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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Sobibor 14 Octobre 1943

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SS officers giving the Nazi salute...
before the coffins of comrades...
killed during the Sobibor uprising
(Sobibor Museum)
Had Mr Lerner ever killed before?
No No, I had never killed anyone
Sobibor, October 14, 1943, 4 pm
For my friend, Gilberte Steg
in memory of her sister, Hedy Nissim
gassed at Sobibor in March 1943
Everything began on July 22, 1942
when we were forced out of the Warsaw ghetto
We were gathered together on Umschlagplatz and...
told that we were being sent somewhere, we didn't know where
Umschlagplatz is the place where the Jews were gathered
At this spot, you found the cattle cars...
into which the deported Jews were herded
I'm still with my parents and family...
but we are soon parted
I'm sent to one side, my family to another
I am alone from then on
My mother, father, brother and sister, as I later learned
were sent to Treblinka
In this life and death story
over 300,000 Jews were transported in 1942-1943
from the ghetto in Warsaw to the gas chambers···
in the Nazi extermination camps
I was taken from Umschlagplatz to be led outside the ghetto
We spent a few days there
We were given a slice of bread and some water each day
A precise number of young men was required
That's probably why we waited a few days
There were a lot of us, a few thousand young men...
capable of working
I had just turned sixteen
After a few days, we were put in wagons...
to be taken to a work camp, or so they told us
For almost one week, we travelled in those wagons
Each day, we had a little water through the door
Before boarding, each of us had received a loaf of bread
We arrived in Belorussia...
and we were unloaded to be put to work
The place that we had arrived at was near an airport
I can't remember the name but it was an airfield
And we built huts there
Conditions were very harsh, very little to eat
The Germans there would shoot at the Jews for no reason
In particular, the pilots would get drunk after missions and...
amuse themselves by shooting Jews, usually in the head
They enjoyed stepping behind you
pressing the barrel to your temple···
and trying to blow your eyes out
Death was a permanent threat
Dozens of people died...
simply because of the hidden marksmen who'd shoot at you
Not to mention those who died of hunger
Each day, we'd bury dozens of people
The conditions were truly terrible
When I saw how bad things were
I told myself that I had to get out of there
I said to a friend, Let's escape!
Whatever happens it's better than starving here
We stayed hidden until evening
After dark, we passed through the barbed wire
tearing our clothes
and then set off across the fields
We walked for two whole days without meeting anyone
We fed ourselves with what we found in the fields
We had civilian clothes···
but they bore a number on a red and white patch
a personal number
On the third day, we met some Russian peasants...
whom we asked for something to eat
We spoke to them in Polish:
Polish and Russian are alike
Bread is the same word in Polish and Russian
So, that day, the Russians fed us
We then carried on walking across the fields
After a few days, the Germans recaptured us
They made us board a truck···
and took us to another camp
The Jews in this camp asked:
Why didn't the Germans shoot you on the spot?
It was probably our luck
Because usually they hanged you or shot you immediately
It was my luck, our luck
In each new camp
I'd see people dying of hunger in their hundreds and thousands
Each time, I thought, I'd rather be shot in the head or hanged...
than starve like this
I could see people swell up or become very thin...
and I thought: this is a terrible way to die
Each time I escaped, I was recaptured and put elsewhere
The conditions were just as terrible each time
I was in a number of camps
Eight Eight camps, in all
He escaped from eight camps?
He was in eight camps in Russia and escaped from them all?
Over how long? Six months
Eight camps in six months?
Why this thirst to escape?
Was it that easy to escape?
A man who wants to live...
If a man wants to live, nothing is difficult for him
When I saw that in those camps, in those conditions, it wasn't life
I thought, I have nothing to lose
It's better to try anything···
than live this non-life
Was it that easy to escape from these camps?
From the camps, very hard
but I always escaped from work-sites
Were the camps in the same area?
They were between 30 and 40 kilometres apart
He was always recaptured?
What did he tell the Germans who caught him?
The truth
The simple truth
I said that I'd just escaped
There was no other solution
I didn't want to lie
I simply told the truth, that I had escaped
There was no alternative
A Jew could seek nothing outside death...
but I still preferred to be shot...
rather than go back there
In any case, I hardly had any clothes left
I couldn't lie
They could see I had my number
I was just skin and bone
You couldn't lie
He was incredibly lucky not to be shot
That's true
When a lucky star guides you, you live
I think it was my lucky star because
if I'd been arrested by the Germans...
who were in charge of fugitives from the camps
they'd have taken me back and hanged me like all the others
They were caught, brought back and hanged
But it seems that my luck...
was that Germans passing by chance···
caught me and took me with them...
and I ended up in another camp
I always escaped with the same friend
When the Germans caught us after our last escape
after a car journey of a few hours,
we ended up in the city of Minsk
And I realised that we were in a city
In Minsk, there was a ghetto
The Germans put us in a locked room
After a few hours
we were led before two men
from the Minsk Judenrat (Jewish Council)
as well as a Jewish ghetto policeman
The Germans handed us over to them
with the order to take us to the ghetto
When the Jews in the ghetto saw us, they were amazed...
because we looked like walking corpses
The Judenrat people told us
You'll never survive here because, in the ghetto
anyone who can't go to work each day dies of hunger
But just next door
there's a camp with prisoners of war...
from the Red Army, all of them Jews
If you can get into that camp
perhaps you'll have a chance...
to look human again...
and recover the strength to work
We were in a terrible state...
infested with thousands of lice
We were welcomed by a prisoner...
So, we were in a terrible state, infested with lice
We were taken to the Russian Jews' POW camp
We were welcomed by a prisoner...
who asked where we were from and who we were
After we told him, he said he'd protect us
They made us undress, they gave us a bath···
and we spent a few days there
After a while, I came down with typhus
And so I spent some weeks, ill
in a building used as a sickbay
We were able to have just about edible food there...
and that helped me to recover
The camp prisoners left each morning
escorted by Germans
to work inside the city of Minsk
When I recovered from typhus, I could feel my strength return···
and I asked to go and work too
There were many of us in the camp, 1,200 in all
So when the Germans...
won a victory over the Red Army and took prisoners
they separated the Jewish ones from the Soviet ones?
that was the case...
since there were only Jews there
I was told...
Yes, that seems right...
since there were only Jews in this camp
I was told later...
that when the Germans took prisoners
they asked who was Jewish...
and the Jewish ones were taken to separate camps
Was there a difference for him...
between the Jewish Red Army prisoners...
and the Jews in the work camps or the Minsk ghetto?
Did he see them as being different?
There was a huge difference
Their physical condition was better
They had food, not good food
but it kept them alive
In addition, their camp was clean and orderly
They didn't wear their rank on them...
but you could see they were soldiers
They were men
Another difference between life in this camp and others...
lay in the relationship of the prisoners with civilians
They were able to talk to and meet the civilians
and that allowed them to return after a day's work...
with a little extra food
They seemed healthy
unlike the unfortunates in other camps
Both in Russian and Yiddish, with variations
An eternal and bright memory of the 5,000 Jews...
murdered at the hands of humanity's bloodiest enemies:
the Fascist German executioners
March 2, 1942
We had already been in Minsk for some months...
when one night
in early September 1943
we were woken by the lights...
coming on in the middle of the night...
and our huts were suddenly surrounded by the Germans shouting:
Come out! Get dressed!
There were German army vehicles at the gates
We were taken, we didn't know where
and we ended up at the station...
where we were put in wagons
As they were loading us, we realised...
We realised at dawn...
that Minsk ghetto Jews were being brought too
We realised because they wore the star
so we knew they were ghetto Jews
But we, the prisoners of war
we were in several wagons, all together
For five or six days, we travelled...
without knowing where to...
and we arrived in Poland, at Lublin
At Lublin, we later learned
there was an extermination camp, Maidanek
We spent about half a day there
just outside the camp
Apparently, there was no room for us...
and so we set off again
After another two or three hours, we arrived at Chelm
A Pole who was working...
at the station for the Germans
came over to us
and, in Polish, told a Jew
who was near a tiny window...
He told him
Get away, they're taking you to Sobibor
He was there to...
The others didn't understand Polish so they got me to try to understand···
but the man was already walking away
His job was to write the numbers on the wagons
He had just enough time to tell me, Get away
they're taking you to Sobibor to burn you
That was what I managed to grasp
I told my comrades what the Pole had said
that the Jews would be burned
but no one believed him
We didn't believe him
We carried on travelling and could have escaped then
Why? Since we needed to relieve ourselves
we'd made a big hole in the van's floor with a knife
We could have jumped through but no one believed it
We couldn't imagine they transported people to burn them
We'd never heard of such a thing
Night had already fallen when we reached a place
but it was too dark by then...
for us to make out a name on a sign
At that point, the Germans surrounded the train
shouting that anyone who looked out would be shot immediately
that we'd spend the night there and be let out the next day
At around 10 pm, we heard a bugle call
and thought that it was probably a large camp...
if they sounded lights-out in this manner
We spent the remaining half-night without being able to sleep...
because everyone was asking where we were...
and what would become of us
In the morning, we were able to read the name of the place:
We knew then that the Pole had been right...
but it was too late: we could no longer escape
The train entered the camp, section by section
When our section stopped
they yelled at us to get out: Raus! Raus!
There were Germans and numerous Ukrainians in black uniforms
All the POWs formed a single group
We were kept separate
A German came over to us
He said: I need sixty strong men
I thought that if hard labour is required...
there is surely food, count me in
He wanted sixty men but only fifty stepped forward...
so he started yelling
So you won't work? You can go to Moses straightaway!
We didn't understand what that meant
He chose a few more men himself...
and when there were sixty of us, he led us off to one side
Just then, we heard...
the rest of the convoy being led off...
and the air started filling with cries and screams...
and the cries of geese, really geese
It lasted for an hour or so... and then suddenly silence again
We were told later that the Germans...
had a flock of several hundred geese...
and when the Jews were taken and began screaming
the Germans probably started panicking the geese...
so that they would cry out too
and the crying of the geese would cover the men's cries
That's definitely right since some Poles told me that too
in Sobibor and in Treblinka too:
the Jews cried like geese when they were gassed
Especially as they were real geese
The flocks were raised specially for that
to drown out the men's cries
The reason was that since they took several thousand people at once
the Germans wanted to avoid...
Thousands of people composed each convoy...
so they wanted to make sure
that the people at the end of the convoy
wouldn't hear the screams of those at its head
So he heard the geese's cries and then silence, is that it?
When silence fell
a kapo, a Jew, came over...
and told us to get in line
He took us to a place inside the camp···
where some huts stood
The sixty chosen men ended up in a single hut
It was early afternoon and people were walking around
When we came into the hut
we were given new clothes and blankets...
such as we hadn't seen in years
In fact, these clothes and blankets...
had been taken from people in our convoy...
and previous ones
Once we were dressed, they took us to the kitchen...
and gave us some excellent food
as much as we wanted
After we came out, we started talking...
to the Jews who were strolling around
We spoke in Yiddish and Polish...
and they explained to us that here, in Sobibor
the Jews were burned
First, they were gassed...
and then they were burned
We realised that no one...
would leave Sobibor alive
In fact, they told us that no one could escape
All night long, we talked...
about what to do
The next morning...
We talked all night about our fate...
and about what we could do
The next morning
we were told to go out to work
We were taken out
Our work was to fell trees and build underground munitions stores
We decided that in this place...
it was forbidden to waste time...
and since the men I was with were all POWs, soldiers that is
they knew what to do
They founded a committee in charge of getting in touch...
with the Jews who already knew Sobibor a little
The head of the committee was a Red Army Jewish officer...
called Sacha Petchersky
After contacting the Jews of Sobibor
he brought us the following information:
two previous uprisings had failed
The first time, a group of fifty people had been burned...
and, the second time, the Jews rebelling had tried to dig a tunnel...
and had also failed
We realised that if we wanted to succeed
we had to keep our scheme secret
with very few people informed of it...
and that our only chance was to kill the Germans
All trades were represented in the camp:
cobblers working for the Germans, others for the Ukrainians
tailors working for both groups
even goldsmiths
A German going away on leave, for instance
could have a gold ring or some other jewellery made
All these craftsmen were Jews working for the Germans
We selected a site...
where we decided to build a new hut
The idea was to say that there were...
a number of carpenters in the camp...
and so we needed a new hut
for this particular trade, carpentry
We received permission to build the new hut
We also thought about the tools...
we could use to kill the Germans...
and, as carpenters, we would be allowed axes
We knew how amazingly precise the Germans were
Our plan was to summon, every few minutes
the officers to the different workshops
to the tailors' and the cobblers'
That was the plan
We had to bring them to the workshops
And for each workshop
two men had been selected by the committee
Their task was to contact the Jewish craftsman...
in charge of each workshop
For instance, along with a comrade
we always went in twos
we had to go to the tailors' workshop
The tailor had to summon a German at 4 pm...
and we had to wait for that German
How was the tailor sure he would come at 4 pm?
What reason did he give to summon him?
For instance, in my workshop, the tailors' workshop...
our task was to kill a German called Greischutz...
who was in charge of the Ukrainians...
who was in charge of the Ukrainians in the camp
He was having a leather coat made in the workshop...
with a fur lining...
and so he had to come at 4 pm to try it on
We had set the time for the uprising in the whole camp...
for October 14, at 4 pm precisely
All the Germans would be summoned to the workshops at that time
Was there a precise reason...
for organising the uprising on that date?
Yes, there were children who worked in the canteen...
Some of the children also went to the homes of the Germans...
to clean their shoes
These children had overheard some information...
according to which the camp had to be destroyed very soon
We decided, after hearing this information
that we needed to act fast...
because, if we waited
we risked extermination with the rest of the camp
So very little time elapsed···
between their arrival at Sobibor in early September···
and the uprising on October 14
They acted very quickly?
Yes, in all, since my arrival at the camp
six weeks had passed
In the tailors' workshop
my friend and I were ready...
with our well-sharpened axes...
and our task was to kill a German summoned at 4 pm...
and a second one due to arrive at 4:05 pm
How many men were to take part?
Jews, you mean?
Yes, of course
More than twenty
We were spread out in all the places...
where we could summon Germans
What criteria were used to choose those who took part?
The committee in charge of the camp uprising...
had chosen those who would take part in the mission...
but I don't know what their criteria were
Personally, I felt that it was an honour...
to be given the task of killing a German
I was fairly young, still a kid
but I was already well-built
I truly felt that it was an honour to be chosen to kill a German
The plan was to kill all the Germans in the camp?
Yes, the plan was to kill the 16 Germans in the camp
In fact, there were 30 Germans...
but, since they could take leave and go outside the camp
they split up into twos and, in general
when we decided on the uprising
there were 16 Germans present
But there were a few hundred Ukrainians...
in charge of guarding the whole camp
There was also an electrified fence around the camp
with minefields on the other side of that fence
At 4 pm, when the uprising started
we had given an electrician comrade the task...
of cutting off the camp's electric system
This Jewish electrician always worked...
for the Germans as an electrician...
and his role on that day...
was to cut the power
He also cut the phone lines
Had Mr Lerner ever killed before?
No, I hadn't even killed a fly
Me? It was the first time
It was simply reality
We knew that if we didn't act
we'd be taken like all the Jews before us and killed
so it was simply reality that forced us to act like this
For me, it was a great honour to be chosen...
as one of the men who would kill the Germans
Did the idea of killing scare him?
Of course, I was very scared of killing...
but sometimes reality forces man to act...
in a way that he wouldn't necessarily have chosen
In this camp, we also knew that we had no choice:
we would be killed
But we didn't want to be killed like sheep
we wanted to die like men
and it was better to be killed than to be led to the gas chambers
It was reality that forced us to act
Well then... It's 4 pm on October 14, 1943
or 3:30 pm, I don't know
He's in the tailors' workshop, waiting
We took our positions in the tailors' workshop...
one hour before the time set for the uprising
We had agreed on this with the tailor...
in charge of the workshop...
and it was understood that we would be there...
as if we were tailors ourselves...
but we had to find a moment, a mere second...
when we could get behind the German...
in order to deal the deathblow
We... That means there were two of them?
Yes, a comrade and myself, both waiting for the Germans
What we had agreed was that at the moment when the tailor...
got the German to try on the coat...
and marked on the coat
on the front of the coat
the place for the buttons
at one point, he would kneel down...
and that was when...
we could rush at the German to kill him
Did they decide who would strike first?
Since my comrade was a soldier
we had planned that he would be sitting the closest...
and that the tailor would make sure, as he moved
that my comrade could step forward and strike the first blow
So it was the Soviet Jewish prisoner who was to strike first?
Their weapons?
Axes that we already had or that we'd sharpened...
in the carpentry workshop
Because we had claimed to be carpenters
we were working in the carpentry shop
What were the axes like?
What does that mean?
Like any axe
They weren't very big
They were quite small, in fact
and, above all, we had sharpened them so much...
that they were like razorblades
At 4 pm, the time planned...
for the German to enter our building
or rather 3:55 pm to be precise
we saw through the hut door...
that a horse was being led from another hut...
which was the signal that the German in that hut had been killed
My comrade and I were already sitting...
in the tailors' workshop, working
I had a coat that covered my knees...
and I was pretending to stitch buttons on it
The axes were hidden under the coat, between our knees
The German whom we were expecting
who was coming for his fitting, Greischutz, came in
At 4 pm sharp?
As precise as clockwork
In fact, our whole plan was based on that...
because we knew the Germans were very punctual
We only succeeded because Germans are punctual
If they hadn't been punctual that day
everything would have failed
When Greischutz came in, he stepped forward
removed his belt that held his gun
put the gun down on the table...
and stepped forward in such a way that suddenly...
he was just next to me
but we had planned my friend would be closest
My friend was a soldier...
whereas I had never killed anyone before...
and I ended up with the German just next to me
What was Greischutz like?
Greischutz was...
I can't really say
He was about six foot
In any case, he was very tall with broad shoulders
A huge man, tall, of exceptional size
A large stature
I had seen him before...
but being just next to him
well, to tell the truth, I was petrified
Being next to such a monster...
genuinely fills you with terror
Did Greischutz suspect anything?
No, even in his dreams, Greischutz couldn't have imagined such a thing
The Germans in the camp felt so confident
they were so sure of themselves after killing so many Jews...
that they couldn't imagine such a thing
In this camp...
In this camp, for the Germans, things ran like clockwork
Everything was well-oiled
They would yell, run
and sow terror inside the camp...
and we, we were the poor, the unfortunates
Indeed, we were unfortunates...
so the Germans couldn't even imagine...
that something would change from our side
Hundreds of thousands of people had passed through this camp
So Greischutz is in front of him
instead of in front of his comrade···
Yes, he was three or four feet from me
So, it had been agreed...
Yes, he was about three or four feet from me
So, it had been agreed...
that when the tailor tried the coat on him
marked the spot for the buttons and bent down
my friend would step forward
But since I was now the closest
I stood up
I had the coat covering my hands...
and the axe under the coat
so I stood up and dropped the coat
gripped the axe
took one short step towards him...
and it all lasted a thousandth of a second
It was even...
so rapid that I can't even...
Imagine: a quarter of a thousandth of a thousandth of a second...
I gripped the axe...
and he gave a loud cry and he fell...
and I had raised the axe...
and I had brought it down on his head in one blow
The axe, the whole axe, on his head in one blow
He struck his skull?
The axe lodged right in the middle of his skull
I can say that I split his skull in two halves
It was as if I'd been doing it···
as if I was a specialist all my life
I cut precisely here and I succeeded
You split his skull open completely?
Completely, and he fell
My comrade came over
It lasted a fraction of a second
So I hit him, he weakened
he slumped down, he fell...
and my comrade came over to hit him a second time
Then the people working in the workshop...
came to help us remove the body···
since we knew a second German would arrive straight after
How many were they?
There were other tailors and other cobblers
Ada's husband worked in that workshop
Ada's husband...
Yes, I know
All the people in the workshop...
rushed over to make Greischutz's corpse vanish
In a tailor's workshop, there's a table...
where the tailors iron the finished clothes
There was a table there···
under which there was a pile of coats ready for the Germans
We dragged the body to the table...
and buried it under the pile of German coats
Was there any blood?
A lot of blood
The people working there immediately cleaned it up...
and spread blankets over the floor
It took us just a few seconds to wash
remove our coats and sit down
as if nothing had happened
When was the second German due?
At 4:05 pm
At 4:05 pm, yes!
I think it all lasted half a minute
Yes, it is incredible
But the whole plan hinged on German punctuality...
and our own rapidity...
and indeed the Germans were punctual and it went like clockwork
Who was to kill the second German?
Both of us, at the same spot
We were waiting, waiting for the second German
At 4:05 pm exactly, the second German comes in
looks around
says something about the place being very dirty
that we need to whitewash the walls...
and tidy up a little
Then he steps forward and looks around
Greischutz was hidden under the pile of coats...
but his arm was sticking out
We probably hadn't noticed that his arm was sticking out...
and, as he walked, this German...
treads on Greischutz's hand
Perhaps it was covered...
but when you step on a hand
you realise it's not some clothing
So the German started shouting
Was ist das? Was ist das?
What is it?
My comrade immediately leaped forward and struck him
The German collapsed from the blow...
and then I ran forward to hit him a second time
I think I'll always remember
The axe blade struck his teeth...
and there was a sort of spark
You never forget something like that
How did he feel, immediately afterwards?
To be honest, we above all felt joy...
at having succeeded in what we set out to do
Straight after, we washed and changed our clothes...
and we learned that 11 Germans had already been killed
There were children going from hut to hut...
to tell us and keep us informed
There was also a kapo on our side who told us
It's all going according to the plan
Am I mistaken or has he turned pale?
Of course I'm pale
When you recall things like that...
The joy of succeeding...
When you recall things like that
you necessarily feel something bubbling inside
It's a feeling of joy at having succeeded...
with tears welling up in your eyes...
because so many people died there
the satisfaction of succeeding
of avenging those who died...
and the feeling of having done the right thing
At five o'clock, we had finished everything
We had already gathered
ready for the rest of the plan
An experience like this happens once in a lifetime
It's the experience of life and death
Has he ever killed again since then?
Well, yes, I've killed as a soldier and fighter...
with the partisans but that was different
Then we were fighters facing other armed fighters...
whereas in the camp
we weren't even human, not even subhuman
we no longer knew what we were
It was an indescribable feeling
After, it was soldiers pitted against soldiers
It was another type of war
Whereas there...
It was extermination, not war
There, they made wild animals of people
Not even animals...
not human beings, nor numbers
We were already nothing
Succeeding in killing then
when you kill a German...
who has just done such things
who has killed hundreds of thousands of people...
of course you feel joy in your heart
At that time, I already knew what German power represented
I already knew what their cruelty could lead to
a cruelty that the human mind can't even imagine
I knew what kind of wild animals they were
So, it's 5 pm...
Every day, there was a roll-call at 5 pm
Roll-call meant bringing all the camp prisoners together
We had to line up and, at that point
a German called Franzel
who is in fact in prison in Germany today
this German would call our names···
and then we could go
At 5 pm, we were already waiting
ready for roll-call
Some of our comrades had weapons...
since we had been able to take the guns...
of the Germans we had killed...
and, at 5 pm, we were waiting for Franzel
But he doesn't appear
That had never happened before
Franzel was always there for roll-call
But perhaps he sensed that something was happening
because he had no phone, no electricity, nothing
In any case, at 5 pm, Franzel doesn't turn up
We realised that time was short...
so our comrades who knew Russian...
shouted out to the Ukrainians...
who were around the camp, guarding it
Hurrah, we've succeeded in killing the Germans! Let's flee!
Everyone runs toward the fence
At that point, there's a stampede in the camp
Everyone runs to the fence
the Ukrainians open fire
some manage to pass through the fence...
and you hear explosions all over the camp
Even those who get through the fence...
fall in the minefield
Explosions everywhere...
We had managed to reach a store...
that housed the camp's weapons...
and, with those weapons, we crossed the fence...
and, between the fence and the forest surrounding the camp
it was only 500 yards at the most
The whole camp was surrounded by forest
We could hear Franzel's voice in the camp
giving the order to pursue us and shoot us
Everyone runs through the fence...
and I'm already on the other side
It starts to rain
Not heavy rain, just drops
It was winter in Poland
In October, at 5 pm, it's already dark
I ran into the forest and, at that point, I think...
maybe the emotion of everything that had happened
the exhaustion, the night
my legs could no longer carry me and I collapsed
I fell and I fell asleep
We'll stop there
It's so beautiful when he collapses in the forest
The rest is an adventure of freedom
The death devices and gas chambers were demolished by the Germans...
immediately following the rebellion
No other convoy arrived at Sobibor station
There, at least, the extermination had been brought to an end
People transported to the Sobibor extermination camp···
by the Polish army
that means the part belonging to Poland, which was not annexed to Nazi Kingdom:
2 April 1942 from Rejowiec, 2400
April from Zamosc, 300
Avril from Krychow, 250
3 May from Komarow, 2000
5 May from Opole Lubelskie, 2000
6 May from Deblin-Irena, 2500
7 May from Ryki, 2500
7 May from Jozefow, 1270
8 May from Baranow, 1500
8 May from Konskowola, 1580
9 May from Markuszow, 1500
9 May from Leczna, 200
10 May from Michow, 2500
12 May from Opole, 2000
12 May from Turobin, 2000
May from Pulawy, 2500
12-15 May from Zolkiewka, 1000
13-14 May from Gorzkow, 2000
14-15 May from Krasnystaw, 3400
15 May from Izbica, 400
15-16 May from Zamosc again, 5000
18 May from Siedliszcze, 630
21-23 May from Chelm, 2300
23 May from Wlodawa, 1200
25-30 May from Chelm again, 1500
May from Lysobyky, 500
May from Wawolnica, 500
May from Krasniczyn, the figure was not provided
May from Rudnik, figure unknown
May from Wysokie, 1000
May from Cycow, unknown
May from Krasnystaw, unknown
May from Staw, 800
1-2 June from Hrubieszow, 3049
2 June from Belzec, 1000 Belzec had to be obstructed certainly
2 June from Dubienka, 2670
6 June from Krasnicyn, 800
7 and 9 June from Hrubieszow, 500
8 June from Grabowiec, 1200
10 June from Uchanie, 1650
10 June from Biala Podlaska, 3000
13 June again from Biala Podlaska, 6000
June from Cycow, 500
June from Slawatycze, 1000
June from Dubeczno, figure unknown
1942 still
June from Olchowiec, figure unknown
June from Pawlow, unknown
June from Sawin, unknown
June from Krzywowierzba, unknown
June from Krasniczyn, unknown
29 June from Majdanek, 5000
24 July from Wlodawa / Dzieci, 100
July from Chelm, 300
10 August from Rejowiec, 2000
10 August from Zolkiewka, 1000
6 September from Ustrzyki, unknown
8 September from Ryczywol, 69
1 and 5 October from Puchaczow, 150
8 October from Izbica, 1500
10 October from Rejowiec, 2400
11 October from Lubartow, 3000
October from Wojslawice, 1200
22 October from Siedliszcze, 500
22-30 October from Piaski-Izbica, 5000
23 October from Leczna, 3000
24 October from Wlodawa, 5000
27-28 October from Chelm, 3000
28 October from Hrubieszow, 2000
30 October from Wlodawa, 500
October from Belzyce-Bychawa, 7000
2 November from Chelm, 10000
It is definitely the largest clearance
2 November from Izbica, 1750
6 November from Chelm, figure unknown
6 November from Staw, 800
December from Dubeczno, 650
January from Izbica, 750
January from Chelm, nobody knows
February from Chelm, 300
February from Zamosc, 500
4 April from Izbica, 300
28 April from Izbica, 200
29 April from Leczna, 200
30 April from Wlodawa, 2000
1-7 May from Lwow, 150
26 May from Lwow, nobody knows
26 June from Belzec, 306
4 July from Lwow, nobody knows
8 August from Debica, 2000
August from Bialystok, nobody knows
15 September from Zamosc, 800
10 September from Dorohucza, nobody knows
20 September from Bialystok, nobody knows
25 September from Trawniki, nobody knows
20 October from Treblinka, over 100
People transported to··· extermination camp in Sobibor···
from foreign countries
From April to June. Protectorate of Czech I Moraw, 6000
From April to June. Germany and Austria, 10000
From April to October. Slovakia, 24378
5-6 March 1943. Westerbork, Holland, 1105
6 March from France, 71
11 March from France, 200
24 March from Holland, 1105
18 March from France, nobody knows
20 March from Holland, 964
26 March from Holland, 1250
31 March from Germany, nobody knows
2 April from Holland, 1255
9 April from Holland, 2020
16 April from Holland, 1204
21 April from Berlin, Germany, 938
23 April from Holland, 1166
25 April from France, 2000
30 April from Holland, 1204
7 May from Holland, 1187
14 May from Holland, 1446
21 May from Holland, 2511
28 May from Holland, 2862
4 June from Holland, 3006
8 June from Holland, 1266
11 June from Holland, 3017
2 July from Holland, 2397
9 July from Holland, 2417
16 July from Holland, 1988
23 July from Holland, 2209
18-19 September from··· Soviet Socialistic Republic of Lida, 2700
September from Wilna, nobody knows
September from Smolensk, nobody knows
September from Mohylew, nobody knows
September from Bobrujsk, nobody knows
18-23 September from Minsk, 6000
Whether they were transported from Lerner was uncertain
23-24 September from Wilna, 5000
September from Tryj, nobody knows
There were a total of over 250,000 victims
SLC Punk
SNL Best Of Eddie Murphy 1998
S Diary 2004
Saathiya CD1
Saathiya CD2
Saaya CD1
Saaya CD2
Sahara (1943)
Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep1
Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep2
Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep3
Sahara (with Michael Palin) ep4
Sahara (with Michael Palin) video diary bonus
Sahara interview with Michael Palin
Saint Clara
Salaam Bombay CD1
Salaam Bombay CD2
Salaam Cinema 1995
Salems Lot 2004 CD1
Salems Lot 2004 CD2
Salesman - Albert and David Maysles (1969)
Salo Or The 120 Days Of Sodom
Salton Sea The
Salvador (1986)
Salvatore Giuliano (Francesco Rosi 1961) CD1
Salvatore Giuliano (Francesco Rosi 1961) CD2
Samourai Le
Samsara 1991 CD1
Samsara 1991 CD2
Samurai - Miyamoto Musashi - 03 - Duel at Ganryu Island
Samurai 2 (1955)
Samurai 3 - Duel At Ganryu Island 1956
Samurai Assassin 1965
Samurai Fiction
Sanbiki No Samurai 1964
Sand Pebbles The CD1
Sand Pebbles The CD2
Sands of Iwo Jima
Sanjuro (1962)
Santa Claus 2
Sante Trap The
Saragossa Manuscript The (1965) CD1
Saragossa Manuscript The (1965) CD2
Satans Brew 1976
Saturday Night Fever CD1
Saturday Night Fever CD2
Satyajit Ray - Apu Trilogy 2 Aparajito (1957)
Sauvage Innocence 2001 CD1
Sauvage Innocence 2001 CD2
Savage Innocents The 1959
Savage The (2003)
Save The Green Planet (2003) CD1
Save The Green Planet (2003) CD2
Saved 2004
Saving Private Ryan CD1
Saving Private Ryan CD2
Saving Private Ryan CD3
Saving Silverman (R Rated Version)
Saw 2004
Say It Isnt So 2001
Scalphunters The (1968)
Scanners 1981 CD1
Scanners 1981 CD2
Scar The (1976) CD1
Scar The (1976) CD2
Scaramouche CD1
Scaramouche CD2
Scarecrow - (Kakashi) 25fps 2001
Scarlet Diva
Scarlet Empress The (1934)
Scarlet Empress The - Criterion Collection
Scary Movie
Scary Movie 2
Scene At The Sea A (Japanese)
Scenes From A Marriage (1973) CD1
Scenes From A Marriage (1973) CD2
Scenes from a Marriage CD1
Scenes from a Marriage CD2
Scenes from a Marriage CD3
Scenes from a Marriage CD4
Scenes from a Marriage CD5
Scenes from a Marriage CD6
Schippers van de Kameleon CD1
Schippers van de Kameleon CD2
School Of Flesh The
School of Rock
Schussangst (2003)
Science Fiction
Scooby-Doo - A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts
Scooby-Doo - Thats Snow Ghost
Scooby-Doo - The Headless Horseman of Halloween
Scooby-Doo - Vampires Cats and Scaredy Cats
Scooby-Doo - Which Witch is Which
Scooby-Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed
Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire
Scooby Doo Project The
Score The
Scorpion King The
Scream 3 CD1
Scream 3 CD2
Scrooged (1988)
Second Nature
Secondhand Lion
Seconds (1966)
Secret Admirer
Secret Agents 2004
Secret Agents Into the Heart of the CIA
Secret Ballot 2001
Secret Lives of Dentist The
Secret Tears
Secret Window 2004
Secret life of Walter Mitty The (1947)
Secret of My Success 1987 CD1
Secret of My Success 1987 CD2
Secret of the Ooze The
Secret of the Sword
Secretary (2002)
Secrets of Women
Seducing doctor Lewis
See Spot Run
See no Evil Hear no Evil
Seinfeld Chronicles The
Sense and Sensibility (1995)
Sentinel The
Seppuku (aka Harakiri) CD1
Seppuku (aka Harakiri) CD2
Serpents Egg The
Serving Sara
Setup The (Robert Wise 1949)
Seven (1995) CD1
Seven (1995) CD2
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Seven Days in May (1963)
Seven Samurai (1956)
Seven Year Itch The
Seven Years in Tibet CD1
Seven Years in Tibet CD2
Seventh Seal The - Criterion Collection
Seventh Sign The
Sex Is Comedy
Sex Lies And Videotape CD1
Sex Lies And Videotape CD2
Sex and Lucia (Unrated Spanish Edition)
Sex and Zen
Sex and the City 3x13 - Escape From New York
Sex and the City 3x14 - Sex And Another City
Sex and the City 3x15 - Hot Child in the City
Sex and the City 3x16 - Frenemies
Sex and the City 3x17 - What Goes Around Comes Around
Sex and the City 3x18 - Cock A Doodle Do
Sex is zero
Sex lives of the potato men
Sexo Con Amor 2003
Sexy Beast
Sexy Beast 2000
Seytan 1974
Shadow The Universal
Shadow of a Doubt
Shadow of the Vampire
Shadows In Paradise
Shadows and Fog
Shaft 1971
Shakespeare In Love
Shall We Dance
Shallow Grave
Shallow Hal
Shane CD1
Shane CD2
Shanghai Knights CD1
Shanghai Knights CD2
Shanghai Triad
Shaolin Soccer UnCut (2001) CD1
Shaolin Soccer UnCut (2001) CD2
Shaolin Temple CD1
Shaolin Temple CD2
Shaolin Temple The 1979
Shape Of Things The
Shark Tale CD1
Shark Tale CD2
Sharp Guns (2001)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
She Creature
Shelter Island 2003
Sherlock Holmes - Hound of the Baskervilles
Sherlock Holmes - The Eligible Bachelor
Sherlock Holmes - The Last Vampyre
Sherlock Holmes - The Master Blackmailer
Sherlock Holmes - The Pearl Of Death 1944
Sherlock Holmes - The Sign of Four
Sherlock Holmes 1x01 - A Scandal In Bohemia
Sherlock Holmes 1x02 - The Dancing Men
Sherlock Holmes 1x03 - The Naval Treaty
Sherlock Holmes 1x04 - The Solitary Cyclist
Sherlock Holmes 1x05 - The Crooked Man
Sherlock Holmes 1x06 - The Speckled Band
Sherlock Holmes 1x07 - The Blue Carbuncle
Sherlock Holmes 1x08 - The Copper Beeches
Sherlock Holmes 1x09 - The Greek Interpreter
Sherlock Holmes 1x10 - The Norwood Builder
Sherlock Holmes 1x11 - The Resident Patient
Sherlock Holmes 1x12 - The Red Headed League
Sherlock Holmes 1x13 - The Final Problem
Sherlock Holmes And The House Of Fear 1945
Sherlock Holmes And The Spider Woman 1944
Sherlock Holmes And The Voice Of Terror 1942
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death 1943
Sherlock Holmes Returns
Sherlock Holmes The Eligible Bachelor
Sherlock Holmes The Scarlet Claw 1944
Sherlock Holmes in Washington 1943
Shes All That
Shes So Lovely
Shes out of control
Shes the One
Shield The 2x01 - The Quick Fix
Shield The 2x02 - Dead Soldiers
Shield The 2x03 - Partners
Shield The 2x04 - Carte Blanche
Shijushichinin No Shikaku (1994 aka 47 Ronin)
Shiki-Jitsu (Hideaki Anno 2000)
Shin Zatoichi monogatari (1963)
Shine (1996)
Shinjuku - Triad Society (Takashi Miike 1995) CD1
Shinjuku - Triad Society (Takashi Miike 1995) CD2
Shinning The
Ship of Fools CD1 (Stanley Kramer 1965)
Ship of Fools CD2 (Stanley Kramer 1965)
Shiryour gari
Shiver Of The Vampires The
Shocking Asia CD1
Shocking Asia CD2
Shogun 1980 Part 1
Shogun 1980 Part 2
Shogun 1980 Part 3
Shogun 1980 Part 4
Shogun 1980 Part 5 and 6
Shogun 1980 Part 7 and 8
Shogun 1980 Part 9 and 10
Shop Around The Corner The 1940
Short Circuit 2
Short Cuts CD1
Short Cuts CD2
Short Film About Killing A (1988)
Short Film About Love A (1988)
Short Film About Love A 1988
Shot In The Dark A
Show Me Love
Show Time
Shredder (Greg Huson 2003)
Shree 420
Shrek 2
Shriek if You Know What I Did Last Friday the 13th
Shuang tong (2002)
Shutter (2004)
Sib - The Apple
Sibiriada CD1
Sibiriada CD2
Sibling Rivalry
Siburay Bate Cafe
Sicilian The 1987 CD1
Sicilian The 1987 CD2
Siege The (1998)
Siegfried I
Siegfried II
Siegfried III
Silence of the Lambs The
Silencers The (Phil Karlson 1966)
Silent Trigger 1996
Silent Warnings
Silk Stockings
Silmido CD1
Silmido CD2
Silver City
Silver Hawk
Silver Streak 1976
Simon and Garfunkel - The Concert in Central Park
Simon of the Desert
Simone CD1
Simone CD2
Simpsons 01x01 - Simpsons Roasting Over An Open Fire
Simpsons 01x02 - Bart The Genius
Simpsons 01x03 - Homers Odyssey
Simpsons 01x04 - Theres No Disgrace Like Home
Simpsons 01x05 - Bart the General
Simpsons 01x06 - Moaning Lisa
Simpsons 01x07 - The Call of the Simpsons
Simpsons 01x08 - The Telltale Head
Simpsons 01x09 - Life on the Fast Lane
Simpsons 01x10 - Homers Night Out
Simpsons 01x11 - The Crepes Of Wrath
Simpsons 01x12 - Krusty Gets Busted
Simpsons 01x13 - Some Enchanted Evening
Simpsons The
Simpsons The 05x01 - Homers Barbershop Quartet
Simpsons The 05x02 - Cape Feare
Simpsons The 05x03 - Homer Goes To College
Simpsons The 05x04 - Rosebud
Simpsons The 05x05 - Tree House Of Horror
Simpsons The 05x06 - Marge On The Lam
Simpsons The 05x07 - Barts Inner Child
Simpsons The 05x08 - Boy Scoutz N The Hood
Simpsons The 05x09 - The Last-Temptation Of Homer
Simpsons The 05x10 - $pringfield
Simpsons The 05x11 - Homer The Vigilante
Simpsons The 05x12 - Bart Gets Famous
Simpsons The 05x13 - Homer And Apu
Simpsons The 05x14 - Lisa Vs Malibu Stacy
Simpsons The 05x15 - Deep Space Homer
Simpsons The 05x16 - Homer Loves Flanders
Simpsons The 05x17 - Bart Gets An Elephant
Simpsons The 05x18 - Burns Heir
Simpsons The 05x19 - Sweet Seymour Skinners Baadasssss Song
Simpsons The 05x20 - The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Simpsons The 05x21 - Lady Bouviers Lover
Simpsons The 05x22 - Secrets Of A Successful Marriage
Sin 2003
Sin noticias de Dios
Sinbad - Legend Of The Seven Seas
Since Otar Left 2003
Since You Went Away CD1
Since You Went Away CD2
Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine
Singin in the Rain
Singing Detective The
Singles (2003) CD1
Singles (2003) CD2
Sink The Bismarck
Sinnui yauman
Sinnui yauman II
Sirens 1994
Sirocco 1951
Sissi 1955
Sister Act
Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit CD1
Sister Act 2 - Back in the Habit CD2
Six Days Seven Nights
Six Degrees of Separation (1993)
Six Feet Under
Six String Samurai
Six Strong Guys (2004)
Sixteen Candles CD1
Sixteen Candles CD2
Sixth Sense The
Skammen (Shame Bergman 1968)
Skazka o tsare Saltane
Skulls The
Skulls The (Collectors Edition)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
Slap Shot
Slap Shot 2
Slaughterhouse Five
Sleeper 1973
Sleepers (1996) CD1
Sleepers (1996) CD2
Sleepless in Seattle
Sleepwalkers 1992
Sleepy Hollow 1999
Sleuth (Mankiewicz 1972) CD1
Sleuth (Mankiewicz 1972) CD2
Sliding Doors 1992
Sling Blade CD1
Sling Blade CD2
Small Change (FranÇois Truffaut 1976)
Small Time Crooks 2000
Smell of Fear The
Smokey and the Bandit
Smoking Room
Snake Of June A (2002)
Snake Pit The
Snatch - Special Edition
Sneakers 1992
Sniper 2
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs 1937
Snowfever (2004)
So Close 2002
Sobibor 14 Octobre 1943
Sol Goode
Solaris (Solyaris)
Solaris (Tarkovsky) CD1
Solaris (Tarkovsky) CD2
Solaris - Criterion Collection
Solaris 2002
Solaris 2002 - Behind the Planet
Solaris 2002 Inside
Soldaat Van Oranje 1977 CD1
Soldaat Van Oranje 1977 CD2
Soldier CD1
Soldier CD2
Soldiers Story A (Norman Jewison 1984)
Solomon and Sheba CD1
Solomon and Sheba CD2
Sombre 25fps 1998
Some Kind of Monster CD1
Some Kind of Monster CD2
Someone Special
Something The Lord Made CD1
Something The Lord Made CD2
Somethings Gotta Give CD1
Somethings Gotta Give CD2
Son In Law
Son The
Song of the South
Sophies Choice
Sorority boys
Sose me
Soul Guardians The (1998) CD1
Soul Guardians The (1998) CD2
Soul Keeper The (2003)
Soul Plane
Soul Survivors
Sound of Music The
South Park - Bigger Longer and Uncut
South Park 01x01 - Cartman Gets An Anal Probe
South Park 01x02 - Weight Gain 4000
South Park 01x03 - Volcano
South Park 01x04 - Big Gay Als Big Gay Boatride
South Park 01x05 - An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
South Park 01x06 - Death
South Park 01x07 - Pinkeye
South Park 01x08 - Jesus VS Satan
South Park 01x09 - Starvin Marvin
South Park 01x10 - Mr Hankey the Christmas Poo
South Park 01x11 - Toms Rhinoplasty
South Park 01x12 - Mecha Striesand
South Park 01x13 - Cartmans Mom is a Dirty Slut
Soylent Green 1973
Spacehunter 1983
Spanish Prisoner The CD1
Spanish Prisoner The CD2
Spark the Lighter
Spartacus 2004 CD1
Spartacus 2004 CD2
Spartacus Fixed 1960
Spartan 2004 CD1
Spartan 2004 CD2
Spawn (1997)
Spawn (Directors Cut)
Species 3 CD1
Species 3 CD2
Speed 2 - Cruise Control
Spellbound (Hitchcock 1945)
Spetters 1980
Spider-Man CD1
Spider-Man CD2
Spider (2002)
Spider Man 2 CD1
Spider Man 2 CD2
Spies Like Us 1985
Spirit of the Beehive
Spirited Away CD1
Spirits of the Dead 1968 CD1
Spirits of the Dead 1968 CD2
Spoilers The
Spongebob Squarepants The Movie
Springtime In A Small Town
Spun (Unrated Version)
Spy Game
Spy Hard
Spy Who Came In from the Cold The
Spy Who Loved Me The
Spy Who Shagged Me The - New Line Platinum Series
Spygirl CD1
Spygirl CD2
Square Peg
St Johns Wort - (Otogiriso) 25fps 2001
Stage Beauty 2004
Stage Fright 1950
Stalag 17
Stalker 1979 CD1
Stalker 1979 CD2
Star Trek Generations CD1
Star Trek Generations CD2
Star Wars - Episode II Attack of the Clones
Star Wars - Episode IV A New Hope
Star Wars - Episode I The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode 4 (A New Hope) CD1
Star Wars Episode 4 (A New Hope) CD2
Star Wars Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) CD1
Star Wars Episode 5 (Empire Strikes Back) CD2
Star Wars Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi) CD1
Star Wars Episode 6 (Return of the Jedi) CD2
Stargate SG1 1x01 Children of the Gods
Stargate SG1 1x02 The enemy Within
Stargate SG1 1x03 Emancipation
Stargate SG1 1x04 The Broca Divide
Stargate SG1 1x05 The First Commandment
Stargate SG1 1x06 Cold Lazarus
Stargate SG1 1x07 The Nox
Stargate SG1 1x08 Brief Candle
Stargate SG1 1x09 Thors Hammer
Stargate SG1 1x10 The Torment of Tantalus
Stargate SG1 1x11 Bloodlines
Stargate SG1 1x12 Fire and Water
Stargate SG1 1x13 Hathor
Stargate SG1 1x14 Singularity
Stargate SG1 1x15 The Cor AI
Stargate SG1 1x16 Enigma
Stargate SG1 1x17 Solitudes
Stargate SG1 1x18 Tin Man
Stargate SG1 1x19 There but for the Grace of God
Stargate SG1 1x20 Politics
Stargate SG1 1x21 Within the Serpents Grasp
Stargate SG1 2x01 The serpents lair
Stargate SG1 2x02 In the line of duty
Stargate SG1 2x03 Prisoners
Stargate SG1 2x04 The gamekeeper
Stargate SG1 2x05 Need
Stargate SG1 2x06 Thors chariot
Stargate SG1 2x07 Message in a bottle
Stargate SG1 2x08 Family
Stargate SG1 2x09 Secrets
Stargate SG1 2x10 Bane
Stargate SG1 2x11 The tokra part 1
Stargate SG1 2x12 The tokra part 2
Stargate SG1 2x13 Spirits
Stargate SG1 2x14 Touchstone
Stargate SG1 2x15 The fifth race
Stargate SG1 2x16 A matter of time
Stargate SG1 2x17 Holiday
Stargate SG1 2x18 Serpents song
Stargate SG1 2x19 One false step
Stargate SG1 2x20 Show and tell
Stargate SG1 2x21 1969
Stargate SG1 3x01 Into The Fire II
Stargate SG1 3x02 Seth
Stargate SG1 3x03 Fair Game
Stargate SG1 3x04 Legacy
Stargate SG1 3x05 Learning Curve
Stargate SG1 3x06 Point Of View
Stargate SG1 3x07 Deadman Switch
Stargate SG1 3x08 Demons
Stargate SG1 3x09 Rules Of Engagement
Stargate SG1 3x10 Forever In A Day
Stargate SG1 3x11 Past And Present
Stargate SG1 3x12 Jolinars Memories
Stargate SG1 3x13 The Devil You Know
Stargate SG1 3x14 Foothold
Stargate SG1 3x15 Pretense
Stargate SG1 3x16 Urgo
Stargate SG1 3x17 A Hundred Days
Stargate SG1 3x18 Shades Of Grey
Stargate SG1 3x19 New Ground
Stargate SG1 3x20 Maternal Instinct
Stargate SG1 3x21 Crystal Skull
Stargate SG1 3x22 Nemesis
Stargate SG1 4x01 Small Victories
Stargate SG1 4x02 The Other Side
Stargate SG1 4x03 Upgrades
Stargate SG1 4x04 Crossroads
Stargate SG1 4x05 Divide And Conquer
Stargate SG1 4x06 Window Of Opportunity
Stargate SG1 4x07 Watergate
Stargate SG1 4x08 The First Ones
Stargate SG1 4x09 Scorched Earth
Stargate SG1 4x10 Beneath The Surface
Stargate SG1 4x11 Point Of No Return
Stargate SG1 4x12 Tangent
Stargate SG1 4x13 The Curse
Stargate SG1 4x14 The Serpents Venom
Stargate SG1 4x15 Chain Reaction
Stargate SG1 4x16 2010
Stargate SG1 4x17 Absolute Power
Stargate SG1 4x18 The Light
Stargate SG1 4x19 Prodigy
Stargate SG1 4x20 Entity
Stargate SG1 4x21 Double Jeopardy
Stargate SG1 4x22 Exodus
Stargate SG1 5x01 Enemies
Stargate SG1 5x02 Threshold
Stargate SG1 5x03 Ascension
Stargate SG1 5x04 Fifth Man
Stargate SG1 5x05 Red Sky
Stargate SG1 5x06 Rite Of Passage
Stargate SG1 5x07 Beast Of Burden
Stargate SG1 5x08 The Tomb
Stargate SG1 5x09 Between Two Fires
Stargate SG1 5x10 2001
Stargate SG1 5x11 Desperate Measures
Stargate SG1 5x12 Wormhole X-Treme
Stargate SG1 5x13 Proving Ground
Stargate SG1 5x14 48 Hours
Stargate SG1 5x15 Summit
Stargate SG1 5x16 Last Stand
Stargate SG1 5x17 Failsafe
Stargate SG1 5x18 The Warrior
Stargate SG1 5x19 Menace
Stargate SG1 5x20 The Sentinel
Stargate SG1 5x21 Meridian
Stargate SG1 5x22 Revelations
Stargate SG1 6x01 Redemption Part 1
Stargate SG1 6x02 Redemption Part 2
Stargate SG1 6x03 Descent
Stargate SG1 6x04 Frozen
Stargate SG1 6x05 Nightwalkers
Stargate SG1 6x06 Abyss
Stargate SG1 6x07 Shadow Play
Stargate SG1 6x08 The Other Guys
Stargate SG1 6x09 Allegiance
Stargate SG1 6x10 Cure
Stargate SG1 6x11 Prometheus
Stargate SG1 6x12 Unnatural Selection
Stargate SG1 6x13 Sight Unseen
Stargate SG1 6x14 Smoke n Mirrors
Stargate SG1 6x15 Paradise Lost
Stargate SG1 6x16 Metamorphosis
Stargate SG1 6x17 Disclosure
Stargate SG1 6x18 Forsaken
Stargate SG1 6x19 The Changeling
Stargate SG1 6x20 Memento
Stargate SG1 6x21 Prophecy
Stargate SG1 6x22 Full Circle
Stargate SG1 7x01 Fallen
Stargate SG1 7x02 Homecoming
Stargate SG1 7x03 Fragile Balance
Stargate SG1 7x04 Orpheus
Stargate SG1 7x05 Revisions
Stargate SG1 7x06 Lifeboat
Stargate SG1 7x07 Enemy Mine
Stargate SG1 7x08 Space Race
Stargate SG1 7x09 Avenger 2 0
Stargate SG1 7x10 Birthright
Stargate SG1 7x10 Heroes II
Stargate SG1 7x11 Evolution I
Stargate SG1 7x12 Evolution II
Stargate SG1 7x13 Grace
Stargate SG1 7x14 Fallout
Stargate SG1 7x15 Chimera
Stargate SG1 7x16 Death Knell
Stargate SG1 7x17 Heroes I
Stargate SG1 7x19 Resurrection
Stargate SG1 7x20 Inauguration
Stargate SG1 7x21-22 The Lost City I n II
Starship Troopers (Special Edition)
Starship Troopers 2
Story Of A Kiss
Strada La
Strange aventure de Docteur Molyneux
Street Of Love And Hope (Nagisa Oshima 1959)
Street of shame (Akasen chitai)
Streetcar Named Desire A
Style Wars
Suicide Regimen
Sukces 2003
Summer Tale A 2000
Sunday Lunch (2003)
Super 8 Stories
Superman IV - The Quest for Peace
Surviving the Game
Swedish Love Story A (1970) CD1
Swedish Love Story A (1970) CD2
Sweetest Thing The (Unrated Version)
Swept Away
Swordsman III - The East is Red
Sylvester - Canned Feud (1951)
Sylvester - Speedy Gonzales (1955)
Sylvester and Elmer - Kit for Cat (1948)
Sylvester and Porky - Scaredy Cat (1948)
Sylvester and Tweety - Canary Row (1950)
Sylvester and Tweety - Putty Tat Trouble (1951)
Sylvester and Tweety - Tweetys SOS (1951)