamn it! Police. Is everything okay? Yeah. We're just looking for someone. We're police too, from L.A. You should be more careful. This part of town isn't so tourist-friendly. - A lot of muggings. - Yeah. Kidnappings too. A friend of mine's sister got nabbed here two days ago. I am sorry to hear that. Did your friend file a report? We'd rather pay the ransom and get her back. We're looking for a Navaro Quintero. Navaro. I'm not surprised. He and his brother are our biggest problem. Your own government has a federal warrant for Navaro. But as long as he's on our side of the border... Look, you know where we can find him? - Where are we goin'? - To get your guns. Keep following. You know, this place could be nothing but casinos... and poontang, and white-sand beaches. Instead, look at it. It's the goddamn asshole of South America. Mexico's in Central America. Hey, man, where the hell are these guns? Right here. Where is your money? Yeah! Your money! Come on. Aw, this is bullshit. Shit, man. Goddamn it. Give it. Come on! Give it! Come on. Now get out. Get out! Get out! - Detective Wagonback? - Wagenbach. Oh, sorry. Lanie Kellis, civilian auditor. Oh, uh, right. Hi. I understand that you were the lead detective... in Assistant Chief Gilroy's case. - Yes, I was. - The hit-and-run or the land fraud scheme? Uh, knee-deep in both. Could I get a look at your personal notes on that case? His bail hearing's coming in a few weeks, and I want to make sure... - that nothing surprises us. - I'm certainly the man... to, uh, get you that file. Um, I'll get it to you as soon as I can. - Thanks. I appreciate the help. - Mayda. You forgot your notebook. - Thank you. - Did you catch him? - Who? - Armadillo. He's the one who killed my brother. Armadillo, he came to the house one day. He told Cuca he could join him, or he could die. He said that with you in the room? He kept looking at me, like he was trying to scare me... but I'm not afraid of him like Topo is. Hey, sweetie, how you doin'? - Dutch. - Be right back. - What's she doing here? - She came in on her own. Where's the mother? The brother? You're interviewing a minor without a guardian present. She implicates Armadillo directly. He made threats to Cuca right in front of her. What exactly are we supposed to do with all that information? Put her in front of a grand jury, arrest this guy. If she can lead us in the right direction, great. - But her family doesn't want her to testify. - She wants to testify. - And her family doesn't. - So? So if you had kids, you'd understand. - Mayda? - Yes? Hey, come with me, baby. I'm gonna take you home. Oh, I lost my barrette. I'll get you a new one. - Is something wrong? - No. I'm gonna take you home. Are you going to arrest Armadillo? We are gonna try. You're a brave girl for helping us. - I know. - Mm-hmm. Only two guys. You'd think he'd have more firepower around him. Probably thinks no one's crazy enough to mess with him. Oh, great. We're after the ugly one up high. - Give me a piece. - We had a little problem with the guns. - What kind of problem? - Montezuma's revenge. Oh, shit. They're leaving. We gotta go. What? Th-They're packin'! - Boss, this is nuts, man. - Ronnie, go get the car. Shane, Lem, you take the two big guys. Take their guns. I'll take el feo. Easy, easy. Hey, can you tell me where the donkey shows are around here? Up against the wall! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! - He's here! Come on! - Don't even think about it. - Come on! - Okay. Go! Go! Go! Go! - Here you go. - You got my boy in here? - Randall? - Are you his mother? - Yes. Why is he locked up? - Buzz her in, John. - What did he do? - A hardware store owner... - caught him shoplifting some spray paint. - No. He says he's seen him and his friends tagging other buildings in the neighborhood. Is that true? Did you steal? You vandalizing now? We don't usually bring them in this young, but we couldn't get ahold of you... and this guy's pretty adamant about pressing charges. Look, I cut back on my hours, so I could be home nights. I am active in his school. We go to church... and still he does this. What else can I do? Let me see if I can help. - She's pretty upset. - She should be. He's only ten, and already he's racking and tagging. Next, it'll be armed robbery. Before you know it, we'll be mopping him off a sidewalk. The mother's doing the best that she can. I think I can make a difference here. Julien, come on. You want me to tell you how this story ends? Okay, fine. Knock yourself out. Who knows? Maybe it could do some good. I ain't payin'you nothin', ese. - Really? - You let me go right now... I'll let you get back across that border alive. Toss me one of them. This what your brother Armadillo does to people who don't cooperate? You're not cooperating! Douse him. Last chance. How much money are we talking about, man? Three-fifty, American. I can do that. - Plus 50 for ruining my day. - Come on, Vic. Don't push it. Shut the hell up! Armadillo Quintero? Yes? You're a hard man to find. We'd like to talk to you. What are you doing in Los Angeles, Armando? You mind if I call you Armando? I have a hard time... keeping a straight face when I hear the name "Armadillo." I'm looking for new opportunities. Those opportunities include... moving the Toros and the Los Mags out of the drug business? It's a little early in the interrogation to be showing all your cards. Where do you go now when I say... "I don't know who the Toros or Los Mags are"? - Our house, our rules. - Oh, this hasn't always been your house. This used to be Mexico. And I've been reading about your rules. Yes, we saw the law books at your place. You could only keep me here for six hours without charging me with a crime. You're a prime suspect in the fire murders of two men last night. - We can hold you for 24 hours. - And I can provide many people... who will be happy to say I was with them... when this awful crime took place. Six hours. You're not here to fight the Toros and the Los Mags. You're here to unite 'em. One gang, one leader: you. Uniting the Toros and the Los Mags? Come on. Think about it. They stop pissing on each other and turn their guns on everyday folks... it's not good. - So how do we keep him here? - The girlfriend won't testify. - Mayda will. - I'm not putting a 12-year-old girl in the middle of this. Not with him involved. We'll find another way. Here, man. I have a bad feeling about this. Keep it to yourself. All right. No guns, no games. Drop your guns on the ground! Okay. ¡El dinero! What are you doing? Jesus Christ! Let's toss him! - Anybody hit? - No, man. Holy shit. I just leased this car! What are we doin'? He's got a federal warrant. If the feds want him, I say we let him start doin' his time. We can't make arrests in Mexico. Once we get him back home, won't matter how he got there. This is insane! His buddies are out looking for us right now! We got our money. Let's just dump him and go. This prick was willing to poison dozens of strangers. If we leave him here, you think he won't come lookin' for payback? - How we supposed to get him across the border? - In the trunk. - Same as the money. - That's if we even make it to the border! Look at the car! - How am I gonna pay for this? - He'll be kicking and screaming the whole way. There's 20 farmacias on every block. We'll go and get a bottle of roofies. - What, the date rape drug? - Don't pretend like you don't know what they look like. We're gettin' 'em. Armando was an orphan, lived on the streets. I spoke to a woman who was a social worker years ago. On a hunch, she gave him an I.Q. test at age 11. - He lasted a week and a half. - Didn't fit in? He raped and beat his teacher. - When he was 11? - Two years in Sinaloa juvie, back on the street after that. If he hasn't been caught since, he's gotten a lot smarter. I'll call I.N.S., see if the rape's... a violation of his visa requirements. - Do you have that file for me? - I'll get it to you soon. When I ask for something, I ask politely because that's my nature. But when you make me ask a second time, I lose my patience. This squad has been the epicenter of police corruption... civil lawsuits, and most recently a riot. The people I work for want answers. They expect me to get them. I have the power to recommend changes, get people fired... even shut down this entire building if it's warranted. Do you understand what I'm saying, Detective? Yes, ma'am. Good. Um, if you could get me the Gilroy file... - I would really appreciate it. - Sure. Thank you. - Oh, man. - Shut up. How do we explain 400 grand in cash... and a doped-out drug lord in our trunk? Nobody breaks a sweat, we won't have to. Come on, boy. Search. Any sign of Detective Mackey? He's still in the field. "In the field." Is that code for "He pretty much goes wherever he wants without any supervision"? You're not after Mackey, are you? You're after me. I'm not after anyone. - You have enemies on the city council. - Who? They're not thrilled that you parlayed a scandal and a riot... - into a 15-point lead over Karen Mitchell. - 17-point lead. They take the heat. They get bashed in the press. While you come out looking like a reformer? - I'm gonna be a reformer. - Not if you don't get elected. I have a 17-point lead. They're hoping I'll find something that will change that. They know I'll be fair, but they also know... that if there's something to find, I'll find it. I'm glad you know. Randall. The owner left it up to me. He won't press charges if I vouch for you. Let's go. Okay, tell me why I should let you go. I don't want to go to jail! - I don't believe you. - Henry and I needed some cans. Henry? Henry who? Do I need to arrest him too for coercion? - No. I won't do it again. - Are you sure? Okay. I tell you what. I'm gonna give you this one. But remember, I'm vouching. And if this happens again, you will have to answer to your mother... and you will have to answer to me! - You got it? - Yes, sir. Go sit over there a minute. - Is he gonna be okay? - He'll think twice next time. Thank you. I'm so worried about him. You are doing your best. It's tough these days. What church do you take him to? - Faith Temple. - I've heard good things about them. - I go to Covenant. - That's Reverend Cook. Bad smoker, good man. Yeah, that's him. So, you gonna be home tonight? I don't know. Why? Because I'm not allowed to ask someone out on a date while I'm on duty and... Mmm. Come by. Maybe I'll be home. Here you go. Thanks. - What's so funny? - Nothing. It's been six hours. You're free to go. I guess what I did when I was 11... doesn't stop me from visiting your country. - Okay, stop right there. - Okay, work it. - Come on, boy. Work it. - I.D.s, please, and can you pop the trunk for me. Sure. Busy day for you guys, huh? Work it. Come on. - You boys are cops? - Farmington Division, L.A. - You guys have a rough time on the other side? - Bachelor party. - Can barely remember the last few days. - Pop the trunk for me, please. Sure. Um, the trunk latch is broke. Sir, stay in the car, please. - I will take the keys. - Sure. What happened back here? Oh, uh... We were in Rosarita. Madame Marie introduced us to some of her friends. Came out this morning, and it looked like that. You boys are lucky you got off with just a few stickers. Yeah. Hey, you need some help back there? You're gonna need to get rid of that wire. I think I got some pliers in here somewhere. No, that's all right. You guys have anything to declare? Just that it's great to be back in the States. Welcome home. - Get in there. - Give me the Polaroid. Quesadilla! Just wanted to give your little brother something to remember you by. - It was creepy. - How? The way he laughed to himself, like something happened. He was sitting alone for an hour. What could have happened? - I don't know. - Maybe he's just creepy. No, he was reacting to something. - Oh, Ms. Kellis. - Detective Mackey. I'm really sorry about hustling out on you earlier. It did seem very abrupt. Well, we had a tip about a Mexican drug lord being in town. Anyway, we just brought him in. Got him just as he was about to head back across the border. Wanted by the feds on about 15 different counts. Pretty bad guy. Uh, but I just wanted to sit with you and answer a few of your questions. It can wait until tomorrow. Congratulations on the arrest. - Aw, it's a team thing. - So, we'll talk tomorrow. I look forward to it, Ms. Kellis. Me too. And call me Lanie. Unbelievable. - Did anyone talk to him? - Who? Armadillo, when he was in interrogation. - Nobody was supposed to. - You check the tapes? What was that? What is that? It's Mayda's barrette. Oh, God. He knows. Tio found someone with an emergency supply. Enough to get him by till the next shipment comes in. - Give me the leftover cash. - Here you go. You know, even after writing off the car, we still come out ahead on this deal. Asking for 50 grand for ruining your day was sweet, man. - Give me your keys. - What? I can't trust you with them anymore, so give 'em to me. Come on. Here you go. - Where's Mayda? - A friend's house. Why? Call and check. - Mayda came to talk to us. - What? - She told us about Armadillo. - No. I told her not to! We think he knows she spoke to us. She never what? - She never showed up. I'll make the call. - Where is she? - We'll find her. - He's gonna kill her! - We'll find her. Hey. You okay? Hmm? - Mayda... - No! - I'm here. It's okay. - Topo, let us get her to a doctor! Stop! - Stay away from us! - Stop! Topo! Please! Let us help her! Topo, let us help her! My guy in Denver got a hit on Corrine's driver's license. She got a warning for rolling a stop sign last week. - In Denver? - Colorado Springs. He tracked the license plate, the address she gave. Long story short... he took this photo about three hours ago. That's them, isn't it? Yeah, that's them. My guy lost 'em in traffic... but if they're shopping for groceries there, they gotta be close by. We're gonna get 'em, Vic. - Can I keep this? - Yeah, sure. I'll call you in a few. Hey. I didn't know you made house calls. This P.I. you've been meeting with, has he found them? - Found who? - Your family. I assume if they were here, your place would be in a slightly better condition. At least now I know what's been making you so sloppy. By this time next year, I'm gonna be on the city council. In six years, I'm gonna be mayor. By then, I'll have much bigger problems than you. In the meantime, how do we solve this problem? - I don't see a problem. - I do. Her name's Lanie Kellis. And as much as I'd love to see her take you down... I don't need a scandal right now. So you and I need to come to an understanding. You and me? Right. I don't see how you have much choice. You don't want her and me gunning for you, right? You're smart enough to know that. - You're gonna watch my back. - Until the election. In exchange for what? You get your head back in the game. Get your boys under control, and don't do anything to embarrass me. How do I know I can trust you? How do I know I can trust you? I guess we have a deal. Fine. This doesn't mean I like you. Try to screw me on this... I'll bury you. |
SLC Punk SNL Best Of Eddie Murphy 1998 SWAT S Diary 2004 Saathiya CD1 Saathiya CD2 Saaya CD1 Saaya CD2 Safe Sahara (1943) Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep1 Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep2 Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep3 Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep4 Sahara (with Michael Palin) video diary bonus Sahara interview with Michael Palin Saint Clara Salaam Bombay CD1 Salaam Bombay CD2 Salaam Cinema 1995 Salems Lot 2004 CD1 Salems Lot 2004 CD2 Salesman - Albert and David Maysles (1969) Salo Or The 120 Days Of Sodom Salon Salton Sea The Salvador (1986) Salvatore Giuliano (Francesco Rosi 1961) CD1 Salvatore Giuliano (Francesco Rosi 1961) CD2 Samourai Le Samsara 1991 CD1 Samsara 1991 CD2 Samurai - Miyamoto Musashi - 03 - Duel at Ganryu Island Samurai 2 (1955) Samurai 3 - Duel At Ganryu Island 1956 Samurai Assassin 1965 Samurai Fiction Sanbiki No Samurai 1964 Sand Pebbles The CD1 Sand Pebbles The CD2 Sands of Iwo Jima Sanjuro (1962) Santa Claus 2 Sante Trap The Saragossa Manuscript The (1965) CD1 Saragossa Manuscript The (1965) CD2 Satans Brew 1976 Saturday Night Fever CD1 Saturday Night Fever CD2 Satyajit Ray - Apu Trilogy 2 Aparajito (1957) Saudade Saulabi Sauvage Innocence 2001 CD1 Sauvage Innocence 2001 CD2 Savage Innocents The 1959 Savage The (2003) Save The Green Planet (2003) CD1 Save The Green Planet (2003) CD2 Saved 2004 Saving Private Ryan CD1 Saving Private Ryan CD2 Saving Private Ryan CD3 Saving Silverman (R Rated Version) Saw 2004 Say It Isnt So 2001 Scalphunters The (1968) Scanners 1981 CD1 Scanners 1981 CD2 Scar The (1976) CD1 Scar The (1976) CD2 Scaramouche CD1 Scaramouche CD2 Scarecrow - (Kakashi) 25fps 2001 Scarface Scarlet Diva Scarlet Empress The (1934) Scarlet Empress The - Criterion Collection Scary Movie Scary Movie 2 Scene At The Sea A (Japanese) Scenes From A Marriage (1973) CD1 Scenes From A Marriage (1973) CD2 Scenes from a Marriage CD1 Scenes from a Marriage CD2 Scenes from a Marriage CD3 Scenes from a Marriage CD4 Scenes from a Marriage CD5 Scenes from a Marriage CD6 Schippers van de Kameleon CD1 Schippers van de Kameleon CD2 School Of Flesh The School of Rock Schpaaa Schussangst (2003) Science Fiction Scooby-Doo - A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts Scooby-Doo - Thats Snow Ghost Scooby-Doo - The Headless Horseman of Halloween Scooby-Doo - Vampires Cats and Scaredy Cats Scooby-Doo - Which Witch is Which Scooby-Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire Scooby Doo Project The Scorched Scorcher Score The Scorpio Scorpion King The Scream 3 CD1 Scream 3 CD2 Screwed Scrooged (1988) Seance Second Nature Secondhand Lion Seconds (1966) Secret Admirer Secret Agents 2004 Secret Agents Into the Heart of the CIA Secret Ballot 2001 Secret Lives of Dentist The Secret Tears Secret Window 2004 Secret life of Walter Mitty The (1947) Secret of My Success 1987 CD1 Secret of My Success 1987 CD2 Secret of the Ooze The Secret of the Sword Secretary (2002) Secrets of Women Seducing doctor Lewis See Spot Run See no Evil Hear no Evil Seinfeld Seinfeld Chronicles The Sense and Sensibility (1995) Sentinel The Seppuku (aka Harakiri) CD1 Seppuku (aka Harakiri) CD2 September Serpents Egg The Serpico Serving Sara Setup The (Robert Wise 1949) Seven (1995) CD1 Seven (1995) CD2 Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Seven Days in May (1963) Seven Samurai (1956) Seven Year Itch The Seven Years in Tibet CD1 Seven Years in Tibet CD2 Seventh Seal The - Criterion Collection Seventh Sign The Sex Is Comedy Sex Lies And Videotape CD1 Sex Lies And Videotape CD2 Sex and Lucia (Unrated Spanish Edition) Sex and Zen Sex and the City 3x13 - Escape From New York Sex and the City 3x14 - Sex And Another City Sex and the City 3x15 - Hot Child in the City Sex and the City 3x16 - Frenemies Sex and the City 3x17 - What Goes Around Comes Around Sex and the City 3x18 - Cock A Doodle Do Sex is zero Sex lives of the potato men Sexo Con Amor 2003 Sexy Beast Sexy Beast 2000 Seytan 1974 Shadow The Universal Shadow of a Doubt Shadow of the Vampire Shadows In Paradise Shadows and Fog Shaft 1971 Shakespeare In Love Shall We Dance Shallow Grave Shallow Hal Shampoo Shane CD1 Shane CD2 Shanghai Knights CD1 Shanghai Knights CD2 Shanghai Triad Shaolin Soccer UnCut (2001) CD1 Shaolin Soccer UnCut (2001) CD2 Shaolin Temple CD1 Shaolin Temple CD2 Shaolin Temple The 1979 Shape Of Things The Sharasojyu Shark Tale CD1 Shark Tale CD2 Sharp Guns (2001) Shaun of the Dead (2004) She Creature Shelter Island 2003 Sherlock Holmes - Hound of the Baskervilles Sherlock Holmes - The Eligible Bachelor Sherlock Holmes - The Last Vampyre Sherlock Holmes - The Master Blackmailer Sherlock Holmes - The Pearl Of Death 1944 Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of Four Sherlock Holmes 1x01 - A Scandal In Bohemia Sherlock Holmes 1x02 - The Dancing Men Sherlock Holmes 1x03 - The Naval Treaty Sherlock Holmes 1x04 - The Solitary Cyclist Sherlock Holmes 1x05 - The Crooked Man Sherlock Holmes 1x06 - The Speckled Band Sherlock Holmes 1x07 - The Blue Carbuncle Sherlock Holmes 1x08 - The Copper Beeches Sherlock Holmes 1x09 - The Greek Interpreter Sherlock Holmes 1x10 - The Norwood Builder Sherlock Holmes 1x11 - The Resident Patient Sherlock Holmes 1x12 - The Red Headed League Sherlock Holmes 1x13 - The Final Problem Sherlock Holmes And The House Of Fear 1945 Sherlock Holmes And The Spider Woman 1944 Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror 1942 Sherlock Holmes Faces Death 1943 Sherlock Holmes Returns Sherlock Holmes The Eligible Bachelor Sherlock Holmes The Scarlet Claw 1944 Sherlock Holmes in Washington 1943 Shes All That Shes So Lovely Shes out of control Shes the One Shield The 2x01 - The Quick Fix Shield The 2x02 - Dead Soldiers Shield The 2x03 - Partners Shield The 2x04 - Carte Blanche Shijushichinin No Shikaku (1994 aka 47 Ronin) Shiki-Jitsu (Hideaki Anno 2000) Shin Zatoichi monogatari (1963) Shine (1996) Shinjuku - Triad Society (Takashi Miike 1995) CD1 Shinjuku - Triad Society (Takashi Miike 1995) CD2 Shinning The Ship of Fools CD1 (Stanley Kramer 1965) Ship of Fools CD2 (Stanley Kramer 1965) Shiri Shiryour gari Shiver Of The Vampires The Shocking Asia CD1 Shocking Asia CD2 Shoeshine Shogun 1980 Part 1 Shogun 1980 Part 2 Shogun 1980 Part 3 Shogun 1980 Part 4 Shogun 1980 Part 5 and 6 Shogun 1980 Part 7 and 8 Shogun 1980 Part 9 and 10 Sholay Shop Around The Corner The 1940 Short Circuit 2 Short Cuts CD1 Short Cuts CD2 Short Film About Killing A (1988) Short Film About Love A (1988) Short Film About Love A 1988 Shot In The Dark A Show Me Love Show Time Shower Showtime Shredder (Greg Huson 2003) Shree 420 Shrek Shrek 2 Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th Shuang tong (2002) Shutter (2004) Sib - The Apple Sibiriada CD1 Sibiriada CD2 Sibling Rivalry Siburay Bate Cafe Sicilian The 1987 CD1 Sicilian The 1987 CD2 Siege The (1998) Siegfried I Siegfried II Siegfried III Signs Silence of the Lambs The Silencers The (Phil Karlson 1966) Silent Trigger 1996 Silent Warnings Silk Stockings Silmido CD1 Silmido CD2 Silver City Silver Hawk Silver Streak 1976 Simon and Garfunkel - The Concert in Central Park Simon of the Desert Simone CD1 Simone CD2 Simpsons 01x01 - Simpsons Roasting Over An Open Fire Simpsons 01x02 - Bart The Genius Simpsons 01x03 - Homers Odyssey Simpsons 01x04 - Theres No Disgrace Like Home Simpsons 01x05 - Bart the General Simpsons 01x06 - Moaning Lisa Simpsons 01x07 - The Call of the Simpsons Simpsons 01x08 - The Telltale Head Simpsons 01x09 - Life on the Fast Lane Simpsons 01x10 - Homers Night Out Simpsons 01x11 - The Crepes Of Wrath Simpsons 01x12 - Krusty Gets Busted Simpsons 01x13 - Some Enchanted Evening Simpsons The Simpsons The 05x01 - Homers Barbershop Quartet Simpsons The 05x02 - Cape Feare Simpsons The 05x03 - Homer Goes To College Simpsons The 05x04 - Rosebud Simpsons The 05x05 - Tree House Of Horror Simpsons The 05x06 - Marge On The Lam Simpsons The 05x07 - Barts Inner Child Simpsons The 05x08 - Boy Scoutz N The Hood Simpsons The 05x09 - The Last-Temptation Of Homer Simpsons The 05x10 - $pringfield Simpsons The 05x11 - Homer The Vigilante Simpsons The 05x12 - Bart Gets Famous Simpsons The 05x13 - Homer And Apu Simpsons The 05x14 - Lisa Vs Malibu Stacy Simpsons The 05x15 - Deep Space Homer Simpsons The 05x16 - Homer Loves Flanders Simpsons The 05x17 - Bart Gets An Elephant Simpsons The 05x18 - Burns Heir Simpsons The 05x19 - Sweet Seymour Skinners Baadasssss Song Simpsons The 05x20 - The Boy Who Knew Too Much Simpsons The 05x21 - Lady Bouviers Lover Simpsons The 05x22 - Secrets Of A Successful Marriage Sin 2003 Sin noticias de Dios Sinbad - Legend Of The Seven Seas Since Otar Left 2003 Since You Went Away CD1 Since You Went Away CD2 Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine Singin in the Rain Singing Detective The Singles (2003) CD1 Singles (2003) CD2 Sink The Bismarck Sinnui yauman Sinnui yauman II Sirens 1994 Sirocco 1951 Sissi 1955 Sister Act Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit CD1 Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit CD2 Six Days Seven Nights Six Degrees of Separation (1993) Six Feet Under Six String Samurai Six Strong Guys (2004) Sixteen Candles CD1 Sixteen Candles CD2 Sixth Sense The Skammen (Shame Bergman 1968) Skazka o tsare Saltane Skulls The Skulls The (Collectors Edition) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Slap Shot Slap Shot 2 Slaughterhouse Five Sleeper Sleeper 1973 Sleepers (1996) CD1 Sleepers (1996) CD2 Sleepless in Seattle Sleepover Sleepwalkers 1992 Sleepy Hollow 1999 Sleuth (Mankiewicz 1972) CD1 Sleuth (Mankiewicz 1972) CD2 Sliding Doors 1992 Sling Blade CD1 Sling Blade CD2 Small Change (FranÇois Truffaut 1976) Small Time Crooks 2000 Smell of Fear The Smokey and the Bandit Smoking Room Snake Of June A (2002) Snake Pit The Snatch Snatch - Special Edition Sneakers 1992 Sniper 2 Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs 1937 Snowboarder Snowfever (2004) So Close 2002 Soapdish Sobibor 14 Octobre 1943 Socrate Sol Goode Solaris (Solyaris) Solaris (Tarkovsky) CD1 Solaris (Tarkovsky) CD2 Solaris - Criterion Collection Solaris 2002 Solaris 2002 - Behind the Planet Solaris 2002 Inside Soldaat Van Oranje 1977 CD1 Soldaat Van Oranje 1977 CD2 Soldier CD1 Soldier CD2 Soldiers Story A (Norman Jewison 1984) Solomon and Sheba CD1 Solomon and Sheba CD2 Sombre 25fps 1998 Some Kind of Monster CD1 Some Kind of Monster CD2 Someone Special Something The Lord Made CD1 Something The Lord Made CD2 Somethings Gotta Give CD1 Somethings Gotta Give CD2 Son In Law Son The Sonatine Song of the South Sophies Choice Sorority boys Sorum Sose me Soul Guardians The (1998) CD1 Soul Guardians The (1998) CD2 Soul Keeper The (2003) Soul Plane Soul Survivors Sound of Music The South Park - Bigger Longer and Uncut South Park 01x01 - Cartman Gets An Anal Probe South Park 01x02 - Weight Gain 4000 South Park 01x03 - Volcano South Park 01x04 - Big Gay Als Big Gay Boatride South Park 01x05 - An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig South Park 01x06 - Death South Park 01x07 - Pinkeye South Park 01x08 - Jesus VS Satan South Park 01x09 - Starvin Marvin South Park 01x10 - Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo South Park 01x11 - Toms Rhinoplasty South Park 01x12 - Mecha Striesand South Park 01x13 - Cartmans Mom is a Dirty Slut Soylent Green 1973 Spacehunter 1983 Spanish Prisoner The CD1 Spanish Prisoner The CD2 Spark the Lighter Spartacus 2004 CD1 Spartacus 2004 CD2 Spartacus Fixed 1960 Spartan 2004 CD1 Spartan 2004 CD2 Spawn (1997) Spawn (Directors Cut) Species 3 CD1 Species 3 CD2 Speed 2 - Cruise Control Spellbound (Hitchcock 1945) Spetters 1980 Spider-Man CD1 Spider-Man CD2 Spider (2002) Spider Man 2 CD1 Spider Man 2 CD2 Spies Like Us 1985 Spirit of the Beehive Spirited Away CD1 Spirits of the Dead 1968 CD1 Spirits of the Dead 1968 CD2 Splash Spoilers The Spongebob Squarepants The Movie Springtime In A Small Town Spun (Unrated Version) Spy Game Spy Hard Spy Who Came In from the Cold The Spy Who Loved Me The Spy Who Shagged Me The - New Line Platinum Series Spygirl CD1 Spygirl CD2 Square Peg Squirm St Johns Wort - (Otogiriso) 25fps 2001 Stage Beauty 2004 Stage Fright 1950 Stagecoach Stalag 17 Stalker 1979 CD1 Stalker 1979 CD2 Star Trek Generations CD1 Star Trek Generations CD2 Star Wars - Episode II Attack of the Clones Star Wars - Episode IV A New Hope Star Wars - Episode I The Phantom Menace Star Wars Episode 4 (A New Hope) CD1 Star Wars Episode 4 (A New Hope) CD2 Star Wars Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) CD1 Star Wars Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) CD2 Star Wars Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi) CD1 Star Wars Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi) CD2 Stargate SG1 1x01 Children of the Gods Stargate SG1 1x02 The enemy Within Stargate SG1 1x03 Emancipation Stargate SG1 1x04 The Broca Divide Stargate SG1 1x05 The First Commandment Stargate SG1 1x06 Cold Lazarus Stargate SG1 1x07 The Nox Stargate SG1 1x08 Brief Candle Stargate SG1 1x09 Thors Hammer Stargate SG1 1x10 The Torment of Tantalus Stargate SG1 1x11 Bloodlines Stargate SG1 1x12 Fire and Water Stargate SG1 1x13 Hathor Stargate SG1 1x14 Singularity Stargate SG1 1x15 The Cor AI Stargate SG1 1x16 Enigma Stargate SG1 1x17 Solitudes Stargate SG1 1x18 Tin Man Stargate SG1 1x19 There but for the Grace of God Stargate SG1 1x20 Politics Stargate SG1 1x21 Within the Serpents Grasp Stargate SG1 2x01 The serpents lair Stargate SG1 2x02 In the line of duty Stargate SG1 2x03 Prisoners Stargate SG1 2x04 The gamekeeper Stargate SG1 2x05 Need Stargate SG1 2x06 Thors chariot Stargate SG1 2x07 Message in a bottle Stargate SG1 2x08 Family Stargate SG1 2x09 Secrets Stargate SG1 2x10 Bane Stargate SG1 2x11 The tokra part 1 Stargate SG1 2x12 The tokra part 2 Stargate SG1 2x13 Spirits Stargate SG1 2x14 Touchstone Stargate SG1 2x15 The fifth race Stargate SG1 2x16 A matter of time Stargate SG1 2x17 Holiday Stargate SG1 2x18 Serpents song Stargate SG1 2x19 One false step Stargate SG1 2x20 Show and tell Stargate SG1 2x21 1969 Stargate SG1 3x01 Into The Fire II Stargate SG1 3x02 Seth Stargate SG1 3x03 Fair Game Stargate SG1 3x04 Legacy Stargate SG1 3x05 Learning Curve Stargate SG1 3x06 Point Of View Stargate SG1 3x07 Deadman Switch Stargate SG1 3x08 Demons Stargate SG1 3x09 Rules Of Engagement Stargate SG1 3x10 Forever In A Day Stargate SG1 3x11 Past And Present Stargate SG1 3x12 Jolinars Memories Stargate SG1 3x13 The Devil You Know Stargate SG1 3x14 Foothold Stargate SG1 3x15 Pretense Stargate SG1 3x16 Urgo Stargate SG1 3x17 A Hundred Days Stargate SG1 3x18 Shades Of Grey Stargate SG1 3x19 New Ground Stargate SG1 3x20 Maternal Instinct Stargate SG1 3x21 Crystal Skull Stargate SG1 3x22 Nemesis Stargate SG1 4x01 Small Victories Stargate SG1 4x02 The Other Side Stargate SG1 4x03 Upgrades Stargate SG1 4x04 Crossroads Stargate SG1 4x05 Divide And Conquer Stargate SG1 4x06 Window Of Opportunity Stargate SG1 4x07 Watergate Stargate SG1 4x08 The First Ones Stargate SG1 4x09 Scorched Earth Stargate SG1 4x10 Beneath The Surface Stargate SG1 4x11 Point Of No Return Stargate SG1 4x12 Tangent Stargate SG1 4x13 The Curse Stargate SG1 4x14 The Serpents Venom Stargate SG1 4x15 Chain Reaction Stargate SG1 4x16 2010 Stargate SG1 4x17 Absolute Power Stargate SG1 4x18 The Light Stargate SG1 4x19 Prodigy Stargate SG1 4x20 Entity Stargate SG1 4x21 Double Jeopardy Stargate SG1 4x22 Exodus Stargate SG1 5x01 Enemies Stargate SG1 5x02 Threshold Stargate SG1 5x03 Ascension Stargate SG1 5x04 Fifth Man Stargate SG1 5x05 Red Sky Stargate SG1 5x06 Rite Of Passage Stargate SG1 5x07 Beast Of Burden Stargate SG1 5x08 The Tomb Stargate SG1 5x09 Between Two Fires Stargate SG1 5x10 2001 Stargate SG1 5x11 Desperate Measures Stargate SG1 5x12 Wormhole X-Treme Stargate SG1 5x13 Proving Ground Stargate SG1 5x14 48 Hours Stargate SG1 5x15 Summit Stargate SG1 5x16 Last Stand Stargate SG1 5x17 Failsafe Stargate SG1 5x18 The Warrior Stargate SG1 5x19 Menace Stargate SG1 5x20 The Sentinel Stargate SG1 5x21 Meridian Stargate SG1 5x22 Revelations Stargate SG1 6x01 Redemption Part 1 Stargate SG1 6x02 Redemption Part 2 Stargate SG1 6x03 Descent Stargate SG1 6x04 Frozen Stargate SG1 6x05 Nightwalkers Stargate SG1 6x06 Abyss Stargate SG1 6x07 Shadow Play Stargate SG1 6x08 The Other Guys Stargate SG1 6x09 Allegiance Stargate SG1 6x10 Cure Stargate SG1 6x11 Prometheus Stargate SG1 6x12 Unnatural Selection Stargate SG1 6x13 Sight Unseen Stargate SG1 6x14 Smoke n Mirrors Stargate SG1 6x15 Paradise Lost Stargate SG1 6x16 Metamorphosis Stargate SG1 6x17 Disclosure Stargate SG1 6x18 Forsaken Stargate SG1 6x19 The Changeling Stargate SG1 6x20 Memento Stargate SG1 6x21 Prophecy Stargate SG1 6x22 Full Circle Stargate SG1 7x01 Fallen Stargate SG1 7x02 Homecoming Stargate SG1 7x03 Fragile Balance Stargate SG1 7x04 Orpheus Stargate SG1 7x05 Revisions Stargate SG1 7x06 Lifeboat Stargate SG1 7x07 Enemy Mine Stargate SG1 7x08 Space Race Stargate SG1 7x09 Avenger 2 0 Stargate SG1 7x10 Birthright Stargate SG1 7x10 Heroes II Stargate SG1 7x11 Evolution I Stargate SG1 7x12 Evolution II Stargate SG1 7x13 Grace Stargate SG1 7x14 Fallout Stargate SG1 7x15 Chimera Stargate SG1 7x16 Death Knell Stargate SG1 7x17 Heroes I Stargate SG1 7x19 Resurrection Stargate SG1 7x20 Inauguration Stargate SG1 7x21-22 The Lost City I n II Starship Troopers (Special Edition) Starship Troopers 2 Story Of A Kiss Strada La Strange aventure de Docteur Molyneux Street Of Love And Hope (Nagisa Oshima 1959) Street of shame (Akasen chitai) Streetcar Named Desire A Style Wars Suicide Regimen Sukces 2003 Summer Tale A 2000 Sunday Lunch (2003) Super 8 Stories Superman IV - The Quest for Peace Surviving the Game Swedish Love Story A (1970) CD1 Swedish Love Story A (1970) CD2 Sweetest Thing The (Unrated Version) Swept Away Swordsman III - The East is Red Sylvester - Canned Feud (1951) Sylvester - Speedy Gonzales (1955) Sylvester and Elmer - Kit for Cat (1948) Sylvester and Porky - Scaredy Cat (1948) Sylvester and Tweety - Canary Row (1950) Sylvester and Tweety - Putty Tat Trouble (1951) Sylvester and Tweety - Tweetys SOS (1951) |