VishwatmaClick here to download subtitles file for the movie "Vishwatma"Get Paid for using YouTube!
23.976 This planet earth is a part of the Universe. The Creator, is called... the God, the Almighty, the Omnipotent One! But our story is not based on God... it's the story of those people who have come in this world... and who are a part of the Almighty! And that part, procures life and comes on this earth... and is called a human being. The man who is not aware of his objective and goal... and cannot manage to reach it... lives like an ordinary human being. But the man who is aware of his objective and goal of life... and to achieve it, he doesn't give importance to life or death... That man rises above all the ordinary human beings... and is called the infinite power! - l am honored with your arrival! - Oh! So you recognize me? Haven't you called the police to protect you? We are safe now that you are here! Then why didn't you invite me? Who will give me money, you or this boy's father? You have insulted me by not inviting me, take the girl along! She's my wife, you have no right to take her away! ln that case, l have all the right to kill you! - Leave me! - Please leave her! The man who is aware of his objective and goal... who is aware... and to achieve it, he doesn't give any importance to life or death... doesn't give any importance to life or death... that man rises above all the other ordinary human beings... and becomes the infinite power! Come quickly brother and save them! Help me! Hit him! Wonder where he has gone leaving the door open and the lights on. Such a crazy boy he is! There is no place in this country l haven't searched in the last 6 months. When l heard that a courageous man... beat up a deadly dacoit, Manohar Dev from Thambore, along with his gang... l was sure it could be only you, that is why l came here. You confidence and information were absolutely right. l always had faith in you, now even they have started believing in you. - l have come to take you, Prabhat. - l am happy here, l feel at peace! - l don't want to leave this place. - You can run away from yourself... but not from your deeds.God has sent all of us to perform certain duties... if we fail to do that then neither will we ever be happy... nor can we ever obtain peace! You've said what you wanted to and l've announced my decision. lts not a decision, its a blind belief!... obsession of a wounded man! There are ups and downs in life but how can you turn your back to life? l will not let you stay here and will not listen to any explanations! lf you don't relent and come with me then l'll have to forcibly take you. Come with me! l have shot many a times with these hands. But on those people whom l hate. l wouldn't like to shoot the person whom l respect a lot. That is why, you go away from here. l don't want to return back to the world of blind men. Living among these stones, hasn't yet made you like a stone... that will make you forget the people you love. On your insistence l am leaving today but remember one thing... l'll surely take you from here. l'll certainly accomplish my mission! l fail to understand which mission you want to accomplish! Why don't you understand that l have lost everything. Go away from here and leave me alone! Go away from my life! This is how l shoot! Munna, stop this noise, your elder brother shoots in the whole city... atleast let peace prevail in this house! You are angry with the elder son and are reprimanding the younger one? Prabhat has given this gift to Munna for his birthday. Sure! What else can he give besides a gun? Violence is his way of life! He beats up the criminals so much that they eventually die. Brother is back home! Happy birthday, brother! - How are you? - Since morning, he has been decorating the house. Your birthday is like a festival for him. Munna, leave your brother now. Son, you must be tired. Go and freshen up. - lts quite late and you know your father... - l know it. l know how much my peace loving father detests my uniform! Yes, l detest your activities and... Your father forgot to say that he has invited his friend home for dinner. They have come from Lucknow. Son, go get dressed quickly. And l will make arrangements for the prayers. May God give you a long life and may the Goddess always bless you! Brother, this is your present from me. - Brother, sing a song today. - Song?! - Why not? Nobody could beat you in playing the mouth organ in your college days. - Please sing! - And these days, nobody can beat him in shooting. Pray that he pleads to God to show him the right path! People who walk on the path of peace are considered great in this world! Anurag, you are aware that we are a very small family. We always go out together. On one hand, is my daughter Kusum, who is my world... and on the other hand is my wife's brother, Mr. Sharma. - lsn't it, Mr. Sharma? - Yes, Mr. Verma. His niece should not lack any love that is why, he did not get married. - lsn't it, Mr. Sharma. - Yes, Mr. Verma. But its known in entire Lucknow that even you did not remarry. So that you don't have to share your food with anybody. - Don't feel shy, lets start eating. - Mr. Sharma, let us attack the food! Father, control yourself! - Tell me, brother! - Yes, Munna! What do you think of sister in law, l liked her a lot, she's like mother! Which sister in law, whom are you talking about? l heard our parent's conversation, your marriage is fixed with her. Why did they do this? l am already married but with death! l am married to my uniform! By marrying me, your daughter could get widowed anytime! Balbir, did you find out anything? Sir, l am sure that those two dead bodies belong to Blue Panther gang. Our informer told us of the rivalry between them and Bhardhwaj brothers. There is a fear of riots breaking in the city... due to which the innocent will also be victimized. lsn't Madan the chief of the Bhardhwaj gang? But till date, we haven't found out about the chief of Blue Panther gang. Mr Ajghar, the consignment that you've sent is rotting in the godown. Because our dealers have joined hands with Bhardhwaj brothers. They have stopped buying from us. You've been abroad for years... but its for the first time, someone has tried to compete with us. Madan Bhardhwaj is becoming more powerful and has openly challenged us. We have lost many of our men in this enmity. You come here & handle the situation or you'll lose control in lndia. You call a meeting of all your dealers and Bhardhwaj brothers. l'll come to lndia and resolve this issue forever! Alright! As per your wishes, we have arranged for a meeting tonight. Today if these dealers don't listen to us then they'll pay a heavy price. Before that we will have to show the Bhardhwaj brothers their position. Relax! Keep your head cool for some time. Son, you are new to this country's police and the enemies. Since its your first visit to lndia, you don't attend the meeting... and keep a close watch on the activities of the Bhardhwaj brothers. So that we can give them a befitting reply. The rest of you come with me. He is Gafforbhai, the king of illicit liquor in Mumbai. He is Nanvalli, the wholesaler of opium and brown sugar. He is the supplier of illegal weapons. You'll know Mr. Madan and Mr. Ajghar very well. We have no differences with either of you'll. lts true that till yesterday, we bought foreign goods from you. But now, we all have decided that... since we bought the local things from Mr. Madan... we will buy the foreign goods also from him. - Why? - ln Mumbai, even the beggars require a protector! Afterall, we are dealers, Mr. Madan will offer us the goods & protection. Be it related to the police or to the rival gangs. You live in Kenya and when we have someone of our own country... then why should we depend on a foreigner? You have heard the grievances of our dealers. Now gather your belongings and go away in search of some other place! Whom are you talking to? You still are a child in front of us! Once you'll see us in action, you will take back your words! - Don't provoke me or l'll... - Peace, Nagdank! The path of peace will be appropriate for you, Ajghar! Because l don't value you more than... a beggar begging for alms on the roads! You scoundrel! l will kill you. l will feed you to the vultures you... Peace! Often a weak man screams and tries to prove himself powerful. And you are not weak! This man will not leave like this, we'll have to throw him out! This is the only way to shoo away stray dogs like him! What are you'll watching? Shoot all of them! Finish them off! Peace Nagdank! Violence is no solution to any problem. When the dealers have accepted Madan as their associate... then it is not right for them to depend on us foreigners. So why should we have enmity towards Madan? Madan, you can prosper. We will return back to our country. l give you 48 hours to leave this country. Brother, why did you give up so soon? Why did you let them go? Nagdank, he has slapped you but its imprint is on my cheek! l am feeling sorry for that poor Madan... that he has yet not learnt the law ofjungle! When and where a python swallows someone... even the person who is dying does not realize it! What, you will marry me today evening? l don't believe it! This is the truth, l had promised you... the day l will defeat Ajghar Jorhat and become the don of this city... that day, l will marry you! l will leave now. l've to make arrangements for the evening. - Sister! - Take care of yourself. How l wish our younger brother Aakash, was with us on this occasion. l would be the happiest man on this earth! But unfortunately, to pursue his principles, he lives in his own world! But yet l am sure, wherever he is, he must be missing us. Madan Bhardhwaj is convinced that by defeating us, he can rule this city! And today is his first night after marriage. lf you permit us, we can turn this night into his last night! Brother, l am waiting anxiously to finish him off! - You stopped me or... - There was a reason for my stopping you. lnspite of living abroad for last 20 years, we are ruling this city. And inspite of trying hard, the police here... has never been able to find any clue about us. At that moment, if you would kill him in anger... then the police, not only in this country... but in other country also will pursue and find out about us. Today is a very auspicious day for all of us. And l'll not tell you to keep peace, l'll tell you to spread violence! We shall spell such a doom on Madan Bhardhwaj... that for ages nobody will ever know that a man by this name ever existed! You will not harm Madan Bhardhwaj! You will be the one who will be doomed and that too, by me! Who is Madan Bhardhwaj's younger brother? Don't move till the police arrives or you'll be responsible for their death. lnspector, you've misunderstood me. l had phoned you and asked you to come there. Ajghar Jorhat and Blue Panther gang are enemies with my brothers. l went to stop them and they attacked me also. lnspector, let me go or my brothers will be killed. You don't know how dangerous they are. l'll come and surrender myself. Just let me out for few hours. You will not go anywhere! lts the duty of the police to stop this fight. Besides, your brothers are criminals too, they'll be caught by the police. Today you seem to be very worried about your brothers. Why didn't you make them understand that they'll face death in their work? l tried to make them understand a lot. Brother! No! Madan, no! Leave me, l say! Madan Bhardhwaj is dead! We should leave this place before someone comes here. Finish them too! Halt! Nagdank, what happened to you? - What is the name of that inspector? - His name is Prabhat. - He is very headstrong. - We'll get his corpse in front of you! No! l will not kill my enemy that easily. My name is Ajghar! And with my venom, l will spread such a poison in his life... that he will be tortured for all his life! Just tell me what he is fond of the most! Munna, come here quickly! Look, your brother's friends have come to meet you. Your brother has sent us here. Every member of the Bhardhwaj gang was killed. And that too, in front of you and yet, you could not do anything! lf you can't handle it then l'll hand over this charge to some other officer. Sir, give me some more time, very soon l will nab them. Because l have come to know about the head of the Blue Panther gang. He is called Ajghar Jorhat. But the strange thing is... that he lives abroad and not here. Nobody knows when he comes here and strikes his enemies. But he cannot escape anymore. l have identified him. Great! When you weren't successful, you could not prevent destruction... you start blaming the foreign hand! And which Ajghar Jorhat are you talking about? lf there is a criminal by that name then he has no police records. Then has he appeared from the thin air? You have been staying in a dream world these days. l will hear no further and take the charge from you today itself! And hand it over to inspector Balbir. Alright sir, you will get my resignation tomorrow morning. Mr. Ajghar, the situation is not in your favour. l have compelled Prabhat to resign but... hearing Prabhat, DCP Gupta has started doubting you. And he is Prabhat's guardian. After reaching home, when Prabhat sees his brother's state... he will explode like a volcano! Leave this country as soon as possible. Welcome, my son! See, what a great gift your well wishers have sent for us. See who this is! Don't touch him with your blood stained hands! Look at him, he has paid a price for your evil deeds! You are his murderer. l was fed up explaining it to you... don't indulge in such work, stop yourself! But nothing could work in front of your pride. Now see the result! lf you look up and walk, you are bound to fall down! Now get out from here! - What are you saying, Anurag? - How is he to be blamed for this? lt is because of him that my son is dead. l don't need him anymore. l'll think that both my sons are dead! Will you kill me with your blood stained hands now? You will kill me showing me by showing your face! Get out from here! Get out from our lives! We aren't connected to you anymore! Get out from here! Go away, get out! You have killed your brother! Get out and never show your face ever again! Brother, l have never seen brave men crying. When my father was killed by Manohar Dev... even l cried a lot. My mother also died with the grief. Now l have stopped crying. There aren't anymore tears left. My tears were also dead... someone reminded me, that is why my memories were refreshed. When my father used to teach the Bhagvad Gita, he used to say that... the people who fight forjustice should have weapons in their hands... and no tears in their eyes! The Pandavas had Lord Krishna with them ... and the Kauravas had their father, Dhridhrashtra. - But who is with me? - l am with you, my son. The injustice that l mete out on you had stopped me from coming to you. l could not overcome my shameful behavior... But when Mr. Gupta also gave up in front of you... then l thought of coming here to take you back. - Father! - Yes son, that day you had returned wounded from work... and even l injured you! l, the believer of non-violence, resorted to violence! My son's death had made me selfish. l am not the only father who had lost his son. Many people have made such sacrifices infact, even bigger than this! Today, l have come to take my son back. For me, for my country and for this whole world! You have come to reside in this unknown surroundings... and there, the devastation by the Blue Panther gang has increased. There are bomb blasts & killings taking place in the broad daylight! And when the police could not do anything to these criminals... then Commissioner Pandey decided to get you back. l promise that hereafter, l will never impose my principles on you. The answer to an attack should be given by an attack! Go and fight this battle the way you want! God forbid but even if you lose in this battle... then my head will always be raised with pride. lnstead of being called a coward's father,... l would rather be called a martyr's father! Father, until yesterday, there was no hope in my life. But now l can see a ray of hope, l will surely come with you, father. We take pride in informing that a brave and honest inspector like you... is being sent for a very difficult and a dangerous mission to Kenya. To accomplish this mission you will have to be very smart and alert. Because we would not like to strain.... the economic or the political relations with the Kenya Government. We have appointed an lndian from the Kenya police to help you. But that inspector or any other officer should not ever learn that... you have gone there to arrest Ajghar Jorhat. Because this man is a respectable citizen of that place. Keeping this in mind, you have to accomplish your mission. Prabhat, you have to gather evidence against him. So that we can prove that he is a very dangerous criminal. You will have to arrest him alive at any cost and get him to lndia. l promise that l will not put our Government to shame in a foreign land. l will expose him in Kenya and arrest him there. But you will have to comply to my wish before l leave. - What is that? - When you know the reality about Ajghar... then you must be also aware that Aakash is innocent. You will have to release him. His arrest is a burden on my conscience. The police department has already made an appeal for his release. - lt has been accepted. - But even you'll have to listen to one thing. For which l have the Minister's permission too. You'll have to take Aakash along, he can do something for his country. And he also gets the chance to prove himself as a good citizen. Besides, Aakash knows Ajghar Jorhat's family very well. - But sir... - This is my order! Jailor, have l heard it right that my sentence has waived? l always said that my character was not bad as inspector Prabhat thinks. Your sentence is not waived, you have been released on bail. That too, because of inspector Prabhat's attempts. He has been specially sent here to take you Mumbai. Our Government is sending him to Kenya on a special mission... and you will have to accompany him. This is a very good opportunity to prove to everyone... that you have the desire to do something for your country. lf you are successful in this then you can even be released. Oh! So he can help me to get released? l don't want to know on which mission he is going. But l will surely go with him. So that l can avenge my brother's death! l am waiting for you outside, Aakash. She cannot overcome the shock that she has received. Only time can heal her wounds. You can take her home if you wish. Sister, l will not spare the person who has ruined your life! No matter if l have to lose my life for it. Your death is a wound on my heart which will help me to find the killers. You have a life ahead of you, try to lead it in a better way. - Don't ruin it for my sake. - May my son return victorious! - l pray to God only for this. - He'll definitely be victorious! - lsn't it Mr. Sharma? - Yes, Mr. Verma. And son, may God fulfill your wish too! My?! That will surely be fulfilled with your blessings. lt will surely be fulfilled if your intentions are clear. - lsn't it, Mr. Sharma? - Yes, Mr. Verma. Live long! l will wait for your return. Like this country, even l need you! Take care and don't forget that you have to get them back alive. The country's, yours as well as my honor is at stake. Don't worry, our Prabhat will not disappoint you. - lsn't it, Mr. Sharma? - Yes, Mr. Verma. - Shall we leave, Aakash? - Yes! Shall l go! - Yes! l have rested enough, now let's do some work! We have finally reached Kenya! But nobody seems to be around to welcome us. And yes, your foreigner officer is not to be seen! He may be living here but he is an lndian. He will find us. l have found you'll and even recognized you'll! - l am Aakash Bhardhwaj from the lndian thief force. - Excuse me! You are joking! lt feels really good to meet your fellow countrymen. Look at me, although l was raised up and now even work here... but yet, l long to see my motherland. Once you go there, your desire will be satisfied forever! Don't mind his words, he's not learned that's why he talks like that! What?...he is praising me! Mr. Ajghar, l was pressurized by the Minister and DCP Gupta... l had to call for Prabhat Singh. And l had to send him to Kenya due to my legal duties... to arrest you! And yes, Aakash Bhardhwaj, who could be a problem after being released... even he is accompanying Prabhat to find you. l am sure that they will return back to lndia... but not alive, their corpses will come back in coffins! lf you permit me then l can finish them and throw them into the sea. No, don't do any such thing due to which the police notices us. You don't worry, l will kill them in such a way that... their death will look like an accident. The weather is also very pleasant, you will enjoy it here. And please give me the pistols that you have. This is a peace loving country, you will not need these guns here. But this is for our protection besides, we have a permission. l am not denying that. You can take it when you go back. But the Government here does not allow it. Besides, why do you need weapons? You concentrate on the mission that you are here on. And if you need any help, l am always there. l have been specially appointed to help you. Don't do any such thing that will cause inconvenience... to the Government, the citizens or to you. There is no need to trust these foreigners. Keep a close watch on them for all 24 hours. lts the question of diplomatic relations between two countries. And since you are an lndian, its your duty to take care of them. Remember one more thing, our police department or our Government... should not be defamed due to their activities. l have to take care of them and keep a vigilance on them... without their knowledge and after few days, send them back to lndia. The one whom you are looking for, its first step is Bubble Discotheque! There is a celebration going on there for a girl called Sonia. She will be the second step to your destination. By now you must have understood. Keep this, you'll need it! Yesterday l had requested you'll not to go anywhere without my knowledge. Then where are you'll going now? We have heard that the youth of this place are fond of Bubbles Discotheque. We thought that you would get bored there, we'll come back after dinner. - You need not take the trouble. - lts my duty to serve you. Besides, l won't get the opportunity to go to Bubbles Discotheque again. - Come, l'll take you there. - Lets go. Wow! This is a great place. Will we get country liquor in this place? No, you will get imported scotch here which is very expensive. You have come here but do you have money for the liquor? He is my responsibility. So l have to fulfill all his legal demands. And it is absolutely legal to drink in this country! Yes but as far as he is in his senses. And if he gets drunk then as per the law, he will be behind bars. Shall we go? lmported whiskey! This will not quench my thirst but beggars cannot be choosers! - Who are you and what do you want? - My name is Renuka. Like you, even l am an lndian and have been compelled to come here. Our destinations are the same. And l am sure that with your help, l can reach there. Unknowingly, inspector Surya Pratap can create an obstacle in your way. l will try my best to keep him away from you. My fellow lndian brothers, ladies and my special guests... l, Tapaswi Gunjal, welcomes you all to my Disco Bubbles. l am very delighted to inform you all guests present here that... its my friend, Miss Sonia's 18th birthday today. My Sonia! Very beautiful! She is Sonia, Ajghar Jorhat's only daughter. This applause should be for you! Who are you and how do you know me? The stories of your bravery is printed even in lndian newspapers. You entered the Omani drug dealers gang and arrested them alone. You even entered the Kenya Airways plane & made the kidnapers surrender. You are a pride of we lndians in Kenya! On this special occasion, for your entertainment... l have arranged for an exclusive dance and song programme. And have called a young beauty across the seven seas, especially from lndia! lf you are tired then you can proceed home with your friends. What do you intend doing by sending Sonia back? This girl will please you and also add to the honor of this discotheque. You keep the vehicle ready, l will go and get that beautiful girl. l will entertain that girl until morning. They were looting the bank and running away and as soon as l reached there... - lts there. - Even l am feeling uncomfortable. - Okay but not more than 2 minutes. - 2 minutes? - Let's go! Why don't you tell me more stories until they both return back? The image of our disco has been enhanced due to your voice and dance. That is why, it is our duty to take care of your needs. - l have made special arrangements for your stay. - Thank you. And l will personally drop you there by my car. He's taken her! And when l put my hand in the pocket, l found that my revolver is missing. - Then? - Even l fought back and they fell like a pack of cards! And...where have these two gone? - What are you doing? - Very beautiful! Everything is insignificant as compared to your beauty! Even a sage may get lured looking at you. And afterall, l am an ordinary human being! Leave me, you rogue! Leave me, l say! - Don't stop me! - Leave me, Prabhat help! Don't call him out! Fulfill my desire! Attack! Today these people will kill you! And if you are saved then l will not spare you! Please be gentle or else you will break my hands. - What is this happening? - l was protecting my friend. - Oh, l see! - l will... l will get exposed! - But l won't need this anymore. - Come on. When you'll did not come back, l was sure you'll were up to something. ls it a crime to save a girl's honor? No, but taking the law in your hands is definitely a crime. You could have told me, for what purpose is the police available? Anyway, come let me drop you to your hotel. Try to understand, Kusum. The task that l have undertaken is very dangerous. Any mishap may occur at any time. l have decided that either l will marry you or l will die here itself! You have won, Kusum! This house is more safe than staying alone outside at this hour. And you have seen what happens outside. And only two of us stay in this huge house. - My daughter and me. - Your daughter?! There she is! Her name is Sunaina. - l'll introduce you to her in the morning. - And where is your wife? - She is not there. - She isn't alive? Yes, she died in an accident. Please tell me about it. Sometimes, fate plays a cruel joke on us. God's mercy was on me, l had a very good life... respect in the police force, a very happy family. One day suddenly, there was such a tempest... that left me completely bereft and snatched away my wife from me! My daughter suffered such a shock of her mother's death... that she just turned into a living corpse. She was with her mother on that fateful night. Whenever l ask her about that incident... she becomes quiet and subdued and keeps on looking at me. All she does is keep crying. She wakes up in the night screaming with fright. She's scared of the outside world and starts crying at the mention of school. lnspite of my unending efforts, l didn't find any clue of those killers. How l wish thatjust once my daughter identifies them... l'll teach them such a lesson that they'll never repeat it again! - Leave me! - Don't be foolish, what do you get after toiling so much? l'll give you all the luxuries of the world. - Just come to me once! - Leave me, you don't know my husband. Damned be your husband! Mr. Tapaswi, please save me! You have to fulfill the wishes of my friend's brother. - You will not get me even after my death! - Nobody can save you here. They killed my mother! Now they will kill me too! - What happened, child? Why are you crying? - They killed my mother! - Now they will kill me too! - Don't cry, l am with you, child. - Aunty, will you sleep with me? - Yes, child. - Aunty, please don't leave me and go. - No, l will not. My mermaid! l wish even l knew to swim. - Why are you ogling at her? - l wish l was as lucky as you! Then she would be with me! Here comes Lord Krishna of this century! My dear, my inspiration, how are you? - How did you get a black eye? - l will tell you in details. Now this weakling will spin some tale! Our dancer, the one who was dancing at the discotheque the other day... after you left, an anti-social element kidnaped her... and tried to molest her! She called for help and l went to rescue her. And l started battling with that goon. And in such acts of heroism, brave men do get injured! Just hear him talk! How l wish she was with me. Okay, l will go and change and meet you in the lobby. This creep is always latched on to her! Are you jealous? You always talk big things... - but let me make things easy for you. - How? - l understood. - l didn't understand. - But she did. - How are you Tapaswi Chandal? - Not Chandal, l am Gunjal. You? l mean, its you, sister?! Shall l tell her who tried to molest and who was beaten up? l plead to you! You are like my sister. l promise that hereafter, l will consider all women as my sisters. - You please don't say anything to Sonia. - Do you promise me? - Then lets shake hands. - Okay. My sister is very nice, everyone must have a sister like you! Ajghar Jorhat, Aakash will reach Sonia... and Sonia will help me to reach you! That wicked woman has made me wet! Wonder where Sonia is now? Where is he going? Where are you taking me? Have you gone mad? Who are you? l say stop the car! What an impudent man you are! You?! Respected father, this is the crook who tried to abduct Sonia. lt was an insult to me that is why l captured him and got him here! Now you give him a befitting punishment. He has cast an evil eye on my girlfriend! So the prey has come himself to me! For the first time you have done something wise. Now we shall send him to join his brothers. So this is where you've come? Now l know why Prabhat has got me here. You have understood but your stupid friend did not. Your death has pulled you'll to this place. Look how he is hanging like a monkey. Stop him! Respected father, he's gone like a hurricane. What will we do know? - Lets follow them? - No! A python doesn't sting his victim. He coils all over them and breaks their bones! And he chokes them to death! Today, l have fallen in my own eyes. l always hated you and tried to kill you. But today, you did not care about your own life? The death of your brothers was like a burden that's why, l got you here. So that you can avenge their death. l was aware that you hated me and l would also do what you did. Can you do one more favour? None of my family members are alive today. Can you treat me as your friend, as your brother? When two brothers meet, there is no place for a favour. l don't know why Aakash & Prabhat have come & why are you helping them? But you please be wary of them because one of them is a suspended police inspector... and the other is a professional criminal. They tried to misbehave with my girlfriend, Sonia. Luckily l had seen you with them at Disco Bubbles. - Or else l would have... - Calm down, Tapaswi! We should not interfere in the police matters. Whose picture is this? This is my daughter and that is my deceased wife. Your daughter looks cute! Anyway, l will file your report and henceforth, you'll have no problems. Thank you! This inspector Surya Pratap can be more harmful than those two! - How is that? - lf you remember two years back... a lady had jumped from Tapaswi's office and committed suicide due to me. And the police had made an extensive inquiry of that case. Yes, that news had made the headlines, which we had later buried. That lady was none other than inspector Surya Pratap's wife! O God! He is the most toughest police officer in Kenya. lf he learns the reality, he will make life miserable for us. Now l understand! Why are you worried? You are my son. Now listen to my plan carefully. First, with the help of that honest inspector, we will kill both of them. And then, we shall give him salvation! After that, only we shall rule this world! And we shall become the ultimate power! Friends, our associates are getting us a special thing from lndia. Respected father, what is this special thing that they are getting? - That we'll know after they come. - Father, think about them later. First think of a way we have to win inspector Surya Pratap's trust. What is there to think. We have to be like him. We will pretend to be honest like him, isn't it? That's perfect, respected father! The Blue Panther gang has arrived in time! What is the special thing that you've got? This is the original cast and a real dye, Mr. Ajghar. For all your life, you can print hundred rupee notes. We have gone through a lot of danger to steal this. So that you can start a factory of printing lndian notes here. And with the same shrewdness we shall circulate it in the lndian market! Father, then we can control the lndian economy sitting here. Respected father, this cast will get us lot of money... if you permit me then l will keep it safely. l am very happy with your plan. From now, you will work as my partners. Tonight, before the party, we shall print its sample. You have already met Mr. Ajghar Jorhat, he is a known exporter. He has come to invite you. After l left lndia, l have been living here since past 20 years. But l could not forget my nation even for a moment. That is why, l am planning to give a party to the lndians here! Wherein, all the lndians will get together and enjoy themselves. l have come here to specially invite you'll. - Please do come! - This will be like visiting lndia! We will surely be there, isn't sir? We'll surely come! Lets go quickly, Renuka must be waiting for us. - Greetings! - Greetings! Where are you'll going? Don't you know that there is a party for the lndians today? We are going there. l think even you are going to the same place. - Yes. - lsn't it nice that all the lndians are gathering abroad? And since we are lndians, its our duty to go there, isn't it? No, you'll can't go there. Seeing your acts, the Commissioner has ordered you'll won't go anywhere. And to stop you'll, he has assigned special guards all around. - Were they dogs or lions? - What do we do now? Wow! Even on a close look, one cannot tell the difference. After tonight's party, l will be called a true lndian patriot... and there, l will corrupt my own country! Sir, Mr. Ajghar has such noble thoughts. Hello, Mr. Ajghar. Welcome, Commissioner and inspector. You presence has got life in this party. Thank you, this is your greatness, Mr. Jorhat. That inspite of being away, you yet love your country so much. - Renuka, you? - Greetings! My friends have come from lndia. This is King Bhukam Singh, she is queen Kali... and he is Nawab Haider Changezi from Ranjishganj. ln lndia, nobody is richer than them. Respected father, they look rich. They can be of use in my Casino. Welcome! l am Ajghar Jorhat, l have organized this party for all the lndians here. l am very pleased with your presence! - Even l am very pleased to see your crowning glory! - Excuse me! He is happy because his father's fourth wife also had hair like you. You are looking very beautiful in this attire. Sir, its a turban. They are royal people. l can see the brilliance of the sun on your face! And that too, the sun of the east! Have you ever visited lndia? No yet your majesty, but its my desire to visit lndia atleast once. Desire? Then what are you doing here with three medals on your uniform? Take a vacation and visit lndia and satisfy your desire. But how did you know that l have three medals? From the left side of his palace, you can see Taj Mahal & Kutub Minar! And from the right side, Delhi's Red Fort & Calcutta's Howrah Bridge. And the front side, its Charminar & backside, the lmambada of Lucknow! From the back, you can see the whole of lndia! Then why won't l be able to see your three stars? These two have started their stories! You take away the inspector, if he learns the truth, we'll be in trouble. l've to tell you something important. Can you come here for a minute? Sure, lets go. l am really very pleased to meet you. Rogue! Who are you? l am not a rogue, my name is Tapaswi Gunjal, l have a business here. Please come to my Casino and give me a chance to serve you. l am not interested in gambling, this is his department. All l am interested in is adding women in my harem. - What is your name? - This is my would be wife, Sonia. Oh no! l thought she was your daughter. Forgive me! - You are looking absolutely lndian in this attire. - Really? Please find some time for me also. l am always free for you. - Please take. - No, l don't drink alcohol. Sometimes a person should live for others too! One should respect others sentiments too! Drink this and start a new life today and forget your old sorrows. l am with you. Please drink! - A beginning of a new life! l cannot disappoint you. - Thank you. - Are you alright? - Yes, its nice! - What are you seeing? - Very nice! - What? - The spot on your forehead. - Thank you. lts very beautiful! l mean that spot on your forehead! - l know. - lts very attractive. - What? - The spot! - l think you are trying to say something but you can't convey. No!...Yes! - Tell me whatever is in your heart. - Shall l? What happened? This is what happened, understand? You have put the entire police department to shame! You danced in an obscene way in front of the respected people of this place. But sir, l don't understand how l could drink so much. This is a counterfeit note. That means they have started printing fake notes too? And before these notes reach our country... we will have to seize that machine. - Can l come in? - Oh my! He is sober once again. l'll pretend to sleep. - Oh! lts you inspector. - Were you'll sleeping? - Yes, he is. - Were you'll here last night? - Yes! - No, we were drinking in a party. - How did he know? - What? - Nothing. - So you'll were here in the night? - There was a strict guard outside... how could we go out? - Okay, don't leave without my permission. What is the name of that Hindi dictionary? - He had invited us to his Casino. - How will that help? You wait and watch! He had invited me, what is his name? - He is not Bhandal, he is Gunjal. - Whatever, l'll make him a pauper... and put his Casino for auction. lsn't it, my queen? - Yes. Which number should l play now? Now which number? - You know where to fix this magnet. - Yes, your majesty! My lord, if you lose like this then... My queen, first l encourage my foes by losing. Then l win everything and turn them into bankrupts. You don't listen to me. Nawab would have never let you play. l am looking for him. l have become a bankrupt? My treasury is wiped out! And you fools could not do anything about it? l have become a bankrupt! See what state Chandal will be in now! Forgive me your majesty, l was delayed. Actually, early in the morning, l stepped on a radish leaf... and l caught cold! Never mind, your wishes and my queen's love helped me to win. - lsn't it? - Do that later, first think about these notes. What will you do with this money. lts foreign currency afterall. Why didn't l think of this before? l'll give it to my subjects. What? Your majesty, will you give away this wealth to your subjects? lf you give me 24 hours, l can arrange lndian currency for you. - Our currency in this country? - Do you have a printing machine here? - Yes! - What? - l mean, l have a business in lndia. l will arrange for the currency from there. Tomorrow, at 10 o'clock in the morning, come at my residence. A bagful of currency will be kept ready for you. - We'll get the money! - Yes! - Lets go, my queen. - Okay, Tapaswi Kangal. - Nawab, my name is Gunjal. We'll be there at 10 o'clock sharp. lndian currency! Greetings, your majesty! Hello, Nawab! Will you'll yet say that you did not cheat me? What do you'll want afterall? Why did you enter Ajghar Jorhat's house uninvited? Tell me about the mission you'll are on. lnspector, you know that we went to that house in a disguise. Do you think that we were interested in attending the party? You don't know the truth why we duped you went there. We are doing it for the motherland whose fragrance is in your breath too! l love my motherland! But if a decent man's reputation is damaged... then l will be compelled to do my duty. We all are bound to our duties, inspector! They may be civilized here but possibly they are traitors in lndia! And l have also come here in search of those traitors. They widowed my sister on the first night of her marriage. The way your daughter screams in the night remembering her mother... similarly, my sister's silence echoes into my ears! Who are these beasts? Tell me, l will terminate their existence! You will not do it because according to you they are respectable people. And we have no proof. l will get those criminals in front of you along with evidence. This will be a favour on us. Alright, the people who have betrayed lndia... the ones who have ruined Renuka's sister's life... to get evidence against them, l will give you 48 hours. But if you are wrong... then the law of this country will not spare you! Here come the great fools! - Okay, Tapaswi Jholjhal... - l am Gunjal, your majesty. lts the same! l've come to take my money. Your majesty, l have managed to gather 4 million... from the lndian Government to save my Casino! That's okay but l am upset with your hospitality. - Why? - Because, you doubt our intentions... that you have made these men stand here. Ask them to leave immediately! Or else, we will leave. As you wish! Your majesty, your bags... The first lesson our elders have taught us is that... when the matter is related to money then you shouldn't trust anybody. Even though he is my father! That is why, you will count the money in front of us. - l don't know to count. - We will teach you. l wouldn't face this problem if l had been to school. How do l count now? - Shall we start? - One, two... One, two, three, four, if you forget, don't feel shy, ask me. One...two...three...four... - Five...six... - No, this is five! This is five...six... seven...eight... - This is nine... - Didn't you go to school? That's ten! Whoever has made this, has created a wonderful thing! - A dye to print notes! - Yes, you can have as many as you want! Now nobody can try to challenge the Blue Panther gang! Friends, your smartness and courage is commendable! ln few days, we will be the richest men in this world! This is 3.9 millions. - You have finally learnt! - One..two... One...two...three... four...five...six... and this is 4 million! Deceit! - Where did the dye go? - lt was here. - Who took it away? What happened? Where is the dye? Father, those royal men have duped us and taken my money. - l am finished! - You all are fools! Those royal men were none other than Prabhat and Aakash. They have fooled you! l want that dye. No matter where it is, l want the dye! How does the pressure of my hand on your neck feel, Ajghar Jorhat? l want that dye back, l am willing to give whatever you ask for. But l want back the dye at any cost! Okay but we will finalize the deal at your house. They are coming here to make a deal regarding the dye. You'll be on alert, until l don't get back the dye... nobody will shoot. We have come! You are an intelligent man. Don't act foolishly. Give back the dye. And go away from this country. You cannot harm me in Kenya. lnfact you will lose your life. And these two will also be killed with you. Don't threaten me. lf l had to kill you, l would have done it long back. But l am police officer and my duty is my faith! l will take you to lndia alive! lnspector, think about your life and leave this place quietly. Hey you! Hasn't your boss taught you to speak to people superior than you? l think you have forgotten how we had killed your brothers. And if you have forgotten then take a look at your sister in law. You'll remember everything. You beasts! l am the younger sister of that unfortunate woman. And l have also vowed that until l will not kill you'll... l will not rest! Shut up! When your sister could not do anything then what can you do? Give back the dye or else the way your parents lost your brother... similarly, they will not be able to see you alive too! Ajghar, even we know to shoot. But in this fight, if you both die then what will you do with the dye? Put down the guns. We are unnecessarily fighting, why don't we make a deal for the dye? - Tell me what you want? - Before he asks, listen to my demands. l can give you as much money you want in any corner of the world! l don't want your counterfeit notes, Ajghar! l want your beautiful daughter, Sonia. Don't exceed your limits, Aakash! Father, by now l know your status! You are a killer, traitor and a smuggler... and l hate you after knowing the truth about you! Shut up! Even you are influenced by them? Ajghar, stop this pretense. Don't you want this dye? Take it! You blew off my wealth! Shoot the rogue! No, don't do that or l will shoot your daughter! My girlfriend, Sonia! Nobody will shoot. Nothing should happen to her! Shut up! Or l will take you along. So, Ajghar... l will take your leave. l am taking my would be bride along... and we will come after our marriage to seek your blessings. My girlfriend! l don't know whether l had the right to get you here this way! Frankly speaking, l have done the mistake of abducting you. But on the other hand, l've released my lover from the hands of a traitor! Whether this is right or wrong, you have to decide. l am ashamed that... my criminal father and brother poisoned your lives. l have no regrets of being separated from such a father. And if l ever miss him, l'll remember his atrocities and control myself. The decision lies in your hands, not mine... will you accept me? l have given my heart to you since the day l saw you for the first time! Mr. Ajghar, they may be in any corner of the world, l'll find them. And l'll give them such a punishment that they'll never dare to repeat it. lnspector, we are respectable people and this news should not spread... that's our only request to you. We request you that we two will also come with you in search of Sonia. lnspector, our dignity is in your hands! lt shouldn't be, here we are crying & there they are misbehaving with her! Brother, you?! Quiet or l will kill you! l made a very big mistake by giving you'll 48 hours. Now you will be imprisoned for 48 years. - What is my crime? - Don't act innocent! You abducted Ajghar Jorhat's daughter and you are asking what your crime is? - Sir, take a look! - lnspector, this rogue has molested her. Her this state is a proof enough! This is utter nonsense! They are accusing me. Sonia and l are in love. Love and friendship are not meant for cheats like you! You will surely punished for this act. Come with me. Shameless girl! You want to tarnish your father's reputation? My daughter cannot be in love with that ruffian! He has come here to challenge me and now is behind bars! lf you tell the police a word against me then... he will surely die but l will kill you too! - What evidence can we get here? - Ajghar Jorhat smuggles from here. ln the 48 hours l gave you, the first crime you committed was... that you abducted a girl from a decent family. Your next crime is that you entered this dock without permission. One molested a girl, what have you come here for? l have come here to find evidence. And you don't understand the way you are being cheated. l understand that l am being cheated by you both! Your game is over, Prabhat! Come with me. Come with me to the police station. Don't compel me! Stop this fight! You have made the lives miserable for the respectable people here. lts really very shameful. You were fine amidst those rocks, Prabhat! You aren't aware that the police here has been instigated against us. l have all the news. You have harassed the Kenya police. l think you aren't abiding to your duty... infact, you are avenging your personal enmity! Now l understand your real intentions of coming here. What are you saying? You'll were the one who sent me here and now... l made a very big mistake, surrender yourself to this inspector. Renuka, you have betrayed my love and sentiments by supporting them. You supported such people who acted as friends and asked for a favour... to prove themselves innocent. Forget doing that, they have also tarnished my image... And have put our motherland's name to shame! From today, we both part our ways! Listen to me, Mr. Surya Pratap! l'll not plead for the sake of my relation. All l want to say is that you have misunderstood us. But when you'll learn the truth, you will repent a lot. Our enemy has succeed in their mission. They have sown the seeds of hatred and enmity against us in his heart. We have lost, Renuka! lnspite of this defeat, l cannot forget Sunaina. l am sorry to say that inspite of our presence, this incident occurred. Why are you apologizing? lnfact, l am the one who is ashamed. l sent Prabhat here for some other work and look what he did. Frankly speaking, none of you are at fault. Just keep in mind that you have to send them back to lndia. l will arrange to send them back right away. Come son, let us thank that inspector who saved my daughter's life. Sure, father! Mr Surya Pratap, l am very thankful to you... for saving my daughter from those hooligans. l'll put in a word to the Commissioner regarding your promotion. lnspector, its because of you that my sister is alive today. lnspector, please give us also a chance to serve you. Thank you. Whatever l did was my duty. lt was a prestige issue for the Kenya police. Thank you. Have a nice day! - What happened? - He killed my mother. - He killed my mother! - Who killed your mother? That man who sat in the car. - What happened, child?...You?! - You have made a big mistake. - What mistake? - The ones you should arrest... you are joining hands with them! And the ones you should support, you have arrested them. - And are sending them back to lndia. - What are you trying to say? Sunaina has identified your wife's killer. - What, who is he? - Ajghar Jorhat's son, Raj Nag! He raped my sister and killed her husband. Arrest them, father. They have killed my mother. For Sunaina's sake, stop Aakash and Prabhat from leaving. As per the law of Kenya, l would definitely punish you'll... but as per him, only the lndian law can give you a suitable punishment. And the punishment that will be conferred upon Aakash... you will not get less than that, ex inspector, Prabhat! Now l know why you are taking me back to lndia. lnspite of knowing a lot, l could not understand it clearly. But today l am very clear. Then by now, you even know the reason for the failure of your mission. l don't understand what you'll have understood! Thank you very much for your co-operation, Commissioner. Sir, where are inspector Prabhat and Aakash Bhardhwaj? They have been sent to the airport with the police escort. lts very important to stop them. We have been cheated, sir! The crooks are not Aakash and Prabhat, its someone else. l'll come back and explain, at the moment l have to stop them. Your inspector seems to be in a great hurry. ln haste, l hope he doesn't do something for which he'll repent. Stop! Stop! l misunderstood you'll! My friends, l cannot even apologize to you'll. But l promise, l will complete your unfinished mission. Hello, please pay attention. Now you can unfasten your seat belts. We welcome the passengers going to Mumbai on this plane. And we hope that your flight will be comfortable. Captain Bakshi and inspector Balbir will be there to help you. The distance from here to Mumbai is 5 hours and 30 minutes. Thank you! But Captain Bakshi and inspector Balbir regret to announce... that you won't reach Mumbai but will die within half an hour! This time bomb is being fit to help you in your final journey. We will reach down through the parachute and inform your family... Remove the keys, Aakash! Here it is! Now inspector Prabhat and Aakash regret to inform you that... in next five minutes, you will reach hell! We'll go down through the parachute and inform your family of your death. Here is your firecracker! - l will notjump! - What happened? - l have not even jumped in a pool. lf you don'tjump, the bomb will explode and we both will die. Save me! Don't move, inspector! l know your disgusting reality! Your act of modesty is over! lf l was not a police officer, l would shoot you so many times... that you would never again dare to speak about patriotism or decency! Don't you dare move ahead! lnspector, you have misunderstood me. - l have not harmed you in any way! - You didn't? Because of your son's evil deeds, my wife was killed! My innocent daughter lost her mental balance! l had to lose good friends like Aakash and Prabhat! Now you will be behind bars and will long to see the outside world! l shall destroy your evil empire! lnspector, before destroying me, take a look there too! Throw your revolver! Stop being a hero! You've lost your wife, now you'll lose your daughter! And these two women will also lose their lives. Our principle is that whenever we make a move... The way we controlled you and got those two killed. - What? - Now its your turn. You betrayer! You are also a part of his gang? You rogue! You have tarnished the police image, people will berate you. Take this brave man and chain him up! Now you handle them, l will return back to lndia. Here l am abiding my friendship, let me handle my work there. So that you work gets easier. You have proven your friendship. Even l am a good friend... you don't worry, l'll give you enough money for the rest of your life. So this is Ajghar Jorhat's reality! He was cheating both the countries at the same time. And the Commissioner was covering up his activities. We will attack Ajghar Jorhat's den. My police force will help you. Sir, your police force will not go with us. Till date, you have always misunderstood us. But today, you will have to listen to us. This battle is between Ajghar Jorhat and us. And l've promised my Government to get him back alive. Alright, l will not disapprove what you say. But even l am fond of Surya Pratap the way you'll are. That is why, even l will come there but with my own style! lts necessary he knows that you both are alive. You don't worry, sir. We know of a way to give him that news. Renuka, look! This is Prabhat's mouth organ. That means Prabhat and Aakash are alive! What is the further news? Nobody can now stop the storm that will strike Ajghar's life! Storm! Brave, honest, fearless, patriot... dangerous, the pride of Kenya police, lnspector Surya Pratap! Poor man! Water! Now see what we do to your father! Slowly, this water will rise and your death will be near! Today my final enemy will be perished! And then l will be called the infinite power of this world! Don't move! Throw your guns! Don't move! Throw your guns. - Leave me! - Don't scream! - Turn around! - Now all of you bend! - Me too? Where did they go? Leave us! Search them, they shouldn't escape! - Uncle, does he want to go to the loo? - Yes, l want to! - Then do it here! - No, l'll go there. - Do it here! l will kill you, inspector Prabhat! l must escape or l'll be dead! You always want to go there. Lets make you forget about it forever! Son, get up quickly, let us run away! Come on, run faster, they are following us! Sit in the car! Raj Nag, sit quickly! Your death is only one bullet away! No, don't shoot! l have promised my Government that l will bring him back alive. Yes, my friend. We have done our duty. Further, the lndian Government will take care. You have kept the honor of Kenya police! l am very pleased with you! Don't you want to see lndia. l grant your holiday! - Father! - l was confident that you would be victorious! Commissioner, make your audacious inspector understand! He has got a respectable man like me, handcuffed from Kenya! - How are you? Sister, he is Surya Pratap. - Hello! What are you seeing? Get these handcuffs removed. And punish that inspector. Prabhat will not be punished, you will be punished! - What is he saying? - He is right. Mr. Gupta, arrest him! - What? - Commissioner Pandey, even you will be arrested. l? Are you in your senses? Yes, You took advantage of the situation with your clever moves.. and today, you have been trapped in your own moves! You betrayed your country by supporting Ajghar. Arrest Commissioner Pandey along with them. Sir, please listen to me. You cheat! Beware! l will shoot this child. We understand your grief, Sonia. But traitors always meet such a death! You'll are a living example of the people who will die for their country! The lndian Government is proud of you! Aakash, seeing your noble deeds, your punishment is waived. And Surya Pratap, you can live here as long as you want as our guest. No sir, he will live with us, like our own son. And along with him, Aakash will also stay. You'll are back hail and hearty... Mr. Sharma and Verma, did you see the end of evil deeds? - Have you'll done any bad deeds? - No! Then why are you sad? Plan out your daughter's marriage. But not one. Now you'll will have to marry three daughters. - Three?! - lsn't it, Surya Pratap? - That's right! But you'll need not worry, we don't want a dowry. We just need the girls! Alright, before you'll take off on a new mission... we shall get you'll married, isn't it Mr. Sharma. - Yes, Mr. Verma!,, '' '' '' '' |
V - The Miniseries CD1 V - The Miniseries CD2 Va Savoir - Who Knows Vacas 1991 Vagabond 1985 Vagina Monologues Valami Amerika CD1 Valami Amerika CD2 Valentin (2002) Valentine Valhalla Valley of Gwangi Valmont (1989) CD1 Valmont (1989) CD2 Vampiras Las (1971) - Lesbian Vampires Vampire Clan Vampire Lovers The (1970) Vampire Princess Miyu Vampire in Brooklyn Vampires Vampires (John Carpenters) Vampires II Los Muertos Vampiyaz Van God Los Van Helsing Van Helsing The London Assignment 2004 Van Wilder Vanilla Sky Vanilla Sky (reworked) Vanishing Point 1971 Vanishing The Vanishing The - Criterion Collection Vanity Fair CD1 Vanity Fair CD2 Vargtimmen - The hour of the Wolf (1967) Variety Lights Varsity Blues Vatel Vegas Vacation 1997 CD1 Vegas Vacation 1997 CD2 Vektlos Vengo Vent dEst Vera Cruz Veronica Guerin Veronica Mars 01x01 Veronica Mars 01x03 Veronica Mars 01x05 Veronica Mars 01x07 Veronika Voss 1982 Versus CD1 Versus CD2 Vertical Vertical Limit Vertical Ray Of The Sun Vertigo Vertigo (1958 1996) CD1 Vertigo (1958 1996) CD2 Vertigo Collectors Edition CD1 Vertigo Collectors Edition CD2 Very Bad Things Vesnicko ma Strediskova Veuve de Saint-Pierre La (2000) Vibrator 2003 Victor Victoria Victor Victoria CD1 Victor Victoria CD2 Victory Vidas Privadas 2001 Videodrome Vidocq Vierges et vampires View From The Top 2003 View To A Kill A Vij 1967 Vikings The Village The Village of the Damned Villain The 1979 Villmark Dark Woods Violent Cop 1989 Virgin (2003) CD1 Virgin (2003) CD2 Virgin Spring The Virgin Suicides The Virginian The Viridiana Virtual Sexuality Virtuosity Virus Vishwatma Visible Secret Visiteurs Les Visitor Q Visitors The Viskningar och rop - Cries and Whispers Viva Villaveien Viva Zapata Viva la Muerte Vivement Dimanche Vivre Sa Vie (Its My Life 1962) Vizontele CD1 Vizontele CD2 Vodka Lemon 2003 Voices Of A Distant Star (2002) Vojna (2002) CD1 Vojna (2002) CD2 Volcano Volle Maan (Full Moon) Volveras (2002) Von Ryans Express Vortex Voyage to the bottom of the sea Vozvrashchenie Vylet |